Th OHEGOlt: STATESMAN. Saltm, Ortgon, ,Wtdndar WornIny. Qdotr 1. 1115 '."r ": t Act thsec -II 4 in ilkii V. t . .... Califoniians YMt Buena Vista Fain 1. 1 c BUENA VISTA '.Mrs. O. K. Paiulus of Salem visited last week at; the 'C. E. Miller home. Other guests Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, P. A. Wells, and soris. Jack and Gordon.. , ; : -,v 'Mr. and-Mrs. Raymond McLain and children, who have been living in California were recent visitors here.- i " ' ' i; ' Wrrell Rust, sophomore at U of O, spent Sunday, with his grand mother, Mrs.' Addie flarmon. ' .Vayne Moe, Fredj Walker and Raymond Burson were among the deer hunters who left for eastern Oregon Friday. ! ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Jl Lovgtoand 1 Betty Lou Long of Portland were at l the E. D. Long home Sunday. . DeLores Huffman, freshman at OSE spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Huff man! . . ' ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLean and ' baby have moved . te -their new place1 at the N. C. Anderson dairy ranch, i ' I Gordon Well, who -has been unable to attend sclwx 1 because of illness, is attending high' school at Independence. ; , Mr. and Mrs. Milo Graber and children and Mrs. jj W. Graber were at the beach last week, i The "first, fall meejting of the Buena Vista Fanners; Union will " be October 5. A no host supper at 7:30 is planned. , .'" . ., ppj. and Mrs. Warren Johnson i anidjoaby, who have been living in New ! Mexico, were weekend guests at I the C O. Johnson home. c i jMr. and Mrs. L. S. Prather : accompanied by Mr. i and Mrs. Henry Banks spent Sunday at the , beach. :'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harrison j and daughter Jo Ann of Salem i were guests at the Cecil Huffman j home Monday. ; Prospect , Enrolls " 18 Grade pupils . PROSPECT School . began at the Prospect school Friday, Sep tember 28. Vestal Matter is again thei ;ieaeher. Eighteen pupils en rolled and five more are expected next week. ; ' H : ; The pupils enrolled are: first ; grade, Tommy Pejrrod; second grade, Eugene Penrod, LeRoy ' Weathers, Donjjd errault, Jerry Bacon; third grade,! Maxine Do ran, Milodee -Paris; fourth grade,, Francis Terrault; fifth grade, " George Matter; sixthj grade, Bobby Steveley, Paula Pearson; seventh grade, Phyllis Dor an, Joyce rer ' rault, Jerry Kains, Louise Matter and Paul Pearson f eighth grade, (l po,othy Doran.- Jimmy Cart ; l waisjht, Audrey Pearson. Greshara Editor Will Speak at .Rotary Club WOODBURN Tom Purcell, editor- of - the Gresham Outlook and president of the Oregon News paper Publishers association, will be the guest speaker at luncheon meeting j of the , Woodburn Rotary club Thursday noon in the Ameri can Legion dining room of the city building! i t 1 Central Oregon Trip Taken by Wain Family SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Kehne Wajn and daughter, Lou Ann have returned from a vaca tion! pent in Central .Oregon. Go ing "by way' of Willamette pass tht visited Crater ake and re: turned by the Santiam. Iake Labisli School Opens for 21 Pupils. LAKE LABISH School opened September 24, with' the same teacher, Mattie C. Morrell, 21 en j .rolled; One hew pupil was wel ' . corned, Larry; Dickman, 4n the fifth grade. ; ' ' i ; Three beginners 1 are Nancy i Hahn, Maurteen Groves and Ste- f- . yeni Duffir. ii i SILYERTON Mrs. Walter C. Larson, widely known in lodge and musical circles in Salem and Silverton, underwent' a major op . eration at a ' Silverton hospital i uesaay rugnu , i Uy " '1 & of this CleanFamily Newspaper The Ohiotan Science Monitor cwa mi natitinnil aewi . . . w bom xAkical ' bias. ..Ft ifm "ferial inwrwt" coattol ... Free ril yvm ke trwh abaat world treats. la twi worU-wide saf of orr aywid M arise .yo ea-ta-poc aewt aod in aMaaieg to yea . mU yww Wr. lk km kiUd with aaiia tli-alp famw .. ! dir aad haa. Valley Briefs Bo Hart on Slide Bobby. Hen derson, 6 year old grandson of the John Hendersons of Jefferson, fell from the top. of the slide while playing his second day at school. He Suffered a broken collar bone and will be out of school for sev eral days. .. l : At tendj Grand Lodte Mj-g. Guy Johnson is visiting relatives in Portland . and attending grand lodge of the Eastern Star. The Roland Halls of Albany, officers of the Jefferson chapter, are also attending the Portland meeting. i . ' . . Jefferson PTA Speaker Agnes Booth, county school superintend ent, will be the speaker at the Jefferson PTA Thursday night. A panel discussion, "Parents and Teachers as Partners" is sched uled. ; . '" , County Federation-The Marion county federation of . women's Clubs will meet Saturday, October 27 at Liberty when; Liberty ' and Sidney Talbot dubs will be host esses. . ! N'urserynaen Elect--Frank Doetr fler of Salem was elected vice president of the Oregon Nursery men association at its annual. business meeting Monday t the Heathman hotel in Portland. Max Horn, Paikrose, is newly -elected rice president. Principal speaker for the meeting was Dick White, - a a i . i. : . i : secretary oi 1115 iiaiiuii! sbocici' tion.- . ' - - : - .: Demonstration Held Two hun dred strawberry growers, imple ment men arid; curiosity ' seekers attended the farm machinery dem onstration on' the Bert . Zielinski eight-acre straw&erjy field in Havesville Tii e s d a v afternoon Paul Shepard of the Pint National bank at Salenj was in .charge -of the demonstration which featured the rotary hoe and tie spring-tine weeder. Burns Ghriitofferson ran the tractor for the demonstra tion, ' - I A " . . ' Eye Is Injnred Jl E. Fleming, dairyman on Thomas creek near Scio, was taken to a Salem hos pital this week; to ifeceive treat ment for an eye injury suffered while feeding cows in his dairy barn. He. lost the sight of the other eye accidehtly some time ago, ,1 I ifornians Are5 Visiting Jefferson j JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Boardmsn of Sacramento, Calif., are visiting her sister, Mrs. J, G- Fontaine. Boardman left for Portland, and accompanied Virgil Waterman on a deer hunt while Mrs.. Boardman remained here. Mrs. Fontaine entertained with' a dinner Thursday; in honor of her sister: Covers were placed for Mrs. Boardman, and .Mrs. Ralph Mer cer, Leila RigdoriJ and Mrs. B. B Herrick of Salem,'Mrs. C. M.Smith and Miss Edith Libby, and Mrs. Fontaine. ' '?!."! Friday Mrs. Alex Atterbur of Eugene came and look her mother Mrs. Fontaine and Mrs. Boardman to Eugene for a visit. . . '; Funeral RitesAwait Notification of Kin hciO Funeral rites for May Warrens taff, 49, who died un expectedly Monday ! afternoon at her home in South Scio, were pending, Tuesday until word was received from relatives elsewhere in Oregon. . i1 i - j . &urvivors include the widower, Heny E. Warrenstaff, their son, Gerald. Knappa, Ore., two sisters fh Portland,; and three, brothers at Oceanside, Ore:ft - The Warrenstafft had lived in Scio a "f e yearsi Mr, Warren- staff being in theemploy of the Roaring River Logging company Dallas Ration Board NoW, in New Location - DALLAS The Dallas rationing board has moved to the ctt& hall from the Chapman building where it has been. located for some time, The office is in the room formerly occupied by .' the county health Burse where only one clerk will te on. duly.' ',:.( .:' ' The price pane) of the board has been consolidated with the Salem board and matters of that type will be handled thiotigh the Sa lem office. . .... 138 Enrolled At Liberty ERTY School enrollment here' has reached j 138; ; 19 first grade;; 15 second grade;' 23 third; 18 i the fourth; 18 fifth grade; 14 sixth, grade: 8 jseyenth; three eighth; . : J fe The; third grade is to be di- ided and part of the pupils will e faught by the I second grade teacfeer, Mrs. Janet Bradley First graders this year, "are Elenor .- Barker. Beverly Crump, Delefi Davidson, ' Alice Hampton, Shirley . Hurson, Frances Lane, Patty McMillen, Denice . Miller, Joyce Slaughter, Patsy Slaughter; Viola Casey, Gloria Bjelde, Harry Hanson, Richard Hanson, Jackie ewf on, Norman Jenkins, Qebrge Mooi,' Billy 'Peterson, - - : ; New pupils in the second grade this fyear are Billy Joe Slaughter and Jne Doeiksen; in the third grade, Karen Anderson, - Patty Lloyg Mereline Phillips, Robert Meyir, Lawrence ( Roy: in the fourth grade, Shirley Plummer, Carl! Nichols, Travis Tredemeyer, Qrvelle Casey. ii Cr-'ij.i- a. ntni.'.L. XT 1 Patricia Schualen, Jimmie Doerk- sen; f sixth, Sharon Phillips; sev enth! David Doerksen, Freddie Plenke; eighth, Nellie Thurston. Polk County Sends 10 Men to Service DaLiIas Ten nien were in ducted by the Polk county selec tive Jservice board into the armed forces during September, accord ing to Miss Violet Larsorr,, clerk of ttie board. ;.' 1 ; Those taken by the army include William . Sanford Snyder, Inde pendence; Kussell ; Lvern i-no, Graad Ronde: Cairl Maderson Weston, Independecne; Robert Ray Culbertson, Independence; Doug las Dahl Ilson, West Salem; Wayne Frarjklyn Searl, Dallas. . The navy, Donald Kenneth Cum mini. Dallas: Harold Albert Git- chelL Dallas;. Harlo Gerald Mor: fnrrtl Kheridan: Ahram F. Schier- lingJ Portland. j s Hayesville School Eiirolls 101 HAVESVILLE The scliopl en rollment has now reached 101 Mrs. i-iiinan ai.ray, yiuudij k - t mi . r . rr . L teacher, 24;, Mrs. Frances-Rowland, a new resident from; Kansas, has 29 in the third and fourth grades; Mrs! Sarah Young, who- taught in Clear Lake last year is now fifth and sixth grade teacher, has 26; L. B. McClendon, principal, has 22, ivith ten in the eighth grade Sunnysitle Community Qnb Plans Meeting "! Fot Friday Night 1 !....'. SUNNYSIDE ' Paul Cam mack, president of; the Suhnyside Community club, has announced first fall meeting of the club will be held Friday, Oct 5, at which time new officers for the coming year will be elected. . Executive committee will be in charge of i 'a' . a. m ?i reiresnmenis ana ass eacn iamuy to- bring; doughnuts. Missouri Visitors to Return to Make Home i t-. - ;i -f ' LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. J. G Hafjfner .of Salem, Mo., parents of Mr! Lloyd Bjelde, and Mr. and MrJ.6ra Haffner, her brother and ffsister-in-lavi of Spokanef visited at the Bjelde ; home last weekj.. They left a few days ago for Missouri to dispose pf property an return to Oregon -to live. 0(1)0 G0 One, coat covers most any sarface, including wall paper.Twetve new Western STbnes for Western Homes. --noouct- BE 4 'WJ:M ..i 1 ;vir. . Silverton Library Resumes Upswing ii Circulation SILVERTON Circulation at he library took its annual hop- picking-prune - picking slump in September and dropped toi 881 romj'over 1200 in August. The library staff took the extra jtime afforded its members to catch up with some of the back cataloguing and ' making preparations for the heavy winder circulation. - During the- past lew days circulation has takert a definite upward swing. Books purchased during Septem ber numbered 39; books removed from circulation Vvere-95; 32 new readers - were registered and , 27 books!-eceived as gifts. Donors during the month were Mrs. Myron Dirickson, Mrs. Alan McClung, Mrs". Faster Cone, Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Latham, Mr. and Mrs. . R. Adams, i Mr. arid Mrs Henry Pritzlaff, Mrs. Loyall Beals, Mrs. Norman Eastman, Mrs. L. F. Tucker Olga Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge, Mrs. Ste wart McClure, Lillian Bloch, Mrs. John Isaacson, Chamber of Com merce, Hannah Ilson, Mrs. Ida Doyle, Mrs. Ronald Hubba, 1 Mrs. William Scarth, Mrs. FP Glenn McDonald and Mrs. Ray Dull um. Dallas Theat Clianees Hands : 5-' ' ' PALLAS After 23 years of continuous management of the Majestic theatre by members of the .Gould family, George Gould and Mrs. Irene Adam have idis- posed of their interests to Jesse Jones, independent theatre opera tor of Portland. The transaction became effectfveNSeptember 30. Jones also purchased the Rio theatre which the' jGould s have operated for four years. George W. Gould, sr., was the owner an! manager until hfs death three years' ago, when the son and daughter took over the management and have continued with i the business to' the present time.' Gould plans to sell his home in Dallas and will develop a small farm; he owns north of RickrealL Mrs. Adams will take a rest before making plans for the future; ' Jones owns two other theatres, at St Johns and hy suburban Port land. Jefferson Rebekah Club Has Coast Trip JEFFERSON Members of the Past Noble Grand club, their fam ilies and invited guests made a trip to the coast Friday. At Otu Crest, they had a sal mon !; dinner and later went to Agate Beach and Yaquina park, where water melon was served the party. Making, the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Scott ' Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Fidler, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Curl, Mrs. Neva Kester and Mrs Maud Epley. 1 Ifjroa were rigktaert conv pounding a ftrMcriptxoa lor yoarsellor amemberofyoor household, yon coald not exercise more exacting care than our trained specialists pot into ftvry prescription. ' written by a physician. The uadmded aneauoa of our lulled pharsnacuM is Birea t loibis important task. Bring roar next prescription here to this I citable paaraacy! 3 Willett's J Capiial Dreg Slsre Car: SUU A Liberty - Fhene Silt Three Valley Men Homeward -Bound On USS Virginia , (Editor's Note: The Virjinia is ex pected to arrive In a west coats port the middle of this month.) : - ON THE USS WEST VIRGINIA IN - TOKYO BAY .(Delayed) -Three Salem and two Silverton, Ore. navy men are serving on this battleship - which - steamed into Tokyo, bay with the initial occu pation force. . After a year in which they had seen only "sparsely populated is lands, crewmen found the densely settled area a novel sig With binoculars they could watch the people on the streets of. Japanese towns. V.' V " :- Ih, the, west was Fujiyama, sa cred Japanese mountain, a sight very man aboard had been prom ising himself . for ' many months to see. In the group of Willamette val- ley sailors are: Lawrence ALOrth, f ship's cook, 3r, USNR, 235 S. 14th st, FJdon A. Lappin, S 1c, USNR, 895 S. 13th sU and Erwin L. Frye, coxswain, USN, 'son of Mr. and .Mrs. Adam W. Frye, 180 N. 23rd St., all of Salem; Floyd A. Sullen ger, S. 2c, USNR, 31Q N. Second st, and Fred X Crites, fireman, 1c, USNR, route 1, Hogard rd., both of Silverton. Capt. H. J. McKay of St. Paul Reary to Return Stateside 1 - FAK east aik msrcfi maL NILA Completing processing at General George C. Kenney's far east; air force's 22nd replacement depot in Manila, prior to being re- deployed to the United States, is Capt Harvey J. McKay, of St. Paul, Ore. He was assigned as assistant personnel officer and combat crew section head with the 5th air force headquarters. Ai veteran of 30) mdnths over - seas service, the 33-year-old cap- taini is authorized to wear the Asiatic-Pacific theatre ribbon with five; battle stars, and the Distin- pinched Unit Citation dvio Before going td warr Captain McKay was employed as a field representative with the Oregon State unemployment compensation commission. He was sa-aduated from St Paul high school and has a RJ A dPnP from fh iTniviraitv of Portland. .tie js me son or iur. ana Mrs. tv ; il sr m a Arthur McKay, of St. Paul. A uiumcr, x raiiws, is in xvjwiu with, the Sixth'' army, a brother Joe is in Okinawa with the marine air corps, and a brother Arthur is in the Aleutians with the navy. . . j. . ! '! ' " Lawrence Allport Gets Honorable Discharge f TMHAn ajsT A 1 laj4 aaa ja I MrsAugusU Allport, 152 S 13th. SV, 'L !! n0r" ably discharged from the army a uraunj nutwits ib uuijr. ela tion was at the air transport com mand's ferrying division base near Reno, Nev and he received his JI L .A. XI n 4.1 J aisciiaie i uie roruana separa- tion: center. . - i imemb' Auportreceivea me American ae- roT ieui, Before entering the army, All port attended Kenager's Business college, Salt Lake City, Utah. TT lX- Earl Jahnstan - Lt. Appointed X7CT Praint A " TT.Cni. J. VXJ.11. j LL Earl Johnston, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Johnston, 145 Park ave., Salem, has been appointed to West Point, his par ents, were i notified by Congress-' man James W. Mott Tuesday. Lt Johnston, who has been in the army since "March, 1943, gra- duated from Salem high school m June na was m engineering at Oregon State "e wnen taiu:a lo Kuve au' l-y ' e recevea nis commission navigator's wmgs at Hondo, Tex- MaT. lfl4 nd was pro- motea to first lieutenant in Feb r"81 1945. 'He went overseas in August, 1944, 1 After completing 51 missions on J a B-24 Liberator bomber, in the I European theatre, he was return ed to the United, States in May, 145 and after, a 30 day furlough I at his home here, he was reas signed to Ellington Ejeld, Tex. as n instructor teaching optics, dnftmeters and sextants. Lieutenant Johnston -wears the ir medal, three oak leaf clus ters distinguished flying cross ana six battle stars u t1rim MArr. .r Bonneville, Wash, and a former Salem resident. ha rerrfv word of the liberation of her son, Keith Bennett, a Japanese prisoner of war since the fall of the Philip pines three years ago, Since then - she has received word direct from her son who is en route home. He' served with the marine corps. Fr8aaifrno;R: Ibt ney,.USN, of 2860 S. Commercial st., galem, Ore., has reported in at the U. S. naval armed guard cen- ter, after spending 13 months as a member; of gun crew aboard a merchant ship. CENTRAL HOWELL AlUn Roth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoth, enlisted in the United States navy ,or a of He reported for duty Monday. 1 ' va:I'v'i r Richard K, Morrison Of ; Aumsville Sees v Surrender Ceremony TOKAHAMA. Japan Present in. Tokyo bay on . the day of Japan's formal surrender, Rich ard K. Morrison, S 1c, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Morrison, Aums ville,' Ore, witnessed the culmina tion f history's bloodiest war. . As a: member; of the crew of the USS Hansford, ; flagship for Rear Adm. jJohn "Hall's famed Tokyo force, , seaman I Morrison . helped land members of the American oc cupation .force', for the Tokyo- Yokahama area.1 . j- : As the mighty unit of Ihe Amer-: lean ' fleet kept iheir big : guus trained on the 'Jap shores, thou sands of troops of the Tokyo force pushed shoreward in a bloodless operation. While serving aboard the IIanford, Morrison, lias seen action in the historic battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and has spent three months in the Philippines. ' Morrison, was the third ' son" of Mr. and' Mrs. Morrison to join the armed forces, Howard, em 2c, at present is stationed, at Camp Crowder, Mo. with the navy and Bob has just been discharged from the anpy after spending four years and eight months with the third infantry division, seeing action in Africa,) Sicily, Italy, i. southern France; Germany and Austria. SILVERTON M. Sgi. John Cil- more, in Europe for more than two years, is at home this week 'get ting acquainted with his two-year old daughter, whom he had never seen. HAYESVILLE rrt Wayne Kunzfejof the air corps at Keesler Field, Miss., is spending. his fur lough with his parents.! si. 5 M V ' V 3 ; j , i-i WITH THE SIXTH A&MT' ON . LUZON Ti rhilin Jadaon. . sen ef Lewis E. Jndsen, 1M . Jadsea st reeelvea a branse star medal tram Major General P. W. Clarksen, eenaaaandlnr - ral of the flffktiag Sard dlvt- t sian. fjerparu jnnsea m a mem ker af the UOth lafaatry, sen Ur Tiaaent fca tMa MGUei Craaa lTlalon and wa" re- atnttd with the awaxi far hera na la aetien agalaai the Jaa- - aneae en nersnent um. 1 W .1- --in - ML....- I --Ml .1 ! ! . '- ...'- '' : v I. ' 'i-' :: 1 1 J : . i-W . v.v r-:.. : ii 4 I. ii 1 i. . .5 , :. 5-,.. '-ss- ,y - M " i ! :. $ - 'fe-'ii if ;" ' ' ' L ' fX? f"i :?'-T '. ..." , - j i- '-.-- V Vi;..;:; .a.i. : ; -: ' ' v."'-' ' 4L4: - 1 Albert Hoffman, radannan, third class .af Dallas, who Is aboard the USS Oconto, a iaaVj attack . transpart la the western Pad-' f tie. HoffmtB, who entered th'eO navy in February, ! 1944, has been la the Pacific I a year "a ad has partlelpated In the ampblj biaa landings ai Llnrayen - Galf, Mladora and Okinawa, Hh wife. Ann, and their foar fnuaren ure la uauai.; ' ) j; . -II J -'I.'- Lt Margaret Griramett Assigned to "Portland Army Air Basel Center ARMY AIK BASE Portland- In keeping with the policy of the air .forces, to discharge personnel ' as quickly as 'possible, 1 First Lt.: Margaret Grimmett, (route j four, Salem. Ore., is one ot the trained -S specialists i who recently arrived 1 at the Portland army air base t separation center to aid in its op- ) eration. Col. E. B. Bayley, i com- : manding officers, announced to-J day.". ,T' .:. .,f-':-'' 'iK-:-f The daughter of Mrs.- Frank R. Bruns, Lieutenant Grimmett is a graduate .of the Chicago Business' college in Chicago. She was com-j missioned in the WAAC at Des Moines, la., in May, 1943. Lieu- tenant Grimmett "attended - the; army's adjutant general school, f - tl!ilerty ; Soldier Home j , After Service Abroad .: LIBEJtTY Pvt. Lawrence Neal Trask is on .30-day furlough "after six mcnths in France, Belgium and Gisrnutfly and is visiting his cous ins, Mr. and Mrj. Clarence Hold r and sister Nancy Trask. f . , j i He and Miss Trask. spent tr past week visiting; their father i and, sister Helen in Council, Ida. .While -here, he worked, at the United Growers cannery and will report toFt Lewis from where he will be' sent to Pert Ord, Calif." '. .. : .- M.Vji: TIEASUKE ISLAND, San Francisco, Calif.- Charles H.-Van Dorn, seaman, first class, USNR; of Dayton, Ore., has reported in at the U. S. naval armed guard center, after spending 13 months as a member of a gun crew aboard a merchant ship. The armed guard center directs the training and; assignment of officers and en crewa-cf merchant Teasels;! k i 31 S2.75 p:r galka C t null ww rafc ar ' n FUmi mi npim a Mm mm,.Mm U. Mm J T Chrism mm . ; ' : .1 . : : ! : ' - : - ' f ?;:.''..!' ' : . v iiay l. FAniiEn j HARDWARE CO. jltS Se. Commercial Street ' j i: - " v I "