PAG2CH Onqoa. Titts? UsaLug. Calaber XL UU if Is. Honor - ..... Guest : - f 3 'I ft 1.. t K Miss Calllne KilhaM wu hot test tot a smartly arranged buf fet supper Thursday night at tha South Church street home of her parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Grover HlUnian. In cornpHaient to Miss Imogens Mcintosh, whose mar riagt to Private Donald Sttffler ' will be an event of Saturday night, September 15. Private Stiffler arrived' In tha capital Thursday morning from Chanute Field, Illinois. : : A pink and. white color schema was carried out la the table dec orations and bouquets, about tha rooms. Guests ware seated at individual tables centered -with arrangements" of pastel flowers. A miscellaneous shower honored the bride-to-be. Covers were placed for Miss Mcintosh, her mother, Mrs. Flor ence Mcintosh of San Francisco, Mrs. L. X. SUffler, Mrs. Homer Stitfler, Mrs. Stanley Baffler, Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. H. B. Gustafson, Mrs. Emma Rlttman, Mrs. Grover W. , Hfflmwn.. Mias . Nancy Wallace, Mies Thelma Smith, Miss Donna Unruhf Miss Delpfelnn Xttney, aUsePegge Wlenert, Miss Anne Campbell of San Francisco, Mia. Joan Rem ington and Miss Calllne ICHman.: Mr. Clatterbuck Is Speaker L Society .Clubs Music .... The UasJne Boras) Batter Home i -. JtrrfM;EngUsh Editor Shepards to Be' Siipp er Hosts Mrs. Allen To Play in Salem friends of Mary Tal madffe Allen will b Interested to learn that she-has received tha distinct honor of being selected as the first viola player with the ' Hancock Znseanble of Loe An geles. ' Tha ensemble fives test to twenty .-concerts a month- and broadcasts over tha University of Southern California station once a week. Mrs. Allan, who will begin her' work the first of Oc tober, will practice three hours a day, five days a week. Tha former Salem musie CUD CALTOAn riDAT - - - -South Salem WCTTJ - with Joan-HtanptueyT USS teuttk street S pun. . North i Salens WCTTJ with 'Clara Cooler. SM Oainea MONDAT Jaycee-ettes with Mrs. Calria SCent. U40 lUdlMTtimL S .m. Willamette Shrine. No. S. Orde 9t White 8hrine ot JeruMtem. v meet at Masonts Temple, I aja, street. jugs' Mrv a ! ' i Delta. PU wta ? tonight 1 at tha home of Mrs. Vem D, Baia 04 Hansen avenue att o'clock. Mrs. Eugene Booth - win speak: informally to .the group en Delta- Gamma, national women's fraternity. if:;; j '-.'ir f j - . -.? V -i Governor and Mrs. Vert Snail are leaving today for Pendleton to attend this Round-Up. i 1 I 1 ! --r Captain and-Mrs. George W, ' Shepard have invited guests to , a buffet aupper Saturday night ti at their home on North, ltth Street. l : - 'V - ; ,r! ... Tha buffet table will be cent- i ered with an arrangement of. ' early autumn flowers. The eve ning hours will be spent : In ; formally. ; r- j.7" -.- ;. Guests of. Captain and Mra. - j Shepard will be Dr. and Mrs. 4 Frank V. Prime, V Mr. and, ' Mrs. Carl Porter, Mr. and? Mrs. ; A. I Adolphsoo, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Everett,! Mr. and Mrs. 4 Chester O. ; Olson, Commander f and Mrs. Verdea K, Hockett, Mr. and' Mrs. Monroe Gilbert. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Hill Thomp son, Mrs. H. K.I Stockwell, Mrs. Frederick- Beroier, Mrs.- Xdmr4 A. Lebold, Mrs. Rex Adolph and Mrs. Richard KrleseL ,1 Mrs. C I Clodgctt has been called to Roseburg due to tha serious Illness ' of Mrs. Maria Flint McCaH, Tar former Salem resident. -- Kelghbora eg Weederaft wQ meet tonight , at a o'clock at tha Salem Woman's clubhouse. After a abort business meeting a social hour will follow. Hostess com mittee includes Mrs. Fred Ander aon, Mrs. Russell Winchomb and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell. , 1- Salem Co-cd Queen oeos At -Rush Party i - A group of; prospective Ore , -gon SUte 'coUege coeds' were ) honored at a rtuh party Toes j day night when: a group of Sig ; ma Kappas entertained at- tha country home ot Mr. and Mrs. -Ivan Stewart. I I Dinner was served by the hos- j tesses with an informal evening f ouowmg. f T iWWm Honor -guests were Miss Lou JLuncneon on i Rowland. wise uodlm narxznan, mui wean Thursday teacher, who now resides In Los - 'TLTl'Ci 1 T i-L. '' Angeles with her husband, IViiS. 1 lUKllll Miss Xlizabeth Lord and Miss Ediths Schryver were hostessea j -for a smartly arranged luneheosi Thursday afternoon at ' their Mission street residence for the pleasure of Mrs. Charles Har ris, who recently arrived fat. tha states from Manila. - j The Hollywood Lion's auxil iary met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Clatterbuck M o n d a 7 night, September 10. . Mr. Marvin Clatterbuck; su perintendent of the Oregon School for the Deaf, gave a very Interesting talk and demonstra tion of the teaching methods used In the school. Club work for thNCommg year was outlined and k committees K were appointed.' Those present were Mrs. Mar vin Clatterbuck, Mrs. Gladys Barry, Mrs. Zella Williams, Mrs. C. A. Gies, Mrs. Cora Hazelwood, Mrs. Lillie Crose, Mrs. Rhea Borkman, Mrs, Rose Patton. Mrs. Jennie Ran die, Mrs. R. A. Fork- . ner, Mrs. Hulda Moo try, Mrs. Estherlee McCabe, Mrs. Sylvia Levene, Mrs. Jennsbefie Krihg, Mrs. J. W. TindaU, and a guest, Mrs. E. M. Sanders. j Shower to Fete Miss Smith Miss Muriel Smith will be the honor guest at a bridal, ahower tonight when Miss Betty Jeanne Smith and Mrs. T. T. Ogdahl entertain at the country home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith. Miss Smith, the . bride-elect' of CpL Robert Edward Brown, will be married ou September 18 at the First Presbyterian church., ; After several hours of bridge a' late supper wal be served by the hostesses. A miscellaneous ahower will fete the bride-tobe. Honoring . Miss Smith will be her mother, Mrs. Carl F. Smith, Mrs. James C. Pike, Miss Shir ley Smith, Miss Barbara Smith; Miss Pat Sager, Miss Mary Moi , Kay, Mias Olene Mehlhoff, Miss Jean Webb-Bowen, Miss Mar garet Ann McBahv Miss Patricia Ryer, Mrs.' David : Cooper, Miss Gloria ' Myers Mrs. Martha Smith, Mrs. James- Henery; Mrs. Marjorle Henry, Miss Janet Halik, Miss Jeannette Brain, Mrs. John ' Clark, Mrs. Gordon Carl, Miss Darleae Sim ons, Mrs. Guy. Smith and- tha hostesses., " Todays Menu " Broiled halibut steaks will make - the nain dish , today. . v Radish and' cucumber, salad Broiled halibut steaks .- French fried potatoes Fresh green beans : Cottage Pudding , . . Molasses cream sauce - ' ! e- MOLASSES CliAM fAUCTI s cup cream: 1" " I 2 tablespoons molasses Whip the cream and when a most stiff slowly add .the mo lasses. ': 2. !.: Wayne Allen, studied with Peter' Merenblum of Seattle, who now has his own orchestra la Los Angeles. Mrs. Allen also coached with William Primrose when ho was here last winter. Chairmen Are. Announced ; " Court Capital City, No. 148,. Catholic Daughters, of America, -met at the. Woman's'.' club on . Wednesday. Officers for the en suing, year, are:, grand regent, Mrs. Shelby Shunterman; vice grand regent, Mrs. Gordon Cof fey; prophetess, Mrs. Fritz Rupp; financial secretary, Mrs. Edward Talbot; h is t o r 1 a n, ' Mrs. Nap Rocque; ; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Rothenfluch; monitor, Mrs. A. E. La Branche; sentinel, Mrs. B. M. -Krechter; lecturer, Miss Nila Cluett; organist. Miss- Lorraine Meusey, and trustees, Mrs. A. W. Lovcik, Miss Clara Urlaub, Mrs. J. D. White, Mrs. F. E. Kenyon, Mrs. Agnes Schotthoeffer, and Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan. Chairmen' of the standing com mittees are: program, Mrs. John Geiger; refreshments; Mrs. Frits Rupp; yearbook, Miss Pearl Bai rey; publicity, Mrs. A. W. Lovcik; Red Cross, Mrs. T. Fitxpatrlck; Catholic charities, . Mrs. Alberta Meusey; civic activities, Mrs. ; Gordon B. Coffey; sick, Mrs. A. ; E. La Branche; T. B. hospital, Mrs. Edna McKay; USO, Miss Marine Bach; study clubs, Mrs. Clara Payseno; music, Mrs. B. .Becker; lapsatlon, Mrs. T. X. Kenyon; parish activities at St. Joseph's, Mrs. A. Wharton, and at St Vincent de Paul, Mrs. V. Meier; Junior Daughters, Mrs. J. D. White. 1 . i : y Mrs. Shunterman presided over . the meeting, at which the new year books were distributed. Miss Maxine Bach, USO chairman, asked for help on the third Sat urday of each month from J o'clock until closing "tuna. ' Mrs. J. D. White reported that 24 ditty, bags had been completed - for Red Cross and requested that all Catholic women gather at tha Red Cross rooms on Monday of each week. Catholic charities are seeking foster homes for children in the city-and for stu dents desiring to attend Catholie educational institutions la Sa- lem, ;; . Miss Maxine Bach was chair ' : man of the refreshment commit tee, assisted by Miss Mary Brand and Miss NOa Cluett Mias Caret Sekaffer ham left for Fort Lewis to meat her fl - ance. Captain; Daryi Mason, who returned to the states this week from Hawaii, where ha has been stationed for three years. Tha couple plan to arrive in Salem : Saturday. Their marriage will take place on September II at -t John's Lutheran church, " and Miss Joan Post Misa Pa tricU Leary. Miss Helen Paul- Son, MisS Jung Young. Mi3i Ruth Townsend and Miss Betty Manoles. . - i Hostessea were Miss Betty Lively, Miss Marie Ann New man, Miss Buena Steward, Mias Joan Leonard of Sflverton, Mias CivOla Reeher, Mrs. Eileen Hol dan Johnson, f Mrs. Edward A. A Hostess Mrs. John Fieklin-presided at an ' Informal ? loacheon - party Thursday afternoon at the Golden! Pheasant In compliment to a group of her friends.; . An arrangement of early fall Cowers centered the luncheon table, later the -guests played bridge fat the- Fieklin homo on North. lata street. j i . Covers, were f placed for Mrs. Roy Mink. Mrs. Maurica Heater, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Ira Fitts and' Mrs. John Flcklln. I f r ' I . J ' RdinBow Girls: ; The table centerpiece waa an Fontaine and Mrs. Ivan Stewart autumn flowers In pastel ananwa. The afternoon was spent in formally. !;;-. . f. Covers were -placed for Mrs. Charles Harris, Mrs. James Waddington, Mrs. James E. Bowen, Mrs. Frank Vf." Lehmer, f Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mias Lord and Miss Schryver. Linda Loii Hdgenl To Install SILYERTONj Hans ;havt been made for Installation of officers' ceremonial of Ramona Assembly, No. 38, Order of Rain bow for Girls, to be held Tues day night,': September 18. . In stallation officers will include Barbara Jean McDonald, worthy advisor; Delores Peterson; 1 re corder; Pat Gatton, marshal; Zephni Giyen musician; and De lores Bodeen, chaplain. 'J To be installed are Bette Vor seth, worthy advisor; Elsie Jack son, worthy . associate; Colleen Egan, charity; Gerry McDonald, Hope; Pat Rice, Faith; Zephne .Given, recorder; Delores Peter- ; son, chaplain; Eileen Bisanz, drill leader; Louise Leonard, associ ate; Betty : Cunningham, Lovet Gloria! Becker, Religion; Mar- " Jorfe Tuggle, Nature; Barbara White Shrine to Meet Monday Willamette Shrine No. 2, Or der oft the White Shrine of Jerusalem, will hold tha first meeting following summer vaca tion Monday, September 17, at B O'clock at tha Masonle temple. Mrs. Emma Brown, worthy high priestess,' and Mrs. Wayne Henry, watchmen of the Shep herds will preside. A large attendance is urged as extensive plana are to bo made in preparation to entertaining the Supremo Worthy High Priestess, Mrs. Marie J. Knight of Elizabeth, Pena, who will be with Willamette Shrine for special meeting September 24. - A large class ot candidates Is expected for the ceremonial at that time, j i 1 v .- where the gifts were placed. ' -, - 5 . Birthday cake and refreshments; beWinQf: OiUO Ot were served on the lawn. j -t TT Honoring ; Linda Lou " were! . NlelSOn JbiOmO Mary Ellen Pomeroy, Ann and I , ' Keith Strain, Sharon Kincaid, L Has Birthday ' ! j : . -I - ., .:. i ! .Linda Lou Hagen was honored ; at two gala birthday parties on her first birthday. Friday after noon Mrs. Lester Hagen enter tamed for her daughter at .the; home of the honor guest's grand; mother, Mrs. JJ Fred Pugh. j , ! Early fall : flowers were ar ranged about the room and but i ton zinnias centered the table; Barbara Blumensteln, Jackie Sue Bair, Peggy Lee Cass, Michael Cooley and Danny Mortimer. Additional guests were Mrs. Clay Pomeroy, Mrs. Dudley Strain, Mrs. Leonard Kincaid, .. Mrs.- Robert Blumensteln, Jr, j Mrs. Delbert Bair, Mrs. Lester Hagen and Mrs. J. Fred Pugh. : On Saturday afternoon Linda i Lou was honored at another jv party when her mother enter tained In the garden of the home ; of Mrs Pugh. Guests were cou sins,- aunts and neighborhood DeBaugh,ju Immortality; Hazel v playmates of tha honor guest. ne,i weuiy j iromea ocarxn,. - BUWen to - honor Linda LoU Patriotism; Georgia Towe, SerVi. wert Timmy and Mike- Hagen. ice; Donna Wbodell, musician;! .; Ellen Gunderson, choir director; 'Nancy I Adams,! confidential ob server ( Beverly Zimmerman, ; outer observer; Catherine Glad den, ;hlstorian;i Donnalea !How- : eH, reporters J k "-'Vpi i"f Mrs.; W; ; P. Scarth la mother advisor for the group. Com mittee personnel includes Lorna Dunagan and Catherine Gladden, tapers;'. Louise; Leonard, Ellen - Gunderson, Dorothea Scarth and Nancy Adams, hostesses; Delores ' Peterson, Colleen Egan, Georgia Towe and Hazel Range, serving; Gerry McDonald, Pat Rice and : Margie Tuggla, decorations. ; Donald and Yvonne Reveal. Shir; ley and : Freddie Pugh, Bernice ; Beals, Janet Pearsall, Loyd Ha- gen, Nancy and Janice Brandon,' Gail Shuford, Mrs. Paul Hagen, Mrs. Bat Reveal, Mrs. Joe Re veal, Mrs. Arlo Pugh, and the grandmothers, Mrs. C J. Hagen .iand Mrs. 3. Fred Pugh. I t !. . -.-Vl- Mrs. Paal AjFngaU and bar daughter. Miss Rath PanUne Fu. gate of 1 Aberdeen, Idaho, are guests at tha homo of the for. mer'a brother-inlaw and . sister. Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Toigt Miss Fagate will enter the University of Oregon this faU. f The Kelzer Sewing club met with Mrs. Roy Melsoa Septem ber f for an all-day, meeting. A no-host luncheon was serv ed at noon. The day waa spent in. .finishing, the Red Cross sew ing on hand. ? - Eleven members and three vis itors were present. An election of officers was held. New of ficers are: president, Alta HaQ; vice president, Mrs. Sam Rich arde; secretary-treasurer, ... Mrs. NlekLeSud. I ' - The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ted Whithead, September ao. ' ... .. '. " . . i - ' ' : ' Mias Mario ChorchlU has re turned to Portland after a monm's stay in the' capital at the home of her brother-in-law and aister, Mr. and Mrs. George . Weller. .- . y UcxTiczs of Wocdhum Girl I Announced By Tier Parents' thU Weeli WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hall are announcing the marriage of their daughter Mar garet to SSgt Arthur Foster, army air force. The wedding took place Tuesday af teroon at Hondo, Texas. ' ' V- ' ' Mrs. Foster, for tha past two years a member of the WAC has been dietician In army hospitals at Eagle Pass, Tex Dodge City, Kan, and Waco, Tex. She re- Lcelved her honorable discharge within the past week. , . - Tha young ' couple Will tniaka their home for the present at Hondo, where Sergeant Foster Is stationed. ,'..,,..(-j- RATIOri CAlCS)At ti reed throw 41 arc ats, rATS. rrcj Book 4 VI throurh rood throurh Nov. So: 1A goed ttirotyfc Si. j SBookf 4 - Stamp If valid for re sounds Coreoga wee. u ; ok S irpine vwopa a, m, 4 valta todaCUUtehr. ; v TleU JaeelMMn, te. cradaate e Baleaa alsrh aeheel and aesater at n Beta Thl at Willamette mntvarstty, where she has been a student for two yean, was nasaoi XoUermaxer Qneen" from a field el 1ST eandldatas at the sarmaVers asmaal plenle recently la Cirtho Tkacker To Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Thaeker, aCUl CUr. a sea. Homer Leea. bom AuruM IS. Salem Ptaceneai hoe- - . ... - niiee rm ar. ana aara. Mna w. MUler. Sdo. a dauahter, Marda- Glee, bora Aogustt, aatem Deaconess hoe pitaL - Breaaway To Mr. end Mrs. Lonnle D. Broadway, West Salem, a son, Loit Bie Dean, born August 11, Salem Dea con w honnal. a to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Watson, 1140 North Sut street, a son, un 11. a OeraM Glenn, bora August Pia To Mr. end Mrs. CUude Pike, list North Church ctrect. a 1 jona raiu. oora August is, aaiem Demcrm hocpitaL . Tretowa To Mr. and Mrs. Graham I Tvetoggaa. tUM North.Wtnter street. a son, uurus Looara, com August is, Salem Deaconess hospital. waeseaTo Mr. ana Mrs. Bermaa C. Wacken. Box S3 Herman Marie, bora Deaconess aoapltal. S9S. Salem, a ra Ansust IS. CalHB-Te Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Calkms.- Lyons, a daurhtor. Dorottvjr Lerratee, kora Aucuat ia, Salem Dea- aaaoMr. and Mrs. CahruV H. lonea, TO1 North Commercial street, a son, Cahrte Henry, jr, bora August JL Salem Deaconess hospital. -Bekleisa To Mr. and Mrs. George . Robinson, route s. a son, xuseoe LaVerne, bora August M. Salem Gen eral hospital. wmmsckea To Mr. and Mrs. Boyd L. WUhnachen. 403 Soutti SXnd street, a ton, Robert Arthur, bora August JO, Salem General horpltal. - Marttnaale To Mr. and Mrs. James t. MarUndale, 1SS South Church street, a . daurhter. Mallnda Sharon, bora August ST, Salem General hospital. . ONeuV-To Mr. and Mrs. William A. O'Neill. SOS North Winter street, a son, -James, born August IS. Salem Deaconess hospital. BMnr To Mr. end Mrs. Charles W, Hoerer, see Vista street, a dau Barbara Jean, bora Avrust XX, Deaconess horoitaL Owen To Mr. and Mrs. Win lam X. Oweii. Woodbum, a son. Jerry Thomas. tore AUfun ao, ae Welch for it on Frida$ r-- j- t. . ' 'of the : UES2: r ... Not Honoring Eclly 0uc23 .. (American Legion Cornmandark - 8oe) It In our Wlndyer STUDIO 1X1 State St On tha Greand Fleee Janice 'Nelaeei b vkdttns; In San Francisco and Bed Bluff, Califs where she Is the guest of Mr. and-Mrs. F. B. Godbolt and their daughter, Sally Miss NelT son will return next week, in time to enter the University' of Oregon for her senior year. " Mrs; Claade HV Morphy has returned from a several - days stay in Eugene. Victory shift 7:50 to 11:30 pan.; day shift 7 :S3 sua. to 6:09 p-tx; tight shift 7:30 poa. to COO sua. Fret transpcrtaticn cannery bos picks 09 workers 7 :C0 axi. and 7:C0 pjiu each day at tha Pioneer Trust Buildls?, corner Commercial and State Streets in Sa ' lem. Night workers returned to home. Free transpor tation along routes from' Albany, Jefferson. Atnasrie, end Turner. Neir plant and cafe. ;, This Is aa ergect cafl for help. ''' " : 011120 GGOtTSBS, EITG, galea, Crcrca - Phone 22C3S- : - This advertkerr cat la cooperaH(m with tha ' . ' Calezn Caimers' Committee, ii tiw unci cpneiAiisnp enei4i.B'uxit. corns. tat. ' .. -'''UVjj j ; "Elteimtl Thafs what I am," cackled the hen. I "because I lay nothing but ess." And IUSs Bros. i are coffee experts because they devote their entire 1 energies and slills fc bayics, blcndlrti rositinj, I and pecldnj the finest cofTeea obtaiittiblc. You'll ',- I sense this, expertnesa when 'you use IEl!s 'Croa. I .Coffee Every si? will make ypuisayi-!IToT7 thafs f uh I call roort rcTr 1 i j :M4i - t:;i,V feaMaass ase. a. em Here They Are 1 ' J V It tl 'stellllllll Il llllll 1 W CcHna S W j $3.1' 1 "-V-- .LZ 1 ii ir-' 1 1 mi (o) (2) o Sho3l4to o Eerily Iciir.dcrcd o Styled o fit The kind ol a cotton cvervdav waari o. . W ay " f , dress that you have waited for, at the pnes you uae to pay. fjoat or Bemi step in styles with shirt-waist top and pleati 7U rrU Verse JTeWe araf -f I ; Per iho Grovlr.g Girl FrcniTts 16 years o' Svcctcrs 52.93 to DI:3 S1.C3 b C1C3 i ; OaIr.g FIcr.r.:l Govns ' . Ccr.Ccv;k!: Rcbca 73 nV- I 1 I ' .BBta. f v rrices Good Caturday and Monday J stosh nouas I t A. ti. to g:39 P. M. Daily t A. ZX to P. r,L Eatutday Closed All Day Sunday ' -'..14a N. LXBEUTY ST."!"'.,