The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. September 14, 1943
Ticker-Tape Flows in New
; York; 6 Million Line Streets ;
To Cheer Gen. Wainwright
NEW". YORK. Spet 13,-WVThe acclaim of New York! mil
lion was heaped upon Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright today with
a welcome so overpowering . the hero, of Corregidor found it
hard to take."
Along a 32-mile route from baxsedotted East river, through
a wild, paper-throwing financial district to swank Fifth avenue.
a police-estimated crowd of 4,000,-
Ceiling Off on
White Potatoes
WASHINGTON, Sept 13-()
The OPA today "announced sus-
i pension of prime ceilings on white
potatoes for the period from to
morrow through Oct 25.
The action, described as "the
first move of the kind affecting
an important staple food item,"
was taken after the department
of agriculture had estimated the
1945 potato crop to be the largest
' in years approximately 432,-
:. 895,000 bushels. j -
, Ceilings on certified and war
approved seed potatoes are not
affected. .
. OPA pointed out that in addi
t ti on to the large crop expected,
demands of the armed forces for
' potatoes have dropped off sharply.
i J r-
Police SU11 Holding
. 2 Indian Youngsters
PORTLAND, Sept. 13. (ff)
City police struggled for -the
third day today to locate the
home of two Indian youngsters,
found crying alone in a hotel
j ' room.
. The 18-month-old baby girl
. was taken to a foster home. The
7-year-old boy, who knows only
. that his name is "Joe" and he
lives over "that way" (pointing
east) is being cared for by po
lice matrons. '-
, j : tt
No Bids! Received for
Sewer Construction
EUGENE, Sept. IZ-iJPy-Vlo bids
were received for construction of
sewers in; the southeast portion
of thecity after the project was
advertised; recenUy, City Mana
ger Deane Seeger told the city
council today.
lie had other bad news on
construction the city's swim
ming pool, for which $65,000 has
been set aside, will not be built
until costs come down.
000 to 8,000,000 persons roared a
greeting 1 to the 62-year-old four
star general.
At its conclusion, the man who
made the last stand on Corregidor
during the darkest days of the war
and then spent 39 months in Japa
nese prison camps, made no at
tempt to conceal how deeply he
was touched.
"It was," he said, "hard to take."
Greatest Paper Shower
The magnitude-of the ovation
struck the tall, still-gaunt general
with full force when he rode
the head of a 20-car motor
cade up the mile-long hero's can
yon .amid one of the greatest
paper showers the financial dis
trict ever has seen.
Gay streamers,' ticker tape, and
torn newspapers , cascaded down
in such volume that the general's
car at times' virtually was hidden
from view. A continuous roar rose
from the jam-packed sidewalks.
Smiling, but plainly surprised.
Gen. Wainwright wared to the
right and left and turned occasion
ally to Mayor F. H. La Guardia,
who rode. at his aide, as If "to seek
reassurance that everything was
Wife Follows
Close behind him in another ear
was his wife, "Kitty." who until
tiiis week had not seen him for
four years.
A 17-gun salute, booming out
from La Guardia field upon the
general's arrival from Washington
at 11 a. m.t (EWT), signaled the
start ef activities.
Gen. Wainwright was accompan
ied by four men who went through
the Corregidor siege and Japa
nese captivity with him. They
were Brig. Gen.- Lewis S. Beebe,
his chief of staff; CoL John R.
Pugh and Lt. Col, Thomas Dootey,
his aides, and M. Sgt Hubert Car
roll, his orderly.
ALBANY, Sept 13 -(P)- Fire
Chief Don Hayne's talk on fire
prevention was interrupted un
expectedly. -' "
"Maybe I should have given
this address earlier," he said to
chamber of commerce officials
as he rushed to his waiting fir
American League
Washington .
Feller. Center )
terson and Ferrell.
Tobin and Swift;
, and Roe r.
; St. Louis
, Boston
. ooo ooo oooo t :
, tOO 310 00 1 (
and Hayes; Mas
...000 100 10Or-J
..oio ooo eoj s
Flore. Knerr oio ooi a
.000 100-0001
Potter and Mancuso: V. Jdhnson and
Pytlak. '
Chicago . 000 000 000 t S
New York ..00O 000 000 00 7
Dietrich. Johnson (10) and Tresh;
guber and Hoblnson.
National League
New York ... 100 OOO 100 S 10 0
Cincinnati , 000 000 30 3 I
Rmr Idimi lit B T.k. V.
and Kluttz; Marrist, Kennedy (S) and
S.oaton , . 000 010 0033 9 1
Pittsburgh .000 030 0i 4 4
Singleton. Logan (I) and Maal; Ger
neauser ana aaineia.
Boston ftnn 000 000 S
PltUburrh 1. 200 000 0O- 3 3
son (t) and HoMerth; OstermueUer
and Lopes.
Too Late to Classify
FOR SALZ: Ttnrtot tricycle, all met
el; also 1st class stroller. 1403 . N.
Dancbj 8 to 12 '
Maybe They
Should Install
j Traffic Signals
WPIJ-k BLUFF, Uo, Sept
13-CP-Fishrmei's tales of a
new method of fishing in Wap-
prpello lake are guaranteed not
to be fish stories by conserva
tion agewU. ;-' t " '-'t
Fishermett aa3L,they: use- a
boat, a strong ligS,;get out in
to the spillway before the dam,
make a -lot of rommotion in the
water, with) paddles and the
fish, mostly ; bass, cooperate by
jumping excitedly in the direc
tion of the light. Two men say
they got ,40; pounds the other
night that way. I
The agents added that since
the hew system gained popular
ity the St Francis river below
the dam is lit up at night like
Frost Finishes
delayed picking of hops early In
the week but harvesting speeded
up later. Similarly, peach picking
was slowed.
Harvest of
beans passed the
In northwest counties and
along the! coast, pastures were pullonun passed and
improved by i rain but continued
dry elsewhere.
At Silverton
Are Reported
SILVERTON .Mrs. Gertrude
Moen has: returned from Dallas,
where she went to be with her son.
Julius Moen, who is improving fol
lowing a major operation.
Wilma Hanhan has resigned her
position as assistant to Althea
Meyer in the city water office, ef
fective September 15. Miss Han
nan will leave next week with LA.
CoL and jj&r. A. JS. Becger for
California. Is She has been in the
water office since March. Her sue-1 ta. City.
cesaor nas not oeen announced.
xars. J-oyai cai susameu a r ! tt
painful sprain to her ankle early W"g xiiay
12-Year.Old Boy
Gives Out on Last
Leg of Long Trip.
(Jf)-A 12-year-old traveler was
on the return leg of a more than
3,000 mile trip which, was Inter-
; ruptod when he collapaed en .the
street here Monday.
The boy, Arthur J. Saterday of
SaYannah, Ga, will board the
Union 1 Pacific Challengar at .7
p. m. (MWT) under the .guidance
of the Traveler's Aid society.
with $52 he-found in Savan
nah, be rode btuaea to Lae Ange-
pullorum clean classes be retain
ed. This would mean that no re
actors be permitted. Law now
provides a tolerance of less than
one per cent feactors. .
Irnvroveaaent Noted
In the president's report, C R.
Dear, Independence, called atten-.
tion to the grealimprovement in
Mrs. Bertha Loveland
Succumbs, at Picnic
Mrs. Bertha M. Loveland. 403
South 25th st, died unexpectedly
Thursday afternoon, while on
picnic at McMirmville.
Cause of her death waa not ac
tually known. Thursday night,
but other members of the Wom
en's Relies corps, auxiliary to the
Grand Army of the Republic
lea where fair funds gave out I who were at the picnic, said that
Mrs. Loveland suddenly, became
faint and requested to be taken
to her car. She died a few min
utes later.
The body wise taken, to. the cor
oner's office In McMianville and
later brought here to the Clough-
Barrick mortuary.
Among survivors are the wid-
From there he hitchhiked to Salt
B usher Heads
Derby Entries
XNGLOEWOOD, i Calif, Sept 13.
(E) Thirty-four three-year-olds
were nominated today for the f50,
000 Hollywood derby, Sept 29.
Busher, Louis B. Mayer's speetacu-larfiiry,-
headed the nominees for
the mile and an eighth run. Other
highly regarded candiates are By
meabond. Best Effort, Sea Swal
low, and War Allies.
this weekjwhen she slipped and iNot AflW Sourt rVim
fell on tome iCement steps. Med-1 ? ri
ical attention was necessary. I PORTLAND, Sept HHPV-Po-
Aliee Jensen has had word that tato prices probably will not be
her niece, Mrs. Rayn-omoTReed, is j affected materially by lifting of ower c. F. Loveland of Salem.
now wiva oer nuaoana m seuot. r--mn prices, - v a., iuuct, hs-
Wis..How long he will be stationed I sistant state director for the UJS.
there is not known. Mrs. Reed, department
the former Vivian Bunest, at one I today.
time made her home here.
The WCTU will meet Friday at
2 pam, at the ;home: of Mrs. M. G.
Martin Kan nan has been ill at
the family home for several days.
Mrs. Hannani who has 'been in
charge of the local farm labor of
flee, ia now at home and the office
was closed this week. v
pf agriculture said Government Asked to
i! I . . . .
The abolition of ceilings is I Aid in MosmiltO fight
scheduled within a few days. 1 y
Tulley said USD A is pledgedr WRTLAND. Sept 13 -MV The
to support minimum prices for at 'wera government was asked
least two more years, and that today to take a hand in Port-
the current laree eitao wfll 'Drt- mosquiio menace next
vent prices from skyrocketing. eon.
in a request to Rep. Angell (R-
FUNDS NOW AVAILABXJB I Ore). City Commisaioner Dorothy
LONDON; Sept ISHfo-A. Reu-
CQRVALLIS. Sent lL-6I-Fed.McCullough Lee said she thought
eral loan funds totalling 21,041,812 ime prooiem coma onxy oe xactiea
bow are available to REA financed!011 regionat oasis. Mosquitoes
coanerativea m nart of . three bere are a by-product of Colum-
ter's dispatch from Singapore said year program during which the bia river floods, she said.
today British! military authorities I government will spend 47,000,000
had arrested! man of undeter- for construction and improvement
of power Unas m Oregon, the Ore
gon state extension service- said
today.- .1
mined , nationality suspected of
luratshing the Japanese with In
formation which led to "the sink
ing of the British battleships
Prince of Wales and Repulse in
mi. .
Champ Eliminated
PORTLAND, Ore, Sept 12.-(ff)
Dr. R. B. Watson upset defending
champion Elmer Stoddard 3 and
in the semi-final round of the
Oregon senior golf association
tournament here today. Oscar
Furuset 1939 champion, defeated
Sarge G thing, 2 and l, to earn
the right to meet Watson in finals
tomorrow. All are from Portland.
SEATTLE, Sept 13-P) -Guests
at the Olympic hotel ate lettuce
one day this week flown in from
Alaska's Matanuska valley. How
ever, it was ! strictly a one-day
evenCsvid : hotel officials, since
(express charges alone were 60
cents a pound, or $58.24 for the
two-crate shipment
r .
linaiiiu uai, unuui;, ock.
li.-ifVReduction to 41 of points
needed by WACS for discharge
makes approximately- 2,000 more
ealisted women in. Europe eligi
ble for redeployment to the Unit
ed States, headquarters for US
forces in the European' theater
said today. (
contraband on visitors to prisons,
sad 11 planes.
The craft are Fairchud PT-26s,
two-place monoplanes with 200-
NOW! j , V
The Btlrrlag Story Thai
Captivated 23 Million Readers!
"A Bell fbrMmo
movement Assn.
Votes tp Continue Adv&tising
1v ""' ; " CSee story page 1)
orejon'i tum, liimrovement association, voted at its fifth
llllinil iw.tlhll Wa14 b 4k ' im m
. - vi m -vt uic i-i-i-u-v u- cumuKrei rooms inunoay.
scattered area. oTthe lUte last !f gt" "T ? 1" bW to cover
week, and yain slowed harvest in ATZZJ
others, the-weather bureau
VWlieu wiMV.; fiillm niTV-nrlaA.- f eH-
Spring grain harvest continued . 7T TLv
to progress, but corn was damag-1 w(
ed in. some i localities by frcet TT .--..w,.-, ,
Celery, Hks, cnitaloupes ZTiZttl
watermelotur were xnaTketed.! Rain TZZZ- JZ'lZZ-ZT
ment board acted in official ca
The association : recommended
to the state, department of agri
culture that the pullorum control
class tot turkeys be eliminated
Rodeo Rolling i
At Pendleton
t - - -- - .--.-
PITOLETON, Ore, Sept 13-(ff)
Performing before a colorful crowd
of 11,000 Bill McMacken, Florence
ArizV and Gene Rambo, Shandon,
Calit, looked today aa outstanding
Oresou turkeys since, the advent
of the Improvement association.
He also pointed out that la 1W3
the average weight of Oregon tur
keys was 12 pounds, while now
that' was "not considered good
even for a hen."
Dr. C E. Holmes, association
supervisor, and Dr. E. M. Dickin
son, chairman of the disease, con
trol committee, stressed that it
was as .difficult - to find a poor
flock this Tear as a good one in
1941, the first year of the associ
ation.' -:"
Disease Down
As a whole, LMckinson said,
disease was not on the increase in
Oregon. Pullorum control had
been particularly effective. Para'
typhoid control had not been
quite as effective as yet although,
he added, it has "not become
elanningly widespread.'.
Stephen Adehnan, secretary of
the association and chairman of
the poult and egg committee was
in charge of a packing demonstra
tion, with representatives of the
railway express, assisting.
Resohitionj passed Included one
hitting at paratyphoid infection,
recommending to the state de
partment of agriculture and the
state college experiment station
that they- assist in developing
program to quasentlne and erad
icate known sources of this dis
candidates for the championship of
the 1945 Pendleton round-up.
McMacken, who already has two
legs on the $5500 .three-time win
ner trophy, and Rambo, who cap
tured the troohy last Tear, were
keeping a wary eye on two other
sturdy contenders: Bill Linder-
mann. Red Lodge. Mont, leader for
the nation's all-around champion
ship: and his brother Bud.
Some of the wildest Brahma
bulls ever entering the, Pendleton
ring tossed six of the nine con
testants in second-day round-up
Man Found Dead
Under Salem Bridge
1 is . -
Clayton' Edward Coon, about
34, was found dead Thursday af
ternoon under the south Church
street bridge, apparently from
natural causes, police stated.
The man had been employed
at the state hospital hex and be
fore; that in the Portland ship
yards. HI a mother, Mrs. Sarah
Lorene Coon of Princeton, Mcv i
believed to-be. the only. survivor.
The body was taken to t
Ooueh-Barrick mortuary where
Coroner T. M. Golden said hi
would make additional lnvestiga
tion.: .' -
Judge Opines
Oh Divorces
SEATTLE, Sept l-k-r-S
perlor Judst Jamct B. Kinnt
saya he's cured divorcea by hand-
cHlzmg Mm coupies . 10 Keep
them together and by rnaking
others "fight it out with tooth
picks at 40 yards."' '
"Buf added the Judge, "you
Just cant make tome people stay
together they're Ornery." -. .-.
Judge Kinne made the com
ment, in connection with a cur
rent study of the cause of and
ways to counteract toe rise of
divorces in King county. He said
he recalled the day when a di
vorce was a scandal and sug
gested that people again be edu
cated to believe mat divorces are
not decent :"; j.. ,:" lv
COOS BAY, Sept lS-vVStar-ting
tomorrow, 70 men a day will
be moved from the North Bend
auxiliary 'air station , to Astoria,
where they will be assigned for
further duty within the next four
weeks. i V
Baclx Again t
Wladews. fleers, weedwerk
Thereaah Work
Tardee Calberteaa
ttS N. Uberty St
two nGOT-S-WEiG rinnriETS
V& KHe Kerfii el 6e Cseraan
Open 1111 7:33 P. II. iSvery Day ExcepI Tuesday
Priced Gcci Friday, Salcrday mi Scsiay
JLt &e reel tf tW Ecilst
H3y ftlh-Q (Saco
Yellow Cline Halret
24-2U Sixe Cans
v Pointer Cops Honors
14-(CP)-Village Wfaming Jay,
white and black pointer owned
by Price Lowden of Bedford,
OnU today capturedop hfnors
in the 'All America bird dog der
by championship in a field of 33
starters. II -' .
TV-- . .. ' ' , uyiKjwnw
v, luryiiu yrvpcivj cvnamua
sion today offered for sale a de-
tectorscope, f handy for detecting
OPENS 1:43 TM.
..Il -L-" ?
Toucjheet I
Bruiaat I - - -
on the t ; , ?
Barbarr j l" -
Coastl ' ,rf -
' t"
Eri-ol I s,
Flynn i
f : " '
E... vi
Actloo Ce-Hit!
. .
: r
aiAPtni two
"TEE EL21C3'
Alaa Carney WaHy Brown
;:.Le - ;;!
Hedy Lajnarr ;
i' s.i; i
-"r - r
1.11 IE1TUI I
csnus crutT J
1 r s
"jHtHfriy "4a"i;ia
r ,
.' etci is j "VifV'y-
Cast tSssfea Csfisw $t Oer llaeif
. i
tHYTI2 .SC C04.1T1
Frail GocMaB
Dainty Mix
2Yt Size Can
Red Arrow
2 lb. Box.
- aniaaii. 1 iiimaii -
Mi f ! I
no Fonrrs
Chirtis Citrus
2 lb. Jar
, !
fa MM ' E-ids!: :JarUtU:
Bcrnadln TWO PIECE ! Rinj and disc. C0SIPLETE CLOSURES V
23c I
Regular Price
Lctast Hews Flashes!
' . mi. nAllA I t
if," -' - If'
m n rrr
8 Pound Linit