Fog Convenience and j Profit, Read arid Use I Statesman! Classified &dM For Sale Real Estate ' For Sale Real Estate LEE OHMART & C0n REALTORS NORTHEAST Modern S bed room horn, full buf tnent, auto, gas i furnace, fireplace, part hardwood floor. water heater, wired for range, in good stupe, very Clean yard. 63O0. i NEAR AUMSVHJJ5. OKEGON 1 0 acres and 8 room ho-ase. lights, faraf. Barn with stanchions, poul try house and fruit room. 10 A. in prune. A. berrlea, 17 A. paatura and 1 A. timber. Haa year areuad creek, fenced, price includes stock and equipment for $7 MO. i just south or KHZIR SCHOOL Modern 7 room I home and 4 acres t land, located on the North Hlver toad. Haa living mom, dining, room, bed room, kitchen and batn down, t bed rooms up, hardwood floors, fire place, alec, water heater, caraie. A hew home, upstates juat being com pleted. On acre i set to young- fruit " wees. aii.uw. VERY MODERN EDGE Of TOWN One .acre of brad and m Rsnrh atvte home, has living room with fireplace. lining room, a oca rooms. Kitchen and bath, no upstairs, fun basement with auto, sawdust furnace and -dee. water tr, nardwned nd double garage. A very nice home. Immediate possession $10,000. NOBTH COTTAGE STREET T toom home, large combination liv ing room and dining room. 1 bed roean. kUcben asd WU da'-n. a bed- roesns up, full baacrncnt, furnace and . ga raft. Very well cent TtnL mtto and fish pond, large .fruit and nut trees. Excellent leeauotv about a blocks worm at town S8300. A VERY CONVENIENT HOME IT t. ir in mam a Ki wamm.. bt ehea and baih, full basement with oU furnace, nice back yard. Wear aoan painting and fixing . up. very Xm iwiuuu fwv, PHONE 9680 477 COURT ST.! JEW t SUN. STm For Sale Real Estate NELSON NEWS SUBURBAN 10 AC. ' S. River Rd., rm. bouse, bsmt, furn.. gar.; elc. : water system, barn. Chicken house, variety of fruit 17500. ON CROISAN CREEK 1 28 ac. off S. River Rd.. creek fc wood - lot, no Improvements except tarn. $6000. S. RIVER -RD. S AC. i 4 rm. house St caMn. roomy barn, gar. elc. water system, price Includes telephone share. $2600. S. RIVER RD. 8 AC. 4 rm. cottage, ; miscellaneous fruit. fto. wmr iynam.aKiw. , : VACANT" CLOSE IN LAND S large lots near Kelxer school $750 tt acres X.' 44200. ; IS acres N. X. $7000. - ; .... p GOOD HOME' IN BUSINESS ZONE; L. H..,D. K., Kit., a bdrmi., sin. pch.J den St hath on 1st fir., full bsmt.j furn., nays, ic water neater, gar, lawn, garden, fruit nuts. $6900. : HOME AND INCOME NEAR HOSPITAL it UNIVERSITY 1 apt., dbl. bath, extra sip. rm., new turn., adaptable to oil, elc. water heater, on bus line, near University Ac Deaconess Hospital. 87350. NELSON & NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. O. Nelson i REALTORS Rm. 300-1 Majorat Bldg.. 4 State S1 h. 4410. Eves. 21350 or 8280 A VERY Nice home. North on Co? tumble ft. Two large bed mm., L. R., Insulated end wrather-stripped. Full Dsmt.. oil rur. caii Mr. Gardner, i BURT PICHA. REALTORS 1, 1' n" ''. ff11! - J LARGE lot 1 00x108. Tour rm. home. Beutb. Garage aard chicken house. 1 $3150. Call Mr. Cardner. . ,i : 3210 i BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street TWO Bed rm. home, Xeirer dist. . f yrs. old. 1-4 acre. Clot e to school. $4008. Call Mr. Gardner. . - -. 3210 BURT PICHA, REALTORS " ' 237 North High Street t For Sale Farms RIVER BOTTOM 20 acres. 15 under plow. 10 or more acres additional non-taxable goes with this pteea. Good mint or beans. 2 bdrnv house., bam. etc. Onlv esxSO. lerms or iraae tor satenu BOCXDi TERMS 23 acres. Some grapes, peaches, view. No elect- hut soon. 4 room house with xurnuure. only- sxua $1000 down. x acres. 10 mi. northwest. 4 room house, elec Old ham. some fir tnw- oer. sseue si sue C. H. SANDERS .f 2 N. High - 9838 .1 ' s 140 ACRES, 40 J deeded, 100 leased from government for about what taxes would be. lfta mllefl from Satcm. with good roads and school. Fine soil ana fair oiaga. priced at $5000. Easy terms or will trade for home in Salem. D. A. Fish 324 N. Capitol i ; ph. 6524 &TA. Stocked at equipped. North. Ban MA . J A. Close to' vaHey town. North, near Salem. Stocked At eqoipped. With umum niceiy zurnisnea. sis.vw, Willamette! Real Estate 172 S. Liberty fs Ph. 7113 25 A. FARM $4600. ml. out. 4 rm. older ' house, large barn and auo. 2 chicken houses. Coed elee. Im m. tern. LoU of frulk line land ail under ciuuviiwn. Mrs. Reeves or Joe Spurlock R. A. Forkner, Realtor l33 N. Capitol, ft 3031 or $360 FORI SALE Stock Ranch in Central Oregon ! WILL TAKE HOUSE IN SALEM OH BMAiXi ACREAGE NEAR SALEM - IN PART PAYMENT. H. H. SMITH, REALTOR - Prtncville. Oregon FULLY IRRIGATED 38 ArRKe. Modern $ room home. Producing rasacs ana ouioa. wnenauis sut loam on Luckknute river. Price Includes 1000 Easter lily bulbs and an equip ment. $14,508. See A. . Danielson wim Leo N. Childs. Inc. REALTORS 244 State St. jj , Ph. $261 For Sale Farms $$4008 acres. New 4 rm. and ahawer. chicken house, barn. 73 ft. welL elec. water system, apples, peaches, grapes, boysenberries, strawberries. SOaOO 11 A. 2 houses, 4 A. orchard, creek, some stock, ; ; . $6500 3- A. some of the best soil in the vaUey, 30 A. tn culUvation. 4 A. orchard, i rm. house, well and spring. -'j-; i , i . sisia to a. a A. in prunes, a A. fllberta, brooater house, barn, . rm. house and bath. dec. water system. Dble gar,; everything In fine condi tion. I i !'. 880004 A. nnlmnrnvert an SQvarton Ingtowey-. -; ... j - $25,00013 A. beautiful home and 11 other houses, all rented. 10 A. fine orchard. Present Income about ' $3500 a year, mi for jteaaonabM Abrams & Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bttg. ! Ph. $155 insurance-Mtg.-LioanS' i i i. IO A. farm.: S bdrms. 13 v. rm. din. rm .kit. All in berries et i fruit. Call Omer Huft i r Huff Real EsUte Co. REALTORS Ph. 37S3 70 S. COMX. Eve. Ph. 21731 63 ACRES, one half In cultivation. A. alialia Willamette silt loam. S bed room modern home with 2V baths. Carpeted floors. ; Only four years old. Furnace heat. 61 miles east, t Price $17,000. Terms. ' ' ! f at. o. uumntureys h. w. ueers Phone 7830 r j 3033 Portland Road Acreage A NUMBER of good suburban lots N. See these at i - R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1653 I N. Cap'tol I 3031 or $360 35 ACRES R. Best of soil. Modern 4 bed room home. Close to school. Coed barn and other buildings, family orcnara. $12,800. CaU Mr. Gardner. ; - ' v 3210 ! :'- BERT PICHA. REALTORS 337 NORTH HIGH STREET i. i INDEED NICE M . Suburban $ room almost new mod. home with unfin. floored attic. Hdwd. floors, large utHlty rm., auto. elec. water heater, oil: floor furnace. This home and lot saxiez. excellent Condi tion. Price $7700.: Terms. r i C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - $838 NEW COLONIAL TYPE HOME' 4 large bed rooms, 4 acres rich soil, near Kelxer school. Price -$11,000. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 5838 FOR SALE: 16.000 acres deeded land. 15.000 acres leased land, mountain ranee country. Price $73,000. Will con sider, clear property as part payment. H H. Schmitt. Realtor. Prineville. Ore. Acreage t ACRES close to dtv on Davement. Telephone, electricity, gas. bus service past property. Few blka. to good scheoL live stream (no bldgs.) $1900. 2 acrea Keizer disU near schooL Nearly new small home not modern. auto, water its tern, garage, poultry house, fine solL $4250. a acres south, all in bearing walnuts (no bldgs). Crop included amo. 5 acres on . No. 89 hlrhwav north. near Hubbard. Large house, smell barn, level dark soil. Good location for cabins and highway business. $7500. is early so acres, Lansing ave. Large house, barn, poultry house, garage, va riety of fruit, suitable to subdivide. $8500. , ,.' -10 acres, a neat ; small soma. elec. water system.; live stream, dee WelL $7000. 13 acres ox Beautiful subdivision land on Turner cut-off east of Salem. Ideal location;. $9000. i r We have a number of farms from 15 to 300 acres. SALEM REALTY CO. . REALTORS i 148 N. High St. ; . Ph. 7660 BUILDING SITE 2 acres close in. Has year round creek. About 1 acre of cherries. Lo cated on bus lint dose to school. Gas. city water and elec available. Price $1900. Call O. V, HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 124 S. Liberty St. . Ph. 4131 2 AC. Wonderful soil. North. (Old bides.) $6173. Easy terms. Is ac. $ nn. hse. c bath, fruit, berrlea' a 4 ac. peaches, etc. $1200. Willamette IReal Estate 173 S. LUiertV ...jiJ 23 ACRES river bottom. IS acres filberts about 10 years old. 10 acrea farm land, some fruit. This year's fil bert crop ready to pick. $12,000. Call Mf. Byrkit. , 3210 BERT PICHA, REALTOR 837 NORTH HIGH STREET 3 A. SNAP ! $2750 W-I-aoil. About one A. cherries- 8c some pears Be peaches and appses. If you want best soil this i Is It W-I 4 R. house, elee. light St elec. water system. If you want to see it we will show you. Louis Beehtel Mrs. Need ham, sole affts. 341 State St. Room 4. 8 A. TRACT. S rm. home near Wood burn; Price $4500.' W. G. KRUEGER ' REALTOR 147 N. Com! St. j Ph. 4728 $aooe 31 A. 7niles from Salem. T A. atrawberriea. 7 A. boysen and young berries, 4B.R. house, large L. R. and Dl fireplacei dble. plumbing, full bemt, iamily orchard, plenty of water from spring, nice creek, good income, beautifuit setting, for country! hornet Olson. & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. tWL J- iPh. 4500 Eve; 9536 BY OWNER? 184 seres, good SOU. all culti. Beat corner location t Fruit land. 3 bdzm. house, bath, ; gaa. hot ac coldt water, new dairy barn, milk house. . 3 hen houses, brooder house, garnge. wood ahed. deep well. elec. trie water syatem installed last year. Lights and water in all bldgs. Gas heated brooder.; About i A. grafted Frenquet walnuts, iamily orchard, grapes, berries. William Heskett. Rt. 6. Boar Til. 4 ml. E. of State Hosp. on Center St. i t 10 ACRES of prunes and walnuts, located on Skyline Road. Nice build ing site. Price $1500. CaU O. V. HUME with Grabenhorst Bros. ' REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. ,4131 FOR SALE 30 acres east of Swegle school. All plow land, no bldgs. Price $6750. . Grabenhorst Bros., V REALTORS 134 S. Libertr St. . Ph. 4131 3 ACRES rich soil Norm, plenty good fir timber. garage house 18x20. Price - $2150. 8800 . down, balance 8X4 per mo.- ! 44 acres N. K. It B. R. home, unfin. attic, bath, utility room, well lose ted to store & bus. $4500. ; 9 acres, east, plenty bldxs. $4300. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 9838 Acreage ACREAGES 7 AJ JUST ON EDGE OP TOWN. SOUTH. 1 A. LOGANS, $ A. FIL BERTS 8r WALNUTS. i A. FIG GHOVE. EXCELLENT BLDG. SITE. CAW BB- SUBDIVIDED. YOURS rR-$3i.' ,- $ ACRES 44 MILES WEST. COM- JUKiAliLJ. S RUUH HOME, GA RAGE fc MACHINE SHED. 3 ACRES OF PLOW OB BERRY LAND; 3 ACRES ORCHARD. HERE IS NICE VDXW HOME IN THE COUNTRY $4200. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! i CAU. UAaBf GUSTATSOIf i .Sererin Realty Co. ' - ka M. HlCffST. ' i KXW COLONIAL R0MZ 4 bed rooma, dining rm, living 'tm, lovetar kitUiew. comb, bath and shower. fireplace, taanv chicfesen house, 4 acres. $11,000 Inc. soase furniture. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 94S S. Coral. Ph. 4590 Eve. SSM 17 A. BARGAIN. House. Barn. Ga rage! Soring water in house, year round brook. Some- fruit. Good sou. T mu to Saienv A Good Bly $3500 M. B. STEGNER - $20 N. Commercial Resort ProDXTty RESORT OB COAST PROPERTY roB UI2: Auto court site, nlus mod. borne and a turn, rentals. Room for 12 add. units. Close- in, grand view, tan. pose. Owner, Grace Groves. Florence. Oregon. Suburban j . : SUBURBAN ' -I af aiwrn - nvyam-vtv aa mmr nvAae,. AUTO. OIL FURNACE, HOUSE IS INSULATED. THIS - IS A NEARLY NEW HOME ON WXLL KEPT GROUNDS. MOVE IN FOR 8S&00. 8 ACRES KEIZER DIST. PLANTED LAST SPRING TO STRAWBERRIES. NO FINER SOIL ANYWHERE. 2 BSD ROOM HOME AT $6500. YOU CANT GO WRONGI 4 ROOM REAL MODERN BUNGALOW ON V ACRE: SOUTH. FIR TREES ; AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. 85000. S CALL. JAKE TOOS EVE. PHONE 74T7 Severin Realty Co. 242" N. HIGH ST. 4016 i A REAL HOME ostiy 12: acnes. 10 acres in fruit mi S runes, pears, cherries, walnuts and lberts. 2 good wells, good electric pump Jc preaaure tank, water piped to nouse oarn ac - cmcxen nouae. T nn. house A utility room, wash trays, shower, electric water heater, wired for electric range, good barn, cnicxen house At . brooder house. 2 acres good arden land, good well to Irrigate, dose to school, store cannery, 2 blks. bus ttne Only 8 miles out. Price. $6500 including crop if taken at once. Im mediate plil ision. Out Liberty Rd. to Cunningham Lane, about 2 blka. west. as. a, .searee. uwsassv 1. ueaane. NEW $ RM. SUBURBAN., 3 lota. Cloae hv Boa. $S2S0. Terms. Willamette Real Estate For Sale Used Cars SEE SAM'S WHEN BUYING or SELLING i YOUR CAR i 1941 Weapon Carrier Very low mUeage. Tops for condV tion. New top, never been up. $795.00. 1941 Packard 120 4-Dr. Sedan. Heatac. Radio. Overdrive. Only $1895.00. 1936 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan. Heater. New paint. $328.00.. j.. AT ( Sam's Motor, Co. 455 Chemeketa Street: OPPOSITE FIRE SEPT. Phone 7817 2nd house est right Creek road, at Tur- 32 CHEV. 4 dr. aedan. trunk, $22$. Rt. . Bow M4. Ph. AueasvUle- 78. WU1 hunt trade on young cows. Inquire Baa uros xaraatr. orsw tor Jul. ISM PLYMOUTH. 4 door sedan. 088; Highland. Ph. 9415. J LATE ring trucks and trailers. Far sale with. Job rm N. Front. 1833 CADILLAC touring aedan. V8 motor. Motor ust overhauled. In fair t riition. 198-n: aanv. 1929 Model A Coune 8450 80. New Rings, Balloon -ttrea. CaU 18, AumevUle or writ Rt. 8, Box 144. Salem. Ox. 1933 Pontine Sedan. 1279 N. 18th St 178 IS. Ubertr Ph. 7113 10 ACRES Keizer dist. Best of soil. 89260. Call Mr. Gardner. j 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street 1 YEAR old $ rm. modern home. Hwd. firs., garage attached. This is a good buy. 1 acre N. E. 96500. I Call 3210 BURT PICHA, REALTORS i 337 North High Street OWNER WILL SELL 8 room house with breakfast nook and partially fin ished upstairs In addition; completely modern: hardwood floor throughout: thermostatic gas heat: nice " fenced yard. Best residential district in town. Full basement. Dead end street. Wal nut Park. 820 Rose street. 3 ft years old. 310.500. Ph. 3948. j - i - FOR SALE: Apt. house. 2310 N. 4th, city. See vf1- rxrn -urL- FURNISHED 2 bed room house. automatic heat, now rented 1135 mo. $9200. Ph. 2-1724 or E. M. Colvin, Rad- cliff Drive. BY OWNER I rm. house, partly furn Close to sehooL bua and stores. 1008 For Sale Farms . . 81 ACRE FARM " ' i 8 rm. house, no barn, all level land, On paved road. 7 miles out. Price only HOO0. A REAL VALUE. INVES TIGATE THIS AT ONCE. Grabenhorst Bros. 1 REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. , t . Ph. 4131 21 A. NORTH. 10 A. in cultivation. Balance timber and cut over land. On the edge of Lake Labtm. Very . fine land, a rm. nouse, new nam. Mrs. Reeves or Joe Spurlock R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol 3031 or 8380 : MT0URBKT . M acres, rentlv rollinsr. 0 room house. wired range, large new Grade One barn, cost about $2300. paved ' road, Close sehooL Including 2 extra good horses, some machinery, only $7500. 48 acres, cross-fenced. 13 A. prunes, 8 acre timber. Good 4 bed room house, barn, nrune dryer. Good creek. 12 miles of Salem. Including stock and crops. $10,500. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High $838 ADVERTTSINa Western Adverflsinf Representativea . Ward-Griffith Company, Ina. . San rrancisco . Eastern Ad vertisinf Representatives i " Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. i Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta - :v.''. v:!'' :" .V..'JMember '.--: V U t Padflc Coast Division i v Bureau of Advertising ... :, Entered at the Poatofflce at talent. Areaon as Second doss Matter. Path. ' tinned every morning Except Monday. Busmess ojjic n sown tommer- ciat ctreet. l SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates In Advaneot Within Oregom Dally and Sunday, Mo. an nmtat a moa. SX0O: 1 year. 86.00: Elsewhere 80 cents per mo. or $7 JO for 1 year in advance, far copy nana By City Carrier, 7 cents a month, 09 M a year in advance in Marlon and Business I Di r e c 1 6 Accounting Service ACCOUNTING, i Bookkeanlne nrnn. erty maaagement. Income tax. Businees Service. Co, Masonic Bldg. Ph. 872T. Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Hhan-v dtv Model AlrcrafV 21st as Market. Appliance Service EXPERT Bendlxr and commercial and domestic refrigerator service. Ralph Johnson Appliance. Phone 4036. Art Tile BATH Room, drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 9964. 1149 N. 13th Auto Brakes HXRRALL- OWENS CO. 339 8. Coml alike Pan; 27 S. Conrt. Ph. 8161 Brake and wheel aligning (pec la list Auto & Truck Service MARION MOTORS NASH SALES & SERVICE Experienced mechanics Otto Buff, foreman, $40 Chemeketa, Ph. 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 8. Com! Auto Painting Welding WELDING, Auto painting. Rt. 7. Bx. 408 Bicycles RI CYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott, 147 S. Com'cL P. 4516 .Body & Fender Repairs BXRRAIX-OWENS CO. 339 S, Coml Building Contractor OKRIN S PIN NET, contractor. Designing and remodeling homes. Ph. 9403. Rm. 220 Oregon Bldg Cement ; Contracting CEMENT contracting Ph. 407L C R. Ellis Chimney Sweep Dtiwelory earwa ma by the aaovtti ewly. Sate f 1J85 ttaa per BBonth. Call tlOl UrM fam tor rwnltal RAY MOORE. RADIO TUBES & SER VICE. 3270 Portland Rr. Phone 8433. Invalid Chairs For rent: For sale. Max O. Buren. 748 Conrt St. Phone T775. , - Lawnmower Sharpening MACHINE Grinding and repairing. 2130 Fairgrounds Road. J. F. Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott. "The Cycle Man 147 S. Commercial St Magazine Subscriptions For every magazine published, call Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. Ph. 7828. ; Massage Medical trained masseuse. Ph. 5731. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4088. Musical Instruments Repatring WllTs Music Store P. 4858 Music Lessons PIANO: Instruction. Phone 4454. SPANISH! & Hawtian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569 Painting OPEN for i Painting, inside and out. immediate service, rn. euii. Spray i and brush painting, free estimates. Phone 3-2148. PAINTING Decorating. Ph. 7S58 Painting &Paperhanging PAPERHANGtNG. Reasonable. K. X Woodworth. 1145 S. 13th. Ph. 3018, ( Paper hangg. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3488 EXPERT "i Workmanship Phone 4328 Printing .' i. ' FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets; programs, books or any kind of print teg, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 818 8. Commercial. Tele phone VIOL . ' , OUV CIRCULATOR, furnaces, chim neys cleaned. Ensley. ,771 S. 21st. P 7176 Chiropractic Physician Lloyd : L - Hockett, Physiotherapist. 180 N. Coml., Ph. 4432, Florists EOLA ACRES, Rt 4. Ph. $730. Brelthaupt'a 447 Court Phone 8188 Funeral .Directors HOWELL-EDWARDS. Ph. 3871. ROSE LAWN Funeral Home, 8888 8. Commercial. Ph, 8568, Furnace (3 caning Cooper ar Socw P. 8803 1 Photography HARMON fc KXOSTERMAN. New owners of Bishop Studios, are able to give yon beautiful, natural portrami because 01 tneir exceueni equtpmeni. 820 Ktata. pa 8723. - Plumbing SEE YOUR PLUMBER FIRST 'i for better plumbing supplies and skilled mechanics. John Fisher, Ph. 301$ HOWARD PLUMBING & Sheet Metal Co. 1520 Jiaffersoa. Ph. 8-1448. A. L, t SXEWIS CO. Plumbing Heating, 173 8. ComX Ph. 8323. BOWEN BROS. Plumbing and HeaV aag. au n- com x n. uu. f. Real: Estate Reel Eotsta listings Wntd - STROUT fAfial AGENCY TXX Bos 861 ' i CervalUs. Ore. Radio Service WILL'S Musio Store. 84958. Rugs Uphplst. Cieaned WE HAVE 4 acre, dose to Keizer school with a nearly new 4 bed room buauaw Eletitxic wastas" fi ear, automatic water system. Also barn and hrooder houee. A very ood buy. $1L000.-Call Mr. Cardner. 3210 - ! BERT PTCRA. REALTORS 337 NORTH HIGH STREET 2 ACRES with 8 roam house located Northeast ea paved road, en bus line. About 14 mile from crty limits. Good weO wito, t kit lik water system. Gaa piped in the houee. 20X40 cmcxen house, smaB bam, garage. Price 84750. Complete furniture can be purchased if desired. . i .. Rostein & Adolph Inc. U0",i N. Coml St. (upstairs) Ph. 3030 SALEM Rug St Upholstery Cleaners Phone 4768,! s Sand and Gravel SAND St GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX. All kinds of Road Gravel, genuine River Silt. Clean, sharp Mason Sand Crushed Rock. I COMMERCIAL SAND St GRAVEL CO Phone 2-1968 or 2-3100 M Wanted, f Houses 3 or 4 bedrra. $5O00-$75O0. and 3 bedim. $350834500. Also . ' 2 or 3 bedrm mod4 acreage, close ha Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty I Ph. 7113 SAND. araveL ' crushed rock, ready mixed . concrete and garden, sand. Walling Sand and: Gravel Ph 8561. Sewing Machine Repairing Verne's Repair Service Ph. 302k WE HAVE 5 active salesmen to give your listings prompt, courteous serv ice, j List your home, farm, buminecs and acreage with - ( Huff Real Estate Co. 1 REALTORS 970 S. ComX i 1717 CenUr St. Phone 3793 i Phone 31548 WANT small house; 3 or 3 rm. pre ferably on. north side., Phone 21097. Septic Tanks Cleaned GET my : prices before having work done. Ph. 7404. Permanen. resident of W Salem. Kenneth HameL 1143 8th St Transfer Lester DeLapp Truck Sev. Ph 81730 Gen Hauling. Local & Loo Distance U-DRTVE ' 1 TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn. 197 S Liberty Ph 8082 FOR LOCAL. OR DISTANT transfer stfTAge, burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily, i Agent pierce Auto Freight, including Calif points. Larmex Transfer Co Pa $131 Tire Recapping O R. RuBber Welders Truck - and Passencer. non-directional tire treads on ail trucx ores w b tugs t-a uh Vacsiirm Cleaner Service Verne's Repair Service. Ph. 8038. CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. AH makes Vtoce's Electric 157 S- Lib. TeL $283. free tninection in your home. An tbortzed Hoover service. We service; all makes cleaners Hogg - Bros Ph 8149 Watch-Clock Repair D E. Decker, licensed watch maker. 1964 State. Bh. 21857. . Weather Strips Weather stripe and tnsulatloni -Pullman Ph 8969 free estimates Wood sawing WOOD SAWTNa. Phone 31773. Window; Qeaning WINDOWS. : ftOORS, - Woodwork cleaned. Acme Window Cleaners. Ph. 3337298 N. Liberty, ; ALL work guaranteed. Windows. li .wnrfmrk cleaned. Ftoors wax ed. Injured workmen. Professional Cleantng Sanrtce. Ph. 4437 WINDOWS. Coera sleanert fh 81438 Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO BUY ' large house. Ed Morris. 902 Hayter St. Dallas, Oregon. WANTED to Burt 2 or 3 bed room house with $4000 cash. Box 151 states man, . i" -; ' :" WANTnodem house" ta orout' of Salem with garden spot. Not over $4000 cash. Phone 8-2046. R. 4. Box TS. TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CITY HOME. FARM OR BUSINESS PROP ERTY, SEE OR CALL: SALEM REALTY -CO. ' REALTORS "JTVE ACTIVE SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU" - ' 148 N. HIGH ST. PHONE T880 1936 Chv. Truck long wheel base fiat bed tires i good low mileage motor good shape dual tires. Morton Tompkins. Dayton. Ore., Phone Day ton 61x14. Grand Island. "33 DODGE 4 door. Motor eomp. overhauled. ExcL cond. thruout, -$350i Also man's . pre-war bicycle, new tires. Leaving for service. Rt 4, Box 102. mile S. of E-12th St, Jnct on Sunnyside Hlway. 1936 CHEV. Ilk ton panel. S49 S. High. S. P. Motors. Open day Jr night. 1936 V 8 Fordor sedan. Rec. motor $379. After 8 PH. nurses' home state hospital, room 4 basement. Wanted Used Cars I WE PAY TOPS I Get avers1 dfcno- rows oar to Cash on the Birrel-Hcaxl "CT SHROGK SAL8rS oldest ndepandent WANTED: Late model ear- WW pay cash. Ph. 8815. WANTED: To buy late model ear. win pay caah. Ph. ! 3012 6 PJf. Motorcycles 1948 HASLEY Davidson 45 twin motorcycle, actual mileage 3J33. Ex tra crash guards .steering damper, oil air cleaner, luggage- -carrier, wind shield, saddle bags, metal leg shields. $400. Cherry City MOhng Co., Trade St High St. Ph. 6798J " 1927 HARLEY-Davinaon motorcycle. Very good condition. Must ace to ap preciate. Ph. 5771 eves. i ; ENGLISH MOTORCYCLE. 1939. Fra nis Barnett, excellent tires and motor. 2327 S. ComX ! : For Sale Wood r GOOD 16 in. green edging. Immediate delivery. $8 a load. Ore. Fuel Co, Ph. S533. j : y : 16" O.flr slab. Phone 3380. ,- EDGING slab and block wood mixed $12 double load. Ph. 772L DRY 16 in. stab. Ph. 8444. DRY 16 m. stab and dry 18 in. mill wood. Ph. 772L GHEEN old growth 16 Ut prompt delivery Phone 6444 NOTICE: D7 sale, rent or exekaege. hat tt with We- have aU kinds cash Myers. STATE FINANCE CO REAA.TBKX 812 Guardian - Bldg, . Business Opportunities - CBOTKRY STORK : ' HERE XS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A WELL PAYING BUSI NESS AND HOME. THE STORE INCLUDES WALK-IN COOLER. SCALES, CASH REG., MEAT SLIC XM St MEAT . GRINDER - St ICE CREAM" CABINET. THE ' NET IS ABOUT $350 , PER MONTH. IN CLUDED IS' ABOUT $1000- IN STOCK, MOST . OF THE FURNISH INGS OF A 8 BED ROOM HOUSE ARE INCLUDED. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. BUT IT TAKES CASH I 88500. . Severin-Realty Co. SIS N; HIGH ST. r ' 40 1 6 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Consists of 25 stools and 7 booths. Big walk-in cooler. Taylor refrig. Com nlate fountain with beer bar. Fully equipped. , tocteding stoek, -Averaging better wan tiee per oay. a yr. lease with livtnr ouarters et 840. per month. All for $5500. See MR, LARSEN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., Phone 4108 - REALTORS ' Z , mcOMS PROPERTY f-ln in AAK north. 100 ft. fronts fa. exMllent location tor auto court. Haa good income now.. Call at office for particulars. ; . v if vou are aoekinK for an investment In an apartment house that paya over 30 en gross investment, once. A. real buy. . .... Olson & Reeve, : Realtor 843 8. ComX Ph. CM Eve, 823$ COMPLETE 3 chair barber shop fix tures focaale. Cheap av. ruga. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. Ph. 8683 Immediate delivery. la mm n $1480 lmroedtate delivery. Phone 6683. For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars T SHROCK To Buy Your Car TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR i . ! CORNER CHURCH AND CmaffiKETA STREET. 11 Stndebaker 4-Door Sedan, radio and hcalcr f : ' 40 Buick Special 4-Door Conv. Sedan, complete overhaul : ' , ' . I1' ' I 40 Hudson 4-Door Sedan : A ; 39 WiUys 4-Door Sedan 38 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan 38 Olds 4-Door Sedan ! 36 Dodge 4-Door Sedan 36 Terra plane .Coupe jL 36 Olds Coupe j . 41 Dodge 4-wheel drive pickup j A few lower priced cars 1 Glider Trailer House 1 Covered Wagon Trailer House v. ! And Motorcycles I SHROCK ! MOTOR CO I Corner Church and Chemeketa Phone 7922 j Phone 8502 DON'T MISS THESE BUYS . SPECIAL 1940 Mercury Conv. Sedan R&H . As is price S1224, Warranted $1530, our price $1000 . ' . 1 1841 PONTIAC 8 PASS. COUPS RAH 1841 PONTIAC 4 DR. SEDAN RAH 1941 CHEV. 8 PASS. COUPE R4tH 1840 BUICK SUPER 4 DR. SEDAN RAH 1938 FORD COUPE R&H . TWO 1836 DODGE SEDANS R&H MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM NOW $75 ON UP ( ' A R C. MOTORS ' .4 1283 STATS j PHONE 854$ YOU GET MORE Carefree miles per dollar when you buy a used car hereplt is WHAT YOU GET for WHAT YOU jPAY that gives you real car yaluesThw week we have on hand 1841 DODGE TUDOR 1841' CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 1841 HUDSON CLUB COUPS 183S CHEVROLET TUDOR 1030 PORD TUDOR 1828 PORD TUDOB 1841 WILLYS STATION WAGON mt STDDEBAKER COUPS 1838 DELUXE rORD TUD08V 1836 CHEVROLET COUPE " 1831 PORD rORDOR US PORD COUPE TRUCKS TRUCKS TRUCKS 1040 PORD BTAKEBED TRUCK ma DODGE CARGO TRUCK 1838 DODGE DUMPS 1838 G. M. C. STAEYBSD I 1841 GMC 44 DUMP BARGAIN 1841 FORD SCHOOL BUS i r.. BURG0YNE 10R;C0. ':; .vf Three LocaUoiu J ;P SALEM High Woodburn Highway 88 aJCBANON 89T Ma4a St. 1941 Mercury : : Convertible Club Coupe RADIO 8c HEATER. I OVERDRIVE. SPORT LIGHTS St SPOT LIGHTS. CEILING PRICE $1690. Eisner Motor Company 1841 Packard "lir a pas. epe.' Ore. blue finish, seat covers, overdrive, heater, nearly new tires, low mUeage. 1840 Ford Deluxe 2 dr. son., original black finish, good tires, motor dust overnaaiied, new seat covers. 1936 Chrysler sedsn. BURTON'S MOBILE STATIO At Hollywood Phone 8764 , Eve. or Sun. 7804 IBM Ply. 4 dr? seUuv GoM Good tires. Leonard Obersinner, Woodburn Rt. S. Box 287. 8 miles S.E. of Woodburn and mi. w. of McKee. m n sub SX ner cord Cord. IK at 2 cord lead. Capital Lumber ft Fuel csv Ph Tm. ,. Lost and Found POUND: Wed. night, female Cocker Spaniel puppy. Call 848 N Summer. ' LOST: Dlscharse service emblem. Cannot be replaced. Ph. 4185 day times LOST: Hunting, doi bnmrn naaa. f none white body. LOST: 828 bill by . Statesman carrier between Summer 6c Liberty ac Union A Sntnnine-. Finder nlease contact pale Bertsch, 828 N. Winter. Liberal STRAYED to mv place. S sheep. Identify and pay for ad and keep. 798 N. .in. Business Opportunities HOME AND INCOME - " Good modern up to date court, cloae fov 8 modern unite aU furnished., For particulars see Grabenhorst Bros REALTORS i 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4121 Modern Auto Court 8 Unite. Hwy. B9E. $23,000. Some terms.. , . Willamette Real EsUte 17S S. Liberty Ph. 711S SERVICE STATION AND -BUILDING On large down town corner with 168 fees on center sc mem 942,000. ; . Grabenhorst "Eros. REALTORS' 134 S. Liberty St. - ph.4in FOR SALE: Grocery store and ser vice slattocr- witb modern living ouar ters. S room cabin, large lot, garage, tool shed and wood shed, all equip ment and stock, on ocean route be tween Tiomook and Neakowin. $3008. fnone, a naasnv - - TRUCKS 1840 DODGE CARGOS 8888 1938 CHEVROLET LWB . 1941 DODGE PICK-UP 1938 DODGE DUMP y j , Hcrrall-Ow ens Co." 238 S. Coml Phone ' $168 88 FORD "pick-up truck, rear end 8c overload spring. Stock rack built on. To trade for late model car... ,' Mac & Jim ' ' Phone 8428 CENTER St CHURCH Lodges Pacific Lodge No. SO. A- P. as A. M. M. M. Degree,! Friday. September 14. 1 P. Mi DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS ' a.Blrda.aan I lT.Maacullne : 1.81am claas 1 pronoun 5. Not working S. EEs; of a I SO. Expression 9. Wicked 10. Expenalva 1L BrtaUe-llka part 12. Medieval story p. God of p888UT8 ' 14.Thua . 18. Punctua tion inarlt 18. Kuaicnot8 19. Ajnericaa Indian 2L Sacred pictura (Rus8.Ch.) 24. Unit of conductance .(Dec.) 25. Pulsa.t8 ' 27. Great artery from heart 31. Cistem . S3. Smear 34. Axrees 35. aCiatar fabbr.) X9.DuU 40. I?nof , - tnfiniUTS 4Lretlsh 42. Genus of 32j 41. Tenclns; louse 22. Coordinat- . Transparent subs tan ca 5. Fishes S. Wood dead on the tree 7. Goods cast overboard at sea j 8. Rub out 13.TounfOf j theherrinr 15. Unit of tnton- junclion 23. Memorask dum book 28. Undeveloped flower 28. Radium v (sym.) . 29. "Water glass 30. Hmstda dugout 12. Wsger IT U.TtrjBASjTJt ?ril IJ Y IMS ft ? Mi 1 y "15 Riojf TTTt 1 " t wff a A 5 I Tg tlAJS 1 -H electrical i 24. Public notice resixtance 15. Smash Teeterdsy's Aaswer 3. Kind Of lily vtr 37. Couches ;:: 4L River (Fr.) , 43. Female sheep . 45. Open (poet.) 4 (.Not fast 7.Pf0j8CtSCX sndofs church . IS.FUh 49. Prophet tneci. i' t r r w r r r y4 . Al U U 14 . WWW - m. W4"& 4 c M Al A AS j e . a h i W2 TiT : vTW Wr -. 1 v wr w