The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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; - Tt OniGOIl CTATEC! IAN, c!rt Ore-oa, Friday Homing, September 14 IMS
I Ml
ii i
Communiques dept: "Why don't you come out end see me at
the Portland Open golf tournament Sept '27-28-29-30 et Portland
golf club?" comes an ad card with such words aa caption for, a
full picture of "Miss Fairway," queen of the meet whose same picture
we ran hereabouts last week . ... Don't worry, girUe. IThe links
laddies will be out en masse to see you and Byron Kelson, Ben
Ilogaiy Sammy Snead, et al .v. Incidentally, this same pix of "Mis!
Fairway" is such a dinger, (if golf gals wore such scantlea as that,
male membership at the clubs would soar 100 per cent per day) it
rates the favorite pin-up spot above
the bar at SGC . . . An AP dis
patch from Eugene the other night
listed as aspirants now working
out under Tex Oliver the follow
ing: Jim Stuart, Dick - Ashcom,
Len Surles 1 and Ed Moshofsky,
tackles, and; Russ Nowling, Dlck
Home, Hymie Harris and Bill
awayiavaaj vuvto v - wvuvm
the late comers, those cents took I -
turns being heroes for Oliver at
the turn of the' '40s,' before ' the
war started, and are now listed
on the UO alumni scrolls .
Mebbe Publicist Dick Strite was
just dreaming, or trying to scare
. heck out of the other, northern
divisioners V. . Coach Duke Trot
ter has departed with transfer
from Willamette, all right, but
. we're told he didn't check In at
Oregon j State's ROTC after all.
! El Duke was stricken with sharp
i pains In the back of his head before leaving WU and was told by
I navy docs to sign In at Camp Adair hospital for a checkup . Those
f who believe even the Intramural footballing at WU left with Trotter
should be at Sweetland, 2 p. 'm. Saturday, to watch the "Cardinals"
! play the; "Golds", in the official homecoming: grid game. The V-12
I 'mural gridders are still very much active . ! . Mgr.-Marv-Owen-for-
I mayor-dept: Charley Graham, dean of the Coast baseball wheel as
,-, prexy of-the San Francisco Seals, has this to say about Beaver
? Skipper Owen:, "Marv Owen of Portland is a college graduate and
as a manager a big improvement on some of the roughnecks I knew
in the early days.! Graham was rendering a ditty entitled The
j. Coast league this year has the best set of managers in its history." . . .
Molalla Comes Up With Youngie Don Wilton ........
- Duration league football mentors may not know it, but this Don
Wilson, their new member skipper at Molalla Is the same McMinn-
ville Wilson who can still qualify
Margin Cut to
7 Games;
Five Victories
r W V Pet. - 1- W Zj Pet.
I'ortJnd J06 M jnt Oaklnd S4 S7 .401
Seattle . 99 T3 Jilt Sn Dig 7S M ASi
Sacramnt M 80 .535 Ls Afflf 71 100 .418
San J an 91 BZ J2 HUywd er loo -37
Scores Thursday: At Portland . San
Diego- f: at Seattle 1-Si Sacramento
3-4: at Oakland 13. Los Angelas 1; at
Hollywood 0-10, San ITanciac 1-t.
- , , : rv '
PORTLAND, Ore- Sept 1S-(JP)
Sixth-place San Diegf' upset the
loop-leading 'Portland 5 Beavers,
5-4, In a lengthy Pacific Coast
league ' game tonight f Clouting
Beaver moundsman Hoy Helser
for 14 hits, the Padres pushed
over the Winning runs In l the
eighth after Portland knotted the
score; at J-all In the sixth. The
series now stands 2-1 for Port
land. , m -:-:--TisV3-'-
AS H -i AB K H
Crlacola. cf I I S Shonei - ef 8- S
Thmnion. rf 4 01 Cnrfrd. ss 4
Gyseunn, 3b 4 f 1 I Younaer, 4
as the youngest coach In the state.
He takes over Buckaroo head
coaching at the ripe old age of
23, but it Isn't his first major j
Last' year, while still attend!
Linfield college' and racking up
all those basketball points for Hen
ry Lever's wartime Wildcats, Wil
son guided the hoop and track
destinies of the McMinnville Griz
zlies preps as head man and as
sisted with football- And surpris
ingly enough, he came within one
lame against Newberg of getting
the Grizzlies to the state hoop
. tourney! ' - "
McMinnville students (and it's
the same at Molalla already, .we
hear) often needed written proof
that Wilson was the coach instead
nfW. a fellow student, and little
wonder. Take a look at the pic
ture topside. But the newie is
married (just), has a hitch In
the marines behind! him and at
tended Oregon (three years),
Washington (one year) and Lm
f ield in quest of his coaching cer
tificate. Incidentally, Wilson tells that
Oral Robbins, ' the new man at
McMinnville after moving over
'rom Vernonia, steps into a prep
basketball valhalla with the Griz
zlies. The three key men on last
'vinters right good team. Includ
ing point-producing George Alii
on at forward, will be on the
welcome committee for Robbins.
yehon HomeUnhappy'i
v Surprise visitor this week ls
l ? 1c Bruce Nelson, ex-Woodburn
j, athlete and Statesman sports re
ixrter. And Bruce is one sailor
ight sick of It all. In the navy
,'ust about a; year, he's spent most
ft it. bouncing around in nearly
v the GI hospitals in California
vhile the docs try to cure his
'heumatic fever. He's okeh now.
ut was told another attack might
aylay him at any time. At least
r , e's been reassigned to the Del
'lonte base lor more radio tech
: 'f '.raining following his leave.' In-
i i identally, Del Monte is no longer
n .premgni scnooi, out is now
. . .'.traight radio tech, says Bruce.
. i "Old Oregon," U of O brochure
"j -ub-lined as "The first postwar
" news j of your' alma mater," lists
. n story on Tex Oliver and hia re
:'.urn from the wars as Webfoot
veld boss. The lead of the piece
i surprising enough, for it lists
rot only the war's start as reason
i or his departure to service but
. "Iso that Infamous 71-7 whacking
; Texas handed the Ducks in .'41'. To
jit: Tex was in rather low spirits
Anyway, and the Jap attack -on
Pearl Harbor a, day following
1 Oregon's 71-7 football defeat at
;t he hands of Texas-was too much.
Vt jcost the Webfoots their football
.'oach for three years. The com-
!ined events made Gerald A. Ot
i ver so mad he Immediately volun-
:crcd for active duty with both
the army and the navy and In
April of 1942 he accepted a com
mission aa lieutenant commander
',i the naval reserve, regardless of
having attended the. US military
y academy- at West Pomf
Gerald A. must've beenmad.
Sacs'" 3-4,. Sicks. 1-5'
" im eoo't 1 10 1
' , . ."'fca ovo i I .
hr and ichlueter: Tischer ana
fill 100 o
A2i 011 W 10 S
On Albany 11'
ALBANY-(Special) - Although
a banner turnout of 82 aspirants
greeted new Coach Rex Hunsaker
at Albany high, only six wore the
big "A" for footballing in 1844.
The six - - End Larry Workman,
Guard Bob Marsh, Tackle Norm
Kelty, Fullback Don Allen and
Halfbacks Al Edwards and Don
Eastburn - are expected to form
the nucleus around which Hunsa
ker will build the 1943 team.
The Bulldogs can be expected
to be light and inexperienced this
season, for of the 82 in the turn
out -exactly; five are seniors in
school. Most of the aspirants are
on the wee size, adding another
furrow to the Hunsaker brow.
Much fight; and enthusiasm has
been noticed in daily workouts by
the squad, however.
. Albany . opens its schedule at
M e d f o r d September 21. From
there: ' 1 '
Seotembar SS North Tfenrf hr.
October S . Salem there ). October
IS Xusene there (). October 10
Bend here (). October M Sprine
fleld here (). Moveinber S Lebanon
there. November 13 ConralUs here
I). () denotes Mo-Name leasue
same. , ,
..' i - ... ,
t Asks
For Grid Tiffs
; FARRAGUT,' Idaho, Sept 13-(iP)-The
Farragut naval training
center today was seeking dates
with several northwest colleges
for its new football team which
promises to be studded with sev
eral former college players.
' JT. C Wofford, chief . athletic
specialist and former Southern
Methodist university back who is
coaching the team, said he was
negotiating with the University of
Montana, Montana State college,
Utah Stat, University of Wash
ington and Washington State
college. He also wants dates with
other service teams In the Pacific
nofthwest j
Vezelich. If 4 1
Prout,; lb I i 0
Griggs, e 8,0
Dunphy. lb 1.1
Nowles, p 4
Trshd. s I 1
BOKfn, XX . i .
BaUinser, 0 0
1 Owen 3b S
1 Cnxliah, Sb 4
1 uiuuci rx e
t SouzaJ 8
lHelsei p 4
6 Barton, x 1
1 Escobar, jd l l
O Lucheat. uO I
S 14 TotaAs " SO 4 U
Ran for Crisss to Sjtu
x Batted for . Souza - m Sth.
xx Batted for
in Sth.'
Ban for. Shaba In Sth.
San Diego , f, ' i MO 020 S
Portland - . 000 102 0104
- Errors: . Griggs, Kubiak, ,Younker,
Souza. ' Runs batted in: vezeUch. KU
biak. Gullie. - Gyselman. Barton. Hel
ser. Boken. .Two-base hiss: Vezelich.
Crawford. Kublak, Enrlisn Z, Dunphy.
Three-base hit: crucoia. stolen bases
Criscola. Rhabe. Sacrifices : Dunphy,
Crigrs; ' cyseiman. - iXiuDie plays :
Know lea to Griggs to Prout, English
to Owen. Xnowles to Prout. Left on
e:. San Diego t. Portisjnd 11. Bases
on balls: Helser. Knowies . struce
outs: ' Helser 4. Knowlest S. Earned
runs: Helser S. Knowles ,3. Hit by
pitcher: -by Knowles (orwen). wiia
Ditch: "Knowles - X.. Umpires: Powell
and . Edwards. Time 4:10. i Attendance
100 estimated.
Ti"-,. , .... .: ! :
Oaks 13, Seraphs 1
Los Angeles LI. 010 OOO ttOO 14 0
Oakland ;..-,.:..-.-.z33 iioiai' i i
Lammers. K. Kicks (l)s and Bren
ner; Mann -ana Kearse. .1 s
Seals 1-9, Stars ;0-l6
San Trancisco 000 COO 01 1 3 1
Hollywood 000 000 00 7 9
OreUs. Buzolich (8) and ' Sprinx.
Ogrodowski (S); Legault and Hill. -San
Francisco 100 002 004 001 0 10 3
Hollywood -004 002 001 WO 10 17 S
- i ansen, Baruieuon ro. ;riercy ).
Buzolich (10) .and Ogrodotiwski; Mar
shall, Mlshasek (9) and 1 Schimllng.
HU1 (). - .. i m i
Metz Graclls j
Course Mam 1
TULSA, Okla, 'Sept.! .-)-
Dick Metz, an Arkansas! rancher,
clipped! seven strokes from par
71 today to set a new Southern
Hills golf course record s,he and
Dr. W.I J. Bryan, Tulsifeamed
to win a pro-amateur; low-ball
round' preliminary to the south
west invitation tournament, l.
In the professional fielf, Sammy
Snead had the second best round
with 69. John Butler land Ben
Hogan tied for third witi 71's. Ky
Lalfoon and 1 Harold (ug) Mc
Spaden had:72V . . ;.
Babe?ijO gling
Congress S$at
SPOKANE gepi lSwA-Ash-ley
EJ Holder political writer
for the Spokesman-Review, wrote
tonight that Orin E. (B&be) IIol
lingbery, former Wlshingten
Wsahlngton State eoIlge foot
ball coach, "may seek the demo
era tie nomination for congress
la the fourth district next year."
-Ia Yakima, where he Is operat
ing Ids) fruit ranch, Dolllngbery
aid he had no political ambitions
17 bat added, "stranger thinxs have
V 'm m a i ' S -
nappeoeo.- . ;
New Passing Rule Won't Alter Grid Game Very Much
New Passing 4-2S-1 Ppta
CHICAGO, Sept. 13-K-The
forward pass will be flipped en
fettered on the collegiate grid
iron thisMsU, bat the new rale
permitting aerials from any
where behind the scrimmage Use -wont
torn football Into a rough-; ;
and-tamble7baketball gamcv ' ',
James. C. Maker, ee years a
referee and : now assistant " to ; -Athletie
Commissiooer Kenneth
L. (Tug) Wilson ef the Big Ten,
thinks that the abolition ef the.
fire-years-back limit for passe -wCl
add a moderate .threat te .
effenstve play, bnt that It . win
take an exceptional passer to
folly utilize the change. - r
Td say that 75 percent of the
time, passes will continue te be
... . . i . . - - - -
tossed well behind the acrlm
snace line where the passer can
spot his receiver and benefit
from his line's protection," as
serted the dean ef Big Ten whistle-blowers,
x ' ,; ., , : ;:,
; "The: new rule- mainly will
pep up ground offensives, keep
ing defensive line-backers from
nishlnt la two throttle, running,
plays before -they can set start-'' -
v ;' '.4 - '
; ;' Coach Lynn Waldorf ef North
western predicted : that many
teams wiU experiment with the
nlck pass close behind the line
early In .the season, bnt event
A uaUy will try only one er two a
game "The pros have bad un
restricted passing for years, bnt
even Sid Lnckman and Sammy
Baugh threw . nine out of 10
times from way back,? he said.
. Poach Harry Stnhldreher ' ef
W isconsin - also minimizes the
threat ef the new rule. "Don't
forget a strapping, big tackle can
nearly reach five yards after the
ball ts snapped and your short
- pass ts a goner," he smiled. "It
wffl be impossible te get accur
acy en passes that must be shot
from the hip, as it were."
Masker said he believed most
MahMi would use the tee for
kteknffi now permitted under
the revised code. It will make
for high, long klckoffs and give
the crowds a Iener thrCl en
'football's most specUcnlar play.
Three new rules wlU call for
sharper officiating than ever, ne
said. -.These - Include require
ment that blockers. keep hands
and arms In contact with the
body; elimination ef the penalty
for running Into the kicker: and
the need for official: te aeeXthe
Initial contact before charging a
cupper penalty.'
S r TKi MrW, i am A. t TS" II 11 M
j evlk Lead : ft .
1 "
In Final lmimff
Garils, GuLs Idlerr-
Walter Masterspn.bested Bob. Fel
ler jn a battle between former
sailorsMonight, pitching Washing-
to too '4-0 shutout .over Cleve
land's Indians and reducing De
troifs first-place lead to cdie-half
game 'over the Senators .'''!'"'.'' "
' Veteran" Jim Tbiri biew.'iup. In
the, ninth inning, giving up ithree
blazing hits and two walks id rap
id succession, and the league lead
ing Detroit Tigersr;lost : another
game they thought -they .already
had won to Connie -1 Mack's Ath
letics, S-2.. .:.; i". .zl.-
: The Boston Red Sox flubbed a
ninth Inning ' routine double j play
setup to give the St Louis Browns
and their Nelson Potter a 2-1 vic
tory.;. ; " r: X. '
Hard Luck Bill Zuber" bit! Into
another hitter - goose-egg,' as the
Chicago White - Sox blanked the
New I York Yankees 7-0, all the
runsl coming in the 10th inning,
with Zuber was knocked from the
box, after having blanked the pale
hose with one hit during the 'first
nine. frames. - . ' -
In the National loop, Philadel
phia at Chicago sjnd the Cards'
double-bill - with Brooklyn were
washed out. Both will play two
games tomorrow.
The New York Giants dropped
their sixth straight game byj the
margin of one run when they Were
beaten by the Cincinnati Reds 3-2.
Driving' for' ' third place, f the
Pittsburgh - Pirates '-parlayed ' a
meager seven hjts into a double
fictory over the Boston Braves,
winning 2-0 in the nightcap after
taking the first game, 4-3. Fritz
Ostermueller hurled the shutout,
scattering six Boston blows.
Cy Blanton Dead
NORMAN, Okla, Sept! 13-4P)-Darrell
(Cy) Blanton, one time
major league'! baseball ) pitcher,
died here today at the age of 38.
Good Ilousekeeping, Nicholson
Insurance, ; Quisenberrys, ; and
Miller Furniture scored wins as
the Ladies Bowling league .began
play Thursday night on the Per
fection alleys. f ; ' X
McNeil J4T 1H ISO ZS
r-"-" ' i ISO .135404
Bsrqulst ' - It M 15-111
Rsth -, , , U S4 Sl-SSO
Holt . SO ISO . J4S S67
Totals . 481 04 S30 169S
good ouscKccrcro co. o.
Whltworth , 1JS 1S 14S 438
Jones , ,- , - 1S S97
Pert- 131 1231 137 390
Albrich . 03 102 -110 305
PesTy ; iM
-lift 14a 157450
.027 T05 S4S 1ST7
U. Smith
Dot Cooper
Muelhaupt .
-131 151
.114 181.
-Ill :13U
SO 350
11T 334
t i
:.. ".S10 OST S44 1SS1
G. Clark . ,.. SS W SS-S7S
j n r.M an .an. ,i aa
etcr,C.Jonnsonanuy..,. &
14ffi 100-409
m 100-025
J64 551; 4S1 15S
Shriner . ;, ', , ,
Jodson ?
Donherty .... ....
Merritt . , -
1581 159479
1351 149308
mi 117393
132: 123 3S
U4i 150415
Totals L- ..LiS84
M. Zimmerman i , HO
J. Evana 141
.884 1591 707 2049
Possehl 4
IN 113 SSI
in 13S 400
SO? 00398
127: 124393
US; 110390
-074 000
S97 1871
Poulia 4 -i 144 1611 144 5
Hubbard i 131? 14 SS
Bo-rd , 110 153? 191381
Srifley ' -i 1 f, 14A -131 14J 419
Meyer , ; . iaa I44j 143464
Totals I :' !,,
Clark . .
Anderson -
-699 7331 689 2121
102 147381
141 159414
07 124 334
154 1:9 521
16 : 2C3 5J4
.630 630 633 2193
Cadet midshipmen Bovrdat and Davila Oeft) park on '(" wwtchins; Ken Strong (rlsrht).
new backfield coach at the merchant marine academy. Kings Point, N. Y, tesch kicking pointers
to Cback Wise and Owen Sprance, I "
Davidson to Grapple ones
If It's tongh gays dasky Ka
fus Jones wants en bis armory
mat ' menu, be gets one next '
Tuesday night . In Matchmaker
Elton Owen's malm event. Mean
le Kofe. "Snowball" U the
sneerins; customers, vhaa been
signed te grapply burly Bocke
Davidson, the ex-marine . with
the bow lets and ability to bash
with most any ef the bad boys.
It will be Jones first excursion
against a matador who can pall
Just 'as much hair, and deliver
just as many bops en the whis
kers as the next gar since he
Joined the circnlt. Burly Bocke
Is strictly on the rugged side in
most of his matches.
Jones has waltsed through
three straight opponents since
coming to the ; local bleep bin
and is figured as overripe for a
shellac kin-. He! and Bucko pro
duced a mild squabble this week
as Davidson referred the Jones
Ernie Pilose mix, but same Buc
ko ."won" that one when dusky
Rafe was plastered with a $25
fine following the match for us
ing bis bead' butts on the referee.
.This time he can use 'em and
escape financial punishment. -'
The balance ef the card,' In
e 1 a d Ing spectacular newcomer
Joe Lynam, will be signed and
announced later. .
Warriors Risk
Perfect Record
FORT LEWIS, Sept 13?
The nation's outstanding baseball
record will be laid out on the
block when the unbeaten galaxy
of major league stars from Fort
Lewis battle the third place Sac
ramento Solons i of ' the Pacific
coast league here Monday after
noon. ' - - "
The Warriors will take the field
with 40 consecutive victories In
as many starts. : . ' j
Record! Crowd
Sees Pro Tiff
The greatest crowd ever to at
tend a professional football game,
90,218 persons, saw the Philadel
phia Eagles defeat the champion
Green Bay Packers, 28 to 21, in
the Philadelphia" Inquirer's char
ity game in Municipal ' Stadium
tonight 1 . -.- : -.-'.,. .
For the greater part of the con
test the Eagles widely outclassed
the Packers and they held an ap
parently safe 28 to 7 lead with
less than two minutes to go. But
in those two minutes the Packers
capitalized - V on , f two recovered
fumbles to score as many, touch
downs and force the Eagles to
freeze the ball in the final sec
onds before the gun.
Waterman, Estey
Four-handicapped Bud Water
man and Leo Estey, a pair of the
better waiters among the regulars
at Salem golf course, were first
victims yesterday . as the Men's
club fall handicap tournament
swung into first round play. Wat
erman went down before 11 -handicapped
Harry Gustafson by a
1 -up count, and Estey who bat
tled Walt Cline, r4 in the semi
finals of this year's city cham
pionship tourney, -was eliminated
by four-handicapped - Frank - Al
brich." .- " I : ' ' '.. . '.':
All first round matches in the
meet are deadlined Sunday tiight
. o ab m H rt.
CiTarretta, Cubs i-115 433 -09 156 JS0
Holmes, Braves a in lis zox
Rosen. Dodeera 129 fr0 114 1M J33
Boudreau. Indiana 97 340 00 1M Jf
Cucemello. Wo. Sox 111 SSO 48 110 JSi
Case, Senators --111 459 67 139 A.3
Home runs: National league
Holmes. Braves 28. Workman. Braves
22, Adams, Cardinals 23.- American
leafue Sterhens. Browns 22. York
Tilers IT. Cullenbine. Tigers IT.
Runs batted in: National league
Walker. Dodfers 113. Holmes, Braves
108, Adams, Cardinals 108, Americsn
league Xtten, .Yankees 95. York,
Xiers IS. CAiUonbuie, Tigers S3.
. W L. Pet.. W X, Pet
Detroit SI 89 J79 Clevelan 67 S7 J00
Washinet 82 61 J71 Chicafo r SS T4 .479
St. Louis 73 OS J51S Boston OS 79 .400
New Yrk 71 00 -522 Philadel 4 SO
Scores Thursday: At. Washington 4.
Cleveland 0: at . Philadelohia 3. De
troit 0: at Bortoh I. St. Louis 2; at
New York 0, Chicago 1 (10 innings).
I . . W L Pet. W L Pet
Chicago SS 50 AS3 N Yrk 73 67 Jul
St Louis 84 63 .613 Boston- 09 SO .424
Brooklyn 78 61 .551 Cneinnt 87 81 .413
Pittsburg 79 05 340 Philadel 41 90 JO0
Scores Thursday: At St Louis-
Brooklyn, S .games,; rained ' out; at
Chica so-Pblladelphia. rained out; at
Cincinnati . 3. New York 3: t Pitts
burgh 4-2, Boston 2-0.,
. WASHINGTON', Sept 1IvhDp
Washtngtow pitchers Marine Pier-
ettl and Alex Carraaquel traded
locker ' room punches tonight
- ever a-pet bat -
, Here's 'the. story teammates
told ef the fight wnlch preeeeded
tonight's game' between the Sen
ators and Cleveland:
PiereUl had a bat be dearly
loved because he got three bits
with It in a reeeat game. Car-
raseoel has beea asing the sax
bat In practice. Tonight Plerettt
insisted the bat belonged to him.
Carrasanel wealdat give .lt bp.
Whereepon Plerettt. a 15
peonder, started punching Car
: rasonet a aix-foeter. Abevt
.-decern blew, am lethal, were
strack before teammates pried
them apart;! v " : ' I
1 - Tne enlr damage reported was:
L Te Carraaqnet He has a slight
eat ever his left eye. 2. The bat
Carrasa.ael basted it ever a leek
er., . . - . - f . . .
Mora CtenfortzWoxtxing
Here fa a pleasant way to overcome
loose plate discomfort FAS TEETH, an
Im Droved Dowder. sprinkled en upper
and lower plates holds them firmer so
that they feel more comfortable. No
rummy. Rooey, pasty' taste er seeun
It's alkaline non-acid). Does not sour.
Checke-i'plste odor (denture bresth)
Get TASTtmi today at any drug
store. . . I . Z . . .
Service Grid
Friday Night -
Star-studded Flier
: Eleven Draws 50,000
LOS ANGELES, Sept l.-iFr- -
XWO service uuuu "c w-wuu
air force super bombers ; of Colo-
a. Cnnnve - CcAn.. land . tna
l BUV , , v f ! . '
Fourth air force flier, who, call
Los Angeies noine - Jwiuue vw
morrow. night in tne seasons gna
nnener at the coliseum before an
expected 50,000 fans' r J , 1
. Coached by MaJ. Ed , Walker, .
fnmif Stanford claver. the Su
aWtftMVa mrmm, m m W ' ,
nerbombers will feature a aouDie .
wing attack paced by; ' Fullback
rraiiJde Sinxwicn, lormer, ueor
gik ail-American and Ray Evans,'
Kansas triple-threat." A 225pound
fine headed by Clyde (Bulldog)
Turner of the Chicago Bears es-
slim' favorites.' " 'X '' -iv
The Fourth fliers, coached by
Lt John; Baker, r. one-time ;, USC
Leicht- ot Oregon and" Johnny "
Strzykalskl, Marquette, f aliernat-
ing at Quarterback and left half in ;
the-T formation. -; . - j
Faces Vebfeet
,'. EUGENE, Ore., Sept : IS
Busy running his green squ
through practice sessions twice'
day. Coach Tex Oliver ' admitted
today his University of Oregon
eleven ,wDl be underdogs when
they meet the Washington Huskies
September 29. ' 'v: .'V I : ."- r! 'i
, The Webfoots also will be on
the short end ' of ' odds' j in their
games with California and UCLA,'
he , predicted.. There still is only;
one veteran on xthe team. Bob
Reynolds of Portland, j t '
The season's" first Injury hit
the Oregon football squad during
a practice; session today.- Dale!
Warberg, ' alternate " first-string
left end from Eugene, suffered a
pulled - stomach - muscle while
tackling the dummy. ; I ; ''
ad .
Huskies Land
Baseball Wliiz
. 1 -
SEATTLE, Sept 13 Hf)- Bob
Goldstein of Spokane, selected as
ae e . aa I a mm '
ine vv asmngion-iN ortn xaano ah
American boy 'baseball represent
ative this summer, checked in to
day at the University of Wash
ington as a freshman, scotching
earlier reports he planned to en
ter the University of Blinds. He
is outstanding aiso ai DasaeiiMui,
earning an all-state berth as
guard in the 1944 state tourna
ment won by his Lewis and Clark
high school team.' - j .
: 7:15 (Ol'GLGBEEI & tl : -.
' - tVi m2es north on Elver Eoerd. Camping fcicgiaesj rettcrurant t'.ore, lc