The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    i !
' 1
? wrecon. xnaoy Morning, September It 1 345
Ensign Olcott
Said Liberated
t .
if .11 :A
imn THE FIFTH ARMY, Italy rreant Mom J. Skaux, Z004
Market street, Salem. Ore, is congratulated by Lt. Gen. Luclan
Ki Truscott, Jr, Fifth army eommider, after receiving the brooxe
sUr medal for meritorious service la support of eombat operations
In Italy. (Signal corps photo from Fifth army)
Salem Colonel Gels Silver . .
Star for Guerrilla Warfare '
.t -.!:, i
Col. Charles W. Hedges, whose1 wife resides at 2330 Hayden
ave.; Salem, has been awarded the Silver Star, medal "for gal
lantry in action against the momv ln Tdn9A nmVtn" if:.j -
Philippine islands, during the nerind f Tfavemh'
March. 1944. Disnlflwintf nonnnil I 1 : I 1
s "... -- ..i.i. ... . - . . .
ciiauon, -ana superb leadership
and demonstrating - his tactical
sJclU, determination and bravery
unaer nre, he organized and per
sonally led a guerrilla division
through the darkest period ; of I
Philippine history. "
"Tinte after time he nut him.
self in combat at the head of his
men, j during three different In
vasions by the Japanese. His t.
cellent leadership was the major
role eventually driving the Jap
anese from .the province. His pa
triotism is only exceeded hv h?
personal courage and professional
skill. The heroic action of Pnlnnoi
Hedges Is in keeping with the
Highest tradition of the militarv
. - m
service," - citation concludes.
j w v av hvi mm a
fearessness,w, according , to the
At! Fort Lewis from the army:
T. B Walter A. Crosby, routa one,
' CplJWiUiam J. Ruhl, route? wto,
CplJ Claude r. Odell. 1080 North 15th
. it., Salem. ;
T. 4 Grovcr X. Wilson. 89S Trade
vi U8 RJrmond SlIlepi. Auma-
, ?JftVHaro,1,(? c- Wwardv 337 North
S- Sst Wilbur A. Wilson, 1021 Log
i Carl A. Conlson. son of Mrs.
Roxy B. Lowndagin, 459 N. 23rd
, St, Salem, has been honorably
discharged from :
me army air
forces. His last
, duty station was
at air transport
command's fer
rying division
near xiem. t
Nev., and he re-. V
ceived his dis- - - 'C
charge at the , X
Camp Beale sep
aration center,;
Marysville, Calif.
Coulson received
the European theatre ribbon, A
.merican defense ribbon, the com
bat infantry badge, and the ex- J
meuu. wuuison previously
was employed by the Paulus Bros.
Packing Co. Hi3 wife. Yvonne
i Tripp, resides at 1570 Mission; St,
Salem. . 1 1
t '
Frank Bales. Jr., 8t, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bales, sr., of
Salem, is home on leave from boot
camp at San Diego. He is a grad
uate of Salem high school and for
merly a member of The States
man's advertising department.
Salem Men Accepted
For Navy Enlistment
Herschel ' Steele. Tawronw
Scholl Zinser, both of Salem, Har- I
oia norace Hinman of Perrydale
and Charles Richard Patterson of i
Gervais were accepted for enlist
ment in ine u. s. navy and will
oe sent to Portland for final -.
amination next Tuesday, Chief
Quartermaster Robert. B. Fallon
of the navy recruiting office in
the postoffice building announced
inursaay. " V '. "
K. M. Grossan and P. N. Smith
of Salem were sent to Portland I
Thursday for final enlistment to
me navy recruiting office there.
it a m Ti--l0"
ar ,bp'
' ii an out.
ttandinr war de'
vclonmrnr avhu-h hln
Mrfl ttaiwilttlniiul rcMM
Come in today for absolutely free
demonstration or send for free boold
Aeou--:icon McDonald Co.
90S ViTii Nat'L Bank Bldg.
ett. 6350 .
MMBM'tfr kPF
Frerf Mey.r Tofcoee Seeffeas for Yot Smoking Netrfsf
Froth Stoektl Thrlffiett Frkotl
Notice! Cigdr Smohers!
No Umitt
fczpa Hznd-Mzds
"2 90
Zlp n CC- "" rapd and bandJ. Fresh
5v l 25 10 ' Mail cceptei Send .d-
dihonal 10 to cover handling and inailirj chI -
Free Cigcrottes! Mo LLt.!
tf. 5s Jurnbo Cfgcrette Free
wHfc Pwcbese of Jombo CIooreHos '
Jumbo CigcrpHbs; 10'
$J.C0 Voioo Koepo FoonW-l $1.79 Yiae, fx f )
wi!;?-,t U;tHf, H.tJ fm free - JsaSt , $fl oji; .
rr ' CJeeroffes I lex
Ttti Utyer T leva 4S r lax
Open Week Dcrya 9:C0 A, M. to 0:30 P. M. "
Cahirdcrrs 9:C3 A. VL to 90 P. M.
f o Uyj If c
Ul IT. liberty St
FOET LEWIS, Waah-Captaln
Garold I. Simpson of I860 N.
Capitol tt, Salem, Ore who for
the past five years has served In
the army ground forces, will re
vert to Inactive status on Deccem
ber 7, It was announced by Lt
CoL Harvey D. Taylor, command
Leg the separation center here.
Capt Simpson win return to Sa
lem where he will resume his
association with the General Pe
troleum company.!.
Ensign Chester W. Olcott; son
of former governor Ben W. Ol
cott of Portland, has been liber
ated from Zentsutl prison camp
on SMkoku, one of the four, matn
Japanese Islands, the Red Cross
said this week. - v ,
Olcott was f captured on Wake
Island In December. 1041. He
former student, at Lincoln M &h
school In Portland, and at Stan-
ford University. Later he was
associated with the United States
National bank In Portland and
With." an " intwnoh?T -
w wiuwjn ul
In the message received , by his
lather, Olcott said he was leav
ing for Pearl Harbor and that he
was feeling great
Two other brothers, - SSgt
Richard H. Olcott n ri r-
don Olcott are In the army.
8gt, GeraM K. Dolman, "son of
Mr. and Mrs. - N. O. Holman 'of
1345 Lee it,. Salem,. hai arrived
in - New York from ; Europe via
the transport' Argentina. .
The first John Jacob Aatof ram a
to the New World In 1784 from'
Waldorf; near -Heidelberg.
Johif Frenclies" Again
At Saldm Home
Capt and , Mrs. John v French
and. son David have, returned to
Salem from Wichita, Kans. Cap
tain French was on the way to
the Pacific .with the 104th Infan
try division when word of the end
of the war with Japan was re
ceived.' . .
- He returned to Wichita before
Mrs. French'' was scheduled, to
leave for Salem and made ' the
trip, west with her. He . will re
turn to Louisiana "within a short
time while Mrs. French and David
will remain in Salem.
IIouEsIIid Tmo fo Can;
1.6- , . " ' . 1 i N
rrauAn fhuiies
Bonnie Best
Ufishel box Gi.19
o&hd box JJ
7. : . 123D SUte Street - ;
ght Jars to Pfv
v or chunky
School lunch.
. '1-
flavor"" "and aroma.
1-lb. OEkfk
' Jar ts--"
VTT- -rtth Hoody'a.
L4t - " 'v. jandwicnea ....
rich nutnuon in tras .
z47 ZIP
Tender, snowy white heads, so easy to prepare. Takes
only 15 minutes to cook. Just right for pickling. Lb.
r- r-i
o j i Mr
Mbfr. Peacock Buc
u'lit in aamjsa- ! : iron - .
un-r t
tangy avor
I i-i j'Trflocfruit Juice.
m w h .mi
California produced a hamper crop , of ft r
small oranges this year, and they carne GmiJ) : for
to us at an extremely low price, buy them in quanti
ties of 25 at IGA, j . ;
r - . j " " - I';" :
t f ' - . -r. J ......
Thick raeated, sweet meated. No other : ouite as lrood as
Dillard. Boy from IGA at this low price
f3 -
lb. sack
Ib. sack
. ome style family flour, guaranteed tor bread.
, cakes and pastries. (
; IGA Grapsfruil Jdce :3!l!c
IGff GrapMrnii Juice No. can 13 c:
IGA Orange Juice t L 22 c
IIccdyPeanniBclleryj?: 45c
COB Cider Yincgar Quart botue 17 C
Horning Ililk i uu 18 c
Ileslles Hillr ; Un an. 18c
Bordens Ililbl: tau can. 18 c
Carnaiicn IILUr '4j uu can. 18 c
IGA Fancy Spinach N. can 14 C
IGA Fancy Spinach 18c
Fine Grannlaled Sugar L?k 32 c
Fine Grannlaled Sugar 62 C
IGA Fancy Caisnpi & 17c
CIIB Ilea! Sance mt 2 1c
IICP Powdered Peciin ? VS: ' 9c
Ccrb Liqdll Pcdh i 1 9 c
rirs. Slcuari' Bfcirj 2S: 13c
Id Vzlzh Cleanser can. 15 C
Swansdown Cake Flour ?kr. 25 C
Kellcgg All Bran LLxg. pu 19c
Kellogg Corn Flakes ilT 9 c
Icy ciirvy
Sdfcaf Fcr Irczirg
Ilolher's China Oais 36c
Annl Jenina Pantalie S- 13c
Annl Jenba Pancake 4tS 25 C
Cinch Ccrn Bread IIIx ' 18c
Oyalline Plain or Chcc. JS: 61 C
Calnnel Baking Powder 17 C
Axaaizo CcrnSlarch .2 pkn. 15 c
Anaizo GIcss Siarch Mb. pkx. Oc
Ilcricn's Sail WW t fr 15 c
' Self-Dolishinff wax 'at nrim ,o'- -l.til V.
Buy either size at our everyday, low, pricl-and' i ;
:.. 7-'- : j t - r' it wore.-
23 c
Saves time
Saves .clothes
I 275 No. Ilij Street 1
j. j- Frcj Parkfcj Lc!f ,
Acplc Paxk&x Sjxea . .
r:3 Ha. Cc:rdd C!re:I
12C3 C!z!3 Crc:I
awvui, i.iMii jLaat cr sute ncsriUl
J East Cester at 4Cth Street
. . Plenty ef Parkin; Space1
'.Ifa Eiisy to Park at Eeialeia's
C-D's: Grc::rv .
Ccrrcr cf 17th -