I f - ""V : " r OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon. 7dnMdar Mocnlna. September 12. 185. 7- - - PAGE I.1I2 1 - : ' f " . ' ' ; Ui- '" ' ' - i asMssKsi -G2 For Sale Real Estele $200 will put you in possession of 4 bed room homo, Cascade Drive large lot. large living room, music room or den. dining x o m , kitchen, Mwtog room. garage, utility room. Well ouilt 1 yr. old home." on lsrrs 'lot north, S bed raos. Fruit trees. $3700, -100 acres tumlxr land. 10 acres alder. Well located on pavement. Near Mill City. rm. unfinished house, several springs. Water, piped to back porch. 45250. w . .... 12 root rxoman on me. 1 acre with new 4 rm. hse.. . bath, . chicken hae- garage -with storey room. $3200. 100 acres-near McMtnnvlUe. 7 rm. hse, -1 silos. M ton hay.' sll silae. some machinery it grain. This is a highly productive- place and is- well worth the $185 per acre asked. Terms. Most of these properties can be bought on some kind ei terms. We can generally make loan arrangements xor bo to so- of tne purchase price. u you nave property lor sale or if you are in the market we cordially invite you to visit our office. Room 3 Bsmt. First National Bank Build in. - Lawrence Real Estate ; ' Loans & Ins. . 8 BDRM. home modern. 2 blks. from High School. Has fireplace, oak floors, I Mrm. down Ac a up. Double plumb in, basement furnace, 2 car garage, Price $9 000. - Call O. V. Hume, with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS . 134 S. Uberty St. Ph. 4131 $5600. MOD. I rm. plastered. bed room house, Hreplaee. ell-furnace. See Owner before Sept. 1$ at 70 Xdlna Lan. $1100 Cll goes bdrm., solid on Cascade with, house. house.' nice Drive. Elee Call Mrs. rane Pataer R. E. Meredith, Realtor 17t 8. Coral. St. Phone 841 $473. NEAT- F bdrm. home on Nob Hik Full bsmt. rum. Mice neighbor nooe. rsvea at. nt. scnooi Call : Mr. Walters.. Huff Real Estate Co. JtEALTORS 7 S. CQML. Phone ,na : pn. 1341 for $50 per i MINT. Price GARAGE LDO. FOR SALE: Located rn S. Salem, about 57x40 feet, lot 2x100. feet on paved st- Rented mo. a CO $429. looo INVEST Grabenhorst Bros. 14 S.. llbirly BEALTOBS St. Ph. 4131 roar SALE: 4 rm. house. Bath. acre. 04$ J aha son St. North end oi Maple.- : IF -You want income tt pleasant Thw ' place to live; se this 1 R. mod. home with A. fruit sc rrvts. IS ml. dr. on pav. irons lllrni. Ph. Owner X24XI. OWNEB Bewutiful ' residential lots Cascade Drrve. Kmcwood Heights. Also lots m west astern ana south Salem Phone too or ossr. IMCOMaT PROPEBTT: Good WdTj located- on; a- finev large corner, exceileiit income. Tor parttcu tars, see. ;.v p-- ,- ; Grabenhorst - Bros. 134 S. RKALTORS Liberty St. Ph. 4131 $6850 NICK mod. $ rm. home on A. k mi. S. Wide frontage on N Hwy. New ga turn. Gas ranee. Herri. Some chickens and Harden . go. Call Mr. waiters. . , v- Huff Real Estate Co.' ' RKALTORS . V- 79 I. C0M"L. Phone 3783 Ph. 8341 For Sale Real, Estate For Sale Real Estate , For Sale Real Estate t For Sale Real Estate NELSON : NEWS IDEAL SUBXJRBAN SETTING I Near Pen 4-Corners. t'biks. to bus. food rm. hosne,- furnished, ete. wa ter heater, fplaoe. dbt. gar exception al variety or mm t- nuts, amtoken house, gas pump. elc. water system, priced for quick tale. $7400. , - GARDEN ROAD. IMM. AVAIL. 4. acres, bam. dbL aar. vartirtv of fruit, -tenead cw pasture, good T rm. home, all on 1st fir- fDlaee. conveni ent to bus at schooL This will pot last. Don t deuy. 9700ft. 4 SPECIAL 1 WEEK PRICK l ACRES EAST rm. home, oil heat. rsr elc. water system, paved rd. 4c bus. convenient to school & stores, filberts, cherries, walnuts, apples, apricots, pears, peach es, hen house, barn, fruit rm. in pump house, only $0930. l- - $ ACRES 1 bdrm. home. L. R Kit- bath, full bamt., L. trays, f urn- trash burner. wrd. for range, t acres orchard, cher ries, pears, apples, peaches. & plums, nice .view, oniy 94790. S CLOSE IN EAST K fplace, full bsmt. with L. trays, piped rum., gar rruit, nuu ac snruooery. meoium yara. soitu. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 1 S bdrm. horn with hdw. firs, fat L. R. As bdrm, fplaee. built-in bath tub. full bsmt, L. trays, automatic gas furn. or water heater, very good ois- tnet, omy soaoo.. BARGAIN $4350 ' S bdrm. home. L. Ik. Kit- nook- & bath, fplaee, all on same fir., full berat., L. tsays, wood firm, trash burn er, close to, bus ec school. Bargain. NELSON & NELSON Chet L Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 900-3 Masonic BkhT . 405 State St, Ph. Mi, Eves. 3I3M or atw : A room room, 3 bed rooms, ki no upstairs. LEE OIBIART & C0n REALTORS HERTS A GOOD ONE FOR f&M :; nome, uvmg room, owing rooms, kitchen- and bath, full basement. -auto, haw dust furnace, elee. water heater, i part hardwood floors, fireplace. . lot 73190, a gooa nome. 7$00 rm. J bath, vnder construc tion, sesstee room, oil auto. heat. hdw. H, wired for ranse, eiec. water neeeer. ait. um Nanaa. $43105 r. ft -bath, full basement, gar. lxt 7MISO. trait and nut trees, gam will handle. $S200 New, 4 bed rm. Llv. room, din ette, kltehen, bath, gar. at utility . rm., elee. water heater, elee. heat, wired for range. $0500 $ rm. 4c nook, modern home. auto, oil heat. elee. water heater. - dbL gar, cement driveway, extra laree lot. - $15.080 Very beautiful creek home. J rms, ultra modern, 129 ft. street 1 frontage; 110 ft. creek. $$9235 r. At bath, unfinished attic. basement, furnace with- air condi tioner, shower in. basement, fur-J nished. Elee. range, refrigerator. wasmng macmne, etc. Abrams & EUis, Inc. Bide. Phone 61S9 411 Masonic Insurance Mtg. FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME One and. one-half story English style. Pull- bsmt, furn, h.w. floors, beautiful large rm. and dining rm. see bak. uuuuwin wun Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. HEALTORS Phone 410$ After $$715 $3TM. NEAT t bdrm. house on ft acre, wived for alec, range, good loca tion, bus oy oeor. uoi jits. etaer. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 17$ E. ComT St. Phone $041 AN ATTKACTIV HOME Electric Ranise. Electric RefrKerat or included; 1 hdrms. it unfin. attic. H W firs, ftiepUce. basement. fur- See It at 1323 N. 18th Street. Salem Realty Co. i " Realtors " N. High WL :' Phone I KK. hoene 18x23, scceened hack porch nil Mod cond. Must be moved. Price MOO. H. RudsbaiMer. Silverton Rf. 3. 1 no. Xast Central Howell schooL 140 f Mf: - house linear Dba and aefeool m N. Seiem. Gaeage. ' Price $490$. W. G.1KRUEGER REALTOR 147 N. ConVL St. . Phone 473$ - NOB HTT.T. ' taeso Lste kuilt rm. home. Pull bamt. Sawdust Jurn. 3 large lota. Beau tifully lawdaeaiwd. Call Mr. Alsman. Huff Real Estate Co. ACCOUNTING. Bookkeeping, prop erty management. Income tax. Business Service Co, Maaomc Bhtc. Ph. $727. PEALTORS h. 37$S 70 S. COWL. Eve. Ph. 2-434$ 1 NOW READY . Vinard's Subdivision t East Center & D St. " ? Choose Your Lot Now LOTS ACRE SIZE. REASONABLY PRICED. " OOOD SOIL WELL DRAINED. . BUILDING RESTRICTIONS.', Call at 3395 Center RM. furnished house, located rn Turner. Ore on. Has 3 bdrms. part basement, garage, barn. 3 lots. A good home and only priced at $9,000. Call O. V. Hume, with Grabenhorst .Bros. 134 s. REALTORS Liberty St. Ph. 4131 ATTrTACTTVE Buy ln'a 4 room house tn East Salem : with buUt m kitchen, basement, 'wood .furnace, and laundry trays. Chow- corner - lot with sor trees. On bua line. Price $4200; See v ' Leo Tf. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 144 State St i Ph. 9281 " OWNER WILL SELL . 3 room house with breakfaat nook and partially finished-upstairs In addition; completely thermostaUe gaa heat; nice fenced vard. Best retidenuai district in town. Pull basement. Dead end street. Wat nut Park. 430 Rose street. J la years Id. $10,900. m. JBrta. . ADV13lTiStNQ ; ; Western Advertising Representatives ' . Ward-Griff tth Company. Inc. San francisco i Eastern Advertising ' '"I ; RepresenUtives Ward -Griffith Company. Ine. , Chicaro. New York. Detroit . h Boston, AUant ' - esaNsssasansi ' :.. - Mexabet. - Pacific Coast Division 1; .' Bureau i AdyfrtisIni :' tnttrt of the Pesrotftce Sotem, rwroan. as Second Ci M after. Pub- Hshad sery morning Except Monday. Xtasrness Ortce sia nonsA cuU Street. ' SUBCIUPTION . JtATES KuhMariDtion Rates In Advance tt'ithin-Oraeon: DaHv -and Sunday, Mo. BusL.tlM:-! raw. $8 00; liwwbtra 0.ent p-mev or 1M lr 1 yar In adrsoee. -er copy cwa Ey Cay Carrier. 73 cents a month, f'j 0 1 year in advance to ilarloa and m,A ..rt eoiinllns. - ' . I NORTHEAST Modern home, large Uvmc room! and dining room, hardwood floors and Sire place. S bed rooms kitchen and bath. stairway and floor tn upstairs, good deep - basement - with large firepiaee, auto gas furnace,; all in very good condition. $0500. - i ' ABQUT 3 MILES EAST 104 ACRES A 4 bed 1 room home, lights. !eloc. waUr system, full bath.- Barn with 3 stanchions. 3 poultry houses. All under cuiavaiion, 1 1 a. xuoerts, mgn Howell Prairie soil, nice setting. sell now xor $7900. room! 1 1U MODERN LTTTLE ' COUNTRY HOME 3 acrsW and home located about-1 7 miles East' of 'town; lovely setting, large fir trees. Home has good sized living -room with firepiaee, 1 bed room. dinette. nice kitchen and venr- mod ern bath. Price includes good kitchen rarafev dinette set and other misc. fur niture. 1 acre set out to an assortment of youaj- fruit and nu$ trees. $4000. " EDGE OP TOWN EAST' ' - New home, has living room, dining room, m oea rooms, sntcnen ana new. garage. ,i acre of- land, house- is wired for , range and piped for Immediate posieesionv-44750. - SMALL HOME NORTH 1 bed -room, Uvmc room, dining i room, -a-itcnen ana ; nam.: smau jot, kitchen stove included ;; la price for $2250. ; VERY Nice home. North m Co. lumbia st. Two large bed rmsV, L. SL. dinette, kitchen, fawd. ; fira, firepiaee, insulated and weather-str ippatt rull I bamt, oU fur. Call Mr. Gardner. I :- .. 3210 BUrtt PrCHAj REALTORS f 337 North. High.. Street LARGE lot 100x108 Pour. rm. home: South. Iferage and chJcksn house. Call m M ACRE, Alee 1 room house, dbl fa- rage, gooa sou. close to .town.. This is a nice country home. 4 acres, -new I room house, on paved road ana bua une1 excellent jsou asa dose school. This , is worth the money, . -. - CHAS. HUDKINS & SON '-Yi m-$Kato-t.'v:4 $3130. Mr. Gardner. fas. BURT PICHA.i REALTORS : . 337 Norm; Hlah Street otic. irsH a .m iv.- rd, $23040 down, balance- easy terras. room srause, 'food well, electricity available. Rt. 3. Box 8O0. TWO Bed rm. home. Keizer dist. f yrs. oM. 1-4-acre. Close to $4800. Call Mr. Gardner. : 3210; PHONE 9680 I BURT P1CHA,! REALTORS : 337 North High Street FOSV SALE: l$aoo acres deeded land. IS aoo -acres . leased land, mountain rang country. Price $73,000. Will con sider clear property as part payment. H H. Schmitt. Realtor. PrinevlUe. Ore. 477 COURT ST, SUN. 377$ 10 ACRES Keizer diet. Best of $5250. Call Mr. Gardner. ; $8500. Five room modern, hdwd. Doors, rjsmj., furnace, firepiaee. i $7000 Duplex - end small house, 1 du-s plex furnished, Hollywood district. IM00. sully modern. - rooms. 1 ruu basement, furnace. i fireplace. Eagle- wood district.. , - 4 acres, modern 4 bed room house. Keizer district. Neat small barn, some furnishings. - m . 21 acres, an excellent sou. 11 acres cleared. 3 bed room house, electric water- system. f Mrs. Beeves or JOe Spurlook with s R. A Forkrier, Realtor, I 1333 N. Capitol St, ; . Ph- 3031 or 8300 - -"ast Salem -- , M $7000$ " A. $ bed rm.! house. Close la. Cksse to school and store. Call Mr. LOTS FOR YOUR NEW HOME 3 Large tots South Salem $850. Well located COURT SITE $4300. 343 x ui iset wiut ruu access irom tnree streets. . . i ,, t . SUBDIVISION PROPERTY $900$. 10 Acres VIEW SITES on two roads. mm group, ox tots avauaoos. :, ; Let us show you our lane selection 01 ouuainc jots..-..; 4 Call - WALTER SOCOLOFSKY with CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 379 State St. r t jfj Phone $4M Htiff .Real'-i Estate Co. REALTORS V Ph. 3793 H i $70 .! COMX. Eve. Ph. 3-424$ 3 BED Boom! house. 4- vears : old. Hardwood floors thmout. Ploed oil furnace. Attached; garage with utility am. On bus' line. Small lot. House and lot -in excellent condition. Price $6960. Terms.- tf! : . - $1700 down, 3 bed room house all on one floor. 4 lota. Located north. Xotai prsee $3700. s 5 . , - On Park, avenue.; $ bed room mod ern house, hardwood floors, fireplace, oil floor furnace. Electric water heater.: range and refrigerator go with 1 the place. About 1-4 acre of ground.! On bus line. Price $6800. i S room house on North 34th. Just off State street. Handy to. state institu tions, ft block- to bus line. Price $3750. Rostein & Adolph, hie. HOli N. CosaL St. upstairs) Ph. 3030 vnnv wnvrw- ( In extra good condition, built about 3 yrs. ago. Urge lot. excellent view, five rooms, oak firs, fireplace, oil fur nace, garage, nica lawn, shrubs and garden space. Price $9750. SEE THIS HOME BEFORE; YOU BUY. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS' 134 S. Liberty St. I Ph.' 4131 a km. huusc wrm unrinisbed up stairs, uarage ana part Dasement, Small lot 1 block from bus. school and tore. N. Salem. : A ood buy at $3150. uay lerma. jacK jeienmgsen. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS? Ill Guardian Bidg4 Salem Ph. 4121 BEAUTIFUL N. SUMMER CORNER. Large living -room, dining room, white Jcitchen and nook, one bed room ana oata maun Xioor. Large bed room with alcove, small bed room, half bath upstairs. Laundry room and fruit closet in basement with plenty of space tor a party- room. OU air cond. heat. Dou ble garage. New roof. New paint and a new wmte pscxet xence. . CHAS. HUDfQNS & SON 27$ State St t 11 - Phone $484 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS t 337 North Hixh Street 1 YEAR old S rm. modern home. iHwd.' Ora garage attached. This is la good buy. 1 acre N. E. $6500. . , i . . ! Call 3210! BURT PICHA.1 RKALTORS i 337 North . Hlgii Street S ACRES with S room house located about 3 miles' east. One block from grade school. Electric water system. Barn, small, chicken house, some fruit and , beiiies. Immediate - possession. Price $3650. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110,i N, ComL St, (upstairs) Ph. 303$ Ixnmediate P r assess. NEW Electrically heated home. Lav ing and dining rooms, kitchen, nook. earooms. Dam. Hasemeni. mrnsrs. tnsuiasea; ie.3uu.uu. Modern 1 bedroom home. din ins rooms, kitchen, bath. Pull ment, furnace. Wired for; range. rage, souinm. . - .. i - . P. H. Bell Realtor G. P. Armstrong ion PARTLY FURNISHED 3-bedrOom home. Hollywood district. u .Wm. Bllven i . BLTVEN-ALDERIN-COONEt . - REALTORS ' -. . , ' 430 .OresToa Bide. - Phone 790$ . , 1 r Hs. 734$ 12 ROOM HOUSE tn Falls City. Lot SO x 150, three walnut trees, food gar- dew spot, prtoe sisco. raone jraus ty $1 or see Mildred Wray at the tele phone office.. " j , I -, . t ExeliaiiKC -Real Estate 403 Guardian Bldg. . Ph. 4894 " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $40003 bedroom ! home, larre lot garden, and fruit, on good street Near bus and store. $9250 3 rm. bouaa. utility rm. base ment, furnace, fireplace, nice street and lawn. , . $5250 N. 5 rm. house.: bsmt .si dust -furnace, fireplace, move right in LSKWO m. m b. it. on one floor. Larva R. and D. R.. fireplace. H. W. lira, kitchen with nook, full bsmt, dble. plumbinc dble. caraie. 2. lots. easy walking distance from statehouse. $avz5 eauunil 5 rm. house , with floored attic, bsmt. furnace, fireplace, H. W. fin., only $ years old. large lot Price includes house- fully furnished with beautiful furniture. - Olson & Reeve, Realtors $48 S. Comt Ph. 4390 'Eve. OWNER: West Salem, S I ment. wood furnace, elee. heater. Phone Ti or HH. hot water barn, aauk bowse. ISA For Salc Farms FULLY IRRIGATED 3$ ACRES Modern $ room home: Producing see and bulbs. Chenaiua sat loam on Jjucamnite-rarer, price memoes 1000 Easter lily bulbs and aH equip ment; $1400. See A.E. with ! - i f -;. 1 LeoN. Childs, Inc l REALTORS ' -' 344 Stata St . ) j ' Ph. $261 BY OWNER: l$tt acres, good sofl. all cuRt Best corner loaauoo at Fruit- land. 3 bdrm. house, bam. aaa, not Or cokit water.- new. dairy house. S . hen houses, brooder Lgerage, wood shed, deep wen. tne water system instaiej, last year. Lights end water in aW-?igs. Gas heated breooer. About .i-';- granaa Franquet l walnuts, faTrhk orchard, grspas. "berries. William Heskett, Rt (. Box J71. 4 mi. E. of State Heap, on Center St BY OWNER 3 rm. house, nartlv furn. Close to school, bus and stoves. 1064 s. ww. . ; ;; i . SI ACRES one half in cultivation. $ A. a Haifa. Willamette silt loam. 3 bed roorn modern home! with 3 ft baths. Carpeted floors. Only four, years old. ossa Furnace heat. $l miles, east Price SII.UUV. ltnm.- ; r SO..O. Mumnnreva - n. w. neers Phone 7820 3035 Portland Bead 7 R. HOUSE. Kingwood Terraces, 4 bed Rs all newly decorated Inside 3c out elee.. city water, near V A., nice shade, pavinx. $71M. $1800 will handle. C. J. JACKSON 341 State St Salem JUST WHAT vou are' lookins? for. 1 acre lust outside city limits. Family orchard. S nuts, good garden. Rabbits. 14 hutches. Small house, easy to build on. Dee well with water- system. Some terms. Call' from $ to $ evenings. iza rarx ave. uwner. , THIS 10$ ACRES ; wIU Justify the kind of buildings you would like to build for a home. All In cultivation. I Price $8000.00. 1790 N. Water. T ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ! FIVE R. home with basement fin-: nace. garage, paved, st N. Salem. Price sauuo.. caan. Grabenhorst Bros. 134 f. -- REALTORS Liberty St Ph. 4131 B u s i n e s s H Dire ctory Aecounting Service Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft 31t At Market. at MACHINE Grindlhx and renal rina. 2130 Fairgrounds Road, J. F. Dougherty Appliance Service EXPERT Bendix and eommeroiat end domestic refrieerator aerviee. Ralph Johnson Appliance. Phone 4030. Art Hie For Mrs. Paul BATH ' Room, drain board ' C replace or store tronta. Ph $064. lia NV 13th. Auto Brakes HERRALLrOWENS CO. 3k Court. Mike Panak. 27 S. CoraX Ph.fl$t Brake -and wheel, aligning Auto & Truck Service MARION MOTORS NASH SALES Ac SERVICE Experienced mechanics Otto, Buff, foreman. $4t Chemeketa. Ph. 733$. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 8. ComX Auto Painting . Welding WELDING. Auto painting. Rt 7. Bx. 40$ Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 147 8. Com'cL P. 431$ Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO. $3$ 8. ComX Building Contractor ORRIN S PINNEY. - contractor. ' Desienma and remodeliag homes. Ph $4X Rm. 320 Oiegosi Blda. Cement Contracting 'CEMENT Ph. 407L contracting - C. Eds Chimney Sweep OIL CIRCULATOR, furnaces, chim ney cleaned. Xnsley. 771 a. 21st P 7)7$. Chiropractic Physician Lloyd L. Hoekett Physiotherapist lsw W. Lomi. pa. mjj. Florists EOLA. ACRES. Rt- 4. Ph. $730. Breitbaupt'a 447 Court Phono 31$$ Funeral Directors HOWELL-EDWARDS Ph. 3372. ROSE,' LAWN funeral Homa. 2SS3 S-. Commercial. ; Ph. $83. ; Frirnace-Clcaniiss f ; Expert terrlce. Cooper ft Son, P. 2883 Olroctory earsls ran by U BMnth nly. Bat f UU per Una per month. Can Siei listed her far resmlts! RAY MOORE. RADIO TUBES c SER VICE. 3270 Portland. Rc Phone 8433. Lflwnmower i Sharpening Rugs Upholst. Cleaned GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders; by Harry . W. Scott, "The Cycle Man? 147 S. Commercial St SALEM Rug fli Upholstery Cleaners. Phono 470a. Magazine I Subscriptions imbHahed. call Hauser. Ph, 783$. Massage SAND Mc GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX An kinds of Road Gravel, .genuind River Silt Clean, sharp lllssnn Sand. LTVUn KOCBL. COMMERCIAL SAND Ac GRAVEL CO Phone 3-1864 or 3-3100 Medical trained Ph. 1731. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDHNO CO.1 Pbomm 40$. Musical Instruments Repairing. Will's MusleStora P. 49$ Music Lessons PIANO Instruction. Phone 4454. SPANISH Sc Hawtlsn Guitar. Mando- On, Banlo, etc. 1533 Court Ph. 756$ Painting Spray and brush painting. estimates. Phone 3-2144. ' free PAINTING ASIJecoratin. Ph. 7333 Painting & paperhanging PAPERHANGINGi Wood wortn. 114$; S. Reasonable: H.X 13ti.; Ph. 3018. Pipef hang'C. ierry Johnson. Ph. S482 EXPERT Workmanship Phono .4323 Printing: FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any una 01 pnnv bn call The StatMman Println De partment 213 S. Commercial. Tele phone BIOL .;, i 1. Photography HARMON at I KLOSTERMAN. New owners of Bishop Studios, are able to i . . ; . 1 1 Ki,e you ocauiiiuv naiurw puiuwu because ox their excellent equipment. w state, pa $732. , : s . Plumbing, f ' SEE YOUR PLUMBER FIRST w for better blumbtna saooUes and skilled mechanics. Joha Fishes, Pic 3013 HOWARD PLUMBINO St Sheet Metal Co. 1320 Jefferson, Ph. i 3-144$. BeaUug. E KIWIS Ac -CO. Pltimblng 173 SV LOml rTL 'Z23.-.- ' BO WEN BRO84 Phnnnrng and'HaaW Ulg 359 N. COntX Ph. 1313. Real Estate - Real I Eststo LMnfi- Waited STROUT; TAlA AGENCY ' PJX Sox 2a3 . . Corvalus. Ore. Radio Service 38400 acres. New 4 rm. and shower: chicken, house, barn.; 72 ft well. elee. water, system, apples, pe acnes, grapes, bovsen berries, strawberries. $0000121 A. 2 bouses, a. orcnara. mki same stock. i . i aa&oo as A. some of the best soil In the valley. 20 A. m cultivation. 4 A. "orchard. $ rm. house, well and snrforf. - i I $77 10 A. a A. m prunes, a a. filberts, brooder house, barn. $ r house and bath, elee -water system. Dble ar- everythinx in fine conai tinn ! ' . $30004 A. unimproved on suverton re ,000-13 A. beautiful homo and 11 other ! hmiasa. au rentaa. l A. xme i orchard, Present Income about $3500 vear. All for $3Saoo. Reasonable terms. ' -. 1 f -v Abrams & Ellis, Inc. - 411 Masonic Bid. ! Fh. $133 1 Inaurance-Mtg.-Loans WILL'S Music Store. Ph. 493. Stock FOR SALE Ranch in Central Oresori WILL ! TAKE HOUSE IN SALEM OR SMALL ACREAGE NEAR SALEM i IN PART PAYMENT. H. H. SMITH. REALTOR 1 t PrtneviUei Oregon Sand and Gravel Acreage SAND, travel, crushed rock, ready mixed concrete and garden sand. WsQni sand and- GraveL Ph. S5M. 80 ACRE TIMBER TRACT: Located on paved highway, au In oak and fir timber. A splendid fuel proposition Price $3500. cash If soon. : , - 1 i Grabenhorst Bros. ; ' REALTORS 134 SJ liberty St t . Ph. 4121 Varna's Repair ; Service. Phi. 302. Septic Tanks , Cleaned Acreage $350$ DOWN. baL parable like rent will buy this lovely $ A, orchard home. 7 rm. mod. house. Elee water system. $ miles from downtown Salem. Beauti ful viewi from all windows. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS' . 978 9. COMX. Phon 37$3 Ph. 3341 eves. T RM. i home. eVsc range. 1 t basement wired for Price W. G. KRUEGER - 1 . ' - REALTOR 147 N. Coral St Ph. 472 IS ACRES mi. E. of Elrvertan, with buUdinga. 1 acres cultivated. Some- timber. Dark red soU. 34900, H. P. Grant, Realtor $2$ Court Phone $744 WANTED: To buy late model ir. wta ar cash. Ph. 3012 after "Worth the Price" I $7350.00 Practically new 3 room house, mod ern, with; a acres fir grove, excellent location muea no. near peruana Hiwav ' Home only il yrs. old. A country home near the city, leas than $3000 will handle. Call Mr. Boyd. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 17 S. High. Ph. 3722. Sun. or eve 7062 NORTH. 4 acres excellent Sou. Youna! orchard with new home, 4 bedrms. See this at once Rawlins Realtors v and Insurance 2064 N. Capital (Hollywood) ' . Ph7aia or 7903 eve. 17 A. BARGAIN. House. Barn. Ga rage Soring water in bouse, year round brook. Some fruit Good soil. 7 mi. to Saiera. A Good Sty $360 M. B. STEGNER - 330 N. Commercial .Resort Property RESORT OR COAST" PROPERTY FOR. SALE: Auto court site, plus mod. home and 2 furn. rentals. Room for 12 add. units. Close in. grand view-. 1mm. poos. Owner, Grace Groves. Florence. Oregon.- Suburban -SUBURBAN FILLING STATION ruling -station East with 40 x 20 ga rage ror car ac xruca repair. inis is est Ideal opportunity to- go Into basin ass for ' yourself. Has 2 neat attractive homes. Nice "Corner, location on bus line. ' i ' Call O..V. Hume, with Grabenhorst Bros., ' ' REALTORS . 134 5, Liberty St . Ph. 4131 OWNER says sell this .place this week. Brand new . V room home at Keizer.. hardwood floors. ' fireplace. electric not water heater, small barn and poultry house, 4 acres of land la vouna orchard. This is a -aood buy and you had better hurry.. Terms. Ph. S30S i; . , ., LarseiL Home & Loan Co. 14 S. ComX at BY OWNER 3 B. R. completely ref inished home on 2 acres in Salem Heights no. Furnished. Good view Hard wood floors liv. and dining. Nuts and rruitsi lmrnediata nossession. six.' 730. Call 2-409C. - - i $2750 1. ACRE with 4" room-2 bedroom housc Only 4 years old. Van. bunds. Serrlng Bfachine Repairing Xrfanff and 1 cow. mqr 1 mues zrom baiem. north.; . i 1 - - ' M. O. Humphreys H. W. Heers Phone 7820 j, 3035 Portland Rd. 13 J ACRES all in young Royal Anne cherries. No bu tidings. Located, about 3 mues out. About 4a of the -trees ere 7 years pht- Others -younger.' Price $2850. .''.-.- i . f- ? - , .Good $ bedroom home' to Pen 4 Cor ners district. 1 acre of land with large variety of fruit 'and i berries. Electric range, water -neater ana v ounas go with the house. Fireplace, furnace. Double- garage, chicken house. On paved road .about -2 blocks' from bus tne. Priced right at $7400.' Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110 N. ComL St (upstairs) Ph. 3030 ROOM modern house, aaa. -oil heet acres. 2; chicken houses, cow barn. rabbit house and hutches. WIU sell furnished -4 or' unfurnished. Also cow and chickens. 1 mile from Fairgrounds on suvertea no. sor sia. - Business Opportunities For Sale-Ustid Cars For Sale Used Cars i PQN'T MISS THESEBUYS .-r-i-f;-. r" . SPECIAL 1940 filercnry ConW Sedan R&H As is price $1224, Warranted $1530, our price $1000 141 PONTTAC I PASS. COUPE E&R 1 lX PONT1AC 4 DR. SEDAN R&H mi CHEV. PASS. COUPE R&H 1S40 BXJICK SUPER 4 DR. SEDAN R&H 1930 FORD COUPE R&H TWO 13 DODGE SEDANS R&H VANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM I NOW $75 ON UP L A. B: C MOTORS 129$ STATE PHONE S43 Wanted Used Cars WANTED: Private party wants lata model ear for cash. Box 14 Statesman. WANTED 140 Bulck door aedan to trade for early model light car. Ph. 'BaaBSasBvaBaaatBss WE- PAY TOPS! Get Cash on the Barrel-Hcad "CT SHR0CK ajX' Chwch & Cham Ph 1923 For Sale Wood GOOD 13 in. areen edrinr. Immediate delivery. $ a load. Ore. Fuel Co. Ph, 3533. - i - , 1$ O Or slab. Phone 2380. Fill SAWDUST mar rates i Walter Fern. $1$ 'Brown Phone 24BM after 3. il up now while sum sttll available. Write St, Dallas. EDGING slab and block wood mixed $12 doable load. Ph, 772L DRY 1$ fat slab. Ph. $444. DRY 1 tn." slab and dry 1 tn. mm wood. Ph. 772L .' GREEN old " rrowth 1$ ta prompt delivery Phone $444. slab FRESH CUT SAWDUST. Immediate delivery. 1 INCH tnffl wood. cd toed $140 tmmedlata delivery. Phono $63. . $ ar & 2 cord load, Capitol Co. PbT72L t . card. Cord, lw Lumbar & Fuel Lost and Found LOST Black corde nurse Sent 1 on Silverton Hwy. or between Homestead Drive-in & West Salem -bridge. Valu able papers' and money. Money te for school' tuition can't go to school If don't get It back. Bonnie Benson, $50 aet jsi. . Mark .Plume' 3313. 1 FOUND: .i Package containing hoy's socks, inquire statesman untoe. LOST. Saturday: Rose gold Allendorf ladya wrist watch on brown cord. 2 rubies at small diamond each side of face. Reward, Coaamunacate. Boa 143 btawemon. j . t : . v Wanled Rd Estate "HAVE Client wants 30 to 40 acres view properly Polk--county. Must .have sprmc or peseroiiity ot gooa well. some wooas.' ... , P.H. BeU, Realtor .:, G. P. Armstrong 402 Cuardian Bkl. Ph. 40$ WANTED 'TO BUY large house. Ed Morris. 902 Barter St Dallas. Oregon. WANTED NORTH NORTHEAST 4 TO $ ROOM modern house reedy to move tnto. Wrttain 12 blocks Ladd & Bush bank.' Not over $7500. If at need repair must be priced accord ins. Would consider a duplex. Box , 142, TO BUY' OR SELL YOUR CITY HOME, FARM OR BUSINESS PROP. ESTx, SEE OK CALL: SALEM REALTY CO. - REALTORS "FTVE ACTIVE SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU" 14 N. HIGH ST. PHONE 7880 . NOTICE: 3F your saoaeny ta tot sale, rent or exchange, list it with us We have au unds cash buyers. STATS FINANCE CO- REALTORS 212 Ouardlaa Bid. GET my ariose before having work done. Ph. 7404. Permanent resident of W Salem. Kenneth HameL 1U3 3th St Transfer; Lester DeLapp Truck Ser. Ph 3Tf30 Gen Hauling,.. Local & Long Distance ONE ACRE "ON PACD71C "HIGHWAY: Fine location for service -stsu and motet Has twb 3 r. houses now1 that rent for $33 per mo. Price $5800. only 3 . milee out. s Grabenhorst Bros. :-. 1 REALTORS ' 134 S. Liberty St Ph. U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR - RENT Blankets turn, 197 S Uberty. Ph. 8063 FOR' LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner. oit briquets.. Trucks to portlana aauy. Ageni Fierce state Freight Including Calif, points. Lanner Transier CO Po $131 : , i . Tire Recapping' O R. Rubber Welders Track and Passenger, non -directional tire treads on all truck urea 303 S High. Ph. 3544 ONE HALF ACRE TRACTS: GOOir SOIL, south of Penn 4 cor ners. $330. and tip, only $50 down, $13. per rno. BUY THAT FUTURE HOME SITE NOW. ' . , ! . ? Grabenhorst , Bros. . I ! REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty St -' Ph. 4131 Vacuum Qeaner Service Verne's Repair ' Serrica. Ph. 3023. CERTIFIED GUAR. Vincc'a Electric 157 S. AD - makes Ub TeL.4282. i NEW COLONIAL ROME ' '; 4 bed rooms, dining raw. living rm. lovely kitchen, icomb. bath and shower, fireplace, bam, chicken house. 4 acres. i $11,000 tne. some furniture. . Olson & Reeve. Realtors 45 S. ComX . Ph. 4500 Eve. $33 FREE Inspection la - your home. An- thorUed Hoover servtcs. W servtoe aH makes cleaners. Hogg Bros Ph. S14 Only 10 Cash, $10 Mo, ' A." up, I ml -N. E. of Salem. Tine Willamette loam -sou; will show 'Sua Watch43ock Repair Ncw Rja. Hoine, lA. I Good well. E. jpump: Hot an cold Iwater in house, th rm.-Shade-tree; IS6509. caa . jc urmira ; Rich L; Reimann, Realtor 187 S.'Hlh..rn. 3721 Sun. or eve 7803 D. E Decker, licensed watch make. 184- State, fit. 31957. , . . Wealheri Strips 'Weather strtoi and insulation. - Pullman Ph 363. Free estimata Woodsawing WOOD SAWING. Phoae 11772, :A Windovf QektLh&iJ I : 3 A. SNAP 3T750 House 4 R. dec light 4k wster sys tem. About one acie cherries, some apples, pears, peaches, Not far out Owner non-reaent Immediate pos session. Sea LOUIS BECHTEL or jlaS. NLEDHAM. 341 SUta fat. Koom a. ALL work a-uaran teed. Windows walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax Mi InsurMl workmen' Professional Cleaning, Service. Ph. . 4&L , y ih-J .nU WINDOWS. Coon claausd. Ph. SUSI 143 V ComX aaoea 21 A. 7 miles from Salem. A. strawberries, f A. bovsen and youn berries. 4 B. R. house, lar)re L. R. an. D. SU fireplace, dble; phimbina, full bsmt, family orchard, plenty of water nice eras a. yooo mramsj f ram sorina. beautiful setting for country home. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Consists; of 25 stools and 7 booths. Big walk-in cooler. Taylor refrtg. Com. plete f ouotaln with beer bar, " Fully equipped, 1 including stock. Averagmaj better than $14 per day. S yr. lease with living quarters at $64. per month. AU for $a50&. See MR. LARSEN With Hawkins & Roberts, IncM Phone 4101 REALTORS For business investments at locations CaU . ' t . Percy Ullman . i Ph. 0902 ....... ' INCOME PROPERTY Close In on 9E north. 100 ft frontage. excellent location for auto court Has good income now. Call at office xor nartiulara. i If you are tookina for an brvestment hi an apartment house that pays over 30 on gross investmeav see as. at once. A real buy. :i. .- ' Olson & Reeve,-Realtors 43; S., CbmXv PB. 4458 Eve. 53 courTSbTsale: - Nice $ unit court,' close la. eirtra rood construction, in fine condition. sll furnished, good Income. . Price . Grabenhorst Bros.i 134 f. I . REALTORS Liberty St Ph. 4131 COMPLETE chair' barber shop fix tures for, sale. Cheap. 14 S. iiAga. f YOUR OPPORTUNITY: Home At In come, one of the best business or tnrfiKtrial aitaa en Portland ' Rd. 100 by 200 lot 34' by 50" buQdmg with excellent living quarters. Imme diate possession. Would consider some trade. See Owner. 303 Portland Rd FOR SALE: Grocery store and ser vice station with modern living quar ters. 3 room cabin, larce lot. garage. tool ahad and wood shed, all c-3Uio Taiai J,-'t."1.f'yX,..on,P'Mn rcr; r Ph, 489 Eva. t4 'Phone 2415 Salem. . .. For Sale Used Cars TRUCKS 149 DODGE CARGO guT 9939 CHEVROLET LWB 1941 TJODGR PrCK-UP . t, 1939 DODGE DUMP 141 CMC LWB $01$ - Herrall-Owens Co. 8. Coml . 218 1941 Packard "llfT pas-.epe..Ore. blue ! finish, seat covers, overdrive, heater, nearly new tires, low raUeaae.) ; -iw roro weiuae a or; gdn. -original black 1 finiahu eood - Urea, matar lust overhauled, new - seat covers, j ; UW6 Chrysler sedan. . i BURTON'S. MOBILE STATION I -i' . At Hollywood Phone. 9794 . ... Eve. or Sun. 704 182; Model. A Comma ilMJVl K Rings.: Balloon tlrea.. Call 7a. Anmsviiia or" write Rt . Box 144. Salem. Ore. 123 Pontine MaaaajsaBpi 127 N. lth St 1938 Chv. Track lone wheel base flat bed tires good low mileage motor good shape dual tires. Morton Tompkins, Dayton, Ore- Phone Day ton $1x14. Grand Island. r 137 4 Phr. - 4 . dr. aadan. Oantf ewi. Good I tire. Leonard Oberainner. Woodburn Rt 2. Box 287. -milast S K. of Woodburn and 4 ffit W. of McKee. "33 DODGE -4 door. Motor enmn. overhauled. Exei. -cond. thruout; $350. Also 1 man's pre-war btcvcle. new tires. LeavtaK for service. Rt 4, Box loz. mue- s. 01 aoK-tzth st Jnct Bunayslde HI way. - - 1930 ' MODEL A Ford. Alan IBM ! Ford 3 door. 939 N. High. - . - 1944 yORD duns track. A.l ahana. Just overhauled. Bargain. Job oan go wita truck. 54ft it. uixtx st " "S3 FORD. 3173 Bieber. 2 blocks nast State hospital. 1939 ; FORD Couoe. eood ' eonditkm. Call at 982 Ogle st, Woedbunu. Ore. WILL Trade' 41 Nash deluxe 4 door sedan in very ajood condition for older model car. Henry Benner, Rt. 1, Box Se, Turner. Oregon. Call after five. FOR: SALE: 1939 V- 3 Ford 2 door deluxe, seal beam lights,: In fair con dition,! $441. Call Sunday, or after 3:30 , P.M. Week days, $ miles South old 1 Pacific highway. RosedaW road. Earl Sherwood. Rt 4, Box U6Bv s. . POR SALE: 193 1 Ford convertible sedan. Texaco Station, Capitol at Union FACTORY hum trailer, eood rood.. equipped ready to go. 953 Marion St 1939 MODEL A Coupe. N. 3th St. FOR; SALE: 39 Chev. overhauled, good Ph. 9S70. coach, motor $97 N. 19th. FOR; SALE: Good buy 1933 Ford Sedanj $30. Fair - condition. 3 Urea. 1st house other side of Caper-as Cut ter. Hy. 99E. Call after $ PJ4.. ,.- - FOR SALE: Six wheel International Lbr. truck with 289 BLD motor. Good condition throughoat Ph. Salem 7131. 3l MODEL A Ford pickup, factory Job. 19-400 tires, fair, motor fair. W. B. Moore, Rt 4. Box 44L . Blotorcycles ENGLISH MOTORCYCLE. 1939. Fra nis Barnett excellent tires and motor. 3327 S ComX $$ Indian -43.-town. Ph. 3072. Must sell, leaving ' HARLEY-Davidson, 29-39 Winchester with 3a boaea of shells. Good deer gun. pp. aril. Lodges )4c SALEM LODGE No Ac A. M. Wedneada 12, E. A. degree to. 4. A. r, sdav, Set. -TM TM. 1 Peel fie Lodjre No. $0. A. F. is A. M. M. M. Decree, Friday. September , 14, 1 P . M. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Employ IS. Frosted i. A food flh 4.Foot4ik 5.Foka part t. AaUtrad 6. One of th SBirnal - Klnrjof 10. Adare ErtEiand 12. UtUe sprite . Germany (Myth,) U. Bishop's . ' headdreaa lXnnlnf; before hoUdsy 15. God of pleasure llRi&um Ctym.) lT.Kocki . 20. Foot-Uka orrA SLIsUndia Golf of -Mexico 2Ckrridor , 2X Celerity ' , 21 Flower 27. Gala 23. Coin (Peru) 29. Larrt worm 39. Colonizer. S4.Cloaeto 35. Bovine ' Rnlrnat 31 Ottrlch-Uk bird 37. Entire sum S9. Natives of . Arabia 4L Quench, M tWrtt ;a 42. To set grain 41Proeecute JuSidsly -, 44. Ona of many layers TVA-" ' f-' -. S.U4 and Italy wr partners T. Morsel t-Ftanto 9. A token of merit 11. Contempt- It. Fsther! 10. Kettle -ZZStop 23. Exude " . moisture 34. Small firearms 23. Ht If em 36, Round 2S.SUtch 30. Bottoms of feet SLRent ible(iUnf) 32. Buminr co&l 19,TlUe of . 3X Reddish courtesy ' eoetlng. (Tunia) 1 aa on metal 0LlFpAVES' i5T?7r FILL T'S Ap'"0iR YJ " W a 7f sIrTa pe if gjtjAjRjr kmTS e-n , TsMsfday Aasws SlConreal tostnt 34. Greek letter S9.Skltt 40. Coin (Port) i 4 i "" "T "TTi H mm mm mmm 1: 111 Wfr' , iZllllHl-iil 1 -