?Tl OniCOII STATESMAN, gI , Oregon. 7dn knr Moralaq. tptombf 11. IMS V Will- Fete Miss' Society . ; Clubs Music .... The . " ' . ' ' 1 - . - .i' t - ''- f - Maxki Buren Womn"i Cd;tor Alpha Chis Miss Sharon Burnett, who has announced September 17 as the date for her marriage to Ensign Donald : Barnick, ; win " be the honor guest at several - pre- . nuptial parties . this week. En sign Barnick is expected to ar rive, in the capital today frcJm California. He Just returned "' from the south Pacific. Miss Beverly McGilchrist and Miss v Miriam ' Becke will : be ' hostesses ' for a ? mother and daughter party Friday night at . xne Mn uecu nome-on norm t t -j -t i , Summer street in compliment to H O I iT i 1 TQl Miss Burnett. 1IU1U..1 Guests have been invited to a , .7:30 o'clock dessert supper with an Informal f evening following. ' A kitchen shower will fete the bride-to-be. - ' " Bidden to honor Miss Burnett . are her, mother, Mn. Lucille - Burnett, Mrs F. E. Barnick, Miss Beverly Barnick, Mrs. 14 Co vert, Miss Virginia Covert, Mrs. Ray Rabenau, Miss Shirley Ra . benau, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Miss . Harriett Hawkins, Mrs. J. D. Berwick, Mrs. Francis Kennedy, Miss Lisbeth Kennedy, Mrs. Oliver B. Huston, ; Miss Anne Huston, Mrs. Gordon Mc Gilchrist, Miss Beverly i McGil christ, Mrs. Karl Becke and Miss Miriam 'Becke. f '' Mrs. Taylor Hawkins and'her daughter, Harriet, are arranging a dinner party for- Saturday night at their Fairmount Hill home in! compliment to Miss Burnett Miss Hawkins will re turn Friday from the University" of Oregon campus where she is . attending1 the rush week festiv ities. Home Jeryme English i Society Editor Bride-Elect Is Honor Guest Miss Dora thea Steusloff and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers en tertained the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae at the 5 former's home Court street Monday night. Miss LeRude Engaged SILVERTON The engage- ' tnent of Miss Ruby LeRude to Mr. Norman Rue was announced at a party given by Miss Le Rude's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeRude Sunday night. The wedding will take place next summer. ; . Miss LeRude Is at present em ployed at Portland, Mr. Rue is a 'discharged veteran of Italian battles and will enter Oregon State college this fall. At the same party Mrs. Bessie Towns, who is leaving Saturday for Minneapolis to attend Augs burg college, was honored. Attending were Rev. and Mrt.. 0. 1 C. Olson, Mrs. Evln" Alm quist, Jean Heidenstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Standard, Miss Gladys Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Almquist, Miss Olga John son, Mrs. George Almquist, Nor man Rue, Ruby LeRude, Joyce LeRude, Marvin LeRude,. Mrs. Loyall Beals and Mr. and Mrs. LeRude. Today's Menu '.. Frankfurters in blankets will be today's interesting dish. 0 : Stuffed celery salad . Frankfurters in blankets Baked potatoes Broiled tomatoes V Baked pears Whipped cream top on This was the first fall meeting , of the group with Mrs. Lewis Griffith, president, presiding. A : dessert supper was served by-the hostesses with the busi ness I meeting following. Lovely bouquets of gladioluses were ar ranged about the rooms. Special guests were Miss Mary Parker, Miss Ddrothy Kenney, Mrs. Douglas Parker and Mrs. George Hanauska, who repre sented the active chapter rn the Willamette university campus. Alumnae attending were Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. James Wal ton, Mrs. John Minto, Mrs. Paul Heath, Mrs. Theodore Madsen, Mrs. William Linfoot, Mrs. Roy Harland, .- Mrs. Waldo . Zeller, Mrs. William Cole, :Mrs. Wilmer Wells, Mrs. Carl r Pope, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. James B. Young, Miss Agnes Ruth 'Han son, Mrs. G. Frederick Cham bers and Miss Dorathea Steus loff. " ..- '.. . ' CLUB CALENDAR : - M i - . ; ... . WEDKESDAT : t WSCS ot ,; First Methodist church ; meet In Carrier room. 1:13 pJTl.. board meeting at .10:45 a.m. ; - - Knight Memorial silver tea in the church parlor. 2:30 p.m. Maccabee Jenthive 84 D meet for no-host dinner, VFW ; hail, -, t JSO p.m. .-. : v ; Roral Keichbora aewinf i club with 4 Mrs. - Sarah Peterson; S3S West i Wilton, , all day, - no-host ! 'luncheon at noon. - - f l Laurel Guild. Knight Memor ial church, meet in fireplace room,! S pan. : ; WSCS of Jason Lee Methodist church, all day meeting. 11 ;a.m, executive board mectinf. 10 ajn with tara. Herman Clark. . . THTJBSDAT "- - . ; ! Enxlewood United Brethren' Worn r. an a Miaionary v aocietr wrta Mm - Bertha IVan Cleave, S40 North 17th street, psa. . , j : . - . T Souths Salem iWCTU with Mrai .John Humphrey,'. 12SS South . HisN atreet. S p.m. - - - - L ' 4 North! t. Salem WCTU wltl? Mrj Clara i Cooley, 58S Gaines street, 3 pju. Mlss Dorothy Cornelius, popu lar autumn bride-elect of Mr. Joseph V. Tompkins, will be the honor guest. at a, bridal shower' Friday night when ' Mrs. Paul Heath entertains at her -home on East-MiUerj street - . ' The evening hours will be , spent informally T and a linen ' shower will honor the bride-to-be. A late supper will be served by the hostess.; Arrangements of zinnias', gladioluses, roses - and marigolds will provide the dec ' orative note about the rooms. Bidden to honor Miss Cornel ius are Mrs. Winstanley Jenks of Monmouth,!; Mrs. : Robert M.' IBinford of Newberg, Mrs.' A. E. Hanks, - Miss .Betty : Hanks and Mrs. Martin Larrow of Portland, Miss Helen Barrett of ' Fort Lewis, Wash J Mrs. Percy R.' Kelly, Mrs. Donald W. Poole, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs. Wil liam C. DePew, , Mrs." Norval Edwards, Mrs. Roy Harland, ISxti William linfoot, Mrs. Wheeler R. English, Mrs. Ralph Moody, "Mrs. Mona Yoder, Miss Margaret Magee, Miss Isobel Mielke, Miss Edna McElhaneyj Miss Isabel Cbilds, Miss Lola Schultz, Mirs Hazel Shutt,r Miss Hattie BratzeL, Miss Ruth Moore, j Miss Merle -Dimick : and Mlss .. Juana. Holmes.: " Irs. -Shelly . Shoaterauv, j re- ' elected grand regent, of Court Capital City No. 345 oi l the Catholic Daughters of America, will -preside at the first, regular ' Ian meeting of the organization tonight at the Salem Woman's , dub. The 'year's work, will be planned and all members should ' . be' present, s . ,'." 7 . -v ; " : " --. : ' ! -v ; : Many Attend (Convention : Capital unit of the American . Lesion auxiliary had a full rep- . ; jresentation , at the department convention at Portland Septem-. bejr 6, 7 an4 9. . Delegates elect- ' ed; by the tlrnit in June were Mrs. Donald Madison,Mrs. Aus- tint rL Wilson, Mrs. t N. Bacon, - Mrs." Frank Marshall, Mrs. Merle, Trjavis,' Mrs.: George Gabriel, Mrs.4 . James Garson, Mrs. Kathryn Bijown and Mrs. Paul Ficke. lylrs. Gabriel and Mrs. Brown were t unable to attend and their. places, were filled by. Mrs. E. W, Rick-, ey and A. W.. Lovcik as alter-. nates. ' Also in attendance as. delegates-at-large were ilrs., . Leon Brown, department finance . officer; Mrs! Earl Anderson, jde- fpairtment historian; Mrs. Stanley" : Krueger department junior ac- Miss Carol Schaffer - - To. Wed - ' Ws Carol Schaffer talked to , her fiance. Captain Daryl Mason . shortly after his. arrival in San Francisco from Hawaii on lion- day. The couple set Wednesday, September 19, as their wedding day. The ,bride-to-be . is "; the . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. , Schaffer and her : fiance: Is ' the . , son of Mr. and, Mrs. A. I. Mason. The ceremonV'will take place ( at St , John's LAitheran church : with the RevS. W. Gross of--ficUting at fZ o'clock. ... Mrs. , - Oswald . Morley, the , groonn ; ' elect's sister, will sing and Mr, William Fischer will be the organist " .i,."'': - The bride-elect has asked Miss i Dolores Culver to be her maid v of honor.- Bridesmaids - will be Mrs. Jack - E. Lowe, (Geneva , . . Seamster) .who is .expected, to C; v come . north ' from her home in ; Davis, CaliL, and ' Miss Bernice Schaffer,' sister' of "the bride-to-be. Tamara " Ann . Morley, "niece of Captain Mason, will be the ; flower girL v !s -- y r.' Captain Mason Will select his tiVities chairmaii and Mrs. Mae nian and, ushers after. he Wftters, past department presi- rrives in the capital . on Satur- MrsLeon Brown was elelted : weddmgicepnjwlll be uaraen itoaa unmecuaieiy alter .the ceremony; " - - . ..- : : Both. Miss; Schaffer and! her Date Is Set Fori Rites , Arrive in Miss Lurene Hastings, bride-' AAT T nirplpCI elect lof Mr. Elliott rHayesJ 1 United States navy, has set Sun-j day, September 18 as the date: ''for hejj marriage. The ceremony win take place at the home of! the bride-elect's ' parents, Mr. 9 Make regular biscuit dough, roll out in sheets and fasten around frankfurters. Place in a shallow- pan and bake as for biscuits until done. RATION CALENDAR uiiTi vats, arret ' Book 4 VS throufh ZS good good through Mot. 30; U through tt (nod throusn Dec. 31. Book 4 Stamp S valid lor five ounrla through Dec, n. ; limit Book 1 Ali-Dlane alamos t, S. t and 4 valid Indefinitely. Gathering at Weigel Home The Carpenters auxiliary Lo cal No. 287 entertained with a , covered dish dinner Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weigel of Shaw. Those present were Mr. and ' Mrs. E. C Cooter, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, Claude Sellard and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gerken, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Davidson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, Mr. and . Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrt?? Ralph Maud and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CTowley, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Rupp and family, Mrs. Bette Slater and son, Ralph Etzel, Florence Wadaeswade and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles J Weigel and family. V Junior Women Choose Theme Salem Junior Woman's cl members gathered at the club house Monday night for the first session of the fall season with Mrs. Fred Gast, president, pre siding. Mrs. Howard Conkle was in stalled as the new second vice president Theme of the club for the ensuing year is the Youth . Conservation program. On September 24 a social and rush meeting will be held with Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer as chairman of the open meeting. - Dr. James Millar of Portland will be the guest speaker and will talk on some phase of the youth conservation program: Dr. Millar will speak under, auspices of the E.C Brown trust division of social hygiene, University of Oregon Medical school. ana tars. o- i. nuunM. i Monday night Mrs. Jean: Mor-i' rison i and Miss Nita Culbertson entertained at the former's home for fh4 pleasure of Miss Hast ings. j A miscellaneous shower honored the bride-to-be and a late supper was served by the hostessesi Arrangements of asters were; used about the rooms.. ' ' Honoring Miss Hastings were; Mrs. G. F. Hastings, Mrs.! Dora j EsteppJ i Miss Virginia Wood-j reska, iMrs. Carolyn Case,! Mrs. Maxin Griepentrog, Mrs. 'Alice; Gherkin,: Mrs. Neva' VolLi Mrs.j Marilyn Waterman, Mia Cheryl! Hayes, Miss Nita Culbertson and Mrs. Jean Morrison. t Women; Have Meeting u -1 Members of the Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club held their ! regular meeting Tuesday morninf:'at Schneider's Coffee I shop with Mrs. Louise Jones pre siding ver the affair. Covers were placed for seventeen, mem bers and Mrs. tElsa Allen 'had charge lot the lesson. ! ; , The executive board will; meet with Mrsl Louise Jones ott Sep tember 23 at 7:30 o'clock. ' Tne next meeting will be held t Schneider's on September 25 and Miss Lillian Kayser will 'have chargefoi the' program. : Of interest to the Willamette University set are two birth an nouncements which arrived in the capital, this weeka - I - From . Miami. Florida comes word of the birth of a daugh ter. Linda Jeanne. to Mr. and Mrs. CHifford Stewart Gunnesdal) on September - Stewart is stationed in Miami with the navy as a radioman first class. The couple gradu ated from Willamette university and are members of Kappa Gamma Rho! fraternity and Delta Phi sorority respectively. , Mr.' and Mrs. Oscar Swenson (Cleo Nissen) are receiving feli citations on the birth of their1 . second son, John Peter, on Sep tember at the Lebanon hos pital. Mrs. Swenson is residing in " Albany wijth her-- parents while her coast guard husband is overseas. John has an older ' brother, James. .' The- Swensons are Willamette university grad- . uates. Mrs. Swenson was a Beta Chi and will be remembered as . a May princess. Her husband was affiliated With Kappa Gam ma Rho. ' " : 1 ' department vice-president at . convention, f She has served de-11 partment of Oregon efficiently" sii years as finance officer and will continue her splendid work -in the new capacity. ; , , ' t Capital unit won nine awards, at j the convention. , TheseJ in-.. dude department ' citation, na-" tiChal citation, department mem bership award for membership,? - in iNovernber. deDartment Junior WeWy rweddint .hniverskry of d Nelson, who have gone on over to the coast for sojourn. - . J Mr7 DavQ Wright :ls ieavtng today for San Francisco to Join Mrs., Wrih V"bo P taking an indoctrination course on Red Cross camp and hospital' train ing. Mrs. Wright is registered at , the Palace hotel. The Wrights expect to return In la week. Navy Officer Honor Guest Of Parents ; i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vande- neynde 'were hosts for an in formal at home Monday : niht at their E street residence for the . pleasure of their son, Lt (jg) Rodney . Vandeneynde, who is home on leave while his ship. the XJSS Adams, is. docked in - Portland. Sharing honors . with . the young naval officer were Lt. ' (jg) and Mrs. Bernard F. Norton, who have just returned from Philadelphia where they were married, Lt. Roger J. Connair, -chaplain aboard the ship, and other officers on Lt ' Vahde- neynde's ship. I Guests called from 8 to 11 .o'clock. 'Assisting the hosts were their daughters, Miss - Patricia and Miss Dorothy Vandeneynde 4J3ther out-of-town guests at the affair were Mr., and Mrs. - Frank Bosch of Portland and Li SilverWedding Anniversary Is Observed SILVERTON - Rev. and Mrs. M. J. K. Fuhr were honored. Sun day by .Trinity congregation in observance of their 25th wedding anniversary. , " Headed by . the church board and, Dorcas society, dinner had been arranged for immediately following the morning services. Tables in the church social room were decorated with gladioli and asters. At the honor table rsil-f ver-decorated cake was the cen terpiece, -v.- '' Seated at the table of honor were Rev. and Mrs. Fuhr, three of their four children, Pvt. Milton Fuhr of Ft Lewis, Miss Eunice Fuhr, student nurse ' at Portland, and Melva Fuhr, who is at home. Another son, Cpl. Nathan Fuhr, is with . the army in Europe. . Also seated at the table of honor were Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Almlie of Immanuel church, Rev. and Mrs. O. C Olson of Calvary. ' M. G. Gunderson, chairman of the board, was master of cere monies and -presented the bag of silver, a gift from the congrega tion. - The Fuhrs plan to pur chase a sterling dinner table serv ice when available. . v '.!; Appearing during the program hour were Mrs. Tom Anderson t fiance are . graduates of Salem schools. Captain Mason has been in Hawaii for three years with jthe coast artillery. .';' '.: ' ' Golden Weddirig habilitatioh award, junior mem bership increase award, and the ward for best community serv-" Ice. ' : ' - ,- Mrs. Michael Kolln was observed Z Sunday when "their 'son' and daughter-in-law," Mr.j-and Mrs. Norman Kolln, were hosts atV reception at their home at 418 :. East Main street Seventy-five" wir -'T5'l.: J TJTliJ J East Mam street seven ty-iive YW .Board HoldS- guests called between the hours Mf;-; nLi cluu i ct 3 ad s. .v.: -i,: i ,. . . i Young Women's Christian tas sbciationdirectors Tuesday elec- ' ted Mrs. C, W. Parker to the board to succeed Mrs. Ardenj A.. Reed, who has resigned because she plans to remain In Califor-' nia this winter. i : ' t ' ' Mrs. A. Al Schramm was elec ted to the office of correspond- ' ing secretary ior the board, " which Mrs. Reed had held, f v. Dr. r Frank Brown and Ir. William L. I Phillips were re elected trustees of the YWCA to serve fdr three years. jt - Among reports presented Tat . this, the first fall session of . the directors, was one on the recently-closed camp season, de clared the most successful in the. history of the Salem association. White gladioli,, purple asters and marigolds . were used about the room, and ,a three tiered cake, . decorated with golden bells cen- . tered the serving table. - Cutting the cake was Mrs: Edgar Kolln. Pouring were daughters, Mrs. Ira Anthony of Portervflle,": Calif, and Eva B. Beutal of Salem. As sisting in serving were Mrs. Al- leen Perlmutter and Mrs. Dennis Beutal of Salem. " " The couple was married in ' Chicago' in 1895 and has lived at ' Silverton for 23 years. : Mrs. George , Belt el Myrtle , Point is visiting at the home of her husband's parents, Judge ..: and Mrs. Harry Belt for several days. Mrs. Belt came north with her parents. Mr. and. Mrs. Chris and Mrs. Richard Allen of Eu- and Raymond Dahlen in vocal r Mrs. Humphrey. -; ; To Hohpr Group. f . ....... ( The South -Salem 'Woman's Christian Temperance Union will ' meet at two o'clock Friday af " ternoon with Mrs., John Hum phrey, 1283 South High street . The business session wll feature - the annual election of officers.;'"' The program will consist of a . ' review of the material on nar cotics in the present school text - books,' presented by Mrs. Hum phrey. A special .offering will be taken: for; the' Oiildren's Farm Home,' project of - the -Oregon i State WCTir. MrsLOlian Con ner -will' assist 'during the tea hour. " " ': ' '.-' solos, Mrs. Walter Larson in pi ano solos, Mrs. Hans Jensen, bringing . greetings from Trinity am T'tPtT of which she is pres- dent; Mrs. Walter Larson, rep tile Dorcas society, Miss Evelyn Torvend, the young people; Henry . Torvend, the Sunday school. The Fuhrs responded. Rev. . and Mrs. Fuhr came to i Silverton nine years ago from San , Aurora School Reopens Monday" AURORA The grade school will open Monday! 'September 17,' with the following faculty: How ard Eccles. principal, Mrs. Madge Stoner, intermediate grades, and Mrs. Cora Priest, lower grades. Sarah Rapaelje, born in 1665 in i New York, was the "first bora Christian daughter'' in the colony, Diego. Calif. V - Vanderbeek' in Rest ' Home Near. Woodburn GERVAIS ' Gabe Vanderbeek - has entered the Dell's Rest Home near- Woodburn, where . he 1 spent several, weeks last 'spring.'. He is said to be quite ill. ; ' Carbon "dioxide, absorbed Into the system by smokers. who; in hale, often causes as much as sev- - en per cent hemaglobin of the blood to be rendered ineffective. RENTS BEAUTY SALON 841 State St . rheae SS54 Permaneat waving, aaehlne. macblne- Icf cold waving. ? Ti p and 1V- Open Tnea. A Than. Evenings by appointment fSkm Fas:) Tnil& K. iinkham's Vegetable pound la famous not only to rU perlodle pain hut also accompaayUic serroua, tired, Mrbitrtrac feelings vbea oe to uneUonal monthly turbaaoM, Taken wsuUrly It fcclpa build up Mrtitipca asalnst avch symp toma. Pinkbam's Compound kelps na ture Follow label airacUona. Try tl . ' 0 f'j jpvt -'. vmtiate SAYS SECRETARY OF AGHiCULTlTI: "vJvf DDDQGQ q1 TO PilCK DEM1S, COQU, DSSTS, PEACHES lUlD'PnUIlES em7 d ume -sss :1 ; Hoars 7:30 to 6 If yea cn ipro even a !:u days cr nijlii, us -iiffl Mm. nu. Us ccr::ry cxp:ri:::3 zzztzzzxj j - DISS S7C Patterson At West Sxlera' . Ph. 21576 EVery woman in America should know jthat our country continues to face a serious fat shortage. And victory over Japan won't solve, the problem immediately. We j must keep on saving used fats in our kitchens! . .If you have any . thought that saving used fats is one of those wartime chores' we can drop, now; that .Victory is here, please con-' ' sider these facts and tell them to your neighbors. i I ; America still needs salvaged N fats. Not even at the peak of our ' war ffrrf. tvrin fat werei re-' quired for mountains of shells and ' bombs and medicines, in addition to the ever-present need for soap, were our needs for salvaging fat greater than now. Our stocks have, been drained by four long years, of war, and. there isn't enough on; hand to meet all requirements. jr--.s; .. ...... . , ' J ,: . f ' Don9 1 let "Victory psychoUj ogy" biinTyou to this national need! It housewives gtiJp saving fat now, the shorUs wi3 become eveai more critical. Don't let a single drop of used fats go to waste! tittle trim mings of fat left on the platter at the table, scraps left on plates, and even the slamming of soups and gravies are important. It is the consistent taring of even these small amounts that counts. ' Don't turn in fats that can be re-used! But some fats, such as those rendered from lamb and mutton, are not suitable for re-use. Put them immediately in the salvage can. 'And, with other fat, after you've got all coolting good' out of them, there is always a little left. No matter how little it is, save it. . . . Your butcher wiH stlH give you 4i and 2 red points for every pound you turn in. Save consistently save every drop you can every day until tJncle Sam say the job is done. . , Scztttay oi Ajricaltur Jfpnted i USDA and OP A. Vttijor ijladMStrj. .... 7 'j una SM ART SHOP IIS N. liberty