The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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The OBEGOlt STATESMAtT. Scdera, Oregon, Sunday Moaning, feptexnbar V 1S
k 4.
Miss Shafer
Weds Navy
A profusion or gladioluses and
asters in varying shades of pink
and white decorated ! historic
First Methodist church tor the
wedding Saturday night at which
Miss Geraldlne Shafer and Lt
Ralph J. Wadei United, State
naval air corps... were married.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. L. V. Shafer and her
husband is the son' of Mr. j and
Mrs. R. O. Wade of Harrisburg.
Rer. John I Knight rea thei
ritual at 5 o'clock before a fath
ering of friends and relatives of
the couple. Miss Edith Fairham
sang "I Love You Truly and
"Because? before the bridal par
ty entered! Miss Alice Rose was
the organist.
The altar candles were lighted
by Miss Bernlce Elgin and Miss
Enid Nelson, who wore pastel
cummer dresses.
The attractive, brunette bride
wore a handsome .white gown
fashioned with taffeta bodice'
andfull net skirt which ended
in a short train. The. fittetl, bod
ice was designed (with a taffeta
peplum at the waist and a net
yoke which formed a high neck
line. The sleeves were long, and
ended in points overthe wrist.
Her waist length tulle veil
cascaded from an arrangement
of Imuvardia. She carried a bou
quet of bouvBrdia and sweet
peas centered with an orchid.
' " 1 ' !'':'!;
Sister Only Attendant
Miss Donna Shafer, who pre
ceded her sister to the altar, was
the honor maid. She wore an
aqua blue gown designed with a
full net skirt and taffeta, bodice '
with a sweetheart neckline and
three-quarter length sleeves. She
wore a flowered hat of pink'
amaryllis and maline and car
ried a bouquet of pink amaryllis.
Sergeant LeRoy Wade of Har
risburg j stood with his brother
as tesi man. Seating the guests
were Jr. Frank Voigt and Mr.
Ronald Gilson.
For her daughter's nuptials
Mrs. Shafer wore a black crepe
dress with" taffeta bodice en
hanced I with white Din etrine.
Her accessories were black and
, .white
i x "
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Sergeant and Mr. Oiarlea M. Harvey (Opal Ma ;HalD
who wore married on August 28 at the home of the bride',
parents. Mr. and Mr. Earl C.I HcdL The !yroom I ttie son
of Mrs. Elmer Conn of Albany. Sergeant Harvey will re
port to Fort Meade, Maryland, after his 3CWay furlough.
n reconuy returnea to the States after three years of
acuye aury m curope.
and her flowers were
gladiolus blossoms. Mss.
chose a blue dress suit
with black accessories and a cor
sage of white gladioluses for her
son's marriage.
The newlyweds received the
congratulations of their guests at
a rticejption in the Carrier Room
Immediately after the ceremony.
The couple stood before the fire
place which was banked with
arrangements of gladioluses and
bouvardia. s
Mrsi R. F. Knight of Portland,
aunt the bride, and Mrs. W.
F. Yates of Albany, aunt of the
groom! presided at the serving
table. Mrs. F. E. Shafer of Lin
coln, Nebraska, aunt of the bride,
cut the cake, which was encir
cled with a wreath of gmilax and
bouvardia. , .
Assists at Reception
'" f ' j-
Assisting in the serving were
Miss Delores Nichols, Miss Bar
bara Causey, Miss Lorraine Mur
dock, (Miss Clarice Busselle and
Miss iThelmi Wilcox. "Miss Max
ine Bjach passed the guest book
and Mrs. Frank Koontz of Hal
. aey ajid Mrs. Kenneth Smith of
Eugene, sisters of the groom,
were In. charge ot the gift table.
Miss Evelyn Johnsen played the
piano: ielectioaa during the re-
When the couple left on their
wedding trip the bride wore a
smart black and white checked
cardigan suit with black felt
sailor and black patent acces
sories. IX. Wade will take his
bride to Arlington, Wash, to re
side, where he la stationed with
. the naval air corps. The new Mrs.
Wade, attended Willamette uni
versity where she was a PI Beta
Phi. Her husband attended Ore
gon State college before entering
the service. V ':-'' '
Coming west for the wedding
were the bride's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Shafer, her
- grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Shafer, and cousin. Miss Phyllis
Shafer, all of Lincoln Nebraska.
Diane Steiner
To Play Today
Salem friends of Elizabeth
Levy Sfeinec will be especially
Interested in a program at lOd
o clock this inornlng over CBS,
when her daughter, Diane Stein
er, 13-year-old violinist plays on
fthe "Church of the Air" pro-
j gram. .
Diane is a pupil of Efrem Zim
balist at the Curtis Conservatory
. of Music in Philadelphia. She is
a niece of Harry Levy of Salem.
. Her mother was a violin teacher
In Salem for many years before
her marriage.
Mrs. Ralph H, Ceoley, Miss
Margie Cooley, Mr. and Mrs.
P;-' -rrd L. Cooley and Miss Car
men Campbell art leaving on
September 9 for San Francisco
and Oakland; where Miss Cooley
! will enter MQls College as a
freshman and Miss Campbell as a
Junior, ; " ":- ,
CapUta naaM MeLeUaa. Jr.
Is arriving ia the capital today
from Monterey, Calif, to visit
with his parents, Mrs. and Mrs.
Daniel J. McLeilan. He recently
returned tojthe states from Oki
nawa where he was with the
marines. After a week herejie
will return to Monterey to be
with his wife, who resides with
her parents.!
Friends ef Mtaa Maty Elisabeth
Siason, who has been , attending
the summer session at the Uni
versity of Washington, will be
interested to learn that she is
visiting at the homes of Pt Bete
Phi sorority sisters in Ellens
berg and Wenatchee. She plans
to return 4o Salem in mid-September
to be with her parents,
Mr. and Mrf. B. E. Sisson, for a
month before returning to Seat
tle for her senior year at the un
iversity. ; t
Mr. atd Mrs. John Marvm
Ritchie anc m fighters, Linda and
Patty Sue, spending the La
bor weekend in Tillamook as
guests of her sister and family,
Mr. and' Mrs. John Hatfield.
Miss SehoA
To Wed id. "
Bay City j
Exciting news comes front the
bay area telling of the marrlags
of a Salem girl. Miss Margaret
Catherine Sehon, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Sehon, to
Mr. John Norwood Lynch of San
Frandico, son of Mrs. John B.
Lynch of San Francisco and Sac
ramento, which will take place
today hi San Francisco, r i,
Mrs. Sehon went south for her
daughter's wedding. For j her
marriage the bride will wear a
rose-grey, afternoon dress with
black accessories and a corsage
of violets and lilies-of -the-val-y
The couple will be unattend-,'
el Ony memben of the Imme
diate family win be present for
the ceremony. .
Mia; Sehon attended Salem
achoobi and Willamette univer
sity where she was a member of
Beta Chi sorority. She later went
to the umversity of Oregon
where ne received her degree in
sociology. Since her graduation
she has been an employee-counselor
in the personnel division of
the San Francisco Port of Enw
barkation. . :
Mr. lynch attended San Fran
Cisco schools and St. Mary's col
lege, where he received his de
gree in Journalism. Since his dis
charge from the army ben has
been connected with United; Air
lines In Fresno, where the couple
will live after a short wedding
trip, j; ! .
Lf. Eaton to Wed
Astoria Girl ' , i
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hall
of Astoria this weekend are an
nouncing the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Helen Hall, to
Lt Arthur M. Easton, son of
Mrs. Laura Eaton of Salem.
Lt Hall has Just returned
from three years with the Third
infantry overseas. -
The wedding will be an event
of the early falL jj
Qon't Cook ' $w.u
Indoor sport ... We note by the nenn
that rjeppermlat oil has been released for
dvilian use, which reminds us that we had
' not . noticed rmv rhmvn in t
persona addicted tTuTe' J
'durlno ft rrf vo. u u --jj ?Z beaded home toward
was a ahorbw rA,- ui oinnef at grain.
mu&t was avallc4le was used lor gum. It
.certainly was migstag from what littls candy
we gol Pink, green, blue or purple, ail the
candy had exactly- the same flavor. '
Better half . . It seems that hooks and
eyes will be crvcdlable soon again. We have
f t ...... . , ms. l I .
mwavs wonaerea. wnv me anoriuyw
need the snap.
Vacation bound . . Nothing could have,
been sweeter than to be able to say "fill 'er
up", at our favorite station, ready for our
trip to the coast If the gasoline we got Is
half as good as the advertisements claim,
we'll be having to drive with the brake half
on. Just like we used to when old Fred was
bora and a good
Miss Bates
Mr .and Mrs. Thomas C Bates
are today announcing the be
troths! of their daughter, Jeanne,
but . , hat tipping seems to be a custom
of fee past Personally, we'd rather be en-
Ml t .. !
uTBiy xgnorea man be given one of fhoee - tuwui wonuwwu, wuy mw oiiwi v , trotnai or xxxetr aaugnier, ieanne
half-hearted dviHw trAr t, hooks and eyes when we could buy plenty to Lt Wiiisrd Huibert, son of
hcBTll- the irJHtary Just .didn't Mr. and Mr. J. F. Huibert of
pom now revetted to. We sow a aoldkM- ttn i TT' - Aih.nT too at has be set
his cap to an elderly woman the other day,1
and almost fainted.
Inviting spot . . . Almost anyone with a
taste for pretty color should enjoy a stay in
our county Jfdl, with its bars painted such'
a lovely shade of red. j
Thafe what they say . . . According to
a govemmQnt wleasd about pointers on
altdrations on ready-made dothinor, you
should look for allowance of material for
oxUustmeni3,j for, as fi item says, the belt
often has to be shortened and the hem
let out Welt maybe, but that ain't the way
we hoered it . . , MarJnd Buren -
Albany. Ko date has been set
rttr tns weoouz.
mm . a . fl . . -
rne onae-eiect is a grauuaie
nf Salem hieh school She Is em
ployed in the department of fi
nancial responsibility at the sec
retary of state's office. Her fi
ance is a .graduate of Albany
schools. V:i -.A,. t
Lt Huibert recently returned to
the states from the European
theatre of war where he served
for IS months. He is now en
route to Fort penning, Georgia
for reassignment,
s-wism aaxd BCrs. Braee Carkha
are vacationing at Union Creel
Last week the Carkins spent &
few days at Waldport Ensign
Carkin recently returned to the
states from duty in the South
Betrothal of
Couple Told
Announcement Is being made
.today byMr. and Mrs. Daniel B.
Jarman of the engagement of
their granddaughter. Miss Anita
Jarman, to Mr. Donald T. Mc-
xjonaia of Eugene.
No date has been set for the
wedding. Mr. McDonald is , in
business in Eugene where the
couple will make their home af
ter their marriage.
Mrs. Lester Carter and child
ren, Jane and Grover, Mrs. Rob
ert DeArmond and her' niece,
: Shirley Bier, have returned from
a ten day sty at Rockaway.
Expected te arrive la the cap
ital next Sunday are Mrs.' Ralph
E. Purvine land son, Billy, who
have spent the summer months
in Winona, Mum. with her par
ents, Mr. 7and ) Mrs. , Guy Ray
Schlesinger & Co.
Doal fesi' precious'
lovrt Iran fotir
work vkis yesr
,!KJ hrtik. Cirrf
I "apari" pair with.'
yos ea (he fob . ; .
te save firoe-tsi
cjBtf. Wi will
,ouca rwr prtiinl
learn eccaralsty
at viX.
Dr. Ilarry A. Xrewn, Optometrist
1 121 K. Lfitrfy Krett
I - f .V. - ' "
.Magnificent Fur Coats
Fashioned From iThe Finest
Skins .-In Th$ Newest
Most Flattering Styles
If yon plan to buy
lur coat this year,
onr advice Is to buy
lt now. At this time
we can offer you ex
traordinary values.
And you can par
chase It on the lay-
way plan, i
I Ways to Cay -Furs
v at
Schlesiajer & Co,
1 i
I -'
I -
icrer & Co. M
I -1 ." I erv I '
- 'I I I
If MM J i I ' , ;;
L ll'd mi in Mil
Exclusive at Schlesinger & Co.
Suck Ctf t
for te AUenlrty
' uwnndi wodl ami - A "
i ( : We95' '-ry)'2V (
L .. VM?a-- t1 kM'"1
V I .1" i"' "i. I -i i i. V ,N , '
ifc. ' -t " !
tm Jtturh cnncl !
Gating AH CUD
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01' fftrlviii nou-m
KiASv . ,k iff" k
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