'.- : ' :'V ' - 'Ar .; - t A-1 ' : I' -Al . UA i - 5 ' ". "-si- ?! -AA - f A iA V m VW': ... AA-MA - J .:- f m, r . M : -M i. m ,'. M'Mi; m ; .; :v-.--.- .- : ''..;'.:;' j h - - - s M; , . r AM-- ' A'A. . M f -v; : ;M,;,- i mm .. -. M.Av A. Am A- : ; A- i . M :-M " mT ;. a ; - in'.'-! ' "V:- iivfrA'"'" a:A' " A'''; -aaaa----' . .a m ;m- ;,m-m ' ; :;.: WDM Holiday News A . The Labor Day weekend is the oo - caslon for much celebrating this year. - The j beaches . and mountains are trt . tracting " many vacationists. v - - Mr. and : Mrs. Bruce Spaulding are entertaining ;a. group, of their friends at- ' " their summer plac' at. Mehama over . the txolidays . The' Spauldings' and . tnelr idaughters. Doris. Helen and "Jean, ' , f -,A f " have j been spending the month there; -v-H'rT Mr. r and Mrs. Maurice Brennen. Dean end Mrs, Melvih : Geist and Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Lovell and son, MichaeL ! , Joining the "guests today VilLbe Mr." . end Mrs. Andrew . Duncan, Professor etnd Mrs. Lawrenca -Riggs," and Mr. . ' end Mrs. Carl Gerlinger- of Dallas. . Mrs. Vern W. Miller and daughters . and Mrs. 'I William Deeney will be guests at the Spauldings on Labor , Day. A B RN Society Clubs ; Music G ON . - Y "t r 'M S u Mr. and Mrs. Carl .' Nelson are entertaining with a house party at their summer home at Neskowin this . . weekerad. Their quests include a group of their college friends from Eugene, . Seattle and Astoria ,, -mm. Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers have -cs their weekend guests at -their sum- -mer place; at Dejake, his bromer-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Houjer -J. Davis and son, Jay, of Orange, r v Calif., Mr. and Mrs.; Harris Lletz and Jeanne and Janice Myers. ' Labor j weekend . guests of Mr. and . . 'Mrs. A.I A. - Schramm at their " sumr mer place on 1he Santiam are Mr , and Mrs. R. W. Sprague of ' Seattle, ' Mrs Charles A. Sprague. vin T. Hurley and daughter, Mr. ana .' Mrs. Mei Nancy. 1 Major and I Mrs. William Hugh Adams and son, Jimmy, are spending the weekend at Nelscott a3 guests of Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Raymond Olson. - Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling and . daughters, Sarah Ann 1 and Alice Louise, are enjoying the Weekend at . their beach house at Seal Rocks. Also at Seal Rocks for the weekend are Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise and Mr and Mrs. Herbert Darby of Portland. ; , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huggins and children. Chuck and Suzanne,, are en- - Joying q camping trip on the Metolius oyer the weekend At the Coast " - Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills are spends Ing the weekend at Gearhart with Iheir son-in-law and , daughter, ' Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Price, and children, '.' Donald, David and Lorah Jo, of Camas, Wash., who 'are vacationing at the beach resort . -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feike and children, Dennis and Mary, are spend ing the weekend in Astoria with her parents,' Mr, and Mrs. John Slottee. Overthe holiday the Feikes will be : ' Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Bjame Erick sen and sons, John and Wayne, who have been at Seaside the past week. The two families will enjoy salmon fishing during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jorgensen are en joying a five day motor trip to Bend, Hamath Falls and other eastern and southern Oregon points. Captain and Mrs. Douglas McKay end daughter, Mary Lou, are at Nes kowin at their summer place lor the . holiday weekend. - I " . Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Welnstein ore at their summer place on Devils Lake over the . holidays. ; - - f . " - " ? - ' -- r-:z?rL ' -mM;''; it" w;fc JT:. "U--JlT Jk4: mitG&i ' nfc r . 4 ,. i i. - i y 5 : ' t. - m;;' !n) - - f t At the Beach The Oregon beaches' continue to be , the popular vacation spot for Salem . , families. Mr. and Mrs. William J. ' i " Busick and daughter, Jeanne, and Mrs. - -vBusick's nephew. LL William J. Cernlk. v left Saturday for a week's stay at Nes- ' - kowln.tXt. Cernik,: who': has been sta- : .ttcmed.'at-Caxnp FcttuTe'arrlved . . , -; ' fn Salem by plane." After a. few days ... O at the coast he will Jeave for Fort Ord, -' Cdit,:f6r assignmehi".; :m. m -;. frr ard -Mr, -RdTph "v" daughters, Sharon, and; Norma, and . ' r Mrs CL S:i Hqmiltan: are sending the w-. week at Neskowiru 1- ; : . r .": j . Mr. 'arid. Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele . t ;and daughter Barbara, ore leaving to i ;'v'' day for a week's sojOUrn at the Canyon - - Drive apartments on me coast' 7 . ' ; Mt, arid ' MTs.',WaUace: Carson :and fcon.'Wally,; are leaving the first "of the '. week for v a vacation - trip along - the coast. - . M-i Mr. 'and' Mrs. Earl : Cooley and daughter. Betty, and Mrs. A. F. Marcus are leciving Tuesday for a, week's stay - at their beach place , at Neskowin. ' 'At Neskotvih' ' ::'.:'':''y r '':- 4 Mrs. Glenn Wilbtar and children, John and Mary, Mrs. C C. Cannon; MrsW. Ludd Redd and Mrs. Jack Langwdrthy - (Lorraine . Kinder) rnow of Salem, for merly of Portland, aire spending a week at Neskowin. . " M" , ; . :v ' " Enjoying a week' at Neskowin are Mrs. Donald ' Burke and ' sons, ' Jimmy and Kerry and Mrs. Clarence-J. Hamil ton and sons, Douglas and David Mr. 'Burke and' Mr. Hamilton -.are joining their families there for the Labor day : weekend, f; T J i ; ;. Mrs. crazier bmall and Miss buzanne Small are leaving Tuesday for Nelscott to spend a week with the . former's sister, Mrs. Russel Sewall arid her daughters' v . . - m m , Miss Dorothea Steusloff and her' grand , nephew, David Chambers, are enjoying the weekend at her beach home at Pacific City. ' Mr. and: Mrs. Brown E. Sisson have Joined, their son and daughtef'in-law, Captain and 'Mrs. William .Sisson, at Waldport for the weekend. .t 'Si Lictured above is a group of coeds, all headed 7m for college in jCalifomia, fexcept "Trudy" jthe car.. Going to Mills1 college next weekend are (left to right) Joy Jlandall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. li E. Randall, Margie Cjooley (above), daughter of jthe Ralph Cooleys, 'GeorgiaRoberts, (on runningboard), daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Donald C. Roberts, and Carman Campbell, j daughter of Mrs.; Van Wieder. 'Jane Walsh,! extreme right, daughter of Mrs. Ray mond Walsh, will return to San Mateo Junior col lege. -AW j : .! (KertheU-Mills) I .!.? '"I: A Garden Weeding . Li . M . f i f ' '-i I . f. iy At a garden ceremony Saturday afternoon; at 4 o'clock Mrs. Alice Bremerton Brown became 'the bride of Mr. Keifli Ppwell. Onlyj members of the Im mediate family - witnessed the exchange of vows. The Rev. George H.! Swift, rector' of St' Paul's Episco pal church, read the ritual. The swedding took place at "Deepwood", the bride's home. j j; For her marriage Mrs. BrownJ chose a handsdme model of pasted pink marquisette fashioned witn' a flool- lengm bouffant skirt She wore Cecile Bruniier roses and bpuvardia in her hair and a corsage of the same flowers. The couple was unattended. A wedding supper wafc held Immediately after tie ceremony. The bride's table, set in the dining room, was "covered. With a lavender !damasktScloth end centered with a low bowl of pastel gladioluses and asters. ! 1 - i l - The couple will make their home at "Deepwood". - Mr. " Powell is president of the' Salem Federal Savings cmd Lodri association. ! ; - It i . . . . i - 1 ..... , - ' ..... ' it - ) 1 - 1 . ) 1 . i ; i - i . 1; v , 1;. .. , : ' J f , ' V H -t- -. !( j . 5 . . . : - ... . i r. s v-' ' ' lit.' r: - :i d ItZZijuit&gmmm,, lwi limn u ir r '-iirwu-tn w li'n-i '- a-a.J . . ; .-.--V'1' " : - " jr. J - - '-v-M'.".' (7 m- J vi-? ii ..;.. -'t . . mv v x . . !' , "ij- .M .v' r ' v- ,'s ",j-a ' - . V -j.- r " : ' tr , ".' ':i ,,'("'' " - ' ' - V.. - . . v i ji ; S ';Mv r. rin-i - 11 ' - - 11 1 1' ' " ' . - - - -...m-A AaW:aU!li " M Ml. 1 i I i 1 Miss Pomona College beckons these three" girls,' all of whom' are 'going on scholarships. Left 4 -"V. -rra Pnumrrrv rVrisr Hmjcrhter Mr. cmd Mrs. Silas' Galser. Nancv Brown. . UJ AAU AUWWluMij ' I -. - : - . - daughter of Prof, and Mrs. Earl T. Brown and Lois Barrick, daughter of. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrick.- .'!.' ' Of .1 t" ' " (Kennell-Ellis) - f ; . - , :.. - j I . , ; .!-..-' Simmo'ns Reveals Wedding Day . . . : ;: V - 7f .... . . Also .California bound, ere Helen ChepardV left, daughter of the Floyd WjShepardsand Anne Hiiston, right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. Huston, who will enter Leland . Stanford University. Miss Huston has received a full tuilion scholarship and .will be in her Junior year. - - - -'.! 1 - Cfesten-MiDer) ' ' i f 7- - '.'MV'' . '-,?.' By Jerrme English - . , . . v - oiaiesman oocxety tAiiiur v . -!" i . : ' - : , , .; . -. . - -. v L . - . ": . - . , -i "" . ' ( - -j- - . ' " r ' iM . '. 1 ? ' ' ' ' ' ..-V" ' 't Wedding bells will ring 'on October 20 for Miss' Betty Simmons aiid Mr. James B.Haley. The idate was revealed at a smartly appointed luncheon for which Mrs. Roy H. Simmons was hostess Saturday afternoon at one o'clock at the Marion hotel in compliment- to; her tiaughter.j The couple's engagement .was announced in July." The ceremony wI take place at St Paul's Episcopal church. with d wedding reception at the Marion hotel. r - . - Miss Simmons, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, is a popular member of the Spinsters ana attended Leland jStanforcL Her 'fiance, the son of Mrs, Emma HaleyiT is a graduate of Salem schools. He is now conected. with the General Finance corporation. m-. ,:M .v , I ; M,. A yellow and white color scheme was used in the decoratiens at the luncheon.' The U-shaped tables were centered with bouquets of yellow and white roses, gladioluses and Marguerites. Ribbons bearing the names, "Betty and Jim, October 20", extended down the center of the .tables. m:7:-riV,". j ; ' ; T i For her announcement luncheon Miss Simmons wore a smart black and white ensemble with a corsage of yellow baby cchids. M fe. . f J-'-M;; ;m , f ' -' ,:M.V, : Guests Bidden to Luncheon VA-' ! - :m M-i-.vV:-. : . .A:-'. - - ' ' Covers were placed for Miss Betty , Simmons, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, irM Mrs.-P. Di-Ouisenberry, Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks, Mrs. Breyman B. Young, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, sr., .:Mcmjaret Callahan, Mrs. Robert Herrall,' Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. William Scandling, Mrs. Bess Wolz, -Mrs. Arch M, Jermdn, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, . Mrs. Hollls Huntington; Mrs. Harry H. Welnstein, Mrs. Forrest E. Simmons, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson, Mrs. Emma Haley, Mrs. Harry Carson, jr Mrs. William Speirs, Mrs.,Lenard RDbertson, Mrs. Roger Ky Putnam, Mrs. We ndell Wyatt, Mrs.. Albert Currey, Mrs. Douglas Chambers, Mrs. Roger Baker, Mrs Robert Bamett, Miss Kreta Janz, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss Barbara Compton, Miss Sybil Spears, Miss Mary Jane Simmons and Mrs.- Roy H. Simmons " - !m, , .. ' : A round of parties -will fete fee bride-to-be before her marriage. Mrs. Daniel 7. Fry, jr. end Mrs. Taylor 'Hawkins are planning a tea and miscellaneous shower lor Miss Simmons on Wednesday afternoon at the Fry home on North 22nd street Later in the week Mrs. Wayne Loder and Mrs, Robert Herrall will entertain, for the pleasure of the bride-elect - ; M 4-- -1