PXGE-tEN TH OBEGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon. Sunday Morning. September 2. 1313 He Came After a i Record But Went BackWitliaPark Tall fade mm j i r ii - '- Gregory Qeanup Eliminates Chance For Worldly Fame ; i ' - - - dpt: The story ef th ral who Just had to bay too pretty bird's ere bine Hmonslne iast because It was la perfect color bleed with the hat hobby made the mistake ef buying her has nothing on the yarn . span . by Bald mil Klepper re Us parchaso of the village Senators, Mr. K it seems, went to borrow a few phonograph records bat came back with a ball park and accessories. .'--" . The way we get It, Mr, K. was In need of the records for service over the pee-ay system at Lucky Beaver stadium. Be liked la par ticular the dlse of fering . Kate Smith's rendition of the National Anthem and knew Salem psrk owner Mrs. Geo. E Waters pos sessed a copy.! Consequently, he asked the prospects of its loan along with others known to be In the Waters park file. Our Inform er tells' ns Mr. K. was , turned down, bat in the course of the .turning- was asked why he didn't Just up and bay the; ball park, records and alL i The Beavers Senators merger ensued and Mr. X. now rets quite '.- a laugh himself when iellinf of how he went to borrow- a phonograph 'record but came back with a ball park! , Let that be a lesson to yon disc-dlnglea. ;. MARBLE COOK Candidates for Oregon's most traveled prep coach Marble Cook. The rent who apparently believes in seeing- his state while mentoring prep quints and elevens hopped from McMlnnviUe to Beaverton to Lincoln of Portland to Klamath Falls and, now hops back to Jefferson of Portland. Considering ho made the last three Jumps within the past two years, the guy really rets around, no missed Salem,' all right, but not became ho didn't try to stop here. . ;! .-. j Speaking of prep coaches and bopping around, new Cooe Bay boas Tony Fralola will probably deck out with the Trotter" system In his debut reason at the Bay. At least it seems likely since Tony charted all Trotter's Willamette plays before bo checked out 'for -Coos Bay Sunday. "The i Trotter system 1 really a modification of the 'Georgia Bulldogs . routine fused, in j the Frankle Elnkwkh-Charley Trlppl era, dual tailbacks lined up behind unbalanced line in single wine. Coach Duke charted the system I while ; helping to work the Oeorgia-UCLA Rose Bowl came two years aro, liked It and attached It to bis teach- 'togs at ,WU.H - J U '.. . -T T itKfix;; ':. : ' ' Give .TraJola ! s couple good 1 backs of the "Floyd Simmons-Don Eoehon species and a stout line and hell make It work. Bnt then with tneh tnrredlents what football system wouldn't work! It Isn't .the syV torn that wins' football gsmes-'tia the players who make the sys tem work. ' i : 3 - r t - . T - t The Oregonlan's Ll H. "Greg" Gregory says he's apt to take, two or. three days off pow that the Beavers have left town object clean ing vp bis sports j desks. Now If anyone has seen that corner of the Oregonlan building; in which Greg bangs out his stuff, that same person will need no convincing same Greg (will need two or three months for his.' cleanup. A casual glance at the dust-laden mixture of papers, pamphlets, , periodicals,! pipe cleaners; baseballs, gloves,' phone num bers, calendars, etc, etc etc (yes. In triplicate) moves one to believe Greg might dig down somewhere near the bottom and find headlines heralding the end of the Spanish-American war.'- - ' r ' ' Greg's aides swear by their boss and bis "filing" system, however. They vow he can eloee, both eyes, spin thrice In his swivel and still pluck from this pile at one grab anything from a 1115 edition, of "Whla Bang-!, to a modernistic printing- of Mendelssohn's Third Rhapsody la F Sharp Major, with nkelele aecompanlmeht." . ; ;-r:j ':: If Gref is that expert he should forego the cleanup. llfht now he possesses In his corner a possibility for another of the world's wonders. .;i . , r '-v " U uop evs , .. V '.V r ' .. - " ' . .. ; n , . ' :. Detroit Holds '9; vcai. s pree 0 i atuu Halted v.Li " ct.'. .Tvr.ri -: - uowj -ociunz - winner .m vVQniSepC'lthe National league pennant race' be iween the Chicago Cubs and St Louis Cardinal became-' even more '.close, tonight at fit Louis where the Cards , again beat ; the leaders. 3r?. . The win: narrowed Cbicaso's lead, to only two games. j Meanwhile the American league chase was Just as warm as De troit nipped Cleveland, : 5-4, to maintain a game and a half lead over the ' Washington : Senators. The Nats finally -overcame their New York Yankee jinx and white Washed Joe McCarthy's men, XrO, putting an end to a six -game winning streak for the Yankees over the Senators in the - past week, -i The Yanks fell to five jtamesYlslndPetV--' -, ; - The'. St Louis Browns broke ! (Continued on page 11) si Negro Ace to Meet Kiser in Mainer : ' ' fBargain Night Bicep Card Set for Armory Bin Tuesday It's bargain night for the crunch customers at the Terry; Street Garden again Tuesday night announces Matchmaker Elton Owen In setting his Weekly rasslin card. Since last week's four-match offering seemed to click with, the clients, Owen is again bringing in four more ' this time instead of the conven tional three. Two single-fall pre lims start the squabbling at 8:30 pjn. , A two-of-three .falls, 30- minute seraiwindup special fol- ' lows, and then comes the hour-long-or-less main event i : :- Roughian Jack Lipscomb tan gles with newie Marty Pen-off in the opener. Portlander Ernie Pi luso mixes with screwball Cana dian Ed Potvin in the No. 2 spot Then Georges Dusette and Tex . Pager take overfor the special to ." set tempo for the awaited mainer between negro toughie ; Rufus Jones and el populaire Jack "Pin Hp Boy" Kiser. j . . Owen will have ready fbr any tin advertised action an extra cov ey of cops, for riotous fireworks ace " fully expected when the al ready unliked negro gladiator and ; fair-haired boy Kiser get togeth er. The Jones color and tactics ashered in a wee riot last week when he made his debut against ;Tex Hager. Grappling faithful are convinced the darkie will;ln- T vite mayhem every time he goes against a cleanie, and especially to when he crawls in witll Kiser, . unquestionably the top favorite ? with the circuit's grappling clien tele; - : .- S -. , .Kiser did not hestitate to sign fo'r the match with the Detroiter l who was brought to the coa'sisim--4ly because he Is classed as one of - the country's best light heavy mat adors. ' -!'-;- j - There will be no hike in admis sion prices for the extra-special ; party, Cody Eids Set Relay Record ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept l-CT) Sparked by Brenda Reiser's time of l.06 In her 100-meter anchor lap, the Multnomah club of Port land, 'Ore., today set a new far j western AAU 300-meter .medley i relay record of 3:57.5 as it won '- by. 40 meters over . the Crystal 'plunge, San Francisco, team in ! the first senior race in the far western swim meet at Fleish hacker pooL The former far west ern mark was 4:04.8 made by -Multnomah.' ; Waterman Leading Sweepstakes Meet Tour-handicapped Bud Water - man holds a slight lead of one stroke at the halfway mark in the Men's club 36-hole Sweepstakes tournament at Salem golf course after. Saturday play. 1. Waterman 'carded a gross 73 for a net 69 and a one swing lead over John Em- len, in the second place at 78-8-70, i Waterman blew an opportunity to post a sizzling score when he 'toured the back nine in 40 after maneuvering the front In 33. '( The tournament will conclude K with Monday play. Many have E iiot yet carded" their first 18 holes ?-but are expected to do so today. t National Lcaguo i ....... t S A TURD AT BEStXTS: . , , ? Brooklyn WO 001 I York cio oil oi s I I Branci S.ts and Brewer, Buker 7J, Adams () and i. KlUtl Parker Rallies Li Tennis Go FOREST HILLS, NY, Sept 1- (P)-Sgt Frankie Parker's chances of retaining the national singles tennis championship almost were cooked today, but Frankie stea died to turn back the challenge of sixth-seeded Elwood Cooke, 6-1, 8-6, 7-5, In a semi-final match. , The Cookes got an even break for the day, however, as Mrs. Sa rah Palfrey Cooke moved Into the final round of the women's sin gles where she will oppose three- times Champion Pauline Betz tomorrow. Mrs-. Cooke routed Louise Brough of Los Angeles, 6-3, 6-4, while Miss Betz, hoping to equal Helen 'Jacobs' record of four suc cessive, championships, whipped Doris Hart oA Miami Beach, Fla., D-d, O-A. f Gill Promises Title Tussle CORVALLIS, Ore., Sept 1-tiP) Coach A. T. "Slats" Gill of Ore gon State college warned other, northern division, Pacific ' Coast conference teams today he was out to win mother basketball championship this year. The .veteran Orange mentor, preparing for his 18th season with the Beavers, pointed out that from 1933-42 the Beavers won twice as many divisional crowns as 'any other team. OSC -took four; Ore gon, Washington and Washington State two each, and Idaho none. ; It's not that GUI isn't locking toward the east- because the Bea vers will do a lot of traveling again, as : before the war. But. 184 6 northern division 'playoffs will be tough the proving ground for eastern hopes, he said. - v.' ' f : , - . ' ' ' A ! 1 f : .::.: .S.-:--' - t 'J j - i f -w..- -. - . :-. 'J'.:-:..;..'.,.x.. v .-. H '. i ijs sjssi lotifo Haiti ifte it GETTTN READY: Touchdown time, Salem hbih Tiklng style, Is nearing, as the above picture Indicates. In It Coach Tommy Dryman (center) Is shown issuing equipment to Vik aspirants .who will open practice sessions Tuesday.: The players, left to riant Letterman End. Bill Hill, Letterman Guard Dick Harrison, Sophomore Ed Remington, ! P from Parrish, and Senior Dnane Kawllna. The Vifcs open here . September; 21 against Lebanon. (Statesman sports photo) v 1 j , :i - v .1?-. i CMsi 3-2s Leadl CIw at 2i 1 ' ' : ' : - Pulford Hurls 19th T" It s Still fWartime This Autumn Desp Vikings ripen Grid DrilLs Tnesday Kve ( ' am .. ."' a am ! ! am a . ma a ! With less than three weeks separating , them from their opening battle with Coach Bod Paige's i Lebanon Warriors. .Sa lem high's 1945 football Viktnrs commence 1 practice d r 1 1 1 si on Oiinger j pasture Tuesday. Coach Tommy I Drynan, starting i his fourth year in the SHS driver's seat toots the get-away whistle at pjn. 1 j ' t ' "... , Although ; there is no way of ascertaining how many hopefuls wiy fm the practice togs lnjthe ; next three weeks, Drynan ex- pects a squad of 60 or 76 aspir-j ants ail told. Almost 30 have: already been fitted out with' gear and will be ready to step; into the brisk workouts when they start It is known that only! five letterpien will be among these - present - however, same befng Bill HU1, Jim Barlow and Al Bellinger, ends; Dick Harri-j sen, guard,; and" Brace Rogers, center. The; balance of the out-: fit, will be as green as the grass; that should be bnt isn't en the Oiinger atrip. ;. ; ':..;. Workouts will be held each evening after Tuesday from 6 to S o'clock In preparing for the nine-game schedule. L Following the Lebanon opener here, the slate: reads:.. Sept 28 Klamath Falls there; Oct 5 Albany here; bet .12 Bend here; f Oct 19 Milwaukle there; Oct 16 Cor vallis here; Nov. 2 Astoria tthere; Nov. 9 Eugene there; Nov. 16 Springfield here.! Warriors Near Pelican Gpdders Answer Drill Call KLAMATH FALLS, Sept 1-(A. More 'than 50 prospective Klam ath high school football players turned out! today In the season's first practice session. Coach Paul Angstead admitted his. squad was ."plenty green." He said he . Intended to ,give them long J practice before "they, meet Grant high of Portland. Sept 21 is their, first game. J& 170 wo a jo s 1 fVton, Jiutcbinfi Witch (S) and phUdlpbia ' Boston ChirfO - ft. Louis .000 000 101 I 1 ooo aio on a is s Ficaeau and WilUanis; ockins and oair aaaves scbedulea.) Sacs 9, Seattle 4 . SACRAMENTO, Sept 1 -(fl3)-The Sacramento Solons, who lost the first three games of their long; nine-game series with Seattle, made it four straight by defeating the Ralniers, 9-4, behind the five hit pitching of Joe Wood, Jr, here tonight . . . Seattle ' ' iwi 100 000-4 B S Sacramento 100 300 00 11 Turpia, Carpenter (S) and Sue met Wood and Scblueter. ; Hopeful Stakes j t NEW YORK, Sept 1 -(ff)- A couple of colts off the yearling sales bargain counter Star, Pilot and Inroc pulled away from a dozen other, gallopers In the clos ing yards today to finish one-two in the 41st running of the Hope ful stakes, closing-day feature of the Saratoga meeting at Belmont Diamond Title PITTSBURG, Calif., gept lA.JP) Fort Lewis, Washington, pounded out a 24 to 11 win over Port Win field Scott of San Francisco today in the first semi-finals v game of the Ninth; service command base ball tourney, but will have to whip Scott again tomorrow to win .the title.'. Scott downed Camp Ross of Lbs Angeles 9 to 2 In the second game of the three-team' semi-finals. . ' : ' i : V ; 1:- . Danny Litwhfler and Gale Bish op led the Warrior attack, the tat ter clouting two home runs. "" ItLewis .1 ,. . . 39 15J 404-44 10 1 Ft SCOtt j. ,ii S J 005 20 20-41 IS S Embree and Haufrtrt; Webber. Hoi Unnworth, Hund. Wickj and White horn. - I .1 1 . - Amoiicaii Loamto SATtmOAT kttXTLm: I ' NW York . ' j , w 000 0000 is 1 Washincton 000 003 10 3 10 0 Ruffinf and Robinson, Car bark (7); Carrasquel i and 7errell. CJveUnd Ll003 001 0004 0 Detroit. i -J 110 000 301 S 3 1 Feller and Hayes; Newhouses, Cas ter (7), Tobln, (8) and Rtcharda. Boston too 003 107 It Philadelphia II. 1,000 000 01O-1 10 0 Kroa ana noun; tnerr ana ceorce. St.. Louis Chicaro ShlHy, Eoldak Lee and Trealk j. St.- Loula i Chicago i000 000 0033; 1 0 J..003 000 i0S Tt (3) ana iiayworth; 1-000 003 000 3 3 L.000 000 000 OS 0 Potter and Mancuso; Caldwell. John son (7). TouchatMM 9 and Tresis 1 Grid! Game Set j SPOKANE,' Sept 1-tfVThe fourth air force! Flyers and -.the Fort Warreri,tWyo Broncos will arrive In : Spokane this week to prepare j, for their ; football, game Saturday eight in Gonxaga sta dium, officials of the sponsoring Athletic Round Table said today. Posse to Ride MONMOUTH, Sept 1 -tfVthe Oregon mounted posse, Salem, and the Salem Saddle club , will ride In the rodeo parade here Sunday. The show, second of the year, will last through Monday. . f NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS - W L Pet. i W L Pet Chicago 71 M .823 Pitsburs 7 3 JtlS 3X. 1-VU1S 73 W .BO Boston CO W JtAB Brooldjm 68 S 51 Cinctnnl 49 71 .403 New Yrk SS 87 MA Phlladel IS 17 J29Q Saturday results: At St.! Louis 3, Chicaeo S InUht): at Boston J Phil adelphia S: at New York , - Brook lyn 4. fOnly games.) i - - - - AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS , . ;'"- W L Pet. 1 W L Pet. Detroit 70 63 -509 Clevelan S3 SS JSXl Washingt 70 M .558 Chicago SI S3 .496 St. Louis S 57 J37 Boston 0O S4 .470 New York 64 57 .519 Phlladel" 3S Vt J14 Saturday results: At Washington 3, New York 0: at Detroit S. Cleveland 4: at Philadelphia 1. Boston 7; at Chicago f-O, St Iouia 3-3. .-v.. : - .. ... ,. ..: r , . . fi'i Jlerei Linhsmen Fly to Golf Course ! FOREST GROVE. Ore, Sept 1-CHBflI BIartin, Forest HIUs country club , proprietor, la afraid his place will be outmod ed unless he Installs' an airfield. I Glancing out of, the window today, he was astonished to see an airplane parked neatly near, the clubhouse. . E. G. ' Daggaa and C. A. Lelnan, Newberg, had TJust dropped in for a round ef golf," flying from HeMlnnville. j Del mIt ffite Wiri DEL MAR, Calif, Sept. HF) Today was get-away day at Del Mar, featured by the San Diego handicap with $7500 added, for three year olds and up. High Re solve, establishing a new track record of 1:10 Gat easily won by three lengths from Ended, with Deer third. : ; r' j5cals'7 Angels 5 V LOS ANGELES, Sept 1 JPf Neill Sheridan's home run in the eighth broke a tie and San Fran cisco went on to score another run in "the ninth to defeat Los Ahgelea 7 to 5." r San Traneisco ' SOS Sll T Los Angela -J 0u0 410 S00 S IS S Bartheleon. Chrman (4) and Osro- dowski: Lammers. mcka (i). Wood end est ana urcene. -v. Middies Open Grid Workouts ANNAPOLIS, Sept l-iTV-Navy; unveiled it big, star-studded football squad today under a hot Maryland sun before visiting newspaper and radio men. f The sixty-odd man squad was told .by Vice Adnt Aubrey W. Fitch, the academy's new superin tendent that the entire navy de pended upon it for a victory over fjour allies,?, the army, en Dec. 1 at Philadelphia. f ;j " Prep Bigs Name ; BashoriiEnToy . PORTLAND, Sept IH&-Th Oregon High School Athletic as sociation announced today Frank Bashor, Portland, will tour the state .before the fall grijd season to clarify association rules.' Bash er, official for, high' school ' and Pacific coast games, " will ' meet witt-officials of 10 schools in 20 days..:;.C.'.--:;l--.:.-: Tests will be given prospective officials after the meetings. Bash or plans to be in Eugene Sept 19, Salon,; Sept . 20. v. y..'I- T'o - Appling Joins Chisbx "CHICAGO, Sept" 1 -AV Luke Appling, shortstop with the Chi' cago White Sox, re-joined the team today after his discharge from the army which he Joined .shortly af ter winning the American league batting championship in 1943. itp Victory 1 .CHARlyrTIS, N.C, Sept, l-(ff)-The" war ended today with Japan's formal surrender but that won't make any, difference in:the wartime" schedule of play for. the world series. In an Informal inter yiewhere today, baseball Commissioner .'Happy Chafer said that be cause of the continuing ugni trans portation situation, the series will follow the pattern adopted li i on account of travel difficulties. ' He explained that the first three games would be played .in the park; of the dty, where the ser ies opens.". ; ""V. ..; The commissioner disclosed that the Gillette Safety Razor company and the Mutual Broadcasting com pany will pay f $100,000 for the air rights this year. Hogan Holding lourney Lead a--.Lc- . - w ' j , , s Gtllch, Winner SEATTLE, Sept 1 HJPh .Tyler Gulch took the mile and a eighth feature race at Longacres today. making the distance in 1.52. . i ' i : ' ' Acorns 3, Hollies 2 ooo ns m-s s - 021 009 0 3 a t Lerault and Hilli Bicn ana Hollywood Oakland fBlaiin' BenV Three : ; Swings .Up on Nelson i - NASHVILLE, Tenn, Sept 1-ifP) The little larruper . from Texas, former Lt;. Ben Hogan, clung te naciously, to his lead in the Nash ville open golf tournament today but .he., looked over his shoulder and saw an old rival, Byron Nd fani closing in fast,;; ':z ... Cj-. 'Pint-sized Hogan nailed an four- Wder-par 67. to his first round 9i for. a halfway total of 131, eleven tmder - regulation j' figures. Just three swings back at 134 and fin ishing strong came the unquench able ,i Nelson,' - who followed, a scrambling ,70 with a blazing, 84, seven under, par- today.' , 1 1n one of the closest ' fairway fights In recent weeks, three tour-nament-tough pros followed Nel son by a stroke. Knotted at 135 were Herman Barron, of White Plains, NY, Jimmy Hines, of Chi cago, and Sammy Snead, of Hot Springs, Va. ' '; " .; Bangtail Duet Gops $46,650 CHICAGO, Sept 1-H(ff)-With Pleasure, a 2-year-old owned by EL O. Breault Chicago manufac turer, and Three Dots, racing for J.' H. Rouse,' Midway, Ky., shared honors in winning two stakes w6rth; $46,650 at Washington park today. .-.-j-. . With Pleasure won In the $23, 850. Prairie State Stakes 'and Three Dots won the' $22,800; Chi cago Handicap for the second year in a row. . . Baber Spears links Bauble COLORADO SPRINGS, , Colo, Sept Blazing her way around the last , nine holes In 32 for a new -course record, Mildred (Babe) - Didrikson Zaharias of Denver walloped Dorothy Kielty of Los Angeles . today, 6. and 4, In the 36-hole finals of the Broad moor' women's invitational i golf tournament - , : ' - It was a new Babe who took to the fairways after finishing the first 18 one down. Her clubs siz zled! with the heat' of an eagle, three birdies and five pars for the five-under-par' 32. f Baseball's Victory COAST LEAGUr STANDING! iW L Pet. v- w t Pet: Portland SS 1 w OaUand 7 ei A9 atti - tl 63 88S San Die T3 St .461 ' Sacrsmnt S3 7S J23 Los Ang il 99 .42T San Fran tl IS Jll Hollywd SI 85 .391 Saturday results: At San ZMeeo 0, Portland - 10; at Sacramento - S. Seat- U 4; at Oakland S, HoUjrwood S; at Los Angeles a..San,rranclsco T. i SAN DIEGO, Sept' 1-Cff9-The Portland 7 Beavers : raised - their Coast league lead to four games here tonight . when Don Pulford blanked the San Diego Padres, 10-0. It was Pulford's 18th vic tory of the season and Portland's third win in five games here this week. .. ! Seattle's loss at Sacramento gave the Portlands another', game margin. " ' Portland 4 Of t 3 0 le-19 It 1 San DIege SS y Pulford and Adams; Trahd, Nel son (1), Morales (9), and Bellin ger. ' rOBTLAND - ' SAN DIEGO AS it J ' ao Jt n 4 3 1 Criscola. cf 4 0 1 Abbott If 4 S 1 Gyalmn. 3b S 0 Boken. Sb 8 S Vezlch, ri I I I Gudst lb 4 0 S Ballincr. i I 1 Gira. sa S O Trahd. p 0 0 S Nelson.' p Z 0 Dnphy SbA 1 0 Morales, p 0 t - Pachco. lb 1 0 ; Prout, aa 1 0 Totals JM 10 11 ToUls 32 S x Batted for Owen In Sth. a Batted for Nelson In Sth. aa Batted for Morales In Sth. Portland ami 230 01010 San Diego . 000 000 000-: 0 Shone, rf Nonea. Sb .4 Gullic. lb 4 1 Tounker, U S 1 Owen. b 4 I CNell. SS 4 1 Adams, e 4 S Luccfacsi. ef S Pulford. p ' S- 1 Rhabe, 11 . S Cavns, rf ,x 1 English, 3b 0- t s . I 1 e t s i s Errors: Pulford, Nelson, Balllnger. Runs batted In : Owen, Nunes S. Adams, Lueehesi 1. Gullic. Two-base ehits: Owen, Adams. .O'NeU, Pacheco. Stolen bases: Shone, Nunes, Owen, O'NeU. Sacrifice: Younker., Double plays: Owen. O'NeU. Nunes to Gullic; O'NeU. Nunes to Gullic. Left on bases: Port land T. San Diego S. Bases on balls: off Trahd 1. Nelson 5. Pulford. Strike outs: Nelson. Hits off Trahd 3 in ',. Nelson 8 in 7 plus. Pulford 8 in 9. Morales 1 in 1. Earned runs: off Trahd J. Nelson S. Hit by pitcher: By Nel son (O'NeU). Winning pitcher : Pul ford. Losing pitcher: Trahd. Umpire! Falls. Powell and Fioresi. Time .2:10. Aattendance 3500 estimated. .. Player. Clab - G AB It H Pet. Holmes. Braves : 12 022 113 190 J04 Cavarretta. Cubs 1.110 41S 84 150 .361 Roaen. Dodgers ..U5 4T7 100 163 J42 CuccineUo. Wh. Sox S 333 43 106 Jl Case. Senator . 6 38S ; S7 121 Jll Sttrnweiss, Yankees 121 003 S3 153 JOS -!" ' --' ' ' " ' ' " " - Runs batted in: National learue Walker,' Dodgers 106. Holmes. Braves 103, Adams. Cardinals SS, Olmo. Dodg ers 99. American league Etten. Yan kees 78, Blnks, Senators 78, Stephens, Browns 73. Home runs: National league Holmes. Braves 26, Adams. Cardi nals 20, Workman, Braves 20. Amer ican league Stephens. Browns If, Cullenbine, Tigers 14, York, Tigers 13, Seerey, Indians 13. Carolinians Cop Jr. BaU Title CHARLOTTE, NC, Sept 1-(T-Shelby, NC, bronght the American Legion Junior base hall championship to North Carolina tonight as they topped Trenton, NJ. 4-t In the final contest of. the Legion Junior na tional tournament here. , WW IT-- Passenger - - Truck delivery when regulations permit f ligible for .T'.- v IITda Hay le I, Y ImMiiil ' e it 1 1 1 ifc ii-iaiiiw nii.iiii.i.ij . ' D. F. Goodrich ' 9 TEAKS AHIAD Of All OWIZS "; ; llSHf O Tl 'Tirst in Rubber 9 : f EAELL' SnmUSDAUKI, IIA1IAGEI1 1S8 8. CommercUl i Sala . - J I mE ikironxiATioN headquarters Phona 9156 .!. ..