WBBW'SWSaiE PAGE TEN The OREGON STATESMAN. Salsm. Orton. Thursday Morning. August 30. 194S ) ! Market Rise Still Moving NEW YORK, Aug. 2a-(P-Se-lected stock, including aircrafts, managed to keep the market re covery ball rolling today although many steels, rails and motors were unable to overcome light selling. Offerings generally were based on the idea six successive rising sessions to eight-year peaks for Industrials entitled the list to a technical correction if the climb was to be resumed later. Transfers totaled 920,000 shares, compared with 1,260,000 the day before. The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off 1 of a point at 66.8, first decline since Aug. 20. Wiieat, Corn Make Up Losses, Oats Weak CHICAGO, Aug. 29-()-Wheat and corn firmed after early frac tional losses, but oats were" weak. There was some mill buying of wheat futures presumably against flour, sales. Flour demand is re ported good. Wheat closed unchanged to higher than the previous finish, September $1.64s, corn was Vt to H up, December $1.15. The average depth" of the ocean below sea level is 12,450 feet; the greatest depth, off the Philippines, 35,400 feet. Quotations at Portland Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. (AP) Butter AA prints 4-46"ac; cartons 4i-47',c: A grade prints 45-46c: cartons 45i-45c; B grade prints 45'i-45ic: cartons 4-46aC. Butterat First quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 62-52',. c: premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53 '.c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-SOV.c lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c; loaf 30.4c; triplets to wholesalers 27.2c; loaf 30.6c lb. delivered. " Eggs To retailers: A A extra large 58c; A extra large 17c; A large 55c; A medium 50c; small (pullet) 44-45c dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 31.6c; roasters over 8 ',4 lbs. 31.6c; Leghorns 2Sc; colored hens all weights 2c; old roosters and stags 2Sc lb. Rabbits: Government celling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Government takes sup ply, market nominal, . Onions Oregon- dry No. 1. S.65 per BO lb. sack; green 1.05-1.16 dozen bunches. Potatoes Yakima whites 2.40 cen tal; Boardman long whites 3.50 cental. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-19.c; vealers AA 22'4crfA 21V4c; B 19'.'ac; S l-17c; culls 12-15c; beef AA 21c; A 20c; B lS'c: C 184c; canner-eutter cows 1 J'i-14c; bull, canner-cutters l-14.c: lambs AA Mc; A 24'. ic; , B 22yc; C 10-joc; ewes rs I3'e: M 12c: R ioic, Wool Government eontrol. Cascara bark Dry stock 30c lb. Mohair 143. 12-month 45c lb. Ray Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 3 or better 634-35: oats- vetch $24-23 valley points; timothy (eastern uregon s-e.o: clover szi ton, Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Atlf. g(AP) I vr j n; . saiaoie came total lso; common 'steers 12.00: common-medium stockers 9.73-11.00; cutters to common heifers .00-11.00; medium heifers up to 13.00; canner - cutters cows largely 6.50-1.00; sheila down to 5.50; fat dairy - type cows up to 8.00; outstanding heavy Holsteins to 10.50; medium beef cows 10-90; common bulls 1.00; good choice veslers 13.50-14.50; cull and Mimmon a AA-1A fin Salable hogs 50, total 300; market active, steady; 250-315 lb. barrows and gilts 15.75; sows 13.00; choice feeder pigs quotable to 21.00. Salable sheep 500, total 650; market active, strong: good-choice wooled lambs 13.75-13.25; good - choice shorn lambs 12.00-50; common - medium - rrades 10 00.11 IM- r-4 ---1 mm. - - . w j,.iiiilB A V.UU , good ewes 8.75-6.00; common graties Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 29 (AP)- Caah ,ht (kirft. ci, , soft white (excluding Rex) 1.46; white club 1.47; western red 1.46. Hard red Int-v rrrt i . L- . ... . '. uav ..v., 1 U per cent 146; 11 per cent 12 Hard white' Baart: 10 per cent 1.50 11 per cent I SO- 14 ,.- 1 1 Tftd,5J ' c,r Wheat 27.' bar- um - wa . nay 1, miuieed 10, Stocks and Bonds August STOCK AVERAGES 30 . Indus Wednesday , -09 Previous day SO 0 Week ago SS.S Month -SO 84 3 Year ago 76J BOND AVERAGES 20 ' Bail Wednesday Si 3 Previous day S4 Week ago 7 6 Month ago 100 2 -ear ago . 89.7 IB 15 60 Bails Util Stks 36 4 46J 66 3 .s e.s es mi. es.i , ns 41.1 46.1 M.6 28-2 J8.3 83.0 . J 10 ,10 inaue util rogn 10341 107.0 - 72.4 HQS 107.0 103.6 106 8 103.7 107 J 106.1 106.6 72.2 72 6 SJ A 1 fK mm Make Tour Vacation Pay Dividends Pleasant Outdoor Work Good Camp Accommodations Ilsrvcsi Slzxh Aicnl Angus! 2Cili ; APPLY Indopbndensa IIop Growers 148 a St. ; Independence, Oregon Salem Market Quotations Th prices beluw supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prlcea paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by Tbe Statesman: BITTER, EGGS AN'b POULTRT (Subject to cbaage without etice) BL'TTERFAT m Premium 1 -?J No. 1 No. 2 -M BITTER PRINTS A B .46 .4 J .48 30 .45 .44 M 3 X .23 J16 .11 'i Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums ., Standards -Pu lifts Cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No. 2 colored hens C Colored frys LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) spring lamos Yearling lambs .7 to .8'a Ewes .4 '.J rmii. honers and cutters .04 to .06 Cows, common .06 to .075 Cows, top dairy .075 to .085 Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 tL tain. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion for clasKification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake accurs. The Statesman reserves the light to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place ail advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must' therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser .using a "Blind1 ad. Livestock ami Poultry FOR SALE: Christie N. H. pullets 7 wks. old. 70 cents. R. G. Doege, Rt. 4. Box 180. Salem, ' mile west Rosedale school. Phone 2-3154. WANTED Tat and canner cows for beef. Also dairy cows, heifers, bulls St veal. Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars. Market price. E. C. McCandlish, rt. . box 373. Phone 1147. across from ball n-rir An x ratn ' RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. 4 to 6 lbs. White. 24c Jb., colored 22c lb- live weight Rabb t skins, best prizes. Wire stretchers and other supplies. Salem address. 60 Ratcllff Drive, phone 3-1530. Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co 8811 S K. Stark. SUN. 1722. WANTED: Reel ana canner cows bulla and veals. Will call at farm K. k Snethen. 3570 C Turner Road Ph 21348 Moms er eves. SIX Steers, some ready for beef. Will sell one or all. Ph. 3387. SEVEN heifers and Durham cows with calves by side. Ph. 3367. HAY delivered in ton lots or more. $23 ton. Ph. 3367. HIGHEST prices paid for rabbit skins. West Side Fur Co.. W. Salem.. Auctions STAYTON AUCTION The big little sale Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Cows, some close up springer heif ers. Guern. heifer milking suitable for family cow. short yearlina heiiera and calves. One OJ.C. boar, sows, gilts, pigs, chickens and rabbits. Good Kimball piano, wood furnace, davenports, other good furniture. we appreciate your consignments large or small. Special consideration on each consignment. Come in now and make arrange menta for that farm sale. Art Lewin, Stayton Auctioneer Hop Pickers Wanted Illihee Hop Ranch STARTING AUG. 31. PH. 2-2631. HOP PICKING starts Sears Sc Minto yards. Thursday, Aug. 30. nOP Pickers Wanted: Will start around Sept. 5th. Good picking. Phone 22074, B. F. Shepherd's Yard. HOP PICKERS 11. A fS tfm fra Kna bbuV- T .-.-. Farm Labor Office S A M. to 'center. venxer w t-apuoi. capitoi to Market. Market to 17th, 17th to D, D to Park Ave., to Garden Rd. DeSart yard. Ph. 22543. Start about Sept. 7. HOP PICKERS wanted. Early Sc late hops, good picking, clean campgrounds. cabins. wwut liah.a . A,-.t,.i Transportation from Salem. Start A us, 28. Orey Hop Ranch. Rt. 3, Box 197. HOP PICKERS wanted. 140 acres early c late hops, 9 miles from Salem. Long picking, good hops. Bus from Salem. Starting Aug. 22. Fir Grove ann. xi , nox Zoa, Salem. FH. 2-269, l MIPS : Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS Roberts Hop Yard Bus Transportation leaving each morning commencing Friday. August 31. Pickup points beginning at 5:45 A-M. are as follows: ROUTE 1 Capitola Bonesteel Garatfe Fairgrounds Road and Myrtle Avenue Highland School Larmer Warehouse Commercial and Center I -add Sc Bush Bank Miller and Commercial ROUTE 2 Caplol and D Capitol and Garden Road Garden Road and 21st D and 21st D and 17th 17th and Center 21st and Center 24th and State , 19th and State 12th and State Ferry and Cottage ' ROUTE 3 Farm Employment Office 361 Chemrketa Lee and Turner Road 12th and Mission High and Mission Leslie School Commercial and Hoyt Jefferson Hgwy and Hansen Ave. Salem Heights School. YARD 4 MTLES OUT ON SOUTH RIVER ROAD. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION PHONE 9623. Orey Hop Ranch PICKERS WANTED. STARTING AUG. 28. BUS WILLPICI, UP AT lilt. FOLLOWING PLACES: Hollywood Service Station at 9 A3 Capitol Sc Market Market Sc 19th Breys Ave. St Center 21st Sc State State High Employment Office Commercial Sc Market Broadway Sc Highland Highland Sc Maple Keizer Corner. Help Wanted CANNERY WORKERS WANTED NOW Women and men, 16 years and older. on day and night peach shift at our new plant at Liberty. Day shift com mences at 7:30 A.M. and 'night shift commences at 7:30 P.M. Free trans portation to night workers in Salem and vicinity of plant. Free bus trans portation from Silverton, Albany, Jef ferson. Aumsvine ana Turner ana along routes to Salem. Cafe. Phone -Salem 22038. UNITED GROWERS, Salem, Oregon. PEACH PICKERS WANTED Transportation furnished. 75c per hour. No one under 16 need apply. E. M. Boies. Ph. 3-2279. HOP Picking. Roberts Hop Yard. 4 miles south on River Road. Starts Friday. Aug. 31. Will pick Sunday ana Monasy. LIVE real estate salesman, experience not necessary. Can make big money If willing to wok box lis statesman. A COOK for convalescent home. Good wages. Phone 3484. ? WANTED: 2 Sales clerks. State Street Market, 1230 State St. Ph. 8137.' HOP PICKERS . WANTED, starting about August 22nd. Golden Gate Hop Ranch, independence. GROCERY Clerks wanted. No fin necessary. Good pay to start and while you train. Exc. opportunities for men and women who qualify. C Ted Med ford, Dist Manager Safeway. McGU- cnrist is lag. fa. aeii. WANTED 2000 hop pickers. Harvest starts the latter part of August (00 acres of nigh trellis hops, cool shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children furnished free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEM ENS HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. ORE. EXPERIENCED Weavers wanted, men or women. Steady work. Thos. K. woolen Mills. Help Wanted Male SOMEONE to cut wood on shares. 3 corda for you. l for owner. Near sa lem. Ph. 3-4289. PART Time doorman. Position suit able for student or older man. Apply in person, urana xneatre. MAN to assist with butchering. Part time year around, northeast Salem write .box 113 statesman. MAN with car' to work for circula tion Dept. Carrier supervision. Must be willing to go to work at S A J. Goqd pay. Must understand boys. See Mr. Clara: at statesman. BUS BOY wanted. The Spa. ' WANTED Experienced meat cutters. Men with ability, capable of operating markets. Good pay, steady employment. ee reo saeaiora. lmsu Mgr.. saieway Stores. Inc. McGUchrist Bids;, phone aeii. MAN to cut SO corda IS In. Snd growth fir wood. Good timber. Ph. 7335.-294 N. Coral. STRONG HI school boy for part urne wore saicm. noma ran. --o. 137 So. ComT. - EXPERIENCED Ed oral an. Bur k land j-umoer wo Turner. Oregon. - EXPERIENCED Diesel Cat mechan ic, .box no statesman. t w a nTn n -i . . in is " .n.i.tl .. . . Mm yrs. on the bench or equivalent Good w-sea. ins a-orraw .o in . itDerty, PUUU TA1M RNT tiA w nimmi m V following full wage scale positions; Tallyman, Setter. Carrier Driver. Tim- wr tuwii, iogsup aian, neaarig un bearer. Government houalnc available Ronde, P. O. Box 407, or phone 2261 unw iwnsi. BOirj ' MEN and cachanlc, HerraU Owens Co. . -Anitu: Men to work In eeme- eery. tu at 290 w. Hoyt or Ph. 8632 PATKTITP tVT-T Must be real mechanlea. Mono other i rwru miiT. . -Hra ism aaiif ik - F. O. Repine Co- 258- PortUrnl nnmtt WANTEDXxnertMrMt imIk. tlon operator. Exceptional opportunity p.ivu -v x-oruana roaa mm ww mm& PinEOTOHE OTOnES CORNER N. LIBERTY k CENTER STS. PHsss 9144 Zzhu Help Wanted Male WANTED Cai Cable Cold Storage Plant ; S40 S. Com! st ' Help Wanted Female COMPETENT woman, housekeener for family of 4. Good wages. Go home nights. Pleasant working conditions. Ph. 3793 daya or 9441 evenings. WAITRESS, day shift Waitress and dishwasher nite shift No Sundays. Bright Spot Cafe. 360 Center. WANTED: Service man's wife or housekeeper to care for two school children while mother is away for 6 weexs. ino ooiection to cmia. Room. board, wage. Full privileges. Phone 4306. 220 Morgan Ave. EXPERIENCED cashier usherettes over 18. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Can make 880 per wk. or more. Lillian's Beauty salon. 119 s. 3rd. Fh. 194. Corvallis. . WAITRESS and dishwasher. Sand wich and salad woman. 440 State. Fountain Girl Wanted THE SPA ARE YOU AN EXPERIENCED FUR SALESWOMAN? If you are. Ward's has an excellent position for you as Fur Dept. Manager. Top salary and commission, and one of the largest fur stocks In Salem from which to sell. Remember Ward's are the nation's largest retailers of furs. come in ana ask xor Mrs. euis at Montgomery Wards, Salem. EXPERIENCED stenographer, be- tween 20 and 35 years of age for per manent position. In cannery at Liberty. Good pay and . working conditions. Ph. Salem .2-2038. United Growers, Inc. SANDWICH and salad lady. The Spa. WAITRESS wanted day or nixht shut Senator Food Shop, 232 N. High st. WAITRESS wanted Good hours and pay. Pleasant surroundings. The Cup- Doara. 498 stare. WANTED: Experienced waitress, day shift Sundays off. Fade's Coffee Shop,' 1241 State. ' GIRL to care for children. Room. board, wages. 50 Highway Ave. LAUNDRESS. Permanent Good wages. Ph. 4072. DINING rm. and kitchen help. Good wages. Permanent Ph. 4072. FOUNTAIN rirl wanted at Le bo Id's Confectionery, 223 N. High. EXPERIENCED Waitress, good wages. steady employment Marlon Hotel. EXP. Hskpr. by hour. 4 or S days a wk, CaU after P.M.. 4SS7. SALES Woman, aged 20-35. In Jew elry store. Must -be able to type. Perm. position, xop salary, nererencea re quired. Write Box 109 c-o Statesman. WAITRESS wanted at State Office Bids. Hours 8:30 to 4:20 with Sat and Sun. off. See Mrs. Krauger. WANTED: GIRL for stenographic and office work. Willamette Grocery company. WAITRESS wanted. The Meadows, 340 State St EXPERIENCED Waitress. The Spa. EXP. waitress for part time work Saturdays and Sundays. The Spa. WOMEN HELP WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245 State St Salesmen Wanted SPECIALTY Saleaman.' County dis tribution of heating equipment Write R. W. NlChOlS. 3148 S. K. 7Sth St, Portland 8, Ore. Siluations Wanted GENERAL yard work, sawdust and wood put In. Ph. S751 between 1 and 8:30 PJHI. SCHOOL Ctrl wants lob as mothers' helper. Close to Panish school. Mrs. Garcia, rt 7, box Z33H. Salem, TRACTOR plowing. Ph. 6S-F-12. WANTED: To file carpenter saws. drag saws, new and old bucking and failing saws expertly conditioned. My work will be of the best. Give me a chance to convince you. Open all work days, nans -ainstensen. 30 n. izu at. Preschool Playschool. 1381 State Axes 2-8 Part or all day Ph. 8438. For Sale Miscellaneous IMPROVED ELBERTA PEACHES Starting Sept 8 we will have peaches again at Capitol St Gro. 611 N. Capitol Phone 9775. Free Delivery. E. M. BOIES 9xlS BONNY Maid rugs. Tile Sc Floral patterns. 85.95. Salem Home Furn. Co 137 Soi Cem'L STEEL enamel wood range, after 6 P.M. 874 N. 20th. BARTLETT Pears, Bring boxes. 1st hse. N. Lahtah Center SchX hse. Ralph Badger. Ph. 22278. KRESKY OIL FURNACES ' High heat at tow coat, and Its clean. X. C. Crawford, agent. 1928 N. Liberty. COMPLETE Equip, for hop dryer tncL S hop stoves and pipe, S b, single phase -Century motor, 2 S-ft fans and shaft, W. W. Graham, Ph. S2783. FEATHER Proof tick pillows 21x27. Crushed turkey Sc chicken feathers, vitalized 81.75. Salem Home Furn, Co. 137 So. ComX ' MODERN i Console Radio st Iron. board, 400 Bush St " MONARCH Cook stove, wood er coal, hot water coll. Good buy. 273 Center St, Ph. 4330. - - HOME Comfort- range. A-l eond. pair logemg atretcnera,. togging exuuna. Pb, 21-00. roenters . . a, Got yircofono PACTOnY-MCTnOD ' aCCAPPING ' tU CartnUsiH Hosds, hinarieial - - i For Sale Miscellaneous LARGE size Montar wood or coal circulator 885.00. Small buffet f 10.00. Rocking chair SS.00. and other fur niture. Call after S PJS4. 574 N. Cot tage St Phone 3331. i IMPROVED E1)-rta -rut ttim 19k St Fruit Stand. lSt0 So. 12th. " . Immedaate delivery, without priority: SteI cots, wood cots, mattresses, pil- lnwi tnlL mtf 19A G W c-.i. ct, - . a ja. a)U CTl Portland. 4. Oregon. DAVENPORT. T.-HH-- kv h.t- gold slipper chair and white cushioned chair, all excellent cond. Rt. 1. Box 227. Wallace Rd. BARTLETT PrrV IT nioV i nn t.,.h- el. Picked 81.50 bushel. Bring contain ers. Rt.3, Box 677. at Roberta Station, across -railroad, leave-pavement at right 1st hse. on right W. F. Gruchow. APPLE Boxes. 1925 N. Liberty. 2 WHEEL 18 in -tru-k tr-ilr 2560 Laurel St LANG rram nm 1as1 a itjj N. Cottage. Apt 3. Ph. 21743. riNB half hr4 w,li ,-. 1 nr. .rcic, ni. a, -BOX UOA, Saieffl, fj mi. So Vs mi. E. of s the Witzel school. 23 WINCHESTER I reneatinr rifla K 250 shells; IS gauge1 single shotgun St shells, 2 automatic - fly reels Sc rods. 121 Main. Dallas. HAY' FoW'"sAT'!'"Crrl2f headed oat hay for sale. Baled! 824.00. A. N Dugger, Turner, Ore. BARTLETT Pears S1.0O-ou pick-, alio picked. Ph. 68F12. Rt. 6. Box 121. 9x13 TAUPE hMVT hrnirflnnm ma and pad $50.00. Phone S167. ONE drMr amall nur u.rtn... mysA 'i load Of mill wood. This Mk-' 1IUI Shipping St. BARTLETT Pears. Phone 73F23. BICYCLE 939-50. 1960 Norway. TRASH Burner, hot water tank. 2 wheeled trailer, rollaway bed. table Sc 2 chairs. RFD 7, Box 50, 1 mile North of underpass. -Hiw'rJraTTrJrT'wi or cut wood for same. Ph. 23F14 af ter S PJvt. LANE rtai rhMt lib- ir m, able typewriter: large hot water tank. 1 . i i v-uur, rVENPRV and cliii erbaby go caht 87.50; 2 violins 850 and 8150 (worth 8500.) Ivan G. Mar tin. Ph. 4419. 1 COOK Bros, truck rear end as sembly for Ford 8700. Ph. 7432. WE CARRY a complete line of rolled roofing and durable shingles. Choice of red or green in square butt. hex. or dia mond point. No job too large or too small. Just call 7177 for free estimate. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY KOUSXTRAILTtn. 2 Brumnton. tandem wheels, butane range, air cond., oil heater, A-l cond. Fir Crest Trailer Park. N. River Road. CJJCUJIRS : S wiet Jc dni?7 Locust St Phone 8S66. No deliveries. BARTLETT Par rrmYi -nnl wn1. lin Beaver, up Glen Creek RdL Ph. 47F2. -PICKING Elbert a. Townaend's Or chard. Mission Bottom. - TRAILERS for rent 80c per hr. Woodry's Mkt, 108 N. Summer. 10 TUBE Console, Call after 8. 1440 N.- Liberty. WX Buy Sk sen rurniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIO MAN'S. 285 U Comnaercial Ph. 9883, 100 LB. SIZE cotton feed sacks. bleached and laundered, ready for use ior tUshtowels, pillow esses, sheets and other home uses. Get yours now. IS And 33c each Northwest Poultry ,St Dairy. aoa n. rront pnone 1007. LAWN MOWER Sharpening St Ad lusting. Woodry's Mkt, 1809 N. Summer St ATMORAYS OZONE. sD and rent fl C Pugl! Ph 2-I45S PO. Bos S3 rULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8351 EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros, rurniture Store 315 N. Liberty WX BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios, gunars, trunks. rurniture and household coods. SUNDALES. 293 N. ComX Ph. 3696 FOR SALE: Sweet corn. Ph. 22281 WANTED: Good wardrobe trunk. Box 111 Statesman. 39 PLYMOUTH motor, as is. 940. Dirt or sawdust conveyor, no motor, 825. .'none isia. DISTILLED white pickling vinegar. "Keeps your pickles crisp." Also pure appie ciaer vinegar. imnian uaer Works, wesfsaiem. " IMPROVED Alberta peaches on now full swing while crop lasts. Puritan Cider jworka, "fy .'" j FRUIT JARS, S burner1' kerosene stove, tennis net 950 Union, ph. 8678. WILL BUY tof cash sell or trade guns, ammunition, scopea and trailers. Don HMiton, seo n. ugn. - TRIE RIPENED Improved Elberta racheav- Bring boxes. Ready now. Rt box 152. It. mt W. of Keizer school. H. M. Broad bent. PEARS, apples, prunes. Mrs. Wright, 4 miles Wallace Road. Ehone 2-3277. BEAUTIFUL, walnut console late model radio. Westing house electric vacuum cleaner. 24 at pressure cooker, 12 guage pump shot gun, 22 (pump) repeating rifle, new electric silex. Royal standard typewriter. Mrs. Johnson, phone U41. TRAILER house, first clasa condition. Mrs.. St C parent Turner, ore. THAYER - baby - buggy. Del mod. 828. Rt, , box S6S. pp. Sunnyalde schL FOR SALE Hotpolnt electric stove snd daveno. Phone 2-3512. PRACTICALLY new Seary mattress. Price was 842. Will sell tor 832., 1863 N. Winter. .. J-l BARTLETT Pears $1.00 box. yo pick. SL58 -pte-f-. Ph. g--ae. St J. Box 278. MZW Improved SSberta -chee ripe new. 3. H- Bogoger, Rt. 1. Box 193A. DAVENO. ruH spring construction. Rose, blue Sr wine tap. covers tJM. One rust used dav. 949.30. Salem Home Furn, 137 So. ComX PER BOX s.oo ; S , Bring Container If Possible - S Miles West on Orchard Heights Koadl from , Intersection of Wallace Koad, Polk County uiLUMiSFnuiT ninicn Rt. 4. Box 415D : .. ..-.,--; MODEST Tri lmir- a-s-tw- INFORMATION "Do you really like this the street" ? Help Wanted n t i in 1 KA.4 -. PLAN YOUR POST WAR FUTURE NOW GOOD POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE WITH "WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S LARGEST APPLIANCE Sc FURNITURE STORE. APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR " . Appliance Salesman Furniture Salesman Mechanics Furniture Repair Man Apprentice Mechanics SPECIAL FACTORY TRAINING St SCHOOLING FOR APPRENTICE APPLIANCE MECHANICS 8s SERVICE MEN. HOGG BROS. 260 State St. For Sale Miscellaneous Reg. Black Cocker This la an extra nice 4 vear old doe. 1442 N. Com'L ALL TYPES Eave Troughs rURNACES INSTALLED AND REPAIRED Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S 12th St, Salem, Oregon. Phone 5391 I EACH. 3S SdI. Colt SV." Bbl.. 9mm Luswr 4" .BbL. 12 gauge urw H St R single anoi. so-vt iraz sporx. a oeauu, ful rifle with excellent action. Smm Mauser Sporter, Smm Manlicker, 12 gauge DbL Bbl. Parker, 12 gauge Win chester Auto. 32 Win. Spl. rifle. 32-20 Marlin, - 22 auto. Reising model . 69. Model 12 20 gauge, all with ammuni tion. Five and 7V gallon Jeep Ser vice cans. Knap sacka Gas Mask Type) S25c. Don Dudge Tennis- Rac quet Sc two regular racquets. Weaver scopes. Stlth Mounts. Don Madison, 890 N. High. 4 BURNER Monarch electric range, breakfast set small dinette set reason able. 2460 Trade. FOR SALE Worthington air com pressor; length. 4'S": diameter. 20": authorized pressure ISO lbs.; 8 h. p.; 3 Phase;- G. E. motor: in running condi tion. $230.00. including re-set switch. Hilton Chevrolet Company, Dallas. Ore. EXQUISITE nearly 1 carat diamond with ladies platinum setting, also beau tiful sireon and garnet dinner rings. Mrs. Johnson, phone 8141. EXCELLENT condition guitar S29. 1983 N. 8th st, Salem. Ore. FRYERS. Phone M-jT-12. WESTERN saddle extra good $78.00. Phone 4337. . COMPLETE full size bed, will sell or trade for bed. Phone 4337. TWO mackinaw coats, size 48-48, $S each. 983 N. 8th st SUPB-RIOR quality black . Hudson seal coat large size, length. Reason able. Phone 146s. , DINING rm. table. 83 and up; library tables 84.78 and up; wood ranees 825 and up. Ph. 7998. 19th St State. State Street Furniture. Gravenstein apples. 2478 Fairgrounds Road. ' Barttett pears. 2478 Fairgrounds Rd, g LACK panels $1.50 each, 4 pr. ve lour draoes $5. 1443 McCoy. Ph. 7314. -ALWAYS a bis stocft. Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 811$ S PHASE V HP motor. Oiiirirv f n. air compreaaor. new. rn. 8098, COILED Range heeter,- oil starve, dining table, rockers, library table, brass bed, rugs, dressers. 748 Mill St ACXTYLENE cutting and welding torches complete, chain hoist air com pi a nr. -electric valve - grinder, pipe dies, bolt and nut threaders. 283 N. "'SAND. TniAVEL, crushed. Ready mix concrete. 2-unit septic tanks. Sew er -pipe Reinf. steel mesh, OREGON GRAVEL CO 1403 N. Front St Ph 3417. TUX Best In unfinished furniture Large assortment at "'KETT'3 CO OP FURN. 13th Sk State. PO!! SALE Medium and Small Imperfecta - Phone 17F3 ...... ; - MAIDENS P. 8. fat I OSka dress? I bought it across i ' Help Wanted Wanted M iseellzneout GIRLS 20 Inch bicycle. Ph. T539. WANTED: rm -V 4unl 4m mnirtrr home lor convalescent gentleman. Ph. We Boy Furniture TRADR WITH A TTRM OP 30 TIAR& REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEO RITY IN THE WILLAMKTTSi VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED Pitnos Furniture and Appliances Call S14S for appointment HOGG BROS. 280 State St WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 433, State St USED FURNITURE. PK. 9113. WANTED. Pianos, Tallman'a. Ph 1707 WANT TO Buy, Oseo cameras A lensea McEwan Photo Siiop 439 State IF YOU have furniture to sell see Buss Bright Ph 731L 4S3 Court CASH for your used furniture." Ph 7598. State St Furniture. 1900 State CASH for used piano St other mu steal instruments Call 4841 days oi 9537 evenings er send description 'ti Jaquith Music Co. 191 S High. Miscellaneous FREE Prune and walnut wood for cutting. Rt 2. Box 88, S. Keizer SchL Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair ' Da HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State At Coiru Ph. sail CLASSES now starting in dressmak ing. A complete course $10. Rent a Singer or have your old one repaired. Singer Sewing Center. 142 S, High, Ph. 3312. SOUTH Salem Radio Shop. 1201 S ComX Ph. SOS Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage -, w urm prwperuw. loans made as -mall aa $300. See us about refinancing your present . contract or mortgage. Approved city loans 4 '.if,. Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State St . - " Ph. 92tl : $J MONEY $ $ We (nake ell trsaai of amnul tncluding furniture, note and car loans, for enr worth-while cause. We also make -real estate loans snd buy reel estate eoa tracts. tor quick snd effi cient aeroce see or pnone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4L21. 213 Guardian Bldg. Sslera ; Ufc S-Ie-M 222 - LOANS 1A7tnv 4n n-4 ,1 . . , 1 Quick service and low Interest rates. nua. auwa-uMa as sun, 2T1 SUU St phone I4M DRS. CHAIT e . LAM Or.T.TXaas JU J). Dr.G.CluutN J). CHINESE nerbalbts ' til North Ubcrty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: 8 to I p.m. Con sultation. Blood pressure and urine testa are free oi charge. Practiced ). vM ' ii .ei - ni iimS I .Ma--r L imce ii r. - : ,.v -; ::- ,-- ... - ' i. - Money to Loan' Auto And Track Loans Contracts Refinanced Mjney for r.ew and used cars e trucks re gar dims of ago- delay bring car and title and get the money. You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to 18 onontha to repay. Aites S o'clock MAone S381 er 21141 for appointment ROY , II. SIMMONS Regulated by state i ' PRIVATE MONEY 138 S Com! St Phone 9168 j-192 YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO 1 General Finance Corp. Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we ere familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mo. to repay. i Telephone 916S State Lie S-13S) 138 S. Commercial St , Have You Met the YES MANager? Mrs. Gallinger is mighty proud of her record of saying "YES" to folka wbo want s loan. Consider the extra advantages offer ed to you at 'Personal': . 1. Loans of 823 to $300 on salary. : car or furniture. 2 Sensible monthly payments. I 3. EXCLUSIVE! Personal Nation wide Cash -Credit Cards issued and honored here. We'll be happy to say fYES" to your loan request Stop in or phone. Personal Finance Co." Rm. 125. Second Fir. New BHgh Bldf. 818 State St phone: Salem 3191 , Lie S-122 M-153 v Auto -Loans . Willamette Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO UCENSE W M ISO For i Rent Houses TRAILER cabin, adults only. Fir Crest Trailer Court, N. River Rd. LARGE cabin, lights, water. 3 mL west rif -Salem on Dallas highway, Box 469. For Rent 1 RM. cabin. SO S. Pac. Hiway, cheap. GOOD Used Piauo. H U SUft TRUCKS for rent You drive Me- Cune Sr Loveit ohone FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont gomery Ward . Wanted to Rent Desperately Needed - Clean furn. home North. Illness f daughter requires auto, heat oil prof. Consider such heating Installation at my own expert re. Doctor will confirm above requirements. Upkeep guaranteed.- ' Perm. References. Ph. 8855 from S A.M, to 8 P.M. 4 or S room house furn. or nnfurn. 411 McNary Ave. Apt 4. W. Salem. WANTED X bdrm. unfurn. hmiu. Local, reliable, permanent business man. Phone 4111. Mr. Lancaster. WANT '3 bdrm. house, furn. or un furn. Anywhere within 4 mi. of Salem. Mid. aged couple. Ph. 8028 7 ajn. to 1. IXACHElT needs g o .'be-Twaain hse. furn. or unfurn Bz 10S Statesman WANTED FURN. OR PARTLY TITR. S OR 4 RM. APT. ADULTS. NO PETS. PH. 4752. . . NEEDElV DESPERXTLYrn"i bedrm. house or apt Preferably furn. Permanent local family. MINOR RE PAIRS GUARANTEED. Ph. 3002 or 5994 WILL ray UD to 1 vear'a rent In advance for 2-bed room, furn. or un- rurn. nouee in destreable location. aty or suburban. Ph. 9281. , ROT7.ST. tanMt Ui-I.m ,- . v. room furn. or unfurn. Ph, 9722. Mr. Evans For Sale Real Estate GOING TO BUILD T Let ti W VAIl mnmm n4h1 !, lots, sood location, priced gt7S $323 cawy iacj, sits. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High . S838 S R1t -nntm XT C.1 . -- . heater. East front Garage. 85300. W. G. KRUEGER nriTTo- 147 N. Com t St Ph. 472S EXTRA f-rVtn i-QTYvu u., tV- ) lr . an ,,. . Full basement auto, air eond. Sawdust heat LarH IaL- Sm n nnnnuitu with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., HiTmi Phone 410 - After a 7ia 53A-WRV m- V- i on larce Vat E. pv-. -.. r, . - .J -.. VII Li. , , merit near bus, Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS an hntn Ph. 3793 Eva. Ph. S341 WANT NICE HOMET ' " S Pel i mm- H 1 m iM . , room with fireplace, g'aa floor fur nace. Larea lot. ahmS. .i i. nose to schooi South? Price $1 fUVVW UW S. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High S83S f7-VL.TV !- i,i.a-... , tt, V . r , "i'iuui noma en, 75ft.:Jfir uT-. wh beamed tT 1 ! TJ-LT wJnaaw- kitchen, din- L,i-m-b7nt' n-nace. Lot a 4S-O50. Call Mr. W -Iters. . Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 79 ,8, COWL. rn. 37H Ere, Ph. 8341 8-ROOM home with rooms upxtairs ftuaa mmiM ...II. w - . ' . nj v wnvwruc i o . a. apertment Within walking distance to Kl I 4 . i I mt m I .Si TV- iu k a -... -. Hawkins' tt Roberts, Inc. - REALTORS i 'J Phone 4108); . , After an KICK 2 bed rm k.m. , e , . lection. Pull bsmt, fine la XtS! .. .c. OT 4UV opurtocK. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 183. N. Capitol 1031 or t-do ' XIODtRN Suburban home, located 2, VitS v.", pasement air 'eond. furnace, elee, water pWoSl SALEM REALTY CO. iv v.-mtHlV1: Ph. ?s. Snecial lJtiJy?l?a?e' Ur corner lot with fruit trees. Must be sold in next few days. Don't mis. sVelnYth Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. ,,,gw. 4500. . , Eve S33 .... til. .i:r