The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Ortxjon. Thursday Morning. August 23. 1915
TV To 71 sTrrTToTin
Lyons Family
Visits Alsea
Santiam Valley Folk
Take Vacation
Trips on Sunday
I LYONS Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Bass and son Wayne, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bassett land son Cecil
Visited friends at Alsea Sunday.
I George Berry is i improving at
his home, following severe kg
bruises while working with pil
ing. Mr. and Mrs.- Raymond Berry
nd son Donald of Holley spent
two days with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Berry, here, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haynes at Mill
Visit In Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Jaul Johnston,
Carroll, Shirley and George, with
his mother, Mrs. Daisy Johnston,
visited relatives in Salem. Wed
nesday. The Paul Johnston fam
ily were guests at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Henry Schmitt
pnd family and Mrs. Daisy John
r ston visited her sister, Mrs. B. M.
I Woodworth. "
I The Albert Harris family of
Idanha have moved to the James
Reed house In Fox Valley.
. I jMr. and i Mrs. Henry Bilyue of
Tekoa, Wash., visited -at the Roy
Huber and Stacey McCall homes
last week. '
j Mrs. Katherine Lyons spent sev
eral days at the Paul Smith home
looking after things. Mrs. Smith
is still in San Francisco while he
has been in the Southern Pacific
hospital, since January. '. He is
much improved and may be able
to return home soon.
Soldier Married
.j Ruth Lyons, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. R. P. Lyons, became the
bride of MSgt. Keith Taylor at
.j Vancouver, Wash., August 17. Her
only attendant was her sister,
Mrs. Darel Lewis. Sergeant Tay
lor recently ; returned i from the
. European theatre of war.
, Wallace Power left Monday for
Meadville, Pa., where he was call-
by the serious illness of bis moth
Mrs. j Robert Fetherston and
daughters, Ann and Leone, left
Friday for San Diego, where she
will join her husband, stationed
there with the U.S. navy. She
was accompanied by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland, and
I Mrs. Hugh Gavette and son,
of Redmond.
Santiam Valley grange's annual
picnic) was held Sunday at Taylor
Grovel above Mehama on the lit
tle North Fork.
Calf Tips Farmer
ZENA R. C. Shepard was pain
fully' injured when dragged by a
frightened calf for a considerable
distance. He is recovering at the
hospital where he was taken by
Blue take Cannery
Cannery Workers
Shift 7:30 io 6:00 for VTomer
lien Longer Honrs
High! or Day Shift
Please register at the office adjoining the cafe
teria on the mezzanine floor. For' any further
details; Phone 21576.
This b In cooperation with the Salem Canners' Committee
Past Noble Grand
Club Plans Trip J
JEFFERSON Members of the
Past Noble Grand club and their
families held the annual picnic in
Albany's Bryant park.
Mrs. Lillian Smith called a
meeting. Plans for the next meet
ing, with a trip to the coast, were;
discussed. Those in charge are!
Mrs. Nettie Hawk, Mrs. Bertha
Curl and Mrs. Nellie Fidler.
Attending the picnic were Mrs.
Lillian Smith and children, James
and Jane; Mrs. Neva Kester, Mrs;
Maud Edley, Laura Thomas, Mr
and Mrs. Lee Wells, Mr. and MrSi
Bliss Fidler, Mr. and Mrs. Scoti
Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Curl;
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cochran, all of
Jefferson, and Mel Dungan of Al
bany. Six Brothers
Hold Reunion
At Zena Home ;
ZENA For the first time in 14
years j the six sons of Mr. and.
Mrs. A. J. French, Enos, James,;
Walter, Jesse, Clyde and John
held - a reunion! at the Clyde
French home for a family dinner
Saturday. The group drove to
Silver Creek Falls Sunday.
Enos French of Jefferson, . the
oldest brother is 78 years old and
is contemplating returning to his!:
former home in Missouri this fall,
so they may never all! meet again.
Rev. Walter A. French, pastor;
of the Methodist church at Por
tersville, Calif., came the great-
est distance to the reunion. At the
family dinner were Mr. andMrs
Enos French and son Harvey, Mr.
and Mrs. James A. French, Rev.
and Mrs. Walter A. French, Mri
and Mrs. Jesse French, Mr: and
Mrs. Clyde French, Mr. and Mrs,'
John French, Mrs. Frances Coo
per, Mr. 'and Mrs. Felix French
and Karen, Mrs. Donald Judson
and Diana. , f!
Valley Births
WOODBURN Births at the
Woodburn hospital:
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Mc4
Kay of St. Paul, a daughter, Bar
bara Jean, born Aug. 12. They?
now have two girls and one boy 4
Grandmother is Mrs. C. Imus of
St. Paul. I
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ken-'
nedy, a daughter, Kristine Marie,'
born Aug. 18. She has one sis
ter, Connie Jo. Grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Boje.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Patton
of Portland, a son, born Aug. 19.
He has been named Ronald Johnj
He has two sisters, Lavon and
Darlene. Maternal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wymore
of Woodburn, paternal grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Patton
of Portland. K
Mr. and Mrs. W.JJ. .Owen, .a
son, born Aug. 20, at the fteacon-;
ess hospital, first fchild. - , ,1
Lancel Swims
In Favor j of
Bean Fields
! .1 t : I
, SILVERTON S w im m I n g
classes conducted by the Red Cross
were postponed aftet two days of
instruction had beeri given. Need
of the younger .people.; in bean
fields was the reason given.1 The
lessons; had been scheduled for a
two-week period. i f ;;
Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Johnson
and their twin sons have moved
to Sweet Home where he has em
ployment Johnson was formerly
with the Silver Falls Timber com
pany at Silverton. f j p i
Mr. find Mrs. George Elton will
have as their guests for several
days, their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Everett and
two small daughters, Lofetta and
Janice,' from Kalispell, Mont
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smith left
Monday for the east to attend the
funeral of his father. t!
Mrs.! Arthur Moon has arrived
at Silverton to be with her hus
band's aunt, Mrs. Nina Magee.
Mrs. Moon came from Denver
when her husband left there for
Fort Meyers, Fla. He is expected
home on discharge some time this
month! He has 30 missions : over
Europe and has been awarded the
DFC, an air medal and the presi
dential citation. His brother, Lt,
Robert Moon is expected home on
furlough this month from North
Carolina. The Moons have been
making their home with their
aunt I .. .. 1 '! f '-,
Amity School
Opjens Sept. 17
AMITY The Amity union high
school will open Monday, Sept
17, Rex Menegat, principal, has
announced. A new toof: was
placed on the main building and
repairs made to classrooms ; dur
ing the summer. New equipment
has been added to the science de
partment and the gymnasium
floor sanded and refinished.
Six of last year's teaching staff
will return. They are George
Bailey; coach; W. C Bannister,
agriculture; Neomi Hewitt, social
science; Ruth Richter, home eco
nomics; Edna Strait English, and
Menegat principal A commer
cial teacher Is yet to be selected.
News ; ;
Arizona Couple Visit
With Jefferson Family
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Smith, jr.. of Phoenix. Ariz..
are visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. G.
Fontaine, and other relatives."
Sunday evening, Mrs. C, J.
Thurston entertained with a sup
per party at her home in south
Jefferson, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Smith. 1
Table were placed on the lawn,
and covers were laid for the hon
or guests anJ Mrs. J. G. Fontaine,
Edith Libby, Mrs. Dallis Harris
and children, Robert, Paula, Mar
tha Ann, Janet and Edwin; Mr.
and Mrs. C J. Thurston and chil
dren, Jean, John 'and Nancy.
Portland Folk
Vacation on
Santiam River
Mrs. Fred Westerburg, Mrs. C.
Buchmiller and daughter Dolores,
of Portland, spent a few days in
the Youngs cabin this week.
Many visitors at Marion Forks
enjoyed Victory day fishing.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ball of Sa
Iem are visiting Carl Ball, forest
guard, at Marion lake. Walter
Ball is stationed; at Camp Adair.
: Conrad Cook and a number of
boys climbed Mt Jefferson this
week. i
May Phillips of Idanha spent a
few days visiting Mrs. Scott Young
this week.
j i A joint birthday party was giv
en at the Scott j Young place for
Mrs. J. Delane. j Bill Harlan of
Detroit and Mrs. Scott Young,
Marion Forks. Chicken dinner was
served and music was furnished
by Robert C. Young. Attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farrow,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Delane, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Harlan " and son Billy,
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fegan, Lola
Barr, May Phillips, Dorothy
Young, Robert Young, and Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallird Simpson
and daughters left Sunday to re
turn to Palo Alto, Calif.
; Mr. and Mrs. R. Buono and
daughters, Carol and Lynne, are
visiting the Don McNeils of Port
land at the Simpson cabin on Mar
ion Creek. f
i : Lewel Jacobs and family of San
tiam Junction and Lawrence Ja
cobs of Marion Forks are visiting
friends at Monitor.
1 E
One always stands out
i - !j
I Blitz-Weinrard, the beer of unvarying goodness, has a history
j , of more than 89 years' standing. People who appreciate real
j taste enjoyment have always' preferred it . . . and always will !
I They know Blitz-Weinhard is worth waiting for . . . the beer
so good it's guaranteed satisfying.
tlTIirTIKQ I V f&&& $&X
Father Damien
New Mt. Angel
Parish Priest .
i MT. ANGEL Rev. John Cum-
misky, OSB.,,ls to be relieved of
the strenuous duties as pastor of
S. Mary's at Mt Angel, the larg
est parish in the archdiocese, but
will continue to reside at the rec-
tory4 His health has not been the
best for quite some' time and the
past year he has suffered milch
and spent weeks in the hospital.
Ri RevJ Abbot ! Thomas has
appointed Rev. Damian Jentges,
former rector of Mt Angel sem
inary to the pastorate, v.
auier Jonn-spent most, of his
priestly life as pastor of St
Agatha's church in Portland, hav
ing been assigned to the parish
shortly after his ; ordination in
1910 In 1934 he returned to the
abbey where he taught pastorial
theology until his appointment as
chaplain at the Convent Queen of
Angeles at Mt Angel in 1938. The
same year he came to St. Mary's
parish to act as assistant to
father Alcuin, whom he sue
cteded as pastor when the latter
left for Mexico in 1942.
In addition to his pastorial
duties, Father John ias preached
numerous retreats in California,
New Orleans and mid-western
states. I
Father Damian is a familiar
character in Mt -Angel. Since
1932 he has been associated with
the seminary, first as professor
and j since 1939 as rector. Well
versed in German, he will be re
ceived with joy by the old Ger
man parishioners. He received his
degree of doctor of theology in
Salzburg, Austria, where he
studied for several years.
si i
1! I : . .
California Women
Visit Relatives Here
1 ;
f LIBERTY Mrs. ' David Enge-
bretsen and daughter Katherine
and Edith of Vallejo, Calif., is
making a two weeks visit with
her; mother, Mrs. Katherine
Schmidt Mrs. Engebretsen is re
membered here as Elizabeth
Uards Vitalized I
: ;i . I : - : : : !
Motor Oil ILubricaSes
At 35 io 50 Degrees Higher Temperature
'Sr 7h HAIP MOON, H.nJrlck Hv4tii' (hi. wiUrf UpHm.
bar 3, loOf; lh river which heart it tkippr't mm.
caut ! Ih dtaHd report of the area Med by Hudio during
this trip, Dukh uthcritia decided to celenUe the New Yerk
bey ore, let for the voydge of the sturdy little Holt Meefl,
New Yerk City might aever heve grewa p ea Menk-ettea liladl
I It I
Families j Reunion
Held on Sunday I
t ! - ;
Klampe and Springer relatives
held a reunion at Leslie Springer
place, : 920 Mill street, in Salem
Sffnday. ; '.('
Dinner was j served at j tables
placed, in the spacious dining and
living room of the Springer home.
Bouquets of Gladiola from the de
Vries gardan at Pratum adorned
the tables. ?
Music was furnished by Leslie
Klampe, VS. navy, with his elec
tric guitar, and Mrs. Rudolph; de
Vries at the piano. Group tinging
was also enjoyed during the: af
ternoon. : i)
Others present were Mrs. Klam
pe and their son Pat of , Vallejo,
Calif,; Mr. and Mrs. Wi F. Klampe,
Grace KlampeJ Valmer Klampe,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Klampe and
children, Arlys, Maurice, Marvin,
Lauren and Nyles of Labish Cen
ter; Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klatnpe
of Brooks; Mr. 'and Mrs. Rudolph
deVries and son Lee and Gene of
Pratum; Mrs. Nettie Reeves and
Anna Klampe jof Jefferson; !Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Springer, Marilyn
and Larry Springer. i
Barn, Cow, Horse
Destroyed In Fire
Near Silverton
I . i 1 i
SILVERTON, Aug. 22 A barn,
a cow, a horse, a tractor, 1 100
chickens and considerable hay and
feed grain were destroyed in a
fire late Tuesday night on a farm
six miles east of Mrs. Martha
Trigg. j
Cause of the fire is unknown
but it started in the barn arid it
was considered possible it might
have ; resulted from spontaneous
combustion. With no watej or
electric lights Silverton firemen
who responded to the call fought
the blaze under difficulties.
The farm is up from Irwin's Val
ley and is known locally as the
old Olsen place. While spot fires
broke out on the house they were
auicklr controlled. Estimated loss
was placed at $1500 to $2000.
W t I M N A IP 0 Mf
!"' !
' I
1 l :
i vll Wmi I'm M
i i mi immmv f ij hi t rmw mi
i is .
V Guaranteed Satisyiny BEER. ;
Gas Affects
Park Guests
At Silverton
1 1 i .
SILVERTON With ability , to
go other places because of more
gasoline, Silverton city' park was
not as well filled Sunday as it
has been on previous' Sundays
this year. : :
However, three large picnics
were in evidence. ,
Largest of these was the annual
outing of the Hayesville Sunday
school. Around 80 came to the
park via a specially chartered bus.
F. E. Broer, superintendent and
his corps of teachers were official
hosts. The teachers included May
Bently, Phillip Roberts, Kathleen
Curtis, Harry Smith, Mrs. Galen
Sidall, Mrs. John Broer, Mrs. Al
bert Lewis,' Ida Denney, Mrs. Reid
Simmons, Earl Hatfield, Marjorie
Broer, Mrs. Phillip Roberts, Jean
Stettler, Mrs. Robert Peterson,
June Boley, Mrs. Henry Cross and
Mrs.i Harry Smith. Mrs.,. Bernard
Zobel is Sunday school secretary.
Widows Club Elects
Mrs. Minnie Preston was elect
ed president of the Widow's club
at Silverton's park Sunday at its
annual meeting. Mrs. Nettie Cusi
ter will serve as vice president
and Mrs. Sadie Barkhurst as secretary-treasurer.
Complimented guests who were
fl A
tuq uut
i i
The Age FUgbt, liea almost everjoae ill trarel by air, h
' already here. But rijat bow the ulines are still laced with a
big job moving, tit fastest way, essential eiriliM ami military
passenger-cargo trtSc TW why we mt always f
STaOable for yoo. j
EowcTer, with much additional eplmet
already on order, we hope that soon jou cam
enjoy the cpeed, comfort and
hy United Mamliaen.
Salem Airport
Telephone: 3818
ANY O I 1 I A N , O
presented with corsages were Mrs.
J. D. Walling, Salem, mother cf
Mrs. James W. Mott, and Mrs.
Jeanne Rice, Salem, whose hom
is in Bagio, Luxon. Mrs. Rice ani'
her son left the Islands just prior
to the disastrous invasion.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
post and auxiliary observed their
annual picnic at the Coolidge and
McClaine park Sunday. Register
ed were Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Whit- ;
lock, Mrs. Charles Hartman, Mr?.
L. F. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Emit
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Stand
ard, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Chandler,
Mrs. Gertrude Moen, Mrs. Mike
Lynch, Mrs. Sally Bartlett
Veterans Hold Picnic '
Betty Lee Bobbins, Jane Lynch,
Mr. and Mrs. William Porter and
Jean and Betty, Miss Minnie
Mascher, Miss Nellie Cavender,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spechtm, Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Amundson, Mrs.
Blanche Howell, Mrs. J. P. A.
Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. El
liott June, Jean and Lu Ann EI
liot Tom Burr, Amelia, Myra,
Charles and Elma Pierce, Mrs. II.
A. Pierce, Mrs. Peter Wilch, Bea-
trice and Fred Grant Mr. and
Mrs. Harry, Walker, Mrs. Sara
Burch, Mrs. R. W Brown, Mar
jorie Frcderickson, Edwin Svar
van', Mrs. R. Moff itt and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dorritt
Visits From Oswego
Beverly Jeanne Stevens of Os
wego is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Charles Smith, jr., and children.
low fires offered
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