The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Tha; OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon, Thursday Morning. Aujust 16 1915
i i . 1 '
EagDes Tip MEieiro
i IFoir k. Ball Cirowoi
- Coursey Pitclies
'j 5 to 2 Qiricher
. ; The Eagles Lodgers, not. a pre-
season favorite but an Improved
- V, ,dub with .every .game in,, their
Rational division .'schedule,, came
v . through with. a.JW victory over
fh. Mayflower Milkers last night
at Waters field to salt away the
I Salem Junior .league, "A" divi
sion baseball" title for 1945. It was
the . second straight decision over
'the Miners lor Ralph Caley's
. . hustlers.
; - The Eagles,, who . replace Fun-
land as champions of the league,
.got another beautifully . pitched
' game for. their clinching victory.
This time it was Ray Coursey on
the mound and he responded with
a three-hitter. Tall Ray Carrow,
Mayflower server who was
knocked out in Sunday's 14-1
j tbarrage, came back to hurl cred
: itable ball last night He gave up
: seven bingles but fanned eleven
to Coursey's seven,
i Eagles Score First
! I
-1 The champs drew first blood in
the second frame on two errors
and a wild pitch, added two-tal-'
lies in the third on a walk and
' bingles by Loren Spence and Bill
Ready, checked in with another
in the fourth on Garner's hit and
. another error and ended the scor
ing in the seventh with a single
. counter oh Cojursey's hit. Shep
herd's sacrifice! and a bingle by
Walt Lebold's crew got its only
two runs in the second and with
: out the aid of a hit Coursey's
r control wobbled momentarily and
' he walked two after an Infield
-boot The runs came in on two
. fielder's choices that followed.
.-' The game wound up all play
in the "A" division for the season.
Eagles (3)
Shepherd, ss 3
j Suing, 2b X
" Spence, cf . 4
Ready, c 4
Speer, 3b ' 4
-- Gamer, If 4
"Bartlett; lb 3
Keene, rf 8
Course y, p 3
Mayflower (2)
1 Girod. 2b S 0 0
0 Osborne 2 0 0
3 Kerber, c 3 0 0
1 Osborn, cf 4 0 1
0 Cobb, ss' 4 0 2
1 Carrow, p 4 0 0
1 Lebold. rf 2 1 0
orox, u iio
1 Steinke 3 0 0
Rock 10 0
7 Totals 20 2 3
.. 012 100 1-1 3 3
020 000 05 7 2
. Totals
so s
T-agles I
- Errors: Shepherd, Cobb 2, Lebold,
Ready. Runs batted In: Girod. Ker
ber, Spence, Readyr Two-base hits:
Spence, Ready. Three-base hits: Cobb.
Stolen bases: Girod. Ready, Cobb, Os
born. Sacrifices: Kerber, Shepherd.
Wild pitches: Carrow 3. Bases on balls:
Carrow 2, Coursey S. Strike outs: Car
row 11. Coursey 7. Winning pitcher:
Coursey. Umpires: Smith and Hen
cirie. Scorer:, McLeod.
V Welcome home dept: Or, happy days will be here again soon now
j that thej village sportsters are headed down the long road home. They
t number l from "A" to "Z" and in the hundreds, and wont it be good
to see them again after the months and years they've been gone.
Dwigbt Aden, Wes Roeder, Owen Garland, Lee Shinn, Don Beaver,
1 Johnny Colb, Bob Seders trom, John Varley, Phil Bell, Tom Medley,
Bill Beard, Max Allen, Jim Russell, the Beardsley boys, Dave Comp
ton, -Spec" Keene, Verne Gilmore, Harold Hauk, Phil and Eddie
Salstrom, Mike -Miller, Mike Balkovich, Travis Cross, Don Barnick,
Gfl Lieser, Wally Olson, Bill Hanauska, Chris Kowitz, Teddy Ogdahl,
Clint Cameron, Rex Adolpb, Johnny Macy, Irv Miller, Bruce Williams,
Otto Kkopil, Dan Morley, "Dutch" Simmons, Rex Hardy, Dee Winter
mute, Dwight Adams, Gene Stewart, Jerry Stone, Henry Singer, Tony
; Painter, Harold Olinger, "Scotty" Sebern, Jimmy Nicholson, Johnny
Oravec, Dick Weisgerber, Bob Irish, Bud Coons, Joe Murray, Warren
; Ling, Orv Mull, Keller Wagner, Lee Fallin, Sum Gallaher, Marv
Wahlgren, Bob Warren, "Powder" White, the Ambrose boys, Ev
Staats and Andy Zahare, just to give you ah Idea of how many there
really are. And that's not naming nearly all who little by little will
be returning to mold what's left of the local sports picture back to
normalcy. Tis almost too good to believe.
But while being thrilled over the long-awaited homecomings,
don't forget the costs paid since December 7, 1941. We have only to
think of two, Jimmy Robertson and Russ Satter, to realize it will
be a sober homecoming and an expensive one.
DidtCt Th'mk the OV Berg Had it in Her
From the looks of that 3-0 count over the favored Portland
- Duros in the state softy meet the other niehL it also looks a if n
,;rPinwheel'f Percy Crofoot was
tuw-miig cars pinned uacK in
;4 . . Took the end of the war to
: even more man tnat lor staid old
as she did Tuesday night. There's
war would only end about once a
coaches looking for prospects should have ogled the dashes dashed
. off for the likker shop when the whistles started blowing. Gunder
lHaegg, Paavo Nurmi, Jesse Owens all of 'em would have had to
hustle to beat any one of the natives to the counter . . . Th Charo
of the Light Brigade and the Oklahoma land rush rated second and
i third to that surge . . . Sherman's march through Georgia was a
: mere saunter compared with the battle of downtown State street
.Tuesday nighty too. Our ears are still ringing . . . Casualties; too.
vYou should've seen the gendarmes, MPs and SPs doing a land office
, husiness at High and Chemeketa ... One GI was heard to remark-
; -Cripes, I thought the war wuz over. I'm goin back to camp where
it's safe!" j . . Another chirped: "HelL I aint goin back till they come
after me.":. . . They came after him, all right ... It wa sranH Hth
i a capital "G", aU of ILAnd we're danged glad we weren't given the
Job of counting the Wednesday morn headaches. We can't count that
far . . . i
l i Batting ifthree leaders In each league)
, Player and Ctn O AB K H Pet
i Holmes. Braves ,.,.114 468 100 172 -168
i Cavarretu. Cuba 105 402 82 146 J3
Rosen. Dodgers 102 425 82 150 JIM
., Cucdnello. Wh. Sox 89 305 40 103 .204
, Case, Senators 82 3T7 96 113 116
' SUrnweiss. Yankees 101 418 73 131 X13
4 Buna batted In: National league .1
.' Olmo, Dodgers 97. Walker, Dodgers 8,
' Adams. Cardinals 89. American league
Xtten. Yankees 70, R. Johnson. Red
J Sox 61. Binks, Senators 61. Horn runs:
i. National league Holmes, Braves 30,
; Workman, Braves 19, Kurowskt Csr
: dinals 17. American league Steph
: ens. Browns 17, Seerey. Indians 12,
' TL bhnson. Red Sox 12. ;
I Baseball's
; mm mm
DON ROCHON, Willamette ITs
age la tabbed aa a possible first stringer in the Washington Huskies
baekfield next fall. Rochon la bow attending Washington in ft navy
, ROTC unit
Salem Softies Battle State
Tourney Strpngies Tonight
Salem's surprising Softball entry: in the annual state tourney at
Portland, not expected to do other than make it interesting for a few
of the more potent Portland clubs, goes back again tonight at 8:30
- W L Pet. W L Pet.
Detroit 61 44 .581 New Yrk 52 50 .510
Washlngt 99 47 .557 StXouis 52 52 300
Chicago 50 50 .528 Boston 61 57 .472
Cleveland 54 51 314 PhUadel 34 68 333
Wednesday results: At Detroit 0.
Washington 8: at Cleveland 8. Phil
adelphia 3; at Chicago 5-11. Boston
1-0; at St, Louis 8, New York 3.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Chicago 70 37 .654 Pitsburg 59 54 322
St. Louis 66 43 395 Boston 52 61 .460
Brooklyn 61 47 365-Cincinn 43 64 .402
New Yrk 59 32 .332 PhUadel 30 80 .273
Wednesday results: At Philadelphia
8-0, St Louis 5-7; at New York 9-2,
Pittsburgh 11-3: at Boston 10-13. Cln
cinnaU 5-3; at Brooklyn 6, Chicago 20.
only playing around while getting
tne vuiage league last spring, wot?
do it, but we thought it would take
Salem to bust loose at the seams
life in the old gal yet Now if a
week. Come to think of it. trarW
Sacs 4, Twinkies 1
HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 15 .-(fl5)-Guy
Fletcher of Sacramento best
ed John Marshall tonight as the
Solons defeated Hollywood. 4 to
I. The payoff was Jack Calvev'a
home run over the left field wall
in the fifth inning. Umpire Red
Fails Banished Marshall In the
fight for disputing a decision on a
pitched ban. ,
Sacramento ,, 001 810 6114 t
Hollywood . 000 100 Oool 8
Fletcher and Schleuter, Marcucd
(7); Marshall, wiuiama (8 and Kill.
Al Gionfrlddo of the Pittsburgh
Pirates stole S3 bases for Albany
In the Eastern League In 1944. He
battled J30.
ales IPoiurinidl EEevos I
i FoBi;2L 2 Victory
triple - threat halfback of a season
; :
4 i
o clock for second round battling
at Buckman field. Coach Bob
Schwartz' outfit takes on the seed
ed Grimshaw Tires, first 8 round
Winners over Astoria ) and pre
tourney pick as the team to beat
for the title. i i j i U ;
l it the Salems can scoot by the
Grimshaws and reknowned Pitch
er Archie Hamlin, the local hope
fuls will take over at the head of
the favorite's class. I j I i'i
"Pinwheel" Percy Crofoot will
likely toe the slab again tonight
after his 3-0 Job over the favored
Duro-Lamps in Tuesday's opening
round. Bob Knight will also be on
hand for service. The balance of
the Salem lineup will likely re
main unchanged-Lu Singer; catch
er; Ken Manning, first; Al
Schwartz, jr., short; George Scales,
third; and Norm Nellis, Del Camp
bell, Ken Filsinger and Ken Weis
ner, outfield. ' - ; S I 1
I Timely bingles by Manning and
Filsinger were largely responsible
for Salem's win in the opening
round.''; s s I . ji - r . M
i The team will depart at 8:30
p. m. today from the Square Deal
radio store. ''';'!". ;t(
Warriors Slate
FORT LEWIS, Aug.; 15-ff)-
After twiddling their thumbs dur
ing three-quarters of the baseball
season, the powerful Fort Lewis
Warriors have at last been able to
obtain at least one afternoon of
formidable opposition, j iy
The Warriors, whose roster in
cludes a dozen former major
leaguers, will tackle the Oakland
and Los Angeles clubs of the Pa
cific Coast league in a double
header here next Monday after
noon, it was announced here to
day. - M 'h !
Sgt John Stepich, manager of
the club, said he planned to send
Red" Embree, formerly of the
Cleveland. Indians, against Oak-
and and that Bill Fleming, ex-
member of the Chicago Cubs,
would twirl against Los Angeles, i
Linksmen Plan!
'Victory' Meet
It's Victory day for the Salem
golf clubbers and their' tourna
ments today as the weekly Thurs
day play by the Men's clubbers
calls for a "Victory Sweepstakes'!
outing. Tourney Ojrnmitteemeri
Dr. George Hoffman and Harry
Custazson announce the tourney
will be over 18 holes and that full
handicaps will be used by players.
I The post-tourney supper plan
ned in accordance with last week
end's intraclub team tussle has
also been moded fTlctory Dinner.?
The Don Hendrle team, losers of
the weekend match, will sponsor
tne dinner for the winning Bud
waterman team, t ;
I A banner turnout of tourneyists
ana ainers is urged by the com
mlttee,1;.' ir.i:.i-? ,'hr .
' Mike Eandlock, Brooklyn utiV
lty infl elder, hit in 15 games
for St. Paul In the American As
sociation last season, i '
i The first full size symphony or
chestra organized exclusively for
broadcasting , was introduced by
Artuxo Toscanmni In 1937,
Portland Errors
Assist! Downfall .
W L Pet,' t- W L Fet
Portland 83 IS jSSl Oakland 87 72 ,4t
Seattle It T 381 San Dig. 83 76 J481
Sacramnt 71 66 325 Loa Ang St 7t 428
San Fran TO 66 304 Hollywd S8 83 403
Last ninva results: At roruana z.
Oakland: 16: at Seattle J- . Los An
gela 4- . (first games second de
layed): at San Francisco 9, San Diego
a; at uouywooa l,. sacramenio . a
PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 15-yDr
The Oakland Acorns turned the
league leading Portland Beavers
aside 10 to 2 tonight to even tip
their Pacific Coast league series
one game each. The Oaks drove
out IS hits and batted; two Port
land pitchers from the mound.
The 15 Oakland hits were made
doubly effective by 'six Portland
errors while Pitcher - Floyd
Stromme stopped the locals, j
The Oaks started off in front
with a run in the second, helped
by Jack Tising's own error. They
made another in the third, helped
by Catcher Souza's wild Jhrow
and a passed ball. Thereafter the
Oaks did about what they pleased.
The Beavers began substituting
and threw In three inew faces.
Glenn Crawford went to second,
relief pitcher Isador Leon from
the . Phillies and outfielder Nck
Rhabe from Los Angeles. i
The teams will play a double
header Thursday sight, starting
at 7:30 pjn. to make up a lost
date earlier in the season.
Oakland (18) Portland (2) !
Zldich. If 3 2 6 Shone, cf 8 1
Rsenlnd, 3b 6
Scarsella, rf I
Metro, cf 8
Stewart, Sb 8
Picettt. lb S
Kearse, a 4
Stromme, p 4
1 Barton, lb 6 f 1
S Ynker. If 3 1 6
1 Demree, rf 3 6 1
1 English. 3b 4 8 3
S O'NeU 4 6 6
3 Nunes, 2b 2 4 6
1 Souza, e S
I Tialnf, pit
Leon; p If
Rhabe. rf 1 6
xx Helser 6
xxx Owen 1
Adams, C 1 6
Gunrson. p 1 6
Totals 42 10 15 Totals 86 t 11
s Ran for Demaxee In 6th. ;
x Batted for Nunes In 6th.
xx Batted for Souxa in 6th. i
xxx Batted for Leon in 6th. I
Oakland ., , , 010 132 O3O10
Portland 001 001 000 2
Errors: Barton, O'Neil, Souza' 1,
rising. Runs batted In: ; Barton, Pi
cettl 3. Stewart 3. Rosenhind, Caul
field. O'NeU. Kearae. Two-base hits
Stromme, Shone 3, English, Stewart,
Caulfield. Stolen bases: Younker
Shone. Caulfield. Sacrifices: Caulfield
Zidich. Stromme. Double plays: O'NeU
to Nunes to Barton, Rosenhind to
Stewart to picetti. Left on bases: Oak
land 12. Portland 10. Bases on balls
Tislng 2, Stromme 2, Gunnarson 3.
Strike outs: Tisinr 2. Stromme 8,
Leon, Gunnarson 3. Earned runs: Tis
lng o, stromme 2, Leon, cunnarsoa 3.
Hits: off Tislng 8, runs 5 in 4i: Leon
3 and 2 In l',i: Gunnarson 4 and
in 3. Passed ball: Souza. Losing pitch
er: Tislng. Umpires: Dempsey and fcd
wards. Time 2:04. Attendance 8800
estimated. ' t
Robert Wells
Are Visitors
'i - 'r
fn Buena Vista
BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wells of Portland spent
the weekend with their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Milo Graber. i
Mr. and Mrs. Don I Nash and
baby of Salem spent part of their
vacation last week at the J. K.
Tann home. Nash is employed: at
the Salem Steel & Supply office.
Another son is spending his vaca
tion with his grandmother fin
California. j
Wes Thomas, a member of the
Dallas Motorcyde dub, was
among the members who went to
ML Hood Sunday. i !
Leland Prather and Ed Ren
Quest of Portland were looking
over logging prospects near Hebo
Friday. Mrs. Prather, Mrs. Cecil
Hultman and daughter DeLores
spent the day at Pacific City.;
Mrs. Allie McLaughlin, whq is
on the sick list, is better but is
still confined to her bed. j
N. C Anderson bias erected
some new ; buildings and did some
extensive repair work on his
dairy barns, all the buildings are
getting a new coat of white paint
Bill Prather spent several days
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Doughty, In Portland.
Other guests were Alice Prather
and Gloria Dober of Eugene. I
Mrs. Addie Harmon Is having
some of the shrubs in her yard
removed. She plans to begin erect
ing a new house sood. i
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Byers of Sa
lem were Sunday guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cobine. ' I : ' -
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovato and
Betty Lou Long of Portland spent
the weekend here. , I
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman
and daughter DeLores, Mrs. Hen
ry Banks : and daughter Modene
and son Dallas were
Portland Sunday.
PORTLAND, Aug. 15 -UP)- Jap
anese at evacuee centers wiU be
gin returning' to west coast hopes
and the war rdocation authority
may end ; before Dec 31, the
scheduled liquidation date,' Clyde
W. Linville, WRA head here, said
today.- ! -, ,r ; t- "
When the UJ5. Naval Academy
meets Penn State's football team
next season, ft will be the 22nd
meeting between the teams. The
Middies hold the advantage vflth
U win, i i
Baseball Bigs Meet, Legislate Aid for Returning
By BUS HAM ' ant, tn the farm ef ! a reeeml dais said they were reeeedliif baU, and will
Baseball get away te a running
start today en lta peat-war plan-ins-
by making room for return
ing veterans in the world series -anal
ether post season play.
Bet - befere J effleiala epened -their
r twe - day - major - solner
leagae mee Ungv , Ernest Stewart, '
15, . yosnget naember ef . the
American leagae amptritfg staff, ,
disclosed " that he ' bad; been '
fbed" by Will Harrtdge, leagae -preaideat,
as a result of a 'sqaab-'
' ble ever talaries. v;: --; - '
The action on the' war veter- .'
Beyos Release,
Harris, Federmeyer
Feel Roster Axe
PbRTLAND. Ore- Au.
The Portland Pacific Coast league
ball club has released two Beaver
players and added three newcom
ers to the club roster.
Spencer Harris, veteran out
fielder with the dub since 1934,
and Clarence "Beak" Federmeyer,
young relief pitcher who Joined
the club at spring training camp
last year, were released.
Newcomers are Glenn Craw
ford, outfielder, and young Isa
dora Leon, a Cuban, both on op
tion; from the Philadelphia Phil
lies, i and Nick Rhabe, southside
hitter bought from the Los An
geles dub.
Peace Brings
Racing Marks
NEW YORK, Aug. 15.-tf)-Rac-ing
crowds Soared with the spirits
of the victory celebrants today as
four) tracks lured more than ever
before, and three of them set bet-
ting marks.
A record breaking crowd of 42,-
000 observed the coming of peace
by wagering more than ever had
been recorded on a eight-race pro
gram at a Chicago course. The
day's total was $1,915,980 com
pared to the $2,012,018 which went
through the mutuels on nine races
July: Fourth of this year.
Olinger 9' Cops
2nd Half Crown
f ' ' . '
Rallying from behind a 3
deficit in the third inning with a
big 10-run inning which induded
a wide assortment of walks, hit
batsmen and errors and Pitcher
Steckley's homer with one on, the
Olinger playground team yester
day j dumped Capitola, 12-4, for
the second j half championship of
the fee-Was hall league. The win
qualified Olinger to meet first
half; champ Hollywood Friday -at
Capitola v ; ; ' - ,. 4 S I
Olinger - : 12 S 2
Cook and Wcstenhaus; Steckley and
Raiiiers Drop
Opener, 4 to 2
SEATTLE, Aug. 15 -(ff)- The
Los Angdes Angels scored a 4-2
victory over Seattle here tonight
In the first game of a doublehead
er. Don Osborn was the winning
pitcher, Chet Johnson the loser.
Los Angeles -120 001 0-4 9 1
Seattle i, 000 003 02 8 1
Osborn and Brenner; C. Johnson,
Palica (8) and , Sum.
Y-8s Hold Banquet
The Valley Motor V-8s of Sa
lem's Junior baseball league were
honored last night with a banquet
held at the Golden Pheasant res
taurant. Sponsor Bill Phillips and
Coach Bob Schwartz, Sr. were
hosts. "
American League
Washington 022 S01 000 11 0
Detroit uuu nw m
Leonard and rerreu; Tot) in. Wilson
(5). Houtteman (9) and iJUchards.
Swift (9).
.020 000 0103 13 1
Cleveland I'M 310 00 S 10 0
Christopher. Bowles (91 ana -toser
(S); Gromek and Hayes.
nrsi game:
Boston 000 000 1001 8 1
Chicago 001 000 40" 5 10
Woods, Krba (7) and steiner; uiev-
rich and Tresh.
Saeond came:
Boston 000 000 7 1
Chicago S0 050 20 11 12 3
O'NeUl and Holm: urove ana iTesn.
New York . 000 001 300 4 4 I
St Louis 030 104 AT 10 14
Rutting. Bevens (6), Page (7) ana
Robinson; SVhirley, Jones i 17) and
Mancuao. I
70 Less
mendation. annst be approved by
the leagaee; and will apply to
the Uttte world series. If a
player eomes back any time ta
September be eaa play tn the
scries; and no limit was jtlaeed
en the aaaafcer of -reterane each
club nay tin. after Aag. tl, the
aermal deadline f or eetabllshln
engibimy for saeh same. This
waives ihe eld world aeries play
er limit of 2S insofar as veterano
are eoneerned. -X : t
The fluestkm ofholdma; the
world sertee was not diacussed in
two; lengthy sessions bat offi
Reds I)r6j) 1 3th Straight;
Nats i
Nelson Feels Pressure, Says
Slump Due on
MEMPHIS, Aug. lS.-ypy-'BjTon Nelson says he Is beginning to
feel the "pressure" of j his 11 straight tournament victories and is
expecting "a slump any minute." .
"It may be this one," the big, blonde umbrella man from Toledo
::. :;:A - 1 8V.
l I " li'
a, .... -"'' g "t r- "" "T'Ttl 1
He says stomp due.
Victory Gallop
At Loiigacres
SEATTLE, Aug. 15 HJPh The
"international victory special," an
added $5,000 race with horseS
from Mexico, Canada and the
United States competing, will be
run Sunday at Longacres race
track, the Washington Jockey club
announced today. The distance
will be a mile and a sixteenth.
Rancho Refugio's , Naidu, win'
ner of the handicap at Hidalco,
and his stablemate, Scotch Pert,
will be the Mexican representa
tives. Mrs. R. Foley's Silver Trea
son, a standout this year at Long
acres, will head the American en
tries. i
Big Basin won today's featured
seventh race, paying 4.80, $40
National League
Vint rime: '
CmdnnaU -001 001 030 8 11 8
Boston 103 230 20 10 13 S
E. Riddle, Modak (5). Ubke (8) and
Lakeman: Logan. Hendrlckson (8) and
Masi, Hofferth (8)
Cincinnati 000 000 030 3 8 1
Boston 000 010 75 13 18 0
Heusser. Llsenbee and u riser; wrigni
nH Hofferth.
Chicago , 502 80Z wazo is s
Rrooklvn 502 000 002 S S 4
Borowy and cu iepie. uTingsmo
(8): Herring. Buker (3), King (8) and
V 4 m
Pittsburgh no ioo 00411 la a
New York ion 032 102 S 17 1
xa.iti.Kav Rwlnia (81. 1 Gables (7)
nrhauaer B1 and Salkeld. Lopex (7) J
Voiselle, rischer (7). eiaman
Brewer (9) and LombardL Berres (8),
Second game: r
Pittsburgh 010 002 0003 IS 1
New York
000 000 2003
Strincevich and Lopez; ! Zabala and
IHmI earns
St. Louis 000 320 OOO 9 B 1
oio 130 iir i
Jurislch, Creel
(S). Crouch (6)
Byerly 7) and Bice; Xraus, Karl (I)
eaa Q-kmirtir ST.
St. Louis ia 010 3007 8 8
Gardner and
.000 000 0000 S I
Odea; Schanz, Mon-
tcagudo (7) and SpindelL
Pericles, unraced S pyear-,old
which cost William Heus foo.oog
as a yearling. Is at Belmont Park
with bucked shins. p
Carbon uilh
cials said they were proeeeding
oa the assumption that It's gotf
ta be played. - , .. ' -
The efflee of defease traaspor
taUoa has indicated that rettrle-'
Uons an sports travel wiU sooa
bo sufficiently relaxed to per-;
" salt saeh ereatfcv -'.V r '
V' Baseball ' reiterated Its, deter.
tulnattoa to also see thai return--.:
lag-- reterans . eajoy the aaxae ,
: , atatos they previously held, plas
aay adraaUges they weald
v have gained, had they not rone '
late , service. Time in military
service will be counted the same.
as If It had been spent la base
Slice Detroit Margin
remarked today between practice
swings for the. $13,333 Memphis
open,, starting tomorrow. .
1 wouldn't say I have been
playing over my head," the former
Texas caddy said, "but that's too
good golf to stretch over 11 tour
naments and I know it can't last."
Shows No Stamp Signs
JMeison showed no signs of a
slum, however, as he toured the
72-par Chikawan course in a prac
tice round. He played with Har
old (Jug) McSpaden of Sanford,
Maine, and both were hitting the
ball on the button.
Vic Ghezzi, Bob Cochran, John
ny Bulla, Tony Penna and others
of the barnstorming crew took
warmup tours but none expressed
much hope for keeping Mr. Nelson
fromNo. 12.
Yanks Survive
In Golf Meet
VICTORIA, B. O, Aug. 15
The grand championship of the
senior northwest golf tournament
will be an all-American contest
as the last Victoria players were
eliminated today In the quarter
finals. Results were: Ralph Whal
ey, Seattle, defeated H. W. Ab
bott, Bellingham, 4 and S. E. N.
Eisenhower, Seattle, defeated
TrShk. Thomas, Victoria, 2 and 1.
H. W. Andrews, Tacoma, defeat
ed D. R. Munro, Portland, 4 and 3.
G. L. Butterfield, Seattle, defeat
ed CoL R. I Fortt, Victoria, one
Good teer ;"'
The happiest days are
picnic days. Be cool and
refreshed with a glass of
light OLYMPIA.
that makes
1 1
ball, and wffl splr. tn parUctilaa
to the baseball draft sUtas d
players. ' f : . rl i
The rlag". diselosaro if
Stewart, former. tJalvorsity : of
Sovthera California: athleto ; isj
his fifth year of Wg , leagae of
fidating-. waaiPiot iavolired ta
ihe joint sessions. He told a re
aearter that Ilarrldre - said ho)
m.nmA cUsatenaioB and was dis
loyal to some ether tuapires
the league, This he denied, say
Inr his disehargo' resulted froni
his bterest ta tryiag .to obtais)
higher salaries for umpires '
Bums Blasted
20-6 by Cutis
By the AasocUtedress
a nai mnnnai rvmt i imui
their 12th and 13th straight losses
in Wednesday's National i league
play at Boston when the Bravea
captured 13-3 and 10-5 1 victories.
Redleg pitchers . had litUe luck
stopping the Braves batting; attack
which collected 13 hits in the open
er and 18 in the nightcap.
The New York Giants also drop
ped a pair of games at the Polo
Grounds, Pittsburgh 1 taking the
opener 11-9 and the nightcap 3-2.
Nick Strincevich hung up his 11th
victory in the second game.' The
Chicago Cubs added a half game
to their lead and slaughtered the
Brooklyn Dodgers at the same
time at Brooklyn with a 20-8 vie
tory. Hank Borowy was the win
ning hurler. ,
At Philadelphia the Phils col
lected an 8-5 lead in the opener
with St. Louis but succumbed 7-0
ui mc fccvuiiu game uu a uiiec-m
job by Gardner.' j
In the American league the De
troit Tigers had their lead slashed
to games before 46,660 holiday
customers when Washington 'a
Emil "Dutch" Leonard hurled an
8-0 shutout with his knucklebalL
Leonard racked up his 14th vic
tory and beat the leaders for the
fourth straight time. At Cleveland
Steve Gromek gained his 15th
victory as the Indians downed the
Athletics, 8-3. The White Sox ham
mered the Boston Red Sox for two
wins at Chicago, 5-1 and 31-0. A
night game at St. Louis saw "Red"
Ruffing handed his ; first loss of
the season, a 10-4 licking by the
Joyce Racks Up
26th Mound Win
-(yP-Bob Joyce scored his 26th
victory of the 1945 season tonight
by pitching the Seals to a $-2 Pa
cific Coast league win oyer the
San Diego Padres. I
San Francisco 018 101 00 T I
Eaves. BriUheart (8) and Balllnger)
Joyce and Sprina. .. I
so good
ass f asaeiajfia