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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1945)
MtvAngelMeri Are Honored Luncheon Club Host To Veterans of Many Fronts MT. ANGEL Four service men were special guests at the Business Hen's luncheon Tuesday. Edward Buckhout, a veteran of the Afri can campaign with the infantry in the third division, was discharged june za. yi wo navy men, woe ana Clem Hauth, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hauth, were also guests. Joe has returned from boot train ins at San, Diego and Clem. has had two years at Jacksonville, Fla., and ready for duty. He has had training as a turret gunner on a navy bomber and for some time worked on a dive bomber. rr .1 a M aw T . it's H fiWS ;': ' V . - . Lloyd Walker.son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, who ' has had a busy. 14 -months in the south Pa cific. He jwas a member of the first daylight bombing raid over the Philippines and came through 49 bombing missions without a scratch. He is home on a 30-day furlough.. j Two treats were provided for members and guests by C. J. Berning and Joseph Berchtold. The former expressed his appre ciation fori the courtesy shown Cpl. Francis Hammelman who arrived here last vj eek from Baltimore and was married to Beating's daugh ter, Miss Maxine Berning, last Saturday. I Berchtold proudly an nounced the birth of a son, his third. Senator Morse Will Be Speaker At Sunday Picnic Senator; Wayne Morse will be the principal speaker at the an nual state picnic of the Oregon Farmers (union to be held Sun day, August 19, at Champoeg state park. There will be a picnic din ner at 12:30 o'clock and the speaking jprogram will start at 2 o'clock, j A sports program, in charge of junior members of the organiza tion under the direction of Junior President! Leonard Perlich, will get under way about 3 o'clock. State President Ronald E. Jones will speak briefly. Senator Morse has not an nounced (his subject but it is ex pected that he will discuss some of the . legislative matters at Washington in which the Farm ers' union is especially Interested. Senator iMorse recently became one of three republicans to join in sponsoring the full employ ment bill which is one of the Farmers" union principal object ives. The public is invited to attend the picnic Hoblitts Listen For Son's Voice I - SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. John T, Hoblitt, publishers of The Silverton Appeal-Tribune, lis tened this weekend for the voice of their! son, Frederick Marion Hoblitt, j "postman" in a Japan prison, who has been broadcasting for the jAmerican boys in prison camps. But he did not come on, the first! time in a long while, the Hoblitts j said. They are in hopes "it means! that he was released from camp, -j Young Hoblitt, who is 31 years of age, has spent four birthdays, in the prison camp. Silverjlon Widows Club Plansj Annual Picnic r ! ' : i SILVERTON Silverton widows will gather Sunday, August 19, for their 15th annual picnic. A bas ket dinner will be served at 1 o' clock to be followed by an af ternoon! program. The club was organized August 31, 1931, with Mrs. Minnie Pres ton at the instigator and the pres ident for the first two years. Brush Fire A small blaze was reported near the Minden's saw mill Wednesday afternoon at Sil verton but little damage resulted. Valley Births SILVERTON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bloch, Salem, a daughter, August 13, at the Sil verton hospital. Mrs. Bloch Is the former Mildred Lee and both Mr. and Mrs. Bloch are former Sil verton residents. , Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Berchtold of .ML Angel, at the Silverton hospital, a son August 12. I SILVERTON Bora to Mr. and Mm IX W. Fairman of James avenue, a daughter, August 9, at t&e Silverton hospital. Valley Obituarie SILVERTON Christian Puge- rud, 821 Liberty, cuea av. cxuem hAsnital Wednesday. He was born In Norway and lived In North Dakota ! for some years beiore ?n hpre two years ago. Be- sides the widow, Gundhild, he is survived by three sons and two draghters, Gilbert of Silverton, Simon in North Dakota; Olive In Seattle; Katie X and Olga Lar son of Portland. Breath-faking! ... Terrific! ... ;Tr en endow! j ;. . . . j You know il is! . . for LEOII'S sales are always "Brealh-laking Terrific . and Tremendous. PBICES DOII'T COUIIT For 3 davs only will this "Cavalcade of Values" continue It's "Clean-up line" al LEOH'S. (Doors open at 10 a. n. Thursday.) 100 all wool sweaters'!. . .poll over ( HE IP si; Here is a hoi one . , . . knilled briefs . Colors Tea Dose and While ... Full elaslic waisl band . . rayon . j. . andcoiion. 1 - i ;s) and cardigans. Sloppy led slyles and fit- Lots of colors slightly soiled values to 8.95. j n n HISS SIIPM! Wedge heel style - - leather soles cjfl Satins and crepes in tearose. Some Eie tailored nany are lace trixmed oYo ... auu vi vivvouc eaiui m J uir org . . . Elastic side gores to make r H 11 lit . nes are sizes are to 40 : to $3.95 . . Now Regular 3.95 value . oo val- Hqw hoes j . . Of gay colors or white . . tome are leather . . all sizes but not in each style . . Regularly sold at 4.95 and 5.95 ... while they last Abonl two hnndrcd V. J .taken iron regular stock . . . includ ed are 4 dozen loan Kenley c:l Icn prints! .a great value . . a lovely seleclion . if yon cone early. prints one Onr better grade sport dress es .. . .xti piece ...2 ors . . . in gabardines lette and crepes . They're lovely solid col- Tricol Only about 200 p&ir and they are non-rationed . Col ors are red . . green. blue . .They regularly soldi it 55 ... while they last i . and a steal at o An assortment of bags of all kinds ... Pouches Top handles ... under arms . . and colors of all shades ! . including blacks . Formerly sold up to $6.95 Now . . They are all ncol herringbone . . and tweeds . . . well tailored and styled .j. . nest all sizes. Values to 16.95 - - A big assort nenl of brand new Dickies and "T" shirts . . . Jnst right for "back-la-schcol." They ordin arily sell up to $1.95 . . Here' a real bargain . About 1 5 dozen from regular stock .) . . plaids or solid col-1 ors. Sizes arc to 32 ... val ues to 10.95. J . . 0 oVo1 1 oote Three dozen cf the fined sdis nade by Hardis c! Dallzs can bo worn cs hszs:drc:sc3 regularly sold cl 0.C5 to 12LC5 lLeraiar soc Taiuea ; AD colors iaclsding! white A S r. Elastle cr turn cuir style . a great Talo .;. O 'Li1 ' ...... . . . , Ods hnndrci blonscs . frca enr regnlar sleeks nil taken whiles cck IS stripe: checks h shirtstylo cr fancy types. Sizes arc 32 to 43 and valses to 5X5. Era 0 oVo IE S34"NOnTR fclBEIlTY STREET IN SALEM