The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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These registered Ayrshire twin calves owned by Portland's Meadow
land Dairy arc looking- worward to Monday's opening of the 39th
annual Multnomah eoonty fair at Gresham. The smiling miss with
them is Betty Dawson of HHIsboro.
Check Disease of
Poultry Carefully
Coccidiosis remains a head-liner
on the poultry disease list. Dry,
deep litter isian effective control
but it is not complete. It will pay
to watch developments on use of
sulphur and Sulfa-guanidine.
Six points j for disease control
Include: establish a good sod for
range brooding; get a pullorum
clean chick program; use deep dry
litter for brocjding, but don't over
look the possibilities of sulphur
and sulfa idnjigs; enforce a quar
antine; carry over no hens' except
Sot breeders.
After Six
Young calves, after they ate six
weeks old, need water. Without
water the; young calves will not
grow properly or maintain their
best of health.
i An experiment made at the Ida
ho agricultural station showed that
the amount of water consumed
weekly per calf was 1.8 pounds at
tix weeks of age, 29 pounds at
nine week?, 48 pounds at 12 weeks,
62 pounds at 15 weeks, 88 pounds
fit 18 weeks, 146 pounds at 21
weeks and, 234 pounds at 26 weeks
of age.
Co-op Market
1288 State Street
Place Orders Now
The ikind of canning and
eating peaches you want,
j Cukes for sweet, dill, sliced
i or chunk pickles.
; Beans, birdshell, Kentucky
wonder, blue lake, stringless,
etc. j
Corn j Is ripening. Get your
order in for your canning
' supply.
By ordering in advance, you
ran get 'what you want fresh
from the field the day you want
You can help yourself and the
farmer who supplies the co-op
market by placing your orders
early. j i'
EHZ. eggs, eggs. The co-op
market needs more eggs. If you
haven't been marketing yours
here, investigate.
police EHop Wiers
j Busses Will Pick Up in Salem for
'.!"-- -
Williams and Thacker's Eola Hop Yard
Beginning at 6 A. II.
Ualch Papers
New Man to Head
Poultry Plans
Appointment of Price Schroeder,
assistant county agent of Union
county, as supervisor of the Ore
gon poultry improvement plan and
the Oregon turkey improvement
plan is announced by E. L. Peter
son, director of the state depart
ment of agriculture which took
over this work August 1.
Schroeder, a graduate of Oregon
State college and a Coos county
man, was employed by the foods
and dairies division of the depart
ment of agriculture for a period
in Clatsop and Columbia counties.
He left this work about four years
ago. '
Official pullorum testing and
flock improvement work for the
Oregon turkey and poultry indus
tries are carried on under the im
provement plans, for which Dr.
C. E. Holmes of the Oregon State
college poultry department has
acted as supervisor in addition to
carrying full duties as associate
professor of poultry husbandry at
the college. An appropriation of
the last legislature made it pos
sible to relieve Dr. Holmes of this
work and place it in the hands of
a supervisor who will devote his
full time to the program.
I Headquarters of the improve
ment plans will continue on the
state college campus, with Schroe
der maintaining offices in 208
Poultry building.
The state department . of agri
culture adopted the National poul
try improvement plan and the Na
tional turkey improvement plan
for Oregon, except that Oregon has
no U. S. pullorum-tested state in
either plan.
Aljl pullorum testing is on a
voluntary basis,, both for poultry
and j turkeys except in instances
where poultrymen wish to sell to
states which have set up stand
ards that require testing.
Illness Recalls
Sherwood Family
SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Lafe Sherwood were spending
their vacation at Winchester Bay,
when they were called home be
cause of the illness of Mrs. Sher
wood's mother, Mrs. Will Web
ster of Liberty.
Maxine Sherwood attended the
conference for the State of Ore
Friends Church, young people's
Conference for the State of Ore
gon, at Twin Rocks. ,
f:r Opening Dale
i ; I i. i
tilan at
:! WOODBURN The Bonney1 Clan assembled in the grove at the
Maupin auto park Sunday afternoon, August 12, to observe the; 99th
anniversary of the arrival of the first of the family, Dr. Truman
Bonney in Oregon, and the establishment of his donation land iclaim
along the old California stage road, now the state highway on the
eastern border of Woodburn.!
Forty-four enjoyed the picnic
firs. The business meeting was
presided over by Wilbur Ankeney
of Salem, and reports were given
concerning j the members of the
clan in the various armed services.
A service flag is to be made during
the coming year, 'til 5 !
riao For Marker 1 i ' j
; It was agreed that the centenary
celebration should be observed by
setting up an appropriate: marker
at the original homestead. The
committee in! charge will be Merle
Bonney Davis of Silverton, Merle
Hall, Ankeney of Salem and Nor
man Howard of Portland.'; !
,i A; feature of the; afternoon was
a reading of ' the' life story i of
Bradford Sherwood! Bonney 'as
written by Etta P. Bonney. . j
! Mrs. Etta Sbutes j of Gresham
read an account of the - pioneer
forefather of the clan, Dr. Tru
man Bonney. Mrs. Carrie Young,
91, the oldest member present, also
told of early days in the valley,
i The youngest member ' of the
group was year old Tommy Lans
ing Tyler, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Tyler of . : Vancouver,
Wash. : i i -,;!)
Name New Officers j I j
;- New officers elected are Mrs.
Roy Bonney, Woodburn, president;
Mrs. Laura Bonney, ' Woodburn,
Manolis Entertain Service Men
At Buffet Luncheon Party
. SILVERTON Mr and Mrs:. George Manolis, with their only son
George, jr., in camp : in Texas, entertained Wednesday noon J at a
buffet luncheon for men who were home from the service. Charles
Hoyt was assistant host. : 4 j I
Represented in the group tyere prisoners of war, men whq had
fought in Germany, in the South Pacific and in Africa.; A fevf had
their discharges. Most were home
on leaves and furloughs. . j
i Mayor George Christenson,
guest speaker outlined the possi
bilities in the Willamette valley as
a "postwar home." Mayor Chris
tenson himself has three boys in
the service. Lt. Harvey Cjiristen
son, who has just returned from
the south Pacific arid is -now iin
Texas; Lt. Don Christenson, who
is on Okinawa, and' TS John
Christenson, who id i,i Germany.
Others! ' who ' spokes were City
Manager Robert Borland, Ertrol
Ross, president of the chamber! of
commerce, and Mahlon Hoblitt,
editor of the i Silverton Appeal
Tribune.1 i . 1 1 . if ' . : I
i i . j M . :J ' ! '
Registering at the party were
PvtlOrville Towe, 149th inf. Pa
cific? coast; PFC. John Bowman,
170th eng., Pacific coast zone; T5
Pat Grogan, 270th pignal R. 1,
Texas; PFC. Ronald Pi Reed,
162nd inf., South Pacific; Sgt.
Donald V. Morris, 162nd infantry,
South Pacific; Major Paul N.
Spencer, 340 th Tn. Bt., Europe;
PFC. Kenneth V Berg, A. T. 162nd
inf., 41st, South Pacific; tS Ed
win Walen, A.T., 162nd iof 41st,
South Pacific; Sgt. Milford Dixon,
Cannon Co. 162 inf, Soutfi Pacif
ic; Major "ohn D. George, 41st bn.
162 inf., South Pacific; TS Rob
ert Anderson, AT 162 southwest
Pacific; TS Don Anderson,' 162
inf., southwest Pacific; Pvt. Al
Haught, army air ! corps; Pvt
Claude Gier, U5. marine corps;
Loran Dunagan, Slc, north Pa
cific; PFC. Vernon McClure, ma
rines, south Pacific; ; PFC. Ken
neth D. Rankin, ' army, Europe;
Cpl. Robert Stark, Europe; TSgt.
Robert Bailey, 162 int south Pa
cific; Pvt. Pete Dunlap, south Pa
cific; SS Edward L. Erickson, Eu
rope; CpL James R, Demegas, HQ.
358th, south Pacific; Sgt. Clayton
W. Smith, south Pacific; Cpl. Ru
dolph Schenck, southwest Pacific;
Orville Brosig, G. M. 3c USS New
Mexico; Alvin T. Dick, C; M. 2c,
southwest Pacific; SS Clarence C
Greenfield, Germany; Mo. M. M.
1c Raymond Hagedorn, M.TJ&.
Bn. 5, south Pacific; SS Glenn
Baker, southwest Pacific; Mayor
George Christenson, City Manager
Robert Borland, City Treasurer
Althea Meyer, Mrs. Harold Lar
sen, The Statesman; Earl Ross,
president of the chamber of com
merce; Mahlon Hoblitt, editor bf
the Appeal-Tribunte; Maynard C.
Burroughs, Mr. and. Mrs. : George
Manolis, and Charles Hoyt. t
Mr. and Mrs. 'Manolis had plan
ned the party a week ago, and it
was "only accidental," x Manolis
said, that it fell on V-day, but he
added "it sure was a lucky acci
dent." i . ! I l ;. " I
Help Harvest Crops ;
Register I!oy
350 acres early land late
hops. Picking begins last:
week in August. it j
nop FAnii j
si Roote 2, Box 18$ ;
Phone 2-2381 ? I
Office: 1107 First National
Bank Bid. - 1
it Salem, Oregon h" s
IHIop Pichers
dinner spread in shade of the tall
vice president; Mrs. Merle Bonney
Davis continues as secretary-itreas-urer.
, ; j . ,
The Jairus Bonney clan lis to
be invited to the 1946 celebration.
The registration of those present
includes the following: Mrl and
Mrs. Huddle and Virginia, Albany;
Mr. and Mrs.- Wilbur Ankeney,
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. N. F. ?"y-V
Norman and Tommie, Vancouver,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yergen,
Salem; H. A. Minier. Hubbard;
Mrs. Bessie Kronenberg, Portland;
Mrs. S. ; W. Shutes, Gresham; Mr.
and Mrs. R. II. Scott,! jr., Bonney
and ftobert IV, Milton, Ore. Mrs.
Matt Shields and Bonney Louise,
Boring, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Wilson, Edward and Bonnie, Sa
lem; j ' j I
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bonney,
Klamath Falls; Mr. and j Mrs.
Charles Davis, Silverton; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph R. Bonney; The Dalles;
J. A. Gleason, Hubbard; ;!
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bonney, Wood
burn; Mrs. C. E. Tyler, J Mrs.
Charles E. Tyler, jr, and Charles
Edward III, all of Woodburn; Mrs.
Carrie Young, Mrs. E. N.HalI
and . Laura Alice Bonney, also of
Woodburn. i :!
Klamath Falls
Family Visits
In Jefferson !
JEFFERSON Sunday viitors
at the home of Mr. and Mfs. E.
M. Ackerman included he son
Melvin Doty, Mrs. Doty and two
sons, Maurice and i Marvin of
Klamath Falls. Maurice Doty was
recently discharged from the ar
my. Doty is working at j Camp
Adair. I'll
J. T. Jones is spending two
wRks ..vacation at Newport,1 He
has been assisting A B. Hikz in
the hardware store, j S .
Mr. and Mrs. Knicerbocker of
Albany were Sunday guests at
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Meyers and family. I I
The Past Noble Grand clib of
Mt Jefferson Rebekah lodg will
hold' its annual picnic Sunday,
August 19, at Bryant park . Al
bany. Their families , will be in
vited guests. I ; i
Valley Towns
Observe V Day
SILVERTON, Au. 1 15 -i With
the exception of scores of i cars
racing up and down the streets
and nearby country roads, jSflver
ton was quiet on its first day of
victory, j The town j was tightly
closed so far as offices and stores
were concerned. Some i stores
planned to open on Thursday al
though others will remain closed
along with city offices and the
bank, j . ;" : i j-. -
Services at Trinity land Imman
uel Lutheran churches were large
ly attended Tuesday; night while
Rev. Russell Myers invited all cit
izens to the First Christian church
Wednesday night for a union peace
service. . l
Peace,? pastors said, will be
stressed in Sunday i services. ,
i 1
Mt. Anrel Quiet
MT. ANGEL -7- The announce
ment of: peace was received Iwith
the common signs of joy, the ring
teg of bells and blowing of sirens
and whistles-. As eUewhere the
news had been expected all day,
and most workshops,' offices; and
stores had radios going constantly
in anticipation of the announce
ment. -All business houses closed
almost immediately. ! 1 ! .
Izaak Walton League
Plans ! Salem Meeting
'- - " i ,
man, state prestieilt, has announc
ed that the Ongon Izaak Walton
league will meet in an all-day and
evening conference at Salem on
Saturday, September 8. j -
Bachman is.a member of the
local chapter. .;v: );: ; j' j .. : :
Less Yamish! Less Sludge viili
Orlgon. Thursday Morning August If 1345
it a
War Brought
sweep m
Stock Market
NEW YORK, Aug. 1S.-JP)-A
sharp upsweep in the prices of
stocks and bonds during the 44
months -and seven days that Amer
ica jwas at war was shown today
by a comparison of the Associated
Press averages for" the two per
iods. The 60 selected stocks used in
thef compilation advanced $26.50
a share in the period from Dec
8, 1941, to August 14, 1945.
The latest increase was in the
industrials, which moved from an
average price of $55.20 to $85.70,
a net gain of $30.50 a share. The
rails moved from $24.60 to $38.90
and: the utilities from $28.00 to
$46.00. !
In the bond group, 20 rails in
the! AP averages scored a spec
tacular advance of $38.60 per $100
bond, advancing from $60.30 to
. In this period the nation's car
riers were 'benefitted by expanded
war-time operations which en
abled many long in bankruptcy to
clear their . financial ' decks and
emerge from reorganization pro
ceedings with a strengthened debt
Industrial bonds averaged a
little lower in the period and only
nominal gains were scored by the
utilities and low-yields. v'
Fleet Review
Being Sought
Iii Washington
SEATTLE, Aug. AS-(JP)-A gi
gantic review of the homecoming
victorious Pacific fleet in Puget
Sound, "closest continental city to
Tokyo," will be sought by the
Washington State Press club, its
officers said yesterday.
A committee was named to seek
Gov. Mon C. Wallgren's coopera
tion in the project. Dudley Brown,
club president, said the governor
would be asked to name a "wel
come the fleet committee" with
representatives from all Puget
Sound cities.
Quotations at
Portland Produce
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 15 (AP
Butter AA prints 46-46 ic; cartons
464-47ic: A grade prints 45,i-46c:
cartons 45la-45:!ic; B gradeprlnts 45t
453ic; cartons 46-46i
Butterfat First quality, maximum
of .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
In Portland 52-52V2c: premium qual
ity.1 maximum of J3 of 1 per cent
acidity 53-53c: valley routes' anr
country points 2c less than first or
50-50',ic lb.
Cheese , Sellin orice to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c; laaf
30.4c; triplets to wholesalers 27.2c; loaf
30.6c lb. delivered.
Eggs To retaUers: A A extra large
57c s A extra larire 55c: A large 53c: A
medium 48c; small (pullet) 42 -43c doz.
Live poultry Buying prices from
producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 31.6c;
roasters over 3'i lbs. 31.6c: Lechoms
28c; colored hens all weights 37c; old
roosters and stags 23c lb.
Live poultry Selling price to re
tailers: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers
ud to 2'4 lbs 31ic: roasters 3Hic;
sugs 18-22.5c; old roosters 23c; fowl
(hens) 27c lb.
Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave
rage country killed to retailers 44c;
live Drice to producers 22-24c lb.
Turkeys Government takes lup
rilvi market nominal.
Onions Oregon dry fo. 1, 3.00 per
50 lb. sack; green 1.05-1.10 per dot.
Potatoes Yakima whites 3.40 centaL
Country meats Roolback prices to
retailers: country kuied nogs, dcst
butchers, 120-140 lbs. 19-l'ac; vealers
AA 22Vc; A 21Vc: B 19,4c; S lS-nic;
culls 12-15c: beef AA 21c: A 20ic; B
lSVc: C 16c: canner - cutter cows
Ui-14C; ouus. canner cuners i
14ic: lambs AA 26c: A 24',c; B 22 'ic;
C l-20c; ewes FS 13',ic; M 12c: R J04c.
Wool Government control.
Cascara bark Dry stock 30c lb.
Mohair 1942, 12-month 45c lb.
Ha Wholesale prices nominal:
Alfalfa No. 2 or better $34-35: oats
vetch $24-23 vaUey points; timothy
(eastern Oregon) $38.50; cloves $21 ton.
Salem Market
' The prices below supplied by lo
cal grocer are indicative of the daily
market prices paid to growers by Sa
lem buyers but are not guaranteed
by The Statesman:
i Subject t chaage wttheat -notice)
Premium .
No.; i , 33
No.' 2 .50
a ; i ;
Extra large
No.' I colored hens
No. 2 colored hens
Colored fryt
, i, Jilt
ijvestock f By Valley Pack)
Soring lambs ., - ... .- - Jl'.i
Yearling lambs
.V,' to Ja
rmn. boaers and cutter W to JM
Cows, common - X6 to j079
Cows, top daiiy - to j083
- Farm
- " - -' ' ' ' '
"And docs yoiir friend maybe have a friend too?
Classified Advertising I
Classified Ads I
Call 9101 l
Three Insertions per line 256
Six; insertions per line.40c
One month per line $1.23
Minimum charge 23c; 3 ti. min
imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c. No
, refunds. j f
Copy for this page accepted unl
til 6:30 the evening before publica
tion ' for classification. Copy re
ceived after , this time will be run
undei the heading IToo Late to
Classify ., i
The Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for; errors which
may appear in advertisements pub
lished in its columns and in cases
where this caper is at fault will
reprint that part of an advertise
ment in which the typographical
mistake accurs. i . i
The Statesman reserves the righi
to reject questionable advertising.
It further reserves the right to
place ail advertising under the
oroper Classification. j -
Auction Sale jStayton
AUG. 16. THURS.. ?:30 P. M.
4 CHOICE HEIFERS just fresh and
coming freshi. , j
1 good milking Shorthorn bull, also
some good quality milk Scows sold with
a money back guarantee. Always
some fat calves.
Bred sows, piggy sows, weaner T&
feeder pigs, large sow do for your
winter meat, chickens, j rabbits, furni
ture 4c vegetables. 1
1934 V-8 Ford Sedan,! A-l mechani
cal shape. 75 rubber, reason for sell
ing has two cars: dandy little car; if
you need one don't miss this sale.
If you figure on a fan sale, see
Livestock audi Poultry
RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. 4 to 6
lbs. White. 24c lh colored 22c lb., live
weight Rabb t skins, best prizes. Wire
stretchers and other supplies. Salem
address. 60 Ratcliff Drive, phone 2-1530.
Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co..
8917 S E. Stark. SUN. 1722.
RABBITS WANTED, ; all sizes, top
prices. Largest rabbit headquarters in
west - Top prices fori furs. Angora
wooL Full line of supplies, fur stretch
ers, remedies, hardware cloth, ready
built hutches, and breeding stock.
Raise rabbits commercially, big pro
fits. $4 page rabbit Journal on request
Harder Rabbit Farms, i 3405 Cherry
Avenue. Ph. 2-1234 or t-lMX. x
' WANTED: Beet ana canner cows
bulls and veals. Will call at farm
E f Snethen. 3570 EL; Turner Road
Ph 21343 Morns or eves.
Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the under
signed until the hour of 6 o'clock P-M.
on the 27th day of August 194S. and
immediately thereafter publicly opened
by the School District Board of School
District No. 71. Marion County. Oregon,
at Liberty Schoolhouse. in Salem. Ore
gon, for an issue, of bonds of said
School District in the amount of five
thousand dollars ($5000) t said bonds to
be dated September 1. 1945. and to
mature serially in numerical order as
follows: '
No. 1. $1000, on December IS. 1846.
No. 2L $1000, on December 15, 1947.
No. 3V $1000. on December IS. 194S,
No. 4. $1000. on December 15, 1849.
No. 5. $1000. on December 15, 1950.
Said bonds to bear interest at the
rate of not to exceed V, per annum
payable semi-annually, principal and
interest payable at the : office of the
County Treasurer of Marion County,
Oregon, or at the finca! agency of the
State of Oregon in New York. City, at
the option of the purchaser. :
' Said bonds were duly- authorized at
an election held on August 4. 1945. :
Bids must be accompanied by a cer
tified check in the amount of one hun
dred dollars m00). i
The approving legal opinion of
Charles J. Zerzan will b furnished the
successful bidder.
The Board reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids. -
School District No. 71,
Marion County, Oregon.
Rt 2. Box $16, Salem Ore. A ll-ls-25.
DRS. CI1AM ..iLAll J
Dt.TXUsOlJ. ' DrJaXkaavNJf
CHINESE nerbalists -241
Nartb Uberty . ;
Upstairs Purtlaad General Clectne
Co Office open Saturday only
10 a m to I p m $ to 7p m Con
rultauon. Blood pressure and urine
tests are trte oi charge. Practiced
since' Mil. . i
Livestock and Poultry
WILL BUY rour cattle or sell i on
consignment. Stayton Auction Market
Arthur Lewin, Auctioner. )
Hop Pickers Wanted
Hop Pickers Attention
Picking will start at the C. A. Mc
Laughlin Hop Ranch. Independence,
Ore.. Mon., Aug. 20. T. A. BelL Supt.
Ph. 27F2.
WANTED 50 MORE hop pickers
starting Monday, Aug. 20th. Brown Is
land Hop Co.. Ph. 23107. . ;
Picking will begin Aug. -20th at Wil
liams and Thacker Eola Hop Yard 4
mi. West f Salem. 1
Start Wed. Aug. 15 ,
Hop pickers for Graham's Hop Yard.
Register at Farm Labor Employment
Office. 361 Chemeketa. in person, j or
Ph, 21663. 26 days' picking. .
Hop picking will start at, Wil-Hsrt
hop ranch Friday, August 17. Call
Wil-Hart Hop Ranch, Phone 22681.
Ward Lundy. Supt
OpTKCKERSwanted! MOacres
early It late hops. 7 miles from Salem.
Long picking, good hops. Bus from
Salem. Fir Grove Farm, Rt. 2, Box
258, Salem. Phone 22269. !
HOP PICKERS wanted. Early k late
hops, good picking, clean campgrounds,
cabins, wood, lights, etc.; furnished.
Transportation from Salem. Orev Hop
Ranch, Rt 2. Box 197. Salem. Phone
22766. j
Roberts Hop Yard j
250 acres choice river bottom hops.
4 miles S.W. of Salem. Fine picking
beginning about September 1. Good
campground, fine cabins. Or free bus
transportation to and from yard. Reg
ister at our office, 147 North Commer
cial! St., or write ;
Salem. Oregon Phone 9623
! HOP PICKERS wanted between Aug.
18th and 20th. 120 acres early and late
hops. Cabins, lights, wood furnished.
Clean shady camp grounds. Register
now. Mitoma Hop Ranch, Independ
ence, Ore, BOX 260. Phone 35F2. i
Help Wanted
OPERATOR for mechanical dish
washer. Court St Dairy Lunch, 347
Court St
WANTED BEAN pickers at once.
Good picking. Camp with floored tents,
water and lights. R. M. Haraar, Rt 1.
Box SSF. Aumsville. Ore. 3','a miles west
of Stayton at end of Dickman lane. .
about August 22nd. Golden Gate Hop
Ranch, Independence. ;
PRESSERS wanted. Army work only.
Exp. not necessary. Apply 691 N. High.
MEN and women for sawmill and
lumber yard on the coast Car loaders,
green chain pullers, stackermen and
other general mill and yard work. Good
living facilities for families as well as
single men. C. D. Johnson Lumber
Corporation, Toledo. Oregon. ... 1
BEAN PICKERS wanted. O. Zistel.
Rt. 8. Box 108J, S miles southeast of
Salem. V mile West of Pen Annex, i
GROCERY Clerk. Ph. 7323. 183 N.
High. Apply in person.
ows, 340 State.
The Mead-
starts the latter, part of August 900
acres of high trellis hops. Coot shady
camps with lights, wood, shower baths
and day nursery for children furnished
tree to ; pickers. Grocery store, meat
market and restaurant on grounds.
Register in person at ranch otfice or
writ us for full particulars. E. CLEM
ORE. -
perience necessary. Good pay to start
and while you train. Excellent oppor
tunities for men or women who can
Sualify. See Mr. Miller. Safeway Stores
itstrict OfUca.
Help Wantetl -Male
Workers now emptnyea tn war pro
duction shoud not apply and will not
be considered for employment by em
Pjoyera advertising in this tectum
MAN ON dairy farm. $160.00. board,
room & laundry. Phone I7F15. -j J
: WANT Exp. washing machine ml
cnanic. also young man just out of
high chool desiring to learn electri
cal appliance repair. Good change fir
advancement Hogg Bros, 260 State.
MAN to Wnrlr fM nUni r .
Milk. 910 S ComX " vw
WANTED: Men to work in ceme
tery. Call at 230 W. Hoyt 01 Ph. $632
N. ComX wooa. m. 7335, 294
jjWDY MTN and mechanics. Herral
Owens Co. ,
Help Wanted lMale
, Must be real mechanics. None other
need apply. Exp. foreman needed,
r. O. Kepine Co.. 2S83 Portland Road.
tion operator. Exceptional opportunity
to light person. 2503 Portland road.
Phone 07. , 11
YOUNG Man or boy II or over to
work ia fruit It vegeUble dept. Ex
Portland Rd. .
HELPERS WANTED for seismograph
crew. No experience necessary. Apply
Geophysical Service.' Inc., Rm. 20,
Breyrcan Bldg 180 N. ComX .
DAIRYMAN capable of supervising
Jersey herd and training boys ' in
dairy work $110 plus maintenance. No
family. Oregon Stat Training School,
Help Wanted- Female
WANTED: A girt for grille and
steam table work, day shift. Apply
at Blue Bird restaurant I j
WANTED: GIRL for stenogrsphi
and office work. Willamette Grocery
company. . . n
EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted
by local cannery. Good pay and. work
ing conditions and steady employment;
with opportunity to advance; Ph. 22034.
saiem, Oregon, j
WANTEDS Exnerienced bitautv n.
raior. lovuu i , Beauty Shop,
State St ! ! .
At."J iVF hrlvhr rliMnl
woman ran have good home and lib
eral pay ior tigm Housekeeping and
companion to elderly lady. : No objec
tion to small child. Abo accommoda
tions for voiinf Muinl Oh ' 3vm l7
N. Commerciat : !
WAST lfv riinnMi.KinV : n ,hi
Sundays off Good wa$ci. 1241 State.
T.A PIT wsntMf fft, Klii.nriM-V .nA
day each week. Ph., 7491. j
"wATTRESS wanted. Thef Meadow
340 State St I
EXPERIENCED Waltre.s. The Spa.
EXP. waitress for part time woik
Saturdays and Sundays. The Spa.
Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245
State St
Salesmen Wanted
WE WiU Interview men at once for
two Dosit'ona aa urvip. iInemAn c
vice station or garage experience help-
not stt now for a postwar future you
will be interested. Good pay, an ex
cellent chanre for advancement Apply
in person only to Mr. Kinaan. Fire
stone Store. Center & Liberty Sts.
Situation. Wanted
days. 1163 N. 16th. Ph. 4951.1
GENERAL yard work. Phone 3751.
u. . ,1. HIT
home. Ph. $713. T
accountant office manager, public ac-
wuuwng ana income tax experience.
University sraduat. mat bhii. ...
33, married. Seeks permanent position
to make Salem A n .
employed as office manaater, cost ac-
uiuiuuii ana financial olHcer. Desires
seweiapnicai mange. Excellent past
e amine record. Sii.ra .1
open. Available September. Write Box
. witgon aiatesman.
EXPFRirVfTn cproTT.nv
. M.4i&.Awc anii
?Try't? Permanent position. Write
Preschool Playschool; 1381 stalsw
Ages 3 -a Part or all day Ph $43$.
For Sale- M iscellan eo u s
FOR SAl.V-ITi.nun. ..i . :.
Jars, garden tools hose, high chair,
card table, reasonable. 13$ Ratcliff
fnve. i j
WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth-
Watkins Prod. Rt. $. Bx. 374c Ph .2-241$
ATMORAVS nznvt ..n i j .
a c pugh h w3 poraoxtsi
EXPERT rahtna .L
. T stor,
STOVE repalrtng b partJL
Woodrya Mkt. 160S N. summer St a--
u'h ;. i. ' ' v1 nr.
'1 lwv e. summer.
la WMinwni TTTTrTT
ZlTy Mkt- "OS N. Summer 9
ALWAYS a hia mm
Woodry'a Furniture Mkt
iPh $110.
X PntCI- 111 trwm " r . -1
ftair compressor, new. PhJ 9698.
WE Biiv . Mm ..n m i.. .
atoves. dishes, motors, radioa. Eictrio
mU"." household coodv-Kl.lG-MAJ
. 283 N Commercial Ph. 9683.
bleacher! and laundered, ready for
Olhtowels. pUlow cases, liljeett
and oAer home uses. Get yours now.
J? .d ?iK e8ch Northwest Poultry A
grg'.1. w- "t- Phone 7007.
- - viioicrueia & chair
" T ' ' . P'.ej excel, cond.
l?rr pa-nt brushes." Nearly new
p complete set paper hans-
Chain caffoid Jacks.
TBI. . V. . . "
w.vuai mkx. ICS)
" wwi IUH. fO. B4U1. i
. crtara maker. A-l
-ma- . -TSVW, K U. 0W4, ,
"i n ia W -iitmstml
--- ---- iBu uresser; a
desks. 1 Urge. 2 -malt 1293 N. 8th..
VTEOTLATINO . fan. It lnch.12
N. 6th.
WARD garden tractor. Plow. culU
vator and disc. 724 S. 12th. Ph. 23341.
rf, r neywooa
$20. I air banks baby scales
" v-nemexeta
IPLEWIIITE Walnut dlninf table.
J , "-tthifla; chairs:
! k-?hn -: Simmons studio
5ou.c; 'P-w" Wp covers; walnut
waterfall bed. dbL deck coil spring tt
Sf.''n? mttress: n,U wood heat
er; 9 xiy Axm. rug & pad; baby
ougp; large acooUr, balloon tires &
brake'Jarge tricycle. All prt-waT and
tow rendition. 1760 ChemekeU St
2 Factory built trailer. Practically
new. Sleep- four. Air brakes. $1075.00.
terms. -635 Marion St " .
ffTON Rug. 1433 N. lethi "