The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    (DStty Mews nBa-neffs
Tha Oracjon Statesman Telephone S101 - 1
Inspect Drainage C o u n t t
Judge Grant Murphy and Coun-
ty Commissioner Roy Rice in
spected portions of Market road
no. 93, between the Four Corners
and the Southern Pacific railway
to check : the drainage problem
. there. He stated Tuesday, follow
ing the survey, that the county
-. will provide drainage across - the
highway on the condition the
property owners will provide suf
ficient drainage along the road-
- sides adjoining their proprety. j
Call 4522 for Unusual Photos made
by Stutzman in your home or at
"Hi"-Lite Studio, 175 So. High.
Townsend Appointed Gov.
Earl Snell Tuesday announced the
appointment of Clarence Town-
. send, Salem, as a member of the
state board of barber examiners
to succeed A. C. Watkins who has
resigned because of his removal
to the state of Washington. Town
send has been engaged in the bar
ber business here for many years
and has been active in local sports-
' men's circles.
Wedding' pictures taken at 'the
church; 520 State. Ph. 5722.
. Seeks Housing An appeal for
housing facilities, for civilian em
ployes at Camp Adair was voiced
at the Kiwanis club Tuesday by
, Maj. Richard II. Brewer, public
relations officer for the camp,
Army camps must go on until the
men are all returned home, Major
. Brewer said in urging cooperation
of Salem people in providing hous
For unpainted furniture shop at
.Woodrow'i, 325 Center.
FSA Cenf eroece Next Week-
Raleigh Carothers, supervisor of
the Salem Farm Security aclmin
istration office and Mrs. Lucille
S. Vance, associate supervisor,
will attend a conference of the
: supervisors in Eugene, August
21st to 24th inclusive. Carothers
said that the Salem office would
remain open during their absence
to accommodate the public.
Want two men. Capital Ice it
Cold Storage Co. Ph. 5603, 560
i Piper Here Arthur M. Piper,
district geologist with the United
States Geological survey in Port
land, was here over the weekend
to confer with the Salem office of
the Federal bureau of reclama
tion, in regard to the irrigation
project in the Gooselake basin.
For home jloans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty, -
Ta Be Turned Over Richard
Lewis Thompson, 19, and Archie
Edward Cousins, both of Camp
Adair, who have been held in
Arlington on a charge "of entering
an automobile! with intent to steal,
have been returned to Salem by
Sheriff Denver Young and will be
turned over to the military auth
orities today. Justice of the Peace
Joseph B. Felton said Tuesday.
Beam Pickers Needed At least
six farmers went away from the
Marion county farm labor emer
gency office Tuesday without
pickers for their bean crops,
Gladys Turnbull, assistant at the
office said later in the day. She
stated one fanner reported that
if he did not get pickers within
the next day or two, his bean har
vest would be entirely wasted.
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frame. 1st Natl Sank Rlri.
Koof Damaged Firemen re
ported Tuesday that a roof fire
at a dwelling in the 332 N. Church
street caused considerable damage
to both roof and attic. of the place.
Cause of the blaze was unknown.
The house,' belonging to Mrs. J.
R. Buchanan, had been partially
used as a dormitory for soldiers.
7 hr. developing & printing ler
vice at Burke's Camera Shop. 174
N. ComT.
Autos Collide Cars driven by
William A. Penney, 432 Marion
street and Everett M. Joeckel of
the U.S. naval hospital, Corval
lis, were involved in an auto ac
cident at the corner of Commer
cial and Center street late Mon
day. Little damage was done to
either vehicle.
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proof
ing. Prices.
Goes Home Tuesday Mrs. E.
V. Fortmiller, 1782 Reservoir St.,
was dismissed from the Deaconess
hospital Tuesday, accompanied by
her infant daughter, who was born
in that institution August 2.
- '
i Baildlngr Fersnito Buildink per
mits Issued!; from , the office; of
J j Harold - jDavis, city . engineer
Tuesday Included one to Roy M.
Lockenour, to wreck a cupola; on
a store building at 248 North
Commercial at a cost of $150;
Kenneth Adams to alter a garage
at 1705 North 5th srteet, 175;
F. C Lutz, fto reroof a dwelling
at 458 North 21st street, $255;
J. IL Igleheart to alter itt
story dwelling' at 1980 Ferry street
at a cost off $50; J. B. Young to
erect a billboard at 493 Center
street, $225;Dr. Frank Prime! to
erect a 12 foot billboard at 175
South Commercial street, j $73;
and Roy Mefsha to alter a dwell
ing at 2245: North Commrecial
street, $1000 j
Auction Wej. night, 20 Silverton
Rd. Ph. 6098. . I
Is Cooker Being Used Two pres
sure cookers!; which are lent free
of charge to fhousewives from jthe
home demonstration agent's office
have been ill almost continuous
use this summer, said Marjorie
Tye, home demonstration agent,
Tuesday. Vfry few housewives
aire letting the fruit and Vegeta
bles go to tvkste, she stated. The
office also las an electric type
home dehydrtor but as yet there
has been little demand for it!
Slappy peaches now on. Gilbert
Farms; Ph. 530. ' ' '
.Contract- Filed A,, rural school
supervisors Contract between '
Marion county educational board
and Vivian S Hoenig, to supervise
the rural public schools of the
county, was filed in the office of
the county :lerk Tuesday, The'
contract engaged the latter for a
10 months period, beginning Sep
tember 1, 1945 and June 30, 1946.
i ill . -. l
Acousticon now offers new revo
lutionary "hearing lenses" fori jthe
hard of heairing. "Investigate.'
Batteries for jail aids. Mail orders
promptly filled. Acousticon Mc
Donald Co. 805 First Natl Bank.
Ph. 6350.
- ?! !
Keroor witn Johns-Manvme ! as
phalt shingles! right over your old
roof. 10 yr. guarantee. 1 yr. to pay.
Free estimates. Ma this Bros. ; 164
S: rnmn -Ph l 442. II
! ' t 1
Life i j
i Traffic Accident Cars driven
by Hoitoer R. Wolfington, 3?0 6th
street,' jOswego and by Eugene G.
Anderson, 240 Center street, Sa
lem, figured in a collision at Cap
itol and D. streets Tuesday. Both
cars were slightly damaged,!police
records- stated. "- j
- S719 j Bicycle licenses Bicycle
licenses to date total 3719, said
C. T. Jory, head of - the license
sales ait the police station Tues
day. A, number of stolen bicycles
have been reported but licensing
has facilitated their return fto theJ
ownersj he said. , : :
As always, Salem's largest wall
paper stock is! at ELfstrom4
! I i . J
Combine Permits Granted Leo
Cieslak; 1263 N. Church street
and Merle E., route two,
box 342, Salem, were granted pern
mils Dy ine county court ruesaay
to move combines over all market
or county roads in Marion jcoun
ty, a certificate in the county
clerk's office showed.
D. S. Monthly, 336 State st
McAllister to Lakeview
McAllister, engineer with
United States bureau of
tion office here, headed the
cipals of a survey party to
view . Monday where he w:
U be
the engineer in charge of a
ect in the Gooselake basin.
Maas GranUd Ferrait -4 Jake
Maas, route three, McMiniiville,
was granted a premit froih
county court to haul logs
county roads, 761, 666, 6651
887, Tuesday.
Painting & Dedorating. Ph. 7S52.
! . i
Case Dismissed E. M. Hooker,
Salem, was cleared of charges of
larceny : by bailee after a hearing
in Justice of the Peace Joseph B.
Felton'sj court Tuesday moining,
j 0me6
From his high perch,
the American eagh
grasping the laurel of
heroism - looks over
the fighting men of
the universe j where
this nation lent their
strength and convic-tions-their
bloo4 and
their very lives - to
s , -t
perpetuate , a demo
cratic way of life for
all. ' V..!:
i I ,
Splera. Ortyon. Wtdnaaday Morning, August 15 1S45 J :
D try era Are Parents Mr. and
MrsJG. R, Dwyer, 1145 Hood st,
are now the parents of a bVby
daughter, born . at , 5:45 p. m. at
the Salem General hospital Tues
day. The father Is in the U. S.
army, hospital attendants said. . '
Oa .Taeatlon W. E. Smith,
night deputy of the county sher
iffs office, is on a two weeks 'va
cation -from' his -- duties ( at 'the
courthouse. ; i ; -
Hedcci " '
Brooke T. Hedrei. late resident ef
Rt 4. Box IS, died at a local no
pltal,' August 10. Services will be
held Wednesday. August IS. at IS -M
.m' in the CJough-BarrtcK cbapel
with interment at the City View ceme
tery.! Rev. H. A. Schlatter will offJeate.
. Elisa 'A.' Saucy, at her residence
on route seven. Salem. August 13.
Surviving are her husband, Charles
D. Saucy .of Salem: three sons. Marc
and Pierre of Salem and David of
Dundee, Ore.; and daughters. Mrs.
Ruth : S. Reynolds and Mrs. Madeleine
Berger of Salem, Mrs. Jeanne Weber
of Switzerland; and 17 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the
Clough-Barrick chapel Wednesday.
August 15. at S p.m.. with Rev. George
Croraley officiating. Direction Clough
Barrick company. Interment in City
View cemetery,
Belten i
. George Samuel Belton, 54, at , the
residence 1S13 S. Capitol. August 14.
Survived by one daughter, Rosalie
Wallace, of Salem, and one son,, John
Belton. of SeaUle. Wastu Announce'
ment of services later by Clough-Bar-rick
company. -
Mrs. Edna Benlah Meyer. 87; at the
residence 1337 Third St., West Salem.
August 14. Surviving are her husband,
Clarence H. Meyer of West Salem: one
daughter.- Mrs. Delphine Gardner of
Springfield, Ore.; sons. Peter A. Bessett
of West Salem, and Louis C. Meyers of
West Salem; sister, Mrs. Vivian Melr
ing of Marchfield. Calif.; a half-brother,
-Dayton Kay, of Medford. Ore,
and four grandsons. Services will be
held ! ' in the Clough-Barrick chapel.
Thursday, August IS, at S p. m with
interment at City View cemetery. Rev,
Joseph Knotts will officiate.
I miecaipipimop I
Tor longer slieaga and flner .uallty, hata your tires
recapped by tae Tlrestone Factory-Control Method. Let vm if
b0 Inspect your tires thoroughly and, if necessary, lecap -t
KOW! ractory-tralnod axparts irlll do the job.
aUgularly 3.25, Tiro coats
tki work of tares! Ooos
fartaar, bides UUor, wears
la&ger. Oataldo vtita.
Wifei Wfcfa
ff Worts
tHt six,
Co bo msol vita prida! Tear
ckoico of several koaatifaUx
ajBartstylaf. I
r- i r.'
1 a. J
. t.79
Oa CWf Coror
Dries in Of AW
Tko nif wonder paint! One
coat covers most torfaeoa
. . . snootily, easily,
quickly. "Washable. Bo&atl
fulpaital colors.
fnc Wf l Mtal Cost
Drill Set 2X9
Metal cast ! includes 29
straight thank carton steel
drills. Silts 1lft to 14 in.
; Six-Foot langtfc ,
Task -fka button and tka
tape antomatteally rewinds
into tko nickel-plated, steal
ease. Oradiatod in 32afla . -
are Dfflerent!
4 er snece
The only linen vitfc tha
loionlain alkty groimd oloe
trodo vklcli caaees the spark
to jozap taaxo nadir, giving
aicker, anraa gtertiwg.
HOJI.. ft. COC V
Keopa lUy Soa
Made cf strong teary f ahr!
with an all-metal frame. -Kemovi
We tmut. Keeps baby ,
safa, conJoriable, kappyl
w0i m
Soot iie
Porch, Deck and
Flsor EMpael
13.65 gsi.
Stands tlo tougam wtaf.
Use on irood ox concrete.
Safs in 2 fo 4 Hours
Iong-vearing. Watar.
rcslstsfil Hardens mntf omly
to a ful gus finiao.
a. In '