m mi i - , ' " , ... .. , . c 1 .- ' If - K U if . . . ! Ml F - OM.GON STATESMAN. aW Oron. Tuesday Morning. Xugus 14. 1115 FAGZ EIGHT Portland Grain Unsettled as Victory Nears PORTLAND, Aug. 13.P)-3en-erally unsettled conditions tones prevailed in the Portland wheat market the Week endint July 10, because of war developments, the U. S. department of agriculture said today, j Handlers seemed inclined to await release of the August crop report, and I although mills were steadily in the market there was no urf ent crop demand. High pro tein winters ;were steady but high protein whites were weak. At the close, bid prices for cash wheat were slightly lower. Irregularity in cash wheat prices reflected weakness in midwestern wheat fu tures.' . i " '.vr' Receipts of 1103 cars at Puget Quotations at Portland Produce i PORTLAND,! Ore., Aug. IS CAP) Butter - AA I prints 4e-46,c; certon 46-47'ic; A grade prints !-Me cartons 48i-48ic; B gradeprlnts 45',, 45&c: eartonsi46-46I.i. Butterfat Jfint quality, maximum ht . of 1 pet? cent acidity. delivered tn Portland 52-92'ic: premium qual ity, maximum of JB of 1 per cent acidity 63-S3Vsc; valley route anr country point 2c lesa than first or M-SOV2C lb. I . , cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c; toaf 30.4c; triplets to wholesalers 27.2c; loaf 30.Sc lb. delivered. Egg To retailers: AA extra large 37c; A extra large 53c: A large S3c: A medium 48c; small pullet) 42-43C doz. Live poultrjf Buying prices from producers: Brpileri up to 2 lbs. 31.6c; masters over i3Vs lbs. 31.8c: Leghorns 28c; colored hens all weights 27c; old roosters and stags 23c lb, ' Live poultry - Selling price to re tailers: No. 11 grade Leghorn broilers up to 2'i lbs 31 'ac: roasters 31'bc: tags 1S-22.5CS old roosters 23cJ fowl (hens) 27c lb, Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys i Government take sup ply, market nominal. Onions Oregon dry No. 1, 3.00 per M lb. sack; jfreen 1.03-1.10 per doz. bunches. Potatoes Yaiktma whites 3.40 cental. Country meat Roolback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs,' best butchers, 120-140 lbs. 19-19',ic; vealers AA 22Vc: A 2l'.c; B 19'ic; S 15-mic: mils 12-lSc: beef AA 21ic: A 20ic: B lS'.c: C 16''4c: canner - cutter cow )34-14c; bull, canner - cutters 14 14?c: lambs AA 2Gc; A 24'ac; B 22ic; C 10-20c; ewes FS 13,c; M 12c; R 10c. Wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry stock 30c lb. Mohair 1)942, 12-month 45c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 2 or better $34-39: oats vetch $24-23 Valley points: timothy teactern Oregon) S38 50; cloves $21 ton. DENVER SHEEP DENVER. Aug. 13 AP) (WFA1 Salable sheep $500. total 8800: market fairly active, slaughter lambs steady to strong, improved quality consider ed: eight doubles choice Colorado 13.00; most good-choice truck ins 14.25 76: several assorted lots 14.83; few medium - good 13.00-75: other classes around steady;! bulk trucked in slaugh ter ewe : 6.00-73; several load good choice with No. 1 or fall shorn pelts 90: few trucked in feeding : lambs 13.00-14.00; few two and three year t.ld breeding ewes 1.50. Co-op Market. Hews 1288 State Street Place Orders Now FOB: The kiKid of canning and .eating peaches you want. Cukes for sweet, dill, sliced or chunk tlrkle. Beans. . birdshell, Kentucky wonder. blue lake, stringless, etc Corn is ripening. Get your order In . nmnlv j lor your canning By ordering in advance, you ran sret what mt wont .v. Irom the field the day you want You can help yourself and the fanner who supplies the co-op market by placing your orders arly. - 1 , " E. ggs. The co-op market needs more eggs. If you j haven t been marketing yours here, investigate. Hotice ftp Pickers ; Busses Will Pick Up in Salem for William and Thacker s Eola Hop Yard Beginamj CENTER AND COMMERCIAL f COMMERCIAL AND DIVISION COMMERCIAL AND MARKET COMMERCIAL AND JEFFERSON COMMERCIAL AND COLUMBIA COLUMBIA AND BROADWAY BROADWAY AND HOOD HOOD AND FAIRGROUNDS ROAD FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND JEFFERSON FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND HUNT CAPITOL AND HOOD CAPITOL AND UNION . CAPITOL AND CENTER 20TH AND CENTER 17TII AND CENTER 14TII AND CENTER COTTAGE AND CENTER WEST SALE?.!, FOOT OF BRIDGE SLOPEITS STORE , i CITY HALL j 7d:!i Fc;:rl f:r Opening Dale Sound and Columbia River term inals represented CCC movements and current marketing. Consider able spring grain acreage was har vested 'in Oregon during the past week and winter wheat harvest made satisfactory progress. U S. National in 29th Spot Among Top Institutions The United States National bank, has now attained 29th posi tion among the nation's ."top ranking banks, according to D. W. Eyre, vice president of the Salem branch. , The bank's deposits as of June 30, 1945, totalled $509,589,564 as against $428,139,115 for June SO, 1944. During this same period the bank Jumped from 35th position to 29th position nationally. "We are proud of this splendid record," Eyre said. Portland Portland Grain paptt vn or Au(.' 13 (API- Wheat futures and cah grain un quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.47; mr.t tMihitm (.Yfltldine RX) UTldUOt- ed: white club 1.60; western red 1.30. Hard red winter: ordinary i.w.: 10 per cent 1.49; 11 per cent 1.57; 11 per, cent 1 .64. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.S3; 11 per cent 1.34; 12 per cent 1-39. Today's car receipt: Wheat 129. barley 8, flour 8. oat 1. millfeed 13. Stocks and Bonds August 13 STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 IB 60 Indus Rails 17 til Stk Monday ..... 85.3 38.8 45.8 64.3 Previous day 83.9 40.0 45.9 65.0 Week ago 84.6 41.0 Ml 64.7 Month ago 86.0 42.9 46.8 66. J Year ago 76.1 28.6 38.2 54 S BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fogn Monday ...... . 98.9 103.6 107.1 72.5 Previous day liu iu'.i Week ago 99.9 103.5 107.2 72.8 Month ago ..10i.o mi ivi.i .va Year ago 90.5 105.3 106.5 67.9 Sdlem Market Quotations The orices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers oy ins lem buyers but are not guaranteed bv The Statesman: BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY Subject to chant without notice) BtTTERFAT Premium J No. 1 . .83 No. 2 . .59 BUTTER PRINTS -U .46 .43 .48 . 37 Quarters - - EGGS Extra large Mediums .42 Standards . .41 Pullets .26 Cracks .26 POULTRY No. 1 colored hens ,,,, , ..... XI No. 2 colored hens - .23 Colored frys J16 LIVESTOCK (By VaUey Pack) Spring lambs 1 .ll'i Yearling lambs . .7'i to J'i Ewes . - .', Cows, boners and cutters, .04 to .06 Cows, common Cows, top dairy . rut . a? .073 to .085 ' The United States devoted al most one-fourth of its national product to the manufacture of combat armaments in 1944. For Sale! 103 Head Beglsiered Ilanpskire Ewes, 18 mos. old. Picked from the best flock in Oregon. All sheep have ear tap and registration papers on them. , Phone or Write J. C. Harrissa Bly, Ore. a! 6 A. II. Surrender Bi Sends Stock j Market Falling NEW YORK, Aug. 13.-(ff)-$tock market prices fell 1 to 3 ppfnts today as Wall street operitors spent their second lull sejssion wonderinf if the Japanese gufren der, bid would result in orld peace or continued war in- the Pacific. I t Investors preferred to awat of ficial word before appraising the market. Prices opened mixed; and dealings were fairly active before selling off in slow volume. I President Truman's quick action in conf errinc with top advisers on postwar employment and labor problems was interpreted as soft ening a sudden reconversion to peacetime operations if the Nip ponese quit,-and leaders whittled some of their extreme losses Of 805 issues dealt in, 17f ad vanced, 574 declined and 153 Were unchanged. The Associated fress 60-stock composite fell .7 of a point to 64.3. Rails showed the biggest fall of average. I, Grain High as Buying Slateil overnment 6 . 1 CHICAGO, Aug. n.-tJlVCrain futures turned strong today after selling a cent or more lower in early trading. Reports of additional govern ment wheat purchases more than overcome talk; of peace, and there was a trade conviction that the government will continue to? buy mufch wheat for export. Corn was lower, influenced by favorable growing weather.? Rye also, was weak, influenced piore oy tne expectea peace announce ment than other grains. Demand fori commercial alcohol wil; fall considerably as soon as tnes war ends, traders point out. Wheat; closed 'to jcents higher than the previous close, September $1.644-!'s, corn! was down Vi to Vi, December, $1114, oats were to higher, J Sep tember 57, rye was 1 cent higher to i lower, September, $l44 ,iiand barley was 1 to lTS'jeents off, September $1.03. The expected peace announce ment apparently had beeri dis counted as a market factor,! trad ers said, and the fact tha$. the government was expected W buy mare wheat finned prices n all pits. - I Classified Advertising ! Statesman j Classified Ads f I Call 9101 , Three Insertions per line4-25c Six insertions per line. j.40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min : imum S5c; 8 tL min. 4Sci No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6.30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy; re ceived after this time will be" run undet the heading "Too Lata to Classify." J The Statesman assumes no flflsn clal responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub. llshed in its columns and tn cases where this paper 1 at fault; will reprint that part of an advertise ment tn which tb typographical mistake accura. v - j The Statesman reserves the fight to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under - the proper classification. - A "Blind" Adan ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress k for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The SUtesman U not at liberty to divulge infer, (nation as to the Identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind ad. Legal Notice ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS' ' Notice 1 hereby alven that the un dersigned has been appointed tlx ecu- tor of the Last Will and Testament end Estate of A. M. Jermsn, xieeeased. by the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having -:claims againat said estate are hereby- noti fied to present the same, with proper vouchers,! to the undersigned, at the office of Page and Page, attorneys, 210 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Marion county. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is July nth, 145. t I rUHllNU TRU5X, AND SAVINGS BANK, j i a corporation. ' ;i Portland, Oregon. : Jly 17-24-31 A t-14 Jimn ptibptot . MM.tw u. cated at 1639 Third Avenue, New York. N.i V, gives notice that it ha re corded with the Secretary ot; Stat of Oregon on the 21st day of July. 1945, its trade-marks "RUPpERT and "KNICKERBOCKER'; said itrade- nwn oemg uaea on notues. cases, cap and carton for beer and ale. Slop Pickets Help Hardest Crops j Ocgislcr How 33Q acres early and late hops. Picking begins last week in August. I ! LMIEEHCOIl! : ' nop faiiii i Route 2. Box 1SS I Pbene z-mi ( 5 Office: 1107 First Natiotial f - Bank Bldr. ' !; Salem, Oregon ! ByG livestock and Poultry WOWt SAL N. H. Red smlleta. I montb er I. Klectrie Chick Batt ery, phone MS. f TOR SALE YounsT cows, rood milks er. ftoUt. Cuatrnacjr soul Short Horn. Fryers. Mrs. Allnby, 1450 Oxford. FOR 8 ALT Sorrel horse, saddla and bridle. Plenty of spirit but genu. Kx4 cellent for teeo-agers. Phone 2-2361: 40 Hansen av. , . .-..-. WTT.T. RTTY vnair mH1 m J consignment. Stayton Auction Market, Annur 4wui,- Auction er. - i WATtmrrfi witnrn .n -i... a . lbs. White. 24c lb- colored 22e lb. liv weight Rabb t skin, best orizea. Wira stretchers and other supplies. Salenf aaaresa. w Kaicim Drive, poona 2-1 UO, romana aaaress. Rabbit Meat Coj 8917 S t SUrk. SUN. 1721. - 1 r"TJ"l-n-rLJ"u:u"''i:":"j'-ru'L"ji"u" "1 RABBITS WANTED, all sizes, too prices. Largest rabbit headquarters ik west Top prices for furs. Angora wool, Pull Jin ot supplies, fur stretchy ers. remedies, hardware cloth, readi built hutches, and breeding stock; Raise rabbits commercially, big pre-f fits. S4 page rabbit Journal on request Harder Rabbit Farms. 3408 Cherry Avenue, Ph. 3-1234 or 1-1881. . i WANTED: Beef ene canner cowsl bulls and veals. Will call at farm; C. I. Snethen, 3878 K. Turner Road; Ph Z134S Morn or eve. s WANTED: Fresh and Springer dairy cows and rimers. Joe Burke, 27 stli verton nd. rn. s-407. Auctions Auction Wed. Night GROZSBECK AUCTION MARKET 1 yr. old Hereford bull, number of good milk cows, springers, heifers and calves. Bred sows, feeder and weanei pigs. Poultry. Flex-Tred garden trac xor. piow, a isc ana cuiuvbiot. X oois furniture, elec. appliances. Bring what you have to sell. MAX GROZSBECK. AUCTIONEER Ph. 6098 I Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS 1 NOTICE Picking will begin Aug:. 20th at Wilt liam and Thacker Sola Hop Yard I mi, west ox saiem. Start Wed. Aug. 15 TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED Hop pickers for Graham's Hop Yard. Register at Farm Labor Employment uixice. joi uiemexeta, in person. Ph. 21663. 2 day3' picking. T ATTENTION HOP PICKERS ! Hop picking will start at Wil-Hailt hop ranch Friday. August 17. Call w a -Man nop Kancn, mono Z2681. Ward Lundy, Supt. , I HOP PICKERS wanted. 140 acres early late hons. 7 miles from Salem. Long pic King, good hops. Bus from Salem. Fir Grove Farm. Rt. 2. Bok Q. oaiem. fnone xu&f. HOP PICKERS wanted. Early a late nop, gooa picKing;. clean campgrounds r a Dins. wood. lishts. etc.. furnished Transportation from Salem. Orev Hop nancu, xi. , xoi mi, aaiem. rnone 22(60. ! HOP PICKERS wanted, startine Aui zu. Aimon w inn k i jmnian. on saiem, tsuena vis la Ra. ! WANTED 4000 HOP PICKERS 250 FIELD WORKERS The largest crop we have ever frowi i 700 acres early and late hops. Cabins. lights, wood furnished m clean, shady camp grounds. Pickers buses to Salem, West Salem, - Independence. Dallas, Monmouth and other points if desired. JlCtllBlJLH nUW-WIUlE UH LAUi Eola Hop Yard. West Salem. Orel. phone 21331. L. H. Thacker. supt Wilhart Hop Farm. Gervais. Orel. phone 22-E81. Ward Lundy. sunt. Mcuughlin Ranch. Independence ure.. pnone 2y-z, t. a. Hen. supt. Iiiihee Hop Ranch, Salem, Ore., phonje zzeai. sieve vannouten, supt. . ; Williams Sc Hart, branch office saiem, ure., pnone azaa. HOP PICKERS WANTED Roberts Hop Yard 250 acres choice river bottom hons. 4 mile S.W. of Salem. Fine picking Dejnnmng aoout septemDer l. uoota campground, fine cabins. Or free bus transportation to ana trom yara. Keg. ister at our office. 147 North Commer cial! St, or write JOHN J. ROBERTS a CO. Salem, Oregon Phone 9623 "HhopHpickerTw 18th and 20th. 120 acres early and late hops. Cabin, lights, wood furnished. Clean 1 shady camp grounds. Register now. Mitoma Hop Ranch, ; Independ ence, ore. box zoo. rnone sua. HOP PICKERS wanted for our yard 12 miles north of Salem. Picking be gins about Aug. 16. Phone 22347 or write Gervais, Oregon. Mission Bot- tuin nop iu. . . i HOP PICKERS WANTED FOR EARLY it LATE HOPS. BUS TRANS PORTATION TO YARDS ONLY sT MILES FROM SALEM. TO REGISTER, PHONE 8229, ASK FOR KOLA Mi r CLZ-LLAN Help Wanted HOP PICKERS WANTED, starting about August 22nd. GoMea Gate nop itanc-iejpeiwence. . . i PRESSERS wanted. Army work only. Exp, not necessary. Apply 691 N. High. MEN and ' women for sawmill and lumber yard on the coast Car loaders, green chain pullers, atackermen and other general mill and yard work. Good living facilities for families as well as single men. C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation. Toledo, Oregon; BEAN PICKERS wanted. ! O. Ztetel. Rt 5, Box 108J, 6 mile southeast of saiem. mile west of fen Annex DISHWASHER wanted. The Mead ows, 34V state. GROCERY Clerk. Ph. 7323, 125 High. Apply in person. WANTED 2000 nop pickers. Harvest Start the latter part of August 600 acre of high trellis hop. Coot shady camps with lights, wood, shower bath ana day nursery for children rurnisxiea free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or writ -us for full particular. E. CLEM ENS HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. ORE. .- i .. GROCERY CLERKS wanted. No eg perience necessary. Good pay to start and while you train. Excellent opportunities- for men or women who can Sialify. See Mr. Miller. Safeway Stores istrict Office. i i DRS. CI1AN . . . LAM Oc.Y.TAaisnJ. DrjQ.CaaaJNJ CHINESE Herbalists 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday only- It im to t pnu 9 U Ism Coo fultauon Blood pressure and urine tests are free ox charge. Practiced, since (! Financial Help Wsmtetl -Blale ductioo should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em ployer advertising m this eeeUon. WANT tin. raih!n fnlihu w- " ...w Me chanic also Tiuins' man 4n on high school desiring to learn electri cal appnance repair, uoon change for auvBucvraciOT. jBOfg sro., zeo. state. I larPERIEKCXD Van CraMrv t1J wnied- Steady posiUon. Jh. T333. 294 N. Com'l Hon operator. Xxccptional opportunity ragni v. WANT dn lanitnr store, permanent position.- Give age ana references in reply. "Box 73, SUtes- nun. VOUNG Kin kit II m niTar iM work In fruit sc vegetable dept. Xx nerlence mmiettur. stavinv rntr soruna aa. PAINTEBS WANTED Must be real mechanics. Nona other need apply. Kxp. foreman needed. O. Repine Co., 2588 Portland Road. UAH ' T. out mo. n. VU 94U N. Com'L li MIDDLE Aged carpenter for perm. work. Pleasant working conditions, montfiiy salary. i HOGG I BROS. . ' - . t0 , STATE BODY MEN and mechanics. HerraU- Owens Co. ;. . . i -MAN to work In slant Mav flower Milk. 910 S. Com! k WANTED: Men to work In ceme tery. Call at 290 W. Hoyt or Ph. 8632. Jersey herd - and training boys In riatrv wgwlr Silts nln milntananrik "Kn family. Oregon State Training School. WOOQDnrn. Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED stenographer wanted by local cannery. Good pay and work ing condition and -steady employment, with Opportunity to advance. Ph. 22036. UNITED GROWERS, INC. : Salem, Oregon. j WANTED: Experienced beauty ope rator. Loveall's Beauty Shop, 453 State St ACTIVE, brieht cheerful youne woman can nave good nome and lib eral pay for light housekeeping and companion to elderly lady. No obleo tion to small child. Also accommoda tions for young couple. Ph. 3530. 126) n. ommerciai. MTDDLEAGED woman for maid service in auto court. Good wages and hours. Permanent. Ph. 7892. WANT lady dinner cook. Day shift Sundays off. Good wages. 1241 State. LADY wanted for housework one day each week. Ph. 7491. j WANTED: Girl for stenographic .and office work. Phone 5405 evenings. WAITRESS wanted. The Meadows, 340 State St EXPERIENCED Waitress. The Spa. EXP. i waitress for Dart time work Saturdays and Sundays. The spa. I WOMEN HELP WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245 State St Salesmen Wanted EXPERIENCED food salesman, mar ried, with home in Salem. Must own car and furnish- bond. Good salary car mileage and expenses. Permanent position. Real opportunity for the right man. Apply by letter giving record of past experience, age & phone number Write to Box 70. SUtesman. j WE Will Interview men at once for two positions as service salesmen. Ser vice station or garage experience help ful but not necessary. If you are not set now for a postwar future you will be interested. Good pay. an ex Cellent chance for advancement. Apply tn person only to Mr. Kingan. Fire stone store, center ac UDerty bts. Situations Wanted GENERAL yard work. Phone 3751, WILL care for children in my home days. 2410 Simpson St, just off Lee $t WILL car for children in my home. days. 1169 N. 16th. Ph. 4961. I WANTED: Day work. 692 S. 25th. Ph. 3457 or 6043. k WILL care for elderly lady in my nome. rnon snj. Preschool Playschool; 1961 State Ages 2-a. Part or an day. rn. sua. For I Sale Miscellaneous WE BUY and sell men's Shoes, cloth ing, tools, radio, guitars, trunks. furniture and household goods. ' SUNDALE3. 293 N. Com'L Ph. 8699 Watklns Prod. Rt 9, Ex. 174. PhJ-2413 ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rent fl C Push Ph f Bo 483 SAND. Gravel, crushed. Ready-Mis concrete. Two-unit Sect!e Tanks. Sew er Pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1403 N. Front St Ph 3417. A I ' ' " i 111 iei ssm FULLER Brashes. 1743 Grant P. 1337 EXPERT washing machine rvtee and wringer roll, ail makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 313 N. Liberty ' nr;.:,..lTrin;Ln.l STOVE repairing St parts. t Woodry's Mkt. 1603 N. Suinmer 8t CUPBOARD, buffet kitchen cabinet couch. 2ieo grooxa su TRAILERS for rent S0e per bx, Woodry's Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. LAWN MOWER Sharpening Ad n . . I ' Woodry's Mkt. 1605 N. Summer St WILL -Buy for cash, sen or trade, run. ; ammunition, scopes, trailer I M outboards. Don Madison. 390 No. High. it em a ctoc Woodry's rurniture Mkt Ph. 3119 a phase 1H HP motor. Quincy 1 ft air compressor, new, fn. awe. WE Buy sen twntturv toott, stoves,; dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, nousenoia gooas.-fvi.ivjr HAT4 1. n ru. wwm. 1942 MAINLINE trailer house, sleep 4. Butane equipped. Also first class shop built trailer house. Must selL James Wilson. West Salem Trailer Court, by 4-INCH Jointer, hew. Rt. , box 81, Portland mgnway. l's mue norujjw underpass. Can Sunday or eventngs. MAN'S bicycle,' $20. 2110 Maple aye. Phone 7095. 100 LB. SIZE cotton feed sacks, bleached and laundered, ready for use for dish towels, pillow cases, sheets and other bom uses. Get yours now. 19 and 23c each Northwest Poultry; & Dairy, .1503 N. Front phone 7007. t TOR SALE 13 ft spruce rowboat Want good .23 spt Pnone tUit , ( Farm - f MODESTiMAIDENS s trsearerk ktfW V. g fait OSws - ' 18 S 3?W TrLtTSs "If you have a lot of it it Fop Sale Miscellaneou 1 GOOD WOOD ranges 337.50 and up. Kitchen cabinets, 16.50 and up. Exten sion tables for the lawn. $3.50 and up. State Street Furniture, 19th and State, phone 7396. 'i CHILD'S saddle pony. Call Monmouth 549 or see at 400 N. Broad St., Mon mouth, t MTLKoXTTCterCeW 2 rugs. ' 8x10-10x12; some dishes and jars. 563 N. High st. MAN'S liaht weight worsted suit size 39. Phone 2-1927 after 3 p. m. MOTOR scooter: nir nn nw tires, new motor. 557 Knapp st. IVERS Sc Pond upright1 piano, smooth walnut finish. Lovely tone. Dalmas Hooker, Rt 2, Dayton,; 4 ml N. of Hopewell. PINK Formal in eood cond size 14. Ph. 3316. 2-BURNER hot plate; excel, cond. Pre-war paint brushes; Nearly new drop sheets. Complete set paper hang er tools, straight edire Sc boards. Chain scaffold jacks. 2085 Maple. Ph. 9858. 7xl2WnTONltu BED ROOM suite, breakfast set ice box. chairs, wash tub. Ph. 8401. PRVAY ice creaSnutkerrl cond. 9400. Ph. 5043. 1 LGE. round oak table. 1 desk. 1 oak rocker. 666 S. Summer. PRE-WAR walnut dinine rm. suite. slightly used, 9125. Ph. 22713. FLEX-TRED 2 cyl. garden tractor. plow, disc and cultivator. Groesbeck Auction. Wed. night Ph. 6098. NEW trash burner: small dresser: 2 desks, 1 large. 1 small. 1293 N. 5th. VENTnXriNrfaXn3 N. 5th. I DAVENO. Hotpoint elec. stove. Ph. 23512. Bx. 80 Beech Ave. LANG range, copper eoila; wood cir culating heater. 2455 SUte. 2V. MILLION ft. of red & vellow fir with 3',i M available. Close to market with roads in. Good winter show. May consider selling stumpage to reliable logger. P.O. Box 115, Harrlsburg, Ore. PHTLCO car radio for sale or trade. 380 Madrona Ave. SET of pre-war drums with some cymbals ic all attachments. Call 4006. FINE Ken tie Toaaenbera milk coat Fine for invalids & babies. 3913 SUte St Ph. 3583. ELEC shaver. Ph. 9319 after 9 TM. 9x12 CURL-TWIST broadloom rug. Ph. 9491. i MAYTAG elec. wash. mach. Bridge Beach circ. btr. A, R. Wilaon, Ph. 9470. JOHN DEERE Tractor. G. P. model. All good rubber. With buzz saw and plow. A. J. Wendland. Rt 1. Bx. 400A, saiem, a mi. n. ox popcorn sen. VICTROLA. stroller, tricycle. 1783 Berry, rn. ssss. - OUTBOARD Evenrude twin, revers ible, good running order. Inquire 969 N. 15th st after s fM. t BEAUTIFUL Xrag Snorters, 1 each Model 12, 19 gauge, Winchester auto. 12 gauge, dble. barrel Parker. S-mm. Manlicher. Model 62 Winchester .22. Model 63 Reising auto. J2Z, Mauser pis tol (new 7.65) J2 ctl.mm. Luger 31 H. I R. revolver,; all with some shells. MeUl sUnd floor lamp only 94. 3 2-wheel trailers. on with pickup steel bed A 16 tire, on high plywood sides and 21 tire ft on 2-place stock trailer new with 16 tires. Don Buds tennis racquet like new. 2 used rac quet. Fox tails. Knapsacks only 23c each. .300 Savage and M Rem. loans, uoa size ammunition, beauti ful violin with case a bow. Jeep cans. liA lion Maaizon, eso w. mgn. PREWAR mohair davenport ' and cnair. rs. ezzi. iuo n. utn. 30 CLETRAC DieseL Can be seen at A. C Haag ic Co, or phone 2-4073. WEDDINO RING and diamond set excel, atone, aiza. etu zina. UPRIGHT Piano, child's 9-year bed and pad. 21230. HUch chair. 92 30. Child table and chair set 97. 1186 oroaaway. - -.. SAWDUST hot water heater. - trash burner With coils, bedsprings. 990 PEACHES Improved Crawford peaches now ready at the Jess Math is orchard and fruit stand. 9 miles N. of saiem on w slignway. DAVENPORT. 1973 N. 5th. 1943 Alma Silver Moon trailer, like new. Located at 642 Edgewater, West suenveowB in parx. TOUNO canary singers, 88.00 each, pnone 8320. - - 10 CATERPILLAR tractor like new: com and see it 1 mt N.W. of Chem awa oa Keller place. Rt 2, box 403B. saiem. . . - . V. VERY good upright piano, ph. 2-2176. . RADIO . tubes 8c port, mike. 2-1957. rrr :,.r- w "w.- ww--tt ca-rj-. km. mm. wjuuik s 1 1 svi.i isir9a 16 gauge shotgun & shellt 121 Main fiLa, DalLaA. Markets - must not be ueiygood!' For Sale Iliccll ancoai REG. BLACK COCKER Brood matron. This doc's last litter sold for over S250. A real money maker. Also large well blult dog house. 1462 N. Com'l. St . 7 . r ..- ORDERS taken for strawberry plants. Fall or spring plants. Phone 2-2281. KOHLER-Campbell piano In good condition; also almost new slide pro jector lantern at 2255 N. 5th st. UNIVERSAL 3 burner electric range. Maple dinette set 4 chairs. Full size bed74R Jtate FOR SALE Used 2-plow .. tractor; used SIR combine new 5' No. 52 com bine. James H. Maden Co., 44 'Silver ton road, Salem, Oregon. ROYALplrtTtypL Decker. 1984 Statcj. : 33 mm. camera & 36X film, photo chemi. paper. . supplies, i 1984 State. Phone 2-1957. PEACHES: Extra fancyGolden Hales canning peaches now ready. 11 mi. north on Wallace Road, So. Wheatland ferry, t. M. taFonett Iree assortment imt firrK1TTT'R trim OP FURN.. 13th ic SUte. '"JWAlxTypM Eave Troughs FURNACEsI INSTALLED .AND REPAIRED Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th StL Salem. Oregon. Phone 5391 FOR SALE Baled oats and vetch hay. Close in. Phpne 4359. OIL FURNACES Kresky oil heatihg furnaces. Smoke. less and efficient heat. See aeent 1923 r. juioerry. f n. CHOICE' Gladiolus' at" the Mrden 881 Rosemont Wi. Salem. SINGER SEWING CENTER We now have la few new. mmh treadle sewine ImarhinM atrailahla 1 S. High St. Ph. 3512. Wanted SI isceUaneous WANTED: Girl's bicvel. or trait ooy xor girt, fn. iiill. USED cedar chest in any condition. rn. uvzi.iwi cnurcjj. . WANTED I TO RENT, ordinary flat nea truexs. si.vei per hour plus gai and oU. Golden Gat Hop Ranch, In dependence. '' - I sleal instrument.; Call 4641 days hi evenings or i send tesenptioa tc jaquiui ssusie. jm .181 nigh. COOT) wahlVl ground. Ph. 757Lrt89 N. Com'L " w.-j vswwuiii aresrv. asu el. rexlU Jiiracny. w. i. box aos. independence, WANT electric plate. P. O. Box 134, WANTED, PIANOS. Will pay cash Will Music Store. 432 SUte St -; USED FURNITURE. Ph. 9183. - WANTED, Pianos, Tallman's. Ph. 6701 WANT TO Buy, tye cameras tenses sscKwan rnoto Shop . 439 SUte IF YOU have furniture to ell see kus tirignt. rn. i liiu u court CASH for vmiei iiimI rtimfma an. 7596. State St Furniture, 900 SUU We Buy Furniture rnADE wtth i rnu nt m vTitt REPUTATION OF BUSINESS fNTEQ. ritv in tht. un t i urrrr vm iv , auioux rtws fAiu run uwku Pianos Furniture and Appliances tau sia tor appointment. HOGG BROS. set SUte Si BUscellaneous SOUTH Salem Radio Shop. .1201 trail, fa. uaL- - Girls Women Be A Practical Nnrse BIO DEMAND HIGH WAGES Instruction high school not necessary Easy to learn at! home in spare time. Age 18 to 60. War demand have caused big abertagev Prepare now far this interesting, profitable and patriotic work. Write for FREE information. Wayne School ol Practical Nursing. S5 . RbtMnu. I. . : WANTI'ILJiriru nriiTTev M o' September. Mr. LeRoy Grote. Ph. TATI jDRTTsTn iltmHrau Ht ui vxv v-icBners. . w. uapitoi St. ?9"nnpn service by I 1J1S. sl rr4f VsPu. 1 Ph A f f-t VW4 A Xa, or call a t Chimne? o7 Commerce IMnn Tiim U7w 1 Ia i mrmtf. m aa.a.aaj' V" aa VHi V U.ill Classified Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair ( TWO-HOUR SERV1CX XN MOST i . ova ,i Bring er Mil Yowr Plates for Repair, . YJ nmBT Kr.MT.HR. DENTIST Adolph BWg. SUte Com--Pi. H Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDrVTDUAL CON SICERATlUff WUU IVU APPLY TO j General Finance Corp. FOX ! Quick Cash Loans Locally ewned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend oa any reasonable) security. Up- to 12 mo, te repay. SUte Lie. iS-131) 13f S. Commercial St Auto And. Truck Loam Contracts Refinanced Umm ir mmwr mnA nsed ear as? trucks regardless ef ag No delay bring ear-and title and get the moaey. You retain posseesion of vehicle. for appolatmeal j ROY H. SIMMONS egulated by state I j PRIVATE MONEY 39 S Crait 81 Phone 9169 M-1M1 Have You 3Met the YES MANager? Mr. Gallinger i mighty proud l 1 -t Wa- a! n1rm her record of caying "YES" who want a loan. folk Consider the extra advantages titr- ed to vou at 'Personal': 1. Loans ol S23 to saoo on salary. ear or furniture. 2. Sensible monthly payments. 1. EXCLUSIVE! 'Pergonal Nation wide Cash-Credit Cards issued ar.d honored here. ! We'll be happy to ay "YES" to your loan request. Stop in or phone. Personal Finance Go. Rm. 123. Second Fir. New Bligh BW. SIS SUte St Phone: Salem 3191 Lie. S-122 M-185 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loan made as small as 9300. See us jabcut refinancing your present contract or mortgage. , Approved city , loans 4'.i. Leo N. Childs, Inc 314 State St. Phi. 9261 $ $ MONEY $ $; We make all types of personal! loans Including furniture, note and car jloane, for any worth while cause. W4 alsej make real estate loans and buy real estate contracta. For quick and; effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CD. Phone 4121. 212 Guardian Bldg. Sale L.1C. S ZIC-M ZZ2 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BU1LDINO LICENSE M 139 I For Rent Rooms SLEFP. rm. with kitchen privileges, for girl. Ph. 5246 from 6 to 7 P.M. PLEASANT sleeping rooms. Nice surroundings. Phone 4262. 1 For Rent Apartments 3 RM. fum. apt. Elderly couri) pref. Fh. 2-3341. For Rent GOOD Used Piano n L. Stft BUS; bldg.-garage 923. Ph. X82. TRUCK tar rant Vnn Mnvi, tm- uune utveiL onon 960B. BULLDOZER. Ph. S223. Uonnuiutk. Or. . Wanted to Rent WANTED ' T.llttnra tt fturatlin.. apartment and board and I room available for rent to school teachers. Phone 9137, Public School Adpsinis tration Office. .-,-- , . t - HOUSOR APARTMENT. PRESill ABLY FURNISHED. OFFICER, jWIFlJ axvjj UAUvi UTaVR. BXWARDI OF S1S.0Q. FQONB 7312. TL-9f?At. tMialnan' man w. uJ. I -. ...i.. wawwra i RilMW house or apt., turn, er partly , fur. riwnm vsuui ssv only. , ; I J i WANTTn hv fUn 1 m or 1 room furnished apt. ea 'grounei -wti ow ' f eiaiema-i. WAJC'I'I.I) in Knt A A - m . , w ,.wj. furniture. Phone 6213. T - alone, small house, furnished or partly. Best of Bel Forced to move. 1474 W. Summer. .. f-,. - i ARMY officer 8c wtf need i - -. w.Mm.u m VT4.V Ur bedrnv hs. or apt Ph. 956. T S My Name lWt Rockefeller I ean't ffcr kiaa mmhivnw .v.i ter, but I must have fum. or unfurn, nousc, ana wiis pay any reasonable) rent Permanent, reliable family. Pboce 4S34. I ..- PROEESSIONAT. man anil -ri- -m rent 3 er 4 rm. partially turn, house, or apt Promise excel, care. No call dren. or pet. Non-drinker. Box 741 SUtesman. ' i 4 ; rLOOR SANDEft tar rent iaiont goniery Wand.. TlfV. MUST HAVE j "j" Unfurn. 3 or 4 bedroom home. Will pay np to 5100 mo. rent. Ph. 3403 or 6481. Permanent.! Fx cellent refer. Will lease I year or longer. - ! . WANTED 2-h1rAsm mivl :t.,,. F SfPt. 1. Phone Wio'eves. eg ax. cvans. - 2 OR 3-bedrm. turn, or unfurn. house, minor .repair guaranteed. Permanent. Phone 3a. . , . . , . , '. . . j .. ; WATrr "... a . -I. - - vi v-rvoiii uniurnisneoi house. Permanent tenants. Good ref- nciL-. jsauits. no pets; Excellent f.. gmranteed. Ph. 632X H. Cj Pratt. m PROFESS, man, pernwishes" modt t.ur-.2 'lrn,-..unfura- house. Refs. ,Plt 7372 or 3311. , . i