V FACE EIGHT Tk 0SS30H STATESMAN. .Slm, -O-wejea, Stu-err MeJg. Aerut II. IH3 i Mart Varied; Grain Futures Mostly Down CHICAGO, Aug. lO-WGrai" futures sac fed at tht close today, . with September wheat, ihowin the greatest strength during a trading session 1 beset with con fusing influences. The futures took Japan's peace offer In stride -at the start, and wheat and rye 'advanced sharply at ithe opening. The trade had discounted the government crop report, issued after the close of - the markets. At the close wheat was to l'i lower than yesterday's close, ..September $1.64. Corn was to 1 lower, December $1.15. Oats were 1 to 2tt lower, Sep tember 59-'. Rye was 1 to 2i lower, September IA61A-V. Barley was IV4 to lower, Sep tember. $1.07 U. ! 13th Airborne Moves i I - - , PARIS, Aug.! KHJPjrTht main ; bodr of the 13th airborne division moved yesterday from the Reims assembly area to Le Havre, pre naniorr to embarking for the United States. The redeployment status of other VS. units was un changed. Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug 10 (AP) Butter A A prints 4S-4Vac; cartons 4-4Tic; A grade prints 45,-46c; cartons 43Va-4-s,ic: B grade prints , 43c; cartons 4-4-ic Butterfat First quality, maximum of S of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 62-52 , 4c; premium qual ity, maximum ot .35 of 1 per cent acidity 63-53' ic; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-MVaC , , Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c: loaf 50.4c; triplets to wholesalers 27.2c; loaf 30.6c lb. delivered Eggs To retailers: A A extra large 37c; A extra large 55c; A large 63c; A medium 48c; small (pullet) 42-43c dozen. live poultry -4 Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 31.6c; roasters over 3V lbs. 31.Sc; "Leghorns 18c; colored hens all weights 27c; old roosters and stags 23c lb. Babbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; Jive price to producers zz-zc id, Turkeys Government takes! sup ply, market nominal. I Onions Oregon dry No. 1; 3.00 50 lb. sack; green 1.05-1.10 dozen bunches. I Potatoes New California No. 1, 4.00 sack; Irish Cobblers 3.S5; I Bliss Triumphs 3 83 sack; Yakima whites 2.65-3.75 crate. j Country meats Rollback price to retailers: Country- killed hogs, best butchers. 130-140 lb. 19-19,ic; vealers AA 22ViC: A 21',iC B 19'ic; S 15-17,ic; Culls 12-lkr beef AA 21ic; A 20!,c; B lS'fce; C 16s,ic; canner-cutter cows 13,;-14c; bulls canner-cutters 14-143,c; lambs AA 26c: A 24,c; B 22ic: C 10- 20r; ewes FS 13ic; M 12c: R 10',;-. Wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry stock 27c lb. Mohair 1042. 12-month 45c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 2 or better 134-35: oats- vetch $24-25 valley points; timothy eastern Oregon) $38.50; clover $21 ton. Portland Grain ' PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug 10 (API Wheat futures and cash grain un quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.48; For Sale! 100 Head Registered Hampshire Ewes j 18 mos. old. Picked from the best flock in Oregon. AH sheep have ear tap and registration papers on them. Phone or Write J. C. Harrison BIy, Ore. Holice Hop "Pickers Busses Will Pick Up In Salem for Williams and Thacker's Eola Hop Yard Beginning at 6 A. II. -V: ;K-; 'at f' CENTER AND COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL AND DIVISION COMMERCIAL AND MARKET COMMERCIAL AND JEFFERSON COMMERCIAL AND COLUMBIA COLUMBIA AND BROADWAY BROADWAY AND HOOD ' ; HOOD AND FAIRGROUNDS ROAD FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND JEFFERSON Vv FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND HUNT CAPITOL AND HOOD -CAPITOL AND UNION CAPITOL AND CENTER" 20TII AND CENTER 17TII AND CENTER 14TII AND CENTER COTTAGE AND CENTER 'WEST SALE!!, FOOT OF BRIDGE ELOPER'S STOHI. ; CITY HALL Navy Reports v Lumber Piles at Bases WASHINGTON. Aug. 10 JPi- The navy declared yesterday that a lumber shortage threatens to re tard construction of advanced bas es in the Pacific. In a statement, it said that ces sation of hostilities on Europe had increased rather than decreased navy lumber needs and attributed the shortage to lack of skilled la bor in the Pacific northwest lum bering areas. The lumber shortage already has attracted attention in congress and figured in recent criticism of the army's discharge policy by the senate war investigating commit tee. The senate group urged that the army speed discharge of sol diers with lumbering, coal mining and railroad experience. The ar my has refused, however, to con sider any discharges by occupa tion, contending this Would de stroy its point system! for dis charges, i The navy said its, stockpiles of lumber have been reduced to "the danger levels," adding that "for many types of essential lumber in ventories are so low that were Droduction to stop, shipments overseas could not continue for more than two or three weeks." Portland oft whit (excluding Rex) 1.50; white club 1.51: western red 151. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.4714 10 per cent 1.5014; 11 per cent 1.87; 12 per cent 1.64. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.54; 11 per cent 1.57; 12 per cent 1.91. Today's car receipts: Wheat 25. bar ley flour S, corn 2, millfeed t. Port)and Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. Aug 10 (AP) (WFA) Salable and total cattle Z5: calves 65; market steady on limited cattle offering with demand fairly broad: odd cutter steers and heifers 10.00; canner - cutter cows i.-o-st: shells down to 6.00; one sorted load rood - choice 303 lb. vealers 14.50; cull-medium grades S.00-12.00; few medium calves 12.50. Salable hogs none, total 175; market nominal; barrows and gilts salable 15.75: sows 13.00: feeder pigs salable from 17.50-22.00 according to weight and grade. Salable and total sheep none: mar ket quotable, steady with late Thurs day; good-choice lambs salable 12.50- 13.00; common grades around s.oo- 12 50; good ewes salable around 8 50 Stocks and Bonds August 10 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS Indus Rails Friday .., 85 9 40.0 Previous day 85.4 41.5 Week ago 84.5 41.5 Month ago -.6.6 43.4 Year ago 75.8 28.6 18 Util 45.9 46.0 46.1 47.2 38.2 60 Stkn S5.0 65.3 64.7 S6.7 54.8 BOND AVERAGER 20 Rails Friday .......... 99.2 Previous day . 99.8 Week ago 100.0 Month ago 101-2 Year ago 90.5 10 Indus 103.6 103.6 103.4 104.2 105.3 10 Util 107.1 107.2 107.3 107.S 106.4 10 Fogn 72.5 72.6 72.8 73.3 67 8 Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: - BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY (Subject to change without notice) BUTTERFAT Premium - .84 No. 1 M No. 2 ... . 3t BUTTER PRINTS A B .46 .45 . .47 Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums .. Standards Pullets .42 . .41 . .26 . M XI J16 Jl'.i Cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens , No. 2 colored hens . Colored frys LIVESTOCK, By Valley Fack) Spring lambs Yearling lambs .7',i to J'i Ewes Cows, boners and cutters .04 to JM Cows, common .06 to J075 Cows, top dairy .075 to .085 Cows, beef type , M to 41 Veals . .14 Bulls .7 to ai CbssIfleA ATtrt-Ur j Statesmen Classified. Ads CaU 9101 Three Insertions per nt5c Six Insertions per line 40c One month per line SI .23 Minimum charge- 29c; I U. min imum 33c; ti. min. 43c. No refunds. ! " Copy for this page accepted un til 30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time -will be run omlei the heading Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where ; this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advert tee jnent In which the typographical mistake accurs. . - The Statesman reserves the tight to ' reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under :i the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressla for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman . not : at liberty to divulge infor mation as to . the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ed. , Livestock and Poultry FOR 8AIX Guernsey-Jersey cow. 6, milking S Mis.. 6. L. B. McCl endow. see cascade Dr., w. saiem. rn. ims. FOR SALE: Saddle horse, high splr-1 ikeu, Jim, uiu, w w v-v . half Arabian. $163. Can at 1805 S. 12th. I i. ... -A .r. iu I FOR ! SALE: Registered Romney J sheep. Smith Bros. Gath stock, 8 bucks. 8 ewes. 11 lambs. Are cutting I flock, must sell one or sJL Dr.. J. M. Ramage. C.l, 8751 or 7244. t . WILL BUY veur rattle or sell , on consignment Steyton Auction Market Arthur Lewin, AucUoner, ; ; , I HIGHEST PRICES paid for rabbit I skins.; Also latest wire stretchers for 1 sale.- West Side Fur Co. . west saiem. I I rEEDER pigs $21.50 each.' I 2-yr. old pigs f iz.50 eacn. Lawn mower ss. i I E. Snethen. 3670 E. Turner Ka 1 mi. N. of Krueger Grocery. Ph. X134S. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON j For the County of - Marion, Depart ment of Probate. - ' -In the matter of the estate of Millie Carlson,- Deceased. ,i u No. S19S Notice of Sale Nntira la herebv civen that the I undersigned Executrix of the . estate ot Millie Carlson, deceased, will offer for sale and seU to the highest bid- der : Lot Two, Block Forty, North Salem, in Marion County Oregon at I the office of Fred A. Williams. Pioneer Trust Building. Salem Oregon, on the 6th of September. 1845. at the hour of 2:00 PJd. Sale will be made ior cash 1 .1- The sale will be private and Is made. and this notice published, by virtue of an order of the Hon. E. m; Page. Judge of said court ' entered Herein I on the 25th day of -July 1945.'. J This notice is published once a week I for four successive weeks in The Ore-1 gon Statesman, a newspaper t of gen- eral 1 circulation published in, Marion I county uregon. 1 Date of first publication: July 28, 1S45. 1 Date of last pubiicauon: August 25, 1945 Ethel Dawson. Executrix. Charles G. Benson, 1102 Spalding Bldgn Portland, Oreron. Attorney for Executrix. "t $ t Jly 28 A. 4-11-18-25. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i I have been annotated as Adminis tratrix of the Estate of KATE DEMA-i REST. Deceased, by the Circuit Court of Marion County, State of Oregon, by I an order dated July 16th. 1945. All per- 1 sons having claims against said Estate are xequcsieu 10 presem uiem, wiin piuiicr vgutiicrs, wiuiui CIA iiiunLiia vi the date here of to the undersigned, co County Clerk, Court House, Marion County. State of Oregon. Dated and first published July 21st 1045. Date of last publication August 18th. 1945. , SADIE PERKINS. Administratrix. HERBERT W. LOMBARD. Attorney, Address: First National Bank Bldg cottage urove. Oregon Jly. 21-28. A. 4-11-18. " 1 1 bids will be received bv the under- signea until the hour of B o clock 1-"M. on the 27th day of AucusL 1945. and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the School District Board of School District No. 71. Marion County, Ore eon. at Liberty Schoolhouse. in Salem. Ore- gon. ; for an issue of bonds of said School District in the amount of five thousand dollars (85000), said bonds to De dated September 1. 1945,- and to mature serially in numerical Order as ioiiows: 1 ' ,'; No. 1, : 81000, on December 15. 194. No. 2, S1000, on December 15, 1947. No, 3. ilOOO. on December IS. 1948. No. 4. 81000. on December 15, 1949. mo. a, siooo. on December is, 1990, rate of not to exceed 3',. per annum oua Donaa 10 war interest uii payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the of fice ,of ; the nSlS1??4 M,rJon Coun.tuy' ?,r:,l1v .fai 'SFJL ihe opiloiT of the purehaUr: ' . T " . &aia Donas were duly autnortzea at an election held on August 4, 1945; -. v., ..up -m, avw. Bids must be accompanied by a cer- tif ied check in the amount of one nun- dred dollars WOO) i xne approving legal opinion of Hi.rlM I Tmnn nrilt k. ii,1.h4 V. successful bidder. .- ; The Board reserves the right1 to re- tect anv ami aii hiri , i ti. SEXjK. ClerK. i . . EcnOOl JJlStriCX INO. 1 1. Rt 3, Box SIS, Salem Ore. A 11-16-23. NftTir T btptov r.rw sealed bids will be received by I the unaersisnea until tne nour of B n r loolr i J M. m th Ith Hav n AiiM.rf IU and ) immediatelv thereafter nubliclv opened by the School District Board of School District No. 71, . Marion -ounty. : iureeon. at LiDertv school - house near Salem. Oregon, for the in- staiiation or a heating plant at said scnoouiouse. Bids i must be accom panied by a certified check In the amount or 10 of the bid. . t Specifications will be furnished u request to cuctk ot scnool District No. 71. Lola H. Seeger, St. 3, Box SIC, aaiem, uregon. The Board reserves the right U re - m. w ject any and all bids. LOLA H. SEEGER. Clerk. School District No. L Marion County, Oregon. A-ll-14. Help n arrest Crops r - v '..-' Ecgislir Usui i I I 350 acres early and late hops. Picking begins last week In Acjrcst. IjlijmEnnco' 1 Sihnop Fiimil'j: .1: :-;lMif 2, Bex 1ST iri :,; rhmt t-zm . :t Offlee: 1117 First KaUojaai 1 r.r r Bank Bidg. . ?. Sales-, Orerea I liqp Plsliekp Livestock and Poultry RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. 4 to lbs. White, 24c lb.; colored 22c h live weight Rabb t skins, best prizes. Wire stretchers and other- supplies. . Salem annreaa. av jcatcun unvt, pfaoa Z-IS-O, Portland address. Rabbit Meat Cn . SIT 8. X. Stark, SUN. 1721. . - - "FORALlPurebred Hobrteln m11 ready , for service. This as from the test ner in the state. Also some good young horses. A. P. Nys, 1 mile west of. Brooks. .... ,.-v; RABBITS WATlftiyt prices.- Largest rabbit headquarters In west Top - prices for - furs. Angora wooL. Full lino of supplies, fur stretch er, remedies, hardware doth, ready Duiii nutcnes, ana Breeding stock Raise rabbits commercially, big pro fits. 84 page rabbit Journal on request Harder Babbit Farms, 3405 Cherry Avenue. Ph. 2-1234 or 2-182. -- WANTED: Beet ana .canner cows bulla and veals. Will call at farm E. I Snethen. 3370 E. Turner Road Ph 21245 Morns or eves. WANTED: Fresh and Springer-dairy Cows and Heifers. Joe Burke, 270 Sil vertpn Rd. Ph. 2-4074. Uop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS ' wanted. ' 140 acres early a late bops, T miles from Salem. Long pic ring, good hops. Bus from Salem. Fir - Grove Farm. Rt. 2. Box I oa, e ran. rnoot suom. HOP PICKERS wanted. Earlv St late hope, good picking, clean camp-rounds. cabins. ' wood, lights, etc.. furnished. Tran'portation from Salem. Orey Hop nancn, iw. a. jbox 191, saiem. rnone 22766. ... OPERATE hopyard store and short- order restaurant best location on Hi- in largest hop , growing district unn.v malrer tat riant MuinU vai . - ------ r ' Jurni!'hr'Uur.'n3T lwP'nnt Apply er. Route s. I ml 8 E of Independ- ence or phono indep. X8F2I. " " ' " r TTlTlTI!TrTTT?r.r!!r?rT! ftjL ,rl,vIJ:T" : ITlt HOPS BUS TRANS- i m jvk a a- a. vii a m. rri& wmva X I MILKS FROM SALEM. TO REGISTER. PHONE 9223. ASK FOR KOLA Mc- ualan, ' HOP PICKER wanted between Aug. 18th and JOth. 320 acres early and late nops. caoins, Jianta. wood furnisnea i dean shady camn rrounda. Rerister now. Mitoma Hop Ranch. Independ- ence, ore. box zeo. Fhone urs. HOP PICKERS wanted 'for our yard 12 miles north of Salem. Picking be gins about Aug. 16. Phone .22347 or write uervaia, Oregon, scission Bot tom Hop Co. WANTED j ? . 4000 HOP PICKERS 290 FIELD WORKERS The largest crop we have ever crown. . 700 acres early and late hops. Cabins, lights, wood furnished in clean, shady camp grounds. Pickers' buses to Salem. West Salem. Indenendence. Dallas. Monmouth and other points if desired, REGISTER NOW WRITE OR CALL Eola Hop Yard, West Salem. Ore.. phone 21331. L. H. Thacker, supt Wiihart Hop Farm, Cervais, Ore, phone 22-681. Ward Lundy. supt. McLaughlin Ranch. Independence. -re pnone ii-fj, 1. a. eeu. upi. Hllhee Hop Ranch. Salem. Ore, phone 122631, Steve Vanhouten. supt 1 wimams Mart, orancn omce. rslem-0re-Phon a5S- TXZZZrZZZZ7ZZZZ "w nnviw . T TT VJ iiuuci w iiuu iiu 250 acres choice river bottom hoos. 4 miles S.W. of Salem. Fine nickine beginning about September 1. Good campground, fine cabins, or free bus transportation to and from yard. Reg- ister at our office. 147 Nortn Lommer- ciau m.. or write ! JOHN J. ROBERTS ft CO. Salem. Oregon Phone 9623 HOP PICKERS wanted, starting Aug. 20. Almon Winn, Rt. 1, Jefferson, on Salem. Buena Vista Rd. WANTED:-Hop pickers. Early and late hops, cabins, lights, wood fur. niahed. Store on grounds. Starting Aus 15th Mission Bottom near Wheatland ferry. Better known as Fred Viesko fUm. John Bushman, GervaiS, Ore, Help Wanted i Bean Pickers lit MT S OP W CTAVTOTJ VJ MARION - STAYTON ROAD. TENTS I wnnn CTnvrc riTuwrcum 117 tt t OAV 1 w. n. haxui, hi. 1 AUMSV1UJ. MEN and women for sawmill and lumber yard on. the coast Car loaders. green chain pullers, stackermen and other general eniU and yard work. Good living facilities for families as well as single men. C. D. Johnson Lumber corporation. Toledo, Oregon. BEAN PICKERS wanted. O. Zistel. Rt. 5. Box 108J. S miles southeast of baiem, V mile west of Pen Annex. BEAN Pickers wanted. 2nd St 3rd picking. Gas available. 2 ml. on Wal- lac Rit- tt. I Barnwell. Hi 1 . Rax mu. Ph I -v 1 run Pirkm ntii wictr uw Write J. F. Wikoff. Rt 6, Box 353B. Salem. Ore., or come 3 mUes east on Silverton highway, turn right 2nd road P-t Middle Grove school miles. DISHWASHER wanted:' The Mead I .. ,. lift ct. Pwl 340 sute I 1 LP r12:"l-"u"LO-r':r'""'-- I ""V1 '33. IBS N. 1 iri. I --. I WANTED 2000 hop pickers. Harvest star- lfttr1Pr of August 500 acres of high trelhg bops. CooL shady I 'ill'- wiui u(u, wuou, aiwwcr nun I A 4? J mMmr h MftAvft Mjtmwmi W 1 U mm m am taU m IT " wi uiuuitii -uiuisiism I free to Dickers. Grocery store, meat 1 m"i, ' na restaurant on grounda. xu.-Kisi.cr in person ai rancn omce or I write us for fuU narticulars. E. CLEM. NS HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. I - ' I GROCERY CLERKS wanted. No ex perience necessary. Good pay to start sod while you- train. Excellent oppor- 1 tunnies ior men or women wno can I qualify. See Mr. Miller. Safeway Stores I District . owe. Help Wauled Male Workers sow employed tn war pro duction should not apply and will not 1 oe consioered for employment ey em I al - mm. JMn4lala MM I mm ILia aaoAI-kk oloyers advertiiing la this, section WANT dav lanltor far denai store, permanent position. Gf -1 rferencea in reply. Box 73. ! man. . WANTED: Experienced mechanic for all around eannerv work. Can SS9S after T pjn. Or Hoyi Canning Co. at ouvenon aunng nay. ' rXZRK wanted at nttsarketT DI-S. CHAN... LAM Or.TJXa-uN--. OrX)XluJNB G-XXNESS Oerbalis-i 241 North Ukerty Upstairs Portland General Qeefrte Co Oiftce open Saturday only Mem to 1 tsu l to tprn .Con wltatiom Blood prea-uro and urine tests are free of charge. Practiced since is ii. n q Financial Help Wanted Male, WANTED: Part time doorman. Annlv l . T ' ' in pain, unm xneacra. WANTED by . Spokane Portland and OMIUt IUUW1T UlmunT. brakeman awl .switchmen. Experienced. Age 18 1 i ev. inexpenencea. Age. IS to 43. Inexperienced men will bo paid while oualifying. For InformaUon In ouire local Oregon i Electric Railway EXPERIENCED Man Grocery Clerk I wanted. Steady position. Ph. TSSs- m n. Lam l . YOUNG Man or boy 16 or over to I work In fruit it vesetebla dent Ex. peri ence unnecessary, saving Center. rsiuiw M, PAINTERS WANTET1 , Must be real mechanics. - None other need apply. Exp. foreman needed. r. y. itepmo co zass Portland Road. MAN 4T0 cut wood. Ph. 7335. 294 j MIDDLE Aged carpenter for perm, work. - Pleasant working ' conditions. mommy; salary. ; . - HOGG BROS. m 360 STATE - DAIRYMAN capable of supervising Jersey! herd and training, boys in dairy work $110 plus maintenance. No family. Oregon State Training School, wooaourn. ... . - r: ' BODY MEN and mechanics. Herrall- owens Co. . , . - ... MAN to work In plant-Mayflower muk, aie a. wom i. . , WANTED : Men' to work' la em- tery. Call at 390 W. Hoy t or Ph. 8652. " Help Wanted Female A WOMAN WHO WOULD LIKE, TO SELL MERCHANDISE is needed for an attractive. WELL - PAID POSITION. EXPER- IENCE DESIRABLE.! BUT NOT NEC- ESSARY, D" YOU HAVE A PLEAS- ANT PERSONALITY. AND ARE WILLING TO LEARN. J. C. Penney Co. ! Inc. 1 i av.iiiv ongni, . cnmu young 1 woman can have good home and lib- eral pay for light housekeeping and companion to elderly lady. No objec tion 10 smau cnua. ' aiso accommoaa tions for young couple. Ph. 3530. 1267 n. commercial. MIDDLEAGED woman for maid service hi auto court. Good wages and ftouse. permanent. Jfn. 7892. SALESLADY wanted. Young woman with some selling - experience to sell shoes and purses. Apply Paramount Shoe Store, 405 Court St WANT lady dinner cook. Day 'shift. Sundays oft Good Wages. 1241 State. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for elderly man. Good wages. AH modern con veniences. 295 S. 21st St Phone 6659. WOMAN for cen'l! housework. Stay nignu. rn. so. , , WOMAN to do housework and care for children. 771 Rosemont W. Salem. SOMEONE to care for children in my home days. Ph. 2-1853. WANTED: Experienced seamstress to teacn sewing ana nana work at girls institution. Good salary, room and board, m. Z3UZZ. LADY wanted for housework one day eactf week. Ph, 7491. USHERETTES over, 16. full or part time. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. WAITRESS, day or" night shift 232 N. high; Senator-Food Shop. WOMAN cook in private boarding bouse. Hours 3-7 pjn, 501 N. Winter St. WANTED: Girl for stenographic and office work. Phone B403 evenings. WANTED First Class stenographer in law office at good salary. Applicants write letters stating age. experience. prospects of permanency, telephone number and address. Send letters; to Box 69. Statesman. 5 ' I Experienced waitress Apply Shane- hai Cafe, 222!. N. Com'l. after 5 PJM. WAITRESS wanted. The Meadows. 340 State St EXPERIENCED Waitress. The Spa. EXP. I waitress for part time work Saturdays and Sundays. The spa. FOUNTAIN GIRL) The Spa. WOMEN HELP WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245) state od i Salesmen i Wanted EXPERIENCED food salesman, mar ried, with home In Salem. Must own car and furnish bond. Good salary, ear mileara - humhm. Permanent position. Real opportunity for the right mani Apply by letter giving record of past experience age & phone number, Write to Box 70 Statesman. BEST OF OPPORTUNITY EARNING CALL - BETWEEN t AND 4 $300 TO $400 AND UP PER MONTH 403 UKEWJM SlDt. WE Will Interview men at once for - two Ppaition. as service salesmen. Ser- vice station or garage experience help- ?U.-SJ?-A.? J?" win be s interested. Good pay. an ex- ii u a -. uuw avi m irvswai tutiuv j vw cellent chance for advancement. Aoply in perwn mrr w r. . trw stone Store, Center tt Liberty Sts. Situations Wanted - GENERAL yard work. Phono 3751. m . m r, , v - ni- are ior rauiurn in my Bl days. 2tio Simpson $t, just on Lee 5t WHJL, ear for child ren In my home. days, lies f. lsth- .pn. . WANTED: Day work. 192 S. 2-th. Ph. 3431 or so-s. ; rVi - L ni . w w. - . w. .j . notom. raw. an, i PATNTIKO by 'boor or contract, P. M. wooa, -as . uui. j-a. ia. - iehosl PlavSOiools 1381 Ages 1-a Part or all day Ph. aue. Money to Loan $ $ MONEY $ $ Wo make all types of personal loan. Including furniture, note and car loans. ior, any worm wnue caua a araoicsf ji joth. ; . r aiKO rvaf s-iui loans ami out mu estate contracts. For quick and d- eient senrice see or phone cv S T1? rnkt A TVTOt? ff Olfllti 7 1J.li.VJ t.t. Phone 4121. 213 Guardian B!2. ' Salem Farm MO D E T Ttaejeaik Unl 1 1 1 1 "Instead of shaking your head it would save a lot of time if you 'djust tell us what you havegoL" Money to Loan VOO RECEIVE INDrVTDUAt. CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU i APPLY TO I General Finance Corp. ! FOR f 1 T I I niU I ch I rinc Locauy owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. 1 Telephone tlCt State Lie. (S-138) 138 S. Commercial St . . . . AutO And IrUCK LOanS Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars trucks re(atdss of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to IS ! vnonths to repay. Aftet o'clock ohone 33C1 or 2114? I for appointment ROY j H. SIMMONS Rgulated toy state . PRIVATE MONEY 134 S Com! St Phone 1161 M-152 Have You Met the YES MANager? Mrs. Gallineer is mighty proud of her record of saying "YES" to folks who want a loan. Consider the extra advantages offer ed to you at 'Personal' : 1. Loans or S25 to S300 on salary, car or furniture. 2. Sensible monthly payments. 3. EXCLUSIVE! 'Personal Nation wide Cash-Credit Cards issued and honored here. We'll be happy to say "YES" to your loan request. Stop in or phone, f Personal Finance Co. ; J5L5h ,!,?: Lie, S-122 M-165 Auto -Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD INC. UCENSE 4 ai Itm For Sale Miscellaneous , BEAUTIFUL Kraf Spotters. 1 each, Model 12, 16 gauge. Winchester auto, la gauge, dble. barrel Parker, S-mm. Manlicher. Model 52 Winchester -22. Kf oriel 115 Retsinv auto. .22. Mauser Sis- I tnl (new 7.651 32 cal -mm. Luger tt H. R. revolver, all with some shells. Metal stand floor lamp oniy I $4. 3 2-wheel trailers, one with pickup steel Pea k 10 tires, one mgn piywooa sides and 21" tires - one 2-place stock trailer new with 16" tires. Don Budge tennis racquet like new, - used rac- auets. Fox tails. Knapsacks only 25c each., .300 Savage and J30 Rem. re loads. Odd size ammunition. Beauti ful violin with case bow. Jeep cans. f 1.25 . Den Madison, suo n. uign. HOTPOINT electric ranee. 1824 Ni Church St NEW- drag eaw. heavy duty, with tree falling attachment. Complete S185. 1 S. enristison, Rt. l, box in, vt nuie south Brush College School. PREWAR mohair davenport and chair. Ph. 6221. 1005 N. 13th. I S3-LB. lee box. some other furnl- ture. 328 N. Front SMALL davenoort green upholstery. springs. S20. 390 McGiicnnst su 30 CLETRAC Diesel. Can be seen at A. C Haa, a Co. or phone 2073. I WTnnTwri BTNCS and diamond set ,,. . m l rai uk visna '""" I upright piano, child's 6-year bed I H "wirh chair. S2.50. Child 'uble and chair set f7. UM i -sjnr I UZL-i SAWDUST hot water heater, trash i burner wita i COU3. OeO-prings. awo Union. PEACHES Improved Crawford I wirhH now raadv at the Jem Math is I orchard and fruit stand, f miles N. of Salem on SO - Hig-way. I .. PREWAR davennort and chair. 149. i ui c yr .T' 'Ar .,-, ,-, - IS GAUGE RenUncton repeater shot gun. rnoM tj-o. DAVENPORT. 1973 N. 8th. I ao- wovrc imv dmna set & dav- enpct ladder-bck bed compute, al- i ... mmmw mm .. LPITWT- v. . nnn Hth avm. PH. I vwt mi a tiirh vaiW rurniruro Ca. ia TOKB U-f uti ttnH ve4t tM w I too. 6tor-d -war; Mac y. Trust Co Salem, j MARSHALL Wells outside white I paint. . ; - it A w Ln a ixu m iu as ivoaiiuna ANTHONY dump bed. B yd. 13S9 N Winter St See Sunday. . : ; . 1940 PHTLOO console S tube radio. 3-BURNER ; fas range: ctf. wood I stove: wool rug Sli-lO'i: small rugs; I S pillow-: wall mirror; carpenter tools: j Uwn mower; hose; wheel barrel: step I ladder; all sixes fruit jars; garden M drkets II A I DEWS' V. S. 1 Fop SaleAiseellaneou. S to 10 thousand i capacity nmilL Saws 12 to 12 ft logs. HollinswoTth St C? , as a Ana .A L mT VW A mt W 11 I inc jua .ai, ro, viiuu. i THE Best in ; unfinished furniture. Largo assortment at PICKETT'S - CO OP FURN., 13th & State, Used Welding Machines lincolns, - .Wilsons, Hobarts. P&R. Marquettea. Also Rod. Hoods, Leads and Stingers. . Reasonably priced. Without Priority Contact: State Division of Vocational Education, Room 103,. Stale Library Building. Salem, Oregon. Phone: 4171, Extension 279. ALL TYPES EaVe Troughs O FURNACES INSTALLED AND REPAIRED Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 121b SU ! Saiem, Oregon. Phone! 5391 WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth. ing, tools, radios,; guitars, trunks. furniture and household goods. SUNDALES, 293 N, Com! Ph.. MM Watkins Prod. Rt. 6. Bx. 574. Ph.2-2413 ATMORAMSoEreirmr7 C Pugh - Ph 2-2451 P O. Bos 463 SAND. GravcL crushed. Ready-Mix concrete. Two-unit serc Tanks. Sew er Pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO 140S N Front st Ptt 3417. FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P S5' EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. ece Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 Pi. UDerty. s STOVE repairing ! At parts. Woodry's Mkt 16C5 N. Summer St PUREBRED German Shepherd pups. descendants of Bin Tin Tut 6c Phleifier international champions. ' REILOC KENNELS Rt 3. Box 711 j Salem, Ore. RADIOS $20 and up. Good .cond. Call mornings or eves. 1173 N. 4th. kU.U TJ .. .. m .1. ( r. . 1. . j uuij v yij uin, r. v, BX. 170A, Kosedaie Dist. Hubert Evans. 9x12 Wilton rug $50. Phone 6203. HOUSE for sale at 653 N. Front To I te moved from lot. X10O0. inq. Oregon Motor stages. Kse n. rront St. NAVY blue suit Siie 16. like hew. $15 Ph. 6354. i SOLID used doors Sl-3 ach: misc. windows 50c up; new 1938 Dodge ra- diator $30.00: airplane type shock ab- sorbers for car. blue upholstered dav- eno bed 30". $15.00; uphoUtered spring filled ore-war chaif -20.00: (.M.l filled pre-war chair S20.00: occasional chair $7 JO. Ph. 861, Aumsville. Rt. L Box 117 MATCHED set antique marble ton UDie ana cnest. rn. . LOVELY BLACK CARACUL m.1 size IS. tike newf Box 71 States - man. i I 2 MEN'S bicycles, like new. 773 Mill St. -. I : C-O-TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS RECHARGE SERVICE Y ELDERS FOR RENT Ox -acetylene? or electrie VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. 197 S. Commercial 1U1 Vf ATMT rVV ral1e hmiM . Bu tne Muiped. Also fhVt cfass snopl' iMiiiT vv 1 1 -aw- r nil i 1 sasvw . Witeon. Weat Slenv Trailer Court, by CUPBOARD. buffet kitchen cahinat M.rk vt!K nwir. fct . . - VICTORY man's bicycle. $20. Phone FORDSON tractor, priced to sell. I Motor recently , overhauled. Can eve-1 nines at Rt 3. Box 742. Liberty Dist PARRAKEZTS. linnets, cages. Ph. I ss-s arter pjn. PRTwOlRdawMiport laoie witn -tuier-ooxtom . cnatrs. wnno enamai wooa range. Va. S14 170S . lvtn. ... - i . . ...... BALLOON-TIRED bicycle. 13): dav enport $33: La -Z-Boy chair and otto man. $35: single laundry tub. SI AO; cupoouu, oma m era were. io; leather - euhton oak rocke $5; window sash. TRAILEHS for rent BOe ner hr. Woodry's Mkt, ISoS N. Summer. LA WNMOWES Sharcenlnt k Ad. lusung. . i - - , WoodrV'S Ikt ltftl N. SuTTima t 0mmm ... - WILL Buy for cash, sell or trade. iui, .niuiuniuon,- scopes, trailer ou-joaroa. uon Maaison, ho No. High. -ALWAYS a bie stoc - . Woodry's Furnituro Mkt Ph SI 10 3 PHASE I'd irP mntnr rriM. (Classified For I SalerMjaccllinc ons COimXTK HOUSE OF PRE-WAR Very fin Chase Piano. - , ' Beautiful s PC iugn vuuvr .aite. -. . . -- .- f.-:.- ...,4 ' . 4 pc. waterrau ea oww Duncan Phyfe Coffee Table. 3 section Book Case. -Swing Rocker. 1 -Ben Davenport . ; 1 pir of matching lamp tables. Pair of Mahogany Wall Racks. ; Large Wood Circulator. xappan tjraa zvji. Bright Furniture Co. - 453 Court St - . Ph. Till Ozone niachine. 23 . SOmbX or Ph. 3205. .s . t - trailcr nouse. elee. stove St heat- er, cooking equlpmt beds. $95 N. 9th St TO Give awav to aood homo, lovely dark Persian kitten, well trained. Mrs. Watts. Rt 4. Box 71E. Flu saws. SLAPPY and Golden Jubilee can ning peaches in now, Puritan Oder Wks, w. saiem. r- . v; 9 LOTS in North Salem addition. Will accept ear as part payment Inq. 2054 N. Church: ? . ' " ' wr. but . a. sen rumlrure. tools. stoves, dishes, motors, radios, Electrie appliances, household ' goods. KLIG MAN'S. 283 N Commercial Ph. S88S; FORAE Baled oats end vetch hay. Close in. Phone 4339. - - 1 WOOD COAL, enamel range. Hko new, $60. 405 Kearney. OIL FURNACES Kresky oil heating furnaces. Smoke less and efficient heat: See agent 123 N. Liberty. Ph. 35. , CHOICE Gladiolus at the garden. 881 Rosemont W. Salem. - SINGER SEWINO CENTER . We now have few new comb. treadle - sewing machines . ava 142 S. High St Ph. 3512. REG.' BLACK. COCKER Wvrwt mshwn rJh1a wwmm l.ct llMe mm (n, MW nsa i ml mmn mit Also Urge well built doe house. 1462 . . w , com 1. St. Wanted Miscellaneous GOOD Washinff machine for cimn. ground. Ph. 7571. SU N. Comt WANT Used bedroom set. Mrs. Paul Hirschy, Rt. 1, Box 266, Independence. WANTED: Tricycle, medium sire. Rose Naftzrer. 393 W. Cleveland st Woodburn. Ore. v - - - SMALL Tricycle to trade for larcer one. Will pay difference. Ph. 7172. HARONICA ArnoW . PhtUlp- Turnr- BRAIDED RUG 1 WANTED Old-fashioned band braided wool rug about xl0, urgently wanted. Ph. 7450 evenings. ., Wc Buy Furniture rnarsK with a rnu nr m vi TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 90 TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. HIGHEST PRICES, PAID FOR USED Pianos ; Furniture and Appliances ( au iiw ror appointment HOGG BROS. 2e State St CASH tor useO otano k otner mu sical instruments Call 4641 days e 9537 evenings or send description . to Jaquith Music Co. 191 S High WANT electric plate. P. O. Box 134 REFRIGERATOR WANTED. Ph 5901 WANTED. PIANOS . Win b r-.K Wills Music Store. 432 State St. USED FURNITURE. Ph. 9183. ATEDi V?BO' Tailman's. Ph B70t WANT TO Buy. Oaeo camera, a, lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State.' IF YOU have furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph 1 751 L 453 Court CASH for voiir uuwl riirnltt, rK 7596. State St Furniture. 1900 State. Miscellaneous ; WANTETV ftEArrr Mnrrev ... 1 mm J ' - .. TAILORING, alterations and rnair wjv wieaners, 1140 N. Capitol St Dental Plate Repair TWO-nOUR SERVICE IN MOST . .H1" . - . I "l JS. VU 'Iour ristes ror Repair. AA,Ph Bld Sut Conu-Ph - 2311 - ......... wi.ii v. A t trrrrntw" hir.. ; .r-'" '- "T 018?! , S r.'n .tTn, 'kV Ji" r,Brewl,'r. Mon WedrAi Commerce - - wea- 0 4 PJTl. For Rent Rooms SL. trn prl hrau. gd. loc. j LOMr- "JM. family home. Man. 19 trtmsl-c-- 1463 State.. For Rent Houses 5-RM. mod. wnfiirn. home with shad and creek, 3 nnles out, fS. Ph. 21319. For Rent GOOD Used Piano n t. Stiff.. I ' ." ." . "f mmmmmmnm - iW Wtmf HI Ph. 8. s . m cU A? LoJ- TSZiyfmm? M I '-'""V oau- m tav Moaf igomery wara n' BULLDOZER. Ph. 223. Monmouth, Wanted to Rent MUST HAVE 1 3 Or 4 tedVoom Will par up to $100 mo, rent. Ph. 3403 or 6481. Permanent. Ex- 1 H . ' r -rrr-ia a ' . I cellent refer, will lease 1 year or longer. nrnRAN and family want house of Ispt, furn. or unfum. Will eladlv ! i repair worn, m., ?03. Mr. Bunch. I ,JZ ll WANTEC --bedroom, mod. house, I north, by Sept 1. Phone Ml eves. cS I ' i cays. Mr. Evans. i OR S-rxdmv furn. or unfurn. hau flnor repairs guaranWed. Permanent Phono ---, 1 Or 3 bdrm. furn. or imfurn hum. - wuHcw,. m, rn,. vt A. ph. 6-2$, . r r . i - 1 : ut a zis-u u - - itoou. ivi ooa sb va. ,