The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Onon. : Saturday Morning. August 11. 1945
- .
Saturday sorties: Guys .who are doing . good Job add Paul
Heiling, boss of : Silverton's newly-founded summer, recerarion pro-,
fam. Paul has' everyone from fat-'n-forty businessmen to embryonic,
IoHIm nt fat nlnvin evrvthina' Trom Softball : to horseshoes in the
fcilverton program, second to none in the state per population capita.'
; . ..No Eugene , high .fastbaUer-Harold Walker "for the Brooklyn !
'Dodgers at least not right now. Although only a junior at Eugene,
Miner wiu bouii muu v. . ... ,
mv last vear of school before trying out in pro baseball," he says.!
Smart lad. . . .. Add good deeds: W. G. Younger, Hills Creek lumber; appeared; briefly but acceptably in the Oakland lineup a while back
nd baseball man, crossed the Bob McGuire palm with SZ3 the other mignt jjue to Know Unas, came up with a blood infection and had to
t?ay "just a little token of appreciation of Bob's services with our be hospitalized." Non-immunity to similar ailments is believed to be
ball club this season." Unfortunate Robert played only one game for the reason wny the ex-Senator baseman never quite got into the army,
M'vill , ; ; ; ; : , I t
liropl Third mRu
Louis Browits B
Lead Slashed
the Creekers over twp months ago
and in it broke his leg so severely
via sliding that hes still billeted at
Camp Adair's naval hospital.
'Decorations due fliv 'Doc" L. F.
-Barrick,' proud sponsor of the
Clough-Barrick C Bs in the Junior
.'B" league caused a mild tremor
Thursday night when he hobbled
out to watch his kids cop the sec
ond half bunting by dawning the
Yeater Appliance gang. Yes, mild
tremor, for Doc had been flat on
bis back in bed for lOidays with
rm neck ailment and was considered
'a sick man. He simply had to be
, there with his kids in that impor
tant game, however. Patriotism
oft moves one to extremities, wot?
. . Baseball bugs, who have been
asking the whereabouts of one
yirst-sacker Charlie Bates since he
t V tv
. All that glumness around town Friday mora despite the cheerful,
war news? -'The. mighty Beavers lost their second straight to Seattle
Thursday night. Hundreds of hearts' are gladdened or saddened with
tne ups ana downs or the Portlands. ur weren t you' aware of it?
Local morale will jump 10 points, if Mgr. Marv Owen & Co. survive
to cop the pennant1; Distinguished visitor-for the Pilcher feed
honoring: Capital Post's Legion team Sunday night-VFrisco Edwards.
If Leo can ankle it down in time after his Sunday arbiting. chores in
Portland, the local lads are in for a treat equal to the Pilcher-cheff ed
chicken. (The guy's" a. wit senior grade. ... Village pin-topplers are
Scallle Beau Coltenf'
In 71 to 3 Contest"
W tPct ; ; W L Pet.
Portland 81 A .624. SanPrn . S 68 .493
Seattle - ' 11 84 .581 San- Ttit S3 14 .436
, . - m .t .mil m . . , , . . . . i aicninni iw .ju urn abi to .ua
uo la wt a uw .utu uiw uMiupaiKn sew man at -recuoil OaUarul .. M sa .493 HoUvwd 53 si JM
next montn. fin-Din Diggies woe woe ana til Jriaman, and others have I Last night results: At Portland 3.
rvniii-c4 miifH nat Innrl msii hriiir. intn nnlichino im lh suna I Seattle 7; t at .-Oakland . t. Satt Fran
what looks like . a ; banner campaign, f Incidentally, the leagues are
scheduled to start around September 1. . ; . "How come Duke Windsor
la. still pitching hVlEugene when; he's supposed to, be in the army?
queries a customer, JTis a short story' but a sweet one to Duke. He
was packed and ready to leave, his Portland war industry job at Fort
Lewis bne morn when said (Fort lewis Western Unioned him at the
aero hour, "All induction orders canceled .until further , notice." Duke
unpacked, moved his wife and family; back from mom's house, and
grinned. S. .. : I ' I . j!.'.' ' . :
Cisco 4; at San Diego f. Sacramento 4;
at LoiVAngeleS 7, Hollywood 1.' :" ... ;
Seattle. RainiersJcut .Portland
.Beavers to a TfIreVgame.league
Jead tonight with X ? to vietory,
uura n ixu cc games, ox. uieir cur-'
Hendrieg vt Waterman
Golfing Teams
In Weekend Go
Beaver Bigs Visit, Plan
It's the 'Hendrie Hotshots" a
gainst the "Waterman Wafters"
today and tomorrow at Salem golf
course as the Men's clubbers wade
into the first of a series of intra
' club team tussles. The teams,
lined up by the tournament and
handicap committees, appear be-
, low.
Play , may be turned in
Saturday ojr Sunday after
rounds. Match play will
with three points possible in each
match. The losing team will foot
the bill for the club' dinner which
Js to be served at the course next
Thursday night.
' Players are requested to an
nounce matches before ; playing
same and to turn in accounts im
mediately following. Additional
matches may be added to the tour-
bommittees if play-
pelow wish to par-
Bill Klepper f the Portland
Bearers broaght U Uwi Friday
his bow, George yy. Norsan f
Vanceaver, B. C and his as
sociate, Robert W. Flddes, also
f Vaoeoaver, and Andy Cook
of Portland.- They looked over
Waters ball park, which the
Beavers owners have acquired
and decided on some Initial Im
provements to be made at the
grounds this fall.
I i
."Vf look for the Western In-
ternauonai leafne to res ante
next ; year,! . said Norran, "and
wiU have the Salem Senators 4n
there pitching. I beUeve the tie-
np with the Portland Beavers
will work oat fine. Wo are
pleased to make the Salem con
nection' and appreciate the fine
response already given vs..
. Klepper said he wonld biro a
grounds-keeper right away to
look after the local park.
Final 1945 Figures
gion Hitter
'either T o .
jg Legion Games
Set at Boise
BOISE, Idaho,' Aug. KH-The
drawing tonight for first game op
ponents Saturday in the American
Legion junior baseball Pacific
northwest tournament pits - the
Portland, Ore.; team against Boise;
and the Vancouver, Wash., entry
against Stockton, Calif. - -
The four coach-managers de
cided tonight that the tournament
,vs. Uojrd Darnport will be played with doubleheaders
ys. bub waterman ea4,irHa an1 Xnnriav VMinM B
vi. Bill Goodwin ""-T'-
R. Bonenteele Single game monaay vciiui uu
vs. - Leo Batejr
nament by the
era not named
ticipate. .'
1. Glen Lenfrert
3. 'Monk' Alley
3. Tom Wis
4. Vic Convey
. Floyd Baxter
.4. Bert Thomson
7. Don Hendrla
5. Al Llihtntr ,
" . Bob Kins . vs. rioyd Kenyon
10. rrank Shafer vs. frank Albrich
11. Hi Ilaman vs. - Ned Inaram
IX, J. W. McC!tr vs.- Ted Chambers
13. M. GusUfson i vs. I. L. McLaghlin
14. Jack Nash - vs. Bill SUcey
15. Bob Powell vs. Dr. C. . Bates
IS. Wren Crews s. Carl Arm priest
17. O. K. NcCrary vs. .. Harold Hauk
IS. Glen Burrifht vs. A. R. Hunter
It. Dr. C. Hlffins vs. rrank Bolton
30. Rosa Coppock vs. i Ralph Kletzinf
31. John Graham vs. Roger Putnam
George Scales I one or two games Taiesday eve-
vs. oua inruan i . . . . -i...
! vs. - Rex Kimmen "ln aepenaiii on wiicuic sev
enth Is necessary. Jfiay staris
nightly at 7 o'clock (MWT).
The four managers are Lindsey
Campbell of Portland, Harold Vo
gelsang of Stockton, Harvey
Havnes of Vancouver and Mel
Nelson of Boise
P-Wee Ball Loop
Closes Campaign
Leslie Holds
Swimming Bee
PEE WEE LEAGUE (Imi half final)
W I Pet. , W L Pet.
Capltola 4 1 .800 Leslie 3 3 .400
I :So s ."KS. s i 'iool swimming meet was held at Les
jr. league (las kau fiaai) I lie playground yesterday. Winners
w u rex. w l i-ci
With 50 entries doing the
splashing in the four major
events, the annual intra-pool
C-Banick 4
W. Salem 3
Ttataxa J
0 1.000 H Hauh-s 1
1 .130 nislrom 0
1 .900
of each event have earned start
ing berths in the city champion
ships which are to be held next
Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock,
against the dinger pool team.
The city finals will be splashed
The Hollywood nine forfeited
its final game of the season to the
Leslie team last night and the cur- ofl in pj
in was uroppea on regular sea- v-.t-rdaY'a rsultst
on piay in tne urst annual fee- I
Wee baseball circuit The Capi- Backstroke: Boys tinder 1J. Ned ick;
tola, Parrish and dinger .teams i.-i. Jack A,
finished the derby deadlocked for wayno Rogers, -3.1; boya over 14.
m . Chink Blakiey. Thomas Burger, Gene
next. week. - Breaststroke: Boys under H. Ned
Eckman, Danny Danlorth. Bobby
u. .111. Iiavi 14.11 J.i-lr A nun.
j- . maim. .iw.i. wym w
Ilnka 5t. Sal 4. sen. Wayne Rogers. Bob Newcomer,
' I 37 seconds: boys over 14. Jack Anun
OAKLAND, Aug 10 - &) - The :S4 . over 12. ponna Brunkal
t . Oakland Acorns rallied in the Pat McCorkle. Beverly Cater, :is.l.
; ninth inning tonight to defeat the T e. DS.
Seals, 5-4, and even their Coast 1 10 seconds: girls under 13. idney
1 : a A v. I X.--.. ! . Ann IT.m Fl.anm
. league scries i two games eacn. T" v.
Imivuvs. Kuvuua, uvi . wm.n.
Anunsen. Bob Newcomer. Wayne Rog-
OaUand 300 001 0013 S 0 -2SS: bovl over 14. CUinlc BUk-
OreUa and Sprim; Mann, LoU (. lv. Thnmu Burirr: cirls over 13
.Gumore (S) and Kearse. Donna Brunkal. Pat McCorkle, Bever
ly Cater. 11 seconds
Diving: Boys under 13. Ned Ecxman.
LaMolrt Mapes. Bob Gilchrist: boys
13-14. Jack Anunsen, Bob Newcomer;
boys over 14. Chink Blakiey. .
Officials: AI Bellinger, starter: Don
na Carr. scorer, Madeline Keene, Jean
Barham, Judges.
Softy Meet Starts
TACOMA, Aug. 10 (JPln.
long, hard-fought game the Spo
kane Trentwood Alco team de
feated Pacific Beach Navy, 2-1, in
one of the opening tilts of the
seventh annual Washington Soft
ball association tournament here
American League
: Kew York ,. 003 300 03110 15 1
f Cleveland - 000 103 000 4 10 1
i Gettel and Robinson; Reynolds, Sal-
veson 4, Kliemaa (S), Center (S)
nd Hayes. -
. .Washington . 000 003 0003 S t
: . Chicago ...2ie 300 00 10 1
. Wolff. Ullrich (3) and Evans; Lee
V and Tresh.
' J Boston 000 007 300 S IS 1
. ,Itroit 000 000 000 0 4 2
Heflln and Holm: Benton, Eaton (),
Iloutteman IS) and Swift.
' . piUladclphla 000 000 010 I S
St Louis .100 001 00 3 S 0
Knerr, Berry 8 and Rosar: Potter
' ond llayworth; (Ucfjuinn aim (S)
sivoo on).
VniladelDhU ZJ0 000 rO 00-1J IS 1
: at Louis -.: 01 042 ioi 01 u 20 2
1 Ckln. Cassaway ID. Berry (7) and
f!?TT": K? 1! 2!2i' to Jslsjid as far as 2000 miles
y.'i tamm avn
iovworth (I). . away,
Great flocks of usually seden
tary birds In the Pacific some
times make "colonization flights
'; . -
Picking up In his sophomore
year right from where he left off
a season ago when he paced all
swatsmen in the .Salem Junior
league, Roger 'Dasch, shortstop,
captured the individual batting
titje for this year's Capital Post
No. 9 American "Legion Junior
baseball team.
Dasch, injured and out of the
lineup four games, clouted .422 in
the 12 games he did play, 19 hits
in 45 times ax. bat. He also paced
the runs batted in - department
with; 14.
Second - sacker. Dick. Hendrie
was second amongst the regulars
with a' .327 ' mark, and Catcher
Dick Allison finished third at .309.
The team won , 10 and lost six
games over the season, went to
bat - 529 times,' scored 117 runs.
bopped 144 hits and drove in. 89
of its runs. The regular players,
including Pitchers-Joe Carroll and
Rod Province, .hit -273 as a unit
The following 'figures include all
games " playedj Vby the Legion
team' for the season: '
f ..- ,-.T- --s.. ' ffAtll Rki et.
Dasch.-ss 11 4S 11 IB 14 .422 I ton,
Kleen.- m . t 3 1 .333 1 Two-baaan hlts
SLUGGEK: George McQnlnn,
veteran St. Levis Browns first Carroll, p
Hendrie. 3b : ...
CraiS. 3b-sa J.
McKlnney. cf -l
Aoplinxton. of
Valdes. M-3b
Russell, rf .
rent Pacific "Coast' league series.'
The Beavers made nine hits com
pared to the Rainiers' eight but
the Seattle batters made-all but
one or their hits. pay. off across
the home plate. : i. . j. .
The visitors led off with ji four
run lead after two were out on
the Beavers' southpaw . pitcher
Sid Cohen, and then added on to
their lead from then on. The Bea
vers came back for three scattered
runs, but they lost the contest in
allowing: the Rainiers that first
inning . spurt "
Seattle's winning drive in the
first opened - after Cohen had
thrown out Gorbould in bis open
ing bunt Patchett singled infield
Matheson flied to left for the sec
ond ' out hut McDonald walked.
There was a passed ball by Eddie
Adams on 'which the runners
moved "up, land Dobbins . single
scored both j Aleno walked' and
then a triple" by i Whipple scored
two more.
' 1 - Portland (Si
Hf . AB R H
0 Shone, cf t 3 1
3 Barton, lb
1 Yonker, If
1 Demre, rf
1 Owen, 3b
O O'Nea as
3 Adams, e
0 Nunes, 2b
1 Cohen, p
footy.- p
j xxx Glic, rf 3
! In;li8h. 3b 2
i - X HeUer .1
" " v I - ixx Harris .1
ToUls f 34 T Si Totals 31
x Batted -for Adams in Sth.
xx Batted for Monty in fttll.
xxx Ran- for Demareo -in 3rd.
Seattli...41.u.jl:.400 301 0007
Portland i.:l.: tu..101 001 000 S
Errors: Dobbins 2. Whipple 2. Bar
DemareeJ - McDonald. Patchett.
Shone, -Owen. Three-
Sea tUe (71 '
Gorbould 2b S 2
Patchett. ef S
Matheson, rf S
McDnald, lb X
Dobbins, as 2
Aleno, 3b- 3
Whipple. If 4
Sueme, C; 4
Demoran, p 3
3 '
baseman, whacked a . homer
yesterday to help the Brownies
nip the Philadelphia Athletics,
I to 1.
runk, u
Dalke. lb
Province, p .
Keppinser, p
Houck, u .
w V Iff w f
JustlsaU. lt ' j ; Hunt Requests
Practice, Gang Due August 20
.10 SS17 IS .327 I base hitel Whipple,; Gulls Sacrifices
.15 4ft 11 IS 10. .304 I Gorbould to McDonald, O'Neil to Nunes
;15 5 IS IS - JOS to Barton, Demaree to Dobbins to
.12 29 S 1 4 .380 1 McDonald. Gorbould- to McDonald
13 37 10 10 T 70lrt on bases: SeatU S, Portland I.
10 54 10 13 12 .231 1 Bases on balls: Cohen 1. Demoran I,
.12 34 7 7 4 J06Mooty 3. Strike outs: Demoran 4,
4 10 2 JlOO I alooty a. Earned rorts: Cohen 4, De
..IS 5S 10 11 t .100 I moran a. Hits: off Cohen 3 runs 4 In 1
S 24 3 4 2 .187 IMooty a and j in . Hit by pitcher
4 2 0 0 0 jCOOlby Demoran (Younker) 1. Wild pitch
1 10 0 0 jmol Demoran 1. Passed ball: Adams 1. Los-
. l lnf pitcner: conen. umpires: Dtmp-
1S B29 117 144 89 Powell and Edwards. Time 1 :M,
Attendance boss esurnated.
A misinterpretation of a radio
broadcast Interrupted a Softball
arame ; hero today and tonched
off a half hoar celebration by
the GIs. ' r : : ' f'
Someone, mis nnderstanding
news from a passing- ear's radio,
sboated that the war was over.
and players la a Fort Lewis-
McCaw General Hospital tme'
threw caps in the air and danc
ed on the field with jnbUant
spectators. , i .. v I
"What's the nse of keeping
on with this?" the happy play
ers yelled. '- :. '
When the mistake eventoally
was ' discovered i the game re
snmed. " i ' . .
Padres 9, Sacs 4
lie Eaves weathered a brief Sac
ramento rally in the ninth inning
PORTLAND, Aug. 10 -- Ap
plication I' for antelope hunting
to hurl the San Diego Padres to a
9 to 4 victory over the Solons in a
tags should be sent to the Oregon Jcifi Coa lu !- tnint.
for Eaves.
I Sacramento
state game 'commission by Aug:
20. it was announced today.
Antelope season is Sept 22-30
in counties where antelope are
found." Doe deer ; season in the
Fort Rock - Silver Lake area is
Dec. i-3, .and applications ape
due Oct' 29. Quota for both an
telope and doe deer is 800.
ooo Oil 0024 s
San Die O .010 220 40 t
Babbitt. Mccartny n ana scniui-
ter; Eaves and Ballinfer.
Likes Senators Deal
Three . managerial misters who
' have respective Ball" dabs- In
the thick of things - for 1945
major lea rue ball pennants are
Joe McCarthy tapper left) who
' recently Warned to the v New
York Tanks 'after illness; Steve
O'Neill ! a the i Detroit -Tigers,
and Billy Soathwerth of the St
Loais Cardinals. ' --? - (-
Nova Offered
Go inSEngland
NEW YORK, Aug. 10
James J. Johnston, manager of
heavyweight Lou; Nova, said to
day he had received a cable from
Jack Solomons, London promoter,
offering the California boxer 18,-
000 to meet Bruce Woodcock,
newly crowned British heavy
weight king, in September
early October.
Johnston explained he was un
able . to give a reply immediately
until it was determined if the $8,
000 was free of British taxes. "If
we must pay British taxes and
our expenses out i we wouldn't
have enough left for boat fare'
-said Johnston.
Sorboe Counts'
V i f:.' ' '! ;
PULLMAN, Wash., Aug. 10-P)
Phil Sorboe, new; coach of Wash
ington State college Cougars, said
today he expected at least 70 can
didates to report for opening foot
ball practice and said Lt Arthur
B. (Buck) Bailey would be releas
ed from. the navy in time; to re
sume his post as head line coach
Bailey, now on active duty with
the navy, will be released in time
to Join opening practices Sept 8,
Sorboe said. 1 S ...
The team will be almost a
Frosh ' - ball dub," Sorboe , said.
''Well have a lot of young kids
Angels 7, T winks 1,
Lps Angeles defeated Hollywood
tonight 7 to 1, taking a 4-1 lead in
the present series. The Stars,
using three pitchers, were unable,
to' stop the Angels' while mounds-
man Don Osborn was never in
danger throughout -
Hollywood ,- ., non loo 0001 I 1
Lea Angeles 040 020 10 7 0
Marshall. Porter ). Intlekofer (S
and Bill. Schimllns; Osborn and
Kreitner. :,: - -
" -W I Pet. ' W L. Pet.
Detroit SS 43 JS66 Boston 50 SI .493
I Washlnrt SS 44 59 Clevelan 49 50 .495
New Yrk 52 44 J42 St LouU 4S 50 .490
Chicago 52 48 JS20 philadel 33 65 .337
Friday results: At Cleveland 4. New
York 10: at Chicago S. Washington 3;
at Detroit. 0, -Boston S; at SI Louis
2-14, Philadelphia 1-13.
W L Pet. W L Pet
- - -- . - ..I
."' 7m7 r. . .
i . ..... .V - - !
IN A BREEZE: Titan Hanover, driven by Harry FewnalL Is shown
- winning the largest est of 51,09 by taking the second sad winning
' heat of the IUmbletonian at Goshen, (AF wlrepnoto.; - ,
Chicago 65 30 .644 Pitsbur . 54 52 J09
St Louis S3 43 JSB9 Boston 4S 5? .45T
on the squad: a handful of veter-1 Brooklyn sa 43 jiit cincinnt 43 57 .430
lift 9 w J9iw riiuiaci as f mvum
anS and a few returned vets.
The American cot&n belt cov
ers an area of about 700,000
square miles and cotton is grown
In 19 sUtes out of the total 48.
Friday results: At Philadelphia 3-6.
I Pittsburgh 10-1; at Boston 2, Chicaco
1; at New York 2. St Louis 8; at
I Brooklyn 9. dncinnan 4.
Ex-Cougar Lee Orr Standout
As GIs Open Track Carnival
Tillamook County Best Bet for Angling
, rORTLAND, Aug. 18 tfV
; flool reports from Tillamook hljhlifhted the sUte
fommission's .week, end
SUn report today. ' i -
Isfr fatrlses have been re
f ffl-1 cfi V V Nestocca and
ti n Nfitaeca.' Trask river
lit,',:' nftted some good catch
fa, 1 i f Wilson river and Its
I,. !!.!!,! if" sr eloseJ.
ksdnatt fUhlnf eonUnoed U
b fair at the month af the
' Kogne river, and fish large; fly
fishing for steelhead also ts ;
good. All other Carry county
. streams were low and clear.
. The Willamette valley's small
streams were not good because
of low water. Early morning
and late evening fishing In the
Willamette was good. Fall creek
and lower Alsea river were good
la Benton county.
In southern Oregon no good
catches were reported In Jose-
: Baseball's
Player. Clnk . O AB B H Pet
Holmes, Brave . 10 435 S3 161 Jilt
Cavarretta. Cuba 103 304 SO 143 J60
phine county during the week, j Rosen, Dodgers as 3o as 143 x
Fishing at Diamond lake was
fair. -i t
Lake . county anglinr :- condi
tions were fair. Some fair catch.
ei were reported In the De
sehntes river near SLaupln. Very
little angling was being done in
Morrow, wheeler and Gilliam
counties because of low water.
Cuccinello, Wh. Sox 85 295 3S M J32S
Stirnweiaa. Yankees 94 394 69 135 Jl 6
Case, Senators .. S3 3TI 56 119 31
Home runs: National league Holmes.
Braves IS. Workman. Braves 18, Lom
bardi. Giants IS. American league
Stephens, Browns 15, R. Johnson. Red
Sox IX Etten. Yankees 11. Seerey. In
dians 11. Runs batted in: National
league Olmo, Dodgers 93, Walker,
Dodgers 92. Adams. Cardinals SS.
American league Etten. Yankees SB.
&. Johnson. Red Sox SO. York. Tigers 54.
Aug. 10-(ff)-Thf track and field
championships of the American
occupation forces in Europe got
off to a damp start in a down
pour of rain today, but tha spirits
of the men were raised Immea
surably by announcement of the
Japanese offer to surrender.
Seven teams were represented,
and with all preliminaries com
pleted, the 3rd iarmy placed 22
men In the finals with communi
cations zone second with 16. The
rain slowed the track, but the 11
second victory of CpL Horace Ma.
mala of Hammond, Ind, in one
heat of the 100-meter dash spark
led. !'' J !...- " - . .-i :
In 110-meter high hurdles, CpL
William Behrns; of Gay , Center,
Keb, representing the 7th army,
turned in a 15.6 time that stood
out The existing 400-meter mark
of SI seconds was twice broken.
In the first heat, CpL Peter Wil
son of Roselle Park, N New
Jersey lnterscholastic quarter-
mile champ in 1938. was- timed in
50.2, running for KSSTAF. In the
next beat, Pf c Lee Orr, of Pull
man, Wash., sped the distance In
50 seconds . to set a' new mark.
Orr, former Washington . State
runner and national quarter-mile
champ in 1940, represents the 7th
army. t : V
Orr also took second in his heat
nf the 200meter dash. He was
nosed out by Sgl John Luse pf
Vaughan JAiss and the 3rd army.
Mamala took third In the blanket
finish. s ! - 'l '' . t
Rowland Sees
Major Status
In Five Years
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 10-(P)
Clarence Rowland, . president of
the Pacific Coast Baseball league,
said tonight he believes the -west
coast league, will graduate from
its class- AA status to become the
third major league in about five
years. , .
Here for the Portland-Seattle
series, Rowland said he believed
when he became league president
that it would require 15 years.
maybe more, to reach the big
league status, but war years have
changed the west coast ball 'clubs.
Attendance Big Reason:
He said population growth and
greater interest in the sport, evi
denced by the recent record 185,
000 attendance for one week ' in
the four cities and the top of 68,
381 attendance to see the Port
land-Seattle, series at Seattle two
weeks, ago. - - -1 . .-. - ,
Purchase of the Salem Senators'
park and franchise in the West
em-International league by the
Portland club is another step in
that direction that should be du
plicated by other; west coast ci
ties, Rowland asserted.
"I'd like to see! each coast city
club owning or ' sponsoring
Western-International club, and I
can say our directors feel the
same way about it,"
Hank H WinncF
SEATTLE, Aug. -10 -TP)- The
gelding Hank H won the $1,520
rLaddie stakes for . two year, old
colts at Longacre racetrack to
day, paying $3.40. $2.30 and $2.10
in the mutuels. Be Listo. paying
$7.40 on win tickets, took the SS20
mile gallop that wound un the
card. j .
Barnes' Aide
Takes Reins
ST. XXDUIS, . Aug. 10-UP)-Dn
Barnes, chubby ruddy-faced pres
ident of .'the St. Louis Browns, re .
lihquished leadership of the-Amerj-
lean league baseball club today te
Richard'C. Muckerman, St: Louw" :
businessman,1 in a r surprise move
and said he would "stand on the
sidelines for i awhile. '- -i l -
Muckerman, a vice president of
the Browns, was elevated to .the
presidency at a board of directors'
meeting after which Barnes .'an
nounced sale of his stock to- Mttck
erman, who now -holds shires.rep-
resentina- 58 Per cent of the total,
or the controlling interest."
After Pennant Got It j
"I went into baseball, not as a
business enterprise, but i to give
St Louis an American league pen-'
nanf Barnes said,4 "and now that
the Browns have won it and tho
club's financial position is favor
able I feel my purpose' has been
accomplished. " I -
He asserted the Browns present
poor . showing in the American
league race did not prompt Ws de
cision to leave the club. V
He said he has no future plans
in the sports field except to con
tinue as an enthusiastic supporter
of the browns and "take i test
and stand on the sidelines for
awhile." He mentioned a trip to
Europe when war; conditions im
prove. '.).- r ' ;
Both Muckerman and Barnes
discounted rumors of any dissen
sion oh the board !of directors. '
?Jake' Pounds
NEW YORK, Aug. KW--Jako
Lamotta gave Jose Basora an
unmerciful licking tonight and
knocked out the Puerto Rican in
1:58 of the ninth round of. their
ten-rounder . at Madison 1 Stjuare
Garden. ' -,;
- A crowd of 14,907 that paid $40,
238 saw the Bronx middleweight
an 8 to 5 favorite, wage one of
the best fights of his career to put
Basora on the floor. Basora, bat
tered from pillar to post in the
first eight rounds, sank to the floor
helpless under a hail of blows
midway of the ninth.
National League
Chicaco ; 000 000 0101 S 0
Boston , 000 010 10 8 11 1
Borowy and Livingston; Javery and
Uast. Williams tl).
St. Louis , 104 000 000 S S 0
New York .; 000 101 OOO 1 10 S
Barrett and Odea; Voiaelle. alagli
(3), Adams (S) and Lombardt.
Cincinnatt 000 301 0004 11 1
Brooklyn 400 500 00 t 10 1
Bowman, Liaenbea (4) and Unaer;
Davis and Peacock.
Pittsburgh 000 004 40310 IS a
Philadelphia . t .000 020 000 S S a
Ostermuoller and Salkeld: f chant,
Karl (7) and Andrews, Semlnick (7).
Elliott HHR ? S a, - f
(Second samel -
Piitaburgh .,.., ...081 000 0001 4 1
PhUadelphia jj. .131 000 02 4 1 1
. Strincevich. j Beck (3), Rescicno (1
and Lopez: Judd and. Seminick. Dt
Masslo HHR second none on.
I'mr j
. Oepemfcsbto .
WoU troccd 'oia, save os
... serro yoa sooner
with ragged "cops' that
stay put for thousand of .;
oztra, saio sailos. - .
: " - i ..-i
265 North Commercial