The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Satan, Oregon, Saturday Morning! August 11. 1943
The Oregon Stcrtesman Telephone 9101
"flood' Investigated . County j Building Permits Building per
Judge Grant Murphy and Com-1 mils were issued to the following
missioner Roy J. Rice went to Friday by City Engineer J. Har-
"West Stayton. on Friday afternoon old Davis: Gwendolyn Bloom, to
to investigate ; report that water re-roof a one-story dwelling at
had been backing up over the 1898 Court street, $100; W. J.
highway there near the railroad Schwars, to reroof a two-story
track. Extensive irrigation is be- dwelling at 1098 at, $100; A.
ing carried on in that district and l. Adolphson, to reroof a one-story
apparently at least a portion of dwelling at Ul N. Summer sU
the ground it covert Is not prop- $230; Otto Klett, to reroof a two-
erly drained, so the water does story store building at 294 N.
get onto the road. Murphy said Commercial st, $200.
upon .his return. However, he . "
pointed out, more damage has Street Xepairs Started The
been done to farm lands in the Warren Northeast company of
pond area than to the road. Wa- Portland, awarded the contract to
ter Is standing on land owned by repair and widen certain Salem
Ben Chamberlain, Leon Hilton city streets this summer, began
and Earl Van Nuys and on the work on Front street Friday af
Beals farm, he said. The county ternoon. In addition to tha var
' will assist by clearing roadside ious streets slated for patching and
ditches in the -n e 1 g hborhood, r general repairs, Hood street is
Judge Murphy declared, but booked for a general widening
added that the major problem project, J. Harold foavis, city en
lies -with installation of a proper gineer, announced,
drainage system, j , Marshall Well, outside white
Br owner. 3-bedrm. home. Wired paint Rawlins Hardware and
-.n full riaeamimt hrdwd. I Vurnitnra
44 All., V hlMM.WiW.
floor in living room, Fruit, nuts.
berries. Rt 1, Box 103, on Glen
Creek Dr.
f 1
I North Cottage tt D it J. F. oitnon.
DD. pastor. Sunday school t:45 ajn.
Morning- aervice at S:45 a.m. Sermon
subject "-First and Second Choices."
Reception of new members. Observ
ance of the Lord's - Supper. Evening
service at 1:30. Sermon subject. "God's
Grace Can Never Be Rationed." Com
bined service of the young people of
the Bethel and the Salt Creek Baptist
churches) at S p.m.. -with the Rev. J.
C. Gunst, general secretary of the
North American Baptist Young peo
ple's Union, of Chicago, guest speaker.
first baptist . (
Liberty and Marion Its. Irving A.
Fox, DO, pastor. Sunday school 9 5
ajn. Ray Cates. superintendent. Morn
ing service at 11. Sermon subject, "The
Atomic Energy t the Church Love."
Solo, OtheUa Furvine. Evening service
at 1:30. Sermon subject. "The Soldier
' Elm St. near McNary. West Salem.
Rev." A. A. Loewen. pastor. Sunday
school S:45 ajn. Morning service at
10:45. - Evening service at 7:45. Me
morial service for Pvt. Donald Lichty.
975 Market tt Paul C. Nering , pas
tor. ; Sunday .j school S:4S a.m. No
preaching services morning and even
ing. ,, Congregation " at Qumaby park
camp meeting ; . .
14a North Commercial at. Rev. Mary
Gerkeri. Assisted by Mrs. Edith Scott.
Evening service at 130. Circle at I.
. . - . - .
North Cottage at Shipping st. James
A. Scott, minister. Sunday school 10
a.m. Mornin service at 10:43. H. R.
ThornhlU. guest speaker morning and
Ask Beast jPlekers 4e Call All
Tounssters who intend to pick
beans are asked to call oiaae
Martin in SerUus Condition L.
H. Martin, 60 of Gervais, who
was injured earlier in the week
at the Crossroads service - station,
is reported to be in a serious con
dition at a local hospital. Martin
and Salvation, or What la tha Supreme I evening. Ivenln service at 8. Young I
I Sacrifice V Men's quartet, young peo-1 people's service and Bible study 1 P.m. I
meeting at t JO. weonesaay at
. . . . r u D.m. Hiicr'innuBii awMua
Egbert S. UUlver, nemner at ug- .. .. - meeting. i t Cottare at Hood st. Rev. H. A. Schlat
lkk faealtv Willamette RBlver) " Uer. pastor. Sunday school 9M a.m.
v. " Tk Mast IM MANUEL BAPTIST Junior church at 10:43. Sermon at 11.
SW. "AS A paper xae mm Haael and Academy sts. Sunday "The Battle. e Armageddon.' Unified
1st in PBlpit' la tlte July aSSUS school S:4S a.m. Worship as 11. Speak- service t:lS pjn. Samoa at B, 'The
nt Aalvaatee. a. raarmaina af er. Rev. G. W. Kehoe of the Multno- Reign of Christ Over Death."..
pg Auva.ce " school ol the Bible. Portland, I
the CengTeratlenal ennrca. A morning and evening services. Prayer PTRST CHURCH OP CHRIST :
digest ef the paper Is ! the meeting Wednesday S pJtt. SCIENTIST
t -f m.UrtM Til. 1 Chemeketa at Liberty st Sunday
ATURSt Usae Of KeUgieRS in COURT STREET CHRISTIAN school U a jn.i Morning servlee at 1L
gest I- llth at Court st. W. H. Lyman, pas-1 sermon subject, "Spirit." Wednesday
tor. Sunday scnoot a:a ajn. atorninc i oieeang at S p.m. Includes testimonies
service at 1050. Sermon subject of healing. Reading room at ttt South
What Cod Hate Wrought." Christian High st i i
Endeavor hour 1 p.m. Evening service J S
at a. Sermon subject. "Have You BETH ANT EVANGELICAL
Heard r Mid-week Bible -study and I AND REFORMED
prayer Thursday 1 JO p.m. I North. Capitol at Marion st Rev.
Frederic r. Utt, pastor, sunaay scnoot
Council Elects
New Officers
Frank B." Bennett, superintend
ent of Salem public schools, ; was
elected chairman of the Salem Ap
prenticeship council at that group's
meeting this week. High School
Principal Harry B. Johnson was
named vice-chairman, and Elmer
H. Halsteed, secretary. .
Halstead, new trades and indus
trial coordinator for Salem schools,
succeeds E. T. Barnett as council
secretanr. W. J. Eatress and Mon
roe S. Cheek were elected to the
council for two years; Harry W.
Scott and H. E. Barker, for one
year. ; - - v:.
, The council asked the sheet
metal trade to prepare an appren
tice wage, schedule satisfactory to
it and to submit it at the next
regular meeting (September IS),
after J. D. Hamel of Casper &
r..1 iA ..nlitni Via nlsnt'a
eonrerence, Free Metfteaist vm-w. i t3Mich(n win rates
The Eer. X. T. Fine, new pastor
ef the' free Methodist ehnreh hi
Salesa, whe came here frem the
Central , Methedlst chareh la
Pertland. He formerly was pas
ter la Des Moines, lav, and gen
eral superintendent ef the lews
Follis at the! farm labor office so was Injured when he fell from the
that they may be assigned to a I bumper of a stalled automobile,
Church Plans
For Next Week
Are Announced
Captain Leslier j
Here to Succeed
for apprentices and veterans. Ap
prenticeship councils in the state
have authority to approve appren
ticeship wages in apprentlceable
trades, he was told.
The council approved organiza
tion of subcommittees . for plumb
ers, watch repairmen, . auto me-
Marion Woman Admitted A-
toons which are short their quota
of pickers. It was also announced
that all of the platoons are ex
pected to be out by next week.
I "
Saleslady wanted. Young woman
with some selling experience to Bentley of Woodburn and Mary
sell shoes and purses. Apply f ara- Theresa Stupfel of McMinnville.
It was the third largest religious
ceremony in the history of the
riRST CHRISTIAN 1 10 a.m. Yeung, people at 19. Morning 111 11101 SttVflTta
Center and High sts. Dudley. Strain, service at It Subject. "Living Stones." j -JY
pastor.' Sunday school S:5 a m. Les- TRUTH CENTER Members of the Salvation rmr chanlcs machinists, sheet metal
lie Carson, superintendent. Morning 33 StaU sU room S. Olive Stevens. . MemDf".01 T workers, electrical wiremen, radio
aervic at 100. Sermon by CUt J. I MaD. oastac. Mornint service cancel-1 DOara Ol airecvors Mae iareweu , ..,t. . r A mill
SILVERTON Trinity Dorcas Pomeroy. Youth meetings at S30 pjn-led. OUve Stevens In Portland Masonic Friday noon to Major F. P. Stev- I " V j " .:u v.. Vlui
ens, who has been in command of
CHURCH or the nazarene I the local work for two years. Ma
Center at 13th st. Rev. Frank Wat- A ctviMK haa Wn transferred
platoon, workers tnere aaia in- receiving Injuries to his skull, society will meet Tuesday Aug. jv ,V unV andr w.
day. The phone numDer is z-iooj. fractured ribs and a deep cut in 14. the afternoon group with Mrs, sibie study Wednesday at 1:45 p.m. I first
There still remain several pla- hi- ris-ht lee. Lawrence Larson the evenini "Pastor s caU'' each week day t JO ajn.
group with Mrs. Samuel Torvend, rrur congregational
avixi. swiauins pcivui . ouuua awnwa . 4 , I K1UUVO tmiSVA MSfa Boreal as. aa m. a va
9: ajn. Morning service at ii. Ser- to Portland to have charge of pub- . council 11 k. asked to
men. Local trades will be asked
to submit nominations 'for sub
committee m e m b e r s. Employer
groups and the Salem Trades and
Calvary Ladies Aid will meet
North Cottage at Marion st. Services mon subject "The Salt of the Earth." I lic relations for the Salvation Ar-
mong the 20 candidates admitted 'r..A- virJt in th by Dr. Lawrence A. Riggs. WiUamette I Youta hour 7sp.m. Evening s
to the hovitiate of the Convent of Wednesday ai a OCiocK ine university. Morning service at ll. Set' at S. Sermon subject, .Txom the
to tne noviuaie oi we "vent oi church tooma Wltn Mrs. A.' mon subject "SeU and Success.- Clay- Wednesday S pjn. pray
the Holy Names at Marylhurst
last week was included Aileen
G, Alrick as hostess.
prayer and
praise service. Saturday S:49 p.m. Gall
lean Hour, KSLM.
Miry mT vr this state.
nominate ; alternate members of
the council. '
Capt and Mrs. R. B. rTSP d
Greeted at the luncheon were
v Keener Oliver C, Hrnshaw, Rus-
v".r' J' TJ v! sell Smith Wat
mount Shoe Store, 405 Court St.
Reunion la Pertland Plans are
well under way for the second
annual picnic of Shriner's hospi
tal for Crippled Children "alum
ni" at Laurelhurst park in Port
land on Sunday, August 19. A
picnic lunchwill be held at noon,
.and a variety program will be
gin at 2:30 p.m. All former pa
Leshers 1 were stationed in Alaska
At Trinity church there is no congregational
Mth at Ferry st Willard R. Hall, THE SALTATION ARMT
. !,,, tmmjniil ohnrch Ptor. Sunday school It a.m. Morn- 141 State stj Capt R. B. Lesher,
of August. At lmmanuei cnurcn jw. .,,hict -Tor I .ct.- x.t u hi ia m Mom-
no regular Sunday school classes Those Who Need Courage." ing service at 11. Evening service at 15 years. The past three years
are held but the teachers are pres, Amv ZZZTm L: "iT'" '""VTL w?.,. Lesher was employed by the gov
ent and impromptu programs or North church at Highland ave. Her- day at s njn. t . I eminent in the Aleutians, i The
I a tv-U 1 A J aAiK..K-U aaT.MH C...l. alaaW-1 1 I w I a.1 J f A .
White BIDie stuoies are neia lusteao. r 'rZLZTli Waw n;T..n I issuers nave xnre cnuureo, .lim in th ritv teineer was also
Marshall Wells outside
I . a . a M ?A
paint. Rawlins Hardware and tenaance nas Deen pw it 1 pjnT Evening service at S.
Watch Repair shop; and
Roy Vibbert, to Ira ' Jorgensen,
were approved. - Appointment of
LaVern Hiebert as a surveyor's as
sistant on a vocational memoran-
Kanaways Avpreheaded Two
boys, Eddie Rowland and Don
Lenhert, both 16 yrs., reported to
good in spite Of the dismissal of (prayer meeting Thursday S p.m.
the regular class work.1
i Special , Sunday morning music
at Trinity church Will be given by I John and Laura Tracheal, pastors. 1 Ambasaaders M pjn. Evening set-l they WOUld like Salem and its
. I Sa A SI im - bm4 a eaaa,i 1 . .aai anikl aai A Inula I
Aseemkly ef Ced I -""- . . . I aDDroved.
ISth at Ferry st Rev. waiter 5. 1 tflev were naDPT w M id aaiera I
Fredenck. pastor, sunaay scnooi ,n(1 tvat M thev came to locate
SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS , jn. Mornmg service at 11. Sermon TZZiZ T 1 II
South Commercial at- Washington st. 1 subject. "Exploits of the Dead." Christ's I nere, everywuere citey wercr uu LailUUCl liaun, JUUiut
. . . . Bunuu mm v.m mjoi. awuui m-inn amrmoa Hinni. aiumuv i
a sexiei compesea oi oteua xye-r -i .t n ibrmm m.hit Mink.u 1 k- .i cmht- dm Ptopit )
Vik, Jewell WOlaam, UIga MOT- 1 anced Virtues." Xvenmg service at a. 1 Herald the Rndr Tabernacle Xcnoes
vend. Irene Moseg. Althea Meye? ?,olii?! . m .btvM"; slm- .
Friday morning, -were . taken into! .id: Yvonne Haugen. At Imman- -V VJa, J m emmanuel Pentecostal
custody by Deputy Sheriff Harlan ni rhtirrh the aoecial music will I 445 i Ferry st O. M. Bads
I Bone, on the courthoust lawn here I wioe by Mrs. J. P. Dullum. i -fiSTTii a. SSVM
UT. X. OiUlUTib, ;icjiutui iuuiu, vu, ynw. inmw; i Booar pan. miuv iuu wm i;.
tients of tha hospital, and former I have run away from the Chil
as well as nresent members of I dren's Farm home at Corvallis on
the hospital staff, are being in
M a - a. A -If
i ur sioraga. w us it you nuv Tridi7 ,ternoon.
ur storage wn iree saoui-prowi-
lng. Prices. . 8telea BillfeU Eeeevered Po
lice report the recovery of a bill-
Heose Entered Mrs. E- Potter, lold reported stolen from the ear
143 Court St., reported to -police of james Byers on August g. The
Friday that someone had manag- billfold was found under the load-
aul in mntfT her. hOUSS- Sometime 4t V.llt IViiil
Wednesday afternoon. A back Uorapany Friday and has been re- If r CtsVn tlfsll
door had been pried open, after th -m.r Whn fmm,! VAiliaVl! T auU"
other i attempU had failed. A contents of the" billfold were
search indicated jthat nothing was mtact
taken from the house. However,
dresser drawer ! had been ran- "Cyn' Cronise Photographs and
sacked. rrames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Group to Study
Ptor. I r?; ! T3 aJ..
-1 r ire i it EiHcctiuu
For Furlough
of the Lutheran Free thurch of J-f0
America, woo, u tdiuoi uu us
C '.T'".CI. o j.T ' j,,J State st at ISth. P. . Thenar, pas- Lewis at ISth st. Wilbur King, pas-
BETHEL Sgt Dean Lauder-
back came home Tuesday. He
landed at Boston and came west
by special troop train. He is on
State Forester N. S. Rogers, I 30 days' furlough, and will re-
fouowmg a conference with Gov. port to Fort Lewis. He is the son
Earl SneU. said mday the gov- of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Lauaer
erner would appoint a committee I back and grandson of Mrs. E. E.
be guest speaker Sunday morning j mZZI 1 1 s'ooi "is Tmorng I of repmseutaUve citizen, lo con-1 Matten.
at 11 at calvary Lutneran cnurcn
Head Resigns
service at 11. Rev. W. It. Kraxbarger. I service at 11. Evening aenriea at S. duct R Istudy ; Ot -fire, protection I As crew Chief on a cargo plane.
Canby. preaching. Luther League at I Mid-week service Wednesday s p.m. I vjolicia-ismd methods now In UselfUrt Iuelerhack has beam flying
missionary alliance I in Oregon, -i I I between points- In France and
IT. JOHN'S LUTHERAN North Stt at Gaines st Herman J. Purpose was described to dart- Germany. He is- In the th air
NOTtn lstn at A. st. B. w. tiroes, pas- iBohi. naasor. sunaay senooi :a a.m. i - i i i . . r j...
ter. Rnnday school 120 im. Mouiing Mbrning servlee at 11. Ir. C D. Saw- V atraua.- , IOIXC ne nas mum rV9
aervien at JO. Lutheran hour . t JO j tell guest speaker. Evening service f it I misunderstandings resulting frommedal, the ETO ribbon With two
ajn. uiapin w. jioya wreixn ox wu- too. Rev. su "ry. lufuuraun the Salmonberry and WDson rlv- battle stars, the unit citation, four
i'ai . rVT. nu Thui i jt. er HresJ Rogers added, however, I overseas strioes. and a stripe for
uh mi muiv nuuer mi vw- xnree years -or servac. ,
Hamburg, Va.
Leo L. Anderson, head of the soil! J2!tLiia,Si ?3 Mr trol and forest pro4ction should
T nr. developiog ox prinungaar- vassaaas xntew ia juveaiw conservauoa m vissan i ui ton xwugnton. "aupennveneem. . aaorn- sewn on raeine ntgnway. aounu ia-
vlci .at Burka's Camera Shop. 174 court Friday, Judge T.Jl Page last three yeen ZSKftH
N. Coml. fined three juvenile hoys each nounced ha had resigned from the service. :
$10.34), the rost of windows brok- federal agency to join a Fargo, . cactary ma?el, full gospel
Fisher Ianprev iag County Sur- ZJ.u w tn Timmr TMr vrn mtt firwa Sason lerr metmmist ' ins North church t. rv. as
" tTlK-JrTXo. k. hn m hy'-tne trio in Turner. Their seed rlrm. . , . North Waatar at JeUenon st S. C. andfary W. ReU. pastors. Sunday
vayor Hugh Fisher, who Res Deen driven licenses were revoked far Anderson has been with theSCS Rayawr Smith, -pastor. Sunday school seneot ajn Marnlna service at 11.
confined et his noma iot me past neriod ef six months, and the since 1123. - workinx in Oregon, sjn. Morning service at Sonng Evening . servioe -at 1. Services Tubs- vr r..,n!iv
three-weeks because of Illness, 1. J JSJSSSi Se whiiSn Tldah6. BeSe I f.f"?? I Thursday at a, ju. Keizer Comnimilly
w-w . W w ' w I twi T..u . . . J .
, . . fA
oe revirwca, not wuy as T3 j
cerna the- state forestry depart- PUDllC itCCOrCLS
ment but also in its relationship
with ether forest protective agen
reported to be Improving satisfac- (ood beh.viour.
XOruy. nm IS eapevreu w w tm
in his office In the near future.
moving to Oregon in 1942 he was I Adult Fellowship sae pjn
Want two men. Capital Ice fc
Cold Storage Co. Ph. 5M3, 0
! Hit-laa Victim Mrs. C. S.
Engelhorn, 238 S. 18th st, report
ed to police Triday that she was
stationed at Moscow. Idaho, di-
For unpamted furnitura shop at reCting- the Rgency's work ia
Woodrow's, 125 Center. northern Idaho and eastern Wash
AealaUatt KepewteaWThe auto-l1011-
mobile of Pvt Geo. E. Cooper,
P"1? r4 XJHSl Iethodist ChurcH to
Dy AUOriau tt. natnu, ocuawi I . -bvt
hotel, collided in the interseeuon Ij-lYe Aerogram 11 CXI
of cnemeketa ana cottage sxreers
school board Tuesday VJS pjn.
Sunday i
Time Extension
Granted Salem
Electric Co-op
Salem Electric, through its at
torneys, . has asked for and re
ceived an extension of time to de
cide whether to go to court or
remove the wires placed on Port
land General I Electric and tele- .
phone company poles without per
mission, parties in the case said
Friday. J j ' -,: '-:-"
July 20, Harry Read, manager
of the Salem Electric, announced
in a letter addressed to the mayor
and council that the co-op had
used some of Portland General
Elec trie's poles ' without perm is- ,
sion from PGE. William Ham- i
ilton, PGE manager, revealed
Wednesday that Read had been -given
written ; notice to remove
these wires. Salem Etectrics re
ply was . a letter from Read's at
torney which reads in part as
follows: "I would, therefore, ap
preciate your notifying me that
Portland General Electric will not
attempt to remove the wires until
Monday, the 20th day of August
at the hour of, 11 a.m., or there-,
abouts. This extension of time will
in all probability give Mr. Read
an opportunity to either remove
the , wires or commence such ac
tion as he desires restraining you
from moving them ..." !
Commenting : on the matter.
Hamilton said, "PGE can not per
mit Salem Electric to continue
its unauthorized use of the com
pany's poles and consequently or-
dered Salem Electric; to remove lis ;
wires before 11 -a.m., Monday,
August IS, 1945. We want this
issue settled as speedily as possi
ble but it appears Salem Electric
needs another week to make up
its mind. Their request for a
week's extension ef time has been
Miiiister Talks
To Creditmeii
Discovery of the atomic bomb
at tikis time was the result of the
grinding necessity to beat the en
emy to it This was the opinion
of the Rev. George H. Swift ex
pressed at the Salem Credit as
sociation luncheon Friday noon,
as he spoke on the moral princi
ples Involved.
It is no snore wrong to bomb
the enemy with one very destruc
tive bomb than a large number of
bombs which cause perhaps an
equal , amount ; ef damage, the
speaker said.
He said bombs were being used
by the United Nations as a mat
ter of self-preservation, and
pointed out that the greater the
power ef the bombs the more
need for a strong organization te
preserve the peace. .'
o Nwatavla vs. Juanita Nickels
order denying defendants petition for
chaTTjte of venue. ,. .
W. W. Holland vs. Bessie M. Holland
application of nelendant to have Effie
a a I vfnliaiut ttmlz hi mtanut -aurinl a oa
IT KVANCKUCAL I tnllTCIl VjOIHlUvrtXl lerder.
Marlon awl Jhimratr ats. Rev. J. I t.. i.urut Vehna Cunningham vs. Leon H. Cun-
Kenavath Waafaait minister. Sunday I ,Ungham: decree granting dlaaolveanent
achaol S 4S .a.m. .Mornine aervice- at I ia Invited to -attend the tTteetimt 10 I af marriare. custody ol minor Child
South Commercial at Myers st. Jos- 11, Rev. G. W. wiununer. rortlamd. j t.jjtr olans for aKleizer com- wrded ta plain JM per month
ee Knotts. paaMer. Sunday eehool !S spenkar. Mo venis aerrteee beeausel COIJEL 7 ". tT 1 9V?2?1J??Z?ni?i rSwSr
Tm. kfomHraervtc at 11. Sermon teunn meeting at JemUnr" LoU. I mumty church August 11, t O-J C f.D.Bow v. Oara DeBw; order
subject. -lneecapabla Obligations." 1 Prayer and Bible hour Thursday S pjn. J dock- at the grange halt
i sanueann inn rcuTwiui a f pjn. I . i t
STveming servlee .at S. Seamen subject.
OAllna- itafault of defendant.
feva -Suaaa LHteU vs. George C.
Littell: defendant's answer to corn
struck by a car Thursdar at the ItafldlT f OF Mexicans
corner ot okh uu i tn kjv, Mr
She sustained injuries, and was
not able to get the license num
ber of the car. 1
Time Changed fee Divorce Hear
ingsHearing on all default di
vorce cases will be held Monday,
August 13, at 9:30 ajn. in the
Qu3l?y DoU." m,T mung C?sls rrt..-i-t.-. WAEEHOUSKS BEING BUILT I ,J"t X.
I aaaa .a aa .M 1 W. W aVW r S W W W W H REM 1VI . - , - a MM I " - -I .
nnuwT iwi pjn. i wit v wa. aws i Aug. ID vrr-1 Rowland: defendant's answer 10 com
west salem METRonisT T ""1 Three new potato warehouses are W JSSLtwSLfWU nee.
Third at Girth st NevlU B. Smith, I IMMAKCEL LTJTMERABf . I being constructed in Crook county I trie Railway company; compUint
pastor. Sunday school tS ajn. Mem-1 North Clrurch st. S. L. Almlie. pas-1 r , v a-u. nn I charges negligence which caused fire
-rk. Ki U.fWi.t rfHirrli will N aervice at 11. Sermon subject, tor. Sunday seheel IS ajns. Dlvtae w hsumiib to be started lor,r ri)fht-o-wy an4
The First Metnootst cnurcn wiu 0rcat Huncer." Xvesuae aervie I worship at 11. Sermon topic. "Two! rrt - crOD. County Agent E. L. I which spread to defendant's property;
have charge Of the devotional at. IHS. Sermon subject, -The Last Kinds of Prayer." Solo by ? Mrs.; . r.t Wooda eaid yesterday. i aal dana '"
, I word." Youth Eellewshin at 110 o.m. Dullum. Luther League at f M. Theme. 1 WOOOS saia yesieraay. Then Maxlne Devoe. vs. George. De
""" ar T d-vM t..aM wfT.ine Mm tata.aa Tims 1
VaTvrvi vua tvuvu i r
.u.r- ... i . a - I '
Augurt S. at the age or43 yejrur- whole, half or bv
Wllr Aini aii.. a v -
the fairgrounds next Tuesday
Ivoe; order noting default of def end-
sextet Including Stella Dybevilc. Jewell
rdeht Rev. Charles Hawortn nasi rHiaTTHIAJf l ..IwoWahL Olaa Torvend Irene Moaeng. I i.i. TOifm' for Mefault.
S r I will K the sneaker and soecial I "1e"" .'V WT. " e,l.'r.wJ I ,riu "' I Altheat Meyer and Yvonne Haugen. Viviai. Damaske vs. Carl B. Da
couraoomoireuiwuagcucac "-- -- --- v- - . prnunuay scnooi - Lie at VM pjn. Mildred hnaske: order noting default of de
K. Liuncan, insieaa 01 Uie regular 1 . I " ' elX 1 -r n n. iAt of to. Luth-1 Thompson wiUirect uie topicj e- fendant
int will commence at 70 PHI. ..Aw .t i Snmn nihtwt lTk. I-uther Learue 7 cm. Mid -wee!
tm . ...t. imy4a Th. HwunlM V.itV. " mini 1 TMHI eturtv and DTSVCr Service ThUTS- I "t" . ... l.ta tllttW niuril imtfM Mil
z . - j wi. ,. Alma UDMoa n luiici nicih kuuk, . . - iuck wnuj a tv uuu. i lr . smtih minister, annur scnevi m --
vivea vy I .. . . . I .. . .il . ITtr. CMell Thursdav at 130 mid-week I dav ISJIL i I" U.VC7 I -i, 1 140 anecial damafea.
c.t.m- two dauenters. vpai ami me niece, itcnreaers -aiar aut' i ths snon.eorsmn or uie aaiem I . s iajn? worsnip v . wa --""--1 '
Javenlles Held Two boys, ar-
SaturdAugait TiT ara P.m. with rested in Drain on Thursday on
S ,iZm- and a son. Donald
of Salem. Service, will be
held from the. Clough-Barriclc chapel
Rev. Walter S. rreaerwa uunnwn
Interment City View cemetery.
liTthU City August t. PeliM Amort
... MM.nt Af 1110 Donna. Husband
of Mrs. Mary Amort father of Albert
and Paul Amort of Portland, Alvine
Council of Church Women and Sa-.;
lem Ministerial association
charges of car theft, are being held
in the juvenile ward at the. coun
ty jail. The car belongs to Rich
ard Rosencrans, Salem.
Hood . at North - Summer
i Dickinson, pastor. Sabbath school
a.m. Saturdav. Moraine aervlc a
Sermon subject. The Image of the CHRISTIAN AND)
Pine at Grant. st. rather jonn i.
service at T:30 pjn.
rs , run ax urai.ii. xaucr ' msr ntmiSTIAM
st G. T. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses at IM It rSt rt- Russell MyersJ nai
hool t: Mid a0. Week day masses I : mm. SMmli. Rllph P
ric at.t !..' nlea. superintendent. Services at 1
f Bika Reeevered A bicycle has Beast." Wednesday evening service MISSIONARY ALLIANCR ( . t T
Km reonvei-Ml r.v Wal notice af- a. Sermon subject "Hour of Pray- North Second st. B. A. TrankUn. lor
been recovered by local pce ai- Youo p., mejung Satur- pastor. Sunday ? school M a m. Wor-1 HODI
ter ii was loanaunca in wc idav 328 njn. I shin at Ii. Young peopie at e:a p.m.
Thompson nere President R. I nitv of the 400 block on Ever- . - 1 Evangeustsc at ?:.
Endeavor. Juniors at :M p.m.
Evangelistic at a.
and Louis w. Amort of sim. Mrs. Franklin Thompson of the College I green avenue.;
un7 "h. ' "u. sT vV con-1 of Puget Sound at Tacoma, former
wt Main at FisK it. u leonsra
Jones, pastor. Sunday school at 9:43
a.m. Divine service . at 11. -f
Volley Churches
it.k m rvn.aWa f tt i,kM I - sMunH at A at Orvillc Raker. IMS'
lea mo" i;,T.aTvired by member of the' Willamette urd- Hry Horlst Shop Closed rrom pastor. Sunday school S:4 ajn. Morn- tor. Sunday school at 10 ajn. Evan-
WJnTS vrfactwis1.- Aug, 13to-Sept. l.CWder, to geiisUc at . pjn
rosary Sunday. AufM al ."f"; v-.j.- greenhouse, 2-1147. P - -JLT V F LATTER BAT SATNTS ' ,
MAdar. Woodman hall. Third SI
c?. i.v aA a m ' Worahin at 11. 1 1 riaAaaaaadutleaMll
ifWUJ.J v-ww. - -- - . 1 - . a . .
i-.ui . .ii.t 4K. ruo.nn.1 MO North Cottu it Den H. WiIl.lHIA t Pjn. I Schooibouse. Sunday acnooi 19 ajn.
.s - 7- 7.- bi,hop. Sunday school 10 a.m. Priest- ? 4 C A. Salter, superintendent.
rmenital urhn Karl evident! V I . . . . I nmmr w nnn - 1 .
c-.i a T DVnw 91A i.m l:. 1 titjv, - i . 1 . ..I vs-.t at- Omir BiikT. sastor. Son-1 KEIZER UNION fPsiaenosainirtensiii
T pjn. ,, ... 1 oar Know j". 1 a - . . -
-' i- "v , inlng service at T0.
.1 - . o . 1 t m I vt. tv.KI faTI Uill . st.
aaniAlT .nrio. it Ariin. I ai.niv u-hool la a.m. Worship at lLlrOTJR CORNERS BRANCH f
Haaf enson will sin -A Son of Re-1 Xvenmg service- at tw. h t w -
dempUon. Protheroe. Sermon subject I - 1 ' ' '
-wk wu.vit t tv m.t4Mai. Vn I HUNTS DAY . AH V ERTIST
deavor societies I 'JO pjn. Evening ser-1 Park at Second st. WUiiajn w. sni.
rosary Sunday. August " ., v.
atthe W. T. Rlgdon chapel. Requiem itor ,rriday,
xtlsm wUl be hew at tne au . u" 1 .'.
de Paul catholic church Monday, Aug- Wedding . pictures, taken at the
.. iTr. .r I church. 520 SUte. Ph. 5722.
Services ai b. - -
rection W. T. Rigdon company.
r. ; r. Xastburn estate: George H.
naa- R-ii Joaenhine Bell and Abbie M.
pa. I Ren. aDDralaers. fix value? of estate at
1. 1 MOO. fAomtntsiratnx-s xmai account
sen I snowa- m-ivu . :
menxs OI urutr kuu amtus
an -final account for Seotemoer is.
Clvde Keltv esute: order autnortmng
administratrix to turn over to trustee,
VtKl CI Rroem. certain nroneTtv. -
Johanna h M. scnaier estate; .iinii
account of executrix. Viola C. Jones,
shows recelDta of S1117AS. and after
disbursements have been made S968.0S
will be left tor distribution, order for
final hearine set 10 ajn- September XL
John Bayne estate: sixtn semi-annual
report shows receipts ( $233.71 -and
disbursements of S8Z4.01. Order ap
proving report. - S
uxue a. a.vans; oruer conxirmini
sale of real oronertv to Adolf Kretiblel
and . aUixabcth. Krehbiel for sum of
t vtftr. at the residence, I l.m nrJlnm that hie automobile was
Y North list street Auust S-Sur- someUme Thursday night Dance, Salem Armory, every. Sat-
vived bi '"i ". K1 ,r!rT..w!n. ;k. ton I urday night ! Joe Hassenstab's
f Salem; ion. can itaew block on N. Church St
Kingwood drive, reported to Sa-1 out authority.
tor. Sunday school 19 ajn. Morning MUNICITAL COURT
service at IL Yoong p-ojJe's meeting i xirs M. Garrett violation of basic
130 pjn. Evening seme at a. I speed kv, Sl bau.
. . . .wm aara. Kiciia '
"-.J- ... XI-. T V n
;m. aroVmumeU For home loans-see Salem Fed-
: ' cwl will ha hald.atl T im C..ft T ?K-
.... it at 10 a m. vmn nev. n
W Gross 'officiating. Interment will
be' at Belcrest Memorial P-Jk. ,.
-S,w ..'i . a V-J.rW.k j'
! Repert Filed Eleven claims for
AimmaKnnal ilitMU and SIS llfl.
jIT.ri3r7iT-- t-. vice at 730. Sermon subject "Anchors I pastor. Sabbath achoot
dents, but no fatalities, were re-1 fn th. strtrm la-ao ajn. worsbin at it
Tax Collector's Repert--A total I ported to tha ; Industrial accident
Caat stata at Etma st Sunday School I et. aSn
:4S ajn. Ben Swtnford. superintendent tun dava hi tah. sentence to be sus-
i ' " nmiiaii uma navment of fine! driver's
Sabbath school Saturday at I HATES VUXE BRANCH OP . 1 license revoked for six months.
rntST baptist ' L . I SUte vs. John Albert riotrman: no
Hayesville school. Sunday scnooi a :u tvehjcie license; fined L90 and costs.
ajn. rreo moer. supennienaenw
Polk Resident
Dies in Seattle
PIDNE531 Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Henrickson, recently of Pio
neer but now living in Dallas, re
ceived word Tuesday of the death
of their son Reynold of Seattle.
He was stricken with infantile
paralysis about three weeks ago.
He had been removed from the
isolation ward when his progress
appeared to indicate he was
steadily improving, but he had a,
sudden relapse that resulted ia
his death Tuesday.
Reynold Erwin Henrickson, SO,
was born April 5, 1915, at Har
tmgton, Neb., and was married to
Melba Whitney, June 21, 1942. He
waa a member I of the Christian
church, and was employed by the
Boeing. Aircraft corporation at
Seattle; ; i
Survivors include the parents, ;
the widow and a baby daughter.
Virginia Mae; five brothers, Fred
Henrickson of Nebraska, George,
US. army, ' Philippines; Leslie
Henrickson of t Perrydale, and
Richard 'adn Alan Henrickson at
home; five sisters, Mrs. Harold
Mitchell of Rickreall, Mrs. George
Tillett of Salem, Mrs. Carl Zeh-
rung of Alaska, - and Rose and
Marilyn Henrickson of Dallas. .
Funeral services were held at
the Dallas Christian church Fri
day, August 10, with Fred L.
Towne officiating. Interment war
in the ICOF cemetery. . i
SSI ill maa aa naaiiiill na
Fuel Oil Ration to
Continue to War's End
Civilians must do with short rav
tions of fuel oil until Japan falls.'
This statement came yesterday.
from Ralph K. Davies, deputy pe
troleum administration for war.
He added that military consump
tion of oil is higher than at any
other time since the war began:
i-.-. resident ef 1S3S Center A hv S Vim-iff Denver Young's of-
rSatem. attbgootpta fi
Survived by a r2HIL?LiiLid 1 -
rVrS 0A;T-ir7rtiCr pLt" stele. Car Eeere-The au-
w. t. mgdon chith concluding 40 of Harold Fox, Stayton,
of 1M.51 in warrants, checks and commission for the week ending 'yj"t m.. 1 Tt JwiTstl Sunday school at i " MAatMAGE LICENSES
rich U the turnover snown in ntAUEUSi e. 1 ixaae. -nastoc. sundav JMttool s:s a.m.ita aon. services 1 a . . . Hipn r. m. rnm. ,
Moniini kitm . a. . -wvm i : . . - i . . - t . I
T tl ..T1n.... . -SnfefTAa VMlmlll rNhni. nha mnn. I T1TTT "? ' T " I SCboOt 10 SJU. aUHTIung SCTTlCe B . I mWT. SaMBI.
awiii- ' 1 i" .:iT " I T.i . A If I TT TuIit. u. I rm..nlm Kermon bv Rev. aifford Melhnrn HamlHiMi M. nalntT. Wood
l-I iaa-1 -As bbT rir aiui I tarr iHvine wrliin-t 11 ajn. Sermon Snyder, evangelist for tha Oregon burn, and Marcllla Sherman. It. clerk.
i .. . .r - - irvi . " nnntsbvlKtnrt and anaa menu. I ahaJem.
- ar - i run ia ima. - -t-$- auojcvw wxwm
Did Ten lrsy?
Jfelir cSw? wmrfcSu. reported stolen Wednesday night, Tt "
ceorga . Vruay w" I . a --.aa m . MrVi L t word, end m prayer it
otta A. Schllcker,
was found abandoned on a high-
lata resident at way anursoay.
rtut- .six Slenv m Wantd, Tavno and
AUgUSt Milage I " 771 vi. ....
vvbytw? broucus ' suite Ph. M52.
et Salem ana itu -n
J1": ?"diS .r u. at s pjn, Qab te Meet Central Town-
n? V- u T.nia- rhaoel With! J 1..V Va Ma nnlrh4
..H- V?.?' at 259 Court St.- with music fol-
lowing the business- session. : .
Mexican Held 21a caries Gomez
art.wl$bo in City View cemetery.
JBedgeS ' realdant Of
r t. i ftalam.
hpTuTAugust 10. Tuner.1 Is being held by city police for the
Li. later by- tha Clough-Barrlck .mml.atin .uthoritiea.
v a. a. ,
v, WUl spent, nt caui
v neglect either without
- .great los.-'Sweet hour
of Prayer mat laces me
from R world of care."
iiul whM Urn had nt
the multitude away He O
went up into, a mountain to pray. Matt
Et t, Bex tit. Jalesa V
ments Ialer
7uo G::l Sr:::rs -
Dr. C. D. Swtell f Portland at I1:C3 A. M.
.IUr. IL F. Darby, of OuiRda, Ereninf "
Hlzzlzizij HLizzzz Gliircl
Oa North 5th Street at Gaines
8pecUl Mnsie Each Service
A Ji-iTeee Orchestra far the Evening
Firs! I2cl!::dis! Chnrch
Down Town
Tha Tall Whit Spire
"Be yend lie Old
' IronUer-
. - Sermon by Dr. J. C Harrison,
i . . . . l . ... ,
Bliss Helen Benner, soloist, sinjinj:,
j Who Else but God.
i Visitcri ia the Otj and Friends Intited
Narta LTberty ai Marten Street
Irvln A. Fex, DJ, raster ;
- . 11 A. M. :
" The Atomic Energy of
the Chnwl Ixiret
" 7:30 P. M,"
Tht Soldier and Bilrition,
or What Is th Scprems
-- '; -For
Spiritual tefreshment--Come
Join Us!