The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    'Salem Folk
Will Attend
A number j- of Salem people
will be in Portland this morning
for -the launching of the XJSJS.
Glenn's Ferry at Swan Island
shipyard at 11:30 o'clock
Mrs. James Wheaton Mott,
wife of Congressman Mott, will
be the sponsor. Mrs. Mott has
asked her two married daugh
ters, Mrs. John L. Sullivan and
Mrs. Benjamin M. Whisenand, to
be her matrons of honor. Her -i
youngest daughter, Beverly, will
be the flower girl.
Mrs. Mott will be honored at
a luncheon in the skyroom ef the'
yard cafeteria immediately after
the launching.
j Among those from Salem who
will be in Portland for the oc
casion are. Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Ilickock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1
Crawford, Mrs. Wheeler Rilea,
Miss Dorothea Steusloff, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Woodburn,
Mr. and Mrs. J. . J. Wilson, Dr.
and Mrs. William B. Mott, Mrs.
Stewart Johnson, Mr. David W.
. Eyre,iMiss Isabel Childs, -Mrs.
Wheeler JfL ! , English, Mr. and
Mrs. II. C. Walling, Mrs. J. D.
Walling, Mr i. Eva Purvine, Mr.
and Mrs.' George Alexander,
Mrs. Dorothy Woodring, Miss
Louise Bloom, Mrs. Charles Ho
garth, who is visiting here from
Washington, j D.C., and Mr. John
Lb Sullivan. A number of state
officials will also be present for
the launching. ,
Mrs. Collins "
A Hostess
: 1 '
Mrs. Harry V. Collins was hos
tess for a f delightful informal
luncheon Thursday afternoon at
her North 14th street home,
! Luncheon: was served in the
garden, where the afternoon
hours were spent informally.
' Covers were placed for Mrs.
J. M. Lamb, Mrs. Frank Doo
little, Mrs. A. N. Duncan, Mrs.
Valerie Lange, Mrs. Marjorie
"Whiteley and Mrs. Harry V.
'Collins. . ; ; .' ;.
Shaw vers Are
Honor! Guests
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Caley of
; 1560 Jefferson street entertain
ed on Thursday, for Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Shawver, who are
moving away soon.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Jordan, Mr. " and Mrs. Clifton
Mudd, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence
Bowes and
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw-
Today s Menu
; Sausage. links will be Satur
day's main; dish, lamb roast will
be Sunday's.
Sliced tomatoes
Sausage links with
Lima beans
Browned potatoes
C,brn muffins ;
Sliced peaches
, Jellied: cucumber salad
Lamb roast
Brown gravy
Baked potatoes
Corn on the cob
Green apple pie ,
, !
' Lettuce chunk salad
Potatoes de luxe
Buttered spinach
' V Blackberry cobbler '
Yield: C servings
6 slices cooked meat .
6 tablespoons drippings -2Yt
cupsj diced raw potatoes
1 tablespoons chopped parsley
3 tablespoons chopped celery
(or Y teaspoon celery salt)
1 clove 'garlic
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
i4 teaspoon pepper ' f
Vi teaspoon salt
Melt bacon drippings in
heavy skillet Add potatoes,
pars ley,! celery, and garlic.
Brown welt Remove vegetables.
Add flour j to bacon drippings.
Pour milk in gradually, stirring
constantly. When sauce is
smooth, add the diced meat,
pepper, and salt Add the
browned vegetables (except the
garlic dove). Heat Serve pip
ing hot
OirougH AUS. S: VS through Zt good
through Sj. SO; At through Kl vJW
through October 31: Tl through Kl
good through Nov.. 30. t
August Si: VI through Hl good
through 8pt 80; Jl thiough Nl good
through Oct 31: PI through Tl valid
through Nov. 30.
Book m " w
pounds through August St
'nooit's Arpln itampf 1, I, t
nd valid IndeflalUly. '-
CASOUMl ! ' ' ' '
A IS coupons food vryivriero tot
ix gaUons ach through September II.
'period U nnd) coupong Wulit
through August 3t
Music . . . . The
j -
Maxme Buren
Wmn'a Bditar
Girl Scout
Staff Named
Staff members of the Girl
Scout camp which begins on
August 15 and lasts through
September 1, are leaving Sunday
afternoon to take a special
training course before the open
ing of camp.
Miss Gwendolyn Westcott of
North Hollywood, regional tra
veling executive of the Girl
Scouts, will conduct the three
day training course and will di
rect the ! camp. Miss Westcott
expressed pleasure in the Silver
Creek Falls Recreational camp,
which the Girl Scouts are to oc
cupy, stating that it is the best
equipped she has been in this
This will be the fourth camp
Miss Westcott has directed this
Members of the ; camp staff
from Salem are; Mrs. Leon Las
sers, a trained Girl Scout work
er, Mrs. M. E. Walters, Mrs.
Paul Bale, Donna Hartman, Bet
ty Livesley, Nancy Trask and
Buena Stewart. Members from
Silverton are Mrs. William
Woodard, Mrs. C. Pretlaff, Lau- ,
rcl Krenz and Hannah Olson.
Also in the staff will be Miss
Arlene Murphy, Mrs. Clyde Ar-
den and Mrs. Luther Cliffe all .
of Idaho, assistants to Miss ,
Westcott at the Pocatcll camp.
Girls are registered from Sa-
lem, Newberg, Independence,
McMinnville, Brooks, Silverton,
Stayton, Forest Grove, Sheridan,
Detroit Idanha and Aumsville. ;
Fifty-two girls are expected ,
each week of camp.
This is the first camp to be
conducted by the Salem Girl
Scout council, organized less
than two years ago.
Meredith Daily
Is Married
Of interest to Salem friends
of the bride is the marriage of
Miss Meredith Daily, yeoman
third class, WAVE, and Mr.
Wayne Christensen of LaCen
ter, Waslu on August 8. The
bride is a sister of Mrs. James
Clayton of Salem and the
t daughter of Mrs. Lester, Daily
" of Palousa, Wash.
The ceremony took place at
the Episcopal church In Vancou
ver, Wash. Mr. Clayton gave his
sister-in-law ; in marriage. Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton and children,
John and Pamela, were present
for the wedding.
The bride, who has often vis
ited in Salem at the Clayton
home, is stationed in Seattle
with the WAVEs. She attended
Washington State college and is
a Pi Beta Phi. Her husband re
cently returned from the Euro-"
pean theater of war and' has
been discharged on the point
Miss Steinbruck .
Bride of Week
Miss Wanda Steinbruck,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
Steinbruck, became the bride of
Mr. Warren Merrill of Brooks,
seaman second 1 class, : USN, on ;
August t at a quiet ceremony in
the presence of members of the
two families. Rev. Irving Fox
ot the First Baptist church per-1-
. formed .the rites. , -v, I-
The bride wore a 'sky blue
dress with white accessories. A
small reception was held it the
Steinbruck home on North Li
berty street after the. ceremony.
'' The bride Is a stenographer at
, the Metropolitan Life Insurance
company. Mr. Merrill will re
turn to his base at Sal Diego
after his leave. : ..
Jeryme' English
. Society Editor : f
: ; - - :
' WRC picnic; with Mrsl Ad
Bven. 1615 North th t,i bring
-tabl crvice. ?
Eastern Star aocUl afternoon
'club. Red Cross sewing, lunch
eon at noon. - s
WKDKESDAT f- : . i
. Daughters of TJnion Veterans
with Mrs. Dorothy Randall. 230
East Washington st.. 8 p.m.
i Salem Writers ehib, with Mrs.
i Slanehe Jones. 06 South High
t., iJO picnic lunch. " I
Miss Savage-
Is! Hostess
!; .ill - . I
I Miss Mabel Savage entertain
ed members of the Salem Zonta
club ion Thursday night fat her
annual chicken dinner. ; Guests
were! seated at a long table set
on the lawn. Special guests were
Mrs. Marion Lowery Fischer, a
former Eugene member but now
living in Salem; Miss Margaret
Osburn of Portland, j Carolyn
Madsen, Mickey Tyler, Donna
Wiederkehr of Sydney and La
June :Rahtz of Auburn. "
f The latter two, winners of 4
H scholarships given j by the
Zonta club, told about the sum
mer school which they j attended
at Corvallis. i j f
sMrs. C. W. Stacey gave a talk
on "Are Wflmni CletnA (Miiypnm.f
. Members of the Salem ZonU
club; who attended the dinner
were Mrs. Theodore Madsen,
Mrs. Arthur Hunt Miss' Lillian
McDonald, Mrs. Lucia Dare Ty
ler,' Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Dr. Helen
Pearce, Mrs.! ' William J Earl
Smith, Miss Genevieve Morgan,
Miss' Katherine Carthew, ; Mrs.
Robert Hutch eon, Miss Anna
Peters, Mrs. Margaret Rose
crans, Mrs. Oscar Melgaard,
Mrs. L N. Bacon, Miss Edna
Lucker, Mrs.: Phil Brownell,
Mrs. Harry Scott Miss Nellie
Schwab, Miss Maxine Buren,
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, Mrs.
Herbert Winkler, Mrs; A. J.
Arehart, and Miss Savage,
j Mrs. Lelace Ellis and Mrs. C.
W. Stacy will be hostesses in a
fortnight I - f
i v
( j
i -
Miss Marjoriel Wells,
pew older girls' secretary
jat the YWCA. who "has
'arrived in Salem ;to take
over her duties. Her home
is in Riverside, Calif. Miss
Wells recently completed
a YWCA training course
jat Asilomar, Calif, She is
a graduate of Occidental
;college, Los Angeles.
- I (Kennsll-Dlis.)
Miss Mary Jane i Simmons,
who is attending the summer
session at the University of
Oregon, is spending the weekend
ini Salem at the country home of
her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
H. Simmons.1 :
VV Ij, S'
Gold MeatsJ-Taste Better with Nippy.
Topping: Horseradish Provides Tang
' By Maxine Baren
What's sauce for the goose, it
seems, is not sauce for the cold
meat But -there fare some
sauces that will add style to the
main dish that turns , out to be ,
COld CUts. (; ' I
41 Horseradish gives!; a hippy i
flavor and . pairs nicely with ;
ready-made meat loaf, pressed .
meats or tongue loaf i that youll
lind at the meat man's, i ?s :
1 teaspoon 'prepared mustard
f; U tablespoon vinegir ;j tr4
J Jl teaspoon salt !
'3 tablespoons creani ,". ..' , .
Ya teaspoon pepper ;,: p ' -' v
cup prepared horseradish ;
t f Mix, beat welL tasting as the
horseradish is added so the right
degree of flavor is given. X
Mayonnaise forms ; the basis i
- for this sauce: . v. j
if "
: cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon sugar
Elles Will -
' 7
. t -
Major and Mrs. Martin J. Ele 4
will be hosts for an Informal at '
home tonight at their- North.
17th street residence- in honor of ;
a group of their friends. Major -and
. Mrs, Ele arrived in Salem f"
Tuesday, from' Fort ! Leaven- i
worth, Kansas, where he has t
been taking . special; training
since his return from overseas
In ' the ' spring.- Mrs.' Ele ' went '
east to Join her husband in
' June. Major Elle will be here v
on leave until September. J
: i Major and Mrs. Elle have in- -
vited their, friends to call infor
mally between 7:30 and 10 :
: o'clock. ; - r " t - - -'
Assisting about the rooms will,
be Airs. w. li. Grant -Mrs. n. v.
Grant Mrs. Jacob Fox, Mrs.
Jess Daugherty and Mrs. Joe L.
Visitor?; Are
Here from
i . Mrs. Harley B. Hiestand and
her son, Harley Kells, of. Phil
adelphia, arrived in the capital
this week to be - guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude A.
Kells, for the ensuing month.
Mrs. Hiestand will be remem
bered at Margaret Ann Kells.
pr. Hiestand is resident surgeon
at the University of Philadelphia
Orthopedic hospital. ;
5 The first of ; the week Mrs.
Kells and her three daughters,
Mrs.' Hiestand, and Miss Frances
and Miss Mary Elizabeth Kells,
who are also here from the east
coast for the summer, will leave
for Nelscott to spend a week.-
! SojOUIlierS Meet
! ' .
iFnr hlinrhonTl
I The Salem Sojourners were
entertained at a dessert lunch
I eon on" Thursday afternoon at
the Quelle. Hostesses were Mrs.
I O. K. Beals and Mrs. George
Duke. The luncheon table was
I centered with j an arrangement
i Of gladioluses j and purple pe
ll tunias. , '
: Mrs. Oscar Bleckert, who re
Jij cently moved I here from Bis
I mark, North Dakota, was a spe
ll cial guest Bridge was in play
during the afternoon, with prizes
! going to Mrs. H J. Hagan and
Mrs. John Dann.
!' Members attending were Mrs.
'I L. A. Ballmer, Mrs. Harry Bentz,
' Mrs. Morris Crothers, Mrs. E.
I A. Sandness, Mrs. Sam Camp
; bell, Mrs. John Dann, Mrs. John
McManus, Mrs. E. J. Hagen,
( Mrs. Irvin Bryan, Mrs. Lloyd
Sanders, Mrs. David Brown,
; Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs. Char--
les Shaw, Mrs. G. ! F. Tucker,
Mrs. Dent Reed, Mrs. Lee Tho
mas, Mrs. Larry Lucas, Mrs.
Stuart Thede, Mrs. W. R. Pfau;
Mrs. wilUam Skewis, Mrs. Hel
en Anderson and Mrs. Arthur
Garden Benefit
This Afternoon
One of the largest events of
the summer season is scheduled
for this afternoon in the Homer
H. Smith gardens on North Sum
mer street when the Spinsters
entertain at a bridge benefit
Cards will be in play start
ing at 2 o'clock. During the
tea hour a fashion show will be
presented with Spinsters model
ing fall styles.
Mrs. Verne Ostrander, chair
man of the USO scrapbook
committee, is asking for volun
teers to work on scrapbocks for
servicemen. Materials are avail
able at the. workroom in the J.
C. Penney store, ; and may be
purchased and taken home or
worked on there.
Miss Mildred Tetter was host
ess, to the sewing group of the
Business and Professional Wom
en's club at her home at 1010
N. 18th st. on Friday.
1 teaspoon salt
. V teaspoon paprika .
l1, tablespoons vinegar
3 tablespoon salad oil
2 tablespoons prepared mus-
. tard ;c ; ".--.'Wv
A small - glass of jelly -will
make another , sauce for spiced
meats in a very simple way:
1 small glass jelly (red pre-
v. ferred) V - - . -"s
1 T or more, prepared horse-
'.. - radish , -
Stir together, the jelly will
break down Into a-liquid.
Cucumbers will appear in this
fourth sauce for cold meats.:
. 1 medium cucumber
cup cream :
1 to 2 tablespoon vinegar -Salt,
"cayenne and celery seed
, Chop peeled cucumber, drain.
Chill all ingredients. Beat cream,
add vinegar, add remaining in
gredients. - . . .J i'j
Mr. and Mrs. .Raymond White (Juno Rose Paine),
hose marriage took place August 6 at. the home of the
bride's aunt, Mrs. George Spaur. TheJbride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Paine of WUlcmiina. and Mr.
White is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin White of Perrydale.
The newlyweds will make their home in Salem.
I : !
Cengratalatlons ge U Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Hobbs on the birth
Of a six pound son Thursday
'-afternoon,-August 9 at -the Sa
lem General hospital The little
boy; has an older brother. Dex
ter Emery. The .baby's grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Minkiewitz and Mr. and Mrs.
William . Hobbs. Mrs. Hobbs
will be remembered as - Peggy -Minkiewitz.
Mrs. Leslie Lande ef PeUatcli,
Idaho, is spending several weeks
in the crpital as the house guest
of Mrs. Robert Gentzkow.
' ! . -" 1
' I
' Mrs. Donald Free has come
' north from her home in Thorn
ton, Calif, to visit with her hus
band's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Free.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sehwab-
bauer and daughter, Joan, and
Arlene Sheldon have returned
from a week's stay at Nelscott
' i
The Rev. and Mrs. Chester W.
Hamblin and j children, Bob and
Janet left Wednesday for a
month's , vacation at the Oregon
beaches. T . i '- '.t - .
There I no greater symbol of faith and love In the world than
that of the diamond. ' Every bit of the longing and love which
seems to you inexpressible is symbolized by the words engraved
In the shank of this handsome ring for men. No matter where
he is .'. on his finger will be your constant reminder of lasting,
faithful love. September 15 to October 13 are mailing dates for
overseas packages. - - r v 1 r ' - -: '.. : ! .
: Qesten-MillerJi
' " - ' r
8UNNTSXDE Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Taylor entertained; a
group of friends Thursday night
at a harvest picnic Those pres
ent -were' Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Cole, Billy Cole, Tommy
and Garry .Gleason, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Caldwell, Ronald Cald
well, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckart
Larry Joe Heckart i
. Special guests were Mr. 'and
Mrs. Dalton Castle, Jon, Rich'
ard and Linda of Bremerton. Mr.
Castle has been employed at the
Puget Sound navy .yard for
four years. They plan to return
to Bremerton about August 17.
I i i
SUNNTSIDE Mr. and Mrs.
Jphnnie Neuenschwander enter
. tained with a dinner Sunday; in
honor of j Mrs. Neuenschwander's
brother, (SJSgt Robert T. Barry,
who is home from England. 1
Those j present were Staff
Sergeant Barry, his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ' Thomas Barry, Miss
Frances j Barry, Mrs. Bergman,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe -Fontaine: of
Salem, j - . ' j
: , Guests at the home etMr. and
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn a few days
this week were his brother-in-'
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Borton of. Yakima, Wash.
) ,
Buy Us "Good Luck'
Diamond NOWl .
Hjt ijj 1
Qyde CSiristinah .'
Tells of Travels V
i Clyde Christman,- former Salem
man, and now. an aerographer on
the- aircraft carrier. USS. Inde
pedence: writes- his parentSr Mr.
and Mrs." Henry Christman,. and
sister Miss Audrey .'Christman, of
380 Oak street telling some of the
places-his ship has been ' the past
few months.' v-. i "j '
Christman : went, into the navy
in February of 1943, and two years
later . left- for sea: duty. 'Planes
from his ship hit Kyushu and then
the RyukuSi softened up Okinawa
and' then protected . the Invasion
forces." It aided in the capture of
Ie - Jima and several other- small
islands. In all this time, ; Christ-
man says the ship only made port
once, and that on a small island.
Later his ship joined the Third
fleet! the letter states,' and weath
ered 'the typhoon which struck In
June; : ' - :-v -' -f.
Christman; a graduate of Salem
high school, joined the navy while
a Student at Willamette. ' He took
training in Chicago as a member
of the V-5 program, went to Ohio
Wesleyan, St Mary's preCigbt and
took special training at aerogra-
phers' school in New Jersey. .
Tinian Paul M. Riff e, of Salem,
Ore., has recently been promoted
to staff sergeant. He entered the
army September 30, 1941. Before
his recent transfer to .Tinian, he
was stationed in India. He is as
signed to an air service group of
the -58th bombardment wing as an
electrician on the B-2fls. His
mother, Mrs. Pauline Riffe, resides
at 152 South Church st, Salem.
Capt Wesley . Reeder, tenner
Salem high school ' teacher, sta
tioned now In Seattle, has been
named commanding officer of the
Washington . and Oregon district
induction traveling board, until
Capt S. B. Russell arrives from
San: Francisco. Roeder replaces
Capt Clarence Barrett in the tem
porary position, which he will fill
in addition to his regular duties
as chief personnel . consultant of
the northwest area. Mrs. Roeder
and family live in Portland.
Ensign- William Shinrt stopped
in Salem Thursday and Friday en
route south to his new base at
Oceanside, Calif.. He has been at
Fort Pierce, Fla. The young navy
officer Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Shinn.
John O'Reilly, who discovered
the first diamond in Africa, had
great difficulty In persuading
anyone that it. was genuine.
" "'
I: I
I )
Scouts Camped,
Near Sanbam f
MARION FORKS Marion lake
has many visitors in a week, with
a troop of Portland. Boy Scout
camped there. "- . ?
Mary Lou Felt and Betty Lou
Russell of Portland spent the
week end In the Marion Forks
cabins. -
. ,Mrs. Gerald Pettam of Marion
Forks is now visiting with her
parents in Nebraska. '1
The North Santiam Willing
Workers club met with Audrey
Smith,' East Idanha, eight mem
bers and two visitors attending.
Mrs. M. C. Smith, Mrs. L. Pet
tam and sons, Mrs. M. Harris and
daughter, Mrs.. A. Mitchell, Mrs.
A. Snyder, Mrs. Sol Tucker and
son, Mrs. George Streff and son,
Mrs. ' Martin and Mrs. Nellie
Mitchell and Mrs. Smith visited
the club. . ...jJ ,
.' Robert Young, son . of Mr. and
Mrs: Scott I Young, is here on
leave until Sept 9, when he will
go . jto Philadelphia for officer's
training at . the University of .
Pennsylvania. . . .; '.. ' ,r
Walter Nicholson and R. Sowa
of Mill City were visitors of the
Youngs on Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs.' Marion Sowa of
Idanha spent a few hours visiting
Vern Morgan and Dorothy Young !
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Nash and
baby son are spending their vaca
tion here fishing and hiking.
Dempsey Held
For Sentence
Jim Dempsey, 1 who pleaded
guilty along with three other men
to a charge of gambling, is now'
being held in the city jail pending
his appearance for sentence Au
gust IS. ;
Carl Pyeatt, manager of the Ri
alto, where the gambling game
was reportedly held, had previ
ously posted the $100 for Demp
sey "s bail, but John S. Steelham
mer, attorney for Pyeatt, returned
Dempsey to the court and asked
refund of the bail Thursday, stat
ing that Dempse had threatened
to leave town. The court was com
pelled to comply with the request
and . Dempsey, not being able to
post his own bail, was taken by
the authorities to jaiL
Pyeatt charged with running a
gambling game, pleaded innocent
in Justice court, and his trial was
set for August 22.
. - '
Suitable for Ladies
-, ' '
Compact I ;
Stainless Stecl
Indestructible . .
Fool Proof : -