The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 10, 1945, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ike Burton '
New Man on
Scio Council
SCIO Appointment of Ik
Burton by Mayor M.T B. Cyrus
Monday night : to succeed W. D.
(Bill) Johnston as a member of
the council board was confirmed
at a regular meeting of that body.
Johnston, native of Scio, recently
moved with his family to Toledo.
Council, In addition to Mayor
Cyrus, consists of W, A. Brock,
Ike Burton, Carl Cyrus, CI.
Donahue, Gilbert McDonald, and
Ioy Shelton. The latter will pre
side In absence of the mayor. Miss
Barbara Pennell is recorder.
City treasurer wai richer by
$163 from municipal tax on punch
boards for the month of July, ac
cording to report of the recorder.
Operators of these devices recent
ly had requested the council to
reduce the tax but the board, de
License for i the local picture
show, which had been lowered
during depression years, was this
week reinstated, retroactive at of
July 1. An ordinance of the early
90s regulating this subject was
invoked. ' .
uraoing ana graveling or cer
tain streets in South Scio, culvest
at ,T. B. King residence in that
locality, provision for draining
certain areas in the same section
and farther east and north, claims
against the city policing dances
and other current matters had con
sideration of the council. -All
members except the newly-
. appointed Ike s Burton were pres
ent. Mayor Cyrus presided.
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregoa. Friday Morning. August 10, 1343
Woman Cuts
Palm of Hand
JEFFERSON Mrs. Frank Fu-
qua, who lives with her father,
C. S. Emerr on Third tnt mot
with an accident Monday -whWm
cutting sweet peas with scissors.
She tripped on an old board track,
al fell; the scissors going through
the palm of her left hand, sever
Ing an artery and making large
incision. he was given first aid,
before being rushed to an Albany
pnysician, where several stitches
were taken. Weak from lbsa nf
blood, she was brought home by
amDuiance. Mrs. Fuaua'i daueh-
ter, Mrs. L. C Taylor of Portland,
is with her mother.
Mrs. C. M. Cochran has return
ed home from a three months vis
it in the middle western states.
She visited her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Verle Rod-
lbaugh, and daughter, Kathy Ge
nelle, at East Moline, I1L; and also
visited her old home at Fairfield,
lowa. .
W . . .. ft a, a " .
xier aaugnier ana zamily ac
companied her home and came to
Milwaukie, Oregon, to make their
home. .
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Warner of
Cherry Grove spent Sunday vis
iting . Mr. Warner's mother, Mrs.
Catherine Warner. "
Brooks Restaurant
Sold to Mrs, Lamon i
Of Oregon City i L
GERVAIS Mrs. Lillian Harri
son, who has run the restaurant
at Brooks for the past year and
eight months, has sold it to, Mrs.
Betty Lamon of Oregon Cityii She
will take; possession Sunday, r Aug
ust 12. The place will be closed
next week while! Mrs. Lamon is
getting , settled. She also bought
the property from i J. A. Moore
and plans extensive improvements
In the near future. Mr. and i Mrs,
Harrison have taken a house in
Brooks and will continue to reside
there. ! ; -111 ; i
Retreats Will
Conclude With
August Meet
MT. ANGEL The last Of the
aeries of Laymen's retreats at Mt.
Angel college of this, the silver
jubilee year, : will be held the
weekend of August 17 to 19, with
Archbishop Howard of Portland
promising to be there. Father Al
cuin will conduct the retreat
The fact that the retreats, start
ed by a group of Knights of Co
lumbus in 1920, have persisted
through 23 years in drawing men
each year for communing with
their God, is proof enough of their
power and Influence, say church
Among vthose who have attend
ed every retreat are Charles Went-
worth, George F. Connors and
Pat Lonergan, Portland; Tom
Windishar, Salem and P. N. Smith
and Alois Keber, Mt. Angel.
The August retreat was added
to the regular June one some years
ago to care for the overflow. At
tendance made it necessary to hold
two June retreats this year. The
names of the officers for the com
ing year were submitted by the
nominating committee at the first
retreat, approved by the second
and will now; be offered for' final
approval to the men attending the
last. The subject of building a
regular retreat house will also
come up for; consideration. All
business will be contracted a,t the
social get-together that follows
immediately after the spiritual
exercises. i
The schedule will be the same
as formerly. The first opening con
ference will be held at 8:30 p.nv
August 17. Special devotions on
Saturday will include the stations
of the cross at the outside sta
tions in the afternoon and the
candlelight procession to the grot
to of the Blessed Virgin at night
For Leave
With Mother
JEFFERSON Marjorie Fon
taine, of the WAVEs, returned
Sunday night to Camp Parks,
Calif, where she is a storekeeper.
She spent a 15-day leave with her
mother, Mrs. J. G. Fontaine.
Miss Fontaine was honor guest
Saturday afternoon at a family
party at the home of Miss Edith
Libby in the Parrish Gap district,
with Mrs. Charles Prine of Salem
assisting hostess.
An lniormai afternoon was
spent in visiting.
Relatives present were ' Miss
Leila Rigdon, Salem; Mrs. Alex
Atterbury, Eugene; Mrs. Dallis
Harris, Paula, Martha Ann, Janet
and Edwin; Mrs. C. J. Thurston,
Jean, John and Nancy; Mrs.
Blanche Libby, Mrs. Secil Libby,
Beverly and Sharon; Mrs. Milton
Libby, Stevie and Connie Jean
ette, James and Jane Smith, Mrs.
J. G. Fontaine, Marjorie Fan
taine, and Mrs. Charles Prine of
Salem, and Miss Edith Libby.
Servicemen Home
With Families
Grace, "with : his wife, who was
taken to her home Wednesday
from the local hospital following
treatment for a -severe case of
pneumonia. Pvt Grace, who was
wounded in action in the South
Pacific, will be stationed at Mad
I gal hospital,' Taeoma, for several
months. This is his first trip
home since i being brought from
overseas several weeks ago. He
is able to be about on crutches,
Mrs. Grace is also rapidly im
proving. I
CpL and ! Mrs. Wallace Orren
left Tuesday for Depoe Bay, where
their son, ill since birth, will be
under medical observation. CpL
Orren has j Just returned from
" several months in the European
theatre of war.
Surgery Patient
Taken to His Home
"who underwent major murgery at
the hospital ten days ago, was
able to be moved to his home
- Thursdav. J
Mrs. Edwin Raocliff has gone to
Portland, where she will take over
beauty parlor. Mr. Raddiff,
who will loin her -hortly has
been with the Greyhound lines at
SUverton for the past several
rears but will work at the Port
land offices. .
Melvin'Tprresdal, figuring in
combine ! accident, had several
stitches taken in his leg this week.
. The accident caught his clothing.
tearing off is overall and making
gash In his leg. .
Certain naDer products are
component parts of sea and land
mines, of radio equipment, shells
Council Meeting
Seems Uneventful
JEFFERSON The city council
met In regular session Tuesday
night in the council chamber, with
Mayor E. S. Gleason presiding.
Council members present were
recorder E. E. Howell,! Marshal
Frank Rehf eld, and Coundlmen
K. S. Thurston, Roy Chester, W.
C l Chilton, Glenn Cobb, Wi D.
Barnes, and R. W. CurL . I j
Bills were presented. ; Th re
corder was Instructed to purchase
one dozen new water meters.
The water situation was discuss
ed quite generally, but no action
was taken. , f
Man Slips, !Has ;
Severe Injuries :
GERVAIS L.' H. Martin, &,
who lives near the Pacific high
way on the Woodburn cutoff was
quite seriously injured Sunday
night at the Crossroads service
station He was assisting- in geV
ting a stalled car started and was
standing on the rear bumper. It
Is not known Just how he hap
pened j to fall to
but he suffered a crushed skull.
broken ribs, a deep cut In his left
leg and severe bruises. He was
taken to the Deaconess hospital
Balitskys Parents
Julian Balitsky are the parents of
an eight pound daughter born
Monday at the Rhodes Lambert
hospital in Eugene. -The baby has
one brother. Mrs. Balitsky will be
remembered' as Jaunlta Holt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Holt of Jefferson. She has been
at the home of her "parents since
her husband left for overseas
service seven months am. Thv
the pavemeatn hav nam th huh Jutith
The baby's paternal grandparents
live In New York City.
Lodges Active
In Valley Town
'SCIO Scio Odd Fellow and
Rebekah lodges are reported add
ing new members in encouraging
numbers. Leading officers of Odd
Fellows are W. R. Bruce, noble
grand. Max Wesely, vice grand
and Kieth Wells, secretary. Re
bekah unit auxiliary to the Odd
Fellows, is headed by Mrs. W.
R. Bruce as noble grand, assisted
by Mrs. Roxie Griffin, vice grand,
and Mrs. Madge Sommer, secre
tary. Above officers were jointly
installed a short time ago.
Mrs. E. Phillips, wife of the
Scio postmaster and acting post
master for several years, was re
ported Wednesday somewhat im
proved from an Illness of two
weeks. Mrs. Otis McGee is clerk
in the , local office, having had
previous experience in the work.
Mrs. E. G. Rickard is spending
the week with her husband, who
is attending' summer school at
the University of Oregon, Eugene.
They plan to take up their home
within a few weeks at Salem,
where Mr. Rickard will be on the
staff of Instructors at Parrish jun
ior high school.
Condition of William Hopkins,
Los Angeles, father of Mrs. C. L.
Donahue of Scio, was reported still
discouraging this week. Mrs. Don
ahue has been .with her father for
torn time and will remain in
definitely, depending on his con
Regular monthly ' communica
tions of Euclid chapter. Order of
the Eastern Star, at Jefferson, are
scheduled to resume September
11, - following suspension for the
summer months. Mrs. Edith Wall
of Albany is worthy matron, Mrs.
EUa Johnston, near Scio,. associate
matron, Roland Wall, Albany,
worthy patron, and Mr. Anderson,
Jefferson, associate 'patron. Sev
eral men and women of Scio and
vicinity are included in the 1943
official roster of the Jefferson unit
Annual- election is to take place
in December.
Muslin was Imported Into Eng
land from India in the late 1600'a.
Of Tired Kidney
tf Weteefc a k Miter rws
mlMnbla.M't jaatwmplala kti4iomou.inC
ytmr kid My Med inantin.
ThkilneyBrNtr'eklef wmyoftHn
exoaas acida and poisonous waata act ot tb
Meet Thar kl mm ole SM sJsoat
itsft4ay. '
If tfca IS mtim et MaW tafes n4 fittats
aWtworh wU.ppistwwis wiilimttMriUn
yaffliMSS aodwU mrm, hm&u chss 4 dimt
Mas. Frwroeot or seantr DmMMSiriUi smarU
tbins; wmm ita row fciilneys or BUuuar.
Doa's wmid Ask tanM for Ion
riiia. a. (tunalaat diaratia, BM4 saeeaatf our
hr mUHanm for r 44 faara. Doaa't gin
havvr relief sad will help tke If mUea of
kidney tubea fliwh out poiaowMS Wltlf tmm
torn btoo. OH Voan's KJa.
in Salem where- he was still un
conscious Wednesday afternoon.
The production of high-octane
aviation - gasoline has more than
doubled each year since 194L
To Increase an actor! height,
the Greeks had him wear a wood
en clog (the cothurnus) and a wi:
- Mention Ladies! t
Maka shopping a pleasure. Hare your bundles deliv
ered. Groceries, drugs, laundry, shos, etc. Delivery
Serrict la riciaity of Salexa.
'"; Pli5S3 5307- - j
DflyY Delivery tzi Fish-Up Scnrico
145 S. Church Phone CSST
1 cs S
M 1 -57 !
MJhS,m.MiBmmtJM : . - s - rir ' . m. m m . s f m Miiiif . ; s
w m m - - : : - w . .z .
r I.:.
n,.29c ;u,s.No.r.
! ii 12Hc i -
There's no time like summer time for tender.
fresh fruits and vegetables. And there's no!
place like bafeway to find them naturally
fresh . . . just as they come from the fields.
So ... for an eating treat ... try Safeway
produce! nowt And buy now, too. for homo
canning while fruits and vegetables are plen-j
iiiui ana prices iowi. .
LocW-l Sirs Pfcg. cf
With tho Perehats
iv 9
Of O Jor (any eisel
Grayenstins fancy
fl . mm mmwm
; Local crop
Grown In
firm and ripe
Thompson seedless
sweet and ripe .
, j
TomatCOS ) gdUn grown
Lemons rich jtilc & flavor
OrCUigCS 344' Sweet .
ib. 139
59 c
k 5c
': ' !
U. S. No. 2' j
50 & 51.19
Drip or,
2-lb. jar 54c
Hurry! This Offer Limited
While lr Lasts!
Other Nourishing.
Aimar Ceffee
Mason JOTS regular . z ! ;
I jWnt 24. $15. quarts, l f?
Jar Rubbers P?. of i dc. 40 .
KCIT Lids Regular Plcg of 1 doz. 3 for 25c
Ball Jar Caps R. Pkg. of i doz. ea. 21c
Economy Caps Kerr I pk7. of l dor. 17c
Bon Ami Powder ' 122. can 120
Rain Drops Water softener 24-oz.pkg. 23c
Sani-flush Cleans toilet bowls 22-or. can JQe
Cracked Wheat BreadibYSSll0!
j Raisin Bread Wright s l ib. loaf J2c;
Beet Sugar 32c; 1 sack 82c
Morton Salt Plaln,or iodized 2 Pkas- 15c j
; B." V- Beef Extract ' Iar 24c !
Peanut Butter Beverly brand i 2-lb. Jar 45c !
tVolvoota Choose xiSi 2-ib.pkg. 73a
BrOWn Mustard Heinz 57 i 6-oz.jar Qq
1 1
(ilwayi frcxli)
V&a Hsstta Cecoa
CittxInaryTea-" ! .
'A-b. p!l 22c; Vt-U. pi. 43c Ii. tit
h&j ZOt
Vt-lb. pig. 35s
Schilling Whole Spicca
Allspice Cumin Seed Boy Leaves
Pickling Spice Dill Seed Cloves
Mustard Seed I
Stock up Small pkg. 2
NOW! each V i
1 1
Applo Butter
. i Ubby Brand
Na. 303 gloss 20
grade A and grade
now in abundance
(6 pts.)
1 39
! Loin
(8 pts.)
'a ib. 39
i Point Free
Sliced, Frozen
Grade fTOc
AA, lb. fib
AA, Ib
Neck, shank
, & breast
Grade OH
AA, Ib. iiO
C j
ib. HP
LFrozen, Fillets
Rod: Ccd
(Limited Supply of "B" & "C" Point Free)
; L -V Peril; Shoulders j
Boneless j (8 pts. Ib.) whole, lb. 0
Skinless ! shank half, lb. 39f
Fatted j butt half, lb. 41
Cleaned, Frozen
Razor Clems
pkr. 31C
Nobiso Ortol
Cider Vinegar dd mui brand iai 52
WhitO VinogaX Heinz famous lsraL 47
i Pancako Flour Suzanna 4(oz. jpkg. JJje
Cornbroad Mix I pa. 18
! Kellogg Erumbloa 9-oz.pkg. lc
j Poarb of Whoat A!be 28k. plca. IQc
j Canned Milil Cherub O pts.) 2 tall cans Jo
Londonderry Ico Cr'm Mix p- 12c
Sunny Dawn
45-oz. can 21
8-oz.Qcsi 4c
Tomato Juico
Tomato Sctuco Tast Tell
Wh. SL PotatOC3 Osage Ncv2V4cra J5a
Grcrpefruit Juico 'Ss1 4&r.30c
light Globes Verd-A-Ray, tax Included
(40-60-100-watt 27c) Insect repellent, 60-W. 27c
Whito Magic Bleach
ClorOX Excellent bleach
f vMArs cooKC-uaiMj( pcachcsI I whers no you Xi mmem? own
y in.
54 TO
: ' ..''"
our eeAury. (C !.
"T HTmmji ylHifi-j
V4-goL 17c
. . - . - j
' 0
(M points
P.O. Soa 2H0 i
far k I aaaaa $ la caai aa Sti
I low to Get YOU2 Cop
: . of & Utest and mot rliJb4
iUrsctiom for hocnt canning, sj pre'
pmnd by Julia Us Wright . .
clip -th coupon to tho left, bcos ,
- son to print your iuum and addreat'
PLAINLY to oroid snr deity, and
endoso fivo centa m coin. You'tt bo
deltfhted with this colorful pin-p Of
stp-b)r-Up canninf directions ! '
. ana mner war wedi . i