The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 10, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    '1 1 i
1 ' 1
Mrs. Ellis a
Mrs. Dean Ellis presided at a
smartly arranged luncheon
Thursday afternoon at the Ma
rlon hotel In compliment to
Mm. Seth Fayson Smith and her
lister, Mrs. Roger Ky Putnam.
Mrs. Smith is here from her
home in North , Hollywood,
Calif, and IMrs. Putnam- recent
ly arrived from 1 Paso, Texas,
The luncheon table was cen
tered with a bouquet' of pastel
summer Cowers. The afternoon
hours were spent Informally at
the home of the hostess on East
LefeUe street
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Seth PaysOn Smith, Mrs. Roger
Ky Putnam, Mrs. William Bush,
Mrs. Richard Hauge, Mrs. Em
ery Hobbsl Mrs. Wendell Wyatt,
Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Cordon
Davis, Mifs. Roger Baker and
Mrs. Dean j Ellis. " j
Vows Read "
Announcement is being made
of the marriage of Fannie Mor
rison Smith and Mr. Walter
Bechtol on Sunday, August 3, at
one o'clock In the garden of Mrs.
Blanche Gronke on East Wilson' '
street. Rev. Charles Asher per-
formed the double ring cere
mony. '
Mrs. Carrie Asher : sang "t
Love You . .Truly' and "Because."
Mrs. Zina Sharpnack played the
accompaniments and wedding
march, i
The bride wore a gown of
..light blue; crepe romaine and her
flowers were pink Cecile Brun
ner roses j and freesias.
At the wedding reception
which followed Mrs. Robert
Seamster, Mrs. Blanche Gronke,
Mrs. Virginia Strain, Mrs. B. B.
Eshleman, Mrs. George Speed
and Miss; Jeanetta Reid assisted
in the serving. Miss Verle
Kreutz passed the guest book.
For going -away the bride
chose a navy blue tailleur with
black hat and accessories. Her
corsage was of rosebuds.)
The couple went to Bend on
their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Bechtol will reside in Salem at
A36 North 21st street
. Shower Honors
Recent Bride
Mrs. Walter Bechtol, the for
mer Fannie Edith Smith, was
honored j at amis cellaneous
- shower '-when Mrs. Blanche
. Grooke and Mrs. B. B. Eshleman
entertained at the country home
1 of Mr. and' Mrs. N. J. Arnold.
. The rooms were decorated with
bouquets; of gsy summer flow
ers. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses..
Honoring the bride were Mr.
. and Mrs. George Bloom, Mr.
. and Mrs.! George Speed, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Seams ter, Mr. and
. Mrs. A. L. Page, Mr. and Mrs.
N. J. Arnold, Mrs. Clarence Ap
plegate and son, Roger, Mrs.
Martha Zlelke, Mrs. Hattle Page
Bryce Page,. Mrs. Blanche
Gronke,! Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
, Eshleman and Mrr -Walter
' BechtpLj ' -1
Toddy's Menu
Halibut will be on the menu
today It's an aHwhrta' menu,
so garnish with parsley.
, Cauliflower salad '
Halibut au gratin
I Mashed potatoes
; Steamed Cabbage
. Floating Island
. lii lbs. halibut fillets
lty cups milk L
1 tablespoon flour ,
l teaspoon mustard
V teaspoon marporam .
1 teaspoon onion, minced
I tablespoon butter or marga-
riae. ''...!:
I I teaspoon salt , . J
ts fi cup grated cheese :
' Grease a shallow dish. Pour
the milk in the bottom of the
dish and sprinkle the flour and
mustard over it and stir thor-
. oughly. ! Lay the halibut fillets
m the mUk mixture and sprinkle
the marjoram, onion and salt
; over them. Dot with butter, eov
er with grated cheese and bake
i in a hot over (400 degrees) a
bout SO zhinutes. ' '
Book 4 Q J through , Vt good
through Au(. Jl; VS through Zt cowl
throuh Spt. SO; Al throusb XI valid
throuch October SI; 11 through Kl
. fooa throuKft Nov. 90.
rsoczssxD rooost
YS. ZX through CI . good through
August 11: pi tbrougb hi good
through Sit. St? Jl through Ml good
through Oct SI; PI through Tl TaUd
through Nov. SO.
Book 4 SUmp SS valid tor fire
ftoundt through August su
Book S Airplane staaipe I K 1
tnd 4 vaiui tMiinni
: A 1( coupons good evorrwaore for
ri rUons MCh through 8ptombr Si.
IPU 00.(1
Parted 1-B ftnaO
eoupoos valid
through August Si. -
Stl State St rhoae S654
rerrusest wirlri,
machisa, machine
a leaa a eoia wavnar.
( V f;n
Open lues. A Then. Eresins
Society . . I JCiib
Music . .. .The Home
Maalne Burea
WonMfl'i Editor
Guests Are
Feted at
Miss Mary Lou McKay was,
hostess f er an Informal supper
party Thursday night at the
home -of her' parents. Captain
and .Mr i. Douglas McKay, on
Jerris avenue. The affair was an
au revoir . party, for . a group of
girls who are leaving for the
south in early September to en
ter college. - . n
Supper was served on the
terrace at a large table, which
was centered with a bouquet of
summer flowers.. The., evening
hours were spent informally
around the outdoor fireplace.
Covers were: placed lor Miss .
Helen Shepard, Miss 'Margie
Cooley, Miss Jean Claire Swift,
Miss Mariann . Croisan, Miss
Charlotte Alexander, Miss Ma- .
deleine Keene, Miss Janet Gib
son, Miss -Betty Manoles, Miss
Joan Beakey and Miss Mary Lou
Au Revoir Party
Mrs. Alma Shipley, assisted
by Mrs. Hattle , Pepper, was
hostess on Wednesday afternoon
at her home for a luncheon and
travel shower for Mrs. Jennie
Chalmers, who is leaving Aug
ust 14 by plane for Hope, ND.
Her visit will combine business
and pleasure. While , there she
will attend the celebration of
her, sister's 78th birthday at
Findley, ND.
During the afternoon, games
were won by Mrs. Chalmers,
Mrs. Pepper and Mrs. Marian
Present were Mrs. Sadie
Drakley, Mrs. Goldla Kyle, Mrs.
Bessie Martin, Mrs. . Marian
Mitchell, Mrs. Lillian Cadwell,
Mrs. Alma Shipley, Mrs. Hattle
Pepper , and . Mrs. Jennie Chal
- : ni .il - u .3- ;.T -i ;..
Play EloShe
CIsdEj On! iLa Dalnncoiol M
3- ! I-
Jeryme English
., Soctety Kdttar :
t ( ; . r :
FRIDAY ' ! -!:
North-Salom WCTtX wHh Mr.
W.l W. Chatfwick. 1390 ; North
Winter at, S p.m, Mn, i Necla ,
Buck, speaker, j ; i
WEDNESDAY ' I- : ' -
Daughter of i Union Veteran
with Mra. Dorothy Randall. 234
East Washington si. 8 p.m.
Younger Set
Bidden to
" ft ! ! '-
i Miss Jane Carson and Miss
Marilyn Walkey, who is spend
ing the summer at the home of
her uncle and aunt,' Mr; and Mrs.;
George Putnam, and Miss Eliz
abeth, Putnam, will be hostesses
fori a gay party Saturday night'
at the John i Carson home on
South Commercial street The
affair is being arranged to hon
or j Miss Shiela McGlverin of
Banff, who is arriving today to
be' I the house ; guest of "Miss
Walkey. ; Jj i l--u;
-$ The , hostesses have f invited
their guests to a picnic supper in .
the garden and a slumber party.
On i Sunday morning breakfast -will
be served in the game room.
I Honoring Miss McGlverin are
Miss Gloria and Miss Barbara,
McClintock, Mias Margaret New
ton,' Miss Cathy Moran, Miss Pat
y Nickena. Miss Peggy Paxson, '
Miss Peggy Sears, Miss Made
leine Keene, Miss Suzanne Small,
Miss Marilyn Walkey and Miss
Jane Carson. s . V
Mrs, William E. Naylor ef
Bend is arriving today for a
weeks visit in the capital at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Frederickson. Mrs. Naylor has
come for the wedding ; of her
nephew, LI Charles Stuart Mc
Whinny, and Miss Doris Duffy
on Sunday afternoon,
I ii .Ml- :i
Mrs. H. O. Shields has arrived
home after an (extended; visit in
the east I I I
j j
1 !' : I Vp. Pries.
- ' - . I ! j . ..... -. i . I
- i :- I
02ZC0:i STAIESMAH. Sdta.
Dragers to
Be Honor!
Guests i
'; Planned for Saturday sight is
the informal party for which
Mr. and Mrs. VenwHi Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton. Foreman and
Mrs. Harold Ollnger are arrang- -f
ing in compliment to Lt Og)
I and Mrs4 Robert Drager, who ar
rived in the capital last Sunday
I from Boston. The Dragers will
be hertf until next weekj when
they will leave for San Francis
; co where Lt. Drager will , report
for assignment : 1 -,
. The affair will be held at the
.- Perry home on McGllchrist
street with a group of the Dra
gers friends invited to call in-'
formally. Coming from out-of-town
for the occasion will be
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bishop and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Speer of
: Portland. ' f
Mr. and. Mrs. Haf h McCam-
i mon and 'their son, PFC..Wil
; liam McCammon, who recently
l returned to the states from Eu
1 rope, came from their home in
The Dalles Thursday to) spend
l a few days at the home, of Mr.
land Mrs. Wallace Carson; ,
f Girls ' Carap in
IProoress : Now '
Sunday,. August 5, found the
district Girls Camp at! Silver
Creek ready to begin a full week
et activities led by "Aunt Ruby
Bergsvik, Chet Goodman, "Bun-;
tny Bunnell, Ruth Perkins, Jo
Hagan, Myrtle Krueger, Beth
: Siewert, Mrs. Ernest Iufer, Bet
', ty I&nauska, Jacqule Lewis, Le
nore Hammer, Marie Ana New
man and Barbara Hoadley, sen
ior leaders; and Junior leaders
Esther Perkins, Joan Bunnell,
' Ann Carson and Donna Curtis. '
Sunday's activities were ves
pers and camp fire with singing
led by Claire Olsen. S
; Monday night's campfirt was
given by Hemlock unit Jerry
Welch was mistress of ceremo
nies for a quiz program on Ore
gon cities contestants were
!! chosen from the three other un
its. Hemlock girls sang "Senti
mental Journey.w.Mr; and Mrs.
' Harry B. Buckley were! dinner
; guests and gave interesting talks'
about the Silver Creek; Camp
area. - " , ' ' -. '
I: Two Msitors' in the form of
puppets from the collection of
I Mrs. Frank Deckebach panto
l mimed tht day's events; Marie
; Ann Newman and Barbara
( Hoadley were the voices. :
I Tuesday's activities were sup
plemented by a nature trip and
I talk by Mrs. Buckley and also
;! craft work in the craft hall.
I ! I
CsIstx, Oresroa
Ortoa, Fiiday'lIoniSas. Aogart
Captain TTaUaee Hardinf eg
Los Angela Is spending . his
leave in the home-of his
uncle, and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
William McGllchrist Jr. Cap
tain Harding recently- returned
to the states after, serving with
' the 5th air fovea lu the South
Pacific for two years. After
his leave he will report to San
ta Ana, Calif,! for reassignment
Durinsj his stay In Salem Cap
tain Haardinx will also visit la
Miss Marsraret Jsjm
left Thursday for Portland to
spend the weekend as the guest
of her Alpha Chi Omegt. soror
ity sister, Miss Mary Carson.-
i t
Scene of
Rites :
At the Friends parsonage oa '
. Saturday afternoon, August 4,
Miss Dorothyj Howard, daugh-.-ter
of Mr. and Mrs. ', Joseph
. Howard,, became the bride of
Mr, Harry Moritz, son of Mr.
Richard Moritz and Mrs. 3.
' Kurhe, all of Salem. ,
Rev. Herman Macy performed
the ceremony In the presence of
members of the two families at
4 o'clockv Vases of pastel gladi
oluses formed the setting for the
nuptials. j
For 'her wedding the bride
.. wore. an aqua blue wool suit
I with aqua hat and brown ac
- cessorles. Her corsage was of
' gardenias and yellow roses.
. Hiss-Margaret Weaver V was
.' the bride's only attendant She
, wora m white afternoon dress
with black patent leather ac
cessories and i a corsage of red'
roses, ii ' t-
J: After a wedding trip to the
. coast the couple will return to
Salem' to make their home. The
bride is a graduate of Salem
schools and is employed at the
Pacific ' Telephone and Tele
graph company. Her husband
attended schools in Monmouth
and Is now In the dairy busi
ness. r
. .'-'-' ; j : - '
The South Salem Women's
Christian Temperance Union,
which meets regularly the sec
ond Friday of each- month, has
been postponed for one week
I- and will . meet Friday, August
. 17, at 1 o'clock, with Mrs. Mason
Bishdp, 1341 j South Church
' . street
4 -
10,; 184$
Mapes lAf e
Hosts at
fcMr. and Mrs. . Ralph Mapea
presided at a smartly arranged l
dinner party Thursday night at
th Golden Pheasant in compli
ment to j the lattera brother-in-1
lar and twin sister, Corporal ;
and Mrtv T; R. Draper, who are '
guests at the Mapes home; Cor-'
poral Draper recently . returned,
to the states from Germany.! -'
The long dinner table was cen-"
tered with a bouquet of pastel:
gladioluses. The -evening hours
were spent , informally at the
Mapes home. ' L ;
Covers were placed for Cor-:,
pond and Mrs. Draper,' Mrs.! R.
W. Zevely and Miss Jerry O -Kelley
of. Prineville, Mr. and
Mrsi H. IE. Lee, Mr: and Mrs.,
Frank Earnest, Mr. and Mrs.
Norval Edwards, Mrs. Donald
Armpriest Mrs. William DePew,
Mr. and Mrs. 'S. Mapes, Mr. and
Mrs." Emmett Kleinke, Corporal
"and Mrs. Hiram Amick, Mr. and
Mrs! Harold Massey and Mr. and
" Mrs. Ralph Mapes,:
- - - . i ' !
Mrs. Wheeler Bilea and her
children, Janet and Thomas, are
leaving today for a several weeks
trii, to Billings, Montana, and
other points of, interest in the
northwest ' .. . I -
(We have In our "Retail Dept.M menV 100" virgin wool ! suits, 1
men'g virgin wool topcoats, men' and boyi' woolen jackets and
cruisers, men's dress, uniform and sport shirts, men's extra trou
sers, men'g sport coats, men'i leisure jackets, also men'i soxr and
m Tf
I - i
(Final SaUr
. . j ; - . . ....'.- . . t . . '
Supper Party at ;
Prescott Home -' p
--- --.V.'-"
; ; The Sons of Union Veterans
- and auxiliary met at th Eugena
Prescott homo on' Oak street .
"Tuesday- night for st no-host y
supper. An Informal evening
f oUoWed wita Mrs. John Robins
V conducting a niestioi and an-,
V swer game-
-gav a reading and Mr. WV S.:
Biggerstaff led the? group In
ainging patriotic songs.
v;-Those attending were " Com
. mander and Mrs. O. P Adams,
Mrs. Ahna i McWhorter, Mrs.
Mary- E. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. s
j. A. Remuogton, Mrs. Edna
Waterman, Mr. and Mrs. C T.
"Reilly, Mrs. Hattle B. Cameron,
!mts. Lulu Tandy, Mrs. Clara
.McDerpy, Mrs. Pearl Upson,
Mrs. Florence Hoyt, Mrs. L. P.
- Bennett, Mr, and Mrs. E. R
.Perrine, Mrs, Mary IickeL Mr.
; R. A. Blevin, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- -:
gene Prescott Mrs. Ida Traglio,
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Birch, Mrs.
r Blanche Stewart, Mr. C Ray,
. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Garrett, Mr.
and Mrs. John Robins, Mr. and ;
Mrs. W. S. Biggerstaff and Mrs.
Effie Dunlap.
.' pFC and Mrs. Billy Gravetter
t the former -Patricia Scott) ara
visiting for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Townsend oil
D street They ra frm Everett,
TTf -11. n-ll f" '
IIID50 Uay;IODieil lllU IiD.
tee s
i -v
day,!.Gngusa iK
Broken Lines)
A Birthday
Mias Cathy Moran celebrated
her 18th birthday- at an infor
mal party Thursday night at the
home of her parents on Union
'gtreet. '.'"''..7;r t'.':"
A lighted birthday cake was a
feature of the refreshment hour.
The evening, hours were spent
Miss Moran's guests were Miss
Gloria and; Miss Barbara 'Mc
Clintock. Miss, Patsy Nlcken
Miss Madeleina Keene, Miss
Margaret Newton Miss Peggy
paxson. Miss Peggy Sears, . Miss
Joan Lochead, , Miss - Mariann
Croisan, Miss f Suzanne Small,
. Miss Joan Randall, Miss Miriam
Shellenberger, Miss Harriet Hus
ton, Miss Dorothy Bergsvik and
Miss Jane Carson.
Mrs. Benjamin M. Whlsenana
Is returning today from a two
weeks stay in Bend, where she
was the house guest of her hus
band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
E. Whisenand. The" Whlsenands
are' accompanying- their daughter-in-law
to Salem and will at
tend the launching of the U.S.S,
Glenn's Ferry in Portland Satur-
morninc ! The Whisenands
wil' be the weekend guests of
Royal Court apartment
. .. 260 So. 12th
Salem, Ore.
i :
.1' ; vV
I-;-., --",::!;