PAGE FOUBTCT Tt OREGON STATESMAN, Solcm. Oregon, Friday Morning. August 10. 1145 Stocks Gain With News of Soviet Entry NEW YORK, Au 9 -;P)- Wall .Street interpreted Russia's entry Into the Pacific war as. bullish today and ; stock market prices rose fractions io more than four points with about half the sharp jams tacked on in a last minute rally. , Of; 952 issues dealt in, 684 ad vanced, 144 declined and 124 were unchanged. The Associated Press 60 stock composite rose 1.3 points - tO. 6.34 ; . Higher were U. S. Steel, Youngs town Sheet, Chrysler, General Motors, Goodrich,, U. S. 'Rubber, Sears Roebuck,! Caterpillar Trac tor, Douglas Aircraft, American Airlines, Western Union "A", Americal Smelting, Westinghotise, U. S. Gypsum,) Southern Pacific, Radio Corp., Studebaker and in ternational Telephone. j Vanadium Corp. advanced to a new 1945 high of 3P.4 on ap point '-rise. ' It ; was the 7 third .cn secutiv peak.. The concern majces uranium used in atomic bombs Bonds dipped and then recov ered substantially with secondary rails in the fore. 3Iah Looks for Janitor on Top Of Wire, Jailed SEATTLE, An. 9.H7P)-Police patrolman E. R. Mills said he - : looked up today and saw a man balancing precariously on two 'power wires suspended 10 feet above an alley. "I j asked him what he was "doing- and he said he was look ing for the janitor," Mills re ported. ' t j The man was jailed on a charge of drunkenness. Salem Market Quotations The prices below! supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid! to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed bv The Statesman: BUTTKR, EGGS -AND POCLTR. (Subject to chance without notice) RUTTfcRFAT ; Premium , ;, , , , , M No. 1 i . J3 No. 2 .59 BUTTER KRLNTS A , .48 .43 - A6t .47 .. .42 .41 . M .26 n B Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums .... Standards Pullets J.. Cracks POULTRY No. 1 colored hens No. 2 colored hens Colored fry , 1 Jilt LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Spring lambs .ll',i Yearling lambs . i .7', a to .' Ewes : 4-...t -4'.a Cows, boners and cutters .04 to .06 'Cows, common ,.r-, ,;.,,' .06 to .075 Cows, top dairy L.t .075 to .083 Cows, beef type I 09 to Jl Veals : U 14 Bulls .1 to 41 For Sale! 100 Head Registered . Hampshire Ewes 18 mos. old. Picked from the best flock in Oregon. All sheep have ear tap and registration papers on them. j j ! Phone or Write J. C. Harrison ! Ely. Ore. ! 1 Ooiice E3op Pickers Busses Will Pick Up in Salem for Williams and Thacker's Eola Hop Yard Beginning al 6 A. II. I.'", '-t " AT - . CENTER AND COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL AND DIVISION COMMERCIAL AND MARKET COMMERCIAL AND JEFFERSON COMMERCIAL AND COLUMBIA COLUMBIA AND BROADWAY BROADWAY AND HOOD HOOD AND FAIRGROUNDS ROAD FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND JEFFERSON FAIRGROUNDS ROAD AND HUNT CAPITOL AND HOOD - CAPITOL AND UNION : CAPITOL AND CENTER , 20TH AND CENTER ' . 17TII AND CENTER ' 14TII AND CENTER -v j ,y:J- COTTAGE AND CENTER WEST SALEM, FOOT OF BRIDGE - SLOPER'S STORE CITY HALL , Xltlzh Papers f:r Cpcniso Dale imognps f.'f w W j , OOeial U. S. Ktrr Pbtto Plane handlers aid pilot of dam aged Navy Grumman Hellcat fol lowing crash landing on carrier. War Bonds helped pay for part3 needed to replace those shot away by Jap flak. U. S. Treasury Dcparimtal Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 9 (AP) Butter AA prints 46-46" ic: cartons 4614-47' 2c; A grade prints 45'a-46c; cartons i5'x-A53,c; B grade prints 45'a 45ic; cartons 46-46', ic Butterfat First quality, maximum of 6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 52-52,ic; premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53',; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-50',.C. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c; loaf 30.4c: triplets to wholesalers 275c; loaf 30.6c lb. delivered. Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 57c; A extra large 55c; A Urge 53c: A medium 48c; small (pullet) r 42-43c dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 31.6c; roasters over 31. lbs. 31.6c; Leghorns 28c; colored hens all weights 27c; old roosters and stags 23c lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Government takes sup ply, market nominal. Onions- Oregon dry No. 1, 2.85 50 lb. sack: Texas 3.90; coachella wax 3.50; red 3.25; yellow 3.23; green 1.05 1.10 doz. bunches. Potatoes New California No. 1. 4.00. sack; Irish Cobblers 3.85; Bliss Triumphs 3 85 sack; Yakima whites 3.65-3.75 crate. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-19,.c; vealers AA 22"4c: A 21',4C B 19'2c; S 15-17c; culls 12-lSc- beef AA 213,c; A 20Vc; B Wic; C 163,4c: canner-cutter cows 133!4-14c: bulls canner-cutters 14-1434c: lambs AA 26c: A 24Vjc; B 22ic: C 10 20c: ewes FS 13' ic; M 12c; R 103,4c. Wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry stock 27c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No 2 or better $34-35: oats vetch $24-25 valley points: timothy (eastern Oregon) $38.50; clover $21 ton. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. (API Wheat futures and cash grain un quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.49; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.50; white club 1.51; western red 1.51. Hard red winter; Ordinary 1.47Va: 10 per cent 1.50'a; 11 per cent 1.57; 12 per cent 1.64. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1.54; 11 per cent 1.57; 12 per cent 1.63. Today's car receipts: Wheat 89, bar ley 5. flour 5. corn 6, oats . 1, mill feed 8. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. (AP) (WTA) Salable cattle, total 250: calves 75; market active, steady: common-medium grass steers largely 12.00-14.50; cutters down to 10.00; common-medium heifers 10.00-13.50; . odd head to 14.25; canner and cutter cows 7.00-9.00; shells down to 6.00; fat dairy typo cows 10.00-50; medium-good beef cows 11.00-12.25; part load good young cows 13.00; medium sausage bulla 9.50- 1025; good choice vealers steady 14.00-15.00; sizable lot 343 lb. calves 13.00. Salable hogs 50. total 225: market active, steady; barrows and gilts 15.75; sows 13.00; good stags 13.00 with 70 lb. dock; no feeder pigs offered. Salable sheep 450. total 750; market Grain Futures Fairly Steady; Buying Heavy CHICAGO, Aug. 9 Cash grain buying by the commodity credit corporation resulted In a fairly: sjteady grain futures mar ket itodjiy, regardless., of parish war news. Russia's entry Into the war . against Japan depressed all markets) fractionally at the open ing but buying attributed to south west interests said to be fagainst sales of j hard winter wheat to the CCC, Steadied wheat andl other grains followed its lead, f At th close wheat was i high er to i lower than yesterday's close, ; September $1.654-. Corn was a to 4 lower, December $1.1614- Oats were ,' to ;l cent lower, September1! 6 Hi. Rye was V lower to higher, September $1.47-. Barley was '.' to lower, September $1.09. " Labor Sees Slight Drop WASHINGTON,! Aug. 9-(Jpy-Portland's industrial employment in May was 14 ier cent flower than in 1944 but 333 per cent higher than in 1937, the bureau of labor statistics said today, j The May figure was the lowest since September, . 4942. I Portland slow, steady to 25 cents lower with better grades off most; Rood - choice spring; lambs 12.50-13.00; common grades 9.00-10.50: good yearlings 10.00 50: medium - aood ewes mostly 5.50: common-medium grades 2.50-4 iO. DENVER SHEEP DENVER. Aug. 9 -l(AP) Sheep re ceipts 100; market active, alii classes steady i load medium - good 77 lb. Colorado spring lambs 14.00; , sorted 25 head at 12.75; good-choice; native truck Ins 14.00-85; medium - good 13.00-50: best ewes 6.75: good tot 6.50- 65; common-medium 6.25 down; . Stocks and Bonds August STOCK AVERAGES ! " 30 i 13 13 Indus Rails Util ' 00 Stks 63.3 64.0 64.4 66.9 54.5 f ' ! 10 Fogn 72.6 72.6 72.7 73.4 $7.8 Thursday 85.4 41.5 40.2 40.7 43.8 28.4 46.0 41.5 45.9 47J! 38.1 Previous day 84.0 Weelt ago 84.2 Month 1 ago 86.7,1 Year ago 73.4 1 BOND AVERAGES : 20 ; 10 10 . Rails Indus Util Thursday 99.8 103.6 107.2 Previous day 99.8 103.5 107.2 Week ago 100.0 ; 103.5 107.2 Month ' ago 101.3 104.2 107.7 Year .ago 90.2 105.2 106.4 "- Classified Advertising Statesman ! Classified Ads mm ' irk S' I Three insertions per linei..25c Sii insertions per Line 40c One' month per; line .$15 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No refunds. j Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion tor classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run undei the heading "Too Late to Classify." i- i The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors 'which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and Irr cases where this oaper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise meht in which the typographical mistake accurs. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. i y A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock ami Poultry; FOR SALE: Saddle horse, high spir ited, 8 yrs. old. 800 to 850 lb over hall Arabian. $165. Call at 1803 S. 12th. FOR SALE: Registered RomBey sheep; Smith Bros. & Gath stock. S bucks. ewes. 11 lambs. Are cutting xiock; must sell one or all. Dr. J. M. Raraage. Call 75i or 7244. V ; . I WILL BUY your cattle or sell on consignment. Stayton Auction Maiket, Arthur Lewin, Auctioner. s . , Legal Notice I i: EXECUTRIX NOTICE v I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NANCY E. SKEWIS has been, by or der Of the Circuit Court of Oregon for Marion County, appointed execu trix of the estate of NANCY M. BAL LARD, deceased. Any persons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, with : proper voucners. to said Executrix at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of wis notice. ; I DATED: July 20, 1945. ! NANCY E. SKEWIS. 6 Executrix of the Estate of : NANCY M. BALLARD, deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN i t SAM F. SPEERSTRA t s 310 Pioneer Trust BWg. j j Salem. Oregon t s Attorneys for the Estate. : Jly 20-27 A. 3-1017. Epop Pickers Help Harvest Crops J v Register How ! 'f-- . ."."'-:; J' !'. t 350 acres early and late hops. Picking begins last week in August. 'LAREBDOOK nop f Ann Eonte 1, Box 183 x-none z-zssi . Office: 1117 first National! Bank Bldx. i ' : Salem, Oreron S ; Livestock and Poultry FEEDER pigs $3130 each, i 1-yr. old pigs $12.50 each. Lawn mower $9. I. Z. Snethen, 2570 C Turner Rd 1 mi. N. of Kruejer Grocery. Ph. J134J. - ' 3-YR.-OLD Jersey-Guernsey heifer, milking a gala.. $45. 1st nous W. of Oak Knoll golf course on S. aide Salern Dallaa Highway. A. J. Beck. ) iBTiBBrrswANTro lbs. White. 24e lb., colored 22c lb live weight.' Rabb-t skins, best prizes. Wire stretcher and other supplies. Salem address, 60 Ratcliif Drive, phone 2-1330. Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co, 817 S E. Stark. SUN. 1722. i HIGHEST PRICES paid for rabbit skins. Also latest wire stretchers for sale. West Side Fur Co, West Salem. TRABtBlTSrATjTED ail slzstop piices. Largest rabbit headquarters in west Top prices for furs. Angora wooL Full line of supplies, fur stretch ers, remedies, hardware cloth, ready built hutches, and . breeding stock. Raise rabbits commercially, big pro fits. 84 page rabbit Journal on request. Harder Rabbit Farms. 3405 Cherry Avenue. Ph. 2-1234 or J-1882. ; WANTED: Beet ana canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm E. I Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road Ph 21345 Morns or eves i WANTED: Fresh and Springer dairy Cows and Heifers. Joe Burke. 270 Sil verton Rd. Ph. 2-4074. Hop Pickers Wanted 'OPERATE hopyard store and short order restaurant, best location on Hi way, in largest hop growing district. Money maker for right couple. You furnish restaurant equipment. Apply Loyde Hunnlcut. Hopville School cor ner. Route 2, 7 ml. S. E of Independ ence or phone Indep. 38F21. BOP PICKERS WANTED FOR EARLY & LATE HOPS. BUS TRANS PORTATION TO YARDS ONLY 7 MILES FROM SALEM. TO REGISTER, PHONE 8225, ASK FOR KOLA Mc CLFI.LAN. y' HOP PICKERS wanted between Aug. 18th and 20th. 120 acres early and late hops. Cabins, lights, wood furnished. Clean shady camp grounds. Register now. Mitoma Hop Ranch. Independ ence, Ore. Box 260. Phone 33F2. HOP PICKERS wanted for our yard 12 miles north of Salem. Picking be gins about Aug. 16. Phone 22347 or write Gervais. Oregon. Mission Bot tom Hop, Co. - , WANTED I 4000 HOP PICKERS i 250 FIELD WORKERS The largest crop we have ever grown. 700. acres early and late hops. - Cabins, lights, wood furnished in clean, shady camp grounds. Pickers buses to Salem. West Salem. Independence.! Dallas. Monmouth and other points if desired. REGISTER NOW WRITE OR CALL Eola Hop Yard. West Salem. Ore- phone 21331. L. H. Thacker. sunt. Wuhart Hop Farm, Uervais. Ore., phone 22-681. Ward Lundy. supt. McLaughlin Ranch. Independence, Ore., phone 27-F2. T( A. Bell. supt. Blihee Hop Ranch, Salem. Ore- phone 22631. Steve Vanhouten. sunt. Williams Ac Hart, branch office. Salem, Ore., phone 9253. HOP PICKERS WANTED Roberts Hop Yard 250 acres choice rrver bottom hops. 4 miles S.W. of Salem. Fine picking beginning aoout beptemDer I. oooo campground. line cabins, ur rree dus transportation to and from yard. Reg ister at our office. 147 North Commer cial! St.. or write ( JOHN J. ROBERTS CO. Salem. Oregon i Phone 9623 HOP PICKERS wanted, starting Aug. 20. Almon Winn. Rt. 1, Jefferson, on Salem, Buena Vista Rd. WANTED: HOP pickers. Early and late hops. Cabins, lights, wood fur nished. Store on grounds. Starting Aug. 15th. Mission Bottom near Wheatland ferry. Better known as Fred Viesko farm. John Bushman, Gervais, Ore. Help Wanted Bean Pick ers I'. MI. S. OF W. STAYTON ON MARION - STAYTON ROAD. TENTS WOOD. STOVES FURNISHED. WILL MOVE YOU OUT AND BRING YOU EACK. W. H. HATCH, RT. 1 AUMSVHJLK BEANPickerTwin picking. Gas available. 2 mi. on Wal lace Rd. R. P. Barnwell, Rt. 1, Box 201. Ph. 2-3263. BEAN Pickers wanted. Register now. Write J. F. Wikoff. Rt 6. Box 353B. Salem. Ore., or come S miles east on Sil verton highway, turn right 2nd road past Middle Grove school l'a miles. DISHWASHER wanted. The Mead ows, 340 State. GROCERY Clerk. Ph. 7323. 185 N. High. Apply in person. WANTED 2000 hop pickers. Harvest starts the latter part of August 500 acres of high trellis hops. Coot shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children furnished free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and restaurant on grounds. Register in person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEM ENS HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. ORK ! GROCERY CLERKS wanted. No ex perience necessary. Good pay to start and while you train. Excellent oppor tunities for men or women who can Sualify. See Mr. Miller, Safeway Stores district Office. i Help Wanted Male $ Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by era ployers advertising in this section ! WANTED: ! Experienced mechanic for all around cannery work. Call 8898 after 7 pjn. Or Royal Canning Co. at Silverton during day. CLERK wanted at Fitta Market I WANTED: Part time doorman. Apply In person. Grand Theatre. t 1-. The Oregon Journal wants local man for branch cire. manager position. If you desire a permanent job and can work with men and boys please con tact Jack Walters, Room 408, Senator, or 433 Ferry St. Salary, bonus and ear mileage bails. '.'; . - h WANTED by Spokane Portland and Seattle Railway Company, brakemen and switchmen. Experienced. Age 18 i to 80. Inexperienced,' Age 18 to 43. Inexperienced men , will be paid while qualifying.. For information in- Suire local Oregon Electric Railway gent. x i EXPERIENCED Man Grocery Clerk wanted. Steady position. Ph. 7335 294 H. Com! , Uanlcfl, Ilalian Primes! Hithest Cash Prices Paid for Italian Prunes NOW SIGNING CONTRACTS Helloy FarquLnr &;Co. Front and Norway Sta, Finahcial . Tlelp Wanted Male YOTTNG Man arttwiv la m . work in fruit eV vegetable dept. Ex perience unnecessary. Saving Center. Portland: Rd. . . ' PAINTERS WAlirTED Must hm real mechanic Nnn need . apply. Exoi foreman F. O. Repine Co- 2585 Portland Roar! SOY. 16 Team Bid ar nM -v from 2.30 to 5:30 In the mornings. With uua nuuis ii wdum average aoout 2S to 30 hours per week. Good pay. See Mr. Clark at Statesman office. YOTTNC MAM nr hn .rllh Cce experience five days week; $100 a month State experience. P.O. Box 308., i MAM Ta eiit Mnit, tu mj N. Comt . , i .1 .,, MIDDLE Aped Mrmntw ai iurm work.. Pleasant working ' conditional monthly: salary. - . huuu EKUS. 1- 260 STATE DAIRYMAN capable of suDervisine Jersey herd and ' training boys in dairy work (110 plus maintenance. No family. Oregon State Training School. Woodburn. i BODY MEN and mechanics. Herrall- Owens Co. MAN to work in plant. Mayflower Milk. 910 S. Com't; . WANTED: Men to work in ceme tery.. Call at 290 Wj Hoyt or Ph. 8852. Help j- Wanted Female A WOMAN WH5 WOULD LIKE TO SELL MERCHANDISE IS NEEDED FOR AN ATTRACTIVE, WELL 4 PAID POSITION. EXPER IENCE DESIRABLE, BUT NOT NEC ESSARY, IF YOU HAVE A PLEAS ANT PERSONALITY. AND ARE WILLING TO LEARN. . J. C. Penney Co. j Inc. SALESLADY wanted. Young woman with some selling experience to sell shoes and purses, i Apply Paramount Shoe Store, 405 Court St. WANT lady dinner took. Day shift. Sundays off. Good j wages. 1241 State. , HOUSEKEEPER wanted for elderly man. Good wages. All modern con veniences. 293 S. 21st St Phone 6659. WOMAN for gcnl. . housework. Stay nights. Ph. 7498. i WOMAN to do housework and care for children. 771 Rosemont. W. Salem. SOMEONE to care for children in my home days. Ph. 2-1863. WANTED: Experienced seamstress to teach sewing and hand work at girls' institution. Good ' .salary, room and board. Ph. 23022.' I LADY ; wanted for housework one day each week. Ph. 7491. USHERETTES over 18, full or part time. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. WAITRESS, day or night shift. 232 N. high, Senator Food Shop. WOMAN cook in private boarding house. Hours 5-7 p.m. 601 N. Winter St. WANTED: Girl for stenographic and office work. Phone 5405 evenings. . YOUNG Woman to watch warehouse office and answer phone 8 to 12 A.M. Mon. to Fri. incl. 50c hour. Call in person at 2698 Portland Rd.. near Valley Pack. Co., Thurs. or Fri. from 11 to 12 A.M. j WANTED First f class stenographer in law office at good salary. Applicants write letters stating age, experience, prospects of permanency, telephone number and address. Send letters to Box 69; Statesman, t WAITRESS, night shift: also comb, waitress. day shift. No Sundays. Bright Spot Cafe, 360 Center. EXP. waitress wanted, day shift No Sundays.. Dew Drop Inn. 363 Court. ' YOUNG woman j or girl with some office experience. .Five days a week. $100 a month. State experience. P.O. Box 308.; , S . Experienced waitress Apply Shang hai Cafe, mk N. jComT. af ttt i P Ji. EXPERIENCED Waitress, good hours and wages. Permanent. Pades Coffee Shop; 1241 State st . WAITRESS wanted. The Meadows. 340 State St j EXPERIENCED Waitress. The Spa. , EXP. waitress for part time work Saturdays and Sundays. The Spa. FOUNTAIN GIRL; The Spa. WOMEN HELP- WANTED at City Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1243 State St i t Salesmen Wanted EXPERIENCED food salesman, mar ried, with home In Salem. Must own car and furnish bond. Good salary. ear mileace Ac expenses. Permanent position. Real opportunity for the right man. Apply by letter giving record of past experience age & pnone numoer. Write to Box 70 Statesman. BEST OF OPPORTUNITY EARNING 3ftft TO 8400 AND UP PER MONTH. CALL BETWEEN? A.M. AND 4 PM. 403 OREGON BU3G. WE Will tnterview men at once for two positions as service salesmen. Ser vice station or garage experience help ful but i not necessary. If you are not set now for a postwar future you will be interacted. Good pay, an ex cellent chance tot advancement Apply in person only to Mr. Kingan. Fire stone Store. Center Liberty Sts. ; Situations Wanted WILL ear for children lh my home, days. 1163 N. ltfh. Ph. 4961. L WANTED: Day: work. CSX S. 23th. Ph. 8451 or 5043.1 c . : r Telephone 21UJ - Ill ODE ST MAIDENS ' . . : Tiftbant U. t hM Ola ' -! "He wants vie to send him some hair tonic. Everybody else in his outfit lias givmt a beard. Situations Wanted WILL care; for elderly lady in my home. Phonei 8713. ; PAINTING! by hour Or contract P. M. Dodd, 1511 N. 13th. Ph. 9165. PreSchool Playschool; 1381 State Ages 2-8 Part or all day. Ph. 8430.; Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU j APPLY TO General Finance Corp.! Quick j Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with! all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. : Telephone 9168 State Lie. (S-138) 136 S. Commercial St Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for ; new and used cars et trucks regardless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. I to IS jnonths to repay. ' Aflei 3. o'clock onone 3361 or II 14: tor appointment 1 ROY H. SIMMONS j Regulated by state PRIVATE MONEY ; 131 S Com! ! St Phone 9168 M 132 AUTO LOANS Use your car as security. No long rtgamarole. Prompt, private service $18.08 per mo. repays in 12 months $180. Come in, or save time by 'phon ing m your application. When approv ed make lust one trip and pick up your cash Immediately. Personal Finance Co. Room 125, Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg ll State St Phone: Salem 311 Uc S-122 M-163 . $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loan Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 212 Guardian Bldg. Salem lie. S 218-M 222 Auto Loans :' Willamette Credit Co. I STH 1 FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UCKNSX W. M 130 For Sale Miscellaneous; TABLE Model Radio; lawn mower; elec. vacuum; small elec. washer; unit elec. plate; Iron; luggage; chrome chairs, etc. 1630 Roosevelt to 8:30 pjn. 10 TONS baled oats and vetch $24 ton. - Stored near Macleay. Pioneer Trust Co, Salem. MARSHALL Wells outside white paint. j s RAWLTN3 HDWRE. tc FURNITURE ANTHONY dump bed, 9 yd. 1395 N. Winter St See Sunday. j 1840 PHTLCO 'console 8 tube radio. 657 N. 20thj. - :nnn', KAYAC boat frame $5. Albert B flat clarinet good cond. $10; ping pong Uble $15, 2165 N. Church. Ph. 8847. 3-BURNER gas range; cir. wood stove: wool rug BlixlCi: small rugs; 2 pillows; wall mirror; carpenter tools; lawn mower; hose; wheel barrel; step ladder; all sizes fruit Jars; garden tools. 840 Hood St Ph. 8353. MATCHED set antique marble top table and chest- Ph. 6636. j LOVELY! BLACK CARACUL eoat size 18. like new., Box 71 States man. . i - ' ' ! ' S MEN'S bicycles, like new. (773 - -----I. ---I- it-. C-O-TWO FTRX EXTINGUISHERS i e RECHARGE SERVICE ( 1 I WELDERS FOR RENT 1 Ox-acetylene or electric ! VALLEY i WELDING SUPPLY CO. : 197 S. Commercial - GIRL'S pre-war bicycle. Ph. 344. UPRIGHT PIANO. 672 Breys Ave. : PUREBRED German Shepherd pups, descendants of Rin Tin Tin k PhfeifXer International champions. t REILOC KENNELS ! Rt 8, Box til . : Salem. Ore. - RADIOS 820 and up. Good cond. Call mornings or eves. 1173 N. 4th. i NEW t wheeled trailer, ball socket hitch. Heavy duty 6 ply tires. Rt 4, Bx. 170A, Rose dale Dist Hubert Evans. txU Wnton rug $50. Phone 6205. HOUSE for sale at 652 N. Front To be moved from lot $1000. Inq. Oregon Motor Stages, 638 N. Front St. , . sj w. rp (w, , For Sale -Miscellaneous Ozone machine. 263 S. ComL or Ph. 3205. TRAILER house, elec. stove & heat er, cooking equipmt, beds. 95 N. 5th St TO Give away to good home, lovely dark Persian kitten, well trained. Mrs. Watts.. Rt 4. Box 71 E. Ph. 22922. SLAPPY and-Golden Jubilee can ning peaches in now. Puritan Cider Wks.. W. Salem. 3 LOTS in North Salem addition. Will accept car. as part payment. Inq. 2054 N. Church. NAVY blue . suit size 16. like new, $15. Ph. 6354. - . ' " SOLID used doors $1.25 each; misc. windows 50c up; new 1938 Dodge ra diator $30.00; airplane type shock ab sorbers for car; blue upholstered dav eno bed 30". $15.00: upholstered spring filled pre-war chair $20.00; occasional chair $7.50. Ph. 8l. Aumsville. Rt 1. Box 117 8 to 10 thousand capacity sawmill. Saws 12 to 12 ft logs. Hollinsworth & Shreve. 20ft Ash St Ph, 145J. Dallas. THE Best In unfinished furniture. Large assortment at PICKETT'S CO OP FURN.. 13th it. State. ALL TYPES Eave Troughs FURNACES INSTALLED" AND REPAIRED Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S - 12th St. Salem. Oregon. Phone 5391 WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios, guitars, trunks, furniture and household goods. SUN DALES, 293 N. Com'L Ph. 3698 WatkinS Prod. RtJ6. Bx. 574. Ph .2-2413 ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rent 1 - 9, -Pu-'h -p.n -8:a45 p Bo 453 SAND. Gravel, crushed. Ready-Mix concrete. Two-unit Septic Tanks. Sew er Pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO 1403 N. Front St Ph 3417. , T FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P 8357 EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes.1 See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 313 N. Liberty. i STOVE repairing at parts. Woodry's Mkt, 1603 N Summer St CUPBOARD, buffet kitchen cabinet, couch. 2785 Brooks St VICTORY man's bicycle, $24. Phonii 2194. , j - FORDSON tractor, priced ! to sen. Motor recently overhauled. Call eve nings at Rt 3. Box 742. Liberty Dist PARRAKEETS. linnets, cages. Ph. 6859 after S pjn ' PREWAR davenport, oak: dining table with 6 leather-bottom chairs, white enamel wood range. Ph. 1143. 1705 N. 17th. -,..!.. BALLOON-TIRED bicycle, $30; dav enport $35: La-Z-Boy chair and otto man. $25; single laundry tub. $1.50; cupboard, bins tt drawers. $10t leather cushion oak rocker, $5; . window sash. $ L P hone 3804. ; : OIL FURNACES Kresky Oil heating furnaces.! Smoke less and efficient heat See agent 1929 N Liberty. Ph. $355. j THAn.rRS for rnt BOe nr Woodry's Mkt, 1805 N. Summer. LAWN MOWER Sharpening . & Ad rusting. . Woodnr V Mkt, 160$ N. Summer St WILL Buy for cash, sell or trade, guns, ammunition, scopes, trailer & outboard. Don Madison, 590 No. High. ALWAYS a b $toc- - V 7.."""" Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. gut 3 PHASE l'a HP motor. Quincy f ft air compressor, new. Ph. 9698. - Used Welding Machines Llncolns. WUsons,' Bob arts. Marquettes. Also Rod. Hoods. Leads and Stingers, . Reasonably priced. Without Priority Contact: Stat Division of Vocational axiucauozv Koom iua, Stat Library Building. Salem, Oregon. Phone: 4171. Extension 279. - WE Buy J. sen furniture, tools, wto, luaom, Hioun-a, rauuos, a-ieetrie appliances, houhold goods. KLIQ MAN'f. 265 N Commercial Ph. t4U. FOR SALE Baled oats - and vetch hay. Close in. Phone 4359. WOOD . COAL enamel range, like new, eu. ua avearney. CHOICE Gladiolus at the garden. wa-uuuui, w. aajem. SINGER SEWING CENTER We now have a fw , .m ov. treadle sewinf machines available. 5 - Classified For. Sale-"3IiaccllnfOii REG. BLACK COCKER t n rhia rfoa-'s last litter sold for over 1250. A real money maker. Also large well built dog house. 146J N. Cora l. St 2. ESKIMO kyak. 13-ft PX 4205. . ; Wanted Miscellaneoua WANTED: Trie vela, .medium size. Rose Naftzger. 393 W. Cleveland St. Woodburn. Ore. , cunr. THeTrl ta r trad for laraer one. Wll pay difference. Ph. 7172. . ., HARMONICA WANTED for service man. Mrs. Arnold Phillips, Turner. Ore Box 261.1 . ! BRAIDED RUG WANTED ! M.i..kiniul h.iu. hraidel wool rug about. 8x10, urgently wanted. Ph. 7450 evenings. -GOOD oil circulator Aug. 13th." Box 64 SUterman, We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE W ILL A M ETTK V A1XC x . HIGHEST PRICES PAUJ IUS USIU ; Pianos ; . Furniture and Appliance Can 9149 for appointment HOGG BROS. : - a8 sut-s --- --- CASH for used Diana at o trier mu tieal InstrumenU Call 4641 days. IS37 evenings or send description so Jaquith Music Co. isi s utgn. WANT electric plate. P. O. Box 134. REFRIGERATOR WANTED. Ph 5901 WANTED. PIANOS. Will pat cat h. Willi Musie Store 432 State St USED FURNITURE. Ph. 9185. WAITED. Pianos, Tillman', Ph. 870T WANT TO ; Buy. Oseo cameras Is lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 Stat. IF YOU have furniture to sell i Russ" Bright Ph. 751L 453 Court CASH for vour used furniture. Ph. 7596. Mate St Furniture. 1900 State. Miscellaneous TAILORING, alterations and repair ing. OK Cleaners. 1140 N. Capitol St Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE D MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair, DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & Com. Ph. 3311 VETERANS Information service b Dis. Amer. Vets. Ph. ' A. L. Brewster, 4339. or call at Chamber of Commerce Mon., Tucs., Wed, 1 to 4 pjn. For Rent Rooms' COMF. ROOM, family home. Men. No transients. 1465 State. RM. for empL man. Ph. 4498. For Rent Houses FOR RENT 3-room. unfurnUlied houve. Adults only. No animals. Ph. 21913. For Rent GOOD Used Piano 1 n L SUft BUS. bldg.-garage $25. Ph. 5222. TRUCKS i for rent ! Yati nv. M. Cun Lovea jhone 9800. rUXJR SANDER (or rnt Uont. gomery Ward. . .j BULLDOZER. Ph ,M"3, Mnnmnuth Ore. i f . f Wanted to Rent VETERAN and family want house or apt . rum. .or unfurn. Will gladly do repair wora. f n. 703. Mr. Bunch. WANTED: Listings of dweUinm. apartments and board and room avail able for rent to school teachers. Phono 0137 Public School Administration Of fice, j j. WANTED l-bMhrnm nwwt Vii,.. north, by Sept 1. Phone 9910 eves, or 5722 nays. Mr. Evans, SMAT.T. furn. nnma or int far ,fnli couple. Permanent Ph. 8714, 2 OR S-bedim, furn. or unfurn. home. minor repair guaranteed. Permanent none aeza. . t r . t 1 or S bdrm. film nr unfiirn Imiiu Ph. 6518. j i - ; w.v. tin i arc. shop. Phone 3-1735. Apt. 1. : 9 AT S Rtrm eitrn hr .mfitn, An or house for manager of local store. Reliable, permanent family. Ph. 351 X 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. houaat. Refa. Ph. 7373 or 321L I For Sale Real Estate GOOD LOT East Ph. MO. store room. Garage, large lot. fruit and nut trees. On bus line. $4i00 cash. -ROOM rrmdern iuMi ' ii..i"."n. garage. 1143 Marion, Owner. rm, D rm. kitchen ic bath, full basem-'t Kij iraja, aura aawaust heat. Tw blks from bus tc store. Olson V Reeve. Realtors 45 B. ComT. Ph. 4590. . Eve $53 3 BED ROOMS NORTH i BSS0O Inr this wtm v.. FuU basement . furnace, plastered, wired for range, garage. S stoves go With this Place. A vmvt hnii, n someone. CaU - L -v 3210 EURT PICHA, REALTORS " 337 North High Street 3 ROOM house, lot 60x144. unfinUh d, $30. Inquire 1105 Vermont until PJM- t to PJd. BY flWNTP. Cnt.n I M hous. Lrg lot $3550. ideal for wora- "r jueriy coupi. 1H10 S. 12th. 3210 BTJRT .PICHA. REALTORS . MODERN S rm. s house. FlrepUce. hardwood floors, full . basement, ga rage, near schools, on bus line. By Owner. $73 Breys Ave. . BEDROOM RECENTLY built hous on lajj lot in So. Balem. 1 bedrooms up with wash basin and toilet and full bathroom tlown. hardwood floors, wired for raru?e, elec. water heater, part base njent Karage, price $5850.00, Terms. . S M. EARLE OR VICK BROS. '""' tS North bih,Stret .- ..--, ,- ,5 , . , ,.,,, . ... . t