The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 10, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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Tie OmXSOIT CTATESMJUL Coltsfc .Ongoo' Ttfiay Morclng. August 10. 1843
Lt (Jr) Kenneth McCubblns, t,
. USNR, rontej one,-Dallas, Ore.,
pilot of an ; Avenser . torpedo
plane, pictured aboard one of
the navy's Essex class carriers
t In the Pacific Just before re
! turnlnr to the U. 8. on leave.
Official V. i-E. Navy'Photo
traph.). j ;f
Corporal Pletka Home
SCIcT . Cpl. i Robert X. Pletka,
son of Mrs. Lupy Pletka, is here
from Harvard, Neb, oh a brief
furlough. Cpl. Earl Archer, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Archer of
this city, is reported due for fur
lough. Archer, in the regular army,
has been serving overseas for
some time. His! wife and small
daughter reside: in Scio.
s -
Flisht Officer Donald A. McBain,
? son of Donald I McBain of 475
N. Summer, and husband of
Mrs.. Margaret . E. McBain,
r" route .7, box 159. both of Sa
lem, who recently was gradu
ated from the Hondo Army air
field's flight engineer course
at Hondo, Tex.
neth E. Swingle, 820 Garden road,
Salem, Ore, is a member of th
1786th engineer parts supply com
pany which has played an impor
tant part in the efficient operation
of the world's longest "supply line,
whichr flows through the India
Burma theater into China." The
1788th has been commended for
its efficiency, in receiving, storing
and issuing engineer supply parts
to all sections of the theater as
well as to the China theater.
ii Men on Petrof Bay
ix:w r
jr -W:. .3V ' n r
Oregon men on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Petrof
Bay, on which they are servinr in the Pacific, are (front row, left
to right): Donald J. Perry, Slc, route 1, Lebanon; Luverne C
Wallan, Slc, Bend; David E. Fox, radarman lit, Wlllamlna;
Frank J. Myalony, EM3c, Tlgard; (second row) Delmar L.
Shaw, boatswain's mate 2e, Portland; Louis ' Chvalovsky, boats
wain's mate 2c; Charles C. Moolton, EM2e, Portland; Kollin
A. Sallander, radarman Sc, Portland.
f";v- --f, r"'
' -1 r ,
Lt. S. E. Orcutt
Wins Air Medal
BASE, India First Lt Samuel
X. Orcutt, pilot, of 1040 N. Church
st, Salem, Ore., has been award
ed the air medaL it was an
nounced by Brig. Gen. William
H. Tunner, commanding general
of .thef; India-China division, air
transport command. Tho award
Was mad upon completion of 250
hours of ; operational flight in
transport aircraft over the dan
gerous and difficult India-China
air routes, where enemy intercep
tion and attack was probable and
expected. The award was made
for tho period of service from
Jan. 11, 1945 to June 1, 1945.
I".'' t 1 ? '
pa, Texas -(Special)- Allan A.
McBae, route two, Salem, Ore,
received his silver pilot's wings
and was commissioned a second
lieutenant In the army air forces
upon I completion of his twin
engine advanced training at this
Top Texas unit of tho AAF
ooatral fljina training 00m-
mand. T-f-r- J - jv
"Commando Came ; !
Ends In Shooting 1
PORTLAND, Aug. 9. -(ff)- A
game o f'nimando'! played with
a rifle .and two knives resulted
in the fatal . shooting of Robert
O. Turner, seven, today. .- '
Police said Mrs. Rosemond Rob
bins admitted her older daughter;
nine-year-old. Elrayv shot the boy.
She said the children thought the
gun waS not loaded.
- M.. 1 PV1TV ww-.. .... . ..
Flame Thrower Glasses Start at Adair
Crew Flagman Drowned
REEDSPORT, Aug. .-P)-State
police and railroad officials specu
lated today that a ! bridge crew
flagman missing since noon Tues
day may have drowned In the
Umpqua river. 1 ' ) S
The boy,' Raymond Powell, 18,
Bell, Calif,; was last seen near his
.cabin post, Southern Pacific of
ficials said, His signal flag was
found In the stream. " ! f
Lt, Col. Patch
Thrice Honored
In India-Bnrnla
INDIA BURMA Triple honors
in recognition of outstanding com
bat and administrative achieve
ments have been awarded to Lt.
Col. Horace Wendell Patch, 25,
husband of Mrs.
Helen R. Patch,
585 N.I Summer
st, Salem, Ore.
Ma. Gen. How
ard C. Davidson;
commanding gen
eral of tho Tenth
air force, within
a few weeks of
one another. . an-
Patch's promo-
ttnn in TtrMnt
rank, the award T'
of the. bronze star medal, and the
first oak leaf cluster to the air
medaL ;
Serving as assistant operations
officer i jn the Tenth's staff, his
citation! for the bronze star em
phasizing "high ability and un
ceasing devotion to duty In plan
ning tactical mission for combat
units." I Col. Patch had already;
won the air medal, and for furth
er combat flight,, of practically
every type, he has been decorated
with the oak leaf cluster.
The colonel has been In the!
army for five years, having come
to the India-Burma theater 12,
months ago after attending the,
with 28-pound salmon In the
c.tfam recently and 1 emerged;
with nd more'damage thanom-j
bat fatigue and exposiUvanka ;
to reinforcements in the form M
TSet William McMaster and T L
Robert Sargent, aiso ra uu
who helped Wliungnam -two-hour
battle after the wccea-i
ful fishermen haa imauy ss
the fish by the tail. A knife to
the hands of Masters, who waded
in up- to his necK, gave.uie vwf
d'grace. .. . '
: ' -4
POA, Ft Shafter, TJL--CpL H,
Kreft, 40, of 585 S. Jlst st, Salem,1
Ore has been returned, under:
the army's readjustment program.;
to the continental unixea owvemi
from the Pacific - ocean - area
command ;Of Lt. uen. ttooer w
Richardson, Jr. He has been over
seas .39 months. v " ,; ,
Probably the record ride In tha
Pony Express was made by Robert
Haslam, knowrr as "Ponj'Bob,
who rode 120 miles m Navada in.
eight, hours and ten minutes.
Five men at Cams ' Adair are shown entUiur loose with flame throwers all at once, while range
cadremen stand beside to assist, and correct them, Hen standing to the rear are awaiting their
tura U Are. (AGF News photo). : ".'i .;: :- : . .t'.
CAMP ADAIR, Aug. i-(Spe-eial)-
Four-hour courses ot In
struction lil the use of the spectac
ular flame-thrower have 'opened
on the range near the main can
tonment here. All phases are
taught and ' supervised -by . the
range's highly skilled enlisted cad
remen, with the safety factor
stressed as much as the weapon's
destructive' power. ' I
i ;
Depot , cadremen here hold 41
decorations, including; a congres
sional medal of honor (Lt Ernest
R. Dervishlan), ; a distinguished
army air forces staff course in
Washington, D. C He attended
both Willamette university' and
Oregon State college.;
Harold G. Ilamm
Wins Commendation -From
Adm. Nimitz
i j . . :
Harold G. Hamm, 22, quarter
master 2c, USNR, son of Mr. and
.Mrs. H. D. Hamm of 471 King-
wood, Salem, has
been awarded a
letter of com
mendation i with
ribbon by Fleet i
Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz "for
outstanding per
formance while
serving as quar
termaster . . 4
which contrib-i
uted . . directly
to the sinking
of, enemy BhipS H. G- Hamm
totaling over 23,000 tons." The
commendation said his work on
the bridge "relieved his com'
manding officer j of the distrac
tion of watching escort vessels
while launching 'attacks. The
presentation was made by Capt
G. E. Peterson, commander of - a
submarine squadron, at a subma
rine base In the Pacific, i
Student Was
SEATTLE, Aug. t - JP) - Claud
Havens, -former Washington state
liquor board enforcement cldef,
declared tonight Bernard Foley,
jr, 22, whose bullet punctured
body was found yesterday new a
country road, must have teen
killed by hired gunmen In the
employ of .a bootleg liquor ring.
; "It's the only way it could have
happened," said Havens, who had
employed Foley as an undercover
investigator of black market whis
key dealings for six months.
County detectives refused to
comment on the case tonight
; ; j ' j i ; ; l- ; I : . ; . j-- ;
service cross (Capt Walter Tym-
niak), four legion of merits, v six
silver stars,' eight bronze stars, 18
purple hearts, two croix de guerre
and one croix do guerre with sil
ver star.' ; i ';: .
Twenty-six enlisted WACs and
24 enlisted men of headquarters
company have been awarded the
good, conduct medal for exemplary
behavior, efficiency and fidelity,
The third issued the attractive
"AGF News," published by the
army, ground forces replacement
depot number 4, : has a series and
pictures on Corvanis headed "If
you want a nice place to go, try
the Corvallis USO." R
-' ' - . .
- First Lt Allen B. Brown, sr In
formation and education officer
of the first regiment and veteran
of world war I, had a reunion
here recently with his son. Second
Lt Allen B. Brown, Jr, leader of
the patrol which captured Hein
riji Himmleis summer home in
an Alpine town, who Is on a 30
day leave from Camp Beale, Calif.
They had not met for 16 months.
PFC. Clifford Willingham, hdq.
Holiday, Aug.
;i '' -1 -
In Person
One Block North of Underpass
on Road to Portland
Final proljajB
2 Expend
Cesl ncrliisfj ccsdiliszs.
yipply In Pcrsca Baturdaj A. II. titer
.6'-'"' ,
i It Mil
164 6. Conracrcial
I j Friday - Saturday inondiiyM j
Plug 120 Federal Tax I 1 . ' I Pins 20 jFederal Tax
itimsmSLaLmfiiimpmfs ZjmL'mii.minmmimtMK ftmmiJammUmmeSSSS
- I ' j 1 I .-..;- ; -;.-.-! ,--( . :.'! -M- .- :
EzmEZ&SmBSmmSSm pg-taMffimirrOT B.mmxijaum.JiM&ma
iLli -Ui-iJ i SetS Our Special Group 1 I ' 1 ' 1
L.,, .ii,u,r.jMll.i...f .,iLvBjAiaJ i . uv i : 7v,a,.m LyvJ-'.i.uwrTrmntt niiLa
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i a w yfel
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Spbadlllcdnciions oh'Al! Stumer
Sprkj fend Snnner Gccis O2I7 ca Sole! v
429 Court Street
.; 1. ','
Sal era, Oreirca
- r
1 . ' - i " , - "" s - !;s . '" ;
but tho price lag cayo
Your hot mokes o big differencel
So get under a BRENT this fall and
enjoy that million dollar look that
comos with BRENTS genuine fur
felts,- expert craftsmanship, 1 945
styling and amort now fall shade!
1 - A I
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ontgomery Ward