! ' V r ( ' I ! ' r t ' 1 ! ; i v. 1; l If i ; f i i . : i : i . j- ' ' . ' j ; : .... ; . ' r -r-'-- . I : . ! I . ; ' : ' .-!, : ; . :. . . ; : f: v As t : . i . PACE SIT 1 ' f j . I " ' :f 1 i '. . . : , . Ih OREGON STATESMAN. &J.m. Cqcn. TWar Morote MT 31. 1845 Wedding to I - K CkrVins I .mg to 'Be Event Of Fall At the Sunday r,ftcrnoon tea lor'ivhich Mb. Henry Kayser was hostess jin honor of her daughter, MUsb Betty Lou Kay ju?r. bride-elecjt of Mr. Wayne L. ' Weston, " United States coast J- guard, pe-tt-s ; vas revealed that ; the" couple Willi be married in the i early Malls.'". 'Clever announcer i inert cards,' bearing individual I pu ure3 ;V life" conple, told the news, i Misi Kuth McCall parsed j the' announcements. ; .' ' CJueyts called bctvy een 3 and 5 ? o'clock. VMissj Kayser and her 1 mother reoeiyed informally in the i living , room. For her an i r.ouiicement parly the bride-to- , bervore,a pastel blue chiffon- gown and a ( rosebuds .and corsage of white gladioluses.; Mrs, a b I a.c k . chiffon ;. Kaysej" wnre gown and -her -flowers, were t h it e gardenias and gladioluses.1 f i Thc occa.ion. also marked the , 46th w e d ding anniversary of j Mti. Kayser's parents, Mr. and ; Mrs. C. F. Valentine of Salem. fMi.-m Luella Kidiols opened the ' doqr nx Mijji Dorothy - McCall 1 passed the guest' book. Assisting about the rooms were Miss Lil lian Kayser, Mrs. Else Allen and ' Mrs. Albert Klein. The table (centerpiece was a' A miniatuue bride and groom on a stairway witli four bridesmaids and two flouj-er girls holding tiny bouquet of flowers. Tall whrte tapers! guarded the ar ia ngement. Bouquets of summer nowers were used about the Jack Henry and rooms. Mrs, Mrs. Robert Jones presided at the; urns.' Serving were Mrs. Lloyd Myerr Miss Doris and Miss Dora Barrett and Miss Janet Davidson. I . The 'couplers engagement was " announced in! April. The1 bride-to-be is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kayser and Mr. Wes ton j is the son of Mrs. Lorna Weston. Mr. Weston is stationed in Alameda, (Calif. Miss Kayser -graduated from Salem high school in June and her fiance at tended Salem schools until his enlistment. f Sugarlelss Pickle Recipe Given Here's a request recipe, .whieh, frankly, we haven't tried. We suggest thatou go a bit easy on the saccharin, tasting tht brine for sweetness. An over. amount f saccharin tastes bitter. It is , 500 times iweeter than sugar, Vt- grain tablet tablet equals a teaspoon of augar jin sweetness, 1 j teaspoon of pow dertd aacchafin equals approxi mately 9 teaspoons sugar. 1 PICKLES WITHOUT SUGAR 1 Eallon vinerar ti teaspoons saccharin 1.14 cup gait j 1 2 tablespoons mustard " 1 teaspoon powdered alum Mix dry Ingredients and add to vinegar. Place cucumbers in Jari. Cover with liquid and ieal cold. These pickles wiU keep in definitely. Fox mixed pickles ad4 cauliflower, celery, pimien toa and spices. If a few are to be made at ; a time, mix the liquid and seal, using as needed. ( . j . ! UUim& Mrs. Key Edcerton r 'Vacationing at Nelscott and ether. points I along the Oregon coasL M Todays Menu Tomato paste, to be found in many grocery stores, gives flavor o,um meatless dinner dish. ! j Spiced beet salad -3 Spaghetti with tuna fish ! j Spinach '; Peach shortcake i . . I SPAGHETTI WITH -ij'f TUNA FISH SAUCE ; j t-ounce cackace jrra?httl 1 dove garlic 1.8-ounce can of tuna fish 1 onion, chopped I 1 small can tomato paste S cups water ? Salt and DeDDer ' Drain oil from tuna fish anrl hert oil In a heavy skillet Add ouoa and saute until a light crown, aooi tomato paste. Mix well and add water. Cook down to about 2icups.' Add tuna fish and aeasoninss and heat thmmrh Meanwhile took spaghetti for nine minutes in two quarts noil in water to which the garlic clove has been added. Drain. Discard garlic clove and add to tuna lisn mixture. Mix thor oughly and serve immediately. , " , Head the warning your I - i - j , . - I I .. n Tit . i 'Si y give you- whenv f ,' i,iomething'$ wrong."; ; Take immediate step to) , . make it nht . . Ir VJ: MM' n DR HARay, A. EROWN c 1 Optometrist ; ! 1S4 N.; Liberty St Society . . . dubs -l&PC19 1 : '-I j r ! At Beach- I ; Music .... The Maxlne Buren ' Women's Editor Lunch:For ! Newcomer: S ST'-' 1 .: MrsL Frank G. Myers and Mrs. Frank Brown were hostesses for a smartly arranged luncheon Saturday afternoon at the Mar ion hotel in Mionor "of Mr. Brown's : sister Mrs. George Blower of Los Angeles, , who has . come north to Salem to make' her home, , 4 The luncheon table was cen-' tercd jivith an arrangement of . pastel summer flowers. The' af ternoon hours were spent in formally at the Court apart ment of Mrs. Brown. , Covers were placed for Mrs. George Blower, Mrs. Olive My- , ers, Mrs. Deryl Myers, Mrs. Charles Claggett Mrs. John McConville, Mrs. Emil Rinder man, Mrs. Ada Leslie, Miss 'Harriet "Leslie, Mrs. Frank Brown and Mrs. Frank G. My ers. Mock-Francis Vows Read SILVERTON The wedding of Miss Betty Francis,1 daughter " of Mr. Ahe. Francis, and Mr. Lyle F. Mock, Eugene!, was solemnized . Sunday in the garden of the- t rancis home, where the out door, fireplace ! was banked in white . gladiolas and greenery. The Rev. Edward Terry-officiated and Lt. William Runey was best man. Miss Alice Tosey was tjhe bride's only attendant. ; The bride wore a floor length marquisette dress with eyelett embroidery bodice and a shoul der length veil held fa place with a beaded cap. She carried a bou quet of rosebuds and orchids. Miss Tosey wore a white. floor length chiffon dress trimmed with silver sequins. ; s Following the ceremony a buf fet supper was served on a lace- overed table in the grape arbor. Thirty-five guests were in at tendance. Mrs. Arnold Turnbull, cousin of the bride from Os wego, cut the . cake and .. Mrs." Frank Hubbs, Silverton, poured the coffee. Mrs. Floyd Inthram, Albany, served ices and Mrs. Fred Callister, Spokane, presided over the punch bowl. Miss Cath erine Hattebrt passed the bride's book. ' Tot going away the bride car ried a grey-blue coat and wore a navy blue dress with blue ac cessories. The couple will be at home in Eugene where Mr. Mock is going into business after serv ing 23 months with the U. S. armed forces. pillows PILLOU V '484 State Street ..... . I I . ' l - - 1 ri - r I eryme' English Society" Editor; i CALENDAR 4 CL t , - i , - - TrrsD.iT - f . f Salem iCouncil of Charch Wom en, basket Dlcnic i Enn. Prwcott! 1J .30 pin. home; 1064 ;0k ti WEDNESDAT ! : St -Paul' fuild .od .uxill.ry. r nimrt for no-host luncheon at the -parish house, 1 . p.m. '. 'Z thou at t "l'. U'" HayesvUl Woman's club cov- ered di4t pienJ -with Mn. Bim " . jniftuucer, route., ii ; box 18T. - p.ni. i ntDAT ; . Wcmui'i, Relief Coroa .au-xi- - lary to : the Grand Army of th "' Kepubli, - meci - t vrw, hall. X. pjn. . noger am; l ' ' ! i Mrs. Roger Putnam ' and her three year old Ky,; ir arrived 'iii on, Roger the capital Saturday from j El Paso, Texas, where they have been residing. Mrs. Putnam, .he former Elea nor Swift, daughter jof Bev. and Mrs GeOrge Syrift, plans to re main injSaleni She is now at the home of her . husband's par ents; Mri and Mrs. Rex Putnam. I i Mr. aM Mrs. Glenn vVeodry and; son j Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs; Robert Ramsden and chil dren, Carol and Gary, have re turned fi-om a fortnikht's stav at jxenjcou,i wnerei theyi r... j. i . ? .. r- - were at the rtielscott japartments Lt.DeLohg lb Wed Army Officer Salem friends of Lt Delores- Mae Demons, WAC. dauahter of Mr. and !Mrs. Merton R. DeLong oi roniand,, are interested- in the annctuncement . of her en gagement to Lt Coll Stanley R Kelley, jscn of -Mrs. - Alice H. KeHy of Portland, j The bride elect isf the granddaughter of Mr-; C- IInc, formerly f Salem, ind, the late Mrs. De Long. J .1K1 j ; ' The bfide-elect who is a hos pital dietician, has been in the service for three years and with an armyj hospital in ! England for the; last two years, hi : Colonel Kelley is . convalesc ing -at home j front ? illness in curred j during ! the: Okinawa campaign. He has (participated in f assaplt landings . at i both Leyte and- Okinawa and has been, awarded Ithe Bronze Star for his ork on Leyte. Both young people are grad uates of Oregon State college, where the bride-elect is a mem ber of jKappa- Kappa Gamma and her! fiance i affiliated with Pi Kappa Phi; ! i Selected chicken t and white oargain : Puth piliow.: 17x24 ' inches LSS. Si : r , man stripe She 21x27. nSOUSB TOTALING S10.C3 C2 : JWY IE tta OH SEAM tASY ' Mi . . ; M ! ' Sallsfacticn guaranteed ' cr your money back ' - ! -i f i : xjijoymg a lanuiy reuriion at Nelsfcott are:M4. and Mri John H. two the Earkin and ; their : chUdren, of whom fare home from Juropean theatre of war W Itn the Carkins are Corporal Mrs. Warren Carkin iPatri- ' and cia Carson , Lt Vernon f arkin. Mrs pruce -wv .varaun, i whose and is in tie. South pacific,' husti and Airs, tart iCarkin : and son,1 : are temporarily residing in ;Whd .Corjalis. Mrs. ErJ Carkin plans to-lejave early in August for New YT Cit3r 'tQ Toin. Mr. Carkiiif .whoj has J beer -. transferred to i . he New York f office ! of I United . Airlines. They -Jiave i been living . Jn San Frncisco.-. j. - ' St and . Mrs. Nelson ; Sanesi ; (Jean' Alice Carkin), who have .beei., visiting, j at -the 4 Carkin nome, lext Monday to return to - nis pase. -AAioliriVuitOT" ' '':! RcitaPTonigh't "I . iohn Waiiaco Graham WiU ;preent hisviolin an'di guitar J students in a recital tonight at :1S o'clock at! the First Evan gelical church, Summer and Ma .rionj streets. . I.. , . j. : Featued on the program will be j the Junior violin quartet placing "March of the Guard" andl the senior violin quartet : - Placing "Barcarolle" from the L.Talfs of Hoffman and Mr. Gra ham's - arrangement - of 'Moon light Sonata" by. Beethoven. The onli solo for the evening; will be i an electric guitar number by Miss Evelyn Martin. , Approxi mately 80 violins and 50 guitars willj playin group numbers with , students ranging in experience from 10 weeks to 10 -years. The public is invited; to at tend. I " I Mrs.Guclerian Is Honored j Mrs. C." J. Jackson and Mrs. G. E Vosburgh were hostesses Thursday for a farewell hand kerchief shower at. Mri Jack son home in honor of Mrs. C. A. Ouderian and daughter, Phil lis. Who are leaving to make their home at Olson Park, Wash. . Those present were Mrs. Ber nard Denson, Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mri E. W. Emmett Mri A. H. CosSeU, Mrs. Kelly Jennings, Mrs, Al Shark, Mrs.' Minnie Downing, Mri Robert Forester, Mrs. Al bert Dackmin, ; Mrs. Bert Slack, Mid. Phillip Peterson, Mrs. B. M. Amnne, Mrs. I C. McCancon, jsocfbie and Lynn-Amrine, Mrs. C. . Jackson, t Mrs. G. Vos burgh, Mrs. C. A.- Guderian and Fhillis. j HayesTille-Weman's elab will be- Entertained at a covered dish picnic lucheon on' Thursday af tentoon at the home of Mrs. Elma McAllister, route 7, - box 187, Worth Pacific Highway at 12:30 o'clock; All older members and friends are invited to attend the affair. Everyone ' is asked to bring her own table service. -I V, iprime western crushed feathers in durabla biua siriped 'drill tckinc. f A , value in firm, .well-filled MM i Colored curled hen feathers. FreEh, clean chicken feathers are specially crushed and fluffed to 'give added buoyance arid resilience. Covered with attractive fancy CTfl tff : ticking.' Size 21x27. ST Ek O 50 chlckeni 50 turkey. Crashed chicken r feafiers, combined ".With . crushed turkey feathers for an ecbn- '. bmy-priced pillow of medium firm- "'. nessr An attractive fancy art tick- ' i; ') - ; . - - . I Buoyant,! crushed white , duck - fea thers.; An . omazinglyj comfortable pillow i at a I remarkable eeonornv price. Covered wifli attractive Ro ticking. S3.9S Mrs. Le J. Dancer, the former Doris Jean Dunn, whose mcffriage tdok place on July 7 in Vancouver, Wash. The bride is the! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Dunn. Mr. Dan cer, PhM 2c, USN, is "stationed at the Ctrvallis naval hos pital in thel personnel department Thefcouple will make meirhomejin S,alem. (Jesten-Miller). r - I - i BPW Card Club Entertained 1 " r'l- -'Al S ' Members of the Salem Busi ness and Professional Women's card club were entertained Sat urday flight at the Tuberculosis hospital. Hostesses- . were Mrs. Marios Wooden, Mri, Elizabeth McKairi, Miss Cecelia Woodruff and Miss Doris IsbeL A. salad, supper, served buffet atyle, followed several hours of cards. '.Guests were seated at small tables centered with small bouquets of pastel summer flow- " ers. Sixteen members were pres ent i from a few day stay at Taft U9 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cannon: and Lt and Mrs. Wil liam Burrell of Klamath Falls, who have been visiting in the capital the past week. I ; 1 . II I - . - . . asaaaassssssi 4 II I ' I I . . .. '-' . - I :' - rv- I . ' ' . ' :;'V I 1 ff Al ri i I - ' !:i ' " w - (Good Range of Sizes) . " ' 1 V -!'-:;."' S--yi ". f-' ' ': . f :.""--(".. ,r. S i:-. ;-.'.; r -'-:---..-:-'l-vj:-n;- r 'v,-"-:'- . -i ! r. '. ..-'.- j . - J I.--,, - . . i . - T - - (-' :i:- :f:': ' h'sT'i ' v" -Vh lo-r-:-: iv ' t... 1 " v.J;.- -" ' J - .:, . .'!' -'.': ---'.". ' ?''. '-. ' : " - ' '. ;- - ' - , . 'i , " T ! - r -.'.' r- .rv'.:- - - Srr? : : .-'",-' ... -'.-I 1 !r , .!-,-. i . . - ...-"..'.'-.-! -. . J I : bmart bhop u . . Haberdashers for Women , ;: 1 ' .. 11S N. Liberty Street . ' ,- . ' Stlem- .. ; '';J j . V "i ' . ' . " : ' ! . 1 . ! .. . " '. . ' ' ' J - 'I ;;'i-:''-''r- f:";.:-v-.T 'KS-i 'S S --S 'S-' M 'S:.S S 'v " : "S;r .: 1 . if it- ..";! . 't ' " ,; - . ''":" i ..;-,. 1 -:. ,v. ' X ' ..;...'T "" ""'v ' - .-. . " i !i .- -. 1 - . - ' . ' ' v. - - : i - ' ' ' J 1 ' j ' . - ' ; : : ' v ' ; . . . . . 1 .' - ' . , . -'. ' - Wit ' , ' I ' - - ! - v -.. . i - . . i '.. ' N 1 1 ; 4aalWaBWaWa " ' ' : "BaaaBBBBaBBaaaBaBBma ' H 3$ i Sergeant and Mrs. Warren B. Ling (Dorothy Pyeatt) have re turned to their home , in San Francisco after, a ten day stay . in the capital as guests of her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Carl E. Pyeatt j The Lings spent the re mainder of his furlough in Wil mington, Calif., with his mother, Mrs. Flavia Ling. Twin danghters were bent at. a McMinnville hospital Sunday afternoon to Lt (jg) and Mrs. EUiott Cummings. Mrs. Cum min gs is in McMinnville with her parents, while Lieutenant Cum mings, a deputy attorney general of the state, is serving in the navy. Grata ef Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schramm at their rammer home . on the Santiam this weekend . were Mr; and Mrs. Wilbur Hurst 1 and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Labhart of Corvallis. Couple Are . Here -From . South ' . . . .", . . . . . Visitors In the ;' capital are j Lieutenant and Mrs." WiDiam R Walker (Dorothy Blalsdell) of Sacramento, Calif who .are , guests at the home" of her par- ents,"Mr. and Mrs. L. A-' Blais delL. Lt- Walker, who is with the army transport command, is ; stationed at the Fairfield-Suisun air. base; near Sacramento. - Over 'Ihe' weekend i Lt. - and ' Mrs: Walker, Mr. and Mrs. "IT; A. Blaisdell and Mrs. Lawrence Blaisdell- and ' Miss ' S h I r 1 ey Birkholder of Portland enjoyed a ' fishing . trip at Suttle lke.1' ' The . visitors will be here for ; another week. .. . " (-.. """-:' " - : - . ' . -i : - :' . '. ' . Felicitat tens g -1 Mr. . and t Mrs". Robert Worral on the birth of ' a' son' Monday . ' morn-:; , - ing ,at the', Salem General hos i j?ital. The little bo7,",whd weigh ted fiVe. pounds and seven oun- . ; ; ces, is the grandson of Mr.: andt j .Mrs. J: P. Smart and Mr. and Mrs. Walter; . WorraL The . baby has an older lister, Patty Lou. Mr. 'Worral Is now at Camp, ; Roberts, Califs completing' his basic training. Mrs. Worral is the former Margaret Smart ' Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stela (Pauline Drager) are the parents ' of a son, William Francis, born on Sunday, July 29, at. the Salem General hospital. The little boy is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ben Drager of Cutler City, for--1 merly of Salem. Mr. Stein is serving in the navy. - . Mist' Irene Hellenbeck, chair man of the BPW hospitality com mittee, has called a meeting of her group for tonight - at the chamber of commerce at 7:30 oclock. Plans will be made for the club's August picnic at Che mawa Indian school with Miss Ina Maye Toland in charge. ' V ' - ; Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Car penter -have returned from a two weeks stay In Portland, where ' they were registered at the Roosevelt hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Kay A. Tecem have returned from a several days trip which, took them to Mt Rainier and Yakima. ' NORTH SANTIAM Mrs. -. Louis S C o e f i e 1 d - enterUined Thursday with a bridal shower. " in honor of Mrs. Wayne Bond, the former Zola Morgan. Games l were played, . and . Mrs. Gene . , S Davis" and Lenore Hammer won "f ! prizes. "Mrs. Bond received many ; , gifts. ,-: v ss: s-:J ,fs :;. ; " The guest list .included,' Mrs. : Pete Kremer Mrs. John Miller, '. Mrs. Joe Williams; Mrs. , Arden ; f Hammer; Mr"s. Curtis Deetz, Mrs.;' r f Clarence Gavette, Mrs... William I Hargin, Mrs.""MerJe.' Crane; Mrs.' ; '' Gene Dsis, Mrs. Melvin fiichols, Mrs. Carl Bethell, ; Mrsf Robert r i BetheH, Mrs, . Fred V"Comstock, V 'Mrs. Arthur' Bile's;: Mrs; Lawi rence Clark, Mrs. "William How-1 . ery, Mrs. John Kenig, Mrs.Ar- " ! thur Morgan,. Mrs. .Kaiser, -Mrs, . ' Dave Crane, Betty Jo and Mary; . Lou Kiethley, .Lenore Hammer,. Anna Mae Nichols,. Jean Spears, ; Stella Wiliard, Luella and FJor-. ' ' ence D a 1 k e, Dorothy Gilbert: ; Dinah Crane, Mary Carlene arid k Linda Lou Scoefield. , ' ' ' . ; : KEIZER The Kelser, Sewing - club 'held an fall day meeting'; : Thursday, July 25 at the home- ' ; of Mrs. Sarn Richards. The time was spent sewing for the Red , Cross with a no 'host luncheon at ; noon.- SS '';i.,rI'"': ' Those present were Mrs. Ben Claggett, Mrs.',', J. : A." Gardner,', . r Mrs. , W G. EarL .' Mrs. ' Harry ' Irvine, 1 Mrs. Arthur Cummings, Mrs. B. Wallace, Mrs. J. E. Bar truff, Mrs. J. E. Clark, Mrs. J. ' D. Watson, Mrs. - Elmer Ideen, Alta HalL Ethel Hall, Mrs. R.: K. O'Conner, Mrs. Sam . Rich ards and Mrs. J. E. Whitehead.. Mrs. Irvine will be hostess on August 9. . Major and Mrs. Weleett C Buren and children, Nancy and Dick, spent the weekend at the Neskowin Inn. " " " f RATION CALENDAR SKATS, FATS, SOTCs ... Book 4 K2 through P3 good through July sn QS through VI aood ttnrouala Aug. Si: VS through 22 geinl through. Sept SO: Al through XI valid througav October II. . . . pkocissko rooos: , r TJ through XI good through July SI; V2. Z3 and Al through CI good through August 31; Dl through- HI gooat through Sept SO. Jl through Kl good through Oct IL - , I SCGAKt ' " ' Book 4 SUmp SS valid for y pounds through August SLr SBTOESt . ' !'" - Book S Alrplano atampo ' 1. a and S valid indaiioitdr. Maw Stamp du August 1. ; gasouxi: " ; A IS coupons good everywhere for six f allona each through September SI. TV XL. OIL: Period 1-S (Incl) coupons valid uarousq August