The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    - :: t -: t i..-:. ''Ti' i. ; "' ' ' i- " V'; !' !".J-'J-' . "- j.. ,.:
Tat OREGON STATESMAN. 5alto. Ortgcn, Thursday Morning, July 2MS45
Rye Futures
Extend! Gains
In Good Day
CHICAGO, July 25 - (JP) - Rye
futures extended their sains to
day, advancing nore than 2 cents
a bushel at times on short-covering
and commission house buying.
Wheat, corn and barley also were
f ir,m and oats were mixed.
Commission house and mill buy
ing pushed wheat upward, influ
enced somewhat by reports of
heavy export dejmand. Fears that
the August mill) subsidy would be
reduced apparently has resulted
fn ' better demand for flour the
last few days.
Wheat closed V to i higher
than the. previous finish, Septem
ber $1.84i-',i; corn was un
changed' Ito ; up, September
$1.13i; oats were V lower to ',i
hlger, September 644: rye was
up 1 to 14 cents, September
$l.44s-i, and barley was Ts to
l'.'s cents higher, September
$i;i2?i. i -i: . !
Hot weather continued over the
corn belt. I There Were reports that
high temperatures had caused
some damage to the wheat out
look in the northwest. Rain also
Vas needed in parts ot the Cana
dian northwest, ! particularly Al
berta and Saskatchewan. Harvest
ing of oats was making rapid
, progress, and the crop; is reported
' good. ! - j, I .
Moths Subject
Of Federal Study
J. T. Scott and E. J. McNerney,
federal bureau of entomology and
plant quarantine, arrived this
week to survey western Oregon
for Oriental moth,
Federal men now working in
Idaho will also conduct the survey
in eastern Oregon.
: This moth 'scooped down on
California and last year was
found in Idaho,i Utah and Colo
rado, but not as I yet in Oregon.'
; The Oregon department of agri
culture has been doing some work
on its own along this line. This
means that both federal and state
men are watching this situation
closely and will be ready to handle
it should the moth appear. The
Oregon department has its own
traps in Washington, Multnomah,
Yamhill and Clackamas counties.
James Roof and Fred Bock are in
charge of this.
This fruit moth
has preference
for peach! trees, but does not ob
ject to feeding on apples, plums,
cherries and pears. It Is at twig
bore as well as a fruit pest.
Oregon agricultural officials
said Wednesday they were
ful that ItheyvwiU pass -another
year without finding moths!
Cosby Death
Felt by Many
Poultry Raisers
The death of Hubert E. Cosby,
, head of the Oregon State college
1 poultry department, on July 14,
removed from Oregon agriculture
a figure who was personally
known by practically every poul
try and turkey producer in the
state, and a man who had taken
a lead in all progressive develop
ments in the industry for the past
23 years,
Under his leadership, first as
extension poultryman from 1920
to 1937 and later! as the head of
the poultry department and re
search work, Oregon's poultry and
turkey Industry grew from a valu
atlon of less than $10,000,000 to
its present position where it yields
an income of more than $30,000,
000 annually from farm market
ings of poultry, including turkeys
and chickens, plus an additional
$10,000,000 from hatchery prod-
,-ucts. ,
i ' ' '
Pest Expert ion
State Payroll)
Lt John E. Davis is expected to
arrive shortly at the state depart
ment of agriculture to take over
the plant pest and disease survey.
He will work under the division
of plant industry! in a new post
provided for by ah act of the last
legislature. This is the first time
' an appropriation has been made
. to head off any possible, outbreak
of dangerous insect pests or plant
diseases. ,
Davis is an Oregon man ; and
has his degree of master of sci
ence in entomology Jrom Oregon
State college, with a minor in
work of plant pathology!'
Before entering the army Davis
was connected with, the college. In
the army he has been ding edu
, cational - work in entomological
lines, lie was stationed at Salinas
Calif., before receiving his di$
' charge. .' . ' I
Ven! and
Tcp Prices Paid!
- Prompt Omittance)
; Clip ta
Frd I!:y:r
lb m 1 V 4a m 3
444 S. W. Yamhill St. or
C E. t:nJ & Foster Llvi.
f V7e cia accept tzlj
i..... animals: killed la
ccrp'.'snco with O. P. A
Calif ornians Buy
On Abiqua River
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Wostenberg,
coming to Oregon from Califor
nia; have purchased the former
Perry Moser farm on the Abiqua
and have already begun making
vast improvements. There are
somewhat over 600 acres in the
ranch and a bulldozer is at work
clearing some of the land lor pas
tures. A new barn will be put up
as Soon as materials are available.
Improvements " on the farmhouse
arc already under way.
Wostenberg this week pur
chased 22 registered Jerseys from
Ben R. Wolfer of Canby, M. G.
G undersoil, well - known Jersey
salesmanaser. making the ar
rangements. Most of these cattle
were of the Volunteer bloodlines.
Included in the group were eight
cows in milk, 10 heifers and four
calves. -
Wostenber Diana to make a
Jersey farm out of their newly
acquired ranch. He is making ar
rangements for several irrigated
c&stures. water to be supplied
from lakes on his property.
i '
Record Shipping
Recorded in June
With the Oregon shipping point
nsbection service handling; nearly
1000 carloads of produce certifi
cations during the- month of June,
an all-time bigh June record was
reached. I
An exact . 954 carloads of pro
duce was inspected by this ser
vice last month. One large item
was1 lettuce, 315 carloads of which
were certified.
One hundred and thirty carloads
of fresh cherries were shipped un
der inspection from The Dalles
and; Milton.
The largest item in the month
was potatoes, of which 438 cars
were certified. The potatoes were
mostly Shafter whites. Harvest of
the 1 early potatoes in Malheur
county started this week.
So far the state shipping point
inspection service has kept on top
of the demand for inspectors, but
as the season progresses more men
will be needed to fill the demands
from the eight inspection districts
in the state.
Valley Births
WOODBURN Births reported
at the Woodburn hospital' are:
To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ja-
coby, 878 Corby st, a daughter.
Paulette Jane, July 21. There is a
sister, Arnolda Lee.
To Mr. And Mrs. Elmer F. Mc-
Mullen of McMinnville, a daugh
ter. Donna Lea, July '21. There
are also twm boys, Donald and
. The top Australian general in
Word! War I was Sir John Mon-
ash. I
Quotations at
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 25 (AP)
Butter AA prints 48-46ic, cartons
4i-47.!c: a crade prints 45',i-46c:
cartons 454-451,ic; B grade prints 45Vx
455c; cartons 46-46'aC
Butterlat first Quality, maximum
of .6 j of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
in Portland 52-5Jlic: premium qual
ity, maximum of .35 ot 1 per cent
acidity 53-S3ic; valley routes and
country points 3c less than first or
0-50 lie lb.
Cheese Selllnf price to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 30.4c: loaf
SO 4c; triplets to wholesaler X7Jc; loal
30.Sc lb. deUvered.
Ecct To retailers: A A extra Urge
52c; A extra large 51c: A Urge 49c;
A medium 44c; small (pullet) 41c loz.
Live: poultry Buying prices from
producers: Broilers up to 1 lbs. 31.60c;
roasters over 3V lbs. 31.0c; Leghorns
28c: colored hens all weights 31c; old
roosters and stags 33c lb.
Rabbits Government celling: Ave
rage country killed to retailers 44c;
live price to producers 23-34c lb. -
Turkeys Government takes sup
ply, market nominal.
Onions Oregon dry Mo. 1, US
80-lb. sack; Texas 3.90; coacbella wax
3.50; red 3.23; yellow ZJ2S; green 1.00
1.10 doz. bunches.
Potatoes New California No. 1. 4.00
tackr Irteh Cobblers 3.35; Bliss Tri
umphs 3.84 sack; Yakima Whites 3.69
3.7S crate.
Country meats Rollback prices to
retailers: Country killed hogs, best
butchers. 120-140 lbs. lB-lS'ic; vealers
AA S2c: A 21 lie; B 18 "ac; S 15-lTc;
culls 12-15c; beef AA 21',ic; A 20c;
B 18ic: C 163Ac; canner-cutter cows
13J4-14c; bulls, canner-cutters 1414c:
lambs l A A 3ftc; A 34' c; B 32c: C
10-20c ewes FS 13'ic; M 13c: R 10-c.
Wool Government control.
Cascara bark Dry stock 27c lb. .
Mohair 1943. 12-month 45c lb.
Hayj Wholesale prices nominal:
Alfalfa No. 3 or better $34-36; oats
vetch $23 valley points; timothy (east
ern Oregon) $3S.50; linseed meal $47.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore, July 25 (AP)
No wheat futures - or cash grain
quoted. ,
Cash wheat (bid?: Soft white 1.40:
soft white (excluding Rex) M; white
club 1.81; western red 1.51 V.
Han) red winter; Ordinary 1.49; 10
per cent 150; 11 per cent 1J7; 13
per cent 1.83.
Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 134;
11 pet cent 1 JO; 12 per cent 1.63.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 24, bar
ley 1, flour 2, corn 3, oats 1, miU
feed 10.
Portland Livestock .
JTOKTLAND. Ore, July J5-(AP)-(WTA)
Salable and total cattle 150;
calves S3; market active, fully steady;
a . 11
Or.T.TXaaaXJt. Or42 ChasMJ
- CHINESE Oerbmllstt
! 241 North Ciberty
tTtvcfalra Purt!anl (!muti
Co Office opett Saturday only
10 mm to r p ra i S to 1pm Coa -fultauon.
Blood pressure and urine
tests are free of charge. Practiced
smc 1311. ' j '
Steels, Rails
Lead Stocks
In Recovery
NEW YORK,? July 25t-(tf)-Steels,
rails, motors and assorted
"blue chips" led 5 the stock market
on a general recovery shift today
with gains of a ' point or so well
distributed and a few i wider
jumps in evidence, j, ;
The principal i fly in the oint
ment was that breadth was lack
ing throughout and dealings
among the slowest of the- year.
Transfers of 620,000 shares com
pared with 640,000 Tuesday.
The comeback was attributed
partly to the , idea reconversion
selling on thoughts of a short Jap
anese war had; been overdone;
Earnings, , dividends,, refundings
and split-up talk inspired' rein
statement of commitments here
and there. "-!';!" .
The Associated Press 60-stock
average was up ".7, of a point at
64.9 due largely1 to the fact that
Allied Chemical, which is in this
composite, climbed four; full
points on sales of. 600 shares. .
Junior Rangers j
Taken for Outing
. The St. Boniface senior court
of the Catholic Foresters of Sub
limity, was host to the 40 Juvenile
Boy Ranger members of ten years
and older of the Subliaaiiy and
Stayton courts on Sunday, July
22, at Breitenbush HoJ Springs.
The program was under the su
pervision of Robert Schumacher,
juvenile director; of the Sublimity
court, assisted by Michael Bene
dict, state chief ranger. j
Others who attended were Ir
win Schumacher, Vern Sandberg,
Edward J. Bellj , Delbert Ditter,
Max Hafner and Gordon Nightingale.-
.. 'i'.-i , -
The truck left Sublimity at 5;30
a. m. . with-tops being made -. at
interesting spots; along the drive.
After a 'late breakfast, games,
races and other sports' were en
joyed. A 1 o'clock mass was cele
brated by the Rev.lBeatusfBaur
of Jordan, 1 spiritual . director of
the Jordan court. After luncheon,
the bays swam in the large pool
at the hot springs. J - -
' There are likely to be fewer
eggs in the first; three months of
1948 than in the first three months
of 1945, but later in 1946 the egg
supply is expected to be greater
than for corresponding periods of
1943. The reason is the late start
the chicks, got inl 1945. -
The only time .that George
Washington ever left the borders
of the United States was when he
was 19 and went to Barbados in
the West Indies.': !
canner and cutter Scows strong to 25
cents higher; some sales at more; few
common steers 11.50-13.00; canners
down to 7 JO; common-medium heif
ers 10.50-1 4 JO; canner - cutter cows
mostly 7 .CO-S.JO; shells : downward to
5.50: fat dairy type cows 0.00-10.00;
medium good beef cows 11.00-12.75;
common medium sausage bulls $.50
10.00; good choice vealers 14.00-15.00;
selected to 15.50; common medium
grades 10.00-13.00; culls down to 7.0O.
Salable hoes SO. total 129: market
active, steady; barrows and gilts
i3.7d; sows ls.oti; cnace zeeaer pigs
Tuesday iup to 31.00.
Salable sheep 1000. total 1000; mar-;
ket active, mostly steady, with some
strength I on under' grades; medium-
good lambs ii.oo-i3.oo; tew good-
choice (rrades 13JO-14.00; few lots
choice 90 and 99 lb. lambs 14.50; com
mon grades 9.00-10.00; : sizeable lot
shorn coast Umbs 11 JO. with common
grades at 9.00; odd yearlings : 8JO
10.00; good ewes 6.00-25; common
grades 3.00-50. , i
Salcni Market
i The prices below i supplied by a lo
cal grocer are Indicative of the daily
market prices paid To growers by Sa
lem buyers but are not guaranteed
by The Statesman:
(Sebject te ekaage witkevt Mtice)
Prm1iim - f ' j J4
.; jo .
' ; .46 .-
. ; .43 -
. : .46
,! J
,i J3
i J4 :
- J4
j ! !
21 -
. i 33
EGGS i ;
Extra large
Standards t
PuUets , ,
No. l colored hens
No. 3 colored bens
Colored bakes L
Colored frys ....
Spring lambs .11 to 12i
Yearling lambs .7, to JVa
Ewes U . T 3i ; to J
Cows, boiiers and cutters .04 to .06
Cows, common 1 ., .08 to .OS
Cows, topidairy J to J'a
Cows, beet type .,, ., . ... .09 to Jl
VeaU i ;,, ..,, .13 to .14
Bulls .7 to .11
Stocks and Bonds
July 25 ' '
.;! i CO 13 IS ' M
i - Indus Rails Otil ; Stks
Wednesday .. 84.1 41 J 4.3 ; 4
Previous day 83 8 40.5 46.1 ' 643
Week ago 8341 : 41 J 454i I 64.4
Month ago 88.0 - 43.6 47.1 6S.1
Year ago j 76.0 284 37J 54 .8
;4 20 19 - 10 i ;1
1 - ; Rails Indus Util Fogn
Wednesday .loojt i 103.7 107 J ! 73.0
Previous day 100J -103.8 107 . ! 7341
Week ago, lOO 104.0 10741 US
Month ago 101J 104 J 108 0 73.9
Year ago J SO. 103.1 10641 68.0
1944 high.;, , 101.6 105 J 108.0 74.0
1943 low i. 9641 103.7 10641 68.1
New 1943 low. s -
Farm! Conditions
Are Explained
By Army Airman
UNION j HILL The July meet
ing of subordinate and juvenile
granges was held Friday night
Richard Krenz who is in training
in the army air force in Texas
was a visitor and told briefly of
the country and farming condi
tions in , Mississippi and .Texas.
Mrj. Jessie Carter-resigned as
lady assistant steward and Lau
rel Kren? ! was elected in her
place. j' j i : .
Mrs. Carrie Townsend, the J
chaplain was In charge of the lec
turer's hour program on the na
tional flag. ; :' i ,
In the juvenile grange, state
grange awards went to Frances
Fox, Floyd Fox, jr, FJdon Jaquet
on posters to Keith Scott for the
essay, honorable mention to Nor
man Qualey and Guy; Scott on
posters. I
Ketarns Home Craig Bidgood
of Roberts ! community, who in
jured his leg last week in a tractor
accident, has recovered sufficient
ly to be j removed to his home
from the Salem General hospital.'
He was cranking the tractor at
the time of the accident.
Classified Advertising
Classified Ads
Xall 9101 ;
Three insertions per Iine.J..25c.
Six insertions per iin ,, 4fy
One month per line .,....,$13
Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min
imum 33c; 6 tL mln. 43c No
1 refunds; y j n '
Copy for this page accepted un
til 6:30 the evening before publica
tion for classification. Copy re
ceived after this time will be run
undet the: heading "Too Lata to
Classify." );..( , - ,
The Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear in. advertisements pub-.
Hshed fn its columns and in cases
where this -paper- is at fault will
reprint that part1 of an advertise
ment In which tb typographical
mistake accurs.
The Statesman reserves the tight
to reject questionable advertising.
It further! reserves the right to
place ail ; advertising under the
prooer classification.
A "Blind" ! Ad an ad contain tn
a Statesman box number for an ad
dress Is for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
answered by letter. The Statesman
not at liberty to divulge Infor
mation as to the Identity of u
advertiser using a "Blind" ad.
Help Wanted Male
Workers now employed in war pro
dnctioa should not apply and-will not
be considered for employment by tin
o foyers advertising in this section
i 20 PAINTERS. $1.50 nr. 82.50 day
expenses. Overtime. Steady work. Box
093 Statesman.
JANITOR. I Night work. Permanent
to tight man.' The Spa. -
WANT garage and service station
helper. 809 Xdgewater. West Salem.
S MEN wanted for steady year-round
work. Thos. ;Kay Woolen Mill Co.
: LABOR ! dispatcher. ' Sinsle. Good
wages, iniegular hours. Local tempo
rary appointment, 3 months. Contact
U S. Employment Service. . , ,
BOY. 16! years old or older, to work
from 350 to $20 in the mornings. With
extra hours it would average about 28
to 30 hours per week. Good pay. See
Mr. Clark at Statesman office.
WANTED Part time doorman for
Liberty Theater. Position suitable for
older man. Applyin person. GRAND
Theater. I .
MAN with bulldozer! RD7 or RD8
with drums to clear 18 acres of stumps
8c logs at Yachats. To work by con
tract or by the hour. See-
302 Pearce Bldg. I Ph. 6024
1 ' Head Trimmer Man
Cobbs & Mitchell Co.
Valsetx. Oregon , V
; jSec Ike . '
at U. 8. Employment Service Salem
os Phone S334
WANTED Fountain bor for Sat.
and Sunday. Hours 4 to 9. Blue Bird.
wanted. Steady- position. Ph. 7333.
294 N. Coml. - ' n ;
MAN To cut wood.
N. Coml i -.i
Ph. 7333, 294
OPENING available for man in tire
and auto accessory dept. Experience
not necessary, but ordinary knowledge
of parts and tires helpful. Valuable
training in merchandising and definite
opportunities are yours if you are the
right : man. See Mr. Princehouse in
tire department at Montgomery - Ward
St Co. . - t
WANTED by Spokane Portland and
Seattle Railway Company, brakemen
and switchmen. Experienced, ,Age 18
to 60. inexperienced. Are 18 to 43.
Inexperienced men will be paid
while qualifying. For information in
quire local; Oregon Electric Railway
' Agent. - yu ,
BODY MEN and mechanics. Herrall
Owens Co. ! .
TRUCK and Tractor Mechanic. Good
wages and working conditions. See
Shop Foreman.
James H. Maden Co. v
44 Silverton Road
FRUIT and Vegetable man. Saving
Center, Salens or West Salem. -
Man to work in plant. Mayflower
"WANTED: Mm to vork in ceme
tery. Call at 390 W. Hoyt or Ph. aesz
Help Wanted Male
Two Men To Start Work Thursday
'4 : "i ' i ' r " "I- " ' !" -' -; ' -
No loafers, no booze hounds and no bums wanted.
Phone 4300 Salem, Thursday Morning
Livestock ami Poultry
IV 1 1 1, PITY taii fifflA m
consignment. Stayton Auction Market,
Arthur Lewin. Auctioner.
Cows and Heifers. Joe Burke, 270 Sil-
verton ita. fa. 2-4UV4.
lbs. White 24c lb., colored 22c lb., live
weight. Rabbit skins, best prizes Wire
stretchers and other supplies. Salem
address, 60 RatclifX Drive, phone 2-1330,
Portland address. Rahhit Moat fn.
8917 S. E. Stark. SUN. 1722.
WANTED: Beat and canner rows
bulls and 1 veals Will call at farm
E. I Snethen, 3370 E. Turner Road
Ph 21343 Morns or eves . :
pulleU for sale. 2161 N .Front. Phone
5481 after 12 noon. . '
31W lb. : Red rnrlli t?M
Ph. 22ES0. ' .
Mike Lowery. Rt. 1. Box 224. Brooks,
Ore, 1 mile east and mile north.
au evenings. , . .,
Yan Can't Afford to Miss
Thiirs. Nile, 7:30
' Lots of good weaner and feeding
pigs, fat hags. sows, boars. Plenty . of
cows to picfc fcom. Good . Hereford
bull, baby and feeder calves, chickens,
rabbits, good cedar posts. Battery and
elec. radios, furniture and misc. work
and saddle horses always on hand.
Bring in what you have to sell. .
Help Wanted
- EXTRA dishwasher Saturdays and
Sundays. The Spa.
10 acres starting about Au 1st. Ph.
13263, RL I Bx 201, 2 mi. on Wallace rd.
J. DISHWASHER: Night shift 162 a N.
Com'L Chinese Tea Garden. --
FRY Cook, good wages, steady posi
tion. Marion Hotel. . :. , :. .-
KITCHEN Janitor. Good wages. Mar
ion , Hotel. V I ' i
Hop Pickers Wanted
' The largest crop we have ever grown.
700 acres early and late hops. Cabins,
lights, wood furnished in clean, shady
camp grounds. . Pickers buses to Salem,
West Salem,, Independence. Dallas,
Monmouth and ether points if desired.
I Eola Hop Yard. West Salem. Ore.,
phone 21331, L. H. Thacker, supt.
-Wilhart Hep Farm, . Gervais. Ore,
phone 22-681. Ward Lundy. supt. ! -
McLaughlin . Ranch, Independence.
ore., phone. Z7-irz, T. A. JBeu. supt.
, Illihee Hop Ranch, Salem. Ore, phone
22631. Steve Vanhouten, supt I
WlUUms ic Hart, branch office.
Salem. Ore., phone 8255. -
1 HOP PICKERS wanted for our yard
12 miles north of Salem. Picking be
gins about Aug. 16. Phone 22347 or
write Gervais, Oregon. Mission Bot
tom Hop Co.
Situations Wanted
j First-clasS mechanic,
references, wants, work in
garage. Moving to Salem
about August 1 st. Ira
Goff, 707 S. E. Belmont,
Portland. I
' BY older lady, housekeeping for eld
erly person. Blanche Hoak. 1697 N.
Capitol St. j
' PUT IN wood and sawdust 110 Divi
sion. Ph. 3794 after pjn. Call for
I. Robinson. (
EXPERIENCED middleaged couple
desires management of apt house or
hotel, box 4, statesman.
PROMPT. Efficient motor cycle de
livery service. Reasonable rates - any
wnere in aaiem. rn. raw.
CHILDREN eared . for. Phone 8645.
SALEMAspholstery Cleaners.
Phone 4766. ,
Preschool PUySchoot; la81 - State
Ages a t Part or all day Ph S436
WILL Care for children days. 1163
N. letlt.- fK. 4961. . --
: ACCOUNTANT (empl.) will keep
set ot books spare time. ox 094 Vt
Statesman. v - - k :.-r " .
17 TR. old boy wants good outdoor
Job for wages or - exchange for old
model car. M. 4, box xu-a, aaienv.
Help Wanted
WANTED Bean pickers. Start pick
ing about Aug. 1. O. Zistet, Rt S, Box
10SJ, Salem, V mile west of Pen Annex.
- WANTED 2000 hop pickers. Harvest
starts the latter part of August 500
acres of high trellis hops. Cool, shady
camps with lights, wood, shower baths
and ciav nursery for children furnished
free to pickers. Grocery store, meat
market and ; restaurant on grounds.
Register ra person at ranch office or
write us for fuu particular, k. jlj.m
GROCERY CLERKS wanted. No ex
perience necessary. Good pay to start
and while you train. Excellent oppor
tunities for men or women who can
qualify. See Mr. Miller, Safeway Stores
District uixice. ;
Help Wanted Female
ZXP. waitress for part time work
Saturdays and Sundays. The spa. ,
WANTED Experienced lady dinner
cook. Good wages, gooa Hours, sun.
on. Phone sosx
Help Wanted Male
r:Farhi X
i - " -"1 I Co1TiuflLiricnua
- N Trukmvk Kfi4m4 V. 8. FM Offw
"You forget, Mr. Ointtltcrs, I'm on vacation!"'-
Help Wanted Female j
WANTED Mlddleased woman with
some cooking experience to do light
work in private summer home during
Aug. ft Sept Enjoy vacation atmos
phere & cool weather, with good sal
ary. -Box 44. Statesman. ' r
WANTED: , Woman for part ' time
housework. Phone 9537 or 4641. j
CHECK GirL also wool presser.
Steady work. Good wages. Standard
Cleaners.- 363 N. Com!
WANTED Woman for steam table
and grilL Hours 1 to I. AddIv Blue
GIRL .Tor .ceneral -office work. See
Mr. Larson. 109 S. Com'l or Ph. SUL
EXPERIENCED Waitress. The Spa.
WAITRESS wanted; SUta r Office
Bides. Hours I AM. to 430 PAL Sat
t Sun. off. Urs. Krauger. '
Cleaners. Also checker - needed. 1245
Stat St -r : -
Salesmen Wanted
EXPERIENCED food salesman to
call on -retail rand jobbing trade in
Salem-Eugene area. No Saturday work.
Good salary, car and expenses fur
nished. Answer stating age, experience
and other qualifications. Albers Mill
ing Company, Box 45, Statesman.
WE Will Interview men at once for
two positions as service salesmen. Ser
vice station or garage experience help
ful but not necessary. If you are
not set now for a postwar future you
will be interested. Good pay. an ex
cellent chance for advancement. Aoply
in person only to Mr. Kinaan. Fire
stone Store. Center 8t Liberty Sts.
Money to Loan
f Money to Loan f
loans, city or farm properties; loans
made as small as $300. See us about
refinancing jroui present contract or
! Leo N. Childs, Inc.
344 State St Phone $261
Makina . personal - loans is our busi
ness. The more-times we say 'Yes'
the more business we do. That's why
we do our best to say "Yes to every
request for a loan. 4 out of S get the
money- they ask for. The transaction
Is handled promptly,' privately, with
out Involving outsiders. Loans of $25 to
$309 on tout salary, furniture or auto.
Personal Finance Co.
Rra. 125. Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg.
sia state st. - roone: saiem sisi
' Lie. S-121 M-165 ; -t,
i General : Finance Corp.
" i , . . FOR . ;
Quick Cash Loans
Locally owned and operated. we are
familiar with all local needs and con
ditions and lend on any reasonable
security. - Up to 12 mos. to repay.
- l'eleohone 9168 i
State Lie. (S-1381 136 S. Commercial St
We make all types of personal loans
Including furniture, note and car loans.
for any worth while cause We also
make real estate loans ana ouy real
estate contracts. For quick and , effi
cient service see or phono
Phono 4121. 212 Guardian Bldg. Salem
r Lie S 216-M 223
Auto And Truck Loans
Contracts Refinanced
Mmey for new 'and used cars e
tracks regarCUes of age No delay
bring car and title and get the money
You retain possession of vehicle.
- i to IS jnontha to repay.; -'
After o'clock wnone 2361 or 2114:
tar .-appointment : .
' f Bcguiated by state
139 S Oni St Phmo 16S M 155
::'i-.--;Auto Loins u
Willamette Credit Cb.
UCI3SE tt ti U8 - ;
For Sale 4lisceIlaneout
: Eave Troughs
Johnston Sheet Metal Co.
1411 S., I2tb SU Salem, Oregon.
; Phone 5391 i
For Sale- Misccllam oni
USED Innerspring mattress J 810
279 N. Liberty St . Ph. 4613
FREDERICK' f t meat case, latest
model. 4 plate glass, inside lights. A-l.
Complete with compressor. Saving
Center, Fortiana road. .
USED davenport and chair, spring-
filled. $2957.
978 N. Liberty St. - Ph. 461S
USED ' lumber, ttt! unflm iviuil
nullava. Una sliafis anil miao Rnllv.
wood Cleaners, 2044 N. Capitol, i
Used Wilton rug. 9x12 ....$19J5
279 N. Uberty St Ph. 4619
3 PHAS1 bHPinator'ctalneir'f
ft air compressor new. Ph. 9698.
SAND. GraveL enished.- Readv-Mlx
concrete. Two-unit spt!c Tanks Sew
er Pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1409
N. STOnt St -Fh 3417. v j
USED WOOD BED::....:..:....:.".. ..$14.73
279 N. Liberty St . Ph. 4615
UNFTN. -corner- cuDboards. deaka.
chests, etc Prime coated. eaiy to patnt
co-op Market. 13th at State
9-PIECE breakfast set... ...817J9
279 N.. Uberty St . . . Ph, 4619
GOOD flax puller. Price S450 r
trade for truck. - Also motor scooter.
Charlie's Shop, Rt. 7. Box 40s. i
TTLTON anricots. Tree rinened. 19th
St I)ruit Stand. 1960 S. 12th. !
WE CARRY a comnlete line of rolled
roofing and durable shingles. See us
about your roofing needs. Western
Auto) Supply Co.- r
ImnuidLate dellverv Ration .-ti.ta
necessary. Good Housekeeping Co., 467
Court St.
DUO-TKURM oil circulatine heaters
available for delivery August & Sep
tember. Place your orders now. i .
275 . Liberty St Phi 4615
R Brushes I74S Grant P 83S'i
WILL Buy for cash, sell or trade.
guns. ' ammunition, scopes, trailer &
outboards. Don Madison. 890 No. High.
OUR Specialty: Sorav oaintine:
erly-Gottenberg contractors. Ph 4344
Cocker puppies. Buffs, blacks. Sired by
roe s siocxaaie Tiniie, grandson of
Champion Stockdale Startler. 1482 N.
Com!.. - - -i : - -
GEVURTZ ruRNmrni; ro:
279 N. Liberty St , Ph. 4619
100 -LB. size cotton feed sacks.
bleached and laundered,' ready to use
for dish towels, pillowcases, sheets and
other home uses. Get yours now. 18c
ana ssc caca. northwest Poultry and
Datry . Products Co, 15C3 N. Front Ph.
7007.-. " . .. - , ' ,. ..
Kresky oil heating furnaces. Smoke.
less and efficient heat See agent 1929
N. liberty. Ph. 9355. K
WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth.
lng. tools, radios, guitars, trunks,
furniture and household ennnV ; - -
SUN DALES, 293 N. Coral. Ph. ! 3C9$
Wedgewood combination gas range.
. ' $183.50.
275 N. Uberty St Phj 4619
EXPERT washing machine service
and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed
Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store.
315 N. Liberty ... j
TRAILERS for rent 50c per nr.
Woodry's Mkt, 1609 ti. Summer.
ATMORAYS OZONE. seU and rent
Used wood circulating heater. $39.30.
275 N. Uberty St. Phj 4615
ALWAYS a big stocK-
Woodry's Furniture Mkt:.
Ph . 8110
we Buy at sen furniture. - tools,
stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric
appliances, household goods. KLI O
MAN's.8&5 N Commercial Ph S88S .
STOVE repairing tt parts. -Woodry'a
Mkt. 1603 N. Summer St .
for SOUTH PACIFIC, win pay top
price. 500 No. High. , i
CASH . PRICE PAID for your used
Don Madisoa. 590 No. High. !.,.
BE.UTITUL Mahogany Bed Room
Suite., Box Spg. r Spg. fill mattress.
uae new. .-
Very fine t pc. Wat Dining Suite. --Spool
Bed. Spg. Matt . V
.4 Poster Bed. Spg. Jc Matt i
8 pc. Mahogany Dinette set. ! .
Boy's solid Oak Bed Room set ,L
Large Walnut Victrola. . t .
Tappan White Enamel Gas Range.
Radiant Gas Heater. - -
Office Swivel Chair. - -Rebuilt
Davenport 8c Chan.
Where you find the best ta quality
- osea zumiiure )
Brijrht Farniture Co.
453 Court St
Plu 7511
. . . o.m with ear ton!
carrier and Evenrude Motor -$123.00.
Don BUdRe lennia rv.M- -
a?.rr.7 . - viiin with case
Jnd bow7 l2. 16 & 20 GaugeSinglo
Jnot ftew gun HX fumps.
4 Point Wheel Wrenches. Canvas Knap
Sacks, . tor risning,
Cans $135. Sealed Beam Conversion,
unit, manes your - -'. " ,, 1
41 models. Don Madison. 590 No. High.
w rnrBi tea.hlntf machine, food '
eond, and dinette table, 4 chairs. Will
not sell separate, sisa wsei
N. 20th. ; ' -
II TOCH band saw $60. 1195 Colum
bia. Ph; 4054.! V '.-
td a ti tr Haiiu 2 nlate elec. ' cook '
n h.or riishes. cooking u ten
sile. dbU eeo- sals, vsa n.
cinmriu Mlrmjitfr. service for
10 in Havlland China. Beverly's An
tique Shop. 740 KieciTJC. fn.. a-wi.
t pott, i vhann in transit for sur
veyors. Ph. 9621 Thurs. and Sat.
s-TTTRE Cl H radio, table model.
330 Morgan AveH - :
im- KHi-m vt : habv bed. " twin
mattress.' Ph. 2-2528-3480 Center.
. FEW alarm clocks, A-l "condiUon.
1984 SUte. -,,m : ' : 1 : v'f
r.OOD used -cotton mattress. . 120
Monroe Ave. j . i ' -
nm rut u hlark kid-skin sio
16. also bleached wolf chubby size 14.
Phone 2-1798. , I ; .
LAWNMOWER Sharpening ft Ad
lusting. " i . j ",; - '
Woodry's ttk C 1W9 N. Summer St
Duo-Therm oil water heater. S99.50.
279 N. Liberty St Ph. 4619
-WHITE Enameled combination wood
or oil range. $60. Phone 9689. .
, Golden cocker spaniel pup. Ph. 21252.
2 BROADLOOM ruirs. like new. Light
biege. . 11x15. Blue 9x15. SJON. 21st
NEWLY Built 2 wheeled trailer, fair
tires; also 37 Dodge motor block, good
condition except crankshaft Phone
22837. Box 461. Hollywood drive.
, YOUTH Bed. complete with mattress
and springs. Nearly new. 990 Garnet
Call after 6:30. . , - f
CIRCULATING Heater, like new. 17t
Fairview. Ph. 8016. r
CUCUMBERS for sweet ' and t dills.
976 Locust st. Ph. 8566 after; 3 p. ra.
No deliveries, i
DAVENPORT and chair. Ph. 3463.
BED With coil spring and mattress,
davenport and chair. 9x12 rug. 660 N.
Com'L Ph. 21660. . . .T J,
- 3'4 OCTAVE Xylophone $125.00. 1663
Court st Call evenings. t
STEWART -Warner cabinet act radio.
Can be put in A-l condition for a
very small " cost Price $23.00. A. .
I?ask. Rt 1. Box 104. Ph. Jwl after
$ . p. n. -!. -,. ., . .-.".t
HAY. oats and vetch, $20 ton in field.
Clifford PeUer, Rt. 2. Box 114.
90-LB. ice box. $10; darbed. $1:
$7. Ph. 4839. 239 S. Cottage. , .
: PAIR of women's white shoe roller
skates, size T. Ph. 24105.- . ? . .
: TANDEM dice: also 2-section spring
tooth, trailer, j 9 miles W. on Dallas
Highway. Box 469. ,. ' '
Wanted Miscellaneous
CASH naid tnr oTrl fmVn Hi ...
alarm clocks, old watches and scrap
gOlO. fn. Z-IS57. i
able for keeping records. Ph. 9173. t
WANT Used dimension lumber or
what have you. Box 37. Statesman.
WANTED: Fir and Cedar poles and
piling, ail sizes. Quote prices f.o.b.
Shipping point earliest shipment
NieuVn.ieyer-Martin Co., Spalding
BuatUnjr, Portland. 4. Ore, j
We Buy Furniture
' .. Pianos '
Furnilure and Appliances
. , Call 9149 for appointmeat .
tt State St - I
WANTED to buy. ice box of -any
kind and a child's wardrobe.- Ph. 9379.
ANTETX-Sman record player. Ph;
uwi pjn.
WANTED tien's good used suits and
trousers. OK Cleaners. 1140 N. Capitol.
WANT 2-pUU dectrie burner. Box
OK, Statesman. -
WANTED: Befrlgerato-. PIC 6985.
W ANTED. PIANOS. WL1 pay cash.
Wills Music Store 432 SUts St
VKa 'ru'rwVru rr W' tika" rw.
WaUTI'I Pianos, Talhnan's. Ph 870t
WANT TO' tin. nwi r.w.... m.
lenses McEasn Photo Shop 433 state.
7596. Stat St.; Furniture. 1900 State.
IF YOU have fiirninir .a ...
Ru&a Bright Ph .751L. 433 Court .
CASH - for UVfl MlnA A. n.K Ml.
slcal instruments Call uii .
9537 evenings or send description to
4iuui muiw vew vtx t. uign. .
tag. OK Cleaners, 1140 N. Capitol St.
Shetland! Pony Riding "
Academv : now ooen. frnm 'am a
10 stnd all day Sundays for children
1 to 14 yrs. All saddles equipped with.
west MICIU, .! .
- -...M.,
ITTTIi 1 HC ' lnlnmi.MM . 1 - - w
i ...... Hiiufiiiiuvu wvr I V lit;
Dis. Amer. VeU. Ph. A. L. Brewster.
4339, or call at Chamber ot Commerce
Dental Plate Repair
i two-hour sERviae m most
Bring or Mail Your Plates for Reoair.
Adoiph Bktt State 4t Com. Ph - 3311
From your Grocer Cso. tt for more)
sanitation, WOODWORK. Dishes, laun
djy, general spring house cleanrng.
Wtl!rnett Gro. Supply all sizes, 2Sc,
30c, $L i i . ,
For Rent -Rooms
SLEEPING Room with kitchen privl
lepes. It-1 for married: couple. Ph,
COMFORTABLE, dean rooms for
men. 5'.3 Court St. .