The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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f J.
I r.
Polk Pastors
On Vacations
Ministers Families
. Making Plans for
.Summer Holiday .
DALLAS - Rev. and Mrs.
Charles Dale and son ' spent the
weekend at Camp Pioneer where
the Rev. Dale conducted services
as chaplain. Paul Skellie - con
ducted the services at theChris
tian and Missionary Alliance
church Sunday. Skellie, who has
just finished school, will act as
assistant to Dale during the sum
mer and wifil conduct church
services in the absence of the pas
tor. He plans to enter the mis
sionary field at some future time.
Rev. and Mrs, Fred Towne arid
small daughter are spending a
two-week vacation with his par
ents at Coauille and will also
spend some time at a cabin on the
Santiam. Rev. Towne is pastor of
the Christian church.
; Rev. Clark S. Enz, pastor of the
Methodist church, was in attend
ance at the laboratory school for
church I school at Eugene last
week. The school was an obser
vation practice school givmg
V practical help to workers of the
nursery, ' kindergarten, primary
and junior departments sponsored
by the Oregon conference board
of education of the Methodist
Rev. and Mrs. Enz had as a
house guest Corliss Clark of Medi
cal Lake, Wash- a former class
mate of Mrs. Enz while attending
Willamette university. Miss Clark
is now a I case .worker for the
WashinKton states'lanitarium at
Medical Lake. f
Rev. Earl W. Benbow will be
1a his! pastorate al the Dallas
Presbyterian church, September .1
Rev. Benbow will supply the pul
pit during the month of August
but will not take up his regular
pastorate until a month later. He
has been Presbyterian student
pastor at the University of Wash
ington for the past 15 years.
Rev. Charles E. Funk, pastor of
the Amity Methodist church, was
euest , speaker at the Methodist
church .1 monthly family, covered
dish dinner which followed the
"morning service, Sunday. Rev
Funk, a native of Kansas, was
trained as an electrical engineer
and is a graduate of the Kansas
" State college. He received his
theological training in Boston and
Berkeley, Calif.
' All Methodist ministers in Polk
county were returned to their pas
torates by appointment at 'the an
nual Methodist conference held in
Salem recently. Rev. Clark S.
Enz will continue to serve the
Dallas IMethodist church and Oak
Grove ' chapel. Rev. James Zeller
was reappointed to the Falls City
. church and Rev. Nevitt Smith
will continue as , pastor at West
Salem and Summit.
Folic Visit
here from Altus, Okla., are E. M.
Boies t father, W. W. Boies, and
his brother, Robert Boies.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe en
tertained at dinner Sunday the
Orville! and Melvin Klampe fam
ilies and Miss Eleanor Ellis and
her brother Leslie of Clear Lake,
Wash. Miss Ellis and Leslie are
spending the . weekend at the
Klampe's. ,
House guests at the Art Ras
snussen home are their daughter.
Mrs. Max Bibby and Mrs. Mae
Trembal, who are here from
North! Bend, Ore., where their
husbands art stationed with the
Monmoutli Quirch
Has FeUoship
Dinner on Sunday
i MONMOUTH-Sxty-five mem
bers of the congregation of the
Baptist church had a fellowship
dinner1 Sunday, in the social rooms
at the' church, following the mnrn-
" Ing service. Rev. Earl Baker of
Salem occupied thf pulpit for the
first time. He and, his family will
move soon to the toewly acquired
-parsonage adjoining the church on
Monmouth avenue!
! A program followed the dinner,
Edward Pike directed, and Ruth
Denney was in'chirge of musical
numbers. Brief talks were given
by Rev. H. L. Scheuerman of the
local Evangelical church, who with
Mrs. Scheuerman Band daughter
W 1 :ul J A- J . 1L I
uiona. were lavitca w join we
group and meet ' Rev., and Mrs.
Fisher and their family; and Rev.
Ray Armstrong, new minister at
th Christian church, also spoke.
The new parsonage will -be call-
-ed the John Scott Memorial par
sonage, honoring the late owner,
who was a lifelong Baptist church
member. ' ' . v
- "Mrs. 1 Alice Bennett, . secretary,
' stated that only $210 debt remains.
Valley Births
SILVERTON Born to Mr. and
Mrs. James Erwert of St Paul, at
the Silverton hospital, a son, June
23. I r
, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
: Schmidt of Mount Angel, a son,
From The
3k ,
Gordon Wells
Suffers Injury
In Recent FaU
BUENA VISTA Gordon Wells
had the misfortune of slipping and
falling Friday morning, splinter
ing his thigh bone. Gordon was a
victim of infantile paralysis three
years ago, and his friends wish
him a speedy recovery from this
accident. -
Nadene, June and Jean Osborn
had a vacation at the beach last
week. Nadene is off duty as clerk
at the Independence J. C. Penney
Lt. Gertrude Tucker, who has
spent the past three weeks with
relatives here, left Saturday for
brief visit in San Jose, Calif.,
whee she was. formerly an in
structor in the San Jose teachers
college. From there she will re
turn f to her work with the WACs
at Des Moines, Iowa.
JeaniSiddell of Dallas is spend
ing her vacation at the f. A.
Wells home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graber were
hosts Sunday for a picnic dinner
oh their lawn. , Guests were . Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Withrow, Mr.
and Mrs Cecil Hultman and
daughter DeLores, Mrs. Milo Gra
ber i and children, Mrs. Leland
Prathsr and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rex'
of Monroe. j . ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Holt of In
dependence visited Sunday at the
Andy Elliott home.
P. A. Wells, Wilbur Gray and
V. B. McGowan started harvest
ing their cherry crop the first of
the week.
The Buena Vista' Woman's club
picnic will be held at Helmick
park: on Sunday, July 15, with
basket dinner at one o'clock. Mem
bers , arid friends are invited to
Frank Borter of Albany sold
his house and acreage here to a
family from Albany , who expect
to move in soon.
Betty Lou Long, Mildred Marrs
and : Mrs. B.-John Lovato, all of
Portland, spent the weekend at
the E. D. Long home. Mrs. Lo
vato has received notice from the
army that all of Company E, 117th
infantry regiment, of which her
husband is a member, received the
presidential citation for. action in
the i European theatre of war in
1944 and 45.
The Monmouth grange held its
annual Fourth, of July celebration
with a picnic and basket dinner at
the J. W. Graber home.
Mrs. T.-V. Owens and infant
daughter came home from the Sa
lem, General hospital Wednesday.
The Owens are former residents
at the Golden Gate hop ranch.
Mrs. Ed Leichty, who recently
underwent a major operation at a
Salem hospital, is recovering sat
Billy Prather visited his sister
Alice at Eugene this week.
living Berlin, who has written
more than 800 songs, has never
had a music lesson or learned to
read music.
buy your Kerr
Sears Prices
Thrift-wise housewives make Sears their head
quarters for Kerr jars, and all jof their cxxtinlng
needs, because our prices are iso low. Regula
tion or wide-mouth jars in
gallon sizes.
j Top Seed XJds
Fits any jnake of
Mason J ar. Safe,
sanitary and se
cure. Reg. 39c doz.
hc wn.
ttotit! v ;:
Statesman's Community Cprresjyprvdents
' 1
From California Eric Swenson
of Napa, Calif 4 visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Swen
son, at Monmouth while on vaca
tion! from Mare Island shipyard.
r 1 ' I- -I : r
Many Pictured A total of 317
persons at Monmouth availed
themselves! of the opportunity to
havfi chesl x-ray pictures made
when the mobile chest unit was
there. !?. ' ' - - L
, ':;! I ;'; r -i
Magazines Sought Mrs. Robert
Mitchell ofj Perrydale is collecting
magazines land cards for the. Red
Cross hospital unit and asks per
sons having old magazines or eard
games to leave them at her place.
This is " part of a project of the
Perrydale women's dub.
Buys Monitor Store Gus Jen
sen; has purchased the Rivenes
store in Mpnitbr, known for many
years as the Lehon store. RevenesJ
of Woodburn, purchased it a few
months ago from Lenon.
Buys Davidson Farm Frank
Thomas and son Wess, who have;
been employed on the N. C. An
derson farm in Buena Vista have
purchased; the old Davidson farm;
near Parker and will move therc
mis i aii. : ! ( .
Portland Couple
Visit Goodmans
Along Santiam
DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. J. Cal
Schlador of Portland spent a few!
days recently at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. F. Goodman.
Mrs. G. Dickie has gone to Far-i
ragut to visit :her son, Jim, in a-
navy hospital there. f: j
Mr. and Mrs! Harry Booker and
children are spending a few days;
at ; the Willard Booker home in!
Holley. i- I '
Mrs. Wilson Of Eugene has beem
a -guest of her mother, Mrs. Nellie;
Riddell. A X l '
Lloyd Ketchum of the U. Si
army has been visiting his wife,
and children and now has left for;
Fort Ord, Calif.
'it-- ? -,
Comes to Dallas
From 'Missouri
Jamison of Kansas City, Mo, ar
rived in Dallas a week ago to
take her mother Mrs. Martha Clay!
home with her. :
1 Mrs. Clay came west 12 years
ago to live with her sister, Mrs.
Sue Flanery, who died last fall;
Mrs. Clay has many friends here
and in Dallas who will miss he
and wish her happiness In her
new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan McKee
have Just finished putting a ce-r
ment floor in their basement;
They expect to make a large fish
pool now. before harvest.
Ycu Czn'i Best Sezrs
Are Low!
pint quart and half-
.. . I,) , . ... ,
Kerr Wide
Month ;
. 4 CAPS : .
3. ;
-i w nn
Gates Family
Is Visiting
In Medford
GATES Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Kanoff and Kenneth left Satur-
mother this week. The grand
mother is interested in "placer
mining." i 5 . ' -
Joseph Bowes and Glenn Hen
ness left Sunday for a fishing trip
to the JakeS. j.l I
Mrs. -Annie Andrews of Port
land is at the Charles Smith home
this week.: She is an aunt of Mrs.
Mrs. E. L. Davis entertained the
birthday Euchre club Saturday af
ternoon. Those present, were Mrs.
Velma Carey, Frankie Johnson,
Martha Bowes, Blanche Dean,
Ruby, Homer, Hallie Millsap, Lulu
Collins, Mary A. Champ, Blanche
Syverson, Eva Bevier, Garnet Bas
sett. She was assisted ; in serv
ing .by heri . daughter, j Mrs. Vir
ginia Overlock . and Miss Janice
Overlook of. Seattle. Miss.. Janice
is visiting over the holiday with
Virginia and will return to Seat
tle Thursday.
Mrs. Roy Taylor came from Sis
ters Saturday for a Week's visit
with relatives. She arrived In time
for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness'
Wedding anniversary Saturday.
Mrs. Thomas Lowe underwent a
major operation at a Salem hos
pital last Thursday. She teaches
in the high school.
Mrs. Lance Stewart ! is helping
her brotheri-in-law's family "while
her sister: is in the hospital.
Lt. Doug E. Ramsay and fam
ily visited his mother, Mrs. George
Ross, for a few days. Mrs. Ada
Hursh and Mrs. Edessa Hursh and
Mrs. Charles Sutfin and Dan and
Jeanell of Sacramento are at the
Ross home. also.
Jackie Bidagary of Portland and
La Von. Henderson of Independence
visited the Garrison family.
' The Millsap's entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Quinn, Mrs. A. Holt-
house, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Potter
and daughter, Sunday. They en
joyed a picnic dinner.
The Woman's club I will meet
for a picnic at the home of Mrs.
A. Champ July 12. One o'clock
luncheon will be served, followed
by a meeting.
Mrs. Winters and son Darrel
Hayward j returned from Prairie
City Friday. Darrel left Saturday
for a visit on the coast before re
turning to Seattle.
- Ground is being cleared and ar
rangements made for the building
of a house for the school's princi
pal to live in next year.
The C. E. (Pink) Masons have
purchased the home place of the
Lang Staffords.
Retums to Home
MONMOUTH Mrs. Orville
Swenson and her infant son, Don
ald Wayne, born last month at the
Bartell hospital, Dallas, are now
at their home here.
Guaranteed '
Or Tear
Money Back
I Kerr llason
Kerr Jelly
I Glasses (Two
styles, Of
ptsn doz.
( If .-J'.
maso u '
r : :ir;iK:;::-r;'.-f.
Oregon. Thursday Morning, July
' .i'
I Valley Calendar
. Marlon County farmer Union auart-
OCE Students
"P1M T
JL-lclIl lUF JTlciy
'Nine Girls' Name
Of Production
To Be Staged j
MONMOUTH The, Crimson O
dramatic club of Oregon College
of Education, assisted by some
ex-members who are attending
the summer session, 'will present
a murder-mystery drama Thurs
day night, July 12, in Campbell
hall auditorium, offering the most
dramatic entertainment of the
summer schooL j
"Nine Girls" contains a pro
logue and two acts, and wsa writ
ten by Wilfrid Pettitt It is the
first play to be presented during
a summer session here, and the
first time in many' years that
a three act play has been at
tempted . by this club. "Nine
Girls' - has appeared: on Broad
way, and was made into a movie,
The cast includes:! Lois Brant,
Yoncalla; Charlotte winters, Ore
gon City Eleanor Newman, Doris
Johnson, Portland; Eileen Moore,
Monroe; Betty June Bierbower,
Eugene; Barbara Belton, Condon
Lois Fletcher, Foster; Barbara
George, Newberg; Orchid How
ard, Albany.
Cecilia Brennan is faculty ad
viser. Marion O'Brien of Dallas
is stage manager. Orchid Howard
and Zetta Spur ling of Cheshire
are property managers. " Helen
Vincent, Corvallis, is charman of
programs and ushers. Doyle Ma
Aninch of Canby business chair
man, and Barbara Belton pub
licity chairman. j
r . ;
TTDne pJIwI1 DBx
Thank You!
We started in business in Sa
lem 18 years ago. Our business
has grown by leaps and bounds
until we now find bur space in
adequate to transact the.busi-
ness ve now enjoy.
Soon the carpenters will be
busy: enlarging pur store, we
have taken ovei; the: jspace;
where the hotel lobby was
once located and when remod
elling is completed we will
have one of the nicest jewelry
stores ifi Salem. 4
In the meantime we are going
to hold an expansion sale and
' invite you to come in and see
the real lvalues we have assem
bled for -you. ,
The sale includes a large stock
of diamonds to be sold at pre
war prices, r .
,As we are going to have 1
larger store, we are goinf to ! 1 4
have new fixtures and a
larger safe. The safe we have, j
. flow and show cases and wall'i '
' cases are for sale.-. v.---'
Store nonrs
We are going to continue our business ofi the same basis -"Quality Merchandise for Less
: TTIId oTJEWEIL iibods
5. 1945
Polk Property
Changes Hands
Dallas Businessman
Purchases Prune 1
, Orchard - ,,- :.'.
DALLAS Recent real estate
transfers include? both homes and
i - - '
acreages. Elmo Bennett has sola
his home to Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Jackson - of - route 2, Ellendale
road! Bennett had purchased a
home In Salem which he will oc
cupy in early autumn and con
tinue to operate his wrecking
business in Dallas while his
daughter, Beverley, will work in
Mrs. Chloe Butz has sold her
prune dryer on Uglow avenue to
Henry Hoekstre of the Salt Creek
district. Hoekstre plans to operate
the dryer this fall..
John Friesen, Dallas furniture
dealer, has purchased an 18
acre prune orchard from J. Paul
Bollman. The orchard, located on
South Uglow, is reported to have.
a very heavy crop this season.
L ! : ,'
Princle Guest
Goes to Arizona
PRINGLE Mrs. Martha Ewing,
guest for the past month at the
Robert Holden home left Monday
for her home in Arizona, she will
jbe accompanied as far as Fresno,
Calif, by her daughter, Mrs. Rob
ert Holden who will visit her
brother, Lenz Ewing, briefly in
Fresno before returning to Salem.
Jimmie Adams' tenth birthday
anniversary was observed Sunday
with a family picnic and fishing
trip I to the North, Santiam river.
Although plenty of fish could be
seen in the clear water none were
caught - -
Norma Holden and Darlene
Crossler left Monday for a ten
day ; stay at the Girl Reserves'
Camp at Smith Creek near Silver
Creek Falls. Dorothy Holden is
employed in Salem during the
summer vacation and Is staying In
xown aue to transportation dificul
t:lS AM. to f TM. '
Dallas Guard Unit
Calls for Bids on i
Repair of Armory
DALLAS Capl. rv. uwtuuw,
company B, xitn patiauuu. v-
gon state guards, is caumg w
bids for repairs to the Dallas ar
inrludins waterproof stucco
finish for the exterior? waterpitwf-
Ing of the roof, redecorating au
nf h Interior: reoairin 'and re
placing of light fixtures and
nlumbintf fixtures and roof arains.
Rid willt be x received ; July 10,
1945. i - iff ': '.
CaDtain5 Laudahl reports tnax
comDany B has recently received
full -.field equipment, inciuaing
SnHncrfield rifles, bayonets and
steel helmets. Uniforms and oth
er eauiDment were received last
spring. The company also has two
,22 rifles for indoor target prac
Turner! Picnic
1 ..:-.
Held Sunday
TURNER The annual picnic
of former; school pupil3 of Turner
was held Sunday, at Sellwook park
in Portland. After the i picnic
short business meeting was held
at which Percy Lyle of Portland
presided and Mrs. Eleanor Rob
erts also of Portland,! acted as
secretary.! They had been elected
at the last meeting held, in 1943.
Due to the gas situation a meeting
was not held last year. 1 '
New officers 1 elected .were Wil
liam Pearson, president;' and Mur
iel Salisbury, secretary," both of
Turner. ' . 'i - j'
Those present were Mrand Mrs.
Gerald R. Gower, Mrs.. Ernest L.
Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. "David Al
exander, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lyle,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. F. Robertsen
and family, E. Keith Roberts and
family, E. C. Robertson.' Mrs. Ray
Stewart and family, Mrs. Edith
Robertson Wiese, Mrs. Beth Small
Mollett, all of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. Ear! Bear, Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Pearson and family,' Mrs. Lu
cille McKinney, Muriel Salisbury,
all of Turner; Mr. and Mrs. Grant
McVicker. of Vancouver; Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Heath and family
of Milwaukie; and Mrs: Gladys
Salisburyl Whitaker of Sacramen
to, Calif.;' " j
i i lit , i
Cook Smells Smoke,
Finds Roof on fire ,
DALLAS The lire depart
ment j was called U the Maxle
Weggman home en Miller ave.
late Monday afternoon. Weggv
man, wfa lives alone, while
preparing dinner smelled smoka
and pa Investigation found
the roof afire. Damagt was eon
ftne4 t the roof. v 1
Tett Ms Aeart
t&at you're wetting
Half - heart to
each . . symbol
of true affection,
.,. .1 '
expressing faith
and love between
those who cannot
be together! (
You obtain two of these em
blems, keep one tod mail the ;
other to the one dearest to :
your heart. ' :
- I. ' ' : j
Skillfully UtbiouU M mmt.t.4
ifrling tilvtr mud CQO
tnamel:. . w
JO-k solid goU pint - J
mvaiUbl ubt sfr- 1 100
t'ud ordtr pUctd V
: Plus 20 Fkra! M.
The Jewel Box
443 SUte St
v . ' I
July L
to it Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
of. ML Angel, a son, July
i -
- . ' -- - i . i ... . r '