' Ik Tha OSEGON STATESMAN. Solonx Orooxm, Htundar Morning, July 5. 1915 PAGE ELEVEN Fjoz j Ccoryeriierice and Profit, ReaS anS IJia Help Wanted Money to Loan For : ;Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate I For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farms Wanted Real Estate r EXPERIENCED j salesperson. Apply I Immediately at Army ana Navy store. 33 N. com l. ' WANTED: Men and women cannery I workers at once on berries, en day I v .hift inmmnrinf at 8 00 AM' anri I ' might shift commencing at 7:00- P.M. Liberty plant. Transportation to and from cannery Durnished night work ers in Salem and vtciitttv of can nery. Phone 22038. United Growers, I Inc. CHERRY Pickers Wanted. "CV E. An. derson. Rt 1, Box 175. V mile East Hayes ville School. Phone '2-2801. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Marr Grocery, 2152 S. Commercial. CHERRY PICKERS, Sc lb. 9 miles out Wallace Hoad, Rt- 1, Box. 265, E. Len trom. i I CHERRY Pickers wanted. Good pick- Ing. 3'a cents 10. inquire lOtt Center. 1 r.Biv-FBV rr.FRKS wantMi Hit . I penence necessary. Good pay to start ana wnue you cam. exceuent oppor tunities for men or women - who can auahfy. See Mr. Miller. Safeway Stores District urace. t WANTED: Berry pickers; good flackcaps. Boysenberries. Start July 9. mile N.W. of Chemawa. Ed Sproed, t.,-I, BOX 4UM. j Help Wanted Male . -a? u Lie uction should not apply and win not considered for employment by em loyers advertising ta thla section. Experienced men for paint department. Apply ' SALEM HARDWARE - ;.' - : CO. 120 N. Commercial WANTED Young ' married man to operate bread j wrapping machine In bakery. Steady work, wages to start I jw wx, Appiy Alison oaaery, so . i bum i. WANTED A ! good first class painter at nnr. Phn. 844S. I Adair. 3 . Job. 9 hra. day. Sai. I and Sun. opuonal. F. O. Repine Co., msna rpnwaa jiom. rammm in I r nun ana vesetaoie man. iais la a i reai joo wiui real pay. aaving (.enter, WANTED Experienced butcher for sieaay joo. iooa pay. Appiy urana Ronde Mexcantwit Col) Grand Rondo, Oregon. BODY MSN and mechanics. Herrall- Owens Co. Help Wanted Female WOMAN to car for lady 4 1ms. day. or full time If preferred. 189 W. Miller. -POSITION open August 6th. Hours lsou-s.oo interesting work wltn medl- cal records. 21 1 years of age or over; - high school , graduate; aotne nurses training valuable: typing and filing experience necessary. Box - 44t, The I ailatesman. WAITRESS -wanted: State Office Bldg. Hours 7 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Sat. - ouii. to. j"us. n-raeT. GIRL far cashier. State age and ex perience. Permanent Box 491 States man. GENERAL OFFICE . work. Small amount dictation. Perth anst. Baner- lence preferred but not essential. State qualification. Box 480V Statesman. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, day shift. Court .Street Dairy Lunch. 347 Court st. WOMEN KELP WANTED at Citt Cleaners. Also checker needed. ' 1245 State St ' Salesmen Waisted r W ANTED ; 1 -Apparel Saleslady Experienced., Assistant -to department manager in Salem, Oregost, $31.25 fori as -nr. week, i . Fred Meyer 14$ . N. Libertr . Sitoationg Wanted - W ANTETWob on smott swlteMMnrd. S years experience. Can type. Refer- ancee. Phone 8148. EXPERIENCSXI Bookkeeper desires position, writ Boat Jl Staesrrtao. WANTED: Children ta care for in my homo by the day or month. See Mrs. Velma Hamiltea after 9 PJ4, 181 S.13tlt St WOX Care for children tn my homo. rr. mi. 1109 n. jmui. REFRIGERATION Service. Cora'l Domestic. Ralph Johnson AspL Ph. 4038 I WILL care jfor esderty lady la -my Bom, rnone sii- CIULDREN care for. Phone $443. EXPERT Bendix repair i bv auth. aaler. Ralph Johaaon AppL Ph. 4039. PreSchool Play School; 13$1 State Ages 3-9. Part or all day. Ph. 9439. ADVSRTISINa Western Advertising Representatives. . 4 Ward-Griffith Company, too. San Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Comiony, Inc. CStieofo. New York. Xetralt.. Bestoa. Attante vi : 1 Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau ox AdverUsinS Intend .of the Postofflco f Salem, Oreoon as Second Class UatUr. Pub fished every tnomixo Except Monday. Business office 115 South Commer cial ftrees, 1 - SUBSCRIPTION ' RATES Mall Subscrtptioa Rates In Advance: Witfala Oregon; Daily and Sunday. Ma n cents. S moo. $3.09; 1 rear. $8 00: Llsowhoro 90 eaata per at, or $720 gar 2 year to aOvawea. Per oopy 8 oeatta Pr City Carrier. 79- coots a aoeth, f ) ti yv t ad r 8100 a atlarioa tasi WANTED YOU RECEIVE INDrVTDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU I , APPLY TO ' 1 lpnpral FinanpA I .nrn. , - I awn. Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familUr with aU local needs and eon dttlons and; lend on any reasonable ! security. Up to 12 mo, to repay. Telephone 9168 State Us. (S-1381 13a S. Commercial St Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used ears et trucks regardless of age. No delay Drug car ana title aod get the money You retain possession of vehicle. i to is jnonuis to repay Altai $ o clock ohone 3361 or 31143 "or (appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state PRIVATE MONEY 134 S ComX St Phone 416$ .M 1531 $ I MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans. for any worth while cause. We also Stat. "SSSf. 'JSTmSS 3 .3. cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4111,1212 Guardian Bldg. Salem LJC. 5 I1S-H X3 -. Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city i or farm properties: loans made as small as' $300. See us about refinancing youi present contract mortgage, i Leo IN. Childs, Inc. 244 SUte St Phono 92S1 Auto Loini Willamette Credit Co. 9TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD INC. LICENSE N Sf la For Sale Miscellaneous FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8351 TRAILERS tor rent 50c per nr. woodry'i Slkt, 1603 N. Summer. 1937 FORD SO transmission, radiator ana motor bloc. Fit. 2-1334. -o- aATiu, wravei. crusnea. neaay-nux concrete. Two-unit Septic Tanks, sew " t."" utui nAa a a urro ..n.Ki- ImmediatA deliverv. Rattnn Mrtiflcate necessarv. Good Housekeeoina- Co- B7 court St. STOVE re Da trine & parts. Woodry's (At., 1601 N. Summer St CHARLIE PICKETT HAS EVERY. THING IN UNFINISHED FURNITURE PICKETT'S FURN- 13TH and STATE. SHOW CASES, one 10 ft. and one 9 ft. Phone 5421. B u s i n ' Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft: 21st c Market. Appliance Service EXPERT Beodix and commercial and domestic refrigerator service. Ralph Johnson Appliance, phone 4036. Art Tile t BATH Room.! drain board fireplace Or store fronts. Ph. B994. 1145 N. 13th. Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 23$ S. Coml. Mike Panek. 27s S. Comt Ph Slot Brake and ' wheel aliening specialist Auto & Truck Service I MARIOK MOTOTtS -NASH SALES Sc SERVICE Experienced mechaaics Otto, Buff, foreman, 549 CheroekeU. Ph. 783$. HERRALL-OWENS CO23S S. Coml Bicycles RtrrycLES. New and reconditioned Harry W. Scott. 147 S. Corn el, p. 4519 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 S. CowX Building Contractor ORRIN S. PTNNEY, contractor. Designing and remodeling homes. Ph. 9493. i - Rm. 220 Oregon Bldg. BE WISE MODERNIZE Cement Contracting CEMENT contracting C. R. Ellla Ph. 4071. Chimney Sweep OIL CIRCULATOR, furnaces, chlm- , aeys cleaned. Eosley. 771 8. Zlsl P 7179. Electrical ELECTRICAL Installation, ma in ten ance and repair. Try our service. Ph. INSTALLATIONS, repairs, motors. refrigeration, appliances. Let George do it. George Electric. 3209 Portland Road, phone 2-100. . Florists 'EOLA ACRES. Rt 4. Ph. 9730. i Brclthaupt's 447 Cosrrt Phone 9199 Funeral Directors HOWELL-EDWARDS. ' Ph. 3872. ROSS LAWN IMnersl Home- 2SM I. Commercial. Pb, 5589. Furnace Cleaning FURNACES reset bricked Oil heat rs. Hot air Dioaa vacuum cleaned. Koois repaireo. Keaneoy, nt suae. Expert service. Cooper oc Son. P. 3SC3 General Repairing ' T9sV3Jgm goieOMeSOl RMSUtaas VsWUt , ckaners, oto. t It, pick-up, ckiivor. NEARLY New prewar daveno $59.00. Drop-leaf table,;; 4 walnut finish chairs! 121.75 3-piece , solid mahogany dinette - et wll- LJ $59.00 Beautiful 8-ptece walnut dining' sei i. i a. i.uv Beautiful 4-poster mahogany bed. spring idt mattress i $49.50 Large wardrobe . $29.50 uu kitchen trash burner , szs.so Large wood circulator .. ., ,. $39.50 a-piece orcauast set $11.75 $15.00 Coiled barrel trash burner Indirect t floor lamp :.. . $14.75 Bright Furniture . Co. 453 Court St Phone 7511 I-.:.;.-. ALL TYPES s Eave Troughs I ttTRNACES INSTALLED I j- , AND REPAIRED Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410; S. 12th St.. Salem. Oregon. Phone :5391 JOHN DEERE 7 ft. Power mower with power take-off. M. R. Archibald, rt 1, Turner. Ore. n - . t A VARIETY of corner cupboards. desks.' chests, etc. PICKETTS UNFINISHED FURNITURE Co-op Market. I3tn & State 41 TRAVELEYE trailer house, furn.. 3S: 41 Excellent condition, ph. 2-1459. R. A"l Be lb. U pick.- Rt. 6. Box 305. NEW CROP strained honey. 5, 10 cans. Puritan Cider Works. W. 8c 60 lb. Salem, YOUNGBERRIES, Logans. Royal Annesv 1 black and Pie cherries; 3490 Center. ph. 2-2528. , ; DODQK tractor on rubber, cultivstor and plow. $200, phone 2-2793. 940 Mon roe avenue. YOU PICK. Bings, Lamberts 9c, pie cherries 7c. No Saturdays. Bring con Uiners. i Garden Koad Box 447. ROYAL ANNE cherries 7c L U pick A. B. Browning. 3 ml. S. on Liberty MONTMORENCY pie cherries. 1 mile waiiace; ra. ox rnone z-zzu. WALNUT diningroom table and up holstered chairs. Privately owned. 309 ti. UDerty. pnone 2-1583. y BED Davenport, Studio couch. 790 N. Church. ji WALNUT dining km.' table. S chairs. outlet, i good cond. Reas. Ph. 4MB, FOR :SALE: Sawdust water heater & large crib. Ph. 7028. v Quick ! battery charger ' 200 00. Special on tires. B50-20xa Ply. sooxis studded 700x16-8 ply, tractor j in 14x29, 12x39 and 10x20. r - NOLLMAN Be : ENGLER, "382 State BLACK Cherries; e. Adults 2490 N. Front. . $ : ; pick. SALE FRL AND SAT. Doors open at 10 AM. Good smooth top coiled cook stove. Hot water tank. Good ; sewing j machine, iron beds, chairs. ; fruit jars, cupboards, etc. 201 EXPERT washuig machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed EHis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. is si t li a..ii . e s s ; ' Di rec t o r y Bosiness Directory cards ran by the month only. Rate SL25 per llne per month. Call 9111 fc listed hero for resvlU! Insulation BUILDERS INSULATING CO. li 1209 S.; E. Grand Ave. East 9121 ;jj Portland 14. Oregon . ; Insurance Bristol Insurance Agency, General In surance- 403 Oreg. Bldfr, Ph. 21333. Lawnmower Sharpening MACHINE Grinding and repairing. 2130 Fairgrounds Road. J. F. Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory; grinders by Harry W. Scott, "The Cycle Mao" 147 S. Commercial St Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone. Money to Loan '1 DO YOU NEED CASH? We loan on 1 guns, pistols, watches. Jewelry, kodaks, luggage.- radios, musi cal instruments, mens dotnmg or any thing of value, i Licensed pawn broker. STAR: EXCHANGE - LOAN OFF1CJE U IS ttl N. Cc4Timerclal St. ..- Musical Instruments Repairing! WUTj Afuslo Store. P. 4859 Mtjse5tesoti'.it : $ SPANISH a Hawtian Guitar. Mandi- lla. Banjo, etc. 1533 Coart Ph. 759 Painting PAINTING Decorating, Ph. T5$2 Painting . & 'PapeTaxanghig BEST Work:" frea estimates. W. Crowly. 249. 17th. Phone 471X Paper hang'g. Jerry Johnson. Ph. S4B2 EXPERT Workmanship Phone--4389 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 b. . .umuTjerciai. : 4 ear phone i9101. !",.... s Photography HARMON & KLOSTERMAN. New owners of Bishop Studios, are ableilto because of their excellent equipment $20 State. Ph ' 972. ; . - Plumbing HOWARD PLUMBING St Sheet Ifattal Co. Jenersoa..FTL 1-144$. . ' - h EXPERT SERVICE John FlBber.. Pb. SOU. 535 S lBttt. A 'U 85CXWT3 CO- Pumblsj Heating. '173 S. Comt Ph- 922X BOWEN BROS. Plumbing and fiU- leg 253 N- Cora L Ph- izia. 1 Plowing TRACTOR t4owt., euiaratlnj ad LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS I $3150 BUYS rr Combination living room and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, wired for range, ' good paint, about 4 years old.- Lot 106x100. small chicken noose, some berries. Edge of town. j EAST TURNER ROAD S-bedroom house and acre of land. excellent location. Immediate posses sion. House about 19 years old. $3500. I KE1ZER DISTRICT 1 18 acres and i S-room house. 3 bed rooms, Uehts. eleetrie water system. double plumbing. 14 A. under culti vation, crops ana oerrtes. exceuent Willamette soil, some machinery in cluded in price at $19,000. I PHONE 471 COURT ST. For Sale Miscellaneous I Reg. Cocker Puppies Sired by Poe's Stockdale Timie. grandson of Champion Stockdale Start lee. 1462 N. ComX WE BUY and sell men's shoes, cloth ing, tools, radios, guitars,, trunks, furniture and household goods. SUHUALES, 293 N. ComL Ph. 3999 GENUINE foul seed. Rivet Silt, free from Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. ! PH. $672 or 7954 ; COCKER Pups, black. 2 mi. so. Ore gon City. Pac. Hyway 99E. A. Lindsay. MODEL BDH 3$ Diesel" cWtrsc. 1$' tracks, good shape. W. B. M or lan. Rt 2.1 Box Dallas. Ph. 29F3 Dallas. ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rest BjC .Pugh Pb ' 2-2S PO Box 483 WE Buy at ; sea furniture. ! tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios,' Eleetrie appliances, household foods. KLIG liAN'i. 285 N Commercial Ph. S883 "ALWAYS a big stock -Woodry's Furniture alkt Pb. 9110 DUR Specialty: Spray painting. Ey-erJy-Gottenberg contractors. Ph. 4249 LAWN MOWER Sharpening ft Ad- lusting. 1 Woodry's Mkt 1009 N. Summer Bt 31 ' 1 1 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: RECORD PLAYER. 9249 after 80 P.M. Ph. iW ANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 432 State St WANT TO Hut. Om etsmt t tenses McEwan Photo Stoop 435 State WANTED. Pianos. Tauman'a, Ph. $707 CASH for your used furniture. Ph. 7599. State St rttrniture. 1900 SUte IT YOU have furniture to seQ se Russ Bright Ph 7511. 453 Court CASH tor used piano at other ana steal Instruments Call 4941 days at saarr evenings or send description u Jsquith Music Co.. 191 S High - USED FURNITURE Ph 9184- Radio Service PARTS a Tubes for all makes. Hall's Radio Service in basement Stiff Furni ture. 440 Court, ph. 9185. ; Radio Service 5 ;WILL'S Music Store. Ph. 4959. Sand and Gravel SAND & GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX All kinds of Road Gravel, genuine River hut. Clean, sharp Mason sand Crushed Rock. COMMERCIAL SAND & GRAVEL CO rnone oovz or vy-n - SAND. graveL crushed rock, ready mixed concrete and - garden 4 sand- Walling Sand and GraveL Ph. 858L jewing Machine Repairing Verne'a Service. 257 Court. Ph, 3029. Septic Tanks Cleaned GET my prices before lurvtnr work dpne. Ph. 7404." Permanent resident of W Salem. Kenneth Hamel. 1143 But St Trailers TRAILERS built to order. Ph. $282. Transfer tartar DfLus Truck Sar." Ph. 2-1790 tetw uauiinav-iocsi a u uuubc U-DRTVE " TRUCKS ; FOR. ! RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, , burner oil. briquets: Trucks to Portland daily.. Agent . Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer co ft im. i ? Tree Spraying TREE SpraTlnav Good - dependable work.. Seasonal contracts. write w. Klotz. Rt $. Box $88, on SUverton Hwy. Tire Recapping I O. K Rubber Welders Truck and Passenger, non-directional tfre treads on all truck ttres 202 8. High. Ph. 3549 jVaeoTnm Cleaner Service Verne's Service. 157 Court Ph. $02S. CERTDTED GUAR. serv. All makes. Vince's Electric, 157 S. Lib. TeL 6292. i I FREE inxoectlon In rour home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service an mokes cleaners, Hogg Bros. ' Ph, 9149 Weather Strips Weather stripe and lnxulatloa. Puilcoaa ph $363.- Iree as Urns tee Welding ARC arid ga welding. Phono $282. Window Qenning i ALL work 1 riartsteed. Wlndotrt alls, eroodwoick rieano Floors tu ed. maured workmen. Professional Ctaening Servteo. Pa, 4457. ' ,i HAZEL GREEN DISTRICT 9'i acres and new. modern home. living room, dining Toora. 2 bedrooms, I kitcnea ana batn. ruu Msimeni, air- condiuonea furnace, unfinwned up-1 stairs, fireplace. V. blinds, water heater. att garage, a grand -county home. NORTH 21ST STREET Bungalow style, 2 bedrooms, full basement, furnace wired for range. heater, newly painted. Lot i , . . , . . " i i i Livirtgroom. 2 bedrooms, kitchen with ssvrvrsv, sms iva imiu, u -wg au staai, uUHSOnMI QUIQU fl jjga. WML heater, about 4 yean old. immediate possession edoo. 9680 EVE It SUN. 377$ Wanted Miscellaneous We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED Pianos S, - . . S l I? urniture and Appliances . I cau 9149 ror appointment HOGG BROS. 280 State St WANTED: Electric refrigerator. Call 4282. i Miscellaneous DINE St DANCE, Log Cabin, every tugni. a-,a mi. norm. i COOPER BROS-. SHINGXJNO AND ROOFING. PH. 9244. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES i Bring or Mall your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Com Ph. 3311 BUT RIGHT-NOW GUE-ANJUt I rrom your grocer, use a tor more sanitation. WOODWORK. Dishes, laun dry general spring house cleaning. Willamette Gro. Supply all sizes, 25c 50C. $1. ! For Rent Rooms CLEAN ROOMS, close in. gentleman. 765 Marlon. ATTRACTTVE room, 2 blocks from NICE LARGE sleeping rm. for two ladies, 2 beds. Phone 9750 mornings or evenings. NICE Rooms, pleasant surroundings. Call 428Z. , SINGLE room. 1143 Oak St CaU Tuesday any time 'or eves, other days, LEEp! T rm jhd.355NXQipiS SLEEPING room 653 N. High. Room and Board WANTED Elderly woman wishes room, ooaro. rnvaie noma. rn. unti. Fori Rent TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cune o Love !1 ohone 9009 GOODTusedPUn FLUOR SANDER ror rent Mont gomery Ward . i . , Wanted to Rent 3 R. furn. opt. T. 9101. ;M. White. HOUSE. 2 bed room preferred. Saw mill worker. Phone 8715. i WANT 1 yr. lease or longer on 3 bedrm. unfurn. house. Call Mrs. Dud ley. Marion Hotel. Ph. 4123. BTiTW fmnlnvM tlMmsnMlt IvtehM I K4,T.m r-.n -vrhanaa rental on house in Portland. Phone 4171. Ext 392. BUSINESS man. permanent desires to rent or lease arnao parnauy xurn-1 tshed or unfurnished house with ga-1 rage in or near Salem. No children or pets. Phone Mrs. Pebbles;. 4622. For Sale Real Estate t'KNTfcJt ST NEAR 20TH 3" bdrm. all one floor. Urge living At dinlngvrull bsmt (no furnace). Inspect and make an offer. C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. Hlgn. -SS3B $4950 Price . Just reduced from 952S0 lor auark sale. WeU built 2 bedrm. home. i iv r i-ic. kit- E. water heater, Nice bath room, fenced, yard, truit st nut trees, j '"' ' . CaU E. E. I GRIMM Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 187 EJUS- pa. st- are. or aun. WSFPAY MORE? Wen built strictly modern S bdrm. home, all am floor, nv. at am . nwa.i "o-. w.nJ'1!rx.. J nook, f,-,81"!' J5ST r.n ; ,r; n. B-n--a. - n. ' very Desirable 1 bedroom nouse in oss annum. EXTRA GOOD CONDITION ! 8 ma. wan arrasuMd. wired for range. Baamt, sawdust furrrice. on bus. Close to store, school, nortn. race as ao. C. H.-SANDxS, 231 W. mSO. a ,JXJ EXCliiENXVALUE ' 2 bedroom home, neat clean and llv ahle Snlendkl location The first pros imps look-in at this win probably buy it $4750. j ' S C LieO 11. UUiaS, IC. REALTORS $44 State St phone 92l WE HAVE a Uree 1 bdrm. home. well located east Price $1950. with $700 ; down. . C sand s a. ui i. rugn. ana BY OWNER 2 a. 3 bdrm. house. barn, near school and bu4 Rt $. box 591 next to Auburn school. IDEAL SPOT for business on hlgt- way 222 east. IX room House, garage, barn, well, work shop, chicken house, about 21i acres. Write Bon 12 States- BY OWNER-r2 bdrm.. double garage, full basement, sawdust heat auto. wtr. heater. Large lot. beaotmti yard, lrnmo diato possession. 1361 Saginew. NEW 2 bed rm. home, edre of city. on bus. No Sunday calls. . Ph. 2-2383. 20 sairvaew Ave. FAXRMOUNT HILL Beautiful east view, extra nice. 1 Ige. bdrsn- atrictlT modtin home, lost rlgbt for a. rtiee uwn ana rear yarn. iOxlM. Yon wUl lethia Place. Price J ' , . C H. SANDERS. 231 N. Hlfin, 65 Ven. bttnds fhrwogftMNtt Israissted inchsding Frig Idmtre. alec trie stove and water heat Fnono jSS9 - .,- NELSON NEWS SPECIAL BARQA&S I 'AlmmtImme'diatelV-4 1 1 'Available- -.4 ON CREEK ' - - t , Ideal 1 for pony. cow. poultry;' with pacific .Highway connection DroieCted oain, tar. u. k. witn ipiace. a norms., wrd. Jor ele. range, elc. - water sys,. CLOSE IN There are seldom any homes for sale in this district. The folks who own this home have bought a; country place. 2 bdrms., bath. D. R. L. R. Kit, walnut tree in parking generally pays the taxes on this property. $33001 $1100 down, bat $33 per mo, CHAPMAN CORNERS 2 view building sites. 1 with live able 8 rm. house, elc. water sys. cherries. apples, pears, grapes, etc., dbl. gar- 2's m. from bridge. $3000. Terms on some. OFF 90E 3 bdrm. home, fairly -new. wrd. for elc.' range, 100 capacity poultry hke., U - H .1 , . ... M.IU-. .,1 ... ww aiicv. vw. wavci mym.t warning uuh pacific highway bus. $3750. some terms. . If you' can't use any of these, let I us tell, you about others available f through our office. NELSON & NELSON Chet L Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS ! I Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg.. 499 State St rn. Kves. 21450 or szso HOUSE TOR SALE S h-v4 riuvn iiiMl.m hnrlr tintn. HoUywood district. Automatic heat. good basement garage, bus hourly by aoor. immediate possession, sojw. FILBERT ORCHARD 19 A. filberts, modern 3 bed room house, good barn, $1200 overhead irri gation system. Exceptionally good terms. 114.000; 10 A. filbert orchard near saiem. 8 room modern home, excellent crop. marvelous buy witn eeflnite future. fi .1 4nr li I nil tm . frnnlag.v mw1 k.in. . mitmm Alsn .nrr.. crllnt ,oU in Hollywood district, large rest derrtial lota in restricted subdivision districts. ' Rawlins Realty ' & Insurance Co. FRED RAWLINS. Realtor 2056 North Capitol (HoUywood district) We have an insurance policy tor your every need. Your Hollywood insurance agent; OTIS D. RAW lows, rh. ibis. or ni-ht 7903. TODAY'S BARGAIN! Good 9 rm. home, living at dining with hwd. floor, full basmt, with oil burning furnace, only $5990. C. H. SANDERS. 231 N. High, 9B3S AUTO. HEATED HOME No fuss, no muss, no bother. Auto. gas furnace and water heater. Prae. new roof. TBRMs 2 carpeted I. Gleam- in Hdw. floors. This home is English style. Lovety snruos ana lawn, uniy . . . aa 3k 7900. CaU GLADYS REIMANN Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 187 S. Hirh. Ph. 2722. Eve or Sun. 7905 -! GOOD BUY! In a 3 bdrm. strictly modern home Close to bus and school. North. Hwd firs, in living & dining. aU bdrms. on first floor, sawdust turnace. rr. straw C H. SANDERS. 231 N. High. 5839 LOT. by owner; good location. Ph. 9168. -!!.. FINE modern home, choice location. Fred Baker. 614 S. Water, phone 1732 1 Silverton. . NEW extra good 5-rm; home, also rm. in basement Hwd. floors, furnace, fireplace, Venetian blinds,' electric wtr. heater, automatic sawdust heat fosses sion 15 dsys. - See MR. wxwwin witn Havtkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108! After 6 phone 8715 I SMALL, nice 1 bdrm. home, extra good lot. near Catholic church, north. $3500. CaU Don Davis evenings 7028 or C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 9838 NEW 2 BDRM. home. Hwd. floors. fuU bamt.. furnace. Northeast district I See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. .REALTORS ' Phone 4109 After 9 phone 9719 $6900.00 Brand new house In Capitola. 2 bed rooms. Jiving ana aining room combined. Lots of buUt-ins. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. Lnd'ry room and aaraae. Auto, oil "heat $5000.80 9 r bath. New. Living room. dlnmg room, 2 bed rooms, autenen. Lots of i bunt-ins. Outbuildings. .Z ZTiZZZZZFmd large lets. Grandhavea addition I ..-. room and dss-ne room rooms, livtne room and dsBsns! room combined. KHcben. Lots of built lns. Uhfinished 4 r. apt upstairs with private- entrance. 3 Urge lots, lint .ontefil.. eltv tinkita aflaitli - ABRAMS & ELLIS. INC. U1 Masonic Bldg. --. Phone 6199 lMur'BC- : Mort I . tnev 4 bdrm home. 3-piece bath uo and down. Extra large living with fireplace, large dining, hdwd. firs- oil, furnace. l-ot 35xo. price aoe. J C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High. 9838 i . r- v k.. i n bus. S5250. CAU BSR. UAltUMaJI ' 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTOR 337 North High Street ONLY $1,350 Small 2 rm. house. 4 lots. Inside city I limit, s CaU E.' E. Grimm Rich Li Reimann, Healtor in Hh. Ph. 3722. Eve or Sua. 780$ 167 S. High. Ph. 2722. Eve or Sua. 780$ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $6000 North. trge nv. rm. -ixery I kit at nook. 2 bdrms. dn 2 up. Wired I for range. Elec. water heater. Auto. loll furn. Newly- painted outside and i reaecorataa msiae. Huff Real Estate Co. I REALTORS 970 S. COMX. I Phone 2793 . Eve. Ph. 9441 Exchange Real Estate TRADE Close in acres with I rm. hnuiaa witn hath and furnaea. Obi ham. I Good for subdivision. Want modern 1 4 - bedroom . home in town. Prefer - 1 Engiewooa aismci. wm pay some luiierence. rn, sub. For Sale Farms TEN ACRE FARM , I ACRES each of cherries, prunes. Strawberries and boTaenberriea. Fair S rm. hoose. barn Oc dbl. aaraee. Else. "na well water. Price $6a0O. I Another 10 scree Nortn, all cultivated althMll KltlMtnao Briiia Sinnll . I " i7VtJZW-U I ' T u TV CUilAm T - 1 J-f "") - 1 t REALTORS - IW state s$ ; . nu$a LOCATED 9 Miles North of Salem. This 98 acres.! all tinder cultivation. 2 seta of building. Full line of ma chinery. Crop thia, year - should bring $23,000. This is one of . the best buys for the price. Ask for MB. LARSEN Hawkins frRoberts,iInc. ta0f,-:4 4108 . i . w REALTORS K ' . araar bitl'l na" rtt 1 Modyg-rm. house with ook;' firepiT electricity. . gas and good automatic water, system. Cherries- ready to pick. Acre garden ana Dernes. Near ' ous service. SaooO.v --..-. i . :P. II. Bell, Realtor , VG. P.; Armstronj .." 402 Guardian Phone 4896 ' ' 9 ACRES $ MILES OUT1 , ' . ; Lots of trees; rood view. AU fenced; New built cabin. First $1000 takes it. ; See MR. McMHXIN with Hawkins & Roberts, line. REALTORS -" Phone 410$ i After 8 phone 81-F-21 S ACRES, new bdrm.. 5-rm. home. garage, chicken- house. HayesviUe dist $6850. ; "i r ' V ' CALL MR. GARDNER j 3210 - BURT PICHA. REALTOR 337 North High Street i $4500. 1 A. 3 bdrm. home. East Elec. wat syst Chick house at fruit CaU Mr. Walters. , Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 970 S. COML. Eve. Ph. 9441 ONLY 10 DOWN Fine building Sites at edge of city limits. 1 A, and us. Some front on large all-year creek.' Rich Willamette loam soil. . , CALL X. E. GRIMM ; Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High Ph, 3722. Eves, at Sun. 7805 $6900. 1 A. South. 6 rnause at fur niture. New furnace. Garage.' Chick hse. Garden it chickens. Can Mr. Walters. t- Huff Real Estate Co. . REALTORS Phone 3793 970 S. COMX. Eve. Ph. 9441 NEW MODERN country home, one of the finest locations. Jl acres, S mi. Salem. E. Owner leaving Salem, will sacrifice for quick sale. See it how. H. C. SHIELDS, Ore. Bldg- Ph. $902 VERY CHOICE til acre tract nicely landscaped in Kelser district with 4 bedroom modern house (no basement). food buy at $70004 some berries, acres in walnuts and peaches with large house, at city limits north, for $10,000. . t J 8. M. IARLE OR VICK BROS; 208, N. High St FIFTEEN acres In prunes, pears lc walnuts. Price $2750.00. Would sell five or ten acres.. In Liberty district. Ph. 4839, Salem. i Suburban BARGAIN SUBURBAN ! New 2 bedroom home with bath N. Chicken house and 1" acres good pro ductive land, price $4250. See , Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS I 344 State St I- Phone 9261 Resort Property! OCEAN FRONT LOTS tn new re stricted district bet Oceanlake and Don ester House: gravel its., water At lights available. HERBERT CORDON. ex. agent, oceanlake.- ore. Wanted Ileal Estate ' WANTED WANTED I Listing of 2 and 3 bed room houses. Will pay top price. Also for acreage, one to ten acres. Call .at our office or Phone 6903. or writ full particu lars. See Louis Bechtel- or Mrs. Need- hajn. 341 State St Room 4. j Wanted !j Have Clients! With $300 to $1,000 down payment. Want - small homes and . acreages in or near Salem. - s Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 16T'S. High St. - - Ph. 3722 Bve. or Sun. 7909 or 8905 - - " "SALEM'S OWN REALTORS' TO .BUY OR SELL YOUR CITY ROME. FARM OR BUSINESS PROP ERTY. SEE OB CALL; . - ; SALEM iREALTY COi ' J's?'-:1-'t? Realtors :ir--5; '"TTVt ACTIVE SALESMEN TO " SERVE YOU" ' ' 17$ SO.'' COMX. ST. PHONE 7660 fimsill Kemopoi. or rrMt lit Or near Moslem. $300 to $1000 down. . ' ( - . AT T - m' ' anTTaLeTEtar " . j-- .. AJ aTgaa -aTato- -aSfSgfcsasTl asm -. - Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 8. High. Ph- 3722. Eve. -or Sun. 7905 DAILY CROSSWORD ', - ACROSS - iRoada 1 -' . 24. Public , i : 1. Father (Fr. ; 6. Intersect noUca prieat) f 7.Tumultuous 25. Kinr of ' 5. Fragment' " mob . . - Bashan 10. Coronet -i : 8. Projecting: 26. Radium . 12. Figure of - end of a , , . frpeech church' i 13. One defeated 9. Nobleman 14. Stir up 11. Chief 15. Devoured : 17. Crested; . ... is.aty ; SEPenn - gytvanial 1$. Samarium (sym.) T . 19. Turns aside ' hawk-parrot 33. Nestling; 19-Cebine i 36. Cup-like monkey , spoon f 20. Warp-yarn 37. Fencing 22. Undeveloped aword ' flower' 38.Nurs 20. Rough lava .23. Ahead 21. Close to) i , 22. Snake . 23. Eye socket -. tanat.)-; -2S.Noiaa 1 SO. Talk fi 31. Aloft -.' - 33. Fish , . ; 34. Fish basket - 35. Article (Ft.) 38. Degree of . 1 . susceptibility 41. Crown i : 42. State .! ' ! 43.DweUlng; 45. Stop (Ntut) J 48. Move ildewayi 47. Lonr-eared 1 rodent 48. X3evatkrut (golf) S . DOWN X Volume of V. maps ; . inorsani fauna of a '. region SVFoumlaUon ; - tVCefort i ': and start pack. Just, phone ! 3210 Let ug do the Vest., Burt Picba Realtors North '1 ngov iireet, . V NOTICE: .1 IF -; rour -tuueit -m for sale, rent .or exchange. Jts wit ua We have I kinds rash buyers. STATE -FINANCE CO. REALTORS ;. oardan Bldgt ,;. ; Buiuess Opportuuitirs APT. HOUSES 10 minutes . walk from ' downtown. 17 units r completely furnished, on valuable cor. lot Good Income. $17,000. Terms. l; -. v' - : i . ONLY $3500 CASH Will ' handle this moner maker. Monthly income about $300. Cor. loca tion. 3 lg. lots. Full price $10,500. Call E. E. GRIMM Rich L Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High. Ph. 3722. Eve or Sun. 7803 USED FURNTTURE and repair short in heart of Salem. Price 1000. n. unuuu, ui m. mgn. asja COAST AUTO COURT. 6 separata units: 200 highway frontage: excellent ocean and lake view. elec. retrig.. elec. ranges. ntnoLiii uuhuun, ocean lake. Ore. i GROCER YlTREJ-.r Foirf ker Store fixtures and stock. In thriving community: lO miles from Salem, -laq. Mr. Mason. RickreaU Food Center. Rickreau, Ore. For Sale Used Cars WILL TRADE low mileage 1$41 Olds- mobile Model 66 Station wagon equip ped with hydromatic drive and ia top condition for 1941 Okas, Chev or Pon- . tiac :edan in good condition. For ap pointment pnona ossi. - FORD Truck. No. 1 shaoet Box 101B. Pen 4 Corners. Wanted Used Cart WE PAY TOPS! Oet every "dime your oar t Cash on the BarrebHead "CM SHROCK SALEM'S oldest dependent dealer. M I Corner Church ft Chem Ph -7923 CASH for a late model $ Nash preferred. Ph. 3379. car. Motorcycles 40 INDIAN Chief motorcycle, with or without sidecar. W. B. Morian. Rt. 2, Box 312, Dallas. Ph. 29F3 Dallas. For Sale Wood DRY 16 in. sUb and dry 16 in. mill wood. Ph. 7721. DRY 16 In. alab. Ph. EDGING slab and black wood mixed $12 double 1 load. Ph. 772L GREEN old growth 16 tn - stab, prompt dehvery Phone 9444. r FRESH CUT SAWDUST. Ph. BC83. Immediate delivery. 18 INCH mill wood. 2 cd load $14.00. immediate delivery. Phone 6682. 1 18 IN. SLAB $8 per cord. Cord. Ill 8c 2 cord load. Capitol Lumber at Fuel Co. Ph 7721. Lost and Found WILL" the person finding billfold be longing to i Paul E. Beats, please -call 2-1002 or 2-1277? Reward. WILL party who picked up packagalt by mistake at Ladd 8c Bush bank please phone 2-2328, or return to Statement Dept. at bank. ' . a . FEW Heifers strayed to my- place. Come, Identify, pay- and take. Ed Sproed. Rt 2. Box 403B. ' i . LOST: Hand bag on Oregon Motor Stage from Portland Sunday after noon, i Reward. Name. Mrs. H. ,W. Frankenseld, Phone 23271. W FOUND: Black draft mare at Fair grounds. Phone 9087' and, pay forbad and care. . .- . . LOST: Guernsey cow in Rickey, dis trict. Please notify Dan Tarpley,. t 1. Sckx, . , . , -..--1 ' , TranspoHation TWO want ride to S. Dakota or near by - hbout July 10th. Share -expense, help drive.! 2490 Myrtle. , j '. - Lodges: Pacific Lodge. No. 90. A. 18 A.I M M. M. Degree,- Friday. July. 7 p.m. , . LIST with ' PICHA etc 5 v riM ff ?K- LAV KTTjE f T SW c e ""osj s Tr:iw p t S" s Fs TTg Mbicgt'c' 5 Gig r.M fey)"tr f (sym.1 27. Little tower 29. Lubricate 32. Wooden pin 34. Perfume i , Teatevday's aVaswsr , ' ; 39. Volcanic rock ' . 40. Ont who lies. : 4. System of 44. Morsel , (Clnl) r r r MTTr 3"" "" ""' i da. - ""T "!T : T T" "7" " " T7 3 www id J9 -40 , , j. ' ' 2 I ' XST T" Z " 4 '. 1 ;:"lr "II 1 1 1 1 , - . - f -f h.