The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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The OBEGjON STATESMAN. Salem. : Oregon. Sunday Morning. July I, 1S45
l! !l-
Survivor of
Los Banos Here
To See Family
Men and , women In the Los
Banos prison encampment in the
Philippines had good reason to
believe that they were living their
last 24 hours the day that the
Yanks came to liberate them. So
declares J. Y. Crothers, now in
' Salem visiting his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Crothers, route three.
For. 35 years. a missionary
: among the Koreans, Crothers be
lieves he understands at 1 e a s t
some of the workings of the Japa
nese mind. Prisoners, who re
minded their captors that they
- had enough rice for only one day,
were told they would need food
only for that day. Nor did the
, Japs expect the liberators to come
as they did, dropping from the
skies in parachutes, crossing the
nearby lake in amhibious tanks,
while guerrilla Filipinos stepped
from behind trees to slay the pris
f on guards.
Missionary Crothers, -whose wife
is in the marine hospital in San
Francisco, receiving care for the
;l fracture of the hip she sustained
two days after their liberation,
will return to San Francisco on
Monday. i
Today Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Crothers (Hazel Snyder) will be
here from Portland to join the
family gathering, while another
guest in the J. E. Crothers home
is L. J. Whitely of Los Angeles,
brother of Mrs. Crothers.
Native Warriors Weep as Shy
Visitors Leave "Shangri-La"
By Balph Morton -v
HOLLAND IA, New Guinea,
June 28 - (Delayed) - (P) - Fierce
native warriors of New Guinea
wept today when the big bird
dipped down out of the sky and
snatched the strange white people
away from ;Shangri-La.,
, Still in that mountain-locked
valley, 150 1 miles southwest of
here, were five of the men who
floated down from somewhere off
over the mountains for the res
cue operations but the Wac cor
poral and seven other aerial visi
tors were gone.
Medical Cpl. Camilio Ramirez,
one of the parachuted rescue par
ty brought out in a second daring
glider-army transport maneuver
today, told about the tearful war
riors. .
The strapping natives, never be
fore visited by a white man, were
suspicious at first when one of
those army i sky birds came out
of the clouds May 13 and broke
into flames against a mountain,
with a big bang.
During their 48-day enforced
Firms Near Bond i
Goal; State Goes j
Far Past Quota
Poland Western
Boundary to Be
On. Oder River
LONDON, June 30 -JP)- Pre
mier Edward Osubfca-Morawski of
the new Warsaw government told
the first meeting of the socialist
party congress j tonight that re-
- constituted Poland's new western
boundary would "lie on the Oder
, (river) and the Baltic sea," the
Warsaw radio said.!
. It was the first official Polish
disclosure of the partial shape of
new Poland. Exact delineation of
"the frontier was not given. The
premier indicated the southern
" boundary was still Undecided.
Fleet Supervisors
To Be Trained at
-ortland in July
Oregon's second annual fleet
superYisors I training course will
be held in Portland July 16-20,
Secretary of State Robert S.
arrell, jr., ; announced Saturday.
The course is designed to give
modern driving training on sub
jects with relation to efficient
operation of ;i motor vehicle fleets.
Prof. Robert Glenn, engineer
ing I department, Oregon State
college, will be in charge of the
course. He will be .assisted by
Amos Neyhart of Public Safety
Institute, Pennsylvania State col
lege !
Local sponsors Include the Ore
gon Safety 'association, Portland
traffic safety commission, secre
tary of state's office, Oregon
Transport Association, Portland
Draymen and Warehousemen's
association and Oregon State Mo
tor association. -
Perkins Recalls
, i
Labor Security
Gains of 12 Years
, WASHINGTON, June 30-
Fraices Perkins, retiring secre
tary, reported today the United
btatfs in better position than be
j fore I to stand ' any , sudden post
j war economic changes.
! Miss Perkins, issuing her twelfth
annual report, called attention to
such preparation as unemployment
: compensation, .old age insurance
-and assistance, a minimum hours
. program of 49 hours, a public
works program fairly well plan-
" ned, public employment offices, a
15-year level for labor of young
i people, and protection against fall
1 ' of wages to "unspeakably low: lev-
: els." ' n . '
;Mf s. N. M. Ballard
:"Dics at Aee of 89
Funeral services will be held
-' at 2 p.m. Monday at the Clough
Barrick chapel, for Nancy M. Bal
lard, 89, who died at her home
1 Friday. She had been ill for some
Mrs. Ballard, was a native of
Amity, Penn. Later the family
, moved to Minnesota, where she
'resided until she came to Salem
to make her home with her daugh
- ter, Mrs. A. L. Skewis, 1787 Cen
' ter st Her husband, William Bal:
lard, a Civil war. veteran died in
-April, 1917, thej day the-United
; State entered World War I. i
' Surviving are her daughter,
"Mrs. Skewis; a step-daughter,
J Hulda Ballard I of Minneapolis,
; Minn.; a step-son, John Ballard of
'I International Falls, Minn.:
; brother, Tom Mounts, of Ind.; two
'? grandsons. SSgt. Robert Skewis,
i UJS. army, In Germany, CPO W.
A. Skewis of the UJS. navy and
, two great-granddaughters.
Interment will be in Belcres
; Memorial park.
tav in the stranffe area ther dis-
pe. ,Lh mMjggSSi
wmcn xne sirappin nu wv c SeVeith campaign, Chairman Dent
showed atj first - t , I I Reed said yesterday. With I the
They brought food and watched I million dollar goal almost in sight,
curiously , While the strange White fM noted .E bond sales of
16Vj,ioo unanj employes oi uiese
firms. Willamette Cherry Grow
CIO Worhers
Ties With USSR
men and ruipino paratroops
gouged out a landing strip on the en & the latest of 15 concerns over
valley floor so a glider could land
and be towed out by an 'army
transport plane.
Ramirez said that the natives
the top. -j .. . - M..
State employes have purchased
$570,089 worth of government se
curities, nearly all in E bonds,1: re-
who carried his packs downthe ported Chairman Roy Mills. This
10-mile mountain trail from the
crash scene to the landing strip
cried when he told them goodbye
and boarded the glider. .'
He came out with three other
Filipinos and Alexander '. Cann,
Netherlands , information service
cameraman who parachuted into
the valleyj to take pictures of the
natives and their scenic valley, i
is 126 per cent of quota and! the
highest amount yet reported! for
any bond drive here. New j de
partments over the top were at
torney general's office,; superin
tendent of public instruction,
game, commission
and; accident
Wisco Launches j
Last Ship Under j
Navy Contracts
PORTLAND, Ore., June 2hM
The Wisco Guard, a cargo barge,
slid down; the ways ; at Willam
ette Iron! and Steel; corporation
today as the last vessel to be
launched under navy: contracts. j
The ship, YF-897, was the 63rd
vessel built at the yard since Pearl
Harbor. Officials said outfitting- ica
of. aircraft carriers .will be the
yard's major work the rest of 1945,
to be supplemented in August by
repair work.
Sutheriin Firm to
Hold NLRB Election
Smith Wood Products, Inc, Suth
erlmj Ore., was ordered today! to
hold a collective bargaining elec
tion jby July 28 under national
labor relations board supervision.
The election was asked by! the.
AIT United; Brotherhood or Car
penters and Joiners. The company
has si contract with the CIO Inter
national Woodworkers of Amer
SEATTLE, June 3HtfVThe ex
ecutive board of the International
Longshoremen's union" (CIO)
which closed a two-day meeting
here today, adopted a resolution
avowing .the union's intention of
maintaining . the - same peace-time
relations with Russia which ex
isted during .the war i I ' .
"We intend, to cement our rela
tionship with the 27 million or
ganized workers of the Soviet Un
ion through the World Federation
of Trade UnSpns,' the resolution
read. X;-f ; J. ; i f
"We" pledge ourselves to j com
bat in every -possible way j those
supporters of fascism in America
who seek to raise an issue regard
ing the, Soviet Union in order to
conceal a : program of unemploy
ment and attempts to destroy de
mocracy in America. !
Planes' to Bring
Back 50,000 From
Europe in July
NEW YORK, June SMft'HSome
50,000 troops will be flown back
from Europe and the , Mediter
ranean area during July, when re
deployment by plane will! reach
its peak, CoL Eugene F. Gillespie,
air , transport command, said tor
A. Griebenow Dies
At Hospital Here
"August Griebenow, 79, 2177 S.
Cottage st, died at a Salem hos
pital Saturday following an ex
tended illness. He had been a
resident here since 1920. '
Born in Germany, the eldest of
11 children, he came to the United
States with his parents when he
was fix months old. His family
pioneered in i Douglas -.. county,
Minnesota. He was an active
member of the Christian and
Missionary- Alliance church. t
Survivors include the widow,
Mrs. Anna. Griebenow of Salem,
three daughters, Mrs." Walter Post
in Australia, Mrs. E. Whitney
Murray of San Francisco, Calif.;
and Mrs.'R.' S. Haarala, San Diego,
Calif.; two sons,; Marion G. Grieb
enow in China and Paul Griebe
now. of Salem; two sisters and
three brothers, j. :c r . t. -
Mrs. Post and Marion G. Griebr
enow are missionaries.
runeral. announcement will be
made later, from the Clough Bar
rick chapeL j .. .. ; r
: -; it,... ; ,, . ...,-);.,.' 5'V;;;4V; J;
Buchenwald Head :
Found in Bavaria
LONDON, June A. Wei
mar dispatch in the London Daily
Mail ' said today v that Hermann
Pjister, commander of the Buchen
wald concentration camp, had been
found posing as German ' army
Tftcer in a prisoner ot war cage
in vBavaria.; ; Cf v : - v l.-'
Stamp Penalty for
Autoists Begins Soon
". PORTLAND, June 2H&-A $S
penalty against motorist who fail
to post federal auto tax stamp on
windshields by July 1 will not be
enforced until July 1L J. W. Ma
loneyf collector of internal rev i
eniie, said today. - , '
Oregon cars will be checked
starting ' Monday by all internal i
revenue field deputies available..
".--' Qiiick'6ervlc'..':'
; 825 HadisoaV SW Qty:
Koogh Dry . Bachelor Wark
To the prize winners at Marion Square during the 4& of July celebration
to each person who wins' a prize by purchasing a bond, Amerseal Laboratory ..
Ltd. "will give an addifioncd prize, consisting of a coupon worth $25 In trade -THIS
$25 COUPON MEANS JUST WHAT IT SAYS because it calls for a re--duction,
or trade value of; waterproofing on any kind of a buildingj be it a roof, -a
walL or a basement regardless of condiSon, or location of building. Remem
ber this ... the ordinary residence costs less them $100 for an Amerseal roof.
For further Information write Amerseal Laboratories LtcL, P. O. Box 647, Salem,
or phone 4300 Salem. People in Portland yidnity address Federal P. O. Box .
349 or phone Atwater 5082 Portland. J j ,
.... j '
: 0
Night Club Owner
Indicted by WPB
P O R TL AND, June 30 H&i-
Charged With violating the war
production board rules and build
ing a night club without permis
sion, .Thomas Johnson, 57, was
free today on $1500 bail. . 4
He is accused in a federal in
dictment for building the Shangri
La club at a $12,000 cost, although
WPB limits expenses to $200.
Make your own terms, within reason, with
Accepted Credit
Dr. Painless
" - it
Parker Says:
. " " 1 "If- -
More reailstie dental platea
are now available la the Im-
proved transparent material, all
dtntliti reetmmend for Its:
adaptability te personal needs.
These plates are lighter' in
weight, yet of tested balance.
They will not warp."
. j ...... ,
Play safe when having your
prescriptions filled -have-all
of them filled at
SCHAEFER'Sj where skilled ;;
pharmacists have the re-,
.sources you can depnd
upon. Accordilngly, you are .
certain to get your orders
filled accurately and speed- -ily.
,. . : .
Ml '.'U'.MKll h
Bnrj Ef:ro
Tier.? 51S7 or 7023
13 N. Ccmrr.crcia.1
Plates that harmonize
with individual
: I 5:'- - 1 "
Resiliency ef the material used
by dentists for plate-making in
' sores more wearing efficiency.
Dentures hare a graeefal de
. sign,' a soft lustre that snakes
them difficult to detect. Select
transparent dental plates . for
lifelike effects. The erysUl
elesr palate reflect the actual
tissues of month. Plates have a
Uve, vital appearance -and
greater beauty. -
Translucent teeth 1: 1
'.,.;;; : ;
SeJcneel has produced artificial
teeth that absorb and reflect
light as do fine natural teeth.
They can be abtained in the
same color shades as year pres
, n teeth. Arrange to have jour
-plate aet with these translu-,
cent teeth. They simulate the
- effects of human teeth.
Dental neglect respon
sible for much -ilHiealth
Pvblio health' nmrf rereal
widespread need f dental re
pairs. The Army found that
lour sot of every 100 men ex
amined required Immediate
dental service. Many had never
visited s dental office. With
, frequent visits to a dentist, yon
can avoid the risks to health
that result from focal infection.
Budget payments in
weekly or monthly ;
amounts. Natural
appearing plates.
Have -Unfading "
" color and '
permanent form
When teeth are missing they
should be replaced with new
: plates. ( They assist yon fat1
chewing food, help to save
your natural expression.
'-- : ; ' i " -1
- t :
4 - y -'5 " ' I -.- j
Terins to :
suit you
.Make first visit without sp
pointment for whatever den-'
tal service you require. Make
your own terms, within rea
son. Start work right away
and pay later.' Dental plate,'
bridgework, fmings. Inlays,:
crowm and extrtctiom,
- Plates repaired and relined.
Buy Extra War 1
Bonds To Knock
Out Japan
0.f Mi! PZMSS;
Other Offices ia Ecjrene, Porthn-J, Tacona, Spokane, CMtlle
sssfsssssojMBjsssssssss XV 'iiv : - m tm nm m :r ft fa MiiWW;, -vwm
' '
i-Uaof sntstan-
In beau
Ooral jJZ-- "
Bao leatherette-
, deep
'"Sr 29.95
rbase --Z Ottomans
tMred l a
Tables, bookeases, cabinets,
desks and many other Items too
numerous to list! .Hero aro a
tows . - ,
Lamp tables, beautifully
carved,' in rich wal- Ifi QC
nut finish , 1 L 0W
Bee ord cabinets,
smart, modern design
Coffee tables with glass top.
Theyro "buya" at ; 12,95
End tables. Just a few
'loft; priced at
18th Century cocktail
tables. One of a kind
Duncan Phyfe tier ta- 1 7 QC
bles in mahogany finish ,
Bookcases in choice of mahog
any or walnut hard- if QC!
wood - 10.33
11 Parted, St0S.' t
1 :
. ...
t 1 5
X ! 1 '
; w ,
Dont miss these unusual values In sofa beds! All'
imart, up-to-tlie-mlnote styles In attractive eovenr
Maple arm style sofa. Opens to ! fiQ OCt
full size double bed-. Us j Wai ;
Modern sola beds. Several styles, I "7CI A IV
now clearance priced at '.. I M viVV
now clearance priced
Fine Lawson typo sofa beds with
bedding storage compartment
Sofa beds hi rich velour cover. Just
one left, now only.., p., .... ,,, ..
Mattress and sprints at a worthwhile savings!
Check these values! . "
JSealy cotton mattress With heavy, :
reinforced roll edge, now ,
Box springs with resilient inner
coils; striped cover...Kv, ; , . !
All felt mattresses, buoyant - and
comfortable! To go ai . ;
Box springs and mattresses. One .
group of eight, to go at L
, , - . : : ?TT
- ( ( - i j D J 7. I
t -1
And in All Lezams V&aliz Least Citi:3