The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Mornincj. June 22. 1S4S PAGE SEVEN v 1 'Si I Bride-Elect Feted ., Miss" Ruth DeSart, bride-elect pt Corporal Dale Lively, was the honor guest at .'si. bridal' shower .Tuesday, night when Miss Marie Olson , entertained ? at her home vn INorth 15th street . M" Honoring"; Miss DeSart were Miss.Betty ,S tee r Miss Stella Davis, Miss Jean Hain, Miss Betty Van - Osdo 1 , Miss Helen Pyle, Mrs. Charles Moody, Mrs. Roscoe Clark, Mrs. Oriett Holz camp, .Mrs.John Rusonis," Mrs. Orval ' Winn . and' Mrsi' Fred Dewey.," ' ; ; v1";;. j;. 1 : Mr. and Mrs. -Wade Dickin- son entertained the f o r m e'r's family . at their South Commer cial .'street home- Sunday; Din ner was served on the lawn and guests were seated at small ta bles. Present were Mrs. J. M. Dickinson, , Mri and . Mrs.. O. W. Goiton, Jean, Wilma, Lloyd and Dale, all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree,; Patricia, Betty Lou and Donnie of Mill City and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Diet Jnson. :.: ; -"C'yr- " : -." Spending several days at Nes kowin : are the Misses. Carolyn and Mary Ann Brady, Betty Dut ton of Spokane, Pat Frankeri leld , and Marjorie Wagner, of Vermilion, .South i Dakota, arid Mitzi Patrick.'. : :, - Ca p t a in ; and ; Mrs. Roger , Cjuackenbush entrained Thurs 'day morning.fpr Fort Sam Hous : ton, Texas, where he will report for r e a s s i g n m e n t. Captain. ' Quackenbush has-been home, on a month's leave after spending 39 months in the South Pacific. Mrs. , A. F. Marcos, , Mrs. Earl Cooley and daughter; Betty, are home from a stay at their beach house at Neskowin. ..Betty had as her Jteach" guests, Susan Per- ry, "Dorothy "Cannon and Alice Girpd.-. :y .yyry' . Mr, ind Mn.: Kenneth ',G, Manning ;"and ,-children," Nancy and Peter, are spending a few , days in Portland at the' guests of . Mr. and Mrs, Joseph, E.. Harvey, Jr " ; - ' . Mr. and Mrs., C. W. Jorgeasen have as their house guests this week her sister-in-law, Mrs. Er ' nest C. Knapp and - daughter, Carol, of Fort Stevens. Lieuten ant Colonel Knapp is stationed at Fort Stevens. MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Miller were surprised with a no-host party at-their home Tuesday night on their 25th . wedding anniversary. ' Cards were played and a late upper served by Mrs. Reuben Miller and Ralph Miller. Those present wereMr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Worley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pros , ser, Mr. and Mrs. Phil May, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Schmaltz, Mr, and Mrs.-Lawrence Rothenfluch Mrs. Rose Appleby, Mrs. Mae . Heggie, Mr. and I Mrs. Wendel Hauth, Ralph Miller, Mrs. Reu ben Miller and son, Kenny, all Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Val Miller, Brooks; and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben DeJardin, and son, St. Louis. ' j .. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were mar vied June 15, 1925, and except tor a short time in Portland and Washington, have lived in: Mt. Angel since that time. They 1 have three children, Reuben with the armed forces in France; Ralph and Gladys, and a year old grandson. Kenny Miller. Today's Menu Chocolate cookies that use mostly corn syrup (and you can use the dark) will be the meal's Stature for tonight. Tuna stuffed tomatoes Buttered asparagus with Mayonnaise topping Corn muffins , Fresh berries f Chocolate drops ! ", .' r -i CHOCOLATE DROPS ! H cup shortening 'a cup sugar ; 4 cup corn syrup '. 1 egg :-.- ' 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sifted enriched flour Vi teaspoon soda 'i teaspoon salt r 'a cup cocoa V4 cup milk 1 cup Quaker or Mother's Oats (quick or regular, uncooked) 4 cup chopped nut meats 1. Cream shortening; add sugar and cream well, i j 1. Add corn syrup end beat nni til light; beat in egg thorough ly; add vanilla. S. Sift together flour, soda, salt ' and cocoa -and add to creamed mixture alternately with milk. ' - . ' ". . ' . . 4. Add rolled oats and nut , meats- v ' '"''; 5. Drop, from a teaspoon onto greased baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees) 10 to 12 minutes. For sweeter cookies, increase Seven Leading 6nd Workers Ate Selected Seven leaders among the civil ian - defense workers - who have been canvassing Salem's residen tial districts for Seventh War Loan sales were announced yesterday by Women's Chairman Mr. J. T. Brand and her assistant, Miss Hazel Harper. The women who have made the best reports include Mrs. Albeit Gille, Miss Max in e Clark, Mrs. Leo C. Dean, Mis. M. D. Ohling, Mrs. Vfletha Bort, Mrs,, Mattie Ander son and Mrs. Anna Jaqua. Dozens of the women workers had reserved seats at the big Vic tory Center show and earlier saw the battle action picture, Fury , in the Pacific, as reward for their bond sales efforts. County Chairman Douglas Yeat- er sent out another appeal for red points with which to purchase the big steer for barbecuing for the Fourth of July celebration which will officially wind up the bond drive. ' Many coupons have been dropped into the box at band headquarters, he said, but many more will be needed if the beef is to be secured. Meanwhile the big glass con tainer with the ticket . stubs for the final award of prizes in corv nection "with the campaign has al most been filled at the Court street headquarters. A larger container may be necessary before all tick ets are turned in, it is said. Dent Reed of the industrial com mittee reported $841,347 j in total bond sales, of which f 158,451 has been in E bonds. ,The industrial goal is a million dollars..1 - i- ?- - - 'N fs-- naaaaaBBaaaIMamiM Col. Scott (Dennis " Morgan) and "Bi Mike" i. I Alan Hale), a mis sionary priest, look skyward daring a tense moment id Warner Bro. "God Is My Co-Pllot," starting today at the Elsinore. The film's east also t includes Raymond Massey, Andrea King, Dane Clar,k and John Ridgely. I . 57 Army Engineering Students to Graduate j CORVALLIS, June. 2 l-HJFy- Oregon State college will grant completion certificates to 37 ar my engineering -students June i 80 bringing the total-army gra duates this year to'306.;.' V . ' About 500 more army studants are expected to begin a ' new term here July 9. Births Holler To Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Holler, route vm. a son. Douglas Gene, born June 2, Salem General hos-Dital. - Fery To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Fery, Aumsville. a son, Philip Henry, born June S. Salem Deaconess hospital. MeCormick To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCormick. 2009 South Church at., a daughter. Mary Ann, born June I. Sa lem Deaconess hospital. -- - " Jacksoai To Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Jackson. 2147 South Winter St., a daughter. Janet Marie, born May 24, Salem Deaconess hospital. - Drayton To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Drayton, 2090 North Church St., a son, Richard Lee, born June 7, Salem General hospital. Parsons To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Parsons, 264 South 25th St.. a daughter; Linda Lee, born June 8, Salem General Hospital. i Fleshmaa To Mr. and Mr. Recil R. Fleshman. 297j South 17th t., a son. Recil Ray. jr.. born June 8, Salem General hospital. Today's Pattern i jfk.a 1 A'(jSy A trim playsuit with glamor ous picture neckline, for beach and sports wear. Pattern 4528 adds separate buttoned skirt to wear anywhere. " Pattern 4526 comes in junior miss sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Sizes 13, blouse and shorts, takes yards 35-inch material. . - Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Pattern Dept., Salem, ore. fruit plainly SIZE. NAME, AD DRESS. STYLE NUMBER. NOW READY! New Anno Adams 194S Summer Pattern Boole Cool styles as smart as they are easy to sew. Printed in book, are FREE Pat terns for hat. baav loves. Fifteen Cents more brings you this colorful DOOK. .. ; 1 the sugar to 'i cup and decrease corn syrup to H-cup. j UPERI0R older w & moi wa oppradata aiahL But fh arliar w tart th mort certain w will b of good Tia lon In lortr 7zrf. Faulty Tlslon Is something that very rarely improves by Itself. It Is much more likely to get worse instead i oeuer. rroiea slonal care at regular Intervals Is the best sight insurance yoa eaa get. : v'!.."V; .'',:"-T-:' " DO. S. i. UEISMLEY 14S . N. T.fhertr Salem ' Phone 5456 August Grimm Dies After; ; Longilllness V- August Henry-Grimm; 83, 1630 A. t.;. a' resident of Sajem since 1904, died it. a .Salem' hospjtal Thursday, following: a year's ill ness due (to; a' heart ailment: . ' Grirnm; a-retired hurseryma was, born atsAhre'nsbock,'Holstein, Germany, and- came to Jhe United States :ml i8g setiling ; at " Chi cago. "He Jecame a fcitizen'-'of this cojfmtiy in iZQU. arid :irr-1904 .came ve1to;DMgiri.J. fe'. made his home-m thfl AUburri districtj.east, oijbaiem, about 10 years ago. Ue was a member' of the Wood men of the .World and the Amer ican Lutheran church: ' ; Survivors; include six daughters, Mrances Harnack Vof Crossfield, Alberta, Canada, and Mrs.1 Ulrna Wilson, ' , Mrs. ' Ella Hendrickson, Mrs. Anna, Olson, Mtsj Margaret Rutherford and Mrs. Elsie Lukin beal, all of Salem: a sister, Mn. Augusta v Schmidt of. ! FuHerton, Calif, and 13 grandchildren. " i Funeral, announcements will be made later from the HoweU-Ed- warjis' 'chapel. ".C ' - j ',. r..t.L .' ' ... q -i. State 'AAA' Cdmmittee TaiaWPIani f or '46 t COJBVALIJS, Jude. 21if)-Orev gon s estate AAA committee will leave for. Washihgtonl'D. CL June ?5 to -'map out, the 1946 Pfogram water'; resources:" .'. ' I . -J . t i t: On the committee,' Which- has collected., recommendations from Oregon farmers, are R.! B. Taylor. Adamy,. chairman; William'' J. En- schede, Hillsboro; John! Shepherd, Scio; i Arnold Bodtker, farmer fieldman for . southern Oregon counties. ' ; All Processed . Clierries Go ! : - - . . i: : : - .. ... '; . To Gdverumeiit PORTLAND, Ore, June 21 H&i Effective yesterday,'-the war food administration will require that 100. per cent of all hot . packed and frozen cherries processed this year be held for the government, officials announced today. ! k- r C The order,! resulting from be low average prospects for the 1945 red sour cheriy cropalso restricts commercial .processing: of the cherries to hot packing anct f reel ing," said P. Dean Anderson VFA fruit : and vegetable branch ' mar keOng programs representat ive. 1 r Processors ;may freeze only .25 per . cent of ! the cherries Irozen last year, and each frozen; pack age must weigh 30 pourids . or more, Anderson reported. Jhose Who Paid Too v , Much1 Tax CeV Refunils; ' PORTLAND, , June JZlH-The bureau of - internal, revenue hera is mailing out" 4500. checks a day to Oregonians who' paid too much! bri their' 1944 fcdera-1 income. tax V The bureau said--U refunds' would be made by September 28.; 12 Is it Den eix-Ar.' At oe-D!e5Se I No mnw vr co ge. fteeae eak yf orecsr for , LonuoniKnRy MoMIMWIMSeloV toM Cl"oJsTB Nstmiiuzen IOSMatMl.tU. Si'-!- M Finb j: Grannlaled Suqai '10-lb. " bag 54b. bag . 32c 25-lb. bag 1.55 Brer Rabbit Gold Label IIOLASSES 240 16-oz. can ITse the Gold Label for table use and the Green Label for cooking purposes. .; - - - - s Green Label Molasses, K-ox. can x.Xl... 21c Duffs 1 Waffle Hix 14-oz. 1 Posl Bran Flakes Grape-Nnis ij - . ' ' Grape-Hals Wheal Ileal Posl Raisin Bran-: - i ' '' , It Qnaker Puffed Wbeaji Iloiher's Oafs will. China Qnick Quaker Oats Quick Quaker Oals Wat bowj 5 thi of Siarkisl SoUd Pack So f0r A- HA Oft .14-os. pkg. 14 c :.12-os. pkg. 14c 1. 30-os. pkg. 23C ; ' ,l-oi. pkg. 21c . Package 10c 1.48-os. pkr. 36C big ieio us Tana ,!i 330 Not Just iGAiot specie PRrV VER V r ?"ce b ocoa ut IGA LOW Tan tree 'Pefraf naf "Veiled iiral fruit Juice -4S-OX. pkr. ..20-oz. jpkg. 14c V-1 59 l-lb. Jar, J ir mr I how to mam km comtt m m ' aSl T Sa. MB fUn ak h ta. i S B M ! i to. tow Ma No. 2 cans Iluchmore Green Beans . IGA Biced Beels . Ll Piclsweel Cream Corn i. No. X can Piclsweel Whole Kernel! Corn lZ-ox. vacuum 15c Sacranenlo Tonalo Juice ...47-ot. eaa 21c Ip A Grapefruil Juice -. .n.. n 1 3 C Old Soulh Orange Juice 4-i. can 47 Fargo Blended Juice t .n. 19c IGA Peannl Buileri I l-lb. Jar oWi0 IGA Peanul Buller.1 t -lb. jar 45 c Choice Bine Rose Dice.. l... 2 n 22 c IGA Sail Plalri ar Iodized I. 2 - pkgs. 15c JS'o. X can IGA Enriched I Flour 8 calces endahh CAN bait 25-lb. sack!, 10-lb. sack I ? 1 50-lb. sack i. JL l aii 5 520 2.23 oak e fou airy de- The telected whit meat from ocean ccught tuna both sol id pack and grated, certain fancy white mtst ' a. Graled Tuna ran 4m w SWEETHEART Toilel Soap )2 for! 130 IGA Fancy Cafsnp 170 14-oz. bottle DEL MONTE mtm mm dauce 12-ez. bottle x Porter's Chinese Noodles 140 fS 1 -4 2-11 i 14-oz. Porter's Soy Sauce, -os.f bottle... i. 19c Coo mw anJ b svro of p!My of . kvkt mJ v&Mn Mxf w'mte-AND WITHOUT POffftSI Libly's Ie Butler Frniis and Vegeiahles No. 303 ! g i. . Ijar 2O0 .;; Save.; your points for can ning sugar apple butter is point free, i ... s KeIIoggs Corn Flalces 360 SIZE, JtJICY Doz. Good health depends on citrus juices and lemons are one " of the best citrus fruits serve them in as many ji way as you cai. ROSY: CHEEKED 11 -oz. 90 . mm Lb. I 1 ! A 593 North Commercial Street ; ' ; : :-;. i . . ! Aicut One Mile East ol State Hospital East Center at 40th Street ' ' 3 1239 State Slmt EM - 17th and Market Streets : I 1701 Center Street 275 North IH?h Street 11 ; Buyia lug of 24 pounds for canning. I'D !?! 10 Lbs. Well matured. ARIZONA - . - Erapafesifi I . i 3j fC Huge in si?e and plenty of real grapefruit flavor: . i DUFFS GINGERBREAD MIX .Ll4Mz. pkj 23? DUFFS MUFFIN 5HX..L-.U.14-oz. pkgj 23c ' PORTER'S FRILLETS L.S-oz. pkj 14c ..16-oz. pkgi 24c i-.16-oz..caa 17e. 1.5-oz. bottle; 10c PORTER'S FRILLETTS CALUMET BAKING POWDER. DERBY BARBECUE SAUCE tkrftvriacnaMalifIGAir : fenOdonara tm alt csamjaj asoi. f Kerr Ilascn Fruil Dozen Pints Dozen Quarts 7 c Kerr Lids Regular 3 dozen i eaS 0 , Kerr Lids ; Wide Month, fl I dozen ilOP KerrjCaps Regular, ;';PTGUax 250 Econcny Cnps Doen J170 1 - , . DHRBY .:jeat SAUCE. i.5-oz. bottle ,10c