The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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tlx OKEGOli STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, fane IC 1343 :
Elliotts Will .
Be Honored
At Dinner ,
Lt CoL and Mrs. John J. H
.llott will be tumor guests at a
dinner - party Sunday night
when a group of friends enter
tained with a no-host affair at
the Walter Kirk cabin in Morn
ingside. Lt CoL Elliott is home
on leave from England, where he
has been for the past 20 months.
Guests have been invited to
dinner at 6:30 o'clock. The buf
fet table, which will be arranged
at one and of the large room,
will be centered with garden
Honoring Lt CoL and Mrs. El
liott will be Mr. and Mrs. Karl
O. Becke, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T.
Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ham
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Brazier
Small, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk,
Mr.and Mrs. George Schwartz,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huggins,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs.
John Beaky, Mr. Carl Gabriel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Samp
son of San Francisco.
Two Boys in
Marimba Recital
Priscilla Meisinger Wiltsey will
present two young pupils, Wayne
Mercer and Edward Struck, in a
marimba concert on Friday night
at Waller hall at 8:15 o'clock.
Wayne Mercer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Mercer, is IS years
old and won superior and ex
cellent ratings in the National
1 Federation of Music clubs Jun
ior contest this year.
Edward Struck, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Struck, is 12 years '
old. He won the ratings of ex
cellent in the National, contest
this year.
. Miss Betty Elofson will be mis
tress of ceremonies, Joe Brazie,
pianist, guest musician and Mrs.
Wiltsey, accompanist
Ushers will be Ann Doerfler,
Lois Gillings, Florence Polster,
Peggy Frantz, Louella La Fon
tain, Delores Spellbrink, Dona
Zehner, Carol Cain, Carol Craw
ford, Suzanne Howell, Ina Cam
eron and Magie' Wiltsey.
Following is the program:
Moonlight Sonata (adaglo
.. Beethoven
Mercer and Struck
March Militaire .,..,, Schubert
To a Wild Rose MacDoweU
Caprice Viennoise . Kreisler
Wayne Mercer
Caprice Valiant Green'
Sylvia DeUbee
Kiaa Me Again : Herbert
Edward Struck
Largo, New World symphony.,-...
: - , Dvorak
Deep Purple - DeRoae
Wayne Mercer
Marcel .
Joe Brazie
Dancing Tambourine
Schon Rosmarin
World Im Waiting for the gun-
rise , ; ,. ... Belts
Valze Brillante
Edward Struck
Tambourin Chinois ..
Indian Love Call .
Wayne Mercer
American Patrol Meacham
Mercer and Struck
Delta Zetas at
Beals Home
Delta Zeta alumnae were en
tertained Tuesday night at the
home of Mrs. O. K. Beals. Bridge
was in play during the evening
after a dessert supper.
Present were Mrs. B. L. Brad
ley, Mrs. Bjarne Erickson, Mrs.
C. F. Fieke, Mrs. Emmett Klein
ke, Mrs. Harry Schenk, Mrs.
George Duke, Mrs. W. H Brad
ford, Mrs.- Esther " Eaton, Mrs.
Doris Griffin, Miss Maxine Paul
eon and Mrs Beals.
Regular Lodge
Meeting Held
The Salem Rebekah lodge met
at the IOOF hall Monday with
Mrs. Emil Otjen presiding. Joint
installation with the Odd Fel
lows, will be held July 8.
Mrs. Betty Frahm, Mrs.! Lila
Casteel and Mrs. Dorothy Weiss
were instructed in the Rebekah
degree. Mrs. Gustave Erickson
was elected trustee to complete
the term of Miss Bernlce Kretz
who is moving to California.
Mrs. Gene Vandenerade to
leaving for Oceanlake today,
where she will be at the Dor-
Oft OfiG bdC...!SG3
0k r- " 1
Society .mtyvibs
Music . The Home
Maxine Buren
Womta's Editor
Miss Virginia Steed and i
Lt Wallace Wittwer Wed ;
At Garden Ceremony : ;
At a beautiful garden wedding Wednesday afternoon Miss
Virginia Leonard Steed, daughter of;' Mrs. JV Lyman Steed,
received her golden circlet from Lieutenant Wallace Keith
Wittwer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman O. Wittwer. The nup-j
tials were performed at 3 o'clock in the Wittwer garden on
D-street " . !? ,' ', - " -
i Rev. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor of the First Presbyterian'
; church, performed the double
ring ceremony before a gathering
of relatives and friends of the
couple. Miss Kay Ross played
the wedding music. The couple
exchanged their vows at one
end of the garden before an im
provised altar which was bank
ed with large baskets of pink
and white peonies, blue delphin
ium and stock.
The petite, brunette bride
walked across the garden on
the arm of her brother, Mr. Wal
lace Steed of Portland, who gave
her in marriage. For her wed
ding she chose a handsome model
of white chiffon and lace. The
full chiffon skirt terminated in
a train. The fitted lace bodice
was made with a high yoke of
chiffon enhanced with seed
pearls. The sleeves were long
and ended in points over the
wrist Tiny buttons extended
from the neckline to waistline
in back.
Her two tiered fingertip length
tulle veil cascaded from a tiny
Dutch cap of handmade lace.
She carried a cascade of white
gardenias, and stephanotis cen
tered with a white orchid with
a purple throat j
Sister Only Attendant j
- Preceding the bride to the
altar was her only sister. Ensign
Elizabeth Steed, SPAR, who
came by plane from Norfolk,
.Virginia for the wedding. She
wore a mist pink gown of net
and lace. The net skirt was very
full and the lace bodice was
fashioned with a ruffled lace
peplum. The sleeves were three
quarter length.
She wore a pink shoulder
length veil of net which was
held in place with a wreath of
pink ostrich feathers. She car
ried a small cluster of Cecile
B runner rosea, blue delphinium
and stephanotis tied with blue
John L. Sullivan, lieutenant
army of United States, retired,
stood with Lt Wittwer as best
man. e
For her daughter's nuptials
Mrs. Steed wore an Alice blue
chiffon afternoon frock with a
white straw hat and accessories.
Today's Menu'
Long cooking meats are us
ually of superior flavor, and
have the advantage of being low
in points. We'll have lamb
shanks, an especially good meat
for the menu today.
Lettuce, tomato salad
French dressing
Lamb shanks with
Carrots, potatoes
4 Orange gelatine
One shank is needed for each
person to be served. Braise
shanks in heavy kettle and when
brown, add water and cook for
an hour and a half, add vegeta
bles and seasonings and cook
until done, letting Juices cook
down until thick and rich. Serve
as you do stew.
Chester House for several weeks.
Her daughter, Dorothy, win ac
company her to the coast
nollcvcd In tood
i cparldiht) cloar
!clif;!itf c! J7 crowctlc
unl.'orKi In clropgih
: 1
Jeryme English
Society Editor;
Her corsage ,was of gardenias.;
Mrs. Wittwer wore a grey silk!
frock with sJ pink and; black;
straw hat and a corsage of pink;
roses, j .2! . . J
After the ceremony the newly-:
weds received the congratula
tions of their guests at a recep
tion in the garden. The bride's
table was centered with a lovely;
bouquet of calla lillies, Dutch
iris and mock orange blossoms
in a silver bowL Mrs. Hugh Tay
lor cut the i bride's cake and
Mrs. 'Elsie Boston presided; at
the coffee urnj. : f , "
Assisting in j the serving were
Miss Carol Young, Miss Patricia
Higgins, Miss Nancy Day, Miss
Peggy ' Bjorge and Mrs. Arne
Olson of Portland. Mrs. Althea
Dorrnan of Portland passed; 'the
guest book. '
When the couple left on their
wedding trip! the bride wore a
gold silk gabardine suit with
brown hat and accessories and
an orchid torsage. j?
After a week's stay at the
Steed beach home at Nelscott the
couple will return to Salem be
fore leaving on June 26 for Fort
Benning, -Georgia, where he will
be stationed. Lt Wittwer grad
uated from the United States
Military Academy at West Point
on June 5. His parents and bride
were in the east for the occasion.
j -. ji ; - : ; J . ) I '
l ; ; - ''f'Ti v ; sutjnEii coats i
JJI J j - y ,1 ? ; 6e whert you ocm'aava ia tfala spciod sninamer poat
HI L" XpV 'M " sale , , , This cjroup la from our regular stock o bzt- S
HI t fT:': if XI ' C I l shion rioht inerchcuidisa. Tiij ca-e any numW ol
HI Ji f.v:. 4 jj., iV ' fittedand tcdlorod typos to choose from; odl In
Hi f T" 2fteS-'',e' - A Jr . s K , til j 100 wool, wifti expert wwfananship, pxd looks,
li j ' .' ; I Quality and durability. j
i 'y ;iaGrmp : j
'I .Vi " Regular .. $34.75 . i now $21 00
llj I j! ) I ' ' ' t" ' 2nd Group i : 'i ": :
! il ' .j v J Regular .. $29.75 .. now $17j00
j Spedd Eronp v J .. , ; RtX . . S49J5 . . now $35
Visitor to Be
Honor Guest
.. T An event of Saturday after
noon will be the informal "at
home for which Mrs. ' A. I
Adolphson, Mrs. B. W. Stacey
and her ; daughter, Miss Jean
Rowland, will be hostesses at the
Adolphson home on D street In -compliment
to Miss Rowland's
house guest, Miss Nancy David
son of Bremerton. Miss David
son is the daughter of Mr.-and
Mrs. L. W. Davidson of Brem
erton, who formerly made their
' home li Salem.
Severity-five guests have been
invited to call between 2 and 4
o'clock. The hostesses and Miss
Davidson will receive informally
in the living room.
Presiding at the tea urns dur
ing the afternoon will be Mrs.
Albert jGragg, Mrs. Richard A.
Meyer, Mrs. Luther L. Jensen
and Mrs. L. J. Stewart
.A group of young coeds as
sisting in the serving will be
Miss Carolyn Brady, Miss Mary
Ann Brady, Miss Barbara Shir
ley, Miss Suzanne Zimmerman,
Miss Mary East and Miss Jeanne
- v i
Past Presidents
At lluncheon
Mrs, 'Francis Hoyt and Mrs.
Dora Pratt were hostesses Tues
day at a luncheon given at the
home of Mrs, Hoyt for the past
presidents club of the Woman's
Relief ' corps. A . meeting was
held afterwards, with Mrs. Dora
Pratt as presiding officer.
Those ! present; were Lillian
Cadwelt Justina Kildee, Mrs. E.
Hammarley,' Olive Adams, Mary
Ackerman, Florence E. Shipp,
Bertha jj DeSart, Bessie Martin,
Mary Lickel, Bertha Loveland,
Sarah ; Peterson, Eva Martin.'
Gertrude Walker, Mrs. Frances
Hoyt and Mrs. Dora Pratt
The hext meeting will be held
July 10, at the home of Mrs.
Gertrude Walker.
Marjorie Bergsvik, pharma
cists mate second class in the
WAVEsJ is here on leave, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leif
Bergsvik. She will have until
June 1 for her vacation from
duties at Treasure Island, Calif.
She plans to spend some time in
Seattle land Portland:
reduced -s '.!. -- 1
Salem Soiourners club meet at
Quelle, dessert bridge. 1 njn.
Dearee of Honor. Salem
tern w
- an a ciua, pjn.
Thimble club. Neighbors ot
Woodcraft, 1: 30. with Mrs. Claude
, Townaend, M D. street. -Womaa'e
missionary aoclety,
. Tint Baptist church. X p. m.
niDAT i - -
Past guardians,' Neighbors of
Woodcraft, with Mrs. Tbomu
Teeaon. South 14th street.
. S p. m.
Woman's Belief Corps, YMCA
2 J.m. '-- 1 - '
i Loyalty das. First Baptist
church. T 30. t program.
Union Hill gransea at haD.
I Monday ;Ti 'V-"' : :'- "v :-'r:'
Jajrcettes with Mrs. Wayne
Adams, 181S Market at, 1p.m.
Westminster guild. First Pres
byterian church, s pjn.
Luncheon at
i Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers pre
sided at a smartly arranged 1:30
o'clock luncheon Tuesday after
noon at her North Summer street
home in compliment to two.
young . matrons, Mrs.: Gordon
Wright and Mrs. Melvin T. Hur
ley, who are guests at the homes
of their parents.
The luncheon table was cen
tered with a! bouquet of pastel
summer flowers. Other bou
quets of garden flowers were ar
ranged about the rooms. Con- .
tract bridge! was in play after
the luncheon hour. Covers were
placed for eight guests.
Past Matrons to
Meet for Dinner
I Past Matrons club of the East
ern Star will hold a dinner meet
ing on Friday night at 6:30 at
the Golden Pheasant A pro
gram is being arranged by Miss
Leila Johnson. Mrs. Albert C
Smith, Mrs. Willis Brown, Mrs.
Sam Stitchler, Mrs. Beth Shelton
and Mrs. Paul Gemmell, chair
man. Mrs. Byron B. Herrick will
Mr. . and Mrs. George Weller
and son, John, were among those
. in Portland ; Sunday to attend
the Ice Follies.
Mrs. George W. Shepard en
trained Wednesday morning for
Vail e jo, Calif., her former home,
where she will spend a week.
Alumnae to
. i The Delta - Phi alumnae are
arranging a dinner party for
Friday 'night in' compliment to
the Delta Phi seniors, who will
graduate from Willamette uni
versity on June 23.
The affair will be held at the
. home of Mr, and Mrs. Vera Bain
on Hansen avenue.' Tables will
be set in the garden with gar-
' den flowers providing the dec
orative note.
The. honor guests will be Miss
Bette Burkhart Miss Louise
Wrisley, Miss Kay Wilson, Miss
Catherine Thomas, Miss Joyce
McClendon, Miss Sally McClel
land and Miss Jean Fries. Cov-
- ers will be placed for over 30
guests. -
Mrs. Joseph Felton and Mrs.
Andrew Halvorsen are in charge
of arrangements for the affair.
Invitations in
Mail for
At Home
Invitations were in Wednes
day's mail for an "at home"
for which Colonel and Mrs. El
mer Vance Wooton and Mr. and
Mrs. Beldon Earl Owens will be
hosts on Sunday, June 24.
I A large group of the hosts'
friends have been invited to call
during the afternoon and early
evening at the Wooton home on
East Wilson street
Mrs. Gibson a
Club Hostess
Mrs. Duane Gibson presided
at a one o'clock luncheon Tues
day afternoon at her home on
the Wallace road in compliment
to members of her sewing club.
The luncheon table was cen
tered with an arrangement of
calla lilies and blue delphinium
flanked by blue tapers.
. Mrs. Frank Crawford and Mrs.
Eugene Grabenhorst were spe
cial guests. Members are Mrs.
Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. Adam
EngeL Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mrs.
Frederick Brennan, Mrs. Henry
Chezem, Mrs. Charles E. Wag
ner, Mrs. Leo Childs and Mrs.
Duane Gibson.
Clever Women '
Peanuts Pinch Hit for Several Foods:,
Short on Household Grocejhh'Lists
1 By Slavine Bares.. . v ,
Speaking of taxes! i : - - . ( . .
The ingenuity of the present day housewife' Is! the most taxed
of all, and it's a wise woman who can keep her family enjoying
any degree of culinary content i . i "
Now come the peanut people to offer advice on ways to make
these little brown legumes pinch t For a real substitute for meat
hit for 'meats and sweets and try this meatless mixture, that
fats. , . ' . -
A peanut brownie while it
uses sugar, the amount is small
and although s it calls for fat
requires only a dab. Here is a
recipe: . .-'-' . :-'fr'-vAT:
Ya cup shortening
, cup peanut butter
4 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, beaten
' 2 squares . unsweetened: choco
late, melted or equivalent
. of powdered chocolate
cup sifted flour
V teaspoon baking powdeV'
teaspoon salt
-1 teaspoon vanilla '
cup chopped nuts
Cream shortening and peanut'
butter. Then add sugar continu
ing to cream. Beat in eggs and
chocolate. Sift together flour,
baking powder, and salt and stir
into first mixture with vanilla
and nuts. Bake in greased 8 In.
pan (square) for 20-25 minutes
in moderate oven of 350 degrees.
Cut in any desired shape. .
One cup of cooked meat, sup
plemented by peanuts and vege
tables, is served the family with
a main dish. Here's the recipe:
cup chopped leftover roast
cups diced potatoes
cup salted peanuts, chopped
cup canned peas
cup chopped celery
teaspoon salt if desired
teaspoon pepper
tablespoons shortening
Melt fat. Place all ingredients
in pan. Cover. When steaming
thoroughly 'reduce heat to sim
mering point and cook 45 min
utes. Serve with hard rolls and
chopped vegetable salad.
Perm. Pub
Extra for Finger
wave or Hairdress
Open Thurs. Eve.
by Appointment
Phone 3663
Castle Perm. Wavers
35 first National Bank Bids
' " . ;
has appeared in these columns
before and has proved a popular
main dish. Be sure and: use the
suggested seasonings, it gives a
meaty flavor. 1
. 1 cup cottage cheese '
1 cup fine breadcrumbs "
V cup peanut gutter ;j
cup coarsely: chopped pea
nuts "'..: -" '. J--. j..-..-"'-.'
teaspoon sage ' - 1
1 egg - 1 .
' Satt, black pepper !
1 teaspoon onion of I M cup
chopped green onions
1 teaspoon minced parsley
Beat eggs, mix with peanut
butter and cheese, add ' remain
ing ingredients, make into cakes,
roll in crumbs and fry slowly
to a delicate brown. If too dry,
add some milk to moisten cakes.
May serve with '.tomato or other
sauce. f
Gaests el Mrs4 William 8. Cole
on Wednesday were Miss Esther
Gardner, Miss Martha Davis and
Mrs. Ralph Bell of Portland, and
Mrs. Curtis Stewart of Lake Os
wego. S i
Salem General hospital aux
iliary will hold an important
business meeting this morning at
theJYWCA at 10 o'clock with the
president Mrs. Lester Barr, pre
siding. This will be the last
meeting until falL
yoar eapply of
this home-grown
sigar as far as
possible. It's a
materiel of war.
Dont waste it
a littb czzs a
long v:zy
' I . 'i - - WWUUW ; - - (-' ;. '. I lw jSyr . 1,11
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