The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 14, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Tk OREGON .STATESMAN, Salm. Orvgon. Thursdccy Mornlng Iun 14. 1S15
Pioneer Class
Is Graduated
Program Is Held
.'o At Community
Hall Wednesday
PIONEER-iA large "crowd at
tended the eighth grade graduat
ing exercises at the1 community
hall Wednesday. Members of the
class were Rosie Wells, , Evelyn
Theiss, Myrtle McHugh, Leonard
Brown and Gerry SearL The
class motto was "Stairway to
Knowledge," the carnation the
class flower, the colors pink and
white. The ; program included
dialogue by the first and second
grades, play "Ze Wonderful As
sistant" taking part were, Junior
and Rosie Wells, Orlond and Lois
Wood, Carol Coy, Richard Keller,
Leonard Brown, Gerry SearL
Evelyn, George and Joan Theiss.
Recitation,' Myrtle McHugh. Four
year old Phyllis Keller sang two
- songs. " ' ' .
- Leonard Brown was salutator
!an, class will by Rosie Wells,
by Evelyn Theiss, valedictory by
Gerry SearL" , Mrs. John Keller,
song. . ' - 'i .
Mrs. Frank Dornhecker, clerk,
presented the diplomas. ,
Dorothy Keller who graduated
from the Dallas high school on
Thursday night was honored by
a group of friends and relatives
met at her home.'
. At the Keller home were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Cozel of Brooks
and grand-parents of Dorothy.
Mrs. Dale Slater and children of
Ocean Lake. -
Mrs. Harry Wells returned on
Sunday after spending a week in
Portland where she attended the
GAR convention and visited.
June Castle is at the Wells
home this week.
. v
TTV'7-T O T1 T ? - V ; : ! '
;y; From The Statesman's Gotrimunity Correspondents v'";:
Valley Briefs
Frolt Farm Sold The S. C.
Rickards have 'sold their 10 acre
well improved fruit farm to the
Charles Hathaways of Tillamook
who will take possession soon.
The Rickards have t purchased
acreage north of Salem and a
house near the. Keizer school
house: They will move this month.
.Farrell Speaker Robert L.
Farrell, secretary of state, will be
speaker at the Mt Angel Business
Men's, club June 19. Tax meas
ures will be discussed.
First Hay Baled N. C An
derson baled the first hay of the
season at his place in Buena Vista
this week.
Mill to Reopen The Mt Jef
ferson mill at Lyons will reopen
after more than a year's shut
down. The mill was burned down
and equipment has now been re
placed with electrically operated
Canadian Is
Visitor Here
Deckker of Vancouver, B. C, ar
rived Friday at the John Mole
naar home for a two-week visit.
Mrs. H. A. Lee, who underwent
a major operation in a McMinn
ville hospital r two ; weeks ago,
went to the home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Lee in Sheridan. She is im
proving as . well as can be ex
pected. Mrs. Mark. O'Dell and small
daughter, Brenda SheraL have
come home from the hospital.
Sgk' Raymond White returned
.home from the south Pacific Fri
day and is at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin White.
He served as cook with his com
pany. He is one of the first boys
from, this community to go over
seas. . ' i
- Jean Morrison is expected home
from the south Pacific soon. He
Is now in a hospital, with infection
in his hand. He was on his way
home when removed to a hospital.
On May 18 he was awarded the
Purple - Heart J for wounds re
ceived in combat. '
Lewis Carey was called to a
-Salem hospital Monday morning
by the serious illness of his
mother. :
Anton 'Gillis
Rites Friday
' MT. ANGEL, June 13 Anton
Gillis, 80, died here Wednesday
after residing in this community
for 43 years'. Funeral services will
be held following 9 o'clock, re
quiem mass Friday morning from
St. Mary's church. The Rosary
will be recited Thursday night at
8 p. m. in Ungers funeral par-
. lors. . ' . , I
He was born January 15, 1855,
In Germany and came to Daven
port, Iowa, when 33 years old.
He was married April 13, 1890, to
. Emma Porth and they came to
ML Angel in 1902. They lived on
a farm until 1916 when they re
tired and moved to Mt. AngeL
Mrs. Gillis died October 7, 1944.
: They had nine children of whom
' seven survive.
George of Kelson, Charles and
John of Mt. Angel; and William
Gillis. Mrs. Betty Sykes, Mrs.
Frances Crang, Mrs. Mary Ernst
of. Portland. There are 21 grand
children, four grandsons are in
"the U. S. military service, one of
them, Jack Gillis, U. S. navy, has
been missing in action in the Pa-
cifie since last October. There
are also nine great-grandchildren.
B'errv Harvest
Attracts Many
Lyons Folk
LYONS Several from Lyons
are going to Fern Ridge to assist
with the strawberry harvest.
Children's day was observed
Sunday at the Lyons Methodist
Sunday school with a short pro
gram. Awards of book markers
and potted pansies were presented
to Carroll Johnston, Shirley John
ston, George Johnston, Darleen
day, Donna Day, Cecil Bassett,
Betty Humphries, Lei and Humph
ries and Katherine Johnston for
perfect attendance. Carroll John
ston had the record for missing
only one Sunday in ten years.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing
and daughters, Juanita and Mo
dena, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Nydigger at
Grand Ronde. Mrs. Nydigger "is
a sister of Downing.
Mrs. Gordon Hieneck and chil
dren are in Portland visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berg visited
the first of the week at the Sam
Bridges home.
Mrs. Daisy Johnston is in Salem
with her sister, Mrs. Bertha Wood-
worth, this week.
Second LL Harold Stout, sta
tioned at Sheppard Field, Texas,
is spending a 10-day leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Friends received word Monday
of the death of Charlie Abel of
Los Angeles. He spent his boy
hood here. The Abels were a pio
neer family of this community.
Imogene Roye, student at Wil
lamette university, spent the
weekend at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Roye.
Mrs. Robert Larson and daugh
ters left Sunday for their home
at Ilwaco, Wash., after spending
the week in Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nydigger
have moved from McCully moun
tain to the new home they pur
chased from Jerome Lyons.
Mrs. Lillian Gescher and chil
dren are spending some time with
relatives in Aumsville.
Mrs. Kingston of Salem visited
last week with Mrs. Daisy John
ston. They were neighbors Xvhile
Mrs. Johnston lived in Salem.
Valley Calendar
Brush College Hcloers club, no host
dinner. BarDara loch, 1 p.m.
Eugene Folk i
In Buena Vista
Community ; i
derwood and daughter Gail of Eu
gene are, house guests of Mr. "and
Mrs. Buster Moore. PFC. Under- .
fwopd is t$th the army in Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh and
daughterJo Ann, of Salem were
Thursday? jguests at the L. S. Pra-
ther home.". :. ' . '. ' : - I
First lit. Gertrude Tucker,
WAC, stationed at Des Moines,
Iowa, is oh sick leave at the home
oi ner motner, Mrs. C . Aiuier.
Mr. an4 Mrs. P. A: Wells took
their soni Gordon, to Portland
Monday. 1 1 : ; ; ' pf
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman and
daughter,! DeLoris, were guests
Sunday at the Guy Allen home in
Salem. Alien has been a patient
in the Salem General hospital for
some time and is now able to be
home. f'J - i i
: 3 ;
Ruth Courtright of LaGrande
is spending the week at the home
of her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Purvine. -
Scott McGowan, eldest son of
Mr. and! J Mrs. V. O. McGoWan,
had the;misfortune of breaking
his leg irti the ankle while playing
last week! f-
Mr. ahd Mrs. .Richard Bishop
and children spent several days
recently at the home of her par
ents several days recently at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Thurston. - i
Mrs. -LaDesca Kreutz of La
Grande, jyno has been visiting her
daughter in Portland, spent the
weekends with relatives here.
Dr. Fae Elliott of Eugene spent
Thursdayl with his Uncle, 'Andy
Elliott. I I j '
Lt. Ralph Bissey of Clay City,
111., spent last week at the W. L.
Short horne. He has been serving
in the Italian area, f
Mrs. D-1 J. Purvine Was taken to
a Salem hospital Monday for X
ray pictures following an auto ac
cident. i . - ? f
John Wood of Mill City was
here Sunday at the Leland Pra
ther home. -
Jean Ofsborn was in Salem Mon
day haying some dental work
done. fl ' . .
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Baird and
small daughter of Victorville,
Calif., spent two days with her
sister. Airs. Wilbur Gray.
Mrs. Paul Bucknum and con of
McMinnyille are guests of her un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.! J. K.
Tann. fj ... ;
Welliam Moe, who has been ill
for some; time, is not any better
at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Wallace of Den-
io, Ore.,! ?were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gray, i They
plan to s spend the summer in
Monmouth, where Mrs. , Wallace
will attend summer school.
Mike Hughes
MONITOR Funeral services
were held Wednesday in . Wood
burn -for Mike Hughes of route
two Woodburn. Interment" was
at the Rock Creek cemetery.
Mr. Hughes died Sunday at an
Oregon City hospital following an
operation. He is survived by his
widow. -
A step-granddaughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor of
Haiward, Calif., came Saturday.
Vqlloy Obituaries
Albert Falk I
MONITOR Funeral services
were: held Sunday, June 10 at
2:30 ! at the Meridian Trinity
Lutheran churcli for Albert Falk,
with Rev. John Werth officiating.
Mr. Falk was born , April 19,
1867,1 in Wisconsin, and died Fri
day, June 8, at his home one mile
west' of - Monitor where he had
resided for the past 33 years. I
He is survived by his widow.
Amelia, and three daughters, Em
ma Falk of Portland, Agnes Falk
of San Francisco and Mrs. Helen
Rafferty of Astoria, and two
grandchildren. All the children
were home for the funeral.
WSCI Silver Tela
Held; (on Friday!
TURNER Friday the WSCS
Silver tea was held at the home
of Mrs.f C.. A. Bear. Mrs. Lou
Small presided over the business
meeting ; which was followed by a
brief program. Guests were Mrs.
Lou Small, Mrs. Nellie Gunning,
Mrs. Stella Miller, Mrs. Joe Holt,
Mrs. J. ;.0. Russell, Mrs. Melvin
Hill, Mm Donald Burkland, Mrs.
Margaret; Riches, Frank and Glad
ys, Miss Starr; Mrs. Earl Bear and
Mrs. C. A. Bear.
$$'r Punch -Happy
the shoe u itb the beautijuljit
Look what's happened to your
- : trim, little slipon all
sparked up with gay an4
t giddy punches. An -
airy little walking '
slioe indeed!
Buster Brown She Store
A i t
V w
North Howell to
Elect Directors
school meeting will be held at the
Noj-th Howell school house Mon
day night, June 18. A clerk for
one year and a director to serve
three years will be elected.
Present directors are Roy Dunn,
Robert Meye and James Rickard,
with Conrad Gunderson as clerk.
Monday niffht. June 18. i aUr,
the! regular meeting of North How
ell grange. Wayne Strachan lis
master, and Mrs. Thomas Bump; is
Son Honored
On Birthday
Pioneer Family Has
. Surprise Party I
At Pioneer Home . ?
- PIONEER Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Kent, sr., . honored their ; son
Bob with a surprise birthday din
ner Friday. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Woodrow Larson, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Pennington and son,
Shirley -Xeller. . Mr. and - Mrs.
Clinton Wood and sons, Gail 'and
Leo, called later in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hanson
and son Alvin visited Mrs. Man
gua Scenscrud in Oregon City.' Mr.
and Mrs.! Charles Hanson and son
Gilbert, on a short leave, were
also there.
The Pioneer, Sewing club jWill
meet Thursday, June . 21, instead
of ; the previous week.
Mrs. : Frank Balough, Mrs. Ar
thur Balough and sons, Gary and
Richard, of Portland, visited at the
Andrew Theiss home Wednesday
and attended the graduating ; ex
ercises. - . i
Mrs. Dale Slater and children,
Karen, Stewart and Allan, of
Ocean Lake visited the John Kel
lers lastj week. They then went
to Brooks to visit at the Ray
Cozel home, and Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. John Keller and Phyllis
went to I Brooks where they; en
joyed a family dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Theiss
and children, Evelyn, George and
Joan, were dinner guests at the
Ed Spenst . home in Dallas Sun
day. Mrs. Roy Kinion and child
ren called at the Theiss home.
Visits Grandmother
At Home in Salem
Mdorman visited her grandmother,
Mrs. Gertrude Reuttgers in Salem
over the weekend.
Guests at the Raymond Lillie
home Sunday and Monday were
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Potter. Clacka
mas; Mr. a'nd Mrs. Walter Suhr,
and family, Portland, and Mr. and
Mils. Wilbur Potter, Salem. :
Dale Van Laanen reported in
Portland Monday for his physical
examination for induction in the
marine corp.
LendLease to China i
Shows Rapid Increase
WASHINGTON, June 13-()-Lend-lease
aid to China in April
was more than 15 times that of
the same month a year ago, it was
Foreign economic administrator
Leo T. Crowley said in a statement
that April's $61,000,000 worth of
materials and services brought the
total lend-lease assistance to China
since March,. 1941, to $4S8,874,000.
Regulator good.
It 190 S. 14th
5ve Ojadl ja Toe
fromni Sosiep's;
'' y a . f i if
H&'M' For Father's Day
W$; A Wi 1
r ' i ' i . - : fj
fez ri
r ' j.
7 "
'4 .
Here's a Father's Day
gift that's sure of a hig
hand from the old hoy
'an Arrow tie that has
Pop's own birthstone '
. for its decoration.
.The fabric is a cool,
neat knotting foulard
that's ideal for rammer
wear. A special lining
keeps: wrinkles far, far
distant. A variety of
color combinations
if you come in today
Others $1.03 up.
"Salem9 Style Center for Men and Boys" t
w - 4
8., -
! 1
eyer 5e pic Sectons
Selection (
W carry a wide selection of card for Father on his day.
Yon will be assured of finding the card that you want from
these, llake your choice early while stocks are complete.
S t
Personalized Gift fori Dad
Transparent $
Drum of 50 -
A beautiful and practical gift. On Kn monogrammei enly.
Initials or nam. Larga election cf print atylM and snono
aranunvd coloring. Lars seloctioB of anarch keok eolora.
An Ideal rift for Dad on his day. f 1
Send Mall Orders U: Fred Meyer Toe. C33 S. YT.
4th Ave. Tortlaad 4, Oreron. Add 10 U cover
. bandline and auilinr chartet. .
Choice of Colors
Matck look Dubenntt
Hack Cray j
Whit Green !
Others I
Menofram !
Hack Silver
Choice of Printstyles
Handwritinf Plain Print
First Utter Caa'itals Alt Capital
Ne Capital Urn Capitals
All Capitals First Letter Capitals
Black Eboy Chest Mdnognm Assortment, box of 50, $1.50
Contains two
pro " cum. In
dividually box
ed. Ideal gift.
LDB,r, 35c
wearing W
with fmy, bright
deaigna. Bridge
or pinochle.
Voomltit QQ
trJe. In. Tftj CI
bomd lu- 1
tltmtt itliit
covtr. aid pn-tef.
. Revolving
World Clobe
l $1.69
Fiction Books
Large stlecticn
of well known
authors. Hard
7 Pencils
MU1 mo
cbanim. Two tono
with an
xtra. sup
ply of
At Fred Meyer 5c & ! SecUom
On Can Opener
Has B complete open- AA
era ia one. Cap re- f hliwV
naover, can or Jar 1
.pryer. screw driver, f
an opener, cover remover. Beau
tiful red trim plasties handle.
Lemon Squeezer
Cast aluminum. Al
handy aid to house Ayr
keeping-. Sasy to clen. jw
For a perfect cup
of coffee try this
8-eup vacuum
type coffee maker.
Dressing Comb
LJrh,,29c j
Extra heavy. Both coarse and
fine teeth. Wonderful for mi
lady's dressing table.
Oval Hooked Dugs
.-' - . . . i
Well made, assorted colors.
Size 50 ff
20 x 40 inches.
25x49 Raj Ror 'J.
- Candy Filled Jeep
Clever little toy class Af'
jeep filled with delid
ooa candy. WiU deUght W
any younfster. 1 : 1
'.''.v V I -
At Fred Meyer le-lfle See.
, . f ' '
V d -
Usars: j t to Weekdays
, i - f to f Saturdays
' i: North Liberty St
En tr tint
White Shoe
Shoe White
I os. Bottle
Keep - your shoes clean anf
white this easy, economical
wsy. Easy to use, does not
smudKc. '!
2m Q
tu TC
'WKite ikoe Sean, 9c
Well looking shoes are Impor
tant for; food groominy; and
personal neatness. Keep your
shoes clean this easy way.
os e
Xer. 10c Eer(ine Shoo White, ,:'
At Fred Meyer 5c is 10c Section
Reg. 15c ShM-Milk, 19
Ref. 10c $h-Milk, 9t
3 for S5e
White han
dled. Small,
convenient size
Canning Needs
Pint OP !
Size ejOdox.
Qt. Size, 50c
Each carton
comes with an
attached iAner
cellophane a
to insure proper sealing. Outside
of carton has small covered
opening for contents inspection.
Rectangular in shape to con
serve on apace.
3 pkgs.
Wide Mouth
Jar Closore
Jar Lids
- I Fits anv atand-
m I m m a k. . . J 9 I.. IH . 1 t . L
eHrniiM. CMiiiU,jrP.nin.ind,..di. vmv-ifW Al! rnielal. Xasy
"torinr;. Rej. lOc'easier flowing. !nd convenient
aa etaca. 'doxen. I j 'to use.
Fruit Jar
At Fred Meyer 5e loe Section
- .... .. - ,
Garden Trellises
Assorted sizes. 4 to foot lengths. Easily
assembled.-Visit Fred Meyer 5e and 10c
Sections for complete stock of gardening
needs. i. v I
At Fred Meyer Se & 16e Section ;
.Fafiliesr's lay Eakes
Gbocolale (8)(c
IM Fcdge 2)S
Baked in two-layer rSund, large size. Topped with chocotato
ruage icing: and nued with butter- creem. Servei 14 to is
generous portions. "
Apple Pies 2c each
Delicious, tempting pies. Just like grandmother used to make.i
You will love their rich, mellow flavor and flaky, tender crusts.
Orange Dye Bread, 12c . j
Made fresh daily In our own kitchen lo Insure you a delicious,
fresh bread.. ; . , - " '
At Fred Meyer Bakery Section)
- ', ' - ill-