PAGE ELEVEN ience arid Profit, Sead and Use Statesman Classified Ikd&l , Tb OREGOH STATESMAN. Sataxvj Oregon, Thursday Morning. June 14. 1945 Convert Wanted to Rent Furnished or Unfurnished HOUSE WANTED TO RENT . 5 or 6 Rooms . , Permanent Day 8118 Phone Evening 6218 Wanted -Miscellaneous CASH tor used oiaae- MtiN ma Meal lBstrwMBts Call Mt dags at 837 evenings or m4 daaoetatioo U Jaquith Music Ce. 191 8 4ah used ruBJiiTDU f mm Iiecelhineen cooper, bros.; shinguno and roofing. ph. 1244. RCROOF Now and v4d -the- fall rush. Private contractor wH save you money. Leslie J. Carton. Ph. 4333. Painting da- Decorating. KS N. Winter VETERANS Information Service. Chamber of Commerce. 1 to 4 pjn. Sponsored by Disabled Amer. Vets. A L. Brewster. Servico Officer. Ph. 4339. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Of MOST CASKS Bring or Mall Your Plate for Repair DR HARRT SXMLKR, DENTIST Adolph Bld State A Com. Ph . 3311 BUY RIGHT-NOW CLEANER From your Grocer. "Use M for more sanitation, WOODWORK. Dishes, laun dry a- general spring house cleaning. Willamette Gro. Supply oil sizes. 25c, 60c. tl. . , Room and Board VACANCY S men. one woman. 1144 Center. Ph. 6630. For Rent-Rooms Nice front slpg. rm for gentleman. Hot. cold water, heat. 255 Center. SLEEP Rooms, 565 -N. Cottage. For Rent- Apartments 3 RM. Apt. newly decorated $25.00 month. Water, lights, fuel included. 365 S. 16th. FURN. Apt., main floor. Adults. 6241, N. Capitol. 2 ROOMS, furnished. Adults. 570 Union. For Rent TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cunt Or Love a ohone 0600 GOOD Used Piano ft U Stiff. FLOOR SANDER tor gomry Ward - rent Mont Wanted to Rent HONORABLY discharged officer would like one or two bedroom house or apt. furn. or unfurn, Ph. 21993. ELECTRICIAN Urgently needs 2 or S bedrm. home by July 15th. Perman ent renters. References. Ph. 5145. WANTED ' Two bedroom house for three adults, two working, one .attend ing university. Ph. 5967. 2 BEDRM. House by Aug 1. Adults. Ph. 5334 after 7 p. m. SMALL Hse., furn. or unfurn. for couple. L. C Pearce. Rt. 7. Bx. 98. 3 or 4 rm. unfurn. hse. or . apt. 2 adults. Refer, if desired. Mrs. W. E. Horn. 1450 Oxford St. For SaleReal Estate $5500. Five rooms and basem. Fur nace, paved street, good house, good location. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS $70 S. COM'L. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 bed rooms, hardwood floors. Vene tian blind, double plumbing, base ment, furnace, double garage, large lot. A good home and location. OWNER 1710 N. 17th. BY- OWNER $ rm. . KngMsh style house. 3 bdnns. Auto, on heat. fire Dlace. hardwood firs., elec. water heat er, wired for range, bath and also shower in basement. dbl. garage, lot 46x195. Fruit, grapes, nuts. Excellent suburban location. . Shown ay appt. only. Ph. 307$. BY OWNER 1 bedrm. house oft State. Walking distance town. Electric hat water neater, wired range, small bouse at. rear is rented, lmm. pose. m. aw, . . .. 3 FAMILY House, rented for $95. $7500. About T-10 acre with good home. just outside city, ssow. 2 acres, ml. from underpass With good house and born. $4750. ' 30 acres, 15 miles north with Im nrovements. $5300. 10 acre. 22 miles north with fan- Movements and equipment. $4500. 200 acres 70 miles S. W. Good house. excellent barn for 30 cows, elec. and sni'k route. $6000. Terms or trade on any of these places, .i-i D. A. FISH. S24 N. Capitol Ph. $524 BY OWNER rm. house, fur. ace. fireplace, corner lot. Shrubbery. walking distance. 405 Kearney St. BY OWNER IB. R. house, air con ditioned. Venetian blinds, etc. f or ap pointment write box ti statesman, a BEDRM. hsc hr. rm- din. rm. kitchen, breakfast nook, lots of built in. firepL. wired for range. 2 com Diets baths, cement bsmt, elec. water heater. . auto furnace. Cor lot 66x130. Double paved garage, fruit and nut trees. Ph. 4561 or 9885. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. Saa Francisco Eastern Advertising: Representatives Ward-Griffith Comyany,' Ino. - ChJcaro. New York. Detroit. -' .Boston. Atlanta . ' Member . -Pacific Coast Division , Bureau of Advertising- rntertd ct ttit Postoffieo rt Saltm, Orecw oi Second Clan Matter. Pub shed tvmry mondno Except Monday. Buelness ofice 215 . South Commer cial Street. - ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates in Advance: Within Oregon: Daily end Sunday. Mo 9 cents: mos. $3.00: 1 year, i $6.00: I: In where 60 cents per mo. or $7J0 for 1 year In advance. Per copy S cents By City Carrier. 73 cents a month. $9 00 a year in advance In Marlon and Adjacent counties, .. . , ' ' Wanted to Rent For Sale Real Estate NEAT, dean 5 rea house' and one acre good soil. Lets of fruit, machine shed, 2-atall barn, cabin, chicken house. $4250.00. ' - . 3 bed room home and one acre east. Fruit and berries. Few blocks school and bus.- Excellent soU. $4000.00. P. H.Bell, Realtor . G. P. Armstrong 402 Guardian Ph. S RM. House en So. 18th. Near va cant. $3,000. Terms. See MR. GOOD WIN with i . Hawkins A Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phono 41M After t Phono 171$ BY OWNER t rm. house at $30 N. Coro'L Ph. 0751. $7400. Vary nice 4 bdrm. heme North. Full basem, sawdust furnace, fire place, large rooms, close in. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 070 S. COM'L. Ph. 9441 eves 2 Bedroom Home, South Full basement, wood furnace, large lot, good neighborhood. $6500.00 SEE MR. BOYD. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High Ph. 3722 or eve 7082 10 RM. HOME CLOSE IN In need of repair, would consider an offer. Price $3650.00. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 4728 147 N. Coml. NEAT 2 BDRM. home, north, very clean, hwd. firs., range wired, newly decorated. $5000. North Salem: Lot 75x150. 2 bdrm. home, basemt., furnace, fireplace, va riety fruit and shrubbery. Price $6500. On beautiful Garden Road: 3 bdrm. home. hwd. firs. down. fireDlace. cum wood finish, auto, sawdust heat, air conditioned, range wired, elec. water heater, large garden spot of good ground, nice yard. Price $10,000. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 176 So. Com'l St. Phone 7660 6 RM. House with 3 lots in Holly wood, immediate possession. S3Z50. $1500 cash, balance terms. 6 rm. house in fine condition. Large lot. snruoDery. aouoie garage. S4Zao. $1250 cash, balance terms. Nice mod. 5 rm. home on State st. in first class condition. Lovely home. Call H. L. Marsters. 9569. 1756 Court St. COMFORTABLE HOME Large living room, dining room, kit.. 1 bedrm. and bath on 1st floor. 2 bed rooms 2nd floor Excellent location. Close to bus and store. Paved street. Price $4750. See Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS -- 344 State St. Phone 9261 asaasv ' ' If ; i I . Business Directory Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Model Aircraft. 21st 8c Market. Art Tile BATH Room, drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph 9964. 1149 N. 13th. Appliances Repaired Verne's service. 357 Court. Ph. 302$. Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. ComX Mike Panek. 27b S. Com'L Ph 3161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto & Truck Service MARION MOTORS NASH SALES 8c SERVICE Experienced mechanics Otto Buff," foreman. 540 Chemeketa. Ph. 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 238 S. Coml Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Com'cL P. 4516 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. Com! Building Contractor ORRXN S. PINNEY. contractor. Designing and remodeling homes. Ph, 9493. Rm. 220 Oregon Bldg BE WISE MODERNIZE Bulldozing Contracting BULLDOZER for rent. Phone 303 Cement Contracting CEMENT Ph 4071. . Contracting C. B. S3U Chimney Sweep OIL CIRCULATOR, furnaces, chim neys cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 21st P 717$ Florists EOLA ACRES, Rt A Ph. 5730, Breithaupt's 44T Court Phone 9199 Funeral Directors HOWELL-EDWARDS. Pb, 3673. ROSE LAWN Funeral Homo, 3639 S. CommerciaL Pb, $583. V Furnace Qeaning FURNACES reset bricked: OU heat ers. Hot air ' pipes vacuum cleaned. Roofs repaired, Kennedy, Ph. 805V Expert service. Cooper St Son. P. 3603 General Repairing Wash mach., sew. mack, vacuum cleaners, etc. Pb, 9531 pick-up. deliver. Housemoving K. Simmons, 2233 Trade St Ph, 31 17. For Bale Real Estate f PRICE REDUCED $$000 East. Well constructed 1 bdrm. home, large L.R.. DR.. firept , hdwd. rt.. l J arse Dorms, mod. kit, with lots built-in. Full bmt, furnace, saw dust heat. kiry. trays. Unfin. attic. Lee. lot over 300 ft. deep. Walnuts, apples st cherraBSt :.-:.! ; Olson! tl Reeve. Realtors MS S. Com'L Phone 4390. eve 7350 Large hse. with 2 furn. 'aota. and alee piag rm. renting for $70 per month. Walking distance from town. Close . to school and bus. : Ulson a Reeve, Realtors 949 S. ComX Phone 4508. eve $5250 Living rm. with fireplace, kit. At 4 nook, . 1 bdrms glassed-in back porch. basmX at furnace. - Olson -it Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'L Phone 4590, eve. 9536 S7599 North. 2 hses. 1 l-rra. hafc. bsmt. oil furn, hdwd. Srs Idy. trays. on Mm, net Olson i& Reeve, Realtors 948 S. CseaX Phone 4500. $7900 East. Near city Hmite, nice no. fteored ottic. Lot IQOxlOt. Hdwd. finL, firepL, wired for range. ; Olson & Reeve, Realtors KS B. Com'L these are completely Burnished t- . $ . n u xvii ion ri ! 4 acre' and small home, en furni ture gee, includes garden cultivator, V A. set to raepberriea snd boysea berries. North $3000. Located on -edge- of town, North, 2 bed room home, only 4 years old. lot 100x100, includes modern furniture, refer, radio, washing machine; imme diate possession $4050. ' Modern 2 bed room home, excellent location, oil floor furnace.! fireplace, price inc. all furniture, possession in ONE weelt-74O0. ; i Northeast, modern English style home. S i rooms, full basement, hard wood floors. 2 fireplaces, a nice place and everything ready to move right in. good modern furniture including new refer., electric store. Mix Master, etc. $11,000. j i I Lee Ohmart & Co. t I . H ITI Court St Phone 9680 Eve 377fl $ RM. BUNGALOW CENTER ST. i Just off .Center St. a few ft. A nice ly i cared for S rm. modern bungalow, garden space St Royal Anne cherries. $7000. Just vacated. j ALSO A DUPLEX ! Just off. State St. 2 blk. Consisting ox a 5 rm. bungalow unformatted & a 3 rm. bungalow furnished 8c rented. $5250. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON STATE ST. LARGE 5 rms. with attic. Hardwood firs. Fireplace. Full basement with sawdust furnace. A dees lot with all kinds of fruit 8c nuts. Double garage. Walking " distance from right down town. $9000. ! ART MADSEN 1326 State St. ; ; . Ph. 5580 $4250.6 rms., good cond, nice lawn and shrubs. ; $5750. 0ne acre, 150 ft frontage en Hiehway 99. ; $18,800.-0 A. AU mod. bldgs. Wil lamette sou. near saiem. : - R. A. Forkner ! fFred Rawlins . We Are Realtors 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 $ RM J 1 English style home. dble. plumbing, tiled bath and .drainboards. New halt and stair carpet. - Newly painted, auto. heat. Insulated, dble. garage. Excel, location. Range, frig, and Bendix available. Ph. 2-1582. iBoslnesa Directory cards nut by the month only. Rate $1.25 ;per line per month. Call 9101 listed here for resnlta! Insurance 1 See Van M. Greer with Aetna Life Insurance Co. for complete coverage in life, accident health, sickness, hos pitalization insurance. Rm. 714, 1st NafL Bank Bldg Ph. 6123. I Bristol Insurance Agency, General In surance ; 403 Oreg. Bldg, Ph. 31533. l! Insulation BUILDERS INSULATING CO. 1805 S. . Grand Ave. East 5121 Portland 14, Oregon Lawnmower Sharpening MACHINE Grinding and repairing. 2130 Fairgrounds Road. J. F. Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott. "The Cycle Man" 147 S. Commercial St Mattresses CAPnOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4089. Musical Instruments Repairbu. Will's Music Store. P. 495$ Music Lessonsv SPANISH 8t Hawiian Guitar, Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1533 Court Ph. 7569 Painting FOR Interior and exterior : painting call 60224 R. O. Thompson. SPRAY AND BRUSH Minting, free estimates. Phone 2-2795. PAINTING 8c Decorating. Ph. 7552 Painting & Paperhanging BEStI Work: , free estimates. W. Crowly. 246 S. 17th. Phone 4713. Paper hang"g. Jerry Johnson. Pb, 3482 EXPERT Workmanship Phone 4325 Printing f FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing. caU The Statesman Printing De partment. 319 S. Commercial. Tele phone 310L . ; , . if Photography - HARMON A KLOSTERMAN. Mew owners of Bishop Studios, ar able to give you oeauurui, natural portraits because of their excellent, equipment .aiaic. n stzz. t : '-.b:Ab:.Plumbing PLUMBINB AND HEATING' STORE t Installine and reoatr wnrlc- Im 1o. trie appliances and full line of Fuller paints. s i v J J K. (BtTD) PAJIMXNTER 3380 Fairgrounds Road Ph. 8ST7 I HOWARD PLUMBING 8t Sheet Metal v-o isao jexierson. Ph. s-1445. :" EXPERT SERVICE - ' : John fisher. Pa. 3019. 633 8 18th, ; A L, SKEWrS A CO. Ptumbing neaung; i44 J. uxn i ra azzx i BOWtN BROS. Plumbing and Heat tag ,355 K, Conal Ph .721A i - For Sale Real Estate f LEE OHMART & CO. rl- REALTORS ! DM HANSON AVENUE Lot 200X200 end 5 room house. Uvinc room, dining room. 2 .bed rooms, kit chen aetd bath, garage, obout $ years old. inside of house steeds some fin ishing work, also esetssi bunding 19x30, I - - ON DALLAS HIWAY" : Larve house with finnteca and si tot25x35, exeellent leeatian nd a grand buudtng site- $4900. i I $5100 FOR THIS ONE Has Uvinc room, dinmsr room. 3 bed rooms, kitchen . and bath, fun base meat with duet fumarn and water' heeter, frepiace wired for range, en rage. Good location. PHONE m COURT ST. 8 RM. HOME, $5875 Large Bv. rm- D. rm.. kit.. S bedrm.. baeem't.. farnace. Lot 50x165, Fruit 4t nubj. Terms. I 7 RM. HOME i 1 CENTRAL LOCATION ' 3 bedrms. Schools, bus at store- near. $7269. Terms. (.ALL, at. K. UKxatat Rich L. Reimann, Realtor lflT S. High St. Ph. 3722 or ev. 703 BY OWNER Small attractive homo, suitable for elderly couple. Phone $40$ or BWJi. I BARGAIN TODAY ! I I ONLY $5500 ' ' j . Modern home north, 2 bdrms., liv. r.. kit., breakfast nook, basem'L. furnace, good location. I i CALL E. E. GRIMM j Rich L. Reimann, Realtor I 167 S. High St. ! Phone 3722. Eves, after 6:30. 7805 i - NEAT AND CLEAN ! S room home, large let. good paint and care. 'Bush school dist. $3700. 7 ROOM hse. and . two lots. East Salem. Has an apt. that brings in $35 a month. Furniture 3 yrs. old included. Possession soon. Price $6,000. down, net cash. IH. P. Grant, Realtor I 529 Court St. SILVERTON MiU closing brings many fine opportunities in city homes and acreages in one of the best com munities in the coast country. For full information contact theHomeseekers Agency. Silverton. Oregori. Main 16. BY OWNER 5 rm. plastered house, newly decorated inside and out. Hwd. firs., brkf . nook, wired for range. - full cement basemt.. with furnace, garage. $5800. 1613 N. Whiter. I FOR COUPLE ONLY $1500 down, $35 mo. buys this dandy 3 yr. old. home with elec. range and wter heater, oil furnace, hwd. firs, Vi blinft. large liv. rm., lovely kitchen and dinette. 1 bedrm.. lge. dble. closet. Call owner 21731. No agents. ; LARGE Store building, suitable for furniture or hardware, located on the best corner in Oceanlake. the above businesses are vitally needed in ; the locality. Write for price and terms. or; see me. NICE tv from P. O . also 2 fine lots overlooking ocean. R. F. Deter (Real Estate), Box 164, Oceanlake, Ore. I $3500 Five room home, glassed In back porch. Sta. tubs, good range included. Double garage, nice shade. Possession very soon. Shown only between 11 aim. and 2:30 p. m. See Mrs. Needham of Louis Bechtel, 341 Slate St. Room f i Plowing TRACTOR plowing., cultivating: and mowing. Phone 9410. Radio Service PARTS a Tubes for all makes. Hall's Radio Service in basement Stiff Furni ture. 446 Court, ph. 8185. :WILL'S Music Stare. Ph. 4859.) Sand and Gravel i SAND A GRAVEL CONCRETE l&TX. fAU kinds of Road Gravel, genuine j River Silt. Clean, sharp Mason Sand. r Crushed Rack. COMMERCIAL SAND A GRAVEL CO. Fbono bsiz or an SAND, gravel, crushed rock, ready mixed concrete and garden sand. Walling Sand and Gravel. Ph.. $561. Saw Filing EXPERT Saw FIBng. all kinds, work guaranteed. 1391 Broadway. i Sewing Machine Repairing Verne'e Service. 351 Court Ph, 302$. Septic Tanks Cleaned STATE WIDE SERVICE. GUARAN TEED WORK. REAS. RATES. GENS FITE. 78 WILLIAMS AVE. PH. 7534.. GET mv ortees Before having work done. Pb, 7404, Permanent resident of W Salem Kenneth HameL U43 Sth St Stenographic Work! IPUBIJC Stenographer. Phone 3058. Transfer Lester DeLaps Truck Ser. Ph. 3-1750 Gen. TaiiHg, Local A Long Distance U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S Liberty. Ph. $062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer torage. burner oil. briquets. Trucks to Portland daily. - Agent fierce auto Freight, including Calif points Larxner Transfer Co Pi jul; Tire Recapping to. K. Rubber Welders Track and Passenger, non-directional tire treads on all truck tires 202 S High Ph. 3548 Vacuum Cleaner Service Verne's Service. 357 Court Ph. 302$. CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. All makes Vlnce's Electric 137 S. Lib. TeL 629X ntlTK tw paction In votrr honte. Au thorized Hoover service. We service aU makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph. . 914$ 'Watch Repairing D. E. DECKER. 1984 STATE. Leaving Salem Jane 23th. CsH for your watches. : . . r ' i Weather Strips Weather strips end Insulation. Pullman Ph 8963 Free estimates Window Cleaning i ALL work guaranteed. " Windows, walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Servico Ph. 4437. WLNDOWS. floors, cleaned. Pa, 2145$v For Salt; Real' Estate f GOOD HOME NORTH i Living room, dining room. 1 bed room, kitchen end bath down. S bed rooms and .bath . up, also a sewing room, full basement, sawdust furnace, water ; heater, hardwood floors, fire place. lot -60x165 $7500. NORTH 24TH STREET ' Good 4 bed room borne for $3300. has 2 bed rooms dowarand 2 up. full baatineut, plasm w d. garage, Jot 9x209, immediate possession. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT , i Modern room borne, 3 bed rooms, part bath down and full bath etp, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace. V. bonds.! full basement with oil fur nace. $B250. : 9680 EVE At SUN. 3TT NELSON NEWS ORCHARD HEIGHTS ! ii A- $ inch well. elc. pump, itv coin from cherries, apples A crapes. $ rm. itte borne on graveled road. dbjU gar. 2B m. out, $3500, HOME AND INCOME S rra. house with dbi, plumbing. hdw. firs, throughout, air cond. saw dust furn, elc. water heater, fpLace, rm. cottage, hdw.- firs- shower, oil circulator, completely furnished, homo at $100 per mo. income. $15,000. N. E SUBURBAN X A- S rm. hamc earden. miseeL fruit A nuts, chicken house, gar- etc 4 m. out, $4300. j LABISH BANK ' ' 3 A.. 2 cabins. 2 chicken houssa barn, etc, young fruit trees, native timber. 1 cabin rents for $32 oer ma $5500 for aU. j 10 A. ON CREEK ! Fairly new 4 rms- built-in tub. extra lar.L. R- fplace. small barn, chicken house, dbl. gar, woodshed. 10 A. young mixed fruit 8c nut planting. aU year creek with trout fishing, frineed with oak St ash trees. $5250. WEST SALEM HOMES ELM STREET Good location, -apples, plums, sears. pesches. filberts, currants, etc, L. R.. Kit, nook, 2 bdrms, bath, plastered home, includes coiled range. $4200. Some furniture available. i ; ; j THIRD STREET L. R.. Kit. nook. bdrm.. screened pch, bath, gar, lawn A garden. 1 blk. to bus. $3500, FRANKLIN STREET L. R- D. R- Kit . 2 brtrma . hafh lawn A garden, some trees. $2310. Do not depend uoon our ads to' tell you about all property listed In our otnee. Teu us what you want. We may nave it. NELSON & NELSON Chet L Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg, 495 State St. m. tve. or B280 TWO BEDRM. home East. Close In. bsmt. , blk. to bus. partly furnished. $3800. Call Mr. Gardner I 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street $250 DOWN Four room house. 5 yrs. old. earaee. Lot 200x300. A snap! $2500.00. Call Mr, i 3210 . BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street FIVE ROOM house, walking distance North. Fireplace, V. bimds, wired for range, basem t, fur., ldy. trays. Terms. $6500. Call Mr. Byrkit 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street CLOSE IN North. Three bedrooms A sewing room. L.R, D R., kit. 8c nook. Hwd. firs, firepl, full bsmt, auto. sawdust heat. elec. water heater, large lot. 37500. Call Mr. Byrkit. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street $11,000 FOR THIS fine's rm. modern home with unfin. upstairs, firepl, full basmt, good air conditioned furnace, nice kit. and breakfast nook. Garage attached to nouse. rtwd. urs. Norm, in a good district See this before you buy. CalL 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street NEW MODERN three bedrooms on one floor. L.R, D Jt, kit, utU. rm. Hwd. firs, throughout butlt-ins. tile bath A shrubbery. Elec. hot water htr. Elec. heat, (insulated). acres. $18,000. Call Mr. Byrkit 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street $1400 down, balance like rent. Nice bungalow in South Salem near Mc Kinley school. Large- living room, fire place, 1 bed room, sleeping porch. Price $4,000, 3 bed room older type house. Large lot; good location on South Liberty. Price $3500 with $1400 down, balance like rent saw ouys a smau nouse with ga rage. Near bus line. Some terms. $1000 down, balance like rent, X bed room house on North Summer Street. Nice lot Price $3500. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 1101a N. Com'L St. (Upstairs) Ph. 3030 SPECIAL ; S rms, - hardwood firs', full bsmt. auto, oil furnace, large lot Owner leaving, i Must sell. jR. A. Forkner , Fred Rawlins We Are Realtors , 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 GOOD 3 bdrm. home South. Bsmt Furn. H.W. floors. $5,000. Some terms. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. i . REALTORS Phone 4108 .. After $ Phone 8715 NEW 3 BED ROOM HOME In North Salem, near school, store and bus. Price $4750.os. W. G. KRUEGER Ph. 472$ 147 N. Coral ! AVOID INFLATION ' Old three bedroom home with bath. Needs paint and decorating. 2 lots. chicken house, garage, some nut trees and several varieties of berries. Near Market street North, Price $3500. See Mr. Daaielsoa with . - Leo N. Childs, Inc. : i i " REALTORS ' 344 State St Phone $261 BY OWNER Ideal family noma. 7 rma, mod. except basemt, 3-4 acre. !arge shady lawn, fruit trees and gar den. Close in on bus line. $3950. Terms. Ph. 2-2483, Rt 4. Bx 42 on S, Pacific Hiway. i . .. -v,-: W- i I For Sale-r-Farms BY OWNER 80 A. About 50 A. culti, 7 rm. mod. bouse. 40x50 barn, 12 steel stanchions, drinking cups, silo, machine shed, ' chicken house. garage, wood shed. Will sell with or without; crop. Pert Bye. Rt L Box 130. Suverton. ure. fn. tux ul- i 31 ACRES. 25 A. prunes, 30 tons vetch . ready to cut Fair - house and . bides. Wonderful view. Priced for a few days at $3150. $1000, down. C H. SANDERS.S1 N..Elgh ,83$j For Sale Farms CHOICE FARMS! 100 acres. In .. Mission Bottom with older buildings. 199 acres near North Howell, no better- land in the valley. C H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 RM. SHACK IN THE RILLS' 35 ACRES Half in curt, balance timber pasture. Has souse filberw, walnuts 8c cherry -trees. Tfass plane he been neglected but has DoasibUittes. Lays back of Dallas t railea tat the hUis St has grand vtew. $2100. W1H take car is on trad or what have you? ART MADSEN- 1236 State St - Ph. S58P IDEAL DAIRY FARM -tern miles out on Pacific highway of 14$ aerea. About 40 acres under cultivation. Family or- enara: gaea narn -ana -sair nousa. imp drirtad well atnd electric water aaatem. This is as -eamoUent value. Only $7560, See Mr, nansrraon with Leo N. Childs, Inc. "ft -REALTORS . 444 State, St Phone-9381 CHOICE FARMS! TOO erne -in -mlailnii bottom, older bldgs. -100 ncres near north Howe", a better land is the valley. C H. SAflUEKS, Z31 N. nigh. $831 S4000 V, A. with a raa. hae cardan all planted, strawberries, filberts, cher ries, truince, t chicken hses, electric water ays. On pavement Must be sold at onee. Only 2 utiles out bus Una. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 S. Coml. Phone 4590. eve. 9331 S00Norto hse, garage, elec. water sys. On bus line, f ruit, ctucaen nous. Olson & Reave, Realtors 943 S. Com'L Phone 4390. eve. 9538 $5000 East 2i A. Large bdrm. plastered farm home. Elec. water ays. nice yard with trees 8c shrubs. Denies 8c fruit . Olson 4 Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'L Phone' 4500. eve. 9536 83908 8 A. Small hse. t A. Drones. U strawberries. Some -timber. Creek thru place. Spring. 8 mites So. of Salem. Olson & Reeve,1 Realtors 949 S. Com'L Phone 4990, eve. 9536 Acreage ' 5 ACRES NORTH. New 2 bedroom five room home, hwd. floors, through out wired for range, garage, chicken house. $6850. Call Mr. Gardner 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS ; 337 North High Street ACRE. 3 mi. .city center, attractive house, 1 B. R. down, 1 up. Extra nice grounds. 2 .chick houses. Price $4000 cash, i NEW AND NICE 3-4 acre good soil. 3 large well ar ranged rooms, livable but not entirely finished. Imm. possess. $2800. Good terms. North. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 583$ ONE ACRE 6-ROOM modern home, basement, etc. Good barn, garage, chicken house. Lots of fruit, berries and garden. Close to bus and stores. Price $8250. See Mr. Voorhees with Leo N. Childa, Inc. ' REALTORS -344 State St. Phone 9261 2 22-100 A. Vs mile South of city limits, on edge of Silver Creek. 6-rm. hse., mod. plumbing. Beautiful lawn, outdoor fireDlace.' 12x40 chicken hse. good barn, dble garage. Also small hse. bringing in good rent. Nice Garden in. 1230 S. Water St, Silverton, Ore. Ph. 4203. i- ; 20 ACRES FIR TIMBER About 1000 cords, well built, 2 bedrm house, dble. garage, no elect. 8 mi city center. ; Your ' opportunity . for S2S00. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 10 A. about 2',i mi. NW of the Lincoln Store in Polk Co. Small hse, electric lights, barn, poultry hse. Well and pump. Some fruit Fenced. Good soU. $2950. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St Ph. 3723 FIR TIMBER About 1000 cards, well built 2 bdrm. house, dbl. garage, no elec. 6 mi. city center. Your opportunity for $2500. C. H. SANDERS. 231 . lUgn. WHB 11'. ACRES, south. 5 rm. home. elec. water heater, garage, small barn; sev eral fruit trees. Price $4,000. Good lot N. 20th street, aoxieo. iuw. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 17$ So. Coml St. Phone 7660 WANT SMALL ' ACREAGE? W are now selling small tracts north ; between Aluminum plant and Keicer, off Cherry Ave. 2 acres and m Come in and let us tell you about these tracts, sold for 10 down, bal ance monthly. SEE MR. BOYD. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 BY OWNER 1 acre, small 4 room house. Lights, water. , bath, kitchen stove, ice box. double garage, chicken house, small cow barn. Mike Lets, Rt 8, Box o l mue n& ena ox um sc. if . You can make out ' wrttT 'sTooms A porch. i A. Elect water system, East, here is a food buy at $1850.00. Immed. Pos. 1 - li ACRES blk. from KEIZER SCHOOL, on pavement 3 BR HOME with LR, fireplace. DR. Kit, . bath, utility rm, fruit rm, 2 car gar, good elct water system, chicken house for 300, Jots I fruit trees; tuns piacc is only 7 yrs. old, can be jpurchased for $10,000. immea. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listinn Personal Service 164 S. Commercial St Ph. 8389 IN THE TIMBER 2 bdrm. English style home sur rounded by fir and oak timber on 4 acre, close in. Has an unfin. up stairs. Has city water Ac" gas. $5758. Call Al Belt Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 970 S. COM'L. Ph. 21731 eves ONLY $2800! - Small 2 Bedrm. home in Hicks-Jones Sub. North of New Aluminum plant New Elec. Duma has Just been in stalled. Fine Garden and 1 Acres of Good soiL First one with money down gets it, SEE. MR. BOYD. . , !j Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 - READ THIS TO YOUR WIFE 3 bdrm, English style home on acre close la North. Hdwd. flrs- ou heat dbL earaee. large 14x35 work shop. 23 filbert trees, family fruit Price $8000. dowiu-See Al Belt Huff Real Estate Co. " REALTORS Pb, 3733 t70 S. COMX. 1 Ph. 31731 evea ONE ACRE, rm. mod. house, furn ished. incL, elec. stove, refrlg, mangle, wash, mach. Full basemt Furn. Year supply fuel S tan get, 18x33 chicken house, power lawn mower, fruit nuts and grapes. Price $8,000. Owner. Write box eae statesman, !-;. . 12 ACRES aU river silt soli with well for irrigation and 3 bedroom re cently - built house. - J Modern . except basement Located 6 - miles north of Salem for only $10,500. Would take a baton residence tor part, , . 4 acres - with S bedroom modern house not quite completely finished. Hardwood boots. B and toilet elee. lights for only $3200.00, Located about 3 miles south of Salem Just off the ! river road. S. M. EARLE or VICK BROS,' 208 No. High. St Suburban HOME BUILDERS TAKX . NOTICE! This beautiful suburban tract ust opened South of Keicer school, about 1-4 mile where the big walnut trees are. You can buy acre, half acres, 1-4 acres. There are 34 tracts, and the whole bract reatitcted which pro tects purchaser. Prices. from $450 to $1100. depending on location and six. Select your tract now when you can get your choice I Sea 9. G. DELANO or O. H. KELLER Selling Agent 299 JC. Church St Rewort loperty Cabins. Neskewin. Pb 4423 or 3877. Wauled Real Estate CASH Client wants ? bdrm, lairly modern, tniddie aged home, preferably with basmt, on So Ft or wider tot, city or enburban, putars on bus Una. NELSON & NELSON - Rm. 309-C MassiC Bldg,' 489 State St Ph. 4419. .Kves 2U50 or x-SWATJ, modem house to X30O0. Cash. Write Box 427 Stataantaa, KVERVTH1NC chMfat duriof th ar. but tbe -friestduaesa and aatia. factory service to the same at Burt Picha, Real Estate Now fat a good tbna to sen your home. . 3210 33T North High Street 1 WANTED: Small farms - 8 acreaga near Salem. Also small homes and older houses to repair. . i E. E, CRBfM f ' : I Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High. Ph. 3722. Eve or Sun. TOM WANTED FROM OWNER: SMALL MODERN HOUSE. 1 OR 2 ACRES. DRIVING DISTANCE SOUTH OR WEST. F. D. PALMER, 1462 N. COM'L. WE NEED! Listings of city and suburban homes and farms for our many customers. We are always ready to take your call and give you prompt service. . LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS 477 Court 51, ' Lee Ohmart Ph. 0680 "Habby" Habernicht Eve. 3779 Joe Hutchison Farm Salesman Warren Brasher "SALEM'S OWN REALTORS' TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CITY HOME. FARM OR BUSINESS PROP ERTY. SEE OR CALL: . SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 1 -FIVE ACTIVE SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU" 178 SO. COM. ST. . h T? I6!0 IF YOUR Goal is to sell or buy a city home, k farm, or a business call Huff Real Estate Co. Our motto. Annraise falrlv. Advertise consistently and sell quickly. REALTORS VVU . UUH L. Pb, 3793 Ph. 9441 LISTINGS of city 8c Suburban 2. 3 8c 4 bed room homes, farm property 8c acreage. Also business property. Large demand. Prompt attention. CORA E. NEWMAN REAL ESTATE BROKER ! 1355 N. Liberty f Ph. 7757 NOTICE: IT your property Is fot sale, rent or exchange. Ust It with us We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO J REALTORS 213 Guardian Bldg. Business Opportunities FOUR family apartment aU furn ished. excellent location and invest ment Only 4 blks. from Ladd A Bush, Poss. July 1. $15,000. -.!... Furnished apartment and rooms, in come $215 JM per mo. - Oil hest and very close in. $10,500. These rents are very low. . l 10 UNIT multiple dwelling, only 4 yrs. old. Private baths.: elect, ranges, refrigerators, good furnishings, very low operating cost, always rented. One of the best Investments in this bracket. Solid brick - apartment building, all nicely furnished. Private baths, good equipment, air conditioned, insulated, close to State Capitol. A solid invest ment $57,000. Terms $30,000 down if desired. - Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Coml St. , Ph. 8389 WANT A SMALL BUSINESS? ! We have several listed with us. own ers have asked that these not be ad vertised, so get in touch with : MR. BOYD. He will help, you find what you Want. . . Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 187 8. High Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 RESTAURANT on busy st. doing capacity business. Man A wife can handle. Owner hi selling at a loss. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 948 S. Coral. Phone 4390. ave. 9536 BRICK AND TILE BUSINESS FOR SALE Buildings, machinery, trucks and 10 acres. Invoice value around $25,000. Can be bought for $17,000 cash. In- exaustible supply first quality clay and plant produces best quality brick and tile in the state. This to a rare opportunity for - someone. rAUl, P. BATES. REALTOR Corvallia, . Ore. GROCERY store doing over $5000 per month. Good bldg. and modern $ rm. nouse on same lot write box, st Statesman.-.; V j DAILY CROSSWORD ACKOSS . LSleevelesa garments 5. Ashes of seaweed 9. Soft palates 10. Egg-enaped 11. Famous -horse race IS. Rubber bands for wheels . 14. Undivided U. Brilliant meteor 15. Grew too large for i DOWN 1. Street 2. Cap J. Linen vestment (Eccl) 4. Speak 5. Bend in worship fvar.) , Wicked 7. Laaaoa 8. Promiae lLFate 13. Appear 15. Layer 19. Mature 20. Pronoun H. Pole 22. Branch 23. Cushion ' 24. Distress signal 25. Thick slice 27. On an equal 2S.EaatIndie (abbr.) 30. Play on . words . SI, Those who riot 23.AsisUe - peiunaula ; 35. Chum -3ft. First m2g. nitudestar in Orion ST. Ascend 29. Muslc&t term j - (Anc.Gr.) i 40. Cereal grain . 41. Color V 12.Butk Business1 Opportunities ' Invest Now! Oarage with 3 apartments above, a good modern building located In an excellent community. Can be bought iiuiy equipped. iiiny stocaea ana equipped grocery ore and 2 separate Irvine Quarters. parti furnished. Will veil cornoiete as stands for $10,000. location to good, can oe nanajea try a people. - - . XaceUent suburban grocery store and modern living quarters, on main high way, priced at $12,500. including build tag, stock and, equipment IJEE.OHMART & CO. Realtors ' 477 Court St f :' M UNIT Auto Ctourt. North ' Pu Hiway $9. Income $509.00 monthly. Total price $2LB00v See MR, McMIL- u .wita ( . . Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. . a tat. to we '.-.-- Phone 4108 .After 6 Phone 81F21 IT YOU want an anartmant hnaia in Salem that oars avar 904L : am an tnveatmont est S1X0S0 write box S2. For Sale Used Cart BUY-SELL USED CARS You are assured of aR the hanefita due you under existing federal regu- jauuna .im a zair ana square anoro board deal and the aauafaetioat . that goes with 'It ,.: L0DER BROS. OLDSMOBILE SALES and SERVICE 440Ceater St Phone $133 "38 FORD Convertible couoe. Good motor nd tires. Inquire at 1488 State st, apt 9. Piu 8716. 1940 DODGE Loreer with Walker Dual Axle Thlr. 1937 Int CS-40-50 Logger Special with Page a Page Trlr. James H. Maden Co, 44 SUverton Rd Salem, Ore. j 1838 Studa. coupe just overhauled. Good shape. Extra good 6 ply tires. Might consider cheap car. After 1 p. m. Tuesday. Under ceiling. 2605 Maple ave. Ph. 8S62.j FOR SALE 1936 Deluxe Ford Se dan. Phone 5562. '35 CHEV truck! Good 1 tTres, Al cond. Rt 4. Bx 190. Cleo Carter. SERVICE Man must seU immediately 1930 Model A coach. See 5 to I p. ra. 1584 S. High, t , 1937 FORD "Truck new, motor, ton and one half, flat bed. Rt 6 .Box 101B, . Salem. evenings. - Wauted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime vour ear Is worth. Cash on j the Barrel-Head SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest "ndependent used ear - dealer. -N E Corner Church Chem : Pb 7923 WANTED Model A Ford. Paul Hlr schy. Rt. 1. Box 266. -Independence. . CASH, for a late model 8 pass, ear. Nash preferred. Ph. 3379. For I Sale Wood DRY OR Fir log trimmings. Ph. 6633. 4 FT. FIR, OAK A limb wood. Come and get it. Saturday and Sunday, June 16 and 17 only. Truck loads, trailer loads or wheel barrow loads. Priced right. 2 hundred yards south of City View cemetery office. DRY 16 In. slab. Ph. 6444. EDGING slab and black wood mixed $12 double load. Pb, 7721. GREEN old growth 16 In slab, prompt delivery Phone 6444 It INCH f MILL BLOCK WOOD. Elmer Bole. Ph. 9453. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. Ph. 8681 Immediate delivery. IS INCH mill wood. 2 cd load $14.00. Immediate delivery. Phone 6683. 1$ IN. SLAB $8 per cord. Cord. 1U Ox t cord load. Capitol Lumber A Fuel ' Co. Ph 772L j Wood Sawing WANTED wood to cut by the cord, any amount $40 Leslie. . Lost and Found LOST Part Spaniel and bull ter rier dog. Brown. Has bob tail, ans wers to Mickey. Reward. Ph, 4587. LOST Black Shetland p o ay. Reached- mane. vra. od. Mare. J. D. Campben. Ph, 8496. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. SO. A. F. A A. M, Stated Meeting. Friday. June 1VS p. m. it. seize . j ia 18. Decay S 22. Kind 23. Director 24. Measure (Anam) 25. Mast 28t Enticing 27. Brain covering 2S. Rube out 29. LRtle island 3L American f ' poet " . i ' Tsstselsya Aaswee 34. Greek letter ' 37. Fortify- 38. Narrow inlet (leoL) 32. Heroic poems IIlI"IlZII iPZIZfelZII ! . . - . -h . . -. - . - -." !'..' ' ' " '