t ; ; . ) . ; .. . - 4 ' . . - , f - . I . . - Hii Mgygf Fire H wlb-h i - ' ! I ! i; I - M" : . (g SioDtsciuls : eh a tic MoatkEad Cleoraocm l " : f : - . I ncg.03f Round i Plastlo Remember His Special Day I 1 !!- I : i L t . r . - - -. . - Ml! i ! f : . ' , 1 - 'I ... I FrdT.?2ycr; Father's Day - - June 17 f r r I . i .r"ia 1-,. i For Ht or Ceftf Fd Thermos Tub i- ii . , . - -i - j " - ; $n.5o Wiom f I I k u t aid. CIbwm t I B I k tlWHlA ' HfM la weifitit. Good for kepi4 food cither hot ot old. Will kn io for M bour. at tout tdtr for yoMf . o.xt party or pto- Mnf fd Clraac Vi Price on All Rao. $1.50 Sw MycHry CoUgaa,75t Rag. $1.50 VWat TWm' C- Rao. $1 X0 Btaa FWd flaw : i Celogat. S0t Rag. $1X0 Canrtral Park Cologat. 50 Rag. $l.C0 Six-TWrtf Celagat. 50i Rag. $4.71 DaraOs Cafegaa. $2.38 I Rag. $3.71 Caaaaratta Cologaa. $1X3 tag. $3.71 Si SJ $1 5o4a. $1X3 : Aftor-Bmtk Usary Dusting Powders end Dafb lM3its Rag. $1X3 USaaiar Dartlaf Pawdar, 50 Rtg. $2.50 USoaiar Pawdtf Mm. $1.25 Rag. 7?c Motalloia DtUg Mitt. 40e Rag. $1.25 VaagoHaa Paw- dar Mitt. 75e Rtg. 50c Unit MissrWtt Mm. 25 C(a mtAB, Scioto Rtg. 50 ta $5X0 Asm State. Vi Price Rag. $1X0 LaSoaJar HeatV karcklaf Cost. $2.3 Rtg. $5X5 Uagarit Cete, $2.50 i - Rag. $2J0 Cost. $15 : Rtg. E3c Aadre Riciards Sediai. 2S Rag. $1X0Aadra RicWda iaehats, Zt :' Waaf a-Cad Spthl j Stcrdast F:ssI lUfr uM. La J- l powk-afrr al dir ao& auO. 25 Mg. 1 CO Tabs. With Purchase of .Frec3: Vitamins A & 132 Value All for Complete vitamin supplement to the daily diet One 1 vitamin ABDG capsule a day supplies minirruim daily requirement o die four essential vitamins. Fred Meyer vitamin C gives Pond's Bargain Frea box of Dreamflower Powder with" purchase of 3.S os. jar of Pond s Cold 39C Cream. Both for Moatm-lal Cfaoroaea laby Joy Tambla Toy Plkfltia and wood eombt- 49 natton with red and blua babr who la cutting teeth. Baa na tmmltmry Tfkr Caby Joy Rattle Dar, Sonkarf leefher and com (mr. Pluoe br with ool- Amm rfai plaoric duo. Cotfalmt VHamlm O Warmer's Ascorbic Acid to. $2.00 50 aaa. 100 Cava. w N c c a ' a t f far hoolfWy gu, wrong boM. aound teeth, roixaace to infao tion and propaf waight. 4 1 Wftaaa mmi Soaata Hm Water CfcariteV Bubble Dath , Dath Crystals Ecu de Cologne Regular n Qt $1.19 57 Qom out apeciaL Gardmia, 0007 auckie, Pum and Bouquet (ra grancca. Soften and cents tfia Caafalaa LaraaUa WHdroot Pcnnula oa e 14-o. she tot, r 79 k4 iHwo rr- liaaf l-Ejirf Cltareaeo , flaw ad Ciriaraat ConLW an drappar Rag. f"t aj o oup. naaor o1Cc w at four aarx Reg. $1.49 Meyer 8 your daily requirement. Air Mail i Stationery Light weight. Red,5 white LI ' li and Miue u un on ;) envelopes. I Box I :!;! 1 I 13- 1 . 1 J Mara-f atf Ceoraaea I . L:-- l-' I- M l i Seizors I I ! 1 L- LJ '-'Ji-. 49c iaai i lr 44nch blades. Sunt f :9 J point. acfcForUJ ii audita to us m ! -it ii J - ' i Maata ad Caoroecal A,ST Purse Ba. Round and oval aenuina ' aUlfrator cola purso aud Upper. i Maatft Ead Cltoreactl Zephyr ji . Shave Lofton Rag. 49i ! Vdaa a ' 1W Reftethiag aad nmuiaong am- j aharalatSoa. 1 Leaw akia aoft j and aawindi. 3 - ! Maafb-fad Cleoraaca I ' v s if Laundry Dsg ii i 29' Rag. 49c 5 1 of tinhlatrnarl aSwrina. Mai ia taUaoopa daga.i Hearjr dutf , rod- d doubU draw cord of 95 ' pouadt Mat Hrancth. DouUo atttchai. Rata farcwi aidt anma kT man iunb&tr I9a0a21 facbaa. '- '8 Want Tftay Lost! Caedlt Usfet Porteo 2 This is a ' t?v awayt Lord litde botde shaped likt a candle Contaaninf la fragtaat perhaafV at I taxing qualir. i A i , DtflcJocs Hot or Coli . IriltdDiliij! Coco Malt, ltb 33 g. r t f -I - s - i-.T 1 1 Kraft. 54b. Reg. 39c Carden. A hetlA" drink of the whole (am - if, Ciock full of vitamin and bod building maaaral. TkeaaWa cnulf will go for thu rich, dii- Si : ; i (6) Bl i I , ! i . i i ' !!' I JL 3 ------ I 11:49 i : r 'i.2 : ( -.! ' J i 1 dous ma!t Cavor. s t ! r 1 i ' V ' : Hand Palatcd Fiesta Jugs and Bottle leg. $SJS Viatgar and Oil iotf $40 Salt ond PeDDr Shalwn. X. SlSS $wduli Paotnf Oil Ktg. jt3 wtddlag BtU Assortntit lottles, $4.$9 R9. $22.50 ScbIot torbtcM Sf. $1 0.95 .. TheM ckligkful hand painted jugi and bodes in both beautiful and practical, suited for kitchen or the outdoor. Make up: tout own aad rumu tec tram our ime anortmenc. a r r- 1 j ' a I1, 'S, lib. Medium and Hard Eoa brand briadaa. Watarproofol. Sdanctficatlf Karila. BriitUa ara uniitaa, 00 abort emii, jacoed, apt or odtarwua imperfect bradet; fhatebea no idangcr al cauain gum mjurirt torn poor btudat , Grip TlgMf Tweezers 2213? Grip tight tweezer with a good spring. Will not hp and pull when using. Far Calaa aad f CI Coin Purso V? 39 Folding coin puna for both coin and bill. Fka oiceJr mm pocket. Doas not btJfa. - Meat a-f ad Claeroaca 1 . 'I! Perfume ; i; : i , Paticaltes Sa aackett to aavdept, ta tngraw, fWal Kara. Carnatioa, tppia bbawa and lilac i Sip aotM m witb for and bngena. Maafa-Iad Claaraaca ! ' ; Eotaa's Shave Cream '3ar" Beg. Sla lSd Ooavatof book at yo anj 1 r tha alfferaBe. tbat Fred Meyer Sit cr.3 DsSrc22 23c I i -i "i - - ' At traal Mrar Praar 8ectiai 1 f Wa SXaat AS AdTerUaed Friees ; Wa Keacrra tba Kifbt to XJaU QaanUtW . ; S STOS2 EOUS3 ' - j "-.. A. It to IJI r. U. dally f A. M. to t F. it Satardaj ' p-y i - :- Claaod AH Day Sawday i , M -. r: 5. - uc n. uberty ss. !!.;. i-i"::-:-;- Prices Good Friday Througli Mcmday ' 3.95 L 455 pind In an! arrar of beautiful color. Large, clear mirror Lovely to look at. Its, $2jS2 ' .! cmd Vlacar Bottlet, $1.42 i ! ; Wafer f roofedl 1' Dr.VesFi i - t Tooth Drush 'i I ! I iJfcara Oataoar Uaa! Tesfrite -1 House Thernicsieter b23 Aocurau and weather proof. Essential in everl household. I I I jltsorfad Colors Reg, 15c Value . i i i ' Fin little bags for carrying compact, lipstidt and cream. Moafk-f ad Claoroaca i 1 i r.lirror Rag. 1 n No ators bickering ovar tba batbroaaa Btirror arbaa ba kas oaa of hit own. Prsiarra a.a.aVoll Handr UoaikHd Cfaoroaea i ' i - Dcby Cottle Wcrjner $1.49 I t ! Soriliaar and faod. Safa, baatdibd. auMauti O-Jf a taUaapoaaaf awar! aa a-oa. bab ooma. 8- - t w f, 9 If ,ii I 1 suet ia four own tor 8vcc7ona. j i I Moofft Cad Cfeoroict .f.r Perfume i t i Rtg. $9X3. 1-exa $40 , Reg. $3X3, Vi-ex, $2.53 i Rtg. $2.73. Va-ou $U9 Rtg. $1.43. Vc-ok. 70$ " " ' :-: ' t Cbaioa-of bagrancaa. Acooladt, OuaMnca, Naada, Dacalatta. BlMllwailr Faaoadia. LoWf kldng it via dalight aar .iiuiaaa, : . ValvoUae; Pclrclrnp t!5f Rag. lOe r-a 5S Clipper ImiW om. UmI far ywfawing four m aiuk Uatrir-Eid Cltoroact .. -. v f i 1 ' ' ; - i i-i - 4 . " ; I i I '- Picnic Set 4 Plates 4 NepUisOT ftenia stsa. aquar. Sara waabtna tfaooo diabaa on your plcoio. WbU ioar laat. Taafaargy YHamhn Maiar I I 5 2 loias f 24. 29 a sorts of 43, 49e ! 2 tottlas of 100. 89 Tba enanrr Tttamln preenta B eomplex deftcleacy. wbich maf oauaa nerrouaneaa and eonsUpa UOD. 1 Moatk Ead Cfaoroact Sanitary j Ncpliins Ux fit i of 12 O Woaa.r rally o n t o r tab), flntt tfv eellu. toot ttUar.: ataya i(L Boapltal S a r o r Ktk, taka for M7 j j Frogreaf Cofag aaf House of Gordon I S$i9f 1 I ' 1 : : : .' S " " 1 I i i ' Qoaa out sale. Lasting, linger ing and refreshing. " ! I -J J 1 Tisssuo Reej. 10 goi j ) ' 1 24 aWs of 'paper mrasurmg 20 br 10 jndtaK Irl a.1 tor gins ot atar For Cliiiwiha. na wttaa and bright colorod ribboo. Moafa-Ead Cfaoroaea Game Dook i J I Ea. ; 4 far 25a Screral Uaaa of ta- V.t tr : Saat Qalaaaa. Whafa Toar L O.T Ba ta Wla at Oia ilopfy CEFORI WerfrJaf Hcsd Savtr Protective Creb M atfc-ed Cfaereece Ealiro Uao of Audrb Lo Lcip9 :tCosme5ic5t f"-:obokat 1 QQCraaais Jj- O Utioes ' : O Steaspoo 49c Yolao V.Ulo Tkty Lest '4 ;:1v"--:' Cologne Vrcpping 1 GPr ! aajaBOBaaBBBBagBMt " I rW-Wand. r r- -d i f Apair U&ra ) sad dot affl laffaaailr. ! s r I Q ;- " ' i r ' Lovtljr, soodung; creams aad ta tjoBSf rlranaing, rriresrung shaoa-'. poo. Yob will want a3 the coa aieck w can gc : - - , ,, , - V5 1 piece set. The ideal gift for dad. Every man take pride ia masculine shaving accessories. Saddle Club created ; especially for Dad... ' 7 ' nafflwen S-pieee Set, 2Jf -nomweH 5-pleca Set. fUl 1 VTrisler jUddle Club Set. 1-pa, ft Kaft Cat Soaa. SS.M - ' . ' J Old Fashioned LaTeader, 2-pieo. LH Old Faahloned Larender. S-p4o. L9t Spraoe Share Leiion. SLOt 8praea Men' Saaa, ILMI At the Fred Meyer Drag SeeUae lulnJI-n-ni--url--l.ru-l- J'. .r.- - vwnr. - - . l-.-l-.H-- - -r.-.rj- ruWLTvJ ' - k : i i1 Utrofy Floral FrogroacM Dram " -- Perfume Reg. 13 25c Dreb Portland Hoaa. GardeoU, Violot, I Tba perhiBMa duprmrd from tba aa to bar ia aa attractira dram bona. to earrf ia your pum. For Htoffafa! Lfvfag Sharpo & Dohme Cod Liver Oil Reg. SUI 69' ruga m vtta&uns A and P. Neces sary j for normal growth of children. rar Qalck. Geaffe Acffae Fred Meyer 7 I Mineral Oil Reg. 39e 17! ' i j Plain or with plienaphdtauea. M3d laxattva unusually ire from ;oflf taste. For tba lUHaf a Tiaad taa Put-in-Eyes R.o.4t 19 For tired eras. Relieves fcrita tion of burning, aor eyes. Far Faaaialao Oelaf laass I - Tav 1 Concho Powdsr Uoafa U4 Claaraaca Leg LHe-Cp Rag. 2S. Eotoaft Uqaii Lto U&X8-U9. ht Rag. 50c. Uorgorat dag Ug4 Lag Moko-Vp, 2Sc- L ... tM. ZSa. Fi!aaioaa Ccka Lag Moka-Vp, 13g 4 Keep cool tut st3 foaiouroui aa tna ajana AOndaV Irt mkMO ia aa3r acpfied tad gives the elustoo of Wely sheer atockktgs. iLuj ta us and inawana iir too. Uecfa tsi atdmco CccoKlJcrs . . , a Compound! 1 j?" I ' r i rl Rag. S1J9 J I Medicated pew- 11 Idee. Oransing end tefredung. I - i 'i Wrisley's . ! Saddle Club I xMen,s Set $31.75 Hois IOC da ner II TUa AS Ba As Rtgafor As Cfock Work Niol Haavv ID! Mineral on Reg. 81c 69' Ooloriaaa adar Iook aad Ian. Inr ta t.k. aeS ft prompt, .ftt. Saat toUof. ZHcth$ GtrajJcWof Preporoflaas CS Usttriat. 3-ciu. 23e Malloockrodt Peroxida, 4iL.15e ST 37. 12-oz $1.17 Pepsodcat. 39e Borolyptol. 12-oz $li3 Astriag-O-Scl. 31c Glyco Thynoliat. ' 15-ox $1X9 Kaea rr Medkiaa Caasf Household Remedies Fred Mtyer Alum Leap, 1 1o-oL.21e Fred Meyer Ammonia Aromatic. 2-ex. 29 TR Btitzoisu 3-ex, 59c Cascara Aromatic, 8-cr-,79c Flaxseed Meal. 17c Ptpptmlnt Esseeco. 1-ox23c Soda Ciccrboaato, 8-OLo 13 For lefrer Hoefft. fotfor i LfVfaf . Be!2sst, ICS ichft- 53c Tebsia. 10 tebk. $13 CiSoDoU 1C0 tcb-, 39a Ceqca's Chercoel Tcb- i lets. 2C3 febsS3e Ffcl::ps UKi of Uognoa itla. 2:3 tcbu79 Stvarts, 69c atottrs lor Erory lse Hcio Cleaning Wledex. aVox, lie Jshsssa Dreca V7cx, - Vi pt 23c Old EaSsSi t.e-Csiv- r vcx. ic-cx, c: O'Cedar Ponsb. 12-ot Drcsoj-Ki - ,. Wrigbt's S::vct fensb. :2Sc- ' Aero Vcx. lo-cx, 2.3 ; 1-1 CIlX .' - Antiseoti I - B Ttraheae. r t4r