The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Friday Mamiaj. June L 1845 PAGE SEVEN Ethel Lansing -Is Married Announcement is being made by Captain and Mrs. Walter Lan sing of the marriage of , their daughter, Pf c Ethel Lansing, WAC, to Pfc. William Hender son, son of Mr. John James Hen derson of Seattle. The wedding took place this spring at the First Methodist parsonage in Vancou ver, Wash. Attending the couple - were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Rasmuasea. : , f The bride has received, her honorable discharge from the WAC She attended Saltm schools. Pfc. Henderson, : who made his home in Okanogan, Wash., before entering the serv ice, is a graduate of Montana and Washington schools. Pfc. Henderson is stationed at Tort Stevens. .-". Mrs. Effle Danlap, her daagh- ter.JIrs. R. K. Drake of Hepp ner (the former Emma Wright) the tatter's daugh ter, Miss Claudine Drake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glover attended the high school graudation exercises in Silverton on Wednesday night. Among the graduates was Zelph ne Given, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Given, whose mother, the former Vera Wright, is a daughter of Mrs. Dunlap : and sister of Mrs. Drake. Miss Drake has been vacationing in Heppner with her mother, but has return ed, and was accompanied here by Mrs. Drake. The latter will visit a son in Corvallis this week. :er to Talk, Frozen Foods ' Homemakers who have been worried about the high point values of fruits, vegetables and meats may obtain useful infor mation about preparing for food xor ine xrozen iooa looter at a meeting Tuesday, 8:30, at the chamber of commerce. Professor Thomas Onsdorff of the food industries department at Oregon- State college, will speak about the freezing prob lems of the homemaker. Hunt ers and fishermen and others in terested in preserving food by the frozen locker method are in vited, Dr. Onsdorff will have samples of frozen foods to display and will analyze food brought in. Dr. Onsdorff held a meeting here three years ago, where much val- Miss Melton Slates Recital Miss Frances Virrfnie Melton will present her piano pupils in a recital tonight at the YMCA auditoriumjit 7:43. Parents and friends are invited. The following grade and jun ior high students will participate; Marshall Jelderks, Janet and Na dine Woodroff e, Rodney Schmidt, Jimmy Allen, Sherrfll and Betty Brinkley. Stuart Bowen, Leon Community ; Picnic Held at Millard Schoollioiise Sunday ! The Willard - Centerview com munity h e 1 d Its . annual home coming picnic at Willard school-house- Sunday, The lunch Was spread on a long table across the porch. Coming from a ! distance were Ella Muller Moore and Mar guerite Allen and her family. J. J. Thompson presided at the Gordon, Richard Uuruh, Sarah business session. Arch Bowen was Backs tr and, Gerry Kelly, Eileen elected president and Marie Kiss Susbauer, Shirley Brown, Jean ling Luthy, secretary-treasurer, in Tumbuli;jWanda Vaughn, Janet Mrs. H. H. Pagefi plac! It was uaiser ana JUieanor rancisco. ? voted to nave the homecominar the first Sunday in June ' in 1948, which will fall on the first Sun day' hi June. After the business was all taken care of, the meeting was turned over to j Elizabeth Wenger Muller, program chalr- Violin, Piano Recital Tonight - Donna Jane Macklin, violin pu pil of Mary Talmadge Hedrick, and Frances Baum, piano pupil of Mrs. David Eason, will ap-! pear in a program tonight at 8 o'clock at Willamette university. Their program includes: Sonata A Major . Handel . Adagio Allegro Donna Jan Macklin Frances Baum Variation C Major Haydn Sonata F Major ., Mozart I Allegro Frances Baum Praeludium Bach-Kralslcr Donna Jane Macklin Nocturne Op. 9 No. S - - Chopin Waltx Op. 70 No. 1 Chopin Hungarian Dane Brahms man. - The community , sing was lead by J. J. Thompson; Betty Mae Allen was accompanist The program included accordion solo, Lorraine Allen; poem,! LUlit Mae Muller; duet. Jay, Thompson and Xd Luthjr;! clippings from papers were read by Eva Yates; accordion and guitar duet, Evelyn and Helen Fisher; reading, Mrs. Arch Bowen; vocal duet, Betty Mae and Lor nine Allen; a ; Swedish reading, Ella Muller Moore; solo. UDlie Mae Muller. r i ijht Sixty-eight per cent of the weekly newspapers ef the United States have a circulation of over 1,000. Turner People Prepare for Fat , Lamb Show Saturday ClijOVERP ALE Mrs. W, Kunk e and . small son, Leon, Portland, re visiting this, week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur : Kunke, and Joyce. Earl Hedges, of Portland, was a business visitor in fids commu nity last Sunday. He is making E. of arrangements to e 1 1 his farm here, i which is at present rented by tne H. 5. Booth family. On Saturday, the Fat Lamb show, whieh is being sponsored by the Cloverdale Farmers Union, is being held at Turner. Ladies In charge of the food are asking that every member please remem ber to bring two things either one pastry pie or cake) and one salad dish (salad or baked beans) in order that, there will be plenty to serve the crowd. Livestock for exhibit should be in their pens by 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer, accompanied by Mrs. John Schif ferer, made a trip to Portland last Friday- to attend the 'funeral of an aunt, Mrs. 2 Bowers. On Thursday i morning, Floyd Pense and Sam Drager towed the broken-down local school bus to Salem to a repair shop, where, a complete new motor is to be in stalled, in preparedness for next falL The bus broke down on the last day of school and has been in the .shed, since that time, at the W. Schifferer home. -I Mrs: Clifford Feller and chil dren accompanied her sister. Ruth, to .Oakland, Ore, on Tues day, where, they ' Spent Memorial day and cared for their family lot They made the : return trip on Wednesday. ; i Building Program In North Howell J NORTH HOWELL t-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mayte, srj. are remod eling their home and plan! - to the entire i ; the former Jr., family addiUon to change and rebuild front section, j This is E. B. Fletcher home. . The Lewie ' Mayte, are also building an their home. I- The North Howell grange Home Economics club will meet at the grange hall June 6 for the last regular meeting of Mrs. C E. Waltman Wiesner are hostesses. - Celia Bump- of Poi the home of Mr. and Jefferson for the p: in the care of her Elvira Bump. (he and rtlan season Hon din o Uebesfreud Hejre Katl Frances Baum Becthovea-Kreislar I Donna Jan Macklin Kreisler Hubajr 1 bpeak OCE PupUs Graduate at Ceremonies MONMOUTH The 1944-45 graduates of Oregon College of I Education who will receive their diplomas here June 1 include 21 three -year graduates and 18 others who have earned their de grees of bachelor of science in elementary education. uraauates, lall of 1944, are Nana Mae Cahfll, Astoria; Ellen Elaine Farris, McMinnville; Ro berta Darlene Hart, Portland. Graduates, winter of 1945: Hes ter Peregoy Bethel, Monmouth; Margaret Ellen Smidt, Newberg; Marion Esther Wiest, Monmouth. Graduates, June, 1945: Elsie Irene Matthes, Salem; Marjorie Ruth Bier, Oakridge; Rita Elaine Bruce, Mohawk; Gilda Mae Chap man, ' Junction City; Ruby Alice Goldsworthy, Eugene; Mary Eliza- I - II- i- Is 1 - 1 Mrs. A.B. d is at RJ-C. t, to assist ther, Mrs. The first cotton gloves were I manufactured in America in 1915, nmr mum EXCESSACIDS Help IS Miles of Kidney Tube - Flush Out Poisonous Waste P yeeaaji iitfefaetdaiayoerblocj yoar IS milm ft kidney tnbee my be mrtr vecM. TlMMtiar altera aadtalMe are ot -fa 4ajr aad aisat to aeto Natore rid yew tjvu-m el m add aad fcoieonoos waata. waea oieoraer cc uooer loaeuoa permna lettef te teauaa im yonr btood. i mm yeiea, worn ut pee mad eaeray. S"'"S P aichte, welling, paffiaeaa ader tba eyeaj , fcaadaflm and (iiiiineai. Frequent or seaaiy tm enta aoiarUDS aad oeminc aown ei taere ie niaethlne aiima erka, year aiaaeya er waoaer. Kidaeye eaejr aeed hate tbe aame aa boi aoeefcvwrdraCTiitfoeDoea'iPilh eaeil iiieefiiflf by anilliooa for erer 40 yeaia. They happy relict and wiS eelp tbe 13 nttae ot cjdney tubaa Sink oat eoieoooua vasts Iroaa PeTUood. Get DoaaVKibh SERvHIG SilLEIl WITH Hodel Food Elarket 275 No. High Street Free Parking Lof 7 Lemmon's Ilarlrel ! Ample Parking: Space 598 No. Commercial Street ' I 'Ml II I II i I&xicgcr's Rash & Rarry About 1 Mile East of SUU Hospital 1 East Center at 40th Street I Plenty of Parking Space 1 i: Sialq Street Ilarlrel "In the Heart of the tity" 1233 State Street Heinlein's I-Iarkel 17th and Ilarket Streets IV Easy to Park at Heinleins If -Crocery 1701 Center Sireel I Corner of 17th 7 suable information was obtained, beth Hemrich, Boring; Ddris Ann ' Built-in home freezing units and future trends in freezing will be discussed and questions will be answered. , Today's Menu Something new from our fair neighbor state on the south, is Included .as today's main dish. . ! Cabbage slaw ; j Noodles con came , ; Paprika crackers ' ! Peach cobbler with Orange sauce NOODLES CON CARNE 1 cup whole ripe olives; . Vx pound ground round steak 3 cups cooked noodles (one 4 ounce package) 2 cups tomato sauce ; Va teaspoon salt H cup grated American cheese Johnson, Portland; Eleanor Dor othy Newman, Portland; vMable Evenson Morrell, Monmouth; Vio let Ruth Noble, Monmouth; Ruth Helen Radcliffe. Klamath Falls: Shirley Enid Rice, Mapleton; Velda May Stef fen, Hillsboro; Eva Clarise Stephens, Springfield; Viola May Tiedman, Sherwood. Degrees of B. of S. An elemen tary education: Evelyn Zahradnik Biggerstaff, Nola Louisa , Clark and Marcelle Enid Nelson, Salem; Norma Kimble Larson. Maisie Marilyn Fleener, Lillian Lee Armstrong Mason, Agnes Owedia ! Nelsen,. Helen Tyler Stone and Selma Zitzer, all Portland; Anna Hendrikke Floor, Westport; Glad ys M. Gave tie, Tillamook; Anna Seitz Haggblom, Cascade Locks; Shirley Jay, Mulkey, New port; Nonda Faye Pirtle, Eugene; Mu riel Milne Scott, Yamhill; Elsie Cut olives from pits in large slices. Fry ground steak; combine Jane stanfield. Diplomas will be awarded July and August graduates when re quirements are completed. with noodles, tomato sauce, salt, and olives and blend thoroughly. Pour into shallow baking dish and sprinkle ; top with cheese. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees F.) about 15 minutes. Serves to 8.' RATION CALENDAR Si . - I i l.'j V too ( j V ' V I j RosEf ; i I I V, Hmogeni2ld ' J J ( I CreaniF - Smooth I ui' 34c if ) Soldier Visit Pratum Family MK ATS. FATS. ETCl Book 4 Yi and ZS throufh OS food throuch Juna S: ES tbreuch Jl sood throuf b Junm -30; Kl through PS good through July ; jZ utrough Ul gooa through Auanat It aocEssao rooos Book 4 HI through MS good through Juno S; SI through SI good through J tin SO: Yl throuch XI cood throuah July Jl; Yi, Z.J ana ai uuouga v-i gooa through August 31. ktlOAK: Book 4 Stamp SS valid for flvo 'pounds through Juno X. Stamp SS now vaiia. SNOKSl Book S Atrplano stamps X. S and S valid indefinitaly. uasolxnk: A IS couaona food ortrrw four gaDona ach through Juno 11. Period I-S find) coupons through Auiust 3L Not per cent, of seasons I fear a boas used to date. PRATUM Cpl. Joe Ditchen arrived at the home of his brother Carl at North Howell early Sun day, morning and later saw his sister, , Mrs. Arthur deVries and family In Pratum. Monday 'was his birthday, a special occasion for the celebration at the home of his sister here. His mother, his brothers and sisters and their families spent the evening. This wag the first time CpL Ditchen has been home since February, 1942. her for I He was at Camp Roberts before. leaving for Australia xor tne past mmt V. s I nM I 7" yearn "e uoa orcii iu new more than ft Guinea. After a 30-dav furlough he will be stationed in Texas. . Gold Brer Rabbit Molasses Ol f Fine for table use. 16-oz. g2-V i 1' -ii Green Brer Rabbit ;s 4 4 Molasses 16-oz. idaA ' For all cooking purposes. IIol Jast Tcday Bnl Low Prices Every Day! The perfect cake flonrit l-Lb. Can Double-acting baking; powder, 10-Lb. Cloth Baari rations 1 should BUY YOUR BABY a BOND AT " Bishop "Studio 123 Stale. CL Cdexitt OrafOsi '. .".'! : ' j ' ' " . t ". , : " . -''"!; ; ' , , ' : .,-.. : . Am4 raxtlra t2xskLl t oaa Genuino IX 4 X fro cMti 1.2ilcinre Inst dm poftodt Joe PedTa wo214, YouVvffl aUo roctlTO feo Wdt Disney Oft OrtiSoaio and your baby's name "vrill bo inscribad an Oregon Cradle Roll of Honor. 1U cr cood duria Cia Marlon Couniy Wcx Flnonca Commi2V road Drtro, Tnroia July Spreckel's fine granulated, KeUoggs health cereaL ) If - 1 1 White floatinf; soap & ways better. deluxe flavor. x. . I i! !l : ! - i I S i .3 . : Reg;. (SnO 14-Oz. Bottle Fancy catsup with a knew yee'ft e gV Fresh as the SsA Large Sire REGULAR ! 4 MORNING MILK. L SPECIAL ! O MORNING MILK... fa TASTY PAK GREEN BEANS. ...No. 2 can ELSINORE ll DICED BEETS......No. 2 can UC tall i cans tall ! cans J 18c 18 c 13c VACUUM PACK NIBLETS CORN. ..12-az. can 15c IGA BRAND 17.. FANCY SPINACH, No. 2ft can 1C IGA BRAND IN FANCY SPINACH....N0. 2 can iC SACRAMENTO 01s. TOMATO JUICE .1. 47-035. can LIZ 13c 33c IGA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE p r..Xo. 2 can IGA GRAPEFRUIT - JUICE, 1.. 46-oz. can OLD SOUTH ift 0 RANGE JUICE.. No. 2 can LUC OLD SOUTH 47s. ORANGE JUICE. .. 46-oz. can 'tl C IGA BRAND PRUNE JUICE..quart bottle OLD SOUTH in BLENDED JUICE....N0. 2 can 15b OLD SOUTH JO BLENDED JUICE..45-oz. can 10 U 25c too teo Im eur PrwM mhI VoeatoMo QoMdmonl fo wi pteessd as pwack wM IN wet! stacked, cH, tnepey f aearaRce. PEAS 2 J 290 morning; dew, tender, well filled early garden peas. mions Yerj tconomietl at IGA every I - New Crop, Valencia OimilGES. Dox. day. !; 4 & Dor. 290, Size 283. Sweet, juicy. Buy from IGA'a Excellent Fruit Departments Yellow SplilPeas 2 lbs. SDPZR SUDS Green Splil Peas 2 ibs. n . Gerler s . - . ff, - V ii i Baby Feeds ; CanTC I S - a.- - Lr. pkgy 23c PALUOUVE , 3 for 20c FEEfSSOAP Strained Lg. 27c HOODY'S PEANUT BUTTER.. HOODYS PEANUT BUTTER I.u2-lb. jar BURNETTS ! u' PURE VANILLA. 2-oz. bottle iJURCJarj 25C 45s 35s IGA BRAND S "-' - :f 1 1 J r i DELUXE COFFEE.l.l-lb. jar FINE GRANULATED l i SUGAIL- J.-5-lb. bai FINE. GRANULATED SUGAR- .2$-Ib. baz ' JOHNSON'S t GLO COAT pint 32c 32c 1.55 CLABBER GIRL BAKING POWDER..10-oz. can CLABBER GIRL ! ' j BAKING POWDER:2-lb; can CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S PEP Cs 23 c 0 .11-01. jit, 1 On 8-cx. pit. - t. 11- 2-cx.pijr- A good assortment ot ba by foods, both traits and vegetables. Choose from cor well stocked shelves and get a variety ot these tine foods. 1 1 - . i . i J .. ,1 - - - ' 1 -i , Peel's EJcchanic Soan. SWEETHEART Toilol Scap .Bar bars 70 130 SHREDDED WHEAT, V. CREAM OF , WnEAT. 2$ox. ig s2i WITH CHINA, EIOTDXIl OATS., SFEISXY PANCAKE FLOUIL-10-Ib. sack :-;--V:l-' 43-oz. $kz- DSZFTES 8KOW IXOUX m h i !,.. DSXfTO 8NOT7 .lOSTSSS 1XACASOXI. gTAUL.A'11 ' ' 'lOSTZ38 ' i UACASONT 1 , CSUCnS h ' -CXATH JI7XCX. AXGO GLCS3 STASCXt. SALT Ll-i. saek' 2s20 2S-IK sack 1.17 -lt-ft. sack 51c .14-OS. pig. IGA FANCT ; CATSUT-: i 14-e. 23 c Tiat bottle 1-1. fig. 0 C; SkgSV uJ W 2 -14-es. bot'JeH7C WWTS BOSS CLEACn 1 12c fflSXTC KOSZ CLSACn , wcrrs kosi OLD DUTCH CLEANSZ3 gal 45C 2 eaas iSC 9c LAconrns CLSAKSrZ. Jl-e. kg. LASOSLTTX CLSAKSSZ. goiL-orr Quart. SOZSj-OWT ST7AN COAT. G0c .3 ?S 20c johi 14bl pkff. C GLO COAT. 7 ..quart Vvtf ARGO j .... STARCH J