The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Tha OSEGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning, June 1 1343
f ,i
Hostesses to ;
Entertain at -Luncheon
Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, sr, and
her daufcler-in4aw, Mrs, Her
bert L. Stiff, Jr are entertain
ing at a salad luncheon this
afternoon at the lattera home
on South 20th street in compli
jnent to Mrs.' William 1. Phillips,
in, who ii visiting here at the
fhillips home while her army
lieutenant husband is home on
leave. ; '" -': "'if':'.- vT'U
, Arrangements of r o s e s and
pastel garden flowers will be'
used for .decorations about the
rooms and oa (hi luncheon
tables. Contract bridge will be
in play during the afternoon,
Covers will be placed for Mrs.
William L. Phillips Jr., Mrs.
William L. Phillips, sr., Mrs. O.
Frederick Chambers Mrs. Rich
ard Chambers, Mrs. George Al
exander, Mrs. Edward O. Stad
ter, Jr., Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry,
Mrs. Urlln S. Page, Mrs. K M.
Page, Mrs. Vern W. Miller, i-Irs.
rjouglas McKay and the host
esses. ' ..-;,! :; ' pj:
- ; ' '
Beta Sigma Phis
End Season ,
Beta Sigma Phis brought to an
net a year of activities Monday
night. when they met for their
final business session of the year .
at She Pricilla Meisinger WHt
sey' studio on North 21st street.
Active in war I service, wel
fare, and social activities during
thej past year, Eta chapter has
witnessed the growth of sorority,
Internationally, to a total mem
bership of more that 43,000, with ,
chapters from Hawaii to Austra
lia, and from Alaska to Mexico.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs. I". Alan Wright presided
over the business ; session. ;
Plans for an active social cal
endar for the j summer months
were discussed,! and preliminary
plans were formulated for a sum
mer bulletin to be published
monthly. . j;
The project of addressing
Cherrian bulletins published for
Salem servicemen will continue
through the summer, and the
regular business meetings will
nsumt the first of Septemebr.
New Group Is
Organized !
A group of young women from
Calvary Baptist church met at
the home of Mrs. Eileen Clark on
Monday to organise a young la
dies missionary society.' Mrs.
Kenneth Nelson! opened the
meeting with devotions, Mrs.
"Paul Lindholm gave a talk on
how she escaped imprisonment ,
Mrs. W. L. Meeker was in
charge of the meeting. The fol
lowing officers were elected t
president, Helen Randall; vice
president, Eileen Clark; record
ing secretary, Lillian Isaak; cor
responding secretary, Clara
Isaak; missionary vice president,
Evelyn Van Hess; treasurer, El
len Van Arsdale.
Aha Jadsea drtl ef the Fsrrt
Baptist church met on Friday.!
Mrs, Dewey Davis; was elected
president The speaker was Mrs.
Paul Lindholm and the hostesses
were Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Miss
Katie Regies and Mrs. i Gerald
Chrutofferoon. Mrs. Fred Broer;
Jr., . was piano soloist r
Music .... The, Home
i f;.i
Maxine Buren
WonMt'l Editor
Jerrme Englisk
Uf Sects kVutor '
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Leave If or
The South i
Leaving for the south this
week were Mn. Cliff ord Elliott
and sons Tommy and Dickie,
and Mrs. ; Leon Barrick. Mrs.
Elliott and her sons are en route
to Tallahassee, Fla-, where they
will join; lieutenant Elliott, who
is stationed nearby at Camp
Gordon Johnson.) Mrs.. Elliott
and her boys expect to spend the
summer: months in Florida. -
Mrs. Barrick will go north
from Florida to Pocomoke City,
M6 where she twill visit her
brother-in-law and sister, Lt
and Mrs. George j Abbott (Irma
Oehler).: i From there Mrs. Bar
rick will go to Westwood, N. J,
to visit her brother and family,
Mr." and Mrs. Arnold Oehler. ;
Mrs. Barrick plans - to ,. meet
Miss Helen Benner, a -former
Salem girl, in Washington, D. C,
and the two will come west to
gether, j j y
Sirs. John Ficklin is enterUbv
home on North 19th street' in
compliment to a group of her
I friends. A late supper will M
I low an evening of contract
bridge. 1 1 i
Mr. and Mrs. Orraa Nieml (Marion, Bailer) who were
married on May 20 at the Silverton home of the bride's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. MelvlnJ Brendan.
The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Sarai Bailer of
Silverton and her husband's parents are Mr. arid Mrs.
John Warls of Qatskanie. The couple Vill reside in Port-
land (McEwan photo).
Parkers Are
Hosts at
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Parker
entertained informally at dinner
Sunday night at their Row street
home in compliment to Captain .
John Beakey, who has been home
on leave from Baxter General
j hospital, Spokane.
j Covers were placed for Cap
tain and Mrs. John Beakey, Mist
Joan Beakey, who was home
from Oregon State college for the
weekend, Beverly and "Jack
Beakey, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gard
ner, Miss Mary Parker and Mr.
and Mrs. C. VW. Parker.
Mrs. Bertha lank Darby pre-
aented piano students in recital
on Monday night at her studio.
Participating were Shirley Biers,
Hillman Fischer, Glenn Ander
son and Justine Woelke. Parents
and friends of the pupils at
tended. .
Mrs. Geerge Meerkead wW be
in Eugene this weekend to take
over the classes of Dr. Lawrence
Bee, professor of sociology, for
Friday and Monday.
Expected to arrive this week
end from Juneau, Alaska, are
Mrs. Norman Bruce Cook and
her daughters,! Paula Kay and
Norma Dee.' yho will be guests
of Mrs.; Cook s brother and ais-
ter-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar
I. Paulson, sr.. Mrs. 'Cook and
her children plan to spend the
summer in Salem and Corvaliia
with relatives, ii - "-j I'
Former Salem
Girl Weds :
Of interest to the bride's Sa
lem friends is announcement of
the marriage of Miss Jeanette Ta
tone of Portland, formerly of Sa
lem, son of Mr. and Mrs. D
Tatone of Arlington, to Lt J. H.
Flynn, United States navy re
serve, which took place In Port
land Monday morning, May 28,
at St Rose's Catholle church at
10 o'clock. I I
For her wedding the bride
wore a powder blue suit with
navy accessories and a corsage
of roses and atephanotis. Miss
Florence Tatone was her sister's
honor f attendant and Lt J. T.
Dwyer was best man.
A Wedding ' breakfast at the
Mallory hotel followed the cere
mony.! Miss Maria Dare went
from Salem to the wedding.
rRroAT U ' :r i'"v.' '-.
Woman's Belief Corps meat at
YMCA. a p.m- lnltisUott.
' Florence Vail HiaBionarr So
ciety oi Catlrarr Baptist church,
covered dUn luocheoa at churcb,
. 1030 a. n. h ' 1 ! '
Woman's Bible' class. First
- Methodist ehurcb.? with Mrs. T.
" Bamxick. trout ai. S Mn.
vr lATrmoAril 1 ' f '-: :r
DAJt, Chemeketa chapter, meet
with Mrs. John H. Cartta, 49t
North. Summer St., 1 pjn.
Hal Hlbbard camp and auxil
iary. United : Spanish War Vet
raDS. at VTW halL S p. m.
Wesleyan Guild. Jason Lee Me
morial church meet with Mrs. JT.
N. Brmkley,j S ; ,
TtTESDAT It. 1 -
Missouri tadiea fcuxiliary with
Mrs. R. B. McClar. S2S Mission
st. on o'cloclc luncheon.
v. ' First Presbyterian church clr ,-
; cles to meet.? v ..-.
Sons of Union Veterans end
auxiliary. Woman's . clubhouse,
7:30 p.m. )?.?'
: - " i : '"-i-.--' -"
i; i ' V- it - r- . - -
r . if. .
i Among those la Portland Wed
nesday night for the Ice Follies
were . Mr, arid Mrs. William L.
' Phillips, r,ji,t and Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips, Jr., Don Phil
lips, Mrs. Charles Dunham of
Woodland, 'Vfash, Lt. and Mrs.
Ralphs . Puirvine, Major and
Mrs. Frederick,. J. Brennan and
Mr. and Mrs.) Frederick Lamport
' Dr. and Mrs. Ealph Gordon
are spending ;g few days in Port
land where he is attending the
state convention of osteopaths.
Marriage of
Couple Is ;
Revealed !
Mr. and Mn. Edward R. Greg-
son of Salem are announcing the
marriage' of their daughter,' June '
lieane a Gregson, seaman ; first
class. WAVES, to Mr.i Ernest
Robert Bryan. Jr MM SCi sea
bees, son of Mr. E. R. Bryan of
Charleston, South Carolina, and
Mrs, L. G. Damewood of Moul
Irieville, South Carolina.'
The marriage took place on
Thursday, May S in the chapel
at Camp "Parks, -Calit, i with
Chaplain D. D. Wildley pffidat-
ing, at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Miss Enid Hall was the or
ganist. Attending : the 1 couple
were Miss Bonnie L. Powers,
WAVE, and Mr. Henry G. Allyn,
Seabee. H'' j
The couple spent their; honey
moon in Oakland and San Fran
cisco. They will make their
home at the Camp Parka Hous
ing Project area. r ;
The jnew Mrs. Bryan attended
Salem schools and was employed
at the Pacific Telephone ; and
Telegraph company here! before .
; enlisting in the WAVEs. . 1 Her
i husband was educated in South
Carolina. ' He returned last De
cember from serving 18 months
- CeasratolaUom g to Hr. and
Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin, Jr on
the birth of a ton, Harrison
Wethers, HI, Thursday afternoon
May 31 at the Deaconess hos
pital. The little boy Weighed six
pounds and eight ounces. Mrs.
Elgin will b remembered as
'SV-' Taii1in Wlnslow. 1 Th babrs
grandparents are- Mr., and Mrs.
George P, Winslow of Tillamook
and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison W.
Elgin, sr of Salem. : :
Delta Phi Spring
Breakfast Slated j :
Slated for Sunday morning Is
the annual spring breakfast for
which Delta Phi sorority coeds
will be hostesses at their Court
street chapter house at 9 o'clock.
If weather permits tables will
be set in the garden; J-Cr j
General chairman for the af.
fair will be Louise Wrisley. Dec
orations will be in the form of
crepe paper streamers; and place
cards amidst a -setting of spring
flowers, with Virginia Hobbs
heading the committee. Helping '
her will be Verna Stocks and
Marjorie Beadles, i f
' Marilyn Nelson and Leona
Tingles tad are in charge of ar
rangements. Serving will be Ann
Elliott Lois Messing and Pegfff
Moritz. '- , .. :
in the Aleutians and at ! Pearl
,Guests Are
Honored at
' Mrs. Verlin G. Coleman of
Portland was hostess for an in
formal party Thursday night at
the home of her parents; Mr. and
Mis. J. P. Hunt on East Myers
street in compliment to group
of her friends. ! Mrs. Coleman
and her son. Ken, are visiting la
the capital this week.
Contract bridge1 was in play
-during the evening, with e late
supper served by the hostess. ,
Arrangements of spring garden
flowers were used about the
rooms. '
Mrs Coleman's guests were
Mrs. Howard Bergman, Mrs.
Gordon Black, Jr, Mrs. C Ron
ald Hudklns, Mrs. Kenneth
Sherman. Mrs. Parker Gies, Mrs.
Donald Norlan and Mrs. William
Thome, Jr.
Mrs. - James H. Nlcbobea. jr
entrained Thursday for Salt Lake
City where she will spend the
weekend with her husband, Sgt .
Nicholson, who is stationed near,
by at Kearns, Utah.
Miss Mary Parker spent; last
weekend In Corvallis on the Ore
gon State college campus as the
guest of Miss Anita Hager.
Miller $ Are Proud to Present, these Fine, Nationally Knoivn Furs ,
.. . . .
PUZO old Rneei oftirpoe.i eeH
tiaWoiu. in addition to
Such linens, a we " the mot core.. WJ
gMle WeacWnfl ... for Ooree leea
Ut Ooro hek preserre the beowty oed
life o your linens.
Qoros Inrotrtjne cleanslno
dlcnm-oQerxOnet, provides
icHon. Ask for OoroK. Slnpy Wlow
dtrecttont on me iu-
A 'ft
is. -
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1 1:1 1
r . . . ' J..:.o MnlraS 1k4lit
Ooro t "w11 '"i " VH-,
dsodoxe ono
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Semmts Qrecilest Fur Values!
1 i - i .....
3 '--4
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; - ; 1
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Ed Mqmilion
- i' ...... 1 ,
..": i V ' .-1 i
Now la the timi to select YOUR Fur Coat for next winter . hundreds of luxurious
fashions styled by Ed Hamilton's experts now on sale at remarkable summer sav
ings whatever your preference (or your price). Miller's have a coat for you
in this great exhibition am sale.
i ' ' ; I" a.-: v !'!;'-
Black Kid
Natural Antelope
was....j 259.00.
Russian Cat
wcts. 49.00.
. Now
... Now
J'Muskrat Assembled
--r -- i9-00i is sin si m.BWsji.e Biia,. Mt,.
Russian Squirrel Locke
wttS.H 259.00 ,
Bombay Lamb Paw
350.0(J :
Russian Marmot
vraauj , .. . .339.00
j j
ic: nn
lbc: nn
How 185.00
Hollander North. Muskrat Back 00 c nn
was , ; . ...480.00 r r. ..t.:- jfow OZO.UU
gSgiRussian Squirrel 1
L Ed Hamilton Fun vrill be va permanent
; 'i department at Miller's j I
Persian Lamb . . : From 375.m
Ermine . .. . . Ffrom 1000.00
Mink; ; . . . : . - From: 1850.00
. 3? 1
2nd 'Floor
Coat Shop
w 1 in. n in mi