ip ft J! i 1: Tht OREGON STATESMAN Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, fun I. 1345 : if PAGE TWELVE J ! Cordon Urges OPA to Solve Land) Problem ; . ., . ' "' :J -" "I "V Solution .of the Unsatisfactory lamb marketing conditions! has been urged upon of fice of price ad ministration officials by Guy I Cor don, he telegraphed . L. Peter son, state agricultural director, here Thursday. The telegram read: "I recently held a conference with OPA' representatives relative to the present unsatisfactory lamb situation in the Pacific northwest and urged immediate action at opening of the season rather than at the close as last year. Empha sized the necessity of OPA explor ing all avenues of relief including making available additional ra ; tion points for soft lamb season. "Sen. Wayne Morse cooperated and we are contacting OPA ad j ministrator with request for im j mediate memorandum indicating plan of action." Stock Market Takes Slump j NEW YORK, May 31-WThe stock market averages stumbled after five successive rising ses sions to highest levels since 1937. Losses ran to two or more points at the close although extreme re cession were, shaded here land there. Transfers of 1,210,000 shares compared with 1,600,000 Tuesday. i j Selling was based partly on the : thought of a technical correction, talk of further Washington steps .to restrain speculation and fears ,pf international complications re sulting from the row in Syria. .! - NO. 61-66 r ' Synopsis of Annual Statement of the ' Mercury Insurance Com p a n y of St. : Paul, in the State of Minnesota, on the A thirty-first day of December, 1944, i jnadu to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: I INCOME Net premiums received, S3.699.339.28. : I Total interest, dividends and real es- tate income. $285,015.07. i Income from other sources. $39,- 019.88.. ) i Total Income. $4,023,374.21. 'j ' DISBURSEMENTS ! Net amount paid policyholders for losses. $1,667,070.68. ' : Lobs adjustment expenses, $79, 146.27. ' ! Agents commissions or brokerage. $1,014,012.75. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $79,367.03. ! Taxes, licenses and fees, $151,147.33. : Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, $200,000.00). $200,000.00. : Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures, $339,436.36. ! Total disbursements, $3,530,580.44. J ADMITTED ASSETS 1 Value of real estate owned (market Value) $17,609.52. i I Loans on mortgages . and collateral, etc. None. ' Value of ' bonds owned (market). ; $7,321,825.93. : Value - of stocks owned (market ; value). $133,600.00. , , i Cash in banks and on hand, $544,- sis 11. . .1 : Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $321,- - .w.oa. I i Interest and rents due and accrued $78,874.58. ! ; j Other assets (net), $25,976.41. 'I ' i Total admitted assets, $8,444,151.23. j LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND I OTHER FUNDS I Total unpaid claims, $607,793.11. ! ! Estimated loss adjustment expense Sor unpaid claims. S25.0O0.O0. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, $3,269,773.43. , I i Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac- ; counts. fees, etc., due or accrued si.ooo.oo. i ' Estimated amount due or accrued lor taxes. $133,400.00. i Commissions, brokerage, 'or other charges due and accrued, si 6, 000.00. ! All other liabilities. $65,583.99. i Total liabilities, except capital, $4,- ,118,550.53. 4 i CapiUl paid up. $2,000,000.00. 'Surplus over all liabilities, $2,325.- 00.10. , i Surplus as regards policyholders. ' 4.;fi.6Ut). lO. i i Total. $8,441,151.23. I.I BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR ' i Net premiums received, $46,087.09. i i Net losses paid. $12,677.03. I l " Dividends paid or credited to;policy- notaers, None. - ; i Name of Company,- Mercury; Injur nee Company. " i : , ; Name of President, C. F. Codere. , Name of Secretary, C. A. Dosdall. 1 Statutory resident attorney for senr ie, Louis R. Centro. 1012 Failing Bldg., j-oruana. uregon. i Local agent. Richard G. Severin. The I . : WWMaaiiaaaaam, On O 135 II. Commercial 1 Colds Are Expensive Luxuries, i Protect yourself against - them. j Kid yourseu l them quickly. , i vo not suner. - Schaefer's Cold Tablets Effective.-. .. 25c.d 50c A REIEMBER Schaefer's Herbal Balsam v far Coug-hs . . . 50e and conns 3Pain GoneWhat a Relief! The minute you apply Schaefer's Corn Remedy the pain stops. The standard corn -remedy for years. , ... ; CotUe. .: N Core - Km Pay Soli the Schaefer War 1 .A seolhing eye water that relieves th irritation ot lired, reauenea y. Aik for Penslar Eve Dath. S0c-23c-49c Salem Market Quotations ww mm4a. ImIaw .ltnnliafl bv a lO- eal grocer are indicative of the dally market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but arc not guaranteed by The Statesman: " BUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY (Subject t eoaaga wiuiwu ! BUTTERFAT Dawt4ii m iM No. 1 .53 M .48 .45 .464 .38 .35 M .22 ? 28.70 24.00 32.20 32.20 No. 2 -- BUTTER PRINTS A B Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards bullets POULTRY . Kin 1 rnlnrMl hens No. 2 colored hens - Bakes Colored frys nrremrv fD t.llav Psrkl Spring lambs 12.00 to 13.00 Ye.rUns lambs ?.0 " 00 Ewes -. to Cows, boners ana cuners lu " Cows, common ; M to .08 Cows, top dairy A Jo .09.50 Cows, beef tynt .09 -to -It Veals . to J4.M) Bulls -i Hogs. 160 to 270 J5 5 Peterson Asks Dairy Month Observance Observance of National Dairy Month during June, with a view of informing the public of the splendid job of production achiev ed by Oregon's dairy industry, was asked Thursday by E. L. Pet erson, state agricultural director. Telegrams were sent to Lee Hol- liday, Klamath Falls, president of the Oregon Dairy mens association; N. A. Peters, Portland, president of the Oregon Dairy Manufactur ers association; Charles E. Eckel man, Portland, president of the Oregon Dairy Industries; C. A. Smith, Medford, chairman of the Oregon dairy products commission, and Ada Reed Mayne, Portland, Oregon dairy council, asking co operation. Peterson said that in view of the seriousness of the present food situation full dairy production must be continued. He declared that the largest problem affecting the dairy industry has been the maintenance of quality of prod uct in the face of difficult labor and materials situations. The subsidy question has many within the dairy industry serious ly concerned, Peterson averred. Pioneer School Closes June 8; 4 to Graduate PIONEER The school will close here Jurfe 8, with graduating ex ercises on June 6. The graduates are Rose Marie Wells, Evelyn Theiss, Leonard Brown and Gary Searl. Mrs. Clarence Dornhecker is the teacher and has been hired to teach again next year. Evelyn, Rose Marie and Leonard have been in the school all the eight years of their lives and Gary en tered the school here this term from the Valsetz school. Lynn Barnhart from Butte, Mont., is visiting his cousin, John Keller, jr., and family. Mrs. Roy Black visited Mrs Frank Searl Thursday afternoon. The Pioneer Community club will have a covered dish dinner at the community hall Sunday, June 3, to which all are cordially in vited to attend. Stocks and Bonds May 31 STOCK AVERAGES 20 io to in Indus Rails Utii Stks Thursday 87.8 41.5 44.8 68.1 Previous day 88.3 42 2 45.1 66.6 Week ago 86.0 40.1 44.4 64.7 Month ago 86.8 40.9 43.3 R5.1 Yean ago 73.8 28.1 38.7 53.3 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fogn Thursday ....100.8 104.5 107.3 73.8 Previous day 100.9 104.4 107.4 73.8 Week ago 100.6 104.8 107.4 73.7 Month mo inns mil inii t Year ago .!...Z...9o!l 104 106J 66 J2 Original "YELLOW FRONT' Dntgand CaMy Speiml Sole Arenl fne Panel. - - ..vu.vu.vj i.i uMiivu ivanij f Prescriptions Filled l8pU945 ' j : S j j KIDNEYS Lameness of the back, sore, stiff muscles and tiredness may all be due to faulty kidneys. Use our kidney pills to flush, out your auaney tubes, ana get rid w unnecessary pains ; a This Is the efflclal Fenslar Remedy Store for Marlon county. You will find these preparations of big-best quality and cnari anteed to be exacUy for what they art sold and represented : ' s.ii r 1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LIIjE OF CRUTCHES mm 1 ' ' . -RmhtnmA Um intanaa itcam, aW to I ATHLETE'S FOOTf 50c Grains, Mixed At Close ! After Strong! Start : - M I - i -' ; : M : : - 1 CHICAGO, May; 31 .-Pi- All wheal contracts reached new; sea sonal ' peaks, rye wasf up nearly two cents, and other grain futures market! were sharply higher on ah opening bulge f today but li quidation! developed after mid session afid closing prices were mixed.,! . " ; " : , I At ink-day wheat dropped more than two and rye nearly fouf cents from ,the early highs under; com mission house liquidation, some of i induiM bya threeScent break id prices for the brown cereal at Vfinnptg.j ,-; I j . Coriission house short cover ing; during the final minutes of the session accounted for a. rally during which some prices recov ered nearly a cent ' ; '. Despite a 3's cents increase in wheat ceilings, longs took ; their profits on the bulge and there al so was selling that was regarded as hedging for southwestern cash interests. I j . - j , il 1 At thl finish wheat was V low- er top higher -than yesterday's close, July I $1.68 Ti-1.69. Corn was up Vs tooff , July Oats were ?,s to i higher, July 64Tb-65. Rye was down M to 1, July $1.14 1.41ai 1 Barley was off Vto 1, July li)6i. j ! ! I I ' Inspectors of Dairy Herds Plaii Meeting i i . ) : ; A meeting of thedairy herd in spectors! for Marion county will be held in the near jfuture, County Judge Grant Murphy announced Thursday j following a meeting with iDr A.; W." Simmons, veteri narian from Silverton. The ! in spectors ; are Dr. Fred W. Lange, Salem; Dr. Simmons and Dr John M. Hanrahan of Wbodhurn.! I ' Plans will be made at that time on the setup to be used. Either the county; may be lused as a unit with a clief inspector or it may be split into districts each district having its (wn inspector, f The new law regarding fees will also be discussed. jThis ' law per mits a maximum charge of $2.50 for a single test, $1 per head in herds of two to five cattle or 50 cents i per head in herds with six or more animals. Classified Advertising Classified Ads j Call 9101 Three insertions per line. Six Insertions per line. One month per line Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. miri ; imum 35c; 6 ti. nin. 45cv No refunds.' j . jf Copy (or this page accepted un til 6 30 the evening before publica tion : for classification. Copy; re ceived after this time will be run under the heading f Too s Late to Classify 1 .1 4 T The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further ! reserves I the "right to place ; all advertising under the prooer classification. 4 j , The Statesman assumes no finan cial resDOnsibilirv tnii nrnn u.Vi1K may ippfariin advertisements pub--4 laiiCMj in? vuiiuiins ana ' m cases where this -paper LsUt fault miO reprint that; part of an advertise ment g tr) I which the ; typographical mistake accurs. ;, 1 f t i A 'Bhnd"i Ad an ad conUlnlng a Statesraan box number for an ad dressis for the protection of J the advertises and must I therefore) be answered l by letter, tha Statesman 1 not; at. liberty to divule tnfmC ma tion as to the identity of j an Livestock audi Poultry f j 12 DOES and about 7 young. 1 'buck and hutches. Ph. 22483,1 t Hi 125c UOc $15 r - mm Rm.Ju .i ri f ' i This Is not a "barg-ain basenaent' dmrl store. We do not clainf to offer fthe lowest! prices in town." Frankly, we don't! think that I price Is the FIRST consideration in the eom- i pounding of prescriptions. The assurance of! fresh, potent drugs, and the concentrated! services of skilled registered pharmacists out- i rank the price yon r pay for a prescription.! Yet, strangely enough, in actual practice, it! costs no more and often m bit less to hate 7 o u r prescriptions filled here. Ask your Fhyslcian aboat s. ); s i t , Everything for jl The BaBy J- We have! a' complete line of medical rieeds for babies. Let us fill; your prescriptions. . i lo Swr Yor reerfb is Swtot k 1 4eSght jy bAiaa H Hw . Um ftUs mntstMMil iue lall . a aoc aaal taMti wale. Eipeca.aMM.eiieaia ! wUns siMi throat MalicM.' . . II!50c 9 Livestock and Poultry locks. aU or none. Also few bantams. 1374 Mission. Ph. 3-1874. , RAY TTnrma artHm double, good rider, weight about 1200. n in iuooji ituck. ion, in f?d J?wl1.witft van body- Rt. a. Box 129. SIS. ml Tut fnul A s- and Vt ml. South. . . ,1. , t29M after PJM 7 nvwi-rr w Dit- , . Klemaii, RU J. Box 150, 1 ml W. of TKV. AXn' I'l ! I . A IMAIAaM mXt. ' w a fdallirri 1 2 vrt nlrl 1 infMin 107.1-- PO Box S44. Redmond. Ore. RABBITS WAMTVT1 All . a to 6 lbs. White 24c lb. colored 22c lb. live weiant. Kaooit skins, best prices. Wire stretchers and other supplies. Salem uldmi fl nMit rtrtn 2-1530. Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co, 8917 S. Stark. Sun. 1722. buUs i and veals. Will call at farm Hi Snethen. 3370 E. Turner ' Road Ph 21343 Morns or avea. n A tiXTT : W A m'rn . A 11 1 prices. Furs, wool bought. Full line supplies, remedies,' etc. Raise Rabbits commercially, bred does, does and litters, bucks, etc. Commercial rabbit maPazilM mih1ih1 tmnlra .mtrvM -a sutdy complete service in every field Harder Rabbit Farms. 3403 Cherry Avenue, Phone 2-1234 or 1-1882. WANTED Old or fox feed bones. n I irVifCt mat-Vat nrlM mi . M Phone collect Albany 14F14 or write Montgomery Wild Animal rarra. Rt 3. Albany, a . IT YOU want to buy anything ' lltefc ed in this column and need the cash to buy it with then do what hundreds of other people do phone Salens 3191 and ask for the money on the Per sonal Finance Company's Special Fi ance Plan. 51 State Street. HIGHEST Prices paid for rabbit skins, j West Side Fur Co.. West Salem. Help Wanted Strawberrv anrt innulMiT nirlran Mon. June 4. Leo R. Hawley, Phi 22273. Rt. I Brooks. WATErirSCTVicTsi station, or garage ; experience helpful hut rnt nfmav i-.- Thi. im.hu. ..wwwww.. . . l.d (UJ. - ill volves selling and (plenty of hardwork. DO not annlv UnlKI vnil nr. IntsntaH in extending yourself in order to earn auvancemeni. irfxxi pay 10 start. This is an opportunity for the right man to establish; themselves now with a good company having a definite post- Apply in person only to Mr. Kingan, The Firestone Store. Oritur A I ihrt streets. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted regis ter now. A. M. Zahare, Rt. 7. Box 353. Ph. 22916. MANAGER FOR VALLEY FEED AND SEED WAREHOUSE. STATE FULLY EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE. BACKGROUND, AGE AND SALARY ARRANGEMENTS DESIRED. BOX 441 STATESMAN HIGH School boy to work In furni ture store. Prospective future for am bitious boy. Inquire Hogg Bros., 260 State St. ARTISTS: Experienced or beginners, school students, grade or high school home work.: paint and seU attractive hand painted Mother and Father. pot tery set. Will send samples hand painted set for 23 cents, coin or stamps. L'Ann Cantrell, Box 722. Port land. Ore. WANTED Strawberry pickers begin ning Monday, June 4th. Phone 22278. Ralph Badger. Help Wanted Stale Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by era ployers advertising in this section ! WANTED: Kitchen janitor and man for dishwashing machine. Steady em ployment, good; wages. Apply Marion Hotel. 1 WANTED: Man with a scythe for 2 MEN Wantarl- Rrimsnn Cimnl. - 20 Highway Ave. WANTFn . P.rl i. This position suitable for older man. fMwy "i person, orana 1 neater. EXPERiENrrn Vnior,!,., t. m 19 S. ComX : Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS : -"-' .t ki.cii tnai uic un dersigned, . RALPH YERGEN has been appointed Administrator of the estate Of JOHN F iVEBr.TO v. the County Court of Yamhill County. ckuu aiiu nas quaiixieu,- j NOW. THEREFORE, aU persons hav ing claims against the estate of John F. YERGEN, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present the Same, with the proper vouchers, duly Verified, to the undersigned at his residence on Route 1, Hubbard, In Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, f Dated this 4th dav of May. 194S. Ralph wnr.rM - Administrator of 'the estate of JOHN v vrnr.rw K. H. C. Bennett Attornav for Rctata First publication: May 4, 1943. Last publication: June 1. 1943. ' My 4-11-18-25. J.1 Sfore i r h. wAm anaa Phone Slail - 3723 EXTRA WORK i BOTHER YOU? . Try Schaefer's ; Herve and Bone i , V ..... Linimeni 50c and $1 Fat Darns . ! If It's Hot! - ". -. I"- : . And if yon have, poison oak It teems to bora too. T can ret rid of It qaickly tbonth by ns- tm Hood's Poison Oak Lotion; 50C and SI. 00 PENSLAR Ask for Penslar Aspirin Tablets b name. They act promptly. Take them for relief of colds and minoi ' throat trritationa. SOc " 1 i 1 lartte inancial Help Wanted lisle RAILWAY Express wants qualified driver. Must writ riniri lavihia hn capable doing - clerical work. 44 - nr. wL. . aili atii. i it Waw fill UHIv BUS BOY. ; THI SPA. WANTETi Wirhnnu man n . mA uuu. rniwucui imugo. ru, asuj. man to work 6'i hrs. each Saturday nigni. aauss writ rapia leglbl band and capable doing clerical work. Ave. MARRIED MAK on farm, t ISO. 00, hsa.. Aigttt. mUk a- poUtoea. Ph. 67F14. WANTED by Oregon Electric Rail way, men between the ages of 21 and 45 to qualify fori positions of Brake men and Switchmen. For information inquire of local Oregon Electric Rail way agenif MEN wanted td work in cemeter Steady employment. Kood pay. Essen tial work. Pn. 8653 or call at 290 W Hoy t St. Jj WANTED:" Experienced refrigerator service and repair man. Start work now. Permanent employment. Top wages. Hogg Brofc. 260 State. PLANT Men wanted. Dairy Co-op, 10 S. CornX Ph4B209. - Help Wanted-Female SOMEONE to care for t mo. baby nights in your hoot. 3375 Mason St from 13 to 4 PjM. I LADY Presser. steady work. Stand ard Cleaners, 363 N. Com'L WANTEDS Waitress or combination waitress and fry cook. Pade's Coffee Shop. 1241 State St, i EXPERIENCED Fountain girl. The Spa. jj I : EXPERIENCED! Waitress. Senator Food Shop. 232 N. High St. WOMAN for weekly cleaning, by the hour. Phone 7949. J EXPERIENCED typist for typing and general office work. Ph. 24141 WAITRESS WANTED. The Spa. HELP WANTED: Energetic women 1S-45 yrs. tn good health ' and inter ested in retail business Full training opportunities with; good pay from the day you start Apply today Room 206. McGilchrtst: Bldg,. Safeway District IfflM r WANTED it Middle aged lady to do light cooking in ummer home, sum mer months only. , Good- salary, nice location. Inquire Hogg Bros.. 260 State. Cleaners. Also checker needed. 1245 State St j : Situations Wanted RELIABLE ladjf wants light house work and care oi; 1 or 2 children for working couple. Mrs. Erwin. Ph. S1F22. WILL Care fori elderly lady in my home. Phone 871$. ORCHARD Discing and hay mowing. Power mower, ford Ferguson. M. Ste phens. Rt. 3. Box 753. Ph. 49F2I. MAN desires lawn and garden work. Box 431 Statesman. WANT steady lob on farm or dairy, with house furnished for man St wife. C. W. Thomas. lQ27,i Third St. West Salem. it ' CHILDREN cared for. Ph. S645. PreSchoo) Playschool; 13S1 State Ages 3-8 Part orfall day Ph. S430. Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATIOI WHEN YOU I APPLY TO 'General Finance Corp. a I r)R Quick I Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 mos. to repay. Telephone 8168 State Lie. (S-13S1 136 S. Commercial St PRIVATE! MONEY Auto And jTruck Loans Contracts Refinanced "Money tors new land used cars oi trucks, regaidless ef age. No delay bring car and, title and get the money You retain ' possession of vehicle, l to 15 jnonths to repay. Aftei 5 o'clock wnone 3361 or .31143 (or appointment ROY H. PIMMONS Regulated!' by state lSSJSQStPliono 16S M 152) WE LIKE TO SAY 'YES WHEN PEOPLE WANT A LOAN Making personal floans is our busi ness. The more times we say "Yes the more business we do. That's wtiy we do our best topsay "Yes to every request for a loan. 1 4 out of 5get the money they ask for. The transaction is handled promptly, privately, with out involving Outsiders. Loans of $25 to $300 on your salaryj furniture or auto. Personal Finance Co. Room 125, Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg 618 State St: Phone: Salem 3191 Lie; S-128 M-165 Money to Loan WANTED. REAL tT ATE mortgage loans, city or farm? properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about refinancing youi present contract or mortgage. t Leo IS. Qiilds, Inc. 344 SUte St ; Phone S261 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. Fofr quick and effi cient service, see or J phone . STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 212 Guardian Bldg. Salem i '-. as mtm m mm Auto Loan Willamette fcredit Co. STB FLOOR RUARDtAN BUILDING LICENSE 4 M tat - For Sale- MiscelLaneoaa WATER HEATER land trash burner combination, $19.95. pfeater Appliance Co, 255 N. jjfajf:. COCKER Spaniel puppies, red and black. Salem e Vctarinary Hospital. Portland . R4. A - f . ' :. TRAILER House. 5nq. Space at Taylor's Trailer Camp after 5:30 or anytime Sat. or Suni - , REFRIGERATOR irretable erispers. YewavtiearApgl HORSE drawn McCormlck-Deering manure spreader, fair cond.. price S75. Sft Kentucky grain drill $60. Horse rawn mower $20. 1, J. Ruby. Rt. 2, Box 23. Turner. 2 nui: South of Pringle SChOOl. '" :- S . LADY'S shoe skatef size 5. Ph, 8165. 'AI WAVt a hi. ttri. Woodry's Furniture ,Mkt ! Ph 5113 MASON Jars.' Phone 1760. 38JNewbJLacksw OUR Specialty: Spray painting. Ey-erly-Cottenberg i contractors. Ph. 4245. ! - - Farm MOD EST MAIDENS 1 Tradmik StisMf4 0. a rKnt OOca v "My goodness! Is it Help Wanted -Male 'regon Pulp 1 I'...! ; t r Wood Room - r i i - I " ' , i Experience not necessary. Apply! U. S. Employment Service or Paper Company Office 315 S. Commercial St. I For Sale Miscellaneous BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE' j Bank model,; el e c t r i c drive, capacity millions. TALL METAL STAND WITH FOLD ING BOOK REST. KEYS FOR TOTAL. SUB-TOTAL. REPEAT. NON-ADD. AND ERROR. Prints on roll strip or 12-inch sheet. For $135 Cash Address "Statesman" ! Box 439 GENUINE River Silt. ; free from foul seed. Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. PH. $672 or 7954 LAWNMOWES Sharpening & Ad lusting. Woodry's Mkt- 1605 N. Summer St FOR SALE Choice lots in Belcrest Memorial Park. $60.00 per lot; $310.00 per section of 6 lots. Tel. 8564. WATKINS oducts4 Phu FOH SALE John Deere GP trac tor ; with large size rubber. See at Interstate Tractor, Wilbur Miller. 700 FT. of 'a in. gaL pipe, almost new. 7c ft. Wards reciprocating pump with 15 gal. storage tank. S45. 1-3 HP motor almost new, $20. Phone 3327. D. B. Kleihege, 3149 Center St. MONTAG wood circulator. Ph. 5944. APT. Size gas range, oil heater, dresser, rocker, 2 beds' and springs, breakfast table, small ice box. 677 S. Com'L ENROLL NOW In our sewing classes. Rent a Singer or have your old one repaired. Singer Sewing Center, 142 S. High st NEW GAS RANGES available for immediate delivery. Ration certificate necessary. Good Housekeeping Co.. 407 Court st. ATMORAYS OZONE. Sell and rant H C Push Ph 2-245 ' P O Boa 463 FOLDING Baby buffgy.l all steel frame. Cost $30. Excellent- condition. 15.00. Phone 8754. 1052 Saginawst. STOVE repairing & parts. Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer St WE Buy & sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIG MAN's. 285 N Commercial Ph. 9885 FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 8351 CARLOAD of Eastern Oil IOC". Para fin Base. 5 gallons $2.00 in your con tainer. Merritt Truax Oil Co. N. Front a Columbia. . ' TRAILERS for rent SOc per nr. Woodry's Mkt, 1805 N. Summer. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. 315 N. Liberty. SAND, Gravel, crushed. Ready-Mix concrete. Two-unit S-pee Tanks. Sew er Pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO, 1405 N. Front St Ph 3417 j, . . C-O-TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS I RECHARGE SERVICE WELDERS FOR RENT 1, Ox-acetylene -or electric VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. i; 1 S. Commercial! FLASHLIGHT and lantern batteries. No limit. Yeater Appliance Co, 255 N. Liberty. ,-. " n 5 -, MISC. household items, 'garden tools, trait Jars. Bring containers. Ph. 92$0. WILL Pay good price for Model 93 Winchester only. 235 S. ComX Ph. 316$ ANTIQUE walnut bed room set. mar ble top. 653 N. High. LADY'S diamond rtogi Ph. 2-1443. ICE BOX. White enamel. Any rea sonable offer accepted. Phone 22157. STUDIO' couches and i bed daven ports, including 1 slip covers. 760 N. Church. ,. Trade Miscellaneous WILL trade nearly new 18 In. rubber tired lawn mower for smaller mower, good Condition. Phone 5778.1 Wanted Miscellaneous SMALL tricycle for boy 3 to 4. years old. Call 5834, 1,-. . i,,.- , arkels - June already ?V ji Help Wanted Male .& Paper Co. f . t. .... '. Help Wanted Wanted Miscellaneous I We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THS WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED I Pianos '.: " . I Furniture and Appliances Call 914$ for appointment. T HOGG BROS. 260 SUte St USD FURN ITU Rati Ph $185 WANTED to Buv : i Accordion with 48. 80 or 120 bass. Ph. 3205. j WANTED Walnut bedroom suite. Ph. 5862. WILL CARE for girl 'age 4 to 7 years for working mother. Ph. 8032. j CASH tor used oiaao at other mu ical instruments Call 4641 days 01 9537 evenings or send description tr Jaquith Music Co, 191 S High ; WANTED. Pianos. Tollman's. Ph. 5707 WANTED: Small tricycle. Ph. 3417 days or 8026 evenings.; j 100 MEN'S good oxfords, shoes, boots, ladies' low heeled shoes, radios, misc and household goods. Sundales. 293 N. Conil Phone 3698; i WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash Willa Music Store A32 State St 1 WANT TO Buy. Vseo cameras 81 lenses McEwan Photo iShup . 435 Stale Wanted Furniture IF YOU have furniture to sell ! see Russ Bright Ph. 751 1, 453 Court Miscellaneous BUY RIGHT-NOW f CLEANER ! From your Grocer. ITfce it for more sanitation. WOODWORK, Dishes, laun dry at general spring house cleaning. Willamette Gro. Supply all sizes, 25c, 50c. $1. 1 I Dental Plate! Repair I TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES 1 . ! Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUte & Com. Ph 3311 PEN 4 Corners Blaeksmtthing and Welding Shop. Sickle grinding and re pair. Prompt service. Under new man agement W. Roscoe. 3355 E. SUte St VETERANS' Information Service. Chamber of Commerce, 1 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Disabled Amer. Vets. A L. Brewster, Service Officer. Ph. 4339. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING rm, ladies, no drinkers. Light cooking permitted. - Ph. . 5648. SLEEP. Room. 1336 State St Well furn si. room. Gentleman. H & C water. Close in. 737 j Center. . t' SLEEPING rms. in new moo. home. On bus line. Mem only. Home privileges. Ph. 7260 or; 2-4071. SLEEP. Rm. Man. 260 Marion, j Room and Board i j WILL CARE for Elderly Lady In my home. Phone 23832. f For Rent Apartments 1 RM. furn, apt for 1 working lady. 1589 SUte. I 2 RM. A kitchenette. Fully furnished ant Heat liaht water t refritf. t blks. courthouse. Adults only. $30. Ph. 4419. FOR RENT: New 3 room furnished apartment Hot water heat Elec. ranee. Cfaaae In, $55. Adults only. Phone 1487. For Rent Houses I RM. bouse partly furn, 429 1b?!J3"'.rw-J LEAVING town If sell S rms. fuml- Lture lncl. refrlg, stove, washer, radio. pneno, S7zu. 12BO 1. jstn. FREE RENT: 3 rm. hous ia country, with lights, water and milk furn. free to employed married man in exchange for doing light morning' and evening chores. Call after C20 PM. Rt 2, Box 170C Turn west at Keiztr school, fol low pavement 2 miles. ; For Rent TRUCKS tor rent Ton' drive Me Cune r LoveO. hone 9600 . GOOD Used Piano, n U. Soft I FLOOR SANDEn tor ; rent Mont jgom - rjr ward. M Classified Wanted to Rent TOlVTm ir ttaat!' T wants 9'ni 3 rm. modern apt, furn. or unfurn.. auto, heat Perm, renter. Ph. 3818 from 5 to 7 PJ. ... WANT APT.: Furn, downtown or close. Reasonably large. Em p. middle aged couple. No children or pets. Best ref. Leave address - at Marion Hotel-, for Jesse Jones. . : " ' ' WANTED TO RENT. 4 or S room, furnished house, city or suburban. Ref. No children or pets. Phone 9543 from 9 to 8. No Sunday calls. . ' va A KTrn tn nnt. nartiallv furn. close In apt by employed single busi ness woman, pnone L , PERMANENT resident State Dept Education, wants 3 bdrm. unfurn. mod. home. 2 schl age children. Ph. 2-1970. For Sale Real Estate $4800 2 bed rms. basement furnace. paved street, near school. Call Mr. waiters. i -, - , . Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS li F70 S. COM'L. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves. - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 bed rooms, hardwood floors. Vene tian blinds, double plumbing, base ment furnace, double garage, large lot. A good home and location. OWN ER. 1710 N. 17th. It RMS. with bath room on each floor. Can be changed into apartments for a small cost Lot 100x550, can be made into 7 lots. Shade trees includ ing cherry and walnut trees. Rasp berry bushes. Down 'payment of $3000. Owner. 412 N. 21st Street 10 ROOM House, good location N. near Highway.; Basement, furnace. Wired for range. 2 : lots.: Pavement paid. $5000. t Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig Hoom -3 Laoa ac tsusn cant ttiag. 345003 bedrms, fireplace. 2 larea lots. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM'L. Ph. 9441 eves. Ph. 3793 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5 rm. home 10 blks. N. Has fireplace. basement, furnace, garage. Newly deco rated. Small lot. Price $6,500.00. - Call O. V. Hume with Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 2 BEDROOM house, north: excellent lot with fruit trees. Price $3600 with $800 down, balance like rent : $2750. Modern 3 room house In good condition. Located south. Terms. 1 5 room house, fireplace, laundry trays wired for range. This house is in good condition. Large lot Located north near bus line. Gas stove and gas water heater go with the house. Price $4500 with terms, or $4300 cash. ! Rostein & Adolph, Inc. i1?'-: PS?. K upstairs) JPh- 3030 i BY OWNER 6Lrm.- English style house. 3 bdrms.j Auto, oil heat, fire place, hardwood! firs., elec, water heat er, wired for range, bath and also shower in basement dbl. garage, lot 66x195. fruit, irrapes. nuts. Excellent suburban location. Shown by appt only. Ph. 3078 after 6:30 P.M. 6 BEDRM. hse.. liv. rm, din. rm, kitchen, breakfast nook, lots of built ins, f irepl, wired for range. 2 com plete baths. ement bsmt, elec. water heater, auto furnace. Cor lot 66x130. Double paved garage, fruit and nut trees. Ph- 4561 or 9883. ONE Bed rm. mod. house in Wert Salem. For details call Dallas 6F24. 7 RM. modern home N. E. on bua line. Has 1 bdrm. down and 3 up. Dble. plbg. Basement furnace, dble. garage. Garden space. This home is in good condition. Price $9,500. i Call O. Vi Hume with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 ATTENTION INVESTORS Two bungalows on one lot. Neat, clean roomy one bedroom and bath, livingroom, kitchen and full basements in each. Price only $6000. See Mr. Voor hees with LEO N. GUILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUte St Ph. 9281 $4000 3 bedrms.. basemt.. furnace, corner lot, pavt-d street Call Mr. Wal ters. . Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 970 S. COM'L. Ph. 9441 eves. NICE 4 room plastered bungalow with attached garage, newly decorat ed and ready for your furniture. $4500. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig Room 3 Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. FURNISHED home, elec. range, re frigerator, washing machine, well lo cated. Immediate possession. See FRED RAWLINS 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 5 RM. modern late built home N. E. Oak floors thruout. Fireplace, modern kitchen, basement furnace, attached raraee. Fenced in back yard. Price $850. ' , Call O. V.; Hume with Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St i Ph.' 4131 I EVERY DAY Is a barcsin dav when vou buv of Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St, R. 4. Here is a home. 4 bed rooms, in most ideal location, cloe to new Hi and Jr. High, grade schools, on bus line. Northeast Two fine large lots, some fru.it & hut trees. Real buy for someone. See ; Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham .today. WE HAVE a fine! selection of one to five acre tracts for building on. Call Mr. Byrkit ; i '- 3210 BURT P1CHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street ! Englewood District Fully modem, 5 rms. tc attic. Priced to sell.- See Mrs. Reeves at R. A. Forkner, Real Estate 1853 N. Capitol f phone 3031 LOVELY 4 bdrm. home. dble. plumb- inr. til rfrain ; IwtarH M ftnnmalijf. bath room, new stair 8c hall carpet large front windows. V. blinds, newly painted inside & out Insulated, auto matic has rihl un ..mI 1v. Bendix included, $14,000. Ph. 2-1582. pv rarvra . . a State. Walk-ina- liana nww rit.;. hat water heater, wired range. Small house at rear is rented. Imm. poss. Ph. 3930. i BONEflTew moto borne, kitchen-dinette combined. Full basement laundry i trays, wired for range. Inou're at rear of 87S S. Liberty. VjEn?;lewbod School" S, BED ROOM HOME, rebuilt (n- '' side and out Immediate possession, BL1VEN-ALDERIN-CO0NEY t REALTORS 430 Oregon Bldg.: Ph. "7908 ' TWO Honsra Kama Int nu m. now vacant; one 3 rm. rents for $20 ier mo. jravea sireex. sozmi. , ; . bdrm. north. HW floors. V. blinds, $5350.- "- - i. 2 bdrro.- north, fireplace, basement, furnace, gas water heater; nice lot & wu-uouery. pavca sireei. aeaou. : ; SALEM REALTY CO. . . ; , Realtors - t -J 176 So. Coml. St i . . Phone 7660 LARGE View lots. City water. Price $500 i each, i-- W. G. KRUEGER ! REALTOR '447 N. Com! St Ph. 472S