The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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News IHSa'Sffifls
Tha Oregon Statesman - Tolephono 9101
r Page Assigned Chief Just
Ice Harry H. Belt of the state
supreme court Monday assigned
Circuit Judge E. M. Paee. Marion!
county, to go to Clackamas county?
to hear the case of Fuiimoto'
gainst Berg, involving restoration!
pi property," Judge R. J. Green,!
Union county, was assigned to
Umatilla county to try the case
pf the Pilot Rock Lumber company1
against the Pendleton Lumber!
company, and Judge Charles H.
Combs, Lake county, to Klamath
County, to hear the case of Peter-1
aon vs. Feterson. .
T : , ",v;. y y .i,v-vy
35-year chain store lease paying
,6.23 interest, net and all your
money back. A good Investment
Phone or write Larsen Home &
Loan Co, 164 S. Com'L Ph. 8389.
50 Workers Needed Fifty
livorkers, men or women, are need
ed .at once to work in agriculture
In Marion county, Ralph P. Laird,
farm labor assistant, said Monday.
(Workers art needed to train hops
and to hoe In the mint acreage.
Work held up by the unseasonal
rains has delayed tasks which now
re urgent Laird said, in itsking for
w new workers at once.
1 i-
Asparagus for freezing and can
fling. Fiala Ranch, 1 miles north
la Polk Co. Phone 2-3072. Bring
containers. ;
Folders Distributed The Dis
abled American War Veterans of
Ealem are distributing 3000 fold?
trs In connection with the financ
lng of the proposed DAV Memo
rial hall at Church and Marion
streets. The folders picture the
bunding, cite an asserted need,
ana give detailed plans of the con
templated construction.
, i farrcu Speaker Secretary of
f State Robert S. Farrell, Jr., will
,- discuss the state measures on the
special election ballot for June 22
when he speaks before the rem
. lar monthly session of; the Mult
nomah county chapter of the Ore
gon Republican club Wednesday
, noon at the Benson hotel, Portland.
For modern methods in any kind
of office training go! to the Capitol
Business College, 34S Court Ph.
987. I : . . .
Ogle Ketone Charles Ogle, ex
ecutive for the Keep Oregon Green
organization, returned Sunday to
saiem from Klamath Falls, bring
lng with him members of his fam
ily.4He was formerly manager of
me ruamatn forest Protective as
gradation. ','-: ,j-
For mod. methods in any kind of
Off. training go to Capital Busi
ness College 343 Court, Ph. 3987.
MVt Budget Salary If Klam
ath county desires to pay it county
assessor SI 3 a day for time actual-
J f served it must Include such pay
ments in its budget Attorney Gen
eral George Neuner held here
Monday. The dpinion was asked
py District Attorney I Clarence
Humble of Klamath county.
f men needed for war work. Steady
employment Apply Salem Box Co.
100 Wallace Road.
Harry Jt. Woodbury, late resident of
littrai A. Salem, at a local hospital
My IT, at the age of SI years. Hus
band of Mrs. Essie P. Woodbury ot
kalem; father of Mrs. Shirley W. New-
erry of Aumsvute. Mrs. Dorothy X.
lyera of Lebanon. Kan CpL Henry
wooaDurr or. ma u. s. marines.
ind RM 1c James C. Weodbury of
xna u. . navy: ana orotner ox cnanes
K. Woodbury of Kansas. Also survived
by four grandchildren. Services will
b held from the Clou(b Banick chap
el Tuesday, May 22, at pjn., with
Bev. Becker of facia tins. Interment in
BelcresV Memorial park, j
febelU ' ' !
Oliver M. Schorls, late resident of
11 Chemkta at, at a local hos-
ital rriday, May IS. at the age of
f years. Graveside services will be
held Tuesday. May St. at 10 a.m., at
tne ICXJi cemetery. Direction Cloufh
Berrlck company.
Fonts Funeral Today Funeral
services for Seneca Fouts, former
member of the state legislature
who died lh Portland on Friday,
will be held at the conservatory
chapel of A. J. Rose & Sons this
afternoon at 4 o'clock, with burial
at Riverview cemetery. 1
Girl Reported Missing Eunice
Kole, 17, 322 North Church st,
was reported to Salem police Mon
day as being k missing from her
residence since May 17. The in
formation said the girl was last
seen with "Cherokee BUT an In
dian entertainer with the Arthur
Bros, circus.
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proofing.
To Klamath Falls Robert
Fischer of KSLM, In his capacity
as district governor. Lions, left
Monday night for Klamath Falls,
planning to go on to Burns to visit
the dub there before returning to
Salem. He Is to be accompanied
by Sen. Angus Gibson of Junction
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proof
ing. Prices.
AAF Man Here Lt James G.
Davis, AAF, now stationed at
Spokane following service In the
European ana xaeaiierranean ine
aters, visited MaJ. C. H. Westover,
commander of the Salem airbase,
i -
7 hr. developing & printing service
at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N.
Child Has Accident Shirley
Dough ton, two - year - old grand
daughter of Mayor I. M. Dough-
ton, while playing at her home ac
clden tally got a small pebble in
her nose and when first aid could
not extract lt a physician was
Our insurance service is as dose
to you as your telephone. Richard
G. Severfn, 4016; evenings 8213.
Glass Door Broken The glass
door of the J. B. barber shop, 439
State si, was broken Sunday, a
police report said. The report add
ed that a pedestrian reported he
saw a drunken man "shove a wo
man against the glass."
For home loans see Salem red
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Cars Collide Cars driven by
Lenial D. Bowden, 1500 North
High st. and Jeanne Louis Prather,
622 Seventh st collided at High
and State streets, both cars being
damaged but no personal injuries
being reported.
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
Eaten Hospital Ben Claggett,
employe of Maple's sporting goods
store and well known Keizer Bolt
torn rancher, was stricken with a
heart attack Sunday and taken to
Salem Deaconess hospital.
"Cyn" Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. "
Contract Approved A contrac
of sale for a lot in Oak Lodge
addition to Salem was approved
Monday by the county court, C. H
and Edna; Alzoa Kendall agreeing
to buy the property for $150.
Woman Injures Hand Mrs
John Lana, 1553 Norway st., cut
the knuckle on the forefinger of
her right hand when a glass tumb
ler broke, in her hand while she
was washing. 'She was treated by
first aid.
More turkey pickers needed. Good
pay. Marion Creamery, 245 D St.
i In Oreeon Citr. May IS. Marie S.
Surlingame, late resident of Salem.
St the aee of M years. Survived by
(our children, Mrs. Agatha Z. Togl
and Mrs. Christine fladwood of Sa
lem, James Burlingara and Mrs. Elea
tior Cooper of Portland: three sisters,
Miss Edith Michelson of Ogden, Utah.
Mrs. Crystal Minnick of Ores. on City
. and Mrs. Alice Bruner of Omaha,
Kebr.: brother. James H. Michel
irhildren. Recitation of the rosary
Tuesday. May 22. at S p.m.. at the
W. T. Risdon company chapeL rune
pi services will be held Wednesday,
Way S3, at a.m.. from St. Joseph's
Catholic church with Interment at St.
Barbara's cemetery.
I . - . . i
i In Miami. Fla, May 21, Guy Km est
Bletcalf. former resident of route one.
Cervais. at the ag of SS years. Sur
vived by wife. Edna; seven children,
Mrs. Res Wilkes, Mrs. Bernard Mor
ton and Virginia Metcalf. all of Miami,
ria.. Mrs. Boyd Crouch of Lbs An
reles. Mrs. Herbert Jones end Mrs.
Sketealf of Three Rivers,' Calif.; two
sisters. Mrs. Roy WeuDy oz XMewoera,
Ore., and Mrs. Bertha Beckner of Al
bany, and 10 grandchildren. An
nouncement of services later by W
V. Rigdon company. f l.
Mrs. Msry L. Jones, late resident of
1060 MiU st sunasy. sy au.
W.l KoBDital Mother of Mrs. Betty
rrahm of Salem. Mrs. Helen Summers
Of North Bend, Ore.. Mrs. uin w
m.r n-rmtttm Pim. Ttt Jones of Lorxr-
Wash., and Rev. D. J. Jones
it-.nn.wi.-v wuh. Also survived
by eight grandchildren and two great
grandchildren. Shipment is being made
by dough Barrick company to Grants
Pass for aerrices and interment. .
Yca'ro Ik! Tea 013
To Feci Ycd:j
This is a meessge for men
known life but no longer find lt thrill
ftig because of the lack of certain vita
fuimi miut hormones. Tromone. a ae
eemt medical discovery combining etta
rnins and hormones may muluply the
Vim and sest and enjoyment you once
knew. Your whole approach. - your
whole attitude toward hie, may im
prove when you begin to use Tromone.
Kow it may be possible for middle area
i memin Miov the same spirit.
-viuisty and pleasure that made their
youth thing to - remember. Adaed
years may not subtrsct from yoor plea
rjrei when you use Tromone, the new
formula combining, vitamins
and hormones. Follow directioniron
label. Tromone for sale by Perry s
Drug Store and . druggists everywnere.
Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, jOrerjon, Tuesday Morning, May 2t 1145-
Poppy Days'
May 215-26 )
Fridayi and Saturday of this
week will be "Poppy Days, under
a proclamation issued Monday by
Mayor IM. Doughton.
His proclamation: !
Vherfas, there still remains a-
- .- V ' . 1 1 . Ii 5
powenui enemy 01 me unixea
States ol America that is seeking
to establish their tyranny over the
world, aqd t- -
Vhereas, the young men- of
Salem again re offering their
lives in the nation's service, and
f Whereas, the memory of those
who have given their lives is cher
ished by every citizen, and is an
inspiration to us in these grave
days, and I - " .-.
Whereas, their service and sac
rifice is symbolized by the memo
rial poppy of The American Legion
and, the -American Legion Auxil
iary, now- therefore (
"I, I. M. Doughton, mayor or
the City pi Salem, do hereby pro
claim Friday and Saturday, May
25th and 326th, 1945, to be Poppy
Days in the City of Salem, and
urge all f citizens to observe the
day; by wearing the memorial red
poppy in honor of the men Who
died in the battles of world war 1
and world war II."
Salem Writers
Win Honors in
Field of Poetry
BtOOMINGTON, Ind. (Special)
Marjorie Brewer Merriott, lilS47
Chemeketa street and Frances De
Vlieger Anderson R. R. 1, Salens
qregon, have received honorable
mention in competition with
writers from nine states who sub
mitted manuscripts to be judged
i4 connection with the annual
writers' conference to be heldion
J0ne 3-16 at Indiana university."
The conference, designed to lot
fer practical instruction in Cre
ative writing, wiU be resumed
after a lapse of two years, because
of, war conditions.
sine two saiem residents re
ceived honorable mention in lithe
field of poetry.
Removed from HospitalBobby
Dyer, soil of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
K. Dyer! 2065 North Fourth 1st,
was removed to his home Monday
from Salem Deaconess hospital
where hi was a medical patient.
Experienced ladies ready to wear
salesladies wanted. Apply Sally's.
4 a
Business Name Filed C. A. Vib-
bert andlZene W. Crowe filed a
certificate of assumed business
name Monday in the county clerk's
office for Vibbert Electric, 551
Court st.; .
Tlsita la Washington Mrs
Anne Macy, city police - matron.
left today for Walla Walla, Wash.,
to visit friends and relatives while
on a two-weeks I vacation from the
police station.
Small marble-top table wanted.
Phil 7906 & Evest 3218. )
Mother, Daughter Home Mrs
John R. Kelty land infant daugh
ter: were remoyea Monday from
Salem General hospital to their
home at 070 North Summer st
More turkey pickers needed. Good
pay.. Marion Creamery, 245 D Si
-i -( i f ,
Leaves Hesiplal Mrs. Russell
McJury and infant daughter were
removed Monday from Salem Gen
eral hospital to jtheir home at 590
South 22nd st
Want to rent store building.
Albright I Ph. 4759.
Meettnf Wednesday The Salem
grange will meet at 8 p.m. Wed
nesday at the
North Cottage
be discussed for
H it
Heme From
jWoman's club on
street. Plans will
summer meetings
David Eason returned to Salem
early Monday from Victoria, BC.
where she had attended the British
Columbia music festival.
Fry. cook wanted. The Spa.
111. at Hospital Salem friends
of Ralph Hayre.json of Mrs. Agnes
Hayre, regret to learn that he is
seriously ill at the Salem Deacon
ess hospital. Hayre is proprietor
of the Senator Shine stand.
Fine Fire The fire department
was called to 643 North Winter
st Monday where a flue fire was
under way.
Fry took Ranted. The Spa.
.3 - 1
l?olk School Money
Is Distributed
pAXJaFo scnoqi money, u pt-
ing distributed to the various
school districts over Polk county,
Tracy Staats, county treasurer, ft
ports. Monies to be distributed in
T. 3 r AAA . 1 1 a . . ' .
vuiue ju,uuu ix tun uie siaie scnooi
fund and $50,000 from special tax
EPonMncB iffieBniioafls
Delia Schwabaaer vs. Ernest) W.
Schwabauer; divorce decreet (rahted.
Florence Wodzewoda ! vs. rrancis
wodzewoda; divorce decree granted.
, Orpah N. Dawson vs. William E.
Dawson; divorce decree granted.
Lavona May Vanderpool vs. FTed
Lee Vanderpool; divorce decree grant
ed, j i ... ; ' ... I
Jessie Lorena Thomaston vs. Wil
liam Thomas ton; divorce decree grant
ed, i - : ' i -
Rose Gruenfeldet vs. Melvin GrUen
felder: divorce decree granted; prop
erty settlement confirmed.
Gwendola MoeUer vs. Allen Moeller;
divorce decree granted. - )
Edith A. Perry vs. Frank E. Perry;
divorce decree granted. :
Robert B. Armprieit vs. Ruby Wray
Armpriest; divorce decree granted;
defendant's former name. Ruby Wray,
restored, i ' J i I ' i
Mary J. Rife vs. Clarence Trankltn
Rife; divorce decree granted; plain
tiff i . former name, Mary J. Smith,
restored..1 ' t ; '
Gladyce T. Adamson vs. Harold E.
Adamson; divorce decree: granted.
Beraice JTrleda Setness vs. Jergen
Olaf Setness: divorce decree granted;
plaintiff awarded custody of two min
or children with defendant required
to pay $40 monthly for their, support.
Rex Milo Fuller vs. Margaret Marie
FuUer; demurrer ; alleges complaint
does not state facts sufficient , for
cause oz action, i
Echo Parmentier. by Leala Par
menUer, guardian ad litem, vs. W. R.
jttansom ana uyae poulmn: aonlics
tion filed asking extension of time in
wnicn 10 sue transcript or appeal.
Thomas Chuloa i v. Evlveatcs- X
Rirsch and Chris C. Hammond; de-
lenaants- answer admits and denies.
Partes Parseglan vs. MeUie Parse-
ian; defendant's answer admits and
enies: also asks SI 493 and decree.
Henry O. Davis and Helen G. Davis
vs. a. b. waiters and R, E. Walters
complaint to quiet title to lots 4 and 1
Snell Names Three to First
State Civil Service Commission
J. N. Chambers of Salem! A.. C. Cammack. Portland and Mrs
Effie Turneaure, Hood River legal secretary, comprise the first
siie vu service commission, namea nere early this week by Gov.
hi Walilale Home Tracts. -
Dolor as C Holden vs. Ben t Hol
den; divorce complaint; alleges cruel
and nhuman treatment; asks custody
of two minor children and $50 monthly
ior ineir support.
Rebecca Bonnie Patterson V. Leon
Shelby Patteraon; divorce decree
granted; custody of two minor child
ren awarded to plaintiff with de
fendant required to pay $37.50 monthly
for their support
Valley Credit Service ' vs. George
Boyd; order of default and judgment
against aeienaant in the sum or
$427.50 with interest and $140 attor
ney ! fees.
Harry Pii Dickman vs. Marceline E.
Dickman; order of default
oscar Chnstensen vs. Dora Chns-
tensen; order of default: application
for -place on trial docket.
Florence1' E. Cole estate: annralsal
filed, lists estate assets at $4000.
Karen reeshoun estate: final account
Shows SSO0 in receipts and S430 in dis
bursements hearing on account June
Maria Mane estate: final account of
Everett Milne, executor, allowed; es
tate :clo6ed
Orey GA Coffey estate; order ad
mitting wul to probate in estate of
?robable value - of $6700; Elmer J.
hurch appointed executor and Jerald
Tucker, Mervin I" idler and Loyal Jory
appraisers. .
Oliver La sugnuson, guardlansnip;
P. H. See ley appointed, guardian of
estate with: bond set at $25,500.
State vsi Dean Anderson: charge
driving a motor vehicle while under
the influence of intoxicating liquor;
bal $250; continued to May 23 at 10
a.m. for pies.
State vs. Daniel Scharer: charge
violation of basic rule: euilty plea
entered; continued until June 1 for
pronouncement of sentence.
R. A. Heintz. Portland: charge vio
lation of basic rule: lined S23.
Ersai Burton, route live; cnarges
failure to stop and dezecnve brakes;
hall nf 9 KA inrf SS rMnMtiwlv
Warren . rrank valdez. 1940 Lewis
st.; charge violation of basic rule.
Harold W. Olsen. 30: state patrol
man, Tacarna, Wash., and Dorothy E.
Kocher. 26. pilot. 330 setteimier su
Earl SnelL
I Both men members of tha new board, set uri W a law nassed
Dy xna recent legislature, are r
tired. Mrs. Tumaeura represents
the League of Women Voters and
the Business and Profession Wom
en's clubs of tha state, both of
which organizations had - urged
him to appoint a woman to the
commission, Snell said. f
Members of the commission
must be in sympathy with the Ap
plication of merit principles to
public employment, cannot hold
public office of political nature
or In a political party, nor dan
any member be a candidate for
public office or an employe of the
state, under the law.
The commission is charged with
the responsibility of "setting up
a merit system or, civil service lor
all, state employes. Certain excep
tions are provided in the act and
certain latitude and discretionary
power is lodged with the elected
officials and the heads of various
departments. Policies, rules . aifid
regulations for administration fot
the law may be adopted by the
commission. It also is authorized
to , select a director and such other
assistants as may be necessary.
The temporary or provisional li
rector must be selected by ijke
commission not later than July
1, 51943. - J .
The chairman will be selected
by the commission members. An
appropriation of $10,000 was auth
orized by the legislature for tpe
next biennium. Commission mem
bers will receive- a per diem Jjof
$10 for each day they are neces
sarily in session. They also receive
expenses incurred in fulfilling
their duties as required by law.
Last Registration Day County
Clerk Henry C. Mattson announced
Monday that the registration books
for; the special election to be held
June 22 would be closed at 11-8
o'clock this evening.
Fender Pants Stolen
Riches, 148S State st.,
to police Monday the theft of
pair of fender pants from his car
Fry cook wanted. The Spa.
Grange Backs
Building Plans
Of June Vote
Members of the Oregon State
grange were instructed this week
that their organization recom
mends the state building fund
measure to be voted on June 22,
it was announced by the execu
tive committee of that organiza
tion, i, ;
The measure provide for :the
use of $10,000,000 surplus income
tax receipts to construct buildings
at the Oregon state college and
university campuses and at the
tuberculosis hospital, state hospi
taL penitentiary and Other state
institutions. :
Undergoes Sureery
BKOOK5-Muriel Fitts, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitts, un
derwent a major surgical operation
at a Portland hospital last week.
SILVERTON -4. Mr. t and Mrs
Sam Klein and two children left
Saturday for the coast He is tak
ing treatments at Wheeler and they
plan to be gone a week. i
aaw helped aI sfcreaftkeaed
by Mrieniirifl NXW j
Hoaxing Exercises
mi mmtmlt, SsrttwiaMSemf i
Stud for FREE book!
HaroU V." MeDoniId,Dealer:
105 1st Natl Bank Bldf. !
Salens,! Ore. f - i
, p jit p j
m4S Hossrfetttnm :
X ) rot only LZ3
,,. . : . . .. .- : . . . .. : ,:.;,..." ' . -r- , : ..... .Juki "V
' gmaranteed ; er '
Money Refuded
LZ J 5.0 Down
J j.te Month
, ' 4
Comfort-Constructed! Center Crown!
N ; Stretch Paatl! Reinforced Pre
Cnilt Border! Stays Firmly Straight!
- ... ' 'I: -"-"."- i
Counting "sheep before yoa fall asleep is
too great a waste of rime aad energy. Try '
a Super-Laxary Sleep manress instead.
That's the easy quick way to get the rest
yoa need and want Every nerve and muscle
relaxes completely, because its sleep-level -comfort
cushions your bod correct!.
You'll wake-up ready for wonderful day!
- 5-
Oihor SInni:r::zz3 IIhlIrcssos19.!5f 29.5?33.C5.
- h:1
Complete stock all metal
519.C3, $2l.C5 crd $23X5
m State St.
$11C3,: S14.C3 $23XS
s -
Utility District
Hearing Slated
Hearing on the petition to cre
ate the western Linn county peo
ples utility district will be held at
Albany June 1, the state hydro
electric commission announced
here Monday.
The district would comprise 990
square miles, with the municipali-
tes of Albany and Lebanon omit
ted. The population is 23,100 and
the assessed property valuation
Another petition seeking to cre
ate what would be known as the
Lebanon peoples utility district
has been filed with the commis
sion but hearing on this applica
tion has not yet been set.
The losses by fire in the United
States for 1943 amounted to $380,'
- i
Scoiit Camp
Set to Open
On June 17
The Cascade Area Council's
Camp -Pioneer, high in the Cas
cades, opens Jucfe 17 for a nine
week period, following a work
week there by the National Camp
Fraternity's local chapter of the
Order of the Arrow. -. ! "
Many members of the Order) of
the Arrow, all of who are former
campers, will hold down regular
jobs all summer. Thirty members
of the Order of -the Arrow, and
Other selected senior scouts from
Salem and throughout the council,
are signed up for this opening work
period. . ... -j :. I- ,.
The Order of the Arrow mem
bers this week are visiting the
troops of Salem in the interest of
Camp Pioneer. Frank Deckabach,
Order of the Arrow president, has
organized the following; teams,
each of which is responsible for
visiting three troops that have not
yet reached their quota of camp-
ers for the Pioneer experience:
Team 1 Blair McCabe and
Warren Bacon; team 2 Frank
Dekabach and Dwight Quisenber-
ry; team 3 Jack Thompson and
Elmer Klienke, jr.; team 4 Harry
Wiedmaier and Ted Roake, Jr.
j The two one-week' .periods of
July 22 to July 29 and July 29 to
August 5 are heing held open for
registration of Catholic Scouts.
Area Chaplain Louis Rodakowsky
o$ Salem and Father Walsh of Sa
lem will . be present during these
periods for the daily religious ob
servance. .I'- J - -.
t-y')l.,.. , . i -
Schools to Get
I Oregon public schools will re
ceive about $13,000,000 from in
come tax revenue this year, Mar
ion county's share being "estimated
at $785,839. The county will get
$289,969 from the $5,000,000 state
school support fund of income tax
money diverted by the 1942 mea
sure. The county will also get
$117,947 from the state elemen-.
tary school tax, the 2-mill levy on
property that is cancelled by state,
income tax revenues.-
Of the $2,000,000 of income tax
money added by the 1945 legisla
ture to the originaj fund, this
county will get $116,509. This
county's share of the $1,000,000
added to the fund by the 1945 leg
islature will be $57,994. The first
of; the above items is distributable
on a teacher unit basis and the
latter on actual days attendance.
Plan! Sale
This week is your last chance to get 72 growing flower plants,
many in bud, all ready to set out in your yard, at the unbeliev
ably low price of $2.00. Offer ends Saturday.
Fer $2.00 we will ship the following postpaid:
12 Rose Dawns, silver pink, grow 2 te 1 feet
12 Evening Primroses, very shewy for borders
12 Coreopsis, sunshine flower f !
12 Genuine Kelway Msxruerites, extra hardy
12 Giant Shasta Daisies, white with yellow centers
12 Asserted Perennials, oar selection
72 . ' '' " j, J
72 growing perennial flower plants, all the colors of the rain
bow delivered postpaid fer $2.00. i A whole garden of lovely
flowers for less than yea might expect to pay for a dosen
plants. ' i
Our surprise selection of 300 annqal flower seeds of over SO
varieties added without charge to every order mailed this
week. . I
Attach two one-dollar bills te this ad, write year name and
address below, and mall to i j
741 American Bldg.
Western Office
' i t
Seattle 4, Wash.
Cash Enc
Send COD
eres a telep
! -
in t
he h
ouse wnere i am
! ' ' . ; ' i
; - - . ' i
I ; .-'.. 'j '
an vou
r' j. -
or me
In normal times the answer would j be :f Certainly!
When would you like ta have it done??'
. - . ii ,: ' i y '
We wish that we could give that answer today.
; But there is- a serious shortage of telephone
facilitiesTelephone factories and manpower have
been producing almost entirely for war. Others
" like you, are waiting for telephone service. That
telephone in the house you are moving to may be
already "spoken for" by somebody, who has
v been waiting longer. - j
' We aro sorry that tho shortago' In telephones,
central office equipment, outsido wires! and other
facilities causes mconvenienca to anyone. Wo will
- do our best to tako caro of as many orders as
Thanks for understanding.
i : ; Fer in:ry Izy Ciltd sutrs 7:r C::is '
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