The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1945, Page 9, Image 9

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J Miss Violet Mary Heisler,
Claud Heisler of Getvais, whose -wedding to Mr. Clarence
Schaffers will be anevent of June 13 at the St Louis church.
The brideect Is employed at the secretary c4 state's office.
Talks to
interesting facts about his
native country, Nicaragua, and
other central American coun
tries were told members of the
American Association of Univer
sity Women at the final meeting
Of the year on Saturday, by
Senior Rolando Porras, here with
the state highway department,
j. jThe speaker discussed the dif
, ferences in opportunities for
women in his own country and
the United States. He discussed
briefly the educational system,
Which includes, compulsory ele
mentary schooling. , and also co
education. Women are allowed
university education. land many
are successful in the professions,
but they are not allowed to vote,
he said. i
i - J : t
j Mrs. John B u r c h a m was
elected president of the Salem
branch to succeed Mrs.. Egbert
Oliver, and her cabinet will in
clude Mrs. Frank Burlingham,
vice-president; Mrs. Elie Schroe
der, secretary; Mrs Marjorie
Whitely, treasurer, and school
loan fuAd chairman, Mrs. Ralph
Dobbs. Mrs. Burcham al serves
as stat evice-i)resident of AAUW.
Reports were made by the
treasurer, and by several com
mittee chairmen. j
j Seniors at Willamette univer
' sity, special guests. Were intro
duced by the president, and Dr.
Helen Pearce gave a; history of
the organization for thrtr bene
fit . ..... - .
' Mrs. Virgil Golden and ' Mrs.
Norman Freese poured at the
'tea hour. ' S ': J
h : 1
.! :. , . - j : . s - !.
Bible Class Meet
With Airs. Hughes at
Her Falls City Home
.1 ... . j- '
TALLS CITY-rThe Bible class
of . jthe Methodist church met with
Mrs. Fred Hughes Wednesday.!
Guests of the class were Mrs.
Lsura Horn and Mrs. Palmer.
Mrs. Frances Speerstra, Mrs.
Richard Paul, Mrs. Laura Horn,
Mr. and Mrs. John Calavan and
John Letterman attended the meet
ing in Dallas' Wednesday evening
to i hear the returned 'missionary
X. R. Moon speak of Jamaica.
Moon spent fifteen years in Africa
as a missionary. - The; past five
Fears he has been at Jamaica. Re
tired now, he is doing work on the
home field.- i-
flliil Iasslf
: -
! TtiercisfMsuDstitutefor
i good eyesisht It; is the
j . keystone of your success
i and your enjoyment of
I life. Dont "take chances"
1 with anything so pre
cious. At the slightest
surpkjsoo of trouble ... '
Dr. Ilarry A. Erown
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Stupf el
To Marry
In Texas
Miss Carole Stupfel. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Stupfel.
and her sister. Miss Irene Stup
fel. have left for the east and
Texas where the former will be
married on June 3 to SgL Har
old Fullwood, son of Mrs. Maude
Fullwood of Oil and. California.
The girls are visiting with rela
tives and friends in Chicago and
Wisconsin.' They expect to ar
rive in Gainesville, Texas the
end of the month. '
Miss Stupfel and Sgt. Full
wood will be married at the ar
my chapel at Camp Howze,
where he is stationed. After their
marriage- they will reside in -Gainesville.
Miss Irene Stupfel
will be. her suiter's only attend
ant. She will, return home by
way of Los Angeles.
The bride-elect Is a graduate
of Sacred Heart academy - and
has been employed at the sec
retary of state's office here for
several years. Her fiance at
tended schools in California. He
was with the 41st division in the
South Pacific for 34 months, re
turning to the states last winter.
beck thom up
At not battle
A lls heart of the
aoaselaad, the figkting grows
fteresr.aod ssore eostiy ia mea,
saateriet and saoaey. Thata one
rsasosv why every red-blooded
Asserlcaa muat back this mighty
7th War Loam with every dollar
he can lay hands oa. Another rea
soa is thatthis is really fwo drives
la ooe. la the same period last
puY tiovi d UYfAonni r.l O tl
War Bond Gift on Display in Our liberty
By Jeryma
win be Nancy Stricklin and Su
sanna Schrammj, who have been
taking preliminary , training in
occupational therapy at MilLi
college the past
four months . . .
on May 28 and
They graduate
will be home aJ short while be
fore leaving for j new assignments
. . . Nancy will go to Baxter Gen
eral hospital at jSpokane and Su
sanna to Brooks General hospi
tal, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
. , 4 At the anny hospitals the
girls will continue occupational
therapy training for e 1 g h t
months . l . Susanna expects to
come directly home for a week
while Nancy will visit a few days
in Carmel before coming north
. . . The j girl graduated-fromThe three
Willamette last June and are Pi Mrs. Earl
Beta Phis . . .
TATPED for Qrcheu. national
modern dance honor society, was
Carol Young oij 6alem. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell Young
... A senior on the Oregon State
college campus' and a member of
Gamma Phi Beta she received
the honor on llother's weekend
. . . Election jto the society is
based on artistry,, dance compo
sition and presentation. - .
OPEN HOUSE I. . . annual event
of the Home Economics club of
Salem high school was held
Wednesday atj Hi-Home with
several hundred attending .
A purple and White color scheme
ma to
Be Shown
The home
gent's office
demonstration a
Will sponsor the
of Vivian Free-
men, represen
tative of th
it err jar com
pany, on Tues
day at the Port
land Gas and
Coke company s
downstairs au
ditorium, The
d e m onstratioo
of canned foods
will beein St
1:30 and is free f ;
to the interest
ed public.
' 14. ',M
Mrs. Freeman will devote
much of her time to the prep
aration of canned vegetables in
the pressure cooker, the only
method approved by canning ex
perts, jtt I - -
While few fruits are on the
market for danning just now,
women w11 find Mrs. Freeman's
discussions of fruit canning prof
itable. She Will answer ques
tions from individual listeners.
Various methods of canning
vegetables in the pressure cook
er, hot pack and cold pack, will
be discussed and demonstrated.
Fish and meat canning will come
under discussion also.
t 1
a ,
vilh YCUi dcrts.
to I
as ssasast eae this
No seed to t3 yea that War
the safest and best la-
1m the world. So pour
x " ' III : r
-f - -
crt your might, Americana, la
1 the MWBTT7AT7ar Loan. I-ets
j show oar valiant lighting lien . "
i that we're bikkig them to th,
1 hmit of our m... 100. , '
English.- J ;
in the decorations
, Purple
iris floating in crystal bowls . .
the serving table centered with
a large cake of ice from which
the green sherbet was served , ,. ;
garlands of snowballs and ir a
arranged on the white cloth ..1 .
serving the ices during the aftei -noon
were Mrs. Harry Johnson,
Mrs. Frank Neer, Miss Mabel
Robertson and Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus .". . '; ' ;j .
In spite of the shortage of ma
terials this year high school girts
seem to have found cottons, ray
ons and woolens to make attrac
tive dresses, suits and coats . .
One senior, to be married soon,
has made her complete , trous
seau, which was on display . . .
Home Ec teachei-s,
Cooiey, Mrs. BjarQe
Ericksen and M r s . Charles
Feike, wearing pretty spring
prints and corsages of gardenias
and Cecile Brunner roses '.
The newly elected honor girls
proudly wearing their yellow
and blue ribbons, , the Home
Economics club colors . . . Dur
ing the afternoon Mrs. T. W.
Creech, club. advisor until this
winter when she took a leave of
absence, came to see what her
former pupils have been doing
. . . . and we must add that the
cookies the food classes made
were delicious . . . most of the
recipes took very little sugar and
shortening, which is something
to take note of these days. j
Charles A. Rat cliff, prominent
club .woman and regent of Che
meketa chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution, was
' smartly dressed in purple when
she presided at the luncheon for
the president general, Mrs. Jul
ius Talmadge . . . Mrs. Ratcliffa
dress was a purple and white
silk print over which she wore
a purple coat with tuxedo of
black Persian lamb ... a pert
hat of purple straw enhanced
with flowers.
Mrs. Harry U. Miller seen at
a benefit wearing a stunning sky
blue suit with mink furs and
brown hat an accessories . .1 I
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn in a lovely
sky blue costume suit fashioned
with short Eton jacket with
uuw quarter ieiigiu aicevee . .
A white sheer blouse trimmed in
ruffling which was edged in
blue . . . the ruffling extending
below the sleeves of the jacket
. ; . With her outfit she wears a
-blush pink straw hat with pink
flowers in front
LL (jg) and Mrs. Robert Ham
ilton seen together while he was
recently home on ' leave .- J
Marjorie wearing a smart suit of
Brazilian brown, navy blue felt
cloche and navy accessories .
Crease Oil 7 rA
Permaaent awil
1 Irene a Ueauty salon i
S41 State Fheae 5654
gf rJl 12 H
Street Window
Mrs. Herman Estes dashing in a
grey dress and hat and red wool
officer's style coat, walking down
the street with her army- captain
husband, and - brother, Ftwrfgn
. Norman Speck. ' i ' ' - K- - . ;j-
Busy attending rush parties at
Willamette and spending week
: ends at Oregon and Oregon State
college is Margie Cooiey, popular
high school senior One of
fai the spring a young biafl's fancy turns to love
ii! avvxxiKmTcatufmtownue tnoeiw
Montgomery Ward Is ready with art exciting array
the season's newest styles. Here are plenfy of young
j f !i (
4 shoes to team with your gay spring casuals, your
fHSiest summer; frocks. Come, get yours todayl
1 -7T :-
her outfits is a pretty chartreuse
sharkskin dress with which she
wears a wide brimmed char
treuse horiehair; hat with pink:
streamer, pink sandals and pink
-gloves.-"-- - i I A- .
end will be Mrs. William Earl
Snell 'and .her month old twins,
William. Edrl and Danalee, who
have been 'here: at the home of
yy 1 :
'- -, itt -'SlSl-tc-: h& tier
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
iel J. Fry, Jr, the past three
weeks . . They wfll remain in
Portland until Mr. Snell, navy
medical reserve, receives his de-
gree from the University of Ore
gon Medical school the end of
June. . j
imjOOMX . DOME . . Mrs.
Warren Hunter (Patricia Tracy)
lunching with her. mother.
'.. ;.t ; :.' .. i , i - ; . ,: . . . ..
Mrs. J. a Tracy recently re
turned from the east coast where
she has been with her navy en
sign husband since, their mar,
riage in March . . They ! were
in ! Baltimore, Philadelphia and
Norfolk before he left for active
duty . .-. Pat looked smart In t
black and white check suit,
fuchsia top coat and pert black
hat trimmed in fuchsia.
I -
u. !
1S1 If. Liberty St.