The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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and CHARLOTTE TURVILLE (left to right)
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The Girls in the Pictures
Highlighting th0 Willamette -university social activities this week
end , was the Panhejlenic dance Saturday night at the Elks Tempfie.
Pictured on this page are the four house presidents, who are members
of Panhellenic, and representatives from the houses who were on tjhe
dance directorate. j
Heading the four women's houses on the campus for the coming
year are Dorothy Kenney, Alpha Chi Omega; Patricia Waters, Chi
Omega; Miriam Day, Delta Phi; and Mary East, Pi Beta Phi. Commit
tee members planning the dance included Mary Parker, Thyra Jean
Currey, Alpha Chi Omega; Barbara Korell, Pat Wetstein, Chi Omsga;
Nancy Hoak, Pat Ann Sly. Delta Phi; and Carolyn Brady, Charlotte
Turville, Pi Beta PhL j
""Southern Plania'ion" was the theme of the second annual spring
Panhellenic dance, j A Portland orchestra played for the affair. The
walls were decorated with silhouettes of old fashioned ladies and, gen
tlemen in dress of the old south. White columns were at the doors and
trees with crepe paper flowers were arranged about the hall. In front
cf the stage was a black and white mural of a plantation scene. The
prpgrams,. designed! by Betty Outton, were dark blue with a silver Sil
houette of an old fashioned boy and girl against a silver crescent
mean. The false ceiling was of black and white crepe paper streamers.
- Patrons and partonesses were Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith, Dean
and Mrs. Daniel H. Schulze, Dr. and Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie J. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs and Judge and Mrs. James
T. Brand. (Statesman photos)
They're Home Again
Mrs. George H. Swift returned this weekend frcm Ncrth Hollywood,
Calif., vrtere she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Seth Payson
Smith, and son, Michael, for several wseks.
Dr. and Mrs. GfB. O'Neill arrived in the capital this week from a
trip east and souths Mrs. O'Neill went east two months ago to visit
her daughter, Sergeant Marjorie Sawyer, United States Women's Ma
rine corps, who is. Stationed in Arlington, Virginia. Mrs. O'Neill and
her daughter also visited in New York City. In California Mrs. O'Neill
was joined by her husband. In Palo Alto they visited her other tivo
daughters and, Mrs. Allan Earle and son, Michael, and Mr
end Mrs. Jack Saber and daughter, Miriam. !
Leaving for the East
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
The goings and comings of travellers are a highlight
cf interest in social news these late spring days. Mrs.
Richard L. Russell and daughter. Nancy Jo, left Saturday
tci East Brady, Pennsylvania where they will make their
home with Mr. Russell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Russell. Mr. Russell, an aviation radioman third class, is
with the naval air Corps. Mrs. Nelson Russell arrived in
Salem several weeks ago to visit her daughfer-in-law and
is accompanying her east io her home.
Mrs. Olive Ferguson,'' toother of Mrs. Richard Russell,
also left for the east with the travellers. She will accom
pany them as far as Des Moines, Iowa, where she will
make crn'extended Visit with her sister, Mrs. M. H. Shaffer.
Mrs. Harris Lietk and Mrs. R. C. Hunter entertained
informally at luncheon Thursday afternoon at, their South
Liberty street home; in compliment to Mrs. Richard L Rus
sell and daughter. 1 Mrs. Nelson 'Russell and -Mrs. Olive
Ferguson..." . .. ,-V - V : ' .-' -. :' :-' .
f Mrs. Virgil Pade and son.j,Virgil Dean, and her , par- v
nts, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Lacy, are entraining today for
leola. South Dakota to visit members of Mr. Pade's fam
ily. The travellers expect to be away several weeks.
Easttvard Bound i , ' i . . .
Mrs. A. M. Chapman has left for Creeds, Virginia.
Where she will spend the summer months with, her son-in-law
and daughter, Lt.. (jg) and Mrs. Edward jFrantz,
end their son, Robert Charles. Lt and Mrs. Fran tz have
Been making their home In California. .
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Mrs. Philo Hal! (Mary Virginia. Nohlgren) 'and son.
David, 'are leaving: Friday after an extended visit in the
capital with her parents, Mr. andMrs A. H. Nohlgren.
Mrs. Hall and .-her son will go directly to Brookings,
South Jpakota where they will be joined by Mr. Hall.
They will visit his! folks there for several weeks, before
returning to their home in Rockford. Illinois.
--" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mills left the past week for Reno
where they will vacation for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs.'
Mills go '"'tci' Reno each year on their" vacation and are '
registered at the Riverside hotel. '
Lj I Society Clubs Music 7
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. NANCY HOAK (left to' right)
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Weekend Tidbits
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- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claggelt and daughter, Patty, and Mrr cmd :
Mrs. Glenn Woodry and son, Jimmy, are spending the weekend at the '
Surftidesat Oceanside. I ! .
Also at the beach this weekend ara Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Cpmp- ;
ton and Mr. ahd Mrs. William J. Busick, who are -at DeLake.
MisaMary White and Mjss Janet Bower are spending th9 weak- -end
in Tacoma. Miss White is the guest of Mr. and Mis. Burton L3 men
and Miss Bower is visiting her cousin, Miss Helen Barrett, whe i3 sta
tioned at Fort Lewis. -j . . - ,
Miss Lorah Kate Griffith and Miss Louise Krouff, who are cadet ,
nurses at University - of Oregon Medical j school, cne spending the
veekend In Salem at the home of the former's pcaenis, Mr. and Mr 3. .
Lewis Griffith. J .
Mrs.l William M. Smith of Corvollis i3jthe --weei end guest o her
husband's parents, Mr. and Mis. H. G. Stnith.
Recital on! Tuesday
A delightfui musical ; event calendaied for this week
will be the scng lecilal by Josephirie Altrt Spaulding,
well known mezzo-soprano, Tuesday night at the Rob
erts studio on North Summer street at 8:30 o'clock. Invi tations
were in the mail this past week io the affair.
: j
Assisting Mrs. Spaulding will re Mary Taimadge
Hedrick, violist, and Mr. B9rmet Ludden, . pianist Mrs.
Spaulding's program will inplude Robert Schumann's '
well known scng cycle, "Frauen Liece und Leben." She
will also sing two Brahm's ohgs vith viola accompanl- ;
ment and a French and English group. . r
A rsception will follow the recital. Assisting infcrmall y
will be Mrs. Maurice Brennen, Mrs. Urlin S. Pag, Mrs. .
Asel Eoff. Mrs. Melvin Geist; and Miss'Dorothy Pearce.
Shower foil Nfiss Adams
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. Miss .Lorraine Taylor; i has invited guests to. a bridal
party Mo'nday, night ;at!'QM; horixii' cf her aunt, Mrs. A. "W. .
Vernon, on the Dallas road in compliment Io Miss Phylli :
Adams,: whose marriage .to Lt. Bcokhurst vill be '
an event of May 27, . . . .j
; A bridal , shower wilt honor, the .biideto-be.; A .late .
supper will be served by tha hostess, v;ho will be assbted
by her mother. . Mrs. Austin Cj Taylor. Boueruets oi pastel
spring flowers will provkle tha'deccraWe note about' &a
. -1
Honoring Miss Adams will be Mis. - Earl J. -Adams, '
Mjs. Gene Sheldon.' Mrs Gerard Erown, Mrs. VilUam
Melville. Mrs. Chester Zumwalt, Mis. Helen Busch, Mrs.J .
Wendell EmmetL Mrs. Madeline Bier. Mis. GlennMoody, '
: Mrs. Donald Moser, Mrs-Walter McCune Mrs. 0101168 -E
Warren, Mrs. George Wallace, -Ktsi-Loreta Rosheim,
Mrs. Ross CoppockfMrsl lames Lepley; I.lxs. John Geiger,
Mrs. Fred Kruse. lArs. Mabel Powers. Mrs.i Ernest Chittick,
Mrs. A. , W;; Vernon. Mrs. 1 Austin d Taylor; ; Miss' Eileen '
- Stcmton, Miss Ruth Skinner, Miss ArdfeKe -Scott,' Miss Oar- "
othy Englebart Miss Elvira Behrens; ; Miss Paulird and
Miss Cleo TurintMiss Jackie Williams, Miss Helen Myers,
- Miss Lucille Conibs. : Miss'Xay Toffee MissLucills- Ja
: kowski.' Miss Bessie, Smith, Miss Ellen Waldorf.' Miss Nel- .
lie Schwab; Miss Shamna; Wshrlt, Miss fcW-Hcseltine ' :
and Mls Lorraine, Taylor. ' i v" '