The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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i :
Orocon. Wodnoaday Morning. May IS. 1945
Thm Oregon Statoamcm
leadership Course Emma Max-!
well. Camp Fire Girb' executive
here, heads the Salem committee
on arrangements for the leader-
ship training course to be offered
May 25, 28 and 27 at the Silver
Creek recreation center under aus-
pices of the Oregon section of the Felton.-. Shells- allegedly: impli
American r Camping association, rated with John Winn, who has
One :hundred" twenty persons '. are
expected to participate. Assisting 1
Airs Maxwell are Vernon, Mer-
rick,,Lyle Leighton, Esther little,
Ruby Bergsvik and Harry Michael-
Ethel De'Riddef and Blanche Kel-
ler now located at!
Irene's Beauty
Salon; 341 State. Phone 5654. Will
welcome old "patrons and friends.
Open evenings by
appointment '
Garage Destroyed A frame ga
rage at 440 Mill .property -of
the Pohle sisters, was destroyed by
fire shortly after S pro. Tuesday,
Owners of the two tars which were
In the garage got them out with
apparently little pr no damage,
city firemen said; , Five o'clock
traffic combined wjith the fact that
the smoke as viewed, from the
downtown area appeared to- be
coming irom a nearby cannery
Duuamg posed asj great a prob
lem for police as that faced by the
' firemen.; .; S ' ".
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
our storage with free moth-proof-
ing. Prices.
Election Du
D T;.7rr:-': v7
tion in the ASB
slie Junior high
run off today at Leslie
school. Speeches for the offices
n ,,.
" in in ih. ftiwi .i,.Xr
next Monday morning.Tom Paul-
... j t.m- Li:l- !7
, ua auu taiia cuiucmici , me only I
! candidates for the presidency, will
i not be voted on iinljl the finals.
Dr. Nash dental
office will be
closed from May 14th ;to 21st for
redecorating. '
: Miss Christie Speaker Florence
the graduate nurse at the Lillian
Trasher orphanage at: Assiout,
Egypt, will be speaker at this
noon's meeting of the Salem Sor
optimist club. She plans to show
moving pictures taken at the in
stitution, where 1000 persons,, or
phans, widows and blind have
refuge. The meeting is to be held
at the Golden Pheasant'
Experienced ladies ready to wear
salesladies wanted Apply Sally'i.
On Planning- Committee Tink-
i ham Giilbert of Salem is a mem-
: ber of the planning committee
i which is making arrangements for
i a USO volunteers training con-
ference to be held May 21 In Port-
5 land. Gertrude - Eakin, Portland,
formerly of Salem
and Chemawa,
is also a member
of the commit-
For home loans see Salem Fed
eral. 130 Smith TJWtv.
Moaner " !
Baby girl Monner, Infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Monner of 340 ;
Park ave.. Salem.- Grandchild of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Monner and Mr. and
Mrs, Loren Hall of Salem. Private
services will be held at St. Barbara s i
. cemetery. Direcuon W X. Rigdon com
pany. - - . - - i .
Peter Thurkauf. at a local hospital
May 11. Survived by one daughter,
Mrs. 3. 3. Hunnilord of Mountain
;Lake. New Jersey. Announcement of
1 services later byi Howell-Edwards
chapel, 545 North Capitol st.
.-? . ' i- -. '-, t'.
i Inhmtr .. '- ;-.-" ,
1 John Rohmer, late resident of 132
West Sth ave., Eugene, at a hospital
I in Eugene, Friday, ) May 11, at the
are of 68 vears. Husband of Mrs. Agnes
Rohmer of Glendale; Calif.: father of
Mrs. Hilda Hermann and Mrs. L. R. I
ZobeL both of Glendale. and Stanley
Rohmer with the V. S. army In the
Philippines. Survived t also -; by two
grandchildren. Services will be held
.Wednesday. May 16. at 1:30 p.m.. from i
niouah.Barrick I ehaDeL i Rev. - M. I
1 'A. Getzendaner officiating. Interment
In Belcrest Memorial park, i
Kittson ' - - I ?
i K'iMir Kittson, at his home. 420
South 22nd St.. Monday. May 14. at
the are of M Tears. Husband oz Mrs.
Virginia Kittson of i Salem; father, of
.Mrs. W. O. Dickens of Yakima. Wash,
Mrs.- Christina Chandler, Mrs. Ger
imri. nikeU. Mrs. Lillian Abbott. Mrs.
ROoe Woodruff and I Fred Kittson, all
of Salem, John Kittson of The Dalles,
Ore, Norman Kittson with the V. S.
'army In England, and Augustan Kltt
ann with, tha IT. S. armv in the Philip
pines: sister, Mrs. Agnes Payne of Los
Angeles. Survived also by 2 grand
children and three ! great grandchil
dren. ReciUUon of the rosary wiu oe
at the Clou eh Barrick chapel Wednes
day, May 16, at S pi m. Services will
be held Thursday, May. 17, at I
In St. Paul's churchi at St. Paul. ure.
Katherine Hemdrichs, late resident
. of 1320 Franklin street. West Salem,
at Canyonville, Ore May 13. at the
age of 29 years. Survived by her hus
band. Herbert Heindrichs of West Sa
lem: three children. Jerry. Wayne and
Gaila Heindrichs. all of West Salem;
parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Loewen
of West Salem; six sisters, Mrs. Dave
. Mrs. Peter Pankratx. Mrs.
Pete Harmes, Mrs. Harvey Guenther,
" ' Mrs. George Friesen and Mrs. - John
. - .Guenther, all of West Salem: and five
brothers. Henry and, Pete Loewen of
- West Salem. Clarence Loewen of Jef
- ferson. and Ahrin and Dave Loewen tat
"the U. S. navy. Announcement of aerv-
Ices later by HoweU-Edwards. chapel,
543 Nortn wapitoisweefc
1i. mmm;K4S Ti st. Mar 19.
Orev Gav Coffey.- age et years. Hus
band of Ellen -Coffey. Salem: father
i .r.t -Kennethi Coffey stationed
at the Homestead air field. Homestead,
Florida. Elberta Coffey of San Clamen
ti. Calif., son of Mrs. Jane Coffey of
Salem: brother of Roy Coffey ff Sa
lem.. Funeral announcements later by
the w, T. Rigdon company.
.. i neartf elt thanks f or , the kind
exnreasion of a ymp a thy arid
flnnl fiffrin in tiff
recent - pereavwiicus
ti1nes-.find death of our beJoved
.i' . . Jr!r. rl 1
husband and father. -
' 1 - CHAS. (Bud) "HAMMANG
- 'TnoMrsQii.
-Optometrist and
-1 Ortheplst
III Oregon ELJg.
Over Sear Store
Tolophons) $101
Plead Guilty Edith Eddinr,
arrested in Portland on a Salem
Justice court warrant, entered a
plea of luilty to a charge of for
gery and material alteration of a
check when the appeared Tuesday
before1 Justice of the Peace Joe
waived preliminary hearing on a
similar charge. - Both are held for
the - grand jury. Bail for Mrs
Edding was set at $1000. Two
checks are said to have been rais-
Fur storage. Let us tell you about
bur storage with free moth-proof
ing. Prices,
Money Missing Forty-five dol
Ian he had put In his billfold
wasn't there when he found the
billfold in the shrubbery at one
corner of the Salem postof f ice
grounds Tuesday afternoon a few
minutes after-he had missed it,
Rudy Ronniker told city police,
Ronniker said he parked his car
in the 600 block of State street.
walked to the postoffice, missed
the billfold, retraced his steps and
found It in the shrubbery minus
the money.
7 nr. developing & printing service
at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N.
T Spray Timber The contra c
for spraying approximately 21,000
nd Seaside was awarded by the
tte board of control Tuesday to
nmtn1 A
to $37,000, board members
estimated. The cost will be divid-
d between the state and private
B?V??f J?
cent The Umber is-infested with
Our Insurance service is as close
to you as your telephone. Richard
G. Severin, 4016; evenings 8213.
Bressiers Hart Bon Mr. and
Mrs. Judson Brassier are receiving
felicitations upon the birth of
" May at
Deaconess hospital.
All turkey help come Wednesday,
May 16. Marion Creamery.
Tall Hospitalised Lawrence
Tull, 223 Center st, an employe
of Oregon Pulp & Paper com
pany, is a patient at Salem Dea
coness hospital, where he is re
ceiving medical care.
L -
Keel Lanteras Taken Five red
lanterns t a ken earljr 4 Tuesday
morning from. Oregon Electric
tracks! were located shortly by city
police who reported finding them
on the steps of the high school,
hanging on an old automobile at
Summer and, Marion If streets at
the entrance of Lee Mission ceme
tery and on the porch of a Fifth at.
residence. Kr' s '-. '
All turkey help come Wednesday,
May 16. Marion ;Creaaiery. : f
Walker Upheld tJudge Arlie
G. Walker, , Polk county, was up
held by unanimous decision of the
supreme court . in the case of
George W. Marr. vs.- J. D. Dunn
and Marguerite M. Du4n liv which
an opinion was - handed down
Tuesday.' The Dunns had appeal
ed the decision . which favored
Marr'i demand for an accounting.
Cronise Photographs and
Frames. 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.N
Strand SaeakerJ-Drj Al L.
Strand, president of Oregon State
college, will be the speaker at; the
dinner meeting of the Rotary Club
tonight at the Marion hotel. No
noon meeting will be held because
of -the Rotary regional i conference
to be held in the Chamber of Com-
mercej: rooms during the day. 4,
s 1 - r.. 4
Wedding pictures taken at th
church. 120 SUte. Ph. 5722. g
M -i: i i
Regional Convention Here A
regional conference . of Rotary
clubs is to' be held today at Salem
Chamber of . Commerce rooms.
Members of 'the Salem club will
Join the visitors for dinner it 6
o'clock at the Marion jiotel, with
Dr. A. L. Strand, president of
wicKuii bwk couege, s speaker.
a Wed. night 7p.m. Live
of all kinds. Implements,
trailers, tools what have you?
Groesbeck Auction Market, across
from state fairgrounds;: on Silver
ton road. Phone 6098.!
Notice No
more daytime auctions
; i: '
Until fall.
Alrcrafters Inoperative Salem's
model aircraft club which has met
twice a week recently at the
YMCA has suspended!) operations
for the summer. I Approximately
15 have attended the : meeting!,
with Bob Charlton and George
Schwarz as club leaders.
' 1 - II -
Boy to Nashes M. and Mrs
Don W. Mash, 1870 Trade St., are
parents of a boy, born Tuesday
morning at Salem General Siot-
Pital.; . ;; I
5 men needed for war work. Steady
employment. Apply Salem Box Co
300 Wallace Road. j
Grc It. Johnson vi.. Dewitte WL
Johnion; complaint for divorce charg
es max tnoruy aner marriage aeiena
ant was convicted of commitUnai fel
ony and that he la confined in prison
at jouet. 111.: marriea Jury x. ibjb. at
South Bend.-Ind. - - tjj- -
Betty Dunn ts. raui Dunn; com
plaint pr i divorce charges " cruel and
inhuman treatment and asks that de
fendant be required to " pay plaintiff
attorney ana court epsts , ana . that
plaintiffs maiden name of Betty La-'
Rocque .be. restored to her: , married
Sept. 23, mi, at Goldandale. Wash.
A. B. Hinz vs. Glenn' Sheffield; or
der requirinf plaintiff; within. 10 days
to make complaint more definite -and
certain. (. - i -.. --...,
i Marion county vs. Maud Solustar
and others; complaint to quiet title to
diocjc a. annex mo. i to ueoree nol-
Uster's addition to SUyton. v. i j ..
r Harry C ijoug vs. .Ann Lone: eora
Dlaint for i divorce charging- desertion
In Jury. 1943: married in Salem on June
Marsuerlte A, Will -vs. Th United
States National Bank of " Portland as
executor and trustee of will and estate
of George C. WilL the same bank as a
ration ana Kutb E. Will; motions
to nave four, paragraphs stricken from
separate and afirmative defense of
the bank. 4 .,..,.,,.. , v.. .
Mlna Aunun va. T. U. Alsmant or.
dered that two words be stricken from
further ana separate answer and that
specified paragraph be made more def
inite and certain. - - -
. Ira G. Patrick and May TA Padrick
vs.; E. R. Errion and J. R. Barton: order
on stipulation that notes in evidence
be delivered to attorneys for defend
ants and that other exhibits may be
withdrawn! by attorneys for parties
Who introduced them. - Hi 4.
rioyd F.I Plank vs. Belva M. Plank:
oecrn on aivorco io piatntm. t
Ben Hawkins vs. Mt. Anael Coooer
ative Creamery: specification Ko. 1 of
defendant a motion to strike overruled:
specifications No. 1 and 3 allowed and
plaintiff given until May 25 to file
amenaea cpmpiaint. '
Velduro! One coat wall finish $2.75
gaL Farmer's Hdw. 115 So', Coiml
f Radio Missing Helen Benner,
S48 Market st., reported to police
Tuesday that when she had re
turned home Monday night her
children I said they had heard
someone ln the living ro6m, j but
she did not discover until morning
that a small ivory-enameled radio
had been taken. j
Painting & Decorating. Ph 7552.
j ! ! !
i Toang Benson Improves Whit
ney Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lu V. Benson, 1995 East Nob Hill,
a (pneumonia patient at Salem
General hospital for several days,
is reported making rapid improve
ment. ! - .
mi i r
Reroof with Johns-AIanvtlle j as
phalt shingles. Right over Jour
old roof. Free estimates. Mathis
Bros. 164 S. Coml. Phone 4642.
i I- ' I I
! Licensed to Wed Among mar
riage license applications recorded
Tuesday in Spokane was j thai of
Charles M. Newberry, Salem, and
Wanda . Stevens, Spokane, f
Martha Justine Weelke guardianship:
order allowing and approving the ac
counting of Ben G. Doe Ike,; guardian.
and - substituting" bond of ; American
Surety Company of New York for that
of M. B. Henderson." t
I. Frank Cotton estate: will admit
ted to probate and Ronald C. Glover
named administrator with will annexed
of Marion county portion, of estate:
tee Ohmart. 8. C. Stannard and Rob.
ert I. Greer appointed appraisers.
.Julius Aim estate: aupplemental in
vehtory. by Henry-Aim. surviving part
ner oi pannersmp or juuui Aim ano
Sons, for;' a total of S2960 i worth, of
property. r . J .. 4. ,. t ;v .1
, uuun . cnristofierson estate: order
admitting Will to probate names Gerald
Chrtstofierson aa executor; B. O. Stad-
ter, jr R.ari . . . wenger and H. V.
Compton as appraisers. k '
w. xi. tmen estate: order annointine
Harriet M. Ehlen. widow, administra
trix. George Wurster, Ray Yergen and
S3-a nurst as appraisers or estate ten
tively valued at $1296.62. j ....
William E. Deeney estate: decree un-
on final account by Mary Louise Deen
ey, executrix. i .
George Bureett. sr.. a-uardianshm: fi
nal report of William Netmeyer. guar
dian shows receipts totaling S 35 9. 14 and
aisDurtemenu of SZ43.M. . t
David Chester Garver estate: final
decree to Anna H. . Garver. adminis
tratrix, i' ' V i , ' : . . i . : ; ..
Mary R.-R van estate: annratsed bv
Lrm c. uiesy, a. e. reuer and John
KasnuHten at siojzsl. - - - -
Marti J. Rledon estate: final account
by W. C. Winslow, administrator, shows
expenditures of $3720.64 leaving a total
or property ana cssti on nana $8Lh.t
: nearinc set ior Monday. June za. .
Caroline Manony estate: frank W.
Mshony .of Junction City and. Michael
J. Mahony of Gervais named; executors
estate tentatively valued at S14.000
Leo Pace. 3. S. Imiah and Ruby B. Sal-
yer appomtea appraisers.
Birth RegistraUons
Here Above Average
most three per cent of babies born
in Oregon do not have their births
registered, .bureau of census fig
ures released today showed.
National averp ge is 7.5 ; per cent.
The .1940 census showed . Oregon
registered 97.1 per cent but high
er were Washington with 97.8 per
cent and California with-98 per
cent. - " . ' f
Flood Lights Installed ;.The
Southern Pacific company is "in
stalling floodlights midway be
tween its passenger station and
Mission street, i where passenger
cars pr trains stopped there have
previously been lighted ; only by
the illumination they carry. .
Daughter to Siemlsons Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Siemison, 1655 Lee st;
are parents of; a daughter, born
Tuesday at Salem Deaconess hos
pital. ! !
Takes Baby Home Mrs. Arthur
Stump of Monmouth took her in
fant daughter home from Salem
General hospital Tuesday.
r- N -"hT) 1-'
Takes Jump
Motor vehicle registration, dur
ing the first four months of 1945
showed an increase of 2594 over
that for ...the same period of 1944,
Secretaryj of StateRobert S. Far
rell," ir4 reported nere Monday. : ;
. There ijvere 393,085' vehicles reg
istered m Oregon at the end of
April this year compared to 389,
491 last yean" Of the total, 313,.
558 were! private passenger vehi
cles, 1095 busses, 33,372 . light
trucks arid '41,809 heavy trucks.
Official cars and motorcycles 1
made up !the remainder of the reg
T:..-.' -- - : a
a 1 1 v ic LHtsacuger iirs account
for 80 pejr cent of the totsd motor I
verucie registration in Oregon,
Farrell said.
Registration fees for the first '
four moritluf of the year aggregat
ed $3,054,384.45 compared to $2,-
953,484.69 a year ago.
To Be
Co in men cement
Thursday Night ;
BETHEL Eighth grade - grad
uation and program will take place
at the school Thursday night, May
17, at 8 o'clock. The following
day," Friday, May 18, the annual
school picnic "will be held at the
school with picnic dinner at noon
in the -dihine room and a minil-
1rit batl game In the afternoon.
School will close for the summer
vacation Monday. All are invited
to-attend the graduation and the
The hardness of the topaz Is
almost equal to that of the emer-
aaw kapatl aad straaftkaaad
by aoiearitic HIW
Hearing Exercises
Send for FREE book!
"Harold F." if ebonald "Dealer
M5 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Salem, Ore.
Vae) f .
Vlsita la Aloany Mrs. Henry
Otto, Salem teacher,' was a guest
the past weekend in the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, V.
Mason, Albany,
r : . I y 4.. .. . t . - -v,.v,. 1
S !
it ".-n?
(mm m):
V I - 460-14 1
are Different!
Taa only pings with tha
Polonium alloy ground elec
trode which causes the spark
to Jtunp more easily, giving
quicker, surer starting.
FAN 1IIT$......1.10u
Tor eflecure con ,
trol of many gsx
den ptna
.Adjostabla to fine :
mist,' stream or
Provides a ltrxari. ..
oos aBe-textarea pp
tarf ,.,...'i..aiBi l,g3
. : . TIU-OGEN.
Especially, for. r
- roses, hot good for w
other fiOTrera, - too. I4.'J
Gets way down to
talratT rootai
Elghtaea-ft . ;. ... leUO
! H i f ' ' ' I
' 362 State St.
Center f& Liberty SlsT
liOtm is A raiar ef Wiwisae
a. la . . ' aT ! .
wl ' " - j, -
4 er mora ' j
' - -- 1 ... - i . - ... . -- , a- mm
'."r':" -'
15-year chain store lease pay in
9.2$ interesi . net and all. youf -money
back. A good tovestmeni
Phone or write Larsen Hom j
Loan Co.. 164 S. Coml. Ph. 8389.
if- Tiles .Tinvt anci
. PoinjUking Care for
trf QueKty
! Recepping Job! i $:
,. . .. i
Oalj. 1 lrtitone Xseay
lng givas yoa th
fameii SsLuze
Ckanpten Gear-Grip
Tread, the trtad with
extra t pUi for ' artra
safity, extra traction
and longer mllsag-e. Ko
certlScata needed, '
An Archtry Book
With Every Stf
Archery Set i
4.95 g
laclaiea five-foot lemon- s
ireod .bow aad f oar cedar '. S
arrewa.' - ss
v ; has
25-Ponc ferf H
2.39 11
Has great strength and la SEE
waterproof. Tightly braided
. , . stays smooth and even S
... on tha reel.-50-yard -spool. S
., Qnlckly removes dirt aad . w r;
grease, Kot a soap.......... C
. Chemically treated to pick A. id
np tha dirt.........-........ef9C
x er car wasnma;. aaaae ex 'mr S3
fine sheepswoot spenge. . . . , , 4C
Cleans aad peliatea at the rAt
same time! ......49C tsf
High quality, soft, absorb, kaa, S
nt. 16x20-. . . . .......... . . ..53C S
Gives ' eoeeplete, sdantUa
- lnformaUen .on tha plant-
ing, care and cultivation of
a sacceesfHl garden. .
, ALSO FIEt! A Bi 2S PacU
aae ef Burpee's Super wUaf ?
v 2mi(m Seeds. ; " ' ,
100 wool
. plaid aad '
' oavalry
twO. ;
, . t ;
p. : Phoae.H6SS2
; - Q y-: Phone, 9144
4 i
v t
aastv HUm
' BP r . e
V ' ml eP W va . asm
awK. B. C
" Wii aifca)M'rVA,ai a, la