The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Tbm OSTGON STATESMAN, Salem, j Oregon, Yedneiay Morning. Mar 18 143
Mt. Angel Honors Five Eldest
pothers at Special Program
! 1 MT. ANGEL Mrs. Elizabeth Fennimore, grandmother of the
seven Fighting Fennimores and 93 years old, was crowned Queen
of Mt Angel Mothers by Mayor Jacob Berchtold Monday tiight as
part of the regular Mother's Day program.
r The tiny little lady was too feeble to be brought to the auditorium,
so the mayor and the members of the royal court were taken to her
Linn 4-H Club
Show Attracts
:e Group
ALBANY-Special)-The annu
j al county spring . fair attracted
j more that 550 exhibits while a to
tal of 212 4-H club members par-
tidpated in special contests which
j Included demonstrations, dollar
dinner, judging, style revue and
health contest
( Champions Picked ;'
Champions in the style revue
( were Martha Jane Taylor, Halsey,
division 11,' modeling her cotton
: work dress; Lorraine Prokop, Sdo,
1 route 3, division III, modeling her
school dress; Betty Lou Berger,
I Albany, route 3, division IV best
1 dress; Edith Louise Parker, Shedd,
i division TV party dress; and La
f Von Kelly,- Jefferson, division V
wool suit H V"
In the judging contest Berna Lee
' Williams and Phyllis Ann Herman
of 1 Orleans community composed
the champion team winning the J.
C. Penney revolving trophy. Phyl
lis Ann Herman, Corvallis, route
3 and Betty Ruth Shumaker, Scio,
route 3, tied for high scoring in
dividuals with a score of 740 out
of a possible 900. ' '
Health Contest Held
Twenty-seven - 4-H club mem
bers participated in the county
health contest Donna Jean Davis,
Shedd, was named winner of the
girl's division and will receive the
Mountain Power company summer
school scholarship. Duwaine Bird
6 all of Sweet Home, winner in the
boy's division, will receive ; the
Albany Kiwanis club summer
school scholarship.
Winning demonstration teams
were: clothing, -Lou Hammon and
Martha Jane Taylor, Halsey; cook
ing, Carole Abraham and Margaret
. S tames, Shedd; dairy foods, team,
Norma Latimer and Laurena
Townsend, Shedd; dairy foods in
dividual, Lavon Kelly, - Jefferson;
homemaking, Dora Lou Pittsley'
i and Jean Lindbloom, Sweet Home.
Alice Peterson of -Halsey placed
first in the stitching contest
: The style revue was presented
by. .Viola Hansen, Linn county
home demonstration agent Stu
dents of the Grand Prairie school
led ; by - Mrs. Florence Shumaker
led. the flag salute, song and yell
. rally. - ".
Shelburn Farm
SoldJby Harris
' SHELBURN C. D. Harris has
sold : his 30 acre ranch to R. R.
Margarell, possession to be given
this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trexler
have been visiting his brother, C.
D. and his sister, Mrs. C. D. Os
born. Friends of F. A. Bowman, an
old-timer of this section, are sorry
to learn he is confined to his bed
at the home of his son, Fred and
family in Albany. He still has ex
tensive' land holdings at Shelburn.
'. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mandershien
are moving this week to their new
farm on Roger mountain. .
Liberty Community
Club Election Held
LIBERTY Election of officers
was held Friday by the Liberty
Community ' club. ' New officers
are: president, Mrs. Earl Miller;
vice-president, Charles Krauger;
secretary-treasurer, Dorothy See-
-' The pie social was held and Ern
est - Mahaney auctioned at from
11.50 to $5 for a total of $69.40.
The money will finish paying for
the loud speaker system recently
Installed in the community hall
Valley Births
SILVERTON Born to Mr.1 and
Mrs. R. J. Terhaar of Mt Angel a
daughter,. May 9, at the Silverton
hospital. - - .
. Born at the Silverton hospital
May 12, a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Wolfe of Canby and a
son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunifer,
- Born at the Silverton hospital.
May 13, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Bessey of Hubbard.
- . o
The Chinese
Tea Garden
162 !i N. Commercial St.
Between State and ,
Court Streets . jt
How Opsraiirj J
5 P. II. fo 2 A. II.
5 P. M. to 3 A. M.
.Closed Tuesdays .; .
I home by Ed Unger where she was
crowned with, all ceremony.
Later the rest of the party was
brought to the auditorium and
the other four mothers, who rep
resented Mt Angel's oldest, and
their escorts, took their places on
the stage. Little Sandra Prosser
carried . the crown, fashioned of
gleaming peach glads,; on a satin
pillow. . This was - placed on the
queen's vacant chair. The mayor
then introduced the princesses
and presented each with a spray
of flowers. ;" "
Mrs. Frances Skonetzni, frail
and small but sparkling with an
ticipation belied her 92 years as
she ascended the stage on the arm
of William Bean. She , was hailed
by Mayor Berchtold .as Crown
Princess Frances..
The other three princesses were
Mrs. Lena Unger 90, Mrs. Caro
line Hammer, 86, and Mrs. Jose
phine Melchior, 85,. They were
escorted by Francis Schmidt,
George Schmidt and Walter Kruse,
respectively. "
The customary prizes were then
awarded to the mothers in .the
audience. Mrs. T. R. Penny receiv
ed a box of candy for the oldest
mother present Mrs. . Edward
Bidder likewise received a box
for being ' the youngest . Potted
plants went to Mrs. Wendel Hauth
for the youngest grandmother and
to Mrs. Caroline Wolf for the most
children 17. , Attendance prizes
were awarded to Mrs. Alois Keber
and Mrs. Roy Viceroy.
Rev. Damian Jentges, rector of
Mt 'Angel seminary, was the
speaker. "
Joseph Berchtold was master of
ceremonies. Greetings were given
by Rev. John Cummisky, . pastor,
Mayor Jacob - Berchtold, - Miss
Margaret ' Traeger ; and George
Albert-Dieker as chairman ar
ranged the program which was
sponsored by the Knights of Co
lumbus, Catholic Arder of Fores
ters and Young People's club. ;
Other numbers on the program
included: "Ma's -Monday Morn
ing," a comical recitation by Ber
tha Hasslng; "Mother Machree
and "Irish Lullaby," vocal solos
by Elaine Prosser; several accor
dion selections by Leroy Obersin
ner, and motion pictures of re
cent Mt Angel events . by Alois
Keber. I . .
Swegle School
Has Program
SWEGLE The last all school
program for this term was given
Friday night It was an all mus
ical program with Mrs. C. L. Stark
guest . accompanist and Eldon
Harms announcer.
Number were "Welcome Sweet
Springtime" and "A Merry Life"
by boys' and girls' chorus; sing
ing games oats, peas and Barley
growers and a circle dance by the
primary pupils; an accordion solo,
Lanny Dibbern; "Winding the
Clock," primary pupils; piano solo,
Marilyn Lorenz; sons, first, sec
ond and third grades, "Tis Spring
time and the Robins return"; 4-H
Marchers; folk song and dance,
third grade girls; piano solo, Carol
Hatfield; feature dance,. Sondra
Allison; flag drill, intermediate
boys and girls; guitar numbers,
Merline Cozad, Alvera Purcell and
Audrey Steele; minuet, fifth grade
pupils; piano trio, Carol Hatfield,
Nola Jean ; Zobel and Donna
Mae Brandt; folk dance, fifth
r v
Turkey Poults
Are Received -
By Gates Folic
GATES Ma t-jorie Tye spoke at
the Woman's dkib on "Why we be
have as we do. Meetings will -be
held fit different homes this sum
mer with picnic lunches and only
necessary business taken up. f f
A benefit card1 party will .be
held Friday, June 1 at the club
rooms to raise funds. I -!
. The - Norman j Garrison's were
surprised by a visit from a former
Salem friend, Leonard Jensen. He
is working at the Hill Top Gro
cery in Mill City, ; Also! Mrs. Gar'
rison's mother and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rebham of Sil
verton came Sunday." l v
Ranchers are ' getting - turkey;
now. !.--'. ! .; s . -a
Mr. Gus Scheiman -of Scio .and
daughter brought -1025 poults $ to
the Norman Garrison's! Thursday
and spent the day with the fam
ily. Scheiman is Mrs. Garrison's
uncle. ! " - -- ' '
t - 1 r ; . u
Elmer Stewart also had 500 de
livered by a Jefferson man Thurs
day also. ' '" ' jf " i" ,
Mrs. Kate Klutke returned
home from Portland Saturday.;
PFC Elton Brown, marine sta
tioned at Miramar air depot near
San Diego was recently married to
Mrs. Betty French "of Riverside,
Calif. He is the son of Wfllis
Brown of Saleni and brother! of
Mrs. Harvey Kanoff of Gates. I "I
Mrs. EoLo Davis went toAlbany
Saturday morning to the 4-H club
meeting. Her pupils were exhibit
ing their work. ' She teaches! at
Fox Valley. I I 5
Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Mrs.
Walter Bevier visited Mrs. Merle
Devine Friday. i T
Mrs. Merle Devine and daugh
ters Norma and June were shop
ping in Salem Saturday. f
Mrs. Ruth Bailey and daughter
Bonnie-Dee were Mother's day
visitors at the Riley Champ home.
Mrs. E. L. Collins ij had her
daughters and their husbands here
on Mother's day, Mr. : and Mrs.
Claud Sellard and children, Mrs.
Herman Rhue, Salem, i and Mrs.
Dan Densmore of Portland. Li i
Mrs. Frank Barger and -Mrs.
and Mrs.. George Hayward of Sa
lem visited the Spry home on their
way home. Spry's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Spry of f Prineville,
spent several weeks with thenu
Graduation exercises for the
eighth grade will be held next Fri
day afternoon at 2 p.m. Bacca
laureate services will be held at
the high school .next Sunday,
May .20. : , : - r j-
5600 Turkey Poults
- 31
Brooded at
Spearstra and George Rhoten have
5600 , turkey poults located in the
Ivan Stewart brooders on: Ma
drona avenue. When old enough
the turkeys will: be ranged on the
Rhoten farm at Roberts. -
grade; Virginia ! Reel, the . school
quartette singing, "Joshua Fit 'the
Battle of Jerico" andl "Climbing
Up the Golden Stairs" and closing
with a tap dance by Audrey Steele.
have and to iioldi .
. ' . ' - I v - 'SaleiaOretwa , -'-S.' F';-" " ' t -
Statesman's Community Correspondents
Valley Obituaric
William P. Mulkey
MEHAMA Funeral services
were held Monday In Stayton for
William P. Mulkey, 77, who died
ft his home here Friday, May ll,
after, a long illness. J !
Born, June 6, 1867, . near Nash
ville, Tenn when a boy of 6 years.
spending some time In the states
of Georgia, Texas and Colorado,
they ; arrived . In Portland, Oreiin
February of 1890 and in Mehama
in April of the same year. In the
winter' of ; 1890 while working j at
Henness sawmill near Gates,' !he
was. involved in an accident Tin
which he lostliis right leg. Later
he taught school for two years and
on December 23,; 1897, he Was
married to Clara R. Stout,1 who
died August 19,1923. 1 "
In : 1898 he opened a general
merchandise business in Mehama
which he operated until . shortly
after World War I. He was elected
Justice of the peace for Mehama
precinct . in 1899 and held this
office , until the Mehama justice
district was discontinued in 1944.
During his life, Mr. Mulkey was
active in community affairs and a
member of the Mehama Presby
terian church, the Odd Fellows
and Rebecca lodges and Santiam
Encampment. !
Survivors, are five children,
Mrs. Meral Teeters and Mrs Eliz
abeth Hughes of Mehama, li Ivan
Mulkey of Portland, William T.
Mulkey of Corvallis and Mrs.
Claraedna Frame of Astoria! . a
brother, Robert C. Mulkey, ' and
sister, Mrs. Bertha Battin, , both
of Portland:
also seven grand-
Thlree Fruitland
Pupils to Finish
School on May 25
FRUITLAND Three students
of the Fruitland school will re
ceive their eighth grade diplomas
May 25. They are Elsie Weikum,
Marie Verberg and Raymond
Evelyn Peterson is in Seattle
where she was married to Sam
Rehfeld. Gladys Gerig went With
her to act as bridesmaid. f
. The next school year the school
board has decided to hire two
teachers. Mrs. Fanchon Lappen,
the present teacher, has been) giyen
the contract for the primary
grades. The term will start Sept
21- - J
The local Missionary society will
meet at the church ; annex next
Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Mandy Slocum as-hostess, j j
, A ; new phone line has been put
up on the Fruitland road relieving
a telephone shortage.
William Hesketh is putting: up
a new barn, Carroll Bis bee is the
carpenter in charge.
May Hesketh is home with her
parents, Mr. and . Mrs. William
Hesketh, for a few days. She will
go to California, where she! is
employed, later.
Double C Meets
- , The 4-H Double C club of Lake
Labish met Friday at the school.
Three pictures were shown I by
James Bishop", county club agent.
From Nevada
JEFFERSON Mrs. Sioux Tur
ner has returned: home after two
months, in Fallon,' Nevada, with
her sister, Mrs. Will Williains,' as
sisting in the care of Mr. Williams,
who has been critically ill. He was
able to be up and about the house
when she left. She stopped in Eu
gene for visits with her;, sister,
Mrs. Ira Burneson, ; who -accom
panied her here lor an overnight
visit with her parents, Mr.: and
Mrs. 1L S: Stephenson.' W .
Mr.-and Mrs. Hart Barnes and
sons Michael, William and Patrick
of Vancouver, Waslw visited their
parents, Mr.1 and .Mrs.. Frank Reh-
feld, - and. Mr., and Mrs. W. D.
Barnes. Hart Barnes is employed
in a, shipyard in Vancouver. ;
! Mr. and Mrs. -,K. S. Thurston
and daughter Mrs: James Hender
son are. visiting tneir son, ana
brother, Rev. Burton; Thurston
and family in Seattle. v -"
Lois Smith, student . of North
western Christian college in Eu-
eene scent the i weekend Jat her
home here.' -' : ' -f
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kihs! Helen
Kihs,- Mr. and Mrs. John Kihs
and 'two children, and Walter
ihs of Jefferson; and Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Hofstetter and family of
Pratum, held a Jamily dinner at
the home of Mr. land Mrs. Lauren
Stettler in Chemawa. , !
Family Holds
Klampe and Mrs. Nettie Reeves
attended a family gathering Sun
day afternoon, with their nephew,
Melvin Klampe J and family near
Fruitland. It was given in honor
of Mother's day, and also the
birthdays of. Mrs. W. F. Klampe
of Labish; and Mrs. Nettie; Reeves
of Jefferson. 1; ;.?'"!.
A cafeteria dinner was served.
The birthday cake, which cen
tered the serving table was baked
by Mrs. Orville Klampe. ! .
Present were Mr, and Mrs. W. F.
Klampe, Grace, JValmer- and Ar-
lene " Klampe, Mr. and. Mrs. Or-,
ville Klampe and family,' Peggy;
Maurice, Marvin Nyles .and Lau-
ren Charles Klampe of , Labish;
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe of
Brooks; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph,;
deVries, Lee and Gene of Pratum;
Mrs. Nettie ReeVes and Miss Anna
Klampe of Jefferson; and Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Klampe and son Dar-
Mrs. Largent Returning
To Live in Silverton
SILVERTON Mrs. ' 3. L. Lar
gent who has been living in Wood-
burn, has sold her, property there
and purchased a home at 505 B
street Silverton. Her . husband
died' at Woodburn late last sum
mer. . They formerly lived herei
Visit From Seattle ' J i
r - -
I LIBERTY Mr. and Mrs. Elbert
Jones and baby of Seattle visited
his parents, Mr and Mrs. Sidney
Jones, this week; ;
Valley Briefs
Weodbam Retarr Elect Fred
Evenden is the new. president of
the Woodburn Rotary club. Other
officers are Howard Butterfield,
vice-president; Pat McLaughlin,
secretary-treasurer."'; 1 -
Qaeener llBmecominr The , an
nual homecoming of the Queener
school will be held Sunday,' May
20. Five pupils will receive thdr
eighth 'grade diplomas at that
Liberty becUon-Election of of
ficers will .be held Thursday by
the r Liberty Woman's club. . Mar
jorie Tye win give a talk and dem
onstration Ion care of electrical ap
pliances. I ' .
- : . : -
SheUmrn Gradoation The Shel
burn'1 school will hold a joint grad
uation program wittTBilqeu. den
Friday night ' Pupils from ' .Shel
burn who will receive their diplo
mas are Robert and Roberta Rei-
ger, Domea Thompson, Darrell
Ames' and Patrick Parker. School
will .close May. 23. -: ;
- . . ' t . - .v - . --
. School Picnie A school picnic
will; be heid at Lake Labish school
May-17 and the community is In
vited The school defeated Buena
Crest in Softball 19 to 6. ;
Three Graduate
Fioiii Macleay on
TliurMay Night
. MaajiJJVx Graduation exer
cises; were held Thursday night
May, 10, at the school house. Vocal
solos wre given by Jacqueline
Williams of Salem. .The address
was ; given: by Carmalite Weddle,
rural school supervisor. The grad
uates were John M Kinley, Bob
Linebarger and Marvin Swart-
wout. ; k -
Friday -afternoon the teachers
and pupils gave a program and
luncheon 1 in honor of Mother's
day. ( The program included plays
reading and music by the pupils,
after which gifts were distributed
and luncheon served to 17 mothers.
The school picnic will be held
Friday; May 18, and school will
close Majr 21;t
A full head of steam
. ...... i
. Tpr a long run ahead
In uWenaineer'a lunch box
Lots of good MASTER
! . !' ; : -Tfjcfure'lj -;j .
Turner Scouts Awakened Early
At Fairgrounds
Trrnwim ritrht rav Srouts
cus on the state fairgrounds. The group included George Pearson, Edward-Davenport,
Howard' and Harold Ackerson, Lawrence Bower,
Orville Hatfield, Harold Standley and William Bear. a .
The boys had tents and slepf in the open the first night How
ever; there: was very little sleeping done. One of the boys even
Roy Andrews
Killed in-':
ALBANY ' Announcement
the death of CpL Roy F. Andrews,
23, killed in' action in Germany' on
April 30, lias been received by rel
atives of the young man from the
waf department' I i': :. :
Corporal Andrews was bonr at
FryTstation, August 2,:i92I He
was graduated' from Albany high
school in May 1939 and thenas
sisted his father in; farming at Hiv-.
erside, Linn county,' until entering
the army in November, ' 1942. He
received his : basic training at
Camp' 'Beale, Calit; and Camp
Cook, also in California, going ov
erseas in August 1944, . where ' he
was assigned to an armored di
vision as a replacement '. .r
The death of Corporal Andrews
preceded that of his father, the
late Robert" Andrews, by Just one
day, the lather dying on May 1 of
this year.' Surviving are three sis
ters, Mrs. Earl pollock and Mrs.
George Pollock; of -Albany,-and
Mrs. Lona Arnwine of ) Quincy,
Wash., .and - a .brother,;. James
Andrews of Lebanon. - ' .
Eltons Sell Place,
Bloving to Silverton
SILVERTON Mr. and. Mrs.
George Elton have sold their farm
in Brush Creek and plan to move
here. The . new owners are Mr,
and Mrs. Otto. Lais. . j
Mr. and Mrs. Elton own the res
idence at 1206 'Pine street occu
pied by the George "Andersons for
the past 13 years. .
Seattle Folk Visit
LIBERTY Mr and Mrs.! W.
Bosell and baby of Seattle j are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cogs
well.---.1'- ' " !
, I ' . -. -.
r:r;. -v-' -i
'r .... ' ..r..:v.,',.'...V;'.,,!l 1
Circus Gamps
of trooo 48 attended the Scout Cir
announced max ne neara revuic
at 1:00 a. m. and started his fire
at that time.
The next night they moved in
under one of the sheds where they
were ready and willing to sleep.
They ""cooked all - their meals
over open fires lor wmcn iney
got points.. The troop also obtain
ed a good number of points for
hikine. nitchinc a tent sleeping in
the open. - , ;i '
" The group returned S u n d a y
afternoon a little wet but saying
it was worth it Gene Robinson
leader of the troop.
Sprauer Rites
iMT. ANGEU May 15 Funeral
services for Stephen Sprauer, 87,
who. died Monday night after an .
Illness of five years, will be held
following ' 8:13 requiem jmass .
Thursday nibrning. The ..fosary.
will be recited at Ungers Funeral
home Wednesday night at 8 pjn.
Born November 28, 1837 in Ger
many, he had lived 35 years in Mt .
Angel where he came following
his marriage to Walburg Schuh jin
New Jersey in 1910. He came to
the United States in 1882 settling
first in Indiana and in '1901- ito
WaAington. ' -n
Survivors are the widow, two
children, Louise Vachter of St
Paul, Ore.; Stephen : Sprauer, Mt
Angel; two grand children and the
following nephews:' Carl and Jo
seph Sprauer of Mt Angel; Wil
liam of With row, Wash.; and Blase
Sprauer of Sunnyside'. j -1
Valley Calendar!
Spring Valley Sunshine club.1 1 pjn.
Mrs. Frank Fortter. Election. 1 '!
Hubbard Women's chife, Crae Cr
mer home. 2 D.m., Jjuey Lanej i
TBUBSDAT, MAT 11 " ' I -
G. T. club. 130, Mrs. Frank, Need-,
bam, 1000 Morningside. i
Liberty Women's dub. achpolhouse
1 p.m. - -i ,
FRIDAV, MAT It i i f
Pringle graduation exercises at
choolhouM,' . - i f
Spring Valley Farmers Union. Zena.
school at S pjn. R. L Lovell, guest
speaker. : - . .
Roberts - Borne Extension ) unit
grange haD. 10 pjn. s 1 r