The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' PAGE TWO
Yanks Capture
Balete Pass oh
n ,,,, ; ;
MANILA, Tuesday, May 15.-iP)
' Balete Pass, an, important 75-foot
defile between! 1500-foot moun--k
tains in northern I Luzon, fell to
. . elements of i tie ;2Sth and 37th
r .infantry divisions!- Sunday after
;, a month-long mountain top alug-
Jest, Gen. Douglas! MaoArthur re
ported today . -r4'Vy --. J
, Oo Mindanao Island the 24 th
-division fought! ad; intense battle
. Vth . stubborn j ahd ..well-armed
Japanese in a showdown fight
ti near captured j Davao city. Six
banzai charges in company
, strength were beaten off Saturday
and Sunday. I . j
u Conquest of Balete pass, gate
way to the j extensive Cagayan
! -valley, . represented a long stride
t .toward- the final leaning out of
,the Japanese on northern Luzon.
-4 The pass controls! the only road
...from, the south into the Cagayan
'valley, hub of Japanese strength.
' , The doughboys had to cemb the
c Japanese out of a formidable net
work of mountainside caves
..flanking the road.! Some of these
'caves were hurge! enough to ac--
commodate an entire company.
Associated Press, .Correspondent
"y James Hutcheson j reported from
the 25th division j command post
; that. 7000 Japanese; dead had been
, counted in the bitter fight. Head
quarters said the Japanese Tenth
'., division . had.; been, ."very badly
,., mauled.'V U v; !... 4 .
I r . ., : j : -!
yalley Smaerito Win
College Scholarships
Among the -I21j Oregon high
-school students listed to receive
"state aystem f higher education
scholarships for neat year at Ore
gon colleges are.
Caroline R. Hellon and George
Sundlei, Salem; Nelde B. ! Bevens
and Lloyd A. Domaschofsky, Dal
las; Beverly June Collins and
Bruce K. Shores, Lebanon.
- Comic strips were printed on
the back pages of: certain , maga
zines during the latter part of the
19th century before they were
Used in newspapers.
Bar Bends 7th War Loan
Hurry! Today and Wed.
A New
Starts Thursday
Spencer Tracy
Tin 1w Siaoe V
Cloria Vedneaday
ft : I tVSXH
if.".- TJZ
. Air Thriller
TOi UsStfewcrd;
. Darli Klyea
f u v-
K.. M
Jjmbv. w.toasrBasrssi
Pta MthRaiU
I ? - Zi. i i -
C7 iu;t: i
of -War!
By" the Associated Press
! Ryukjns Tenth army seizes
Yonabaru airstrip on Okinawa,
fights in suburbs of ' Naha and
gains summit of key hill east of
1 Philippines Sixth army cap
tures Balete pass in northern
Luzon... . , .";''
ew Guinea Australians ad
vance three miles inland frpm
captured Wewak on northeast
'coast..:' v-,
Japan Japanese homeland
blasted by more than 1000 planes,
500 dropping 7,000,000 pounds of
fire bomb on Nagoya.-
; Chinas Street fighting contin
ues in Foochow, China coast city
-and major link te coastal de
fenses guarding against Ameri
can landing.
Girl Sus
Of Murdering
Her Mother
LOS ANGELES, May 14 - (S5) -Seventeen-year-old
Barbara Ad
ams, booked on suspicion of mur
der in the stabbing of her mother,
was quoted today by Police Juve
nile Officer L. M. Simmons as say
ing she "hated and despised1 the
victim. . -
"1 had no respect' for her at all,
Simmons quoted ' Miss Adams.
"Once when I told her I would kill
her she only laughed. Then I
laughed, too.. : ;
Simmons said the girl didn't ex
plain these feelings, however.
Police Capt. Thad Buown report
ed that the attractive Los Angeles
city college coed had admitted kill
ing Mrs. Maude Adams, 54-year-did
nurses' aide, with a butcher
knife as the latter slept in their
apartment early Saturday.
Graveside Rites
For Mrs. Radclif fe
Will Be Tuesday
Graveside services for Anna F.
Radcliffe, who died in Beaverton,
Ore., Friday, will be held Tuesday
at 4:30 pjn. at the IOOF cemetery
in Salem. The Rev. W. H. Lyman,
pastor of the Court street Chris
tian church, of which Miss Rad
cliffe was a member, will officiate
at the services.
Miss Radcliffe, a resident of Sa
lem for nearly 50 years, came to
Oregon after completing her
nurse's training in the east, and
was well-known in the Willamette
valley. For the past two and a
half years, she had resided at the
Northwestern Christian home in
Survivors uiclude three neph
ews, Nons Radcliffe and Clifford
Radcliffe of Salem, and Robey
Radcliffe with the armed forces in
the Philippines; two nieces, Mrs.
Zella Webb and Mrs. Irene Scott
Hatfield, both of Salem and sev
eral relatives in California. .
Japan to Get Heavier
Bombings Than Reich
NEW YORK, May 14-P)-Japan
can expect heavier bombings than
Germany received and "is less
capable of standing them," Brig,
Gen. Haywood Hansel, command
mg general 01 ine zist bomber
command on Saipan at the time
of the first Tokyo raid from that
base, declared today.
"Hurry! Ends Tonight"
, Paillette Geddard
Sonny Tofts
.. Pins
Key Rogers and Trigger
Light, oi Old Sanaa Fe
America's-Newest and Finest Show
A Ha
ip 0 r.i sis o w
East of Fairrroonds on 'Silrerton Road
& & 'u1 iij w
Willi KEN X JAYHimD in Person fcJ
an d t h XT m m A m r T All Z A II XI r s
niOO ilXRICliCTTAi ourra cr Tnsiaua
Tickets on Sale Tomorrow, 10 A. U. to 4 P. M. tX !
f ibm
GHemawa Sets
Today at 2:30
Chemawa Indian school jwul
hold Its 50tii commencement pro
gram! at 2M pjn. today, With
Bixhon Bruce R. Baxter 50f t tne
Methodist church as speaker.
Bishop Baxter,
former, president
of i Willamette
university J now
makes his headquarters in Port
land. I Fr. . Louis RodakoWsH of
St. Vincent de Paul's church in
Saleni and missionary - at Che
mawa will pronounce invocation
and benediction. - f A I
On P this occasion the student
bodylwill present to the school a
service flag and the Oregon state
flag, j The 'fifth annual presenta
tion of gift books by the DAR Will
be made by Mrs. Charles Ratfliff,
past regent, Chemeketa chapter.
Following the exercises a recep
tion for the graduates will be held
at Winona hall.
Glean. A. Fritrler, Crow, Bill
ings, Mont, has earned the honor
of being named valedictorian' for
his class. During the past year he
has been mayor of the Associated
Students of Chemawa. Salutato
rian honors go to Anita Grunlose,
Colville, Omak, Wash an- out
standing student and citizen dur
ing her four years at Chemawa.
Other members of the class! are
Ray Bennett, Clallam, Queets,
Waslu; Clyde Bobb, Skagit, La-
Connor, Wash.;; LeRoy Gill, Quin-
alelt, I Queets,' Wash.; . Lawrence
Patrick, Cayuae, Hermistori, Ore.;
Bill Yallup; . Yakima, Toppenish,
Washl; Geneva Alex, Shoshone;
Portage, Utah;' Mary Lucy An
drew,! Kootenai, Bonners Ferry,
Idaho; Ethel Blaxe, Yurok, Klam
ath, Calif-; Betty Chocktoot, Mo
doc, Beatty, Ore.; Doryce Collins,
Cree, Box Elder, Mont; I Lillie
Frye.P Rogue River, Weddcrburn,
Ore.; sYvonne Ghangraw, Yakima,
Toppenish, Wash.; Helen Hayes,
Nez Perce, Kamiah, Idaho; Daisy
Pete, I Paiute, jAdel, Ore. Cleo
Picard, Colville, Nespelm, Ore.;
Bonelle St Goddard, Blackfeet,
Browning, Mont; Mabel Thomp
son, Umatilla, Adams, Ore.; Mar-
ceil Tom. Shasta. Grand Ronde.
Ore.; IP a u line Wilkinson, Nez
Perce, LaGrahde, Ore.; Virginia
Wilkinson, Nez Perce, LaGrande,
Oregon. . ; I V ' .
X : U I
Albany Woman Killed
When Struck by Auto
ALBANY, May 14 JP)L Mrs.
Ada Smith, j Albany, was injured
fatally- early; today when r struck
by an auto as she stepped from
a tax( in mid-town Albany, i
The auto driver, P. M. lit Clar
ence Eugene f Wnght, 21, ' Camp
Adair Naval hospital, .toldjslice
man' Glenn McDanields ' he' was
blinded by .Jh; s taxi's " headlights.
Mrs. f wnrat i was swearing . dark
clothing,' police -sai4 ,hd i was
standing beside a? friend,-.Mrs. Iva
Owens, when struck, The; wom
an died in, abospital. til
Crystal Gardens
TOfi-HAT y
.A , Lynne Stevens
Friday, Hay 18lh
- Dancing t to lt f
Adnw SLSf IncL Tax
- !
ivJ mm
I. Lt M
K 1 ;"iP'
lino lino una
il TXIOUPE - t (
onrcoH statesman.
asvis,llwy 'yww ryTy :w.yrx.4gFt
Itese members of the 50th, graduating class ml Chemawa Indian school
ercbes this afternoon. They are: Front row, left to Hght, Daisy Pete, Lillie Frye, Genera Alex, Doryee
Collins, Yvonne Glangraw, Panline Windnsoa and Bonnelle St Goddard. Second raw, left 40 right,
Helen Hayes, Mabel Thompson, MareeU Tom; 1C E. Wehant, . teacher; Ethel Blake, Anita Greenloae,
Virginia Wilkinson and Clyde Bebb. Back row.' left to right, Betty
Ray Bennett LeRoy Gill, Lawrence Patrick, Sylvester Mintherst and
Marion Gets,
Flying Start
In 7th Loan
Spurred on by the state kickoff
of the Seventh War Loan: here
Monday noon, Marion county
workers got away to a flying start
with several organizations sind dis
tricts already reporting oyer: the
top- i .
Only a few scattering jteports
came officially to, new headquar
ters; at 477 Court st but Chairman
Douglas Yeater said . that j totals
would be prepared and ready for
release within the next dayjjor two
by j Lawrence Fisher, secretary
treasurer and office manager, j .
First block leader to report to
Retail Chairman Sid Stevens; was
Mrs. Max Williams with 100 per
cent coverage for the north 'side of
Court street between Liberty land
Commercial. Subscriptions total
led $4000. :
First industry to go over the top
was Keith-Brown company whose
employes subscribed for $17,875
worth of bonds, a thousand dol
lars over their quota. Still more
is to come before conclusion of the
drive July 4, according to Stearns
Cushing, who is in chargej of the
plant campaign. ! I
Most of the Seventh Loan drive
committees now have been enlist
ed under leadership of Chairman
Yeater, who will have as principal
aides Francis Smith and Dr. E. E.
Boring. Heading the important
women's division will be 'Mrs.
James T. Brand, an untiring civic
worker who will announce her as
sistants within a few days. i
Other chairmen include:!! speak
ers bureau Wendell Webb land
Glen McConnack; cities division
Gene Vandendyne; special!! solici
tation Arthur Smitherjand
George Riches; industrial Dent
B. Reed; retail S. L. Stevens,' Jim
Beard, Ralph Bent and Stanley
Keith; civilian defense Mi$ Haz
el Harper; cradle and honor rpll
Mrs, Abner Kline; agriculture
Frank Doerfler,
State employes Roy ij Mills;
county Denver Young; city-
Lawrence Brown; special employ
es R. W. "Joe" Land; advertising
Ted Brown, Ernest Crockatt
Mary White; publicity Ellis; , H.
Jones; war stamps Francis! Leser
er; icounty schools Mrs. Carmel-
ita Weddle: Salem schools Miss
Matilda Gilles; legion Onas "Ol
gift certificates John;
window ' display Stanley
official photographers
Miller and McEwan.
Three Named
To Salem Qty
Budget Group
Fred H. Paulu. Tom Armstrong
and Guy N. Hickok were Monday
named to the "all salaries") sub
committee of the Salem city bud
get committee by David OTHara,
chairman of the budget organiza
tion. - -
The trio's first assignment : is to
j recommend a general over-all pol
icy to be followed in any j salary
and wage adjustments to be con
sidered by the budget committee.
which meets Monday night,SMay
21.;: y..; ,., ? .
Other sub-committee members
will , consider and recommend any
changes to be made in estimates
by various departments, of the
I city's government. They arei
Build inf inspectfam, lltitins, postwar
protect K. W. Ecklin. K. D. , Burrca.
Airport, defense council, traffic aim-
nala, airport improvement bond fund
l orn Armsutwg, rrtu ti. Fautua, WU
!Uam SchUtt. -77
City attorney, comfort station. Incin
erator . public building Jamea A. By
era, i Merrin Fiedler. J. Dwrae Patter-
Auditln city books, public llhrarr.
minor liens, rettrtcted rands - G. P.
cnetnbers, timer O. Berf. Loyai Hen
deraon. i -
riremen DenstoM ICarorlt. la.
Dough ton. R. L. EUstrom. A. A, Keeoe.
Band concerts, emereeney fund, park
maintenance R. A. Porkner Rj L. JUX
trom. A. A. Keen. . . ij '
aewera, wfA projects, - sewerace
bond fund, sewerage treatment; bond
fund C. P. Preach, Loyal Uenderaon.
Wm. SchUtt. !
Incidental expenae. plararbunds.
public market, water department Al
bert H. Gllle. Charles B. McClelland,
Charlea McElhinny. - '4
Biidsea. civil aenriee. (raaa eutUnc
plaanins and soains commiaaion
Claude Jorgensea, X. D.
vin Piedler.
Burres, Met
Pire department, fire hydrants, ware-
nouae. lire xax dim s. o. lewia, earl
Giea. GeorfeC HulL ,-. ; i-
Pavlng street intersect lona. ;! general
obligation bonds, street improvement
bond and interest, street Improvement
bond detail Howard Maple, Guy N.
HK-kok. Bex Kimmell. n 4
Health aerrtce, public printina. aani
tary Inspector Lewi Mitchell, diaries
McEinmny. j. Deane Fatterton. 1
Bicrcle Itcenalnx. doe ooundv Ian ex
W 1 penae. police oepanment Kennetfl
1 Perry. Elmer O. Bene. Rex KimrneiL
, I Easineerinit. . street cleanine. i South
i I River road, street tax fund. State street
'I I tavJ-JFJAmi T. Ritan. Rmtm if!. HulL
Oregon, Tuesday 'Morning.. May
Qiemawa Graduating Class
Betty Zo Allen f
Betty Zo Allen
Wins Course
At Willamette
Betty Zo Allen,, popular senior
at Salem high school, was awarded
$200-a-year scholarship to Wil
lamette university Monday by the
Salem Rotary; club. The scholar
ship is renewable for a j total of
four years at the discretion of
the Rotary-Willamette scholarship
committee. 1 i! ?
Daughter of Mrs. Zona G. Allen,
1230 Allen court, .Betty Zo made
an outstanding record at baiem
high. She attained membership in
the National Honor society, and
also was elected worthy adviser
of Rainbow, and Civics dub car
nival princessj l
Her chief scholastic , interest has
been in science, particularly chem
fetry. " In which ; she expects to
major, at Willamette. She is con
''rfmX . ) ATP) k
$ ' Cal: v'- if U s I "ITT Vi.
':? i! : " '"" T
IS, IS 45
win receive their diplomas at ex-
Chocktoot Cleo Picard. BUI Yallap.
Glen FriUIer.
Circ;u8 to Give
2 Shows Here
On Wednesday
Tomorrow is circus day. The
Arthur Brothers circus, in special
steel: railroad equipment, will
start to arrive about dawn over
the Southern Pacific railroad from
Eugene j-with red wagons, span
gles, bands and pink lemonade?
More than 28 displays and 90
acts will be seen at the circus
grounds east pf the fairgrounds on
Suverton road. Two performances
will be given tomorrow, at S and
8 pjn. jDoors open one hour
Among the features to be pre
sented will be Ken Maynard and
Tarzan, .motion picture wonder
horse; royal India elephants, Jor
gen M. Christiansen's Criollo lib
erty horses, Miss Arieletta, "queen
of the ait'; Buddy, the motion pic
ture sea! lion; the Sing Lee Sing
troupe and dozens of slap-happy
clowns. !
Each season I Arthur Brothers
circus exhibits ; more than 200
cities, traveling from its winter
quarters' in California and on a
transcontinental ; tour. Its man
agers say all the tents are flame
proof. ' " ' -
sidering j becoming a laboratory
technician . or perhaps a science
instructor. ;
Two jother recipients' of the
Rotary scholarship also will be on
the Willamette campus next year.
They -.are Jane Huston, who first
won the a w a r d in 1943, and
Mary Parker, winner last year.
The Rotary -Willamette scholar
Ship committee .consists of Judge
Arthur Hay, -Wf L.4 Phillips and
,R- I-Elfstrom.
Co-Hit ! Romance and Sons h Radio-Land! r
E?at the Jap! Enlist in the mfchty 7th"
Some Soldiers
. -!'' " "... .... - J. " : ' . "
Too Essential
For Discharge;
PARIS, May lMffV-Some Ame
rican troops are considered to es
sential that they are being sent
direct to the Pacific regardless of
the points they have accumulated
for discharge, it was disclosed to-.
day.? . .. , .- r
These units were marked - for
a4nf- in ttu, war fiffainati JaDSJl eV-
en before redeployment day May
12, said Lt Col. W. Hay. of the
redeployment plans .branch, fn ;the
European theatre' of operational '
; Hay reported that most, of the
men now being discharged in the
United States because they nave
point total of 85 were overseas vet
erans who had been sent home for
rest ; ':--rp-y-
This cleared Tip One point In the
vast redeployment program, since
the war department-is not expect
ed to announce the final critical
score necessary for discharge un
til June 27. - . i J
' aaw aaa 1 n t i M '
Thousands of years! ago. the
Egyptians knew the art; of manip
ulating yarns with needles, i ; -
Get the' Japf Get If Over!
Ends Today! , (To day)
"Hollywood Canteen";!
. with Dozens of Stars
-The Last aUde" ;
l ww m r fcrj r. i i 1 1
VT lTfi Tl rl
r Opens :4S p. m
A OI Call to Armal
Iipal And . Ramancel
r asstBUltlB'IBlNlim
- Jasxn. mum- wm nm
tuia jotonoia j
J (
Quisling Rated
jOSLO, May 14'i-(P) i Crown
Prince Olav who returned to Os-
lo yesterday, has directed that Vid-
kun - Quisling, puppet premier . of
Norway 'during the German oc
cupation, be tried as an ordinary
criminal, it was learned today.
Olav was reported! to' have is
sued his order in his capacity, as
Norway's highest' justice official.
Quisling will appear -before a
police court for a preliminary hear
ings Some autnoritauve sources
sajd today! Giatl" the. preliminary
bearing' will 'get under. way im
mediately, but the; report was not
confirmed by a1os pouce chief
or the court before which the erst
while dictator will appear, " " i
Get the Jap! Get it Over!
Ends Today!
Bob Hope -"Never
Say Die-
Red Berry r
CalifornU Joe"
rr-t tf Wit VJLf
Opens 1:45 p.
Tanl Set U Mask!
S3 1
Lost, oi "Desert Hawk"
- First Chapter New,
- Thrilling Serial
D )
at twimiH
si t - . .. t 5
Y'tL :- Co-HUl
Q$tf'j& Boyd
(jnarie h. Mcueuana.