The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 15, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    i' A
Jhs OI-ECrOH STATESI-IAll, Scclsa, Ortgoa, Tuesday I-Iorclag, May 15. 19 js
Record Haul
Of Paper, Tin
Is Anticii
1 -
The -largest single day pickup
of waste paper and tin cans In the
three yean operation of the Mar
lon County Salvage committee is
anticipated the last of this month
by Gardner Knapp, chairman.
All parts of Marion county are
participating to the spring cleanup
of cans and paper, with the cli
max of the drive scheduled for
Sunday afternoon. May 27.
In the city of Salem, 80 volun
teer trucks, with more than 300
boy scouts under the direction of
Floyd Bowers, Glenn Meisner, and
Lyle Leighton of the salvage com
mittee will conduct a house-to-house
curb pickup of prepared tin
cans and bundled paper in the af
ternoon of that day. All residents
are to have their cans and paper
on the curb in front of their home
by noon. f
Collection in Silverton will be
held Saturday, May 26, under the
direction of Dr. A. I V. Smith,
local chairman. In Woodburn the
effort will be directed to prepared
tin cans only, as the city has re
cently held a successful ' paper
drive under the direction: of Fred
1 Stayton, under the direction of
Mr. Mary Ayres, Mill City with
Mrs. Gladys Mason, Jefferson with
Roy Chester, Brooks with R. A.
White, Aurora with . Mrs. Lester
AVampole and Gervais with Zeno
Schwab as chairman also will con
duct their pickups Saturday, May
28. ;
' - Persons living in rural commun
ities not served by these city
chairmen have been urged to take
their prepared tin cans and paper
to the nearest collection center.
The Keizer,: Liberty and Salem
Heights districts will collect paper
. and cans at their respective school
houses on Sunday morning, May
27. Four Corners district east of
Salem will leave cans at Fred
Smith's Lumber Yard, Sunday
morning. May 27.
Newspapers", magazines and
flattened cardboard cartons should
be tied securely in separate gun
dies. All tin cans must be prepased
washed thoroughly, labels remov
ed, tops and ; bottoms cut off or
folded in and the can flattened by
stepping on it firmly. They should
be packed in strong cardboard
cartons or sacks to facilitate band
ling, Knapp said.
Services for
Lloyd Walters
WUl Be Today
Funeral services for Lloyd Amos
Walters, 49, who died Saturday at
the Veterans hospital at Roseburg,
will be held today at 2 pjn. from
the Clough Barrick chapel. The
Rev. W. H. Lyman will officiate
and interment will be in City View
cemetery. j
Walters was a veteran of World
war I and had served overseas, in
the navy. He was born at Niles,
Mich., and later moved to South
Dakota; where he married Btrnice
Lenninger in 1920.
He was an employe of the Ore
gon Pulp and Paper company, and
a member of local no. 130 Brother
hood of Paper Makers and also a
member of the Court Street Chris
tian church.
Survivors include the widow;
two daughters, Mrs. Yvonne F.
Armstrong of Bryan, Tex., and
Mrs. Jeanne Potter of Salem; his
father, William H. Walters of Sa
lem; three sisters, Mrs. Bessie Van
Steenwyk of Portland, Mrs. Gladys
Watson : and Mrs. Lillian Scott,
both of Salem; and two brothers,
Perry V. Walters of Independence
and Donald O. Walters of Salem.
IPooIbDSa? Mea?nndl
Patricia A. Johns vs. John Jerome
Johns; motion filed by Jesse L. Johns,
l guardian ad litem for defendant, asks
1 that recent decree, requiring defendant
to pay plainlif $250 lump sum alimony,
j $25 monthly payments being made un
: til the judgment has been satisfied, and
$50 In the month in which the plaintiff
gives birth to an expected baby, and
- " i $35 monthly thereafter for support of
the child, be deleted from the decree
' on the grounds that the divorce was
nnuled at instance of the wife, the
plaintiff, or as an alternative that the
payments be reduced.
Glendola Moeller vs. AUen Moeller:
- j defendant's answer admits, denies and
i - alleges. ,
j i Delia M. Monro vs. Louis A. Mon
. roe; application for place on trial
.j : .:. docket. . .
State vs. Nent McFarlane; defendant
' . sentenced to serve not to exceed three
! years, in the state penitentiary by
Judge following her plea of guilty to
I - the charge of embezzlement of funds
. from the Chadwick Hotel company:
! - the defendant pleaded guilty to an in
; diet men t charging her with embezzle-
- : ments of $3546.51 of the hotel com
pany's funds while working in the bus
station office at Hotel Senator; it was
, disclosed In court that the defendant
V once was a welfare case worker in
- Multnomah county and that she had
also been sentenced to five years in
federal court on a narcotics charse but
-.H"was paroled, v ,- - -.
That pneumatically installed
Rock Wool Insulation and
Metal Interlocking Weather
Stripping will save up to
40 in fuel bill t
flake) yonr home op to 15
degrees cooler in summer.
Tree Estimates i
Km Obligation. ' j "
Campbell Rock Wool Co.
Salem Owned and ;
- Ealera Represented -1S1$
Eoosevelt - Phone 1131
Marion county farmers who are
unable to get a suitable adult gen
eral farm hand may be able to
hire a high school boy with limited
farm experience, provided they
make their wishes known soon
enough, according to Ralph P.
Laird, Marion county farm labor
assistant. . ' j ..J .;:': ;V
About. 15 boys who have had a
week's intensive farm training
course at Oregon State college will
be available for jobs at the be
ginning of each of four weeks after
May 27, Russell M. Adams, assist
ant state farm labor supervisor at
OSC, has informed Laird.
Because the 40 boys receiving
this limited training last year
proved so satisfactory on summer
farm jobs, the program has been
expanded this year to train 60
boys of high school age. They are
carefully selected and are suitable
for such jobs as milking," caring
for poultry, driving horses, work
ing on a combine, driving tractors
or general farm work. They more
nearly approach unavailable men
than any other source of labor,
Laird says.
Farmers interested in these
boys for summer employment
may , get additional information
from the Salem farm labor office,
361 Chemeketa st It will be neces
sary, however, for farmers orders
to be received at least 10 days in
advance of the date the boy Is
wanted. .- .
Grains Rally
Sharply After
Early Losses
CHICAGO, May 14 -(JP)- Grain
markets, firm to strong at the
start today, gave way under pro
fit cashing then rallied sharply in
the final hour to close with gains
ranging from minor fractions to
well over a cent.
Short covering was chiefly re
sponsible for the late show of
strength which carried many
prices to new highs for the ses
Reports of damage to the winter
wheat crop, the delay in farm
work resulting from wet weather,
and disclosure of a sharp reduc
tion in the visible domestic supply
of wheat in the last week were
disquieting to bears.
Meantime, some speculators
were encouraged to take the long
side by indications -the - delay in
seeding may cause a reduction in
the spring wheat acreage and by
reports from Broomhall that "Eu
ropean needs for grain undoubt
edly will continue very heavy
throughout the 1045-46 season."
Wheat started as much as a
cent higher when a flurry of com
mission house buying found of
ferings extremely light Pit trad
ers , took the selling side on the
advance, the market dropped be
low Saturday's finish, then rai
ned sharply.
At the finish wheat was to
higher than Saturday's close,
May $1.75. Corn was up to
Ihk May $1.18. Oats were down
Is to up , May 64. Rye was V
to li higher, May $1.38-.
Barley was up , May 97.
Final Meet of Year
Engl e wood Parent-Teacher as
sociation will finish its work for
.the 1944-45 school year when it
meets at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The
Campfire Girls and Bluebird
groups, sponsored by the organiza
tion, will provide the program.
Lloyd H. Arnold, the new presi
dent, and other new officers will
be installed. Refreshments will be
served after the meeting.
Louise Goeders estate; order . ap
proving semi-annual account.
Ida M. H. Tekenburg estate; order
oppointing Lenora Hartley guardian ad
litem of Lorraine Patterson to repre
sent the ward in the administrator's
proceeding for sale of real property.
Martin Lentz estate; order reopen
ing estate and setting June 25 for hear'
ing on final account.
State vs. John Buechler. 2465 West
Nob Htii; charge assault and battery
bail $100.
State vs. F. W. Groome. ir.: charee
drawing bank check with insufficient
tunas; continued to May 15 for entry
oi piea; commitment issued.
State vs. Harvey Leo Lea; charge no
operator's license; fined $1 and costs.
State vs. Sieord Hlsalrtiar Landstrom
charge no operator's license; dismissed.
Sam Etlingcr, 180 South High st
Clarence Townsend. 960 Broadway
.; cuargc recsies driving; oau SZ9.
William f! Nlcn ins? XJ-,..-
charge failure to stop at red traffic
lisht- fin , n
Walter Henry 'Bell. Stayton; charge
v una i njii ui uaaifj ruifJ.
Walter R. Kruse. 17. bookkeeper. Mt:
AngeL and Marilyn Jeanne Schutz, 23,
sienograptter, 443 ng Royal Court
' Amos C. Fincher. 43. laborer. att
North 17th st, Salem, and Margaret
nwmuani, j-, nouseseeper, 312 Xsorth
Or.f JXaauN J. DrAXaaafO
CHINESE Herbalists .
; X41 North Liberty ;
Cpstalrs Portland' General Electric
Co Office open Saturday only
tests are tree f charge. Practiced
since 1817.
Head 'Oskies' :
: - Si.: - !! ! - ;. -
The 450 members of the Salem
highy school "Oskie" organization.
which sponsors a regular series ox
parties for high' school age youth,
Monday elected Gary Keppinger
president to succeed Charles Chitr
tick! Barbara Upjohn,! first Vice-
president, succeeding Helen Shep-
ard; John Carter, second vice-pres
ident, a position now I held by
Frank Magee; Carolyn Davis to
succeed Marjorie Lundahl as sec
retary, and Beverly Kenney to
succeed Dessa 1 Lee Holmes as
treasurer. ' : '-' " . i ?''.
New officers will be Installed at
a 7-7:45 pjm. ceremony Thursday
at the YMCA. ' ' f 1! V,
' Three summer i "Oskies ! are
planned: July S 7, August 4 and
September 1. i " II" "
Quotations at
Portland j
Portland Produce!
AA prints 4-46be, cartons
A grade prints 45-tte. cartons 4ii
4e: B grade prlnU 45'i-W4c. car
traia 4a4fce ? ' !'
Butterfst First quality, maximum
of .4 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
In Foruana 3J-32',!,c; prtiraum quality,
maximum- of JU of 1 per cent acidity
52-53ic; valley routes and country
points 3c less than first or SO-SUic
Ea-ss To retailers: AA extra large
4Sc; AA large 44c; A large 42c; A ined
turn 3c; nuu ipuuen m 00101.
Live Douitrr but in prices xrom
producers: Effective May 1. .broilers
up to 2 lbs. S2Jc; fryers. 3 to Zi lbs.
321c: roasters over 2'.4- lbs. J2Jc:
Leghorns 2S.7c; colored hens, all
weights 28.7c; old roosters and stags
20-226 id. -h
Countrv meats Rollback prices to
retAllera; Countrr killed i hosts, .best
butchers. 120-140 ids. : i-l"jc; veaiers
AA 22'ic: A 21 'ic: B 19'4ci S 13-I7c
culls 12-lSc; beef AA 214c: A 20ic: B
lSc; 16ic; canner-cutter cows l3i
14c; 5 bulU, canner-cutters 14-14c;
lambs AA 28c; A 24,ic; -B 22Vjc; C
10-20c; ewes FS 13i,ic; M 12c; R10ic.
Cheese Selling mice to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies
29.9c; loaf 30.2c; triplets to whole
salers 27c; loaf 27ic FOB,
Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave
rage: country killed to retailers 44c;
live t once to producers 22-2K id.
Turkeys Government: takes sup
nlv. market nominal. "
Oriions Oregon dry Ko. 1, .2 25
2.35 50-lb. sack; Texas 3.75; green 50c
dozen bunches. s
Onions Sets, eastern. 32s B.75:
plants. Walla Walla. 60 bunches S.00-50.
Potatoes Deschutes ' culls 3.00:
Klamath Falls culls 3.50 cenUl; 50s.
1.60 bar: local Is. 100s. 3 JO; Maine
No. 11. 5.00-5.10 cental. h
Potatoes New Texas Red s Tri
umphs 3.75 per 50-lb. bag.
Wool , Government control.
Cascara bark : 1944 peel 15c lb.
Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb.
Hav Wholesale ' nrice nominal:
Alfalfa No. 2 or better 34-38: oats-
vetch 125 valley points; timothy (east
ern Oregon) S35-3S; clover ton.
Portland Livestock "
PORTLAND. Ore.. May 14 (AP)
(WfA) Baisoie cauie 1000, touu ziav;
salable and total calves 200; market
active, generally steady to strong with
few opening sales of. good-choice fed
steers 25 cents higher; extreme top
10 cents lower at 17.65; several good
choice loads UM-ITM; food - grades
down to 19.90; common - msoium
12.00-15.00; heifers 11.00-14.00; good fed
heifers UDward to 1S.00:! load cood
1194 lb. fed cow 13.50: other- medium
good beef cows 11.00-12.50; canner
cutter cows 7.00-8.50; medium-good
sausage bulls 10.50-12.50 includinf one
2770 id. Houtein at 12.90 tone oc me
biggest ever on sal here); good beef
buns is.w-75; ! gooa-cnoice veaiers
15.00-16.00. few to 14.50. : ;
Salable hogs 200. total 1200; market
active, steady at ceiling; parrowi and
gilts all weights 15.75: sows 15.00: stags
up to 670 lbs. 14.50: good-choice 106-142
it. leeoer pigs is.oo-is.uo.
Salable sheep 1000. total 2650: lambs
good -choice spring lambs 13.75; good
choice woo led old crop ilambs J330
14.00; mixed shorn lambs and year-
lines 11.00-12.00: good, ewes 6.00-50:
wooled ewes 8.00; common shorn; ewes
4. A AA i V
UUWH w I.W. : B 5 :
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore.. May 14 (API-
Wheat: No futures quoted. t!
Cash wheat ibid): Soft white t.53i:
soft white (excluding Rex) i.53V;
white club 1.53'fe; western red 1.53V,.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.53'i:
10 per cent 1.55; 11 per! cent 1.62; 12
per cent 1.66. ; s if
Hard white Baart! 10 per cent 1.53;
11 per cent 1.62; 12 per cent 1.66.
Today's car receipts: Wheat 54, bar
ley 7, flour 13, corn S, oats 1, bay 1,
millfeed 12. flax; 1. s
Stocks and (Bonds
Previous day
week ago
Month ago
Year ago
1945 high
Previous day
weeic ago
Month ago
Year ago .
New 1945
Salem Market
Quotations I
The prlcs below supplied by a lo
cal grocer are indicative of the; daily
market prices paid to growers by Sa
lem buyers but are not guaranteed
by The Statesman: t
(Subject to change without aotlce)
DUUUIAI .1 - .
: aa
; .53
No. 1
No. 2
B ' . '
Extra large - ; v
Mediums . ..
Standards -1 -
Cracks w
No. 1 colored hens
No. s colored hens
Colored frys jj . j
LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack! k
Spring lambs 4. j. 14.50
Ewes , .04 to .06
Cows boners and cutters M to .06 -
Cows. -common :
.06 to .08
Cows, top dairy
Cows, beet type
Veals .
.08 to .09.50
.09 to .12
.13 td .14.50
joa to .12
Hon. 160 to 270
SOWS ;, ',, I
J3 to J4M
df Simple piVs - Bot-rrmc- snd twi urt yoa
Si-t'a rin i I Cuwamimi bras M
uuk h.mili niia ce-ef. Thais- gna mmii r
esti suni n-1 eoicrt, redac. ctnin.
Mpa tts-SM tlaxd ami'tir-ii". sady
laatieatM aad soitaas. tntrcirf - aad
s-BM-affing. so ear- to mm. Get gisaiai F
t-sst's Pr-' araat-ela a year 1
irnm .in., ill. -e-gtOe mi tLM
a -utk-c's Kcy-bck cuar-BtoMk
May-14 - t j
AVEaAGES f - 11 :
20 19 IS ' 10
Indus Rails (Jtil Stks
S5.6 39.6 43.7 64.2
86 9 30.9 43 6 64.5
mi tn a as . !i
5.0 39.1 424 63.5
71 t MB M .St 7
U.87J 4i;s 43.7; 65 J
20 10 105 10
Rails Indus Util Fogn
iJ00.4 104.8 107.6? 13.6
i.100.4 104.7 107.6 73.7
inns im inn ik
u 99.8 104.9 "107; 71 J
. 88.2 104.9 106.0 66.0
Stock Market
Retreats in
Slow Session
NEW YOR, May 14-(P-Stock
market leaden generally retreated
fractions to a point or more today
in ' the slowest ' session for more
than a month although a number
of - peace favorites managed to
keep on the recovery side. I j j
Light selling cropped up after
the opening and few recoveries
were in evidence at the - close,
Transfers of 980,000 shares com
pared with 1,070,000 Friday and
were the smallest .for a full
stretch since April 10.
There was little change in argu
ments for investment caution.
These included the cloudy recon
version picture, expectations of
much economic unsettlement
should the Japanese suddenly sur
render, and possible impact' on
earnings of growing cutbacks and
contract cancellations as the result
of switching from two-war to one
war spending. Air transports ben
efitted from predictions of excep
tionally heavy. ; aerial - traffic In
coming months.
The Associated Press 60-stock
composite was off J of a point at
64.2. Of 895 issues registering, 399
were down, 301 up and 195 ; all
even.! j - p,
1 Prominent losers were Youngs
town Sheet, Chrysler, General
Motors, Santa Fe, Southern Pa
cific, Northern Pacific, U. S, Rub
ber, Montgomery Ward, J. I. Case;
Douglas Aircraft, Lockheed, 'Texas
company, Radio corporation, Ju
Pont, American Can, Western
Union "A," Anaconda, U. S. Steel
and General Electric. i
Cash Wheat
i r
Prices Steady
In Portland
. PORTLAND, Maj 14 -()- Cash
wheat prices remained compara
tively steady here last week al
though ordinary classes ranged
from unchanged to one-half cent
lower compared with a week ago,
the war food administration re
ported today.
Trading was light, demand
from buyers lacking and offerings
by mills for 11 per cent or more
protein small. Inquiry ' for other
wheat classes lagged markedly
Current , bids are below loan
values and growers offered little
wheat Portland had 210 cars of
775 at Puget Sound and Columbia
rivet terminals. Shipments were
on earlier purchases. ...
Midwestern inquiry for north
western wheat was very light and
the box car shortage prevented
shipment of Montana grain. Cali
fornia buyers took only a few
lots! of milling types.
Classifies! Advertising
Classified Ads
Call 9101
Three Insertions per line.,. 25c
Six insertions per line . . 40c
One month per line ...25
'Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min
imum 35c; 8 tL min. 45c. No
Copy for this page accepted un
til 6:30 the evening before publica
tion for classification.- Copy re
ceived after this time will be rurf
undei the heading "Too Late - to
The Statesman reserves the light
to j reject questionable advertising.
It ! further reserves the right to
place all advertising under the
oroDer classification.
The Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear in advertisements pub
lished in its columns and in cases
where this paper is at fault will
reprint that part of an advertise
ment In which the typographical
mistake accurs.
A -Blind Ad an ad containing
a Statesman box number for an ad
dressis for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore i be
answered by letter. The Statesman
-. not at -liberty to divulge infor
mation as to the Identity of i an
advertiser using a "Blind ad. i
Legal Notice
i NO. 11 671 ! ;
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administratrix of the,
estate of Cora M. Kay, deceased, has
filed her- final account in the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Mar
ion County and that the 17th day of
May, 1945. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day and the
Court room of said Court has been
appointed by said Court as the1 time
and'- place lot the hearing of objec
tions thereto and the settlement there
of. T - i :-
Dated and first published April 17.
1945; I i -
Date of last' publication May 15 1945.
J ' f . Administratrix
514 Porter Building f .
Portland 4. Oregon : 1 i
Attorneys..Ap. 17-24 My 1-8-15. U
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Marion.
Probate Department i
In the Matter of the Estate of George
B. Weir, Deceased.
the 1 undersigned has filed his final
account as administrator of the above
estate with the County : Court of said
County, and the Court has fixed the
8th day of June. 1945, at the hour of
10:00 a.m. of said day and the County
Judge's office in the County -Courthouse
in Salem. Oregon, as the time
and: place respectively for the; hearing
of Objections, if any there be, to the
said Final Account, and you are ! here
by notified to file objections if any
you; have, to the said Final Account
on or before the time fixed for
hearing, i . . -
Dated this tth day of May. i 1943:
.'.;-!',...;;- - . George . B. ' Weir, Jr.
- - I Administrator. My 8-15-22-29
Notice Is hereby riven that the un
dersigned has filed in the Circuit
Court of Marion County, Oregon. Pro
bate Department' his verified final
account as Executor of the estate of
Fred L. ' Miller, deceased, ' and said
Court has fixed Thursday. June f, 1945
at ten o'clock AM in the Circuit
Court Room in the County Court
House at Salem. In said County, for
hearing said final account and all
objections thereto.
Dated this 8th day of Mar. 1945.
. - - CARL R. MILLER, ;
" Executor. Estat of Fred
-.."Ju--Mlllep' Deeeased. i
atn, Oregon. Mjr t-iS-22-29, i. 1
Livestock and Poultry
S TRL OUi SaM hn-u K 111- -J
die and martingale. . Sell at public
auction. Max Groesbeck, 20 Silverton
Road. 1 PJttU Wed, May 18.
(innr.l! Rnml A nlnA ' t
- --w. , . iiw CWU
Others. Black Shetland. 1 work mare.
Few extra saddles. We never refused
m reasonable offer. D. D. Del p. 'a mile
X. Fairgrounds, Silverton Rd.
S MUX Cows. U m , S. Hahe school j
Buster Murphy, Jefferson Rt 1. Bjc 49.
500 NICK STARTED Broad Rruitl
Bronze turkey soults. 1 mil East at
Hayesville School, Rt 7. Box 365J. I
PTJRfSSJCD rnI1(M JU KK-t1.4 k-n
Hnt .RUM , Mm mm nn . t.W 1 KT1 mm ...
Kennels, Reg. V Mi. S. W. Turner,
ui. bwrcriuus acoooi. i. . . i
WANTED: 50 head of coats. Nannlaa
With -kids preferred. Ph. Mr: Shryder,
ONI Team sorrel mires, well mated:
very gentle, both ride, weight 1100;
2 feeder pigs weight 125; 2 ewes and 8
lambs; -on heavy stock trailer, very
good . tires; one-light - trailer. good
tires and rack; 300 grain sacks; one
table model cream separator good as
new. ' I. I. Snethen. 8570 East Turner
Road, Salem. Phone 2-1345 mornings
or evenings. - - - ; . -;
GOOD Milk cow. Rt 7. Box 95 R. Phi
32002. At Claatter Station. . ,
IT YOU want to bur anything list
ed in this column and. need the cash
to buy it with then do what hundBada
of other people do phone Salem 3191
ana bsk zor xne -money ob xn ier
sonal Finance Company's Special Fi
ance rian, ais state btreet. i
WANTED i - Beet . and canner cows
bulls and veals. - WUl call at farm
I Snethen, 3570 E, Turner Road
Pa 21345 Moras or eves.-
Help Wanted
-WANTED: Men, -yaung and
travel witn ' Artnur ttroa. Kali road
Circus. In Salem Wednesday. May 16th,
East or rairgrouncs on uverton hom.
Summer Resort
Needs laundry workers, hotel clerk
and odd jobs man. Ph.- 2-1644 or write
N. D. Bruckman. ,1990 Virginia St, i
CLERK and cashier wanted. Grand
Central MXt. 185 N. Hign. Fh. 7323.
- WANTED: - A good all around wool
presser. Can make $75 per week. Apply
at Hollywood Cleaners. 2040 N. Capitol
A WEEK. 6 D.m. to 2:00 ajn. Previous
experience desirable; alertness, de
pendability essential. Regular position.
If interested please writ Box 25 care
The Statesman.
KITCHEN Helper for evening shift
Bluebird Cafe. - . j
WANTED: Comptometer operator.
Dairy Co-op. 910 S. ComT.
'HELP Wanted: Apply in person. City
Cleaning Works, j 1245 State.
Help Wanted Male
Workers now employed In war pro
duction should not apply and will not
be considered for: employment oy em
ployers advertising tan this Section
WANTED: Laborer to mix plaster
May 15 (today 7:50 AJd.). exp. tin;
necessary. Wages 21.25 hour-159 Gerth
St.. w. saiem. .
GROCERYMAN: Wanted, experienced
groceryman to handle department:
steady Job, -good -pay. Apply Grand
Ronde Mercantile Co Grand Ronde,
W ANTED Man under 40. with some
selling ' experience. Marion Feed tt
seea zza a erry v - - -
WANTED: Bus boy, morning shift.
Marion Hotel. s
MEN wanted for cannery help- at
once, 4 miles south of Salem at Lib
2-2036. s- ,
MEN wanted to work In cemetery.
Steady employment,' good' pay. - Essen
tial work. Ph. 8652 or call at 290
W. Hoyt St. j. , '
BUTCHER: Wanteds, experienced but
cher for steady job, good pay. Apply
Grand Ronde Mercantile Co Grand
Ronde, Oregon '
WANT middle aged - man for' year
round work. Edwards Poultry Farm
and Hatchery. Rt 5. Box 9L Ph. 2-2943.
FRUIT and vegetable man. Good pay
to start The best pay in ) the food
business for an experienced man. Sav
ing Center. W. Salem. -j
WANTED Experienced lubrication
man. Walter H. Zosel Co. Chemeketa
and High St !
Help Wanted Female
-"" to- housework ; and care
week.. 534 Rose Ph. a-1582.
ay to trim windows. Good
saiai-. Experience not necessary. Inq.
wants office clerk. Some shorthand
required. Advancement if - qualified.
See Mr. Crossland. 237 N. Liberty St
NURSES aide wanted. Phone 7020.
LADY to care for Z pre-school Chil
dren. Ph. 8396. i 1. 1..'.. :.
WOMAN for housework one or two
days a week. Ph. 3345.
t HOUSEKEEPER: Room, i board and
wages. Care of two children even
ings. Phone 9336. i - j
HOTEL, Maid. Experience not neces
sary. Age 40 to 55. Apply Ho.Salem.
WANTED: Beauty operator. Excep
tional opportunity. Memorial Union
Bidg. on campus at Corvallis, Ore.
Write Harriet Hartley, 4830 S. E. Grant
Portland 15. Ore. - 1 - -
HOUSEKEEPER to cook 2 meals for
one man and care of 2 canaries. 470
S 14th. Apply at noon or after 3 1 P-M.
TYPIST for general office work. See
Mr. Henry. Montgomery Ward. Salem.
HOTEL Maidj good wages, steady
employ ment. Marwg Hotel. r
WE are now ready to Interview and
place either experienced or inexper
ienced help in laundry. Call at Holly
wood Cleaners. 040 N. CapitoL f
EXPERIENCED housekeeper. Part
care of 3 children. Cooking experience.
Good salary. Ph. 3025. j - U
GIRL grocery clerk. Top pay. Saving
Center. W: Salem. -; - - I ; i -
HELP WANTED r Energetic women
18-45 yrs. in good health and Inter
ested in retoil business Full training
opportunities with good pay from the
day you start. Apply today Room 206.
McGUchrist Bldg- Safeway District
Office. !
SANDWICH and salad lady, the Spa.
EXPERIENCED fountain girL The
Spa. , .... .; lrv ,U '" :'' l'
Situations Wanted
MAN can devote half days to hook
keeping, typing; or collections. Phone
or personal. tx o-it-imi.
ra-rr fiTSfll vmintf ounla want ranch J
work, no milaing. f. J. txra. -ox, u
depenaence. j 4
B--Kanl PUvSchOOll I1381 ' State
Ages 2 S Part or all day i Ph $430.
j-ir & i. ! -srir-i- if-
GARDENS plowed, disced. Ford trac
tor. Prompt service. Bay ; Setter. Ph.
Sao. 5
Farm -
; -i IS
Tra-HKwa Ktiwtmi
"Mother said its still too cold Jo go swimming
so I'm prepared for anything."
Help Wanted
If You Like Merchandise
' I . ' ' i .
and like to work with the public, contact Mr.
Mariiunp at PENNEY'S between 10 o'clock and J 11
o'clock an the morning. We will interview both men
and women.
Help) Wanted Male
setters, head loader, hea rigger, fallers and
buckers. Also green chain
handy plan for store.
IT See
710 Ferry St Salem
Salesmen Wanted
WANTED: S talesmen. Unlimited op
portunity. I No experience necessary.
Also canvassers on liberal commission
basis. Call; Mr. Powell at 3028 or 21461.
A National organization is seeking
a high type salesman to represent
them nermanently in local territory.
Company (has established business in
this territory and offers splendid op
portunity plor rtgnt 1 man. womprenen
sive training and full cooperation
given. We will be pleased to bear
from you if you are draft axempt and
desire a dignified permanent position.
Your earnings baseu on sales ana rec
ords should be highly satisfactory.
Please write us in detail including
telephone; number. Replies will be
treated as confidential. Box 414,
Money to Loan
General Finance Corp.
I roR .
Quick Cash Loans
Locally owned and ; operated, we are
familiar with all local needs and con
ditions and lend on any reasonable
security. Up to 12 mos. to repay.
I Telephone 9168
State Lie; (S-138) 130 S. Commercial St
Auto And Truck Loans
K Contracts Refinanced ;
Money i for new and used cars e
trucks regardless of age. No delay
bring car and title and ger the money
You retain possession of vehicle.
After S-'clock unona 3361 or 21143
for appointment
nil-tf1 bv atata
131 S Com! Rt Phone 916t tM-132)
WE iiKi-rTdAYfS'
when; people want a loan
Makingf personal loans is our busi
ness. The more times we say 'Yes'
the more" business we do. That's why
we do our best to say 'Yes' to every
request for a loan. 4 out of 5 get the
money they ask for.- The transaction
is handled promptly, privately, with
out involving outsiders. Loans of $25 to
$300 on our salary, furniture or auto.
. Personal Finance Co.
Room 12$. Second Fir. New Bligb Bidg.
.Sit State SU Phone: Salem 3191
. -1 Lic.j S-122 M-165
s s": BkprjiiE:-" jL3i
We make all types of personal loans
includinf; furniture, note and car loans,
for any : worth while cause. We also
make real estate loans and buy real
estate contracts. For quick" and effi
cient seryic see or, pnone
Pnon 4123 812 Guardian Bidg. Salem
- ff Lk- 8 216-M 2Z2
; ! Auto Loans
- Willamette Credit Co.
i; ucensx w. u i9i .
Markets -
U a f 0
Help Wanted
Help Wanted Male
men and mill laborers,
Ike at i' '
For Sale- Miscellaneous
NZW IS gage pump action Western
Field shot gun, with two boxes of
shells. Also 24 in Child's bicycle. Rt .
box in, i-n. ui if. , 4
Mccormick deering w 30 trac
tor. Good shape. Independence. Rt 1.
7 mi. west of Salem on Salem-Dallas
Highway. Ph. 2-1221 Salem. Alvin Free
born. r
S55. Ivory dresser $15. 2210 Chemeketa
GOLDFISH. 15c and Un. White Ursa
dbl. water lilies 50c 'dump. Any day
out sunaay. zit. Laurel Ave.
Pritchard, Bonnie Best Orange Jubi
lee tomat's. Brussels spts, cel'ry, caulfr,
25c dz. Silke Green House, R. 6. Bx 249.
ENAMEL wood range, also a heater:
Misc. articles. 905 S. Liberty. Ph. 3570.
Must De sold by 5:J0 today.
Montg. Ward hot wtr jacket for coal
or wood. rn. 21027 eve, or 1640 is. ext.
FOR SALE Older type house ' to
wreck. Contains fixtures, windows and
useable lumber. Phone .9175 or 8919.
6-FT. FRIG ID AIRE, like new. Easy
wasning maenme. 472 university st.
GENUINE Rex Violin made by the
late W. W. Okes, who devoted a life
time to perfecting the violin and won
the praises of Ysaye. Omdricek' and
other masters. The full price of $300
was paid tor tms violin in 1913 by the
local owner. In perfect Condition in
case. S1SO. PH. 4419.
4 2-WHEEL TRAILERS.! also man's
bicycle $35. one Jr. sue bicycle $35
ziio sute st - 1
-WOOD Range, pood cond..! good
oaxer, s-o. m. s7a.- t - . i
NEW Delta drill press, upright model
neavy auty. Rice sioo. zz-O Maple.
SWEET Potato plants available after
May zota. Slu cwt. prepaid. R. P.
Barnwell. Rt. 1, Box 201, Ki. 2-3263,
DAY BEDS with slip covers. 760 N,
uiurcn. :'. t ! -1
Ub-M 0-n . ... v;
chairs, bicycle, 8x10 rug. Leaving
tUWIl. oHI O., ilSf.
GOOD balloon bike $301 Qt Mason
jars lac aoz. zusa m. com i. -j
SAWTOTST vlr h.,t.. f)K T3K 1AA1
ki. u box 8CE. Gien creek Drive.
; TWIN Beds, coil sDrines: 4x6! Alex
ander Smith and 2 throw rues to
match: 2 Congoleum rugs. 453 N. Front
i-n. shoo. - - ,- i
"Reasonable. Phone 2-4120 after, 8 for
ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent
8 C Pugh Ph 2-2458 PO Box 463
runurure, prune coated for easy paint
ing or durable plastic finish. PICK-
ariTs co-op ruRN lata fc. state.
WILL buy for cash, aeD or trade
runs, ammunition, scopes tt trailers.
uoa Madison. 590 Ko. High. Salem.
vn-rnuA., wu yos. iota cieanea
Alexander-Smith carpet; 1 9x12 Wilton
tug wivu ku. uiBwu vj appt. ro. asi-.
S MO. old daveno t armchair: di
nette with buffet: breakfast nook set
Call S to 9 P.M. Apt 2. 2050 N. Capitol.
- EXPERT washing - machine service
mrui wrinvw mil. 11 -n.k c. VA
EUis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store.
u n. uoerxy. .-. .--x-? 1.
5-PIECE maple dinette act 3785
Brooks St Pa. S323. 1 r-'
s 1
For Sale Miscellaneous
Special for Graduation!;
S10 - Permanent fori $7 JO. Irene'
Beauty Salon. 341 State St Ph. S654.
Open evenings by appt .
BEAUTIFUL I pc. Colonial Maple
Bedrm. suite, also seaiy roiorew
At Simmons Double Deck spring
all for ,;, . $169.00
WaL table, buffet At chairs i 79.00
S Pe. WaL Dinette set i . 29.7S
Good Seamless 9x12 Wilton Rug 29.75
We -fcava two WaL bed room suites
complete with good. spg. su mav
Bright Furniture Co.
452 Court St 1 Ph. 7511
. ,. nk MlMuk,Hl ffA '
imuvmm w wm .
tor,, car top carrier. 10 Racing hull.
h a nn T-Hfi Minnta onntrnL Roth
-- .
of the above are real clean Jobs .ic
motors excellent: 2 place rubber fish
ing boat complete with paddles i St
seal, sso.uu. Automanc v. as nw "iw
tank, complete $42.00. Ford Car Radio.
usi overnaujea, wn vna,
ed supply at $14.55. i 20-06 Enfield
S porter, -MM Manlicker sooner.. -is
Gauge DbL BbL Parker. 20 Gauge DbL
BDL ithica, 49 COU AUXO, M-Vtf ins'-
aetioa 7i" Bbt and. 38-40 DbL Action
uoiu. a .on nyarauuo piwj
GaL Aluminum Gas ; Tanks. , Sealed
r -MMM-tmi. Ia. wrt rra. SHra i
Ictmguishrs. Flash Ute Batteries.;;
Don iwiaim, wtflt. nian.
Johnston Sheet Metal Co.
' 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon
Phone 5391- '
--.- ! f MiwrlMM' -nablea ns to
five you guaranteed workmanship. " -
Air conoiuonmg. swnacea.
Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stocks.
Tanks and . rplrins. JTUtB ESTI-
nT.TVTR Tvoewrltar. Perfect . cond.
Instruction book. 480 N. 24th. -.
FINISHERS and toterafcediates. 23ec-
tric Oaks Brooder. Ph. 2-242$ morn
ings or -eve. Ph. - 2-242.
vntTwn nv iH. K a athr
seat chairs, sideboard, and 4-burner
gas stove.-1495 Saginaw,; .
a PC. -ore-war tnninr rm; set Enamel
gas 4 burner Tange with oven, broiler
trash burner, copper coils. 2315 S. Cot-:
tage. Ph. -458. ; i-
dininc rm. -rt with chairs, bed
stead with springs and mattress, baby
buggy. 3810 Center bt ;
ENAMEL wood stove with coils $35.
Phone 7468. - 1 j
PLETE. PH. 2-1288. !
TWO Wheelediler.Tdou
press, 50 gal. .barreLt wood heater,
camp stove in good condition. Call
at 777 N7 Cottage St. i. j ;
PIANO. Large square 1 grand. $350.
2295 N. Church St j . .
CIRCULATOR heater, like new. Mod
el T Ford coupe, good i rubber. Ons
trailer. Paul Schaad. i 170 Fairview.
Phone 8016. , i :
BEAUTIFUL all white -enamel wood
range. Call after 5 P-M. 1105 S. 12th. ,
TRAILERS for rent see per hr.
Woodry's Mkt, leos N. Summer.
CARLOAD of Eastern Oil 100 Para-
fin Base. 5 gallons $2.00 In your con
tainer. Merritt Truax Oil Co. N. Front
a Columbia. 1
TREE PEONIES. A 1 rare shrub.
Choose for fall planting while now in
bloom. Fred Worbis. 1 mi. east mt
No. of Canby, cross Run. union OIL
OUR Specialty: Spray nalntlng. Ey-
erly-Gottenberg contractors. Ph. 4248.
GENUINE River Silt - free
foul seed. - !,
Commercial Sand &
Gravel Co.
PH. 8672 or 7994 '
Phone 5077 j
STOVE repairing St parts.
Woodry's Mkt, 1603 N. Summer St
WE Buy tt sell furniture, tools.
stoves, dishes, motors, radios, Electr-i
appliances, household goods. KLIGr
MAN'S. 285 N Commercial Ph. 9885.
Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. BUS.
FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 1351
LAWN MOWER Sharpen Ina & Atf-
lurting. 1
woodry's Mkt. 1603 N, Summer st,
GOOD Quality Franavette walnuts
25c lb. Bring containers. Ph. 2-2486 eve..
PRE-WAR baby buggy and crib com
plete. Both $10. Ph. 4507.
PIANO. Mohawk wood! ranee, dre
er. Simmons cot. etc. Phi. 3544 Sunday
or evenings after 7.
2EDAR'TEX ; wardrM S and -il
Electric roaste. $6. Ph, 2-4180.
STVfini C 7intf Vf . Vtln rA rum.
in and register how for your post-war
Singer. Earliest registration means
first opportunity to buy.
nuuu njuiBe, uvenpvn, rouira oas
table, wood-coal heater, crosscut saw.
desk. Inq. 1165 N. 16th.:
ntAAn n - - -i . .
fYlTKTT? Snantol nunnUt -n-ui aiut
females. Salem Veterinary Hospital.
Portland Rd. , i
10 FT. showcase. 5 it thowcase.
Ph. 5421.
ONE single lieht electric ceiline fix
ture $2.50: two with three lights $3.5
esch. Good 44 iron bed $8.00, and,
silk floss mattress $12.00. Rocker $5.00,
two dressers S9.00 each. End table with
drawer S3.0O. 745 Court St Phon
7775. Max O. Buren. ; '
SSoTvATTeleeTwVter later with
thermostat new. R. M. Toler at Liberty
KITCHEN stove and 9x13". rue. verr
reasonable. 24S. E. Lincoln St
cond., 235. H. L. Smith, i Gervais. ,
Trade Miscellaneous
31 CHXV. pick-UD.! new tires. Also
serviceable manure spreader. 3 mi. W.
of Salem on Dallas biway. Box 469.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Blacksmith steel faced
anviL Clarence Moser, Rt I, Silverton.
WANTED Child's pedal car and tri
cycle in good condition. Ph. 6803. i
' URGENTLY needed at once: Board,
room and care of elderly lady in pri
vate home or small nursing home.
SJ:, - - - -'--bV:I r.':
wood and Maple logs delivered f.o.b.
cars or trucks. Oiling prices being
paid. Alfred A. Loeb, P.O. Box 1866,
Portland. Oregon. MUrdock 4154.
GOOD ice box, large or smau.
Phone 3698. .j, - -
WANTED: 35mm Daylight-Load de
veloping tank.' Tel. 7686.
WANTED:. Small electric tan loy -service
man. Phone 8778.
- CASH for -used otano St other mu
sical Instruments ' Call i 4641 days r
337 eventngs or tend description to
Jsquith Music - Co. HI g High.
WANTED to buy or 1 sack cement
mixer. Write or wire K, L Gunn, 19S
River Br. Eugene. Oregon.
100 MEN'S good oxfords, shoes, boots,
ladies low heeled shoes, radios, misc.
and household goods. Sundaies, 293 N.
Com'L Pnona 3698. . ,
WANTED, Pianos, Tailraan's, Ph. 5707
KCEIENT condCbedrcoUspringsw
highboy, vanity & bench. 518 S. 23rd.