The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday utg, May 10, 1M5 1 PAGESEVE21 ;Organ, Piano Recital V: Is Tonight 1 A program at the First Presby terian church tonight, given by Trot and Mrs, Ralph Dobbs at the piano and organ, will open a series of concerts at that church, in observance of National Music "week. The programs are free, and the public Is invited. ! Mr. Dobbs of the music depart ment of Willamette university n and Mrs. Dobbs, organist at the Presbyterian church, will give their full length piano and organ recital beginning at 8:15. Virginia Ward Elliott, soprano, will be featured as the Vocal soloist. ! 'The choir of the church will present an unusual group of numbers in their sacred concert on Friday also at 8:15. ' , ; ' I Ruth Lorraine Close of Port land, a harpist known through out the northwest for the fine command of her Instrument and her sensitive musical apprecia jtion, will be the featured soloist - at the musicale ' on Sunday- at j7:30 o'clock. , Mrs. Elliott, director of music at the church, who is arranging 'the programs says: "Music has always been a part of the very heart of the Christian church. As one studies the history of music he finds that the church has- been ; the center for the development lot much of the world's greatest, ! music." ! - j Dorothy Toomey Is Engaged Announcements has been made of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Toomey of Portland, sophomore on the Willamette university campus, and Lt. (jg) W. J. Hargrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hargrave of Phil adelphia. No date has been set for the wedding. j Miss Tomey is prominent in campus, activities at Willamette. ; Her fiance -is a graduate of Maryville college, Mary ville, Tennn and took his navy train ing at Harvard. He recently re turned from active duty and lis now stationed in Seattle. I Grand Officers i Make Visif ; - . . i Hanna Rosa Court, Order of the Amaranth, was honored with the official visit of the grand royal matron, Ada Martin and grand royal patron, Lewis Alex ander of the grand court of the state of Oregon. Over forty came up from Portland for the event. Initiated were Mr. and Mrs. Monroe L. Barr and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fasnacht Refresh ments were served later in the evening. The committee included Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wilson, Mrs. Myrtle Walker and Mrs. Stella Hess. ! ; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brew (Barbara Crain) of Seattle are receiving congratulations on the birth of their second son Wed nesday morning, May 9. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Crain of Salem and Mrs. Waldo Brown of Hub bard. The Browns two year old son, Brian, is here in Salem at -the Crain home for the ensuing month. Recital Slated .., For Friday ; Commemorating music week high school students of the Sa cred Heart Academy School of Music will be presented in reci tal Friday night The Interested public is invited to atteritL XJttte Wooden Shoe Dance Protovuuky Harche Trtomphala Kills Levy String Ensembl O Sole Mio da Capua Piano. Gerry Cooney Souvenir of Vienna Kussack Piano. Anna Rita Becker My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice , . Saint Seam Harp. Anna Weisner Album Leal in A flat Thompson Piano, Brenda Henrahan Break o' Day 1 Sanderson Voice. Cynthia Needham The Ityinc Parade Hopson Plana. Don Borchera The Dancing Master - Severn Violin trio: Eleanor Corey, Theresa Meier. Ila Vey Jungwirth When You Come Home Squire Voice. Geraldine Majeskl Vals Charmante - Coburn Ave Maria Piano, Margaret Hay Bottaza , Kisher The Piper's Song err. Deis Sylvia Piano, Margaret Newton Fantasia Espagnob - Potstock Violin. Theresa Meier Tales o a Gypsy . Coburn Piano, Georgia Gilbert When Your Boy Comes Home , ..... Malott Voice, Lorraine Bickler Sprites of the Glen Dennee - Piano, Angela Kropp Estrellita ...... Ponce Harp. Madeleine Becker PolichineUe Rachmaninoff Plane. Yvonne Lagerfeld Country Song del Aqua Voice. Monette Moling The Sea Br sine Piano. Jean Uoise Evans Ode to America J Noble Cain ' Morris Dance ..: arr. Pitcher Sacred Heart Mixed Ensemble Accompanists: Mary Kennedy, Jean Eloise Evans, Georgia Gilbert. Mon ette Moling. Elizabeth Meier, Do lores Metcalf. Missionary Tea At Caswell Home The South Salem Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold a missionary tea at the home of Mrs. A. W. Caswell, 1655 South Liberty street, at 2 o'clock Friday. The devotions will be conducted by Mrs. John Trach sel. . The program on the world work of the WCTU is in charge of Mrs. G. E. Ross, and on the program will be Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs. Percy Carnes, Mrs. C. F. French, and Mrs. B. J. C. Patton. . .;.-. Assisting Mrs. Caswell during the tea hour will be Mrs. Leona Johanson. i , i Mrs. John Mint enterained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her Saginaw street home in compliment to members of her bridge club. Mother-Daughter! Banquet Held ! The mother-daughter banquet ( of the Bnglewood United Breth- ' xren church was held Tuesday -night This is an annual affair of the Otterbein guild girls or ganization and the W o m e n's , Missionary society and was held in the ' recreation rooms of the church. The guild girl colors of white, 1 orchid and purple" were carried out in the decorations.: Orchid streamers festooned the ceiling and purple streamers ex tended the length of the tables. On the speakers' table, 'was ,a miniature Maypole, of : orchid and purple, .with small flower filled, baskets at the end of each ribbon. Arrangements jof lilacs and dark purple iris completed the color scheme. . The leader for the meeting was Mrs. J; C. Hill Giving the toast to the mothers was given by Mrs. Max N. Graves. A group of special Otterbein guild songs were sung by t the girls. A'playlet, The Ideal Mo ther," was presented by Mrs. J. M. Goodheart, with Nancy Ringland, Rosalie Dutoit and Mary Ellen Petrasy taking part The i songj "Mother Knows ," was sung by a mother-daughter trio, Mrs. i Otis M. Bradbury, Mrs. Max N. Graves and Doris June Bradbury. The benediction was given with the "Lord's Pray er", sung by Betty Hill. Seventy-five mothers and daughters attended the banquet. i President of the Women's Mis sionary society is Mrs. William Pero. President of the Otterbein guild is Miss Doris June Brad bury. 1 I ; : j Elks Club Will ! Honor Mothers ' i The Salem Elks club will de vote the regular meeting o a Mother's day program tonight at 8:30 o'clock to which mothers, wives ! and sweethearts are in vited. I 1 ; r : I ! The i committee includes i Jo seph Himmel, chairman, Thomas Drynan, Vernon Wiscarson and O. 'Alfred Lightner. The following program will be given: ; Winds in the South ........ Olcott Mrs. Robert Craig, soprano Walters Prize Song Mendelssohn Geraldine Schmoker, violin Tribute to Mother ! Dr. : Charles Durdaa Mother Macree t, . Scott 1 Mrs. Craig Little Mother of Mine - Burleigh Lor en Jacobson, baritone Songs My Mother Taught Me Dvorak i Geraldine Scivnoker My Mom " I Loren Jacobson, baritone -. Accompanists are Babette Milspaugh Pat Anderson and Dorothy NUes. North Salem WCTU will meet at the home of Mrs.' Harry, Gil lette at 10 Beach avenue Friday afternoon, i Mrs. Minnie Hewlett will lead the devotions. Mrs. W. A. Barkus will give a talk on Mother's day. Four women will review "Durable Peace In East ern Asia." ! ' 4 Sa. Wear thts4 hrtd Imttgrnim tb U. SMtUital Crps fa)',. A k.i - a f 1 V I I r " ' - I ' A ' - n.. .......... I j ' ZkTS. f 1 A CHALLENGE ' forfmenicat tWo:tctf More than 36,000 wounded soldiers a month now come from overseas. Male hospital corpsmen are leaving for the battle fronts to provide life-saving; care on and near the lines. 1 ? Women must fill the ranks at home. Wacs with out experience are specially trained to! do impor tant clerical and technical hospital work. - The vital need is a challenge to womanhood and patriotism. Men who have bled for America require the care you can help to give i The nation will honor you as a Wac Valuable training, with a soldier's pay, leads to higher rank, greater earnings, a peacetime career. Bene fits of the G. I. Bill of Rights will be yours. You will work closely with high caliber men. Strvt your country ami fulfill your dtstiny as a Wat, either in tb Medical Corps or another branch of the Army for which you may be especially qualified. Apply today at the nearest Army Recruiting Office. WO MI N'S AKMT COIFS Tbii message is a friendly contribution by Greyhound to the Vital cause fofWac en lstments.Today, a nation at war depends on Greyhound for transportation to help wia battles. Tomorrow, a nation at peace will depend on . Greyhound for finer treasure travel alone ithe scenic highways of America.- r""3vr7n o SimtSO Tfli AZUEO F0ZCES AND AIL AUtZICA , OAK POINT-Miss Cera Knowles entertained with a din ner party ' Saturday night, hon oring her brother, L. H. Knowles on his birthday anniversary, also Mrs. George , Knauppe whose -birthday was the same day. Spring flowers formed the cen ' terpiece for the table and covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. George Knauppe, Mrs. Esther Templeman and daughter Mary Ether, George Knauppe, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ficke and sons Robert, and Billy of Salem, L. H.l Knowles and. Cora Knowles. 1 Auxiliary Entertained Mrs. Burton A. Myers and Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle entertained members of the Marion-Polk "county Medical auxiliary at the former's home Tuesday night -A dessert supper was served by the hostesses. Bouquets of lilacs and tulips were used about the guest rooms. j:j Mn. William L. Lidbeck pre aided at the business meeting. Election of officers was held with Mrs. Robert Fischer Wulf named president; Mrs. Wilmer Smith, vice-president; Mrs. Tom Dunham, secretary; and Mrs. Roy Byrd, treasurer. During the evening the guests enjoyed view ing Mrs. Myers collection of old glass and china. Attending were Mrs. Wilmer Smith, Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs. Fred Bannier, Mrs. L. O. Clem ent, Mrs. William L. Lidbeck, Mrs. M. C. Fmdley, Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton, Mrs. R. T. Boals, Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle, Mrs. George Shepard, Mrs. H. J. Clem ents, Mrs. Willard Stone, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell, Mrs. Frederick H. Thompson,. Mrs. Ray Waltz, Mrs. J. Noble Reid, Mrs. Morris Croth ers, Mrs. William Conrad, Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. Roy Byrd, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Carl Em mons, Mrs. Charles Bates, Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs. Tom Dunham. RqinbovyJ Girls Fete Mothers Mother's day and national mu sic week observances were a fea ture! of the Rainbow Girls meet ing Tuesday night at the Masonic Temple with over a hundred girls and their! mothers attend ing. , ' ! - ; - -f Mrs. Wayne Henry, mother 'ad visor, spoke informally on the origin and purpose of Mother's day and was presented with., a gift by the local chapter by Miss Shirley, Lukins. Miss Carolyn Carson, worthy advisor, pre sided, jf - . ( The musical program included a vocal duet by the Misses Ber nice Isham and : Beverly Kenney, accompanied by Miss Janet Mill er, who also gave a piano solo, and -a group" of vocal solos by Miss Elizabeth! Nelson, accom panied by Mrs. Roland Craven. f Officers were! elected fori the coming term. They include-Miss Shirley Lukins, worthy advisor; Miss Beverly Davenport, associ ate worthy advisor; Miss - Lois Burris, charity; Misi Joanne Tweedie, hope; Miss Jean Doo Utae. faith. -j j Refreshments were served from a table, centered with yel low candles and spring, flowers. The Eastern Star committee as sisting included Mr. and Mrs.' G. A. Reeher, Mr. and Mrs. ;Earl Wiper, Mrs. I M. Flagg, Mem Pearce and, Mrs.! Eunice Wyngar deni. '.lit' - ;: j'.-" Public Installation of officers will be held at the next meeting. Banquet jj to Fete Anniversary Neighbors of Woodcraft j will with a banquet at 8:30 o'clock celebrate their 48th anniversary Friday, May 11, at the ,Women' Club house. After a short busi ness session there will be a jams-' ical program in, honor of Moth- tx't Day. There will also be presentation of flowers to- the oldest mother present. The' din ing room committee la Mrs. Don Macklin, Mrs. Fred Visnaw, Mrs. Walter Craven, Mrs. J. McNefl; music and flower committee is ; Pearl Bairey and Mrs. F. C Lutz. J. U. G. of Neighbors of Wood craft met at . the, home of Mrs. Walter Cravens with Pauline - Clarke assisting. A short business ' . meeting was held and the follow fng officers were elected for-the, ensuing year: president, Russell Winchomb; vice president, Mrs. O. L. Scott; secretary, Mrs. Hal lie' Lynch; treasurer, Mrs. Wil liam Hensell and flower girl, Pearl Bairey. Pinochle was in play during the evening. Refreshments were served.' t . , Beta Sigma Phis Make Plans Preliminary plans were made, by Beta Sigma Phis for their ob servance of Mother's dai and in stallation of officers at 'their meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce Monday night Mist Hattie Bratzel presided.' ! j Colored slides were' shown as part of the program, by Miss Bratzel who talked on "Nature's Landscape". i Furthering their war aervlce and- welfare activities member met - Tuesday to address envel opes for the. Cherriana to ser vicemen. ' - f f - tVM 1 , Announcing Tho Opening of , Irene's Beauty Salon j Today, May 10 j At 341 State Street' Specializing in, Hiadr SryHng and Permanent Wares; Alto Manicuring OPEN EVENINGS BY APTOttTTMENT IRENE S! BEAUTY SALON 9 341 State Street Phone 56S4 To Our Friends in Free Lecture On Christian Science . ': BY II " HerscLel P. Nann, C. S.B. of PocbcdkL Oregon ... j Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church The First Church of Christ. Scientist in Boston, Mass. ENTTrLED: "Qirls&an Science: the Science of Unfolding Being" cnuncn edifice Chemeketa and Liberry Streeta, Salem, Oregon Friday Evening. May 11th ot 8 o'clock ALL ABE CORDIALLY INVITED ITho Oregon Countfy: Most of you people living in this ate are enthusiastic boosters fox your local communities and for the whole Oregon Country. Over the back fence, in letters to Eastern friends, you often do a good selling job for the fabulous region in which you live. Doing so, you may awaken your neighbors to greater appreciation of opportunities, bring new business to your town, or perhaps locate some new family nearby. This is the spirit that has built the Pacific Northwest. Each of us must first be aware of the advantages of our region, then transmit our enthusiasm to others. This will insure its future development. j Through advertising in TIME and other, national magazines. The Oregonian joins you in telling of the great Oregon country. LI65 . NEW i' i ,;iviJ,H 'I. r; .gJUdnts. f. - , l -0 ; , Xbii airtrtkemmO, the lit In M tUt sponsored hj The Oregontan, it j mffem'mi tmrentlj t nationd uustieh - , t - t