II, ..:!. ........ .. I. .... -,. "'. . ... .. ... ., .., ... .... ...... .i .-w-;-: -r -rf,: '.!:? -;v4 -M.ft Following is tlie cliron logy of World War II, as assembled in detail for The Oregon Statesman by The American Armor Blasts Through Nazi Lines A$AA Associated Press. :;:' 1939 mm ; ' V v -' - - -i, ! i Sept. 1: Germany invades Po land, annexes Danzif. ! Sept 2: France mobilizes. Italy proclaims neutrality. Sept 3: Britain and France de lart war on Germany. Nazis bomb Warsaw.- -: .! Sept. 4: New Zealand and Aus tralia declare war on Germany. United States proclaims neutrality. Fighting begins In front of Magl not line. - f Sept 10: Canada declares war on Germany. Sept 17: Russian troops strike into eastern Poland. J Sept 27: Warsaw surrenders. Sept 28: Germans and Russians partition Poland. ! I Nov. 4: President Roosevelt signs neutrality law repealing arms embargo. .' ' Nov. 8: Bomb wrecks Munich beer hall just after Hitler leaves. L Nov. 30: Russia invades Finland, j Dec. 17: German pocket battle ship Admiral Graf-Spee scuttler i outside Montevideo harbor after ; battle with three British cruisers. ! :; ; " 1910 " i Jan. 16: President Roosevelt rec ommends further financial aid to Finland i ' j Jan. 20: Winston Churchill, first ; lord of the British admiralty, I warns Europe s neutrals,-to: join Ithe Allies. Feb. 2: Finland,' itill resisting j fiercely, asks Russia"for an "hon orable peace." - March 11: Britain discloses she and France ready to aid Finland If requested. March 12: Moscow announces treaty ending Russo-Finnish war. March 20: Deladier resigns as French Premier and is succeeded by Paul Reynaud, his Finance Minister. April '4: Churchill given gen eral supervision over all units of Britain's military and naval strength. April 9: Germany invades Nor- i way and Denmark,"Denmark giv ing in but Norway declaring war. April 15: British land troops in Norway." j . ' May 2: Prime Minister Cham berlain admits the Allies have giv en up fight for, southern and cen-1 tral. Norway. - ', May 10: Hitler, announcing 'fThe hour has come," sends his troops Into Belgium, the Netherlands; and Luxembourg while Nazi planes bomb northern France. Winston Cnurchill succeeds Chamberlain as British Prime Minister. j IMay 14: Dutch army capitu lates. Allied troops battle (Ger mans on Meuse front in Belgium. May 19: General Maxine Wey fand replaces Gamelin as Allied generalissimo. j May 28: King Leopold orders the surrender of . his Belgian forces, exposing British flank j t May 29: Under heavy German attack, 400,000 British soldiers be gin to escape from Dunk er que. Al lies capture Narvik in Norway. June 3: German planes : bomb Paris. June 4: Allies bomb Munich, Frankfort and the Ruhr, f June 10: Britain announces vacuation of Norway. Paris gov ernment leaves as Germans Strike to within 3S miles of city. Italy declares war on Britain and France. ; ! . June 14:vGermans march into Paris. i Rapture Of Victory i Tank paced United States infantrymen knife thro orh German lines nCYCr PC tore Cquauca lO. umiCUHJ V cawmitumtm aa vwmwft June 17: Marshal Henri Petain becomes premier and announces French surrender. Great Britain says she will fight alone. June 20: French armistice with Germany signed at Compiegne. June 24: French armistice with Italy signed. . June 28: 'Russia occupies Bes sarabia in Romania. ' July 5: Petain severs relations with Great Britain after . British navy attacks French warships at Oran. July 14: Estonia. Latvia and Lithuania annexed by Russia. July 19: Hitler offers Britain "last chance" for peace. Britain says "no." Aug. 4: German air force be gins heavy attack on Britain. Aug. 6: Italians invade British Somaliland. Aug. 12: Five hundred German planes raid Britain. Aug. 19: British withdraw from Somaliland. Aug. 20: Britain disclosed agree ment to lease naval and air bases in western hemisphere to the United States. Aug. 30: Romania forced by Germany to yield half of Transyl vania to Hungary. ' Aug. 31: RAF bombers hit cen ter of Berlin for first time. " Sept 3: President Roosevelt an nounces trade of 50' over-age de stroyers to Britain for naval and airl base leases in western At lantic. Sept. 6: King Carol abdicates Romanian throne in favor of son. Sept. 7: Heavy night raids on London begin. Sept 16: President Roosevelt signs Selective Service Act Sept. 27: Japan joins the Axis, signing 10-year tri-partite pact in Berlin. Oct 3: Neville Chamberlain resigns from Churchill's -cabinet; pleading poor health. Oct 4: Hitler ' and Mussolini meet at . Brenner pass. Japanese Premier says U. S. must accept Axis order or face war. Oct. 8: U. S. orders citizens to leave the Orient. German troops enter Romania. Oct. 18: British disclose repulse of German Invasion attempt on Sept 16. ' ' Oct. 27: Italy invades Greece. .? Nov. 9: Chamberlain dies. Nov. 14: British dig for 1,000 dead and. wounded after raid on Coventry. Greeks rout Italians along 100-mile front. Nov. 20 Hungary joins Axis. -Nov. 24: Slovakia follows Hun gary and Romania, into Axis al liance. ? ; Dec. 12:, Britain reports Italy's Invasion armies in headlong re treat from Egypt; 20,000 prison ers taken. Af f MlWM 1 lUtllAHT sWd.erj and J iana at thm ffce cap'Heli Allits shouted com to ArmistkffDay and ih end of hostilities on Nov. II, I 'IS. The tension of more than four years of war broke, flags waved. Army discipline ; was forgotten, men and wd men theered, and huge throngs gathered for monster parades in the big cities of the new and old worlds. X' Y ' ' : m imtmmmmmmemmmmamemsmmsimmemseme''m J t - s i THE FRONT f 1 IQNDON 1 (11 A.M., Jan. 3: Ireland raided by Ger man bambers. f j j l , L. Jan; 10: uermany ana Jttussia sign new friendship j pact Jj; : March 1: Bulgaria signs Axis pact; German froops! march in. March 10: British: troops leave Alexandria foil Greece. ' - 'j March 11: president Roosevelt signs lend-lease billj . " March 25: 1 Yugoslavia joins Rome-Berlin-lpkyo ialliance. a j March 27: Military i coup ousts Yugoslav govefnment which sign4 ed Axis pact! 17-year-old Peter enthroned as lfing.1 ; ;( ' March 30: IJS seizes Axis ships in ports. I II I1; '! - f ii Anril ! fi: flrmanv: attack Yii- .goslavia and ureeMi. j ; I j April ! 17: Oermahy announces surrender of Yugoslav army. ; April 18: Piremier Korizis ji of Greece commis suicide. i April 27: Germans take Athens. May 10: Rlidolf I Hess, Hitler aide, lands byi parachute in Scot land. .4" f i.A M: ! . I- ' May 20: German attack Crete in first? airbofne action. .- . May 31: British withdraw from Cretet ' i L ... !;.. June 14: President Roosevelt freezes Axis cjeditslin US. j ; June 16: US closes all German consulates. Jf:f j ! ' : .. Jf - June; 22: Germany, Italy and Romania declare war on llussii. June 25: Finland enters war agairtst Russialij f 1 July 7: American naval fortes land in Iceland, i j :i j July 13: Britain and. Russia pledge joint jsction against Ger many. j .1 M: --it H '. July 24: Japanese troops mbven mto rrencn Ifldo-China. ! July 25: U. gj and Britain freeze Japanese credits. ' j " July 26: Japan freeze! U.; S. British credits: ; Roosevelt calls Philippine military forces into U. S. service. ' J 1 '-'.j j ; pi. ' Aug.. 14: Humored Roosevelt Churchill se il conf erenbe ' con firmed by announcement bf eight point program later known as Atlantic Charter. j! ! Aug. 25: British : and Russian troops invade! Iran, i i i i f ; Oct. 19: State of siege! declared in Moscow. j -. ! j. - jj, Nov. 24: Russians begin coun ter-offensive jvest of Rostov; 1 1 Dec.; 7: Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.!! i : ; . , ! Dec. 8: U. $. declares war. Japs attach-Midway. ; r ) -. .-f- : Dec. 10: Japanese land in Phil ippines. British lose Battleship Pnnce of Wales and Battle Crnls er Repulse off Malaya. : . I Dec. 11 : U. S. declare war on Germany and Italy after earlier md civil- t ? I ' -'rVV : and in J I - ictorioo, ;p -A'. ; isyi wef- 1 1 : front of tlf victorious a noisy! wef PARIS 0 r NEW! YORK NOV. 11, 1913 , !" 1 -: . i 1 ; i RetalilMries Of 78 i fM. 'Iv..,:.: I I. .. , ! II... - r:l. on the Normandy front a frint w yysw Axis declarations. Japanese tleshlp Hafuna sunk by U, Army airmen. Japanese landing forces attack Wake. j Dec: 12; Guam occupied. Uj S, Navy1 takes; over French shipt. in U. S.; including Normandie. Dec. 16 Germans retreating along entire eastern front f Dec. 23: Wake falls after 14- day defense. .; " ... Dec. 25: Hongkong falls. Dec. 27: Manila bombed despite declaration it open city. 1942 Jan. il United Nations pact signed pledging no separate peace with; axis. Jan. 2:; Japanese occupy Ma nila. .' I Jan. 14: First ship Is torpedoed off Atlantic coast Jan. l7: jjPrime Minister Chur chill : returns to London after visit to US. j ; - Jan Jl: Five -hundred ljaile British I penetration into Libya checked by Rommel. j j Jan. 23: Rio de Janeiro confer ence: of 21 American republics recommends axis break. j Jan. 27: First American trcops arrive in northern Ireland. Feb; 1: US navy raids Gil ert and Marshall islands. Feb. 9: French liner; Normandie ravaged. byi fire. " Feb. 11: jAmerican troops s fe guard oil fefineries on Dutch is lands of Curacao and Aruba in the Caribbjean.. ! . Feb. 15: Singapore j surrenc ers. Feb. 27:!Great naval battle be gins! of Java; US loses . Crv iser Houston ad Destroyer Fope. March 9 Japanese overrun Java. Rangoon, Burma's capital, falls!. j j j. , - . I March 16:;War department an nounces ; "considerable numbers' of US troops have arrived in Au stralia, j : ; . March ,17: Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur j reaches Australia from PhiUipines. . March 31: Japanese begin heavy attacks on Bataan. . , April 3: Announcement Says American "Flying 1 Tigers? in China destroy more than 200 Jap anese planes. ; I ' April 9: Fighting qnds on Ba taan. j ' -1 f j April! It: U. S. army bombers, under Lt Cot James H. Doolit- tle, raid Tokyo. MaT 6: Correffidor falls. May 7: British occupy French island of Madagascar. xaay a: uen. MacArtbur i an-! nounces five-day Coral sea battld in which 17 Japanese ships sunk or damaged. ; 4 May 12: Russians launch ofen4 ' Ceatlaaed, a Par ln 'A, ' j jw X - H:M X ;:4I v-; :;1 .IS. S. Sect i- ' ' 1 . 1 . '' ! ;'i Yv'' - ' I i I'!.;, , . i '" . " ' .. i '; ! . ' " ;i r .- - V'- '' " -t: ''I i V ' - ..."!,' . M - . . . . k i ' i v . ' r;4 . !i . i ', - ; v! ' t" ; : ' - :'' . ' - ' !.:"': . v i 1 ' ;r,:.,l-. i X-J.- yry-- ; ' , J -I' ! ' .--I . . . ' . -FaitMnil M r- i ' f thra to Victory! The wa : 'world . . . ij family calls him Blackie. The Jging, tingling with anticipation, to greet that buck private, ! or Marine, whos off at war. It gives goes chasing through the house familiar seuing . . ..the comfortable chair; so disturbingly increased li K rv..:.,.--. ". AuM-.l- -.- j " !ht- r. . . the pipe and book, so long untouched. And Blackie "waiting, so 'dauntiessty. He won't be back today, Blackie. He's in a tough fight . .. alongside millions of other fellows like him .T. to wipe out menace, just as they foiled Hitler A.'i,1'.;!iir'"v:v. VAA'i ':-AA: A tyranny. These ire the toughest days of all confronting days that must seem endless .7. home. But he cant come home" 'rendered. That's why we at home " it - - : y- i : -- : .--....--...!-,.' . i ..'. too . .."to justify his sacrifices for us ... to tug that day of final Victory', closer. We've got to strive harder than ever on the production and con-1 'serration frontsTand KEEP fwtting"everyfenny we can into Warj ydy; yA A:Ay A ?A-. .--'iv- v!:' - - : j ' ' - : ::. l-.Vb Bonds! That's the only way we can wait, Blackie! Tnats the only , way we can make thisjtime every dayjhe heartening, realwelconie Jiome' it used to be!) ZZ0 SUtt St, same time every (day, hejis ready, tail- you a lonesome fecling-when 1 for. HIS slippers. You lo6k and Mussolini's corrupt dreams of : . " A: ,;..".!'" iv-' ',-.: 'Ay Li.i filled with prayen for i Victory and until the last cunning Jap still have a tremendous job seaman' Jlackic at therj ihejafc him nowj I .ii has sur- I ahead '