7 ACZ TTIJ ., i H7 y y yfi ' - ii A -. 4 " J It. i i- TRANSFUSION Thousands of f American soldiers wounded in kattle on the world's fighting; fronts today I ae alive because they received transfusions of Red ; Cross blood plasma. Made pos sible throuch the donations of ' thousands ( patriotic men and women, the Red Cross blood plasma project ranks as the world's largest medical nder . taking. . - . : Grains Rally Well at Close To End Strong ' CHICAGO, i May! 7-(,P)-Prof it cashing stalled grain markets for a time after a strong beginning today but a flurry of last-minute short covering caused a sharp rally in both wheat and rye. ' At the finish May rye traded at i $1.40, a new high since April, 1828, ; and wheat was on the strong side with the September and Decem ber deliveries! up j more than a cent ' - j ; ; i Announcement of , Germany's i unconditional surrender failed to bring liquidation into any of the pita. Instead, offerings were light :, at the start when there , was a : broad commission house demand. Apparently, j analysts said, the , trade is convinced that peace will mean even greater exports of North American grain to Europe during the remainder of 1945. Wheat was sharply higher , at the start , but the opening bulge brought out heavy offerings from ; professional traders and within 15 minutes prices had eased back to near Saturday's finish. ; A Washington dispatch in ? a trade publication reported it was i"a foregone conclusion" that the ' commodity credit corporation's loan rate on the 1945 wheat crop '. would be $1.37 a bushel, two cents higher than that offered last ; year. On Chicago basis the loan then would , be $1.59- compared with $1.57 in 1944. .. j At the finish wheat was to i ; higher than Saturday's close, May $l.75fc. Corn: was unchanged to '.i higher, May $1.15. Oats were up i to , May 66-66H. Rye was 1 V to 3 higher. May $1.39,i-l,40. Barley was off , to up , Miy 91. Legal Notice ! notice to creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Hhat tit undersigned has been annotated Executrix of the Estate of , Frank Hrubeti Sr deceased, by the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon, and has qualified r All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by Jaw, to the undersigned, at Suite 410. First Na tional Bank Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, which Is April f. 1943. MARY i. URUBETZ. OTTO K. PAULUS, i Attorney at Law. ; 410 First. Nat Bank Bid?,. i Sslem. Oregon. Ap. 10-17-14 My !-. i NOTICE OF FIN AL ACCOUNT ! No. 11 671 I FN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE i STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. PROBATE UErAKTMIriT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CORA M. KAY. DECEASED Notice ia hereby given that the un dersigned, as administratrix of , the estate of Cora U. Kay. deceased, has filed ber final account in the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Mar- ton County and that the 17th day of may, at the -hour of suso o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the Court room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objec , t'ons- thereto and the settlement there of. - .-.- ( Dated and first published April 17, 1943. ' ' i ' I - Date of last publication May IS, IMS. MARJORLE KAY HUNTINGTON Administratrix HUNTINGTON. WILSON & DAVIS I ' S14 Porter Building Portland 4, Oregon I Attorney. Ap. 17-24 My l-S-13. t .HP.fflflEBS' i .V - f UELIAIIS & THACKEn HOP- YARD E.-.: I:av:s d c:rc;r cl Ctecckela and Li'::l7 i!rc:is, 7:23 a. n. . ri:5 21331 Quotations at Portland Prodnce s i POBTT JINTI CWr Mav 7 API- Butter AA prints 4-44,4c: eartona AAl'.-AULf A rrmdm nrinta A5m-6c: cartons 45i-46c; . b grade prints o',-1ic; caruma o in .I'. Butterfat First quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in peruana az-azc; prenuum maximum- of of 1 per cent acidity U-62',4c: valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-6 l'ic. c.nttt. aHM tA Portland retauers; Oregon triplets i9Jc; daisies Z9.sc;- loal JU.2C; inpiexa m iir salers S7e; loaf 7c FOB. -. Eggs to producers: Large A 40c; medium A 34-35c dozen. Eggs To retailers: AA extra large 46c; A A large 44c; A , Urge 42c; A medium 38c; small (pullet) 35' dozen. Live poultry -r- Buying prices from producers: Effective May 1. broilers up to 2 lbs. 52.24c; fryers. 2 to S,4 lbs. 32J4c; roasters over 314 -lbs. 32.24c; Leghorns 2.74c: colored, hens all weights 28.74c; old roosters and Stags 20-I2'.ic. i Rabbits Government celling; Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Government takes sup ply, market nominal. . Onions Oregon dry No. 1. 2.20 2.40 50-lb. sack; Texas 52; reen 96c dozen bunches. ' - Onions Seta, eastern 32s 7 .83: pUifU, Walla Walla. SO bunches s.OO t SO. ' Potatoes Deschutes culls 3.0O; KUmath FaUs culls 3 M cental:; 50s, I SO bag: local Is. 100s. 3J0; Maine No. 1. 5.00-5.10 cental. ' -Potatoes (New Texas Red "Tri umphs 3.73 per 50-lb. bag. - - - Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-19ic; vealers AA 22'4c: A 21Vc; B l',4c; & 15-12e. culls 12-15c; beef AA 21c: A 20c; B Wc; C Uc; canner-cutter cows 134-14c: bulls, canner-cutters 14-14ic; Umbs AA 26c; A 24ie: B 22ie; C 10-20c; ewes FS 13'c: M lie: R iOC. Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1S44 peel 15c lb. r Mohair - 1942. 12-month 45c lb. -Hsy Wholesale prices .nominal: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better $34-34; oats vetch $25 ton valley polnU; timothy (eastern Oregon) $39-38 t ton; clover $22-23 ton. ' Ne. 40-37 Simonsis of annual statement of the Mercantile Insurance Company of America of New York. In the State of New York, on the thirty-first day of December. 1944, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon. pursuant to law: " INCOME "Net premiums received, $2,504,137.40. ' Total interest, dividends and real estate income, $240,510.88. Income from other sources, $33,782.10. Total Income. $2,780,430.18. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses. $1,180,068.05. Loss adjustment expenses, $115,806. 42. t Agents commissions or brokerage. $641,601 JS. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $276,839.21. . Taxes, licenses and fees. $113.391 30. Dividends paid to, stockholders, $200, 000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. AU other expenditures. $151,489.56. Total disbursements. . $2,679,196.39. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value), none. . Loans on mortgages and collateral. etc., hone. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $4398.659.16. value of stocxs ownea (marxei val ue). $2,015,600.00. Cash in banks and on hand. $964.- 726.75. ; Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944. $459,- 445.18. - Interest and rents due and accrued. $26,664.31. Other assets (net). $37,310.44. Total admitted assets. $8,402,405.84. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $415,431.00. J Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. $19,000.00. Total unearned permiuma on all un expired risks. $2,499,213.69. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $8. 274 50 ' I ' " Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $97,560.00. . Commissions, brokerage, or! other charges due and accrued. $21,500.00. AU other liabilities. $76.996 Jl. Total liabilities; except capital, 83. 137.975 M. i - j Capital paid up. $ 1 Surplus over ail liabilities, $4,264, 430.34. i - T Surplus as regards policyholders, $5, 264.430.34. 1 .. Total. $8,402,405.84. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $6,767.18. Net losses paid, $505.97. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. ; - i Name of Company. The Mercantile Insurance Company of America. Name of President. Cecil F. jShall cross. Name of Secretary, R. P. Stockham". Statutory resident attorney for serv ice. Temporarily vacant. Appointment pending. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. -Probate Department. In the Matter of the Estate of George B. Weir, Deceased. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his final account as administrator of the above estate with the County Court Of said County, and the Court has fixed the 8th day of June, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day and the-ounty Judge's office la the County-Court house in Salem. Oregon, as the . time and place respectively for the hearing of objections., if any there bet to the said Final Account, and you are here by notified to file objections, if any you have, to the said Final Account on or before the time fixed for hearing. - - -:- Dated this Sth day of May. 1945. George B. Weir. Jr. : Administrator. My $-15-22-29 FINAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In - the Circuit Court of Marion County, Oregon, Pro bate Department, his verified final account as Executor of the .estate of Fred L. Miller, deceased, and said Court has fixed Thursday. June 7, 195 at ten o'clock AM.. In the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in said County, for hearing said final account and all obiections thereto.: Dated this Sth day of May. 1945. . CARL K. MILLER, . Executor, Estate of Fred L Miller. Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN. Attorney. Salem. Oregon. My 8-15-22-29. J. S. Portland Portland LivestocJc WRTlJiOT).6re M8y tt -APV (WF A) Salable catUe 1050. total 1350; salable ' calves 1100. , total ISO: market uneven; fed steers active, .25-80 cents higher: other classes; active but only steady to strong; five loads choice fed steers IT JO. top 17.73 for, one load; other good -choice steers 16.00-17.00; common medium grades 12.00-15.00; good heifers 14.50-13.50; common-medium grades lt.6O-14.00; ' canner-cutter cows 6.50-9.50; fat dairy type cows to 10.50; good beef cowa up to 12.50; medium-good - sausage bulls 1 10.50-12.50: good beef bulls 13.00-50: odd head to 14.00: good-choiee vealers 15.00-14X. Salable hogs 350. total 1400; market active, steady, with feeder pigs, 1.00 higher; ! barrows and I gilts, all weights 15.75; sows 1S.00; stags 14.00; light feeder pigs 13.50-19.00; i heavy feeders 16.00-17.50. i; j J ' Salable sheep 400, total 3450; market slow; spring lambs and shorn lambs weak to 50 cents lower; older classes steady; - goodchoice spring- lambs mostly 13.00: medium grades 13.00-50: good shorn lambs 13.50-14.00; medium grades 12J0; good l shorn yearlings 12.23; ewes lio down, with, wooled ewes at 8.00-50.: , . - . ' ! . - Portland Oraii. PORTLAND. I Ore4 May-- 7 (AP) Wheat; No futures quoted. -.1 i . Cash grain unquoted. . I. 1 Cash wheat ;(bld): I Soft white 12; soft white (excluding Rex) 1.82; white club 1.5;? western red L534. Hard red winter ; Ordinary unquoted; 10 per cent unquoted: 11 per cent 1.62; 12 per cent 1.8St. - i i Hard wait eaart: prdinary unquot- ii per cent i.oz;- Today's car receipts: Wheat S3, bar ley 7, flour 19; corn 11, oats 2. mlll- teed U. j t StOCkS fond! Bonds - - ' Msy STOCK AVERAGES '20 -1 Indus Monday ; ,..,: 1ji.i87J Previous aay Week ago .fi8.8 Month ago . i,.81.6 Year ago f 7L7 BOND AVERAGES : Mm Monday Previous day week ago Month ago Year ago Dairy Sales Scheduled for This Week SILVERTON Not "too littie too late.1 but "too much and j too early" are the reasons that M, G Gunderson, Sf lverton, well-known Oregon cattle; sales manager, gives for the amount of dairy sales be ing schedule the past winter and this spring.' i j) j ' V ij ", ' ' 'j ''" -It isn't," punderson said Sat urday, "that people want to quit dairying. "J But i with the . present help the way it is, . dairymen !are finding they 'have a great many more cows than they can. handle. They have ti get up before they go to bed it they are going to keep abreast' of their work. 1 r Gunderson lists two, Jersey sales this week. First of these is set for, Thursday, May 10, 1 pjn., when Mr. and Mrs. "Dennis Saun ders will' sell 34 head at Gaston. All but one of the' animals, a herd sire, were r a i s e d on the farm. They trace iack to the well known brood cow, Imp. Golden Blonde Queeri, that Saunders pur chased in thi Reed & West im-portaticn-salein: 1923 , ' The second; of the Sales will be held . Saturday May j 12, starting at 12:30 at the' Rex Ross farm at Mt. Ahgel. Ross admits that; he is retaining apout 45 head as well as selling th&t number, but says that eighty -)some head are too many to handle without help. Ross adds tht i present conditions have given him an inspiration to make his, Jersey sale an annual affair.'; th; : j ;!. . . Stock (Trends Diversified ;: 5.11 OnV-E -: -H - . Till 4 - NEW YORK,' May l-iJPy-Cqm- plete lurrginfler of Germany brought joy tp jWall street today although - the' stock j market re sponded with i diversified trends and, while peace rated issues man aged to achieve . modest gains, many leaders' elsewhere stumbled ovr profit taking. fi , It was a case bf uds and downs. A crowds filledl the streets of the financial sector i andH ticker tape and . torn 1 paper - showered from windows, prices steadied, slipped, rallied briskly around midday and backed awayi again In numerous instances in the final hour. Trans fers of l,850,OiOO shares compared with 1,410,000 Friday and were the largest since April 27. hi Hopes that- reconversion could now get underway dropped indi vidual favorites but many custom ers switched accounts and cashed profits on theUdea that the recent string of eight-year highs called for a technical reaction. The ; Associated Press 60-stock composite was;fOff .1 of a point at 65-2. Of 962 ! issues! registering, 406 were up," 355 doxvn and 201 unchanged. 1 "I H -. !'. ' DHH. CUAIl LAM Dr.T.TXajauNl. Dr.G ChmmJt JD CIUNESE DerbaL'sts ; . i 241 Norih Liberty Upstairs Portfand General Electric Co Office open Saturday only 10 mm to t p.m.: to ?pm Con. juJUUoa. Blooti pleasure and urine testa are fret ti charja Practiced since 131?. j- It : 1$ - 19 Rails .Util Stks i 40.4 43.5 65Jt : 40.8 . 43.6 . 65 J 3 413 43 J 65 J ' 36.4 40.9 - 60.8 " n i si a il 19 10 i 10 ! Ralls Indus Util Fogn jlO0.l 104.8 107.7 73.6 ivu.a 1 iv. f ivi.i - to. I :Jil00.5 '104.8 107.8 72.l Jl. 99.8 1 105.1 107.3 71J aasasliRi- ssT-fav-Jpjswa,,., Ss - - - M ": ClassLle Aflvertain: Statesmen , Classified Ads ! Call 9101 Three Insertions per linej25c Six insertions per n - m One month per line . , ,. $M Minimum charge: 25c; 3 tt. min imum 35c; 8 tL mln.'45e.;No refunds. - ; ; Copy for this page accepted 'un til 6:30 the evening before pubUca tkn for classification. Copy ( re ceived after this tlrne will be 'run undet th heading "Too Lata to Classify." ' j . - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors wblch may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and In eases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise tnent in which the typographical mistake accurs. - - The Statesman reserves the jight. 10 reject questtooaoie aovextisgng.: It further reserves 'the right' to the piace au . aaveruswg . unaer proper classification. A -Blind- Ad an ad eoatahimg a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of ith advertiser and must - therefore i be answered by letter. The Statesman V. not at liberty to -divulge Infor mation as to . tna jaenutr - or advertiser using "Blind ad. Livestock and. Poultry IF You want to buy anything listed In this column and need the cash to buy it with then do what hundreds of other people do phone Saleiri 3191 and ask for the money on -the I Per sonal finance Company's Special Fi nance Plan. 313 State Street 1 BEAUTIFUL PALOMINO stallion 8 yrs. old. 13 tends. 10TS Iba. 8450. i Per fect color and conformation. R. Ll Mc- uvenna, 1345 -Cross. . t JERSEY heifers 3 yrs. old. any day. 3 bull calves 4 mo. old. 1 helf er calves 3 c 3 mo. old. O. Bullock. RL s, box 82. Macieay Ad. JERSEY HELTEH with - calf 10 days old.-Ph. 32361. 40 Hansen Ave. . CUSTOM HATCHING: Order earlv for Best Dates I Small orders, ducks, wild game. specialty. Baby chicks, nm. strain. i. m. xouion, a Ph. 9528. . WANTED: Bees and canner cuws bulls and veals. Will call at farm t-1 - -Snethen, , - 3570 E. Turner Road Ph. 31343. Morns or eves. -. Help Wanted f WANTED: A good all around fwool presser. Can, make $75 per week. Apply at Hollywood Cleaners, 3040 N. Capitol Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by lo cal grocer are indicative of the idaily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem ' buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: I . - BUTTER. EGGS AND POCLT - 8aJeet to chaage wltkeat aetlccl BUTTEKrAT Premium .54 .53 ML J7 ; -34; JS 33 24 38.30 14 M No. 1 , , No. S BUTTE PRINTS A . B Quarters KGGB Extra largo Mediums Standards Pullets Cracks POULTRT No. 1 coloted henri No. 3 colored hens Bakes 131.80 Colored frvs 31.80 14.50 LIVESTOCK (by Valley Pack) Spring lambs Ewes L ., 84 Cows, boners and cutters 0 to Cows, common M to Cows, top dairy 08 to Cows, beef type S9 to Veals . J3 to Bulls 88 to to 0 M . OS .i M 50 ps U4.&0 pa i Hogs. 160 to 370 13.45 Sows By the Rural Reporter 4 It used to house cows. Theri for a few years it looked i as If if couldn't house anything. Nov il is being . repaired and will Boon house turkeys. This is the story of the old barn on the former Schar place in Central Howell dis The Wesley .DeBoers recently pur chased the farm and plan to move in by mid-May when the poult3 arrive. The DeBoers have been living on the A. D. Carpenter : in Valley View. Mrs. DeBoer daughter of the Carpenters, the place was recently sold. arm is butJ Out in North Howell the report er found a crew of diggers oil the Nelson Adams farm getting straw berry plants out for sale. The 1Lzr-; shall" strawberry plants art in heavy demand this season, f The reporter also found North Howell Grangers discussing their postwar planning which includes a new grange halL . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyett, who not so long ago owned a model farm in the Middle Grove Com munity, have moved to the old Ben McGinnis farm in the Bethany district , near Silverton. ; Lionel Jones and family have been living there but have moved out to take Labi&a, Jack plana on conevrting the place into a turkey ranch.The ranch is Just ft stone's throw from the old Hyett place, where Jack lived for many years. - N. ' John Hansen. Linn club agent, reports that the anfiual Linn county Spring 4-H Fair will be held in Albany on May 18, U and 12. The Madison Jun ior high school gymnasium is the place selected to hold the fair. In Yainhill the annual 4-Hi fair will be held May 25 and 26 at the McMinnville high school gym. Artificial insemination andf the Ji gauiu UUII Ul Oil BSSOCHUUD IU carry this on " are being Investi gated by Linn county dairymen The committee chosen to report its findings back to the dairyjrnen include Frank Richardsen, Albany; A. R. Forster, Tangent; Wl J. Moore, Albany: Ernest CersoVskL Harrigsburg and O. E. MikeselL Richardson will serve as chairjnan and Mikesell as secretary. . Rich ardson and Moore will make state wide investigation and report back to the others in the county 13 tn-tS Sa Ranch Ramblings county Financial -nr.- Help Vmnted PROOF READER TOR FTVX NIGHTS A WEEK. 6 pjn. to 30 ajn. Previous experienco --desirable;' aiertaess, j-de pendability essential. Regular position. If interested olease- write Box 33 care The Statesman. i ! -' j v WANTED: Comptometer - ooerator. Dairy Co-op 810 S. Coml. FRY COOK wanted at Cline's Coffee ShOP. j s f' S i-."-r.- t ! PIANO player for dancing school. Part time work. .Ph. 31089. I - CLERK and cashier wanted. 185 N. High., i -M ' HELP Wanted: AdoIt in Derson. Clrr Cleaning Works, 1349. SUte. ; ' Help Want Varkri flAW mrryrr1mA In .Iiim. duction should noil apply and will not be considered for employment by era ployers advertisinat in this sectioo . MAN for steam cleaning and . Wash ing cars. Also mechanic and body man. Shrock Motor Co.. 35a N. High. Phone FRUIT and vegetable man. Cood nav to start. The best pay in -the food business for an experienced man. Sav ing Center. W Salem. MEN I wanted tolwork in cemeterv. aieaay employment, gooa pay. assen tiai ' work. Ph. 8653 or cau a W. Hoyt St. - ; H 'EXPERIENCED Service Station 'ope rator. Must know lubrication and -tire repair. Top wages to right man. Ramp and White. Brooks. ) Ore. Ph.-22434. Cl) ITERS for Balm cord wood. Trees are peeled and- yarded 'out of woods. A. w. Crocker. 1-4 r mi. N. , np. East of West Salem. Phone 21148. - i I kitchen work, washing dishes., starting Km. . Ijk - . 1 I food wages. Y achats Hotel, . Y achats. ww. - ; - at WANT, middle - aired man for iyear round work. .Edwards Poultry ' Farm and Hatchery. Ht. S. Box 81; Ph. 3t3S43. KITCHEN Janitor, good wages, steady position, manon Hotel. For Post-War Future . Apply for the following Lubrication, Gas Island ! Tire Changers and ;Tire Salesmen " ; 'I :-- i i - I APPLY FIRESTONE STORE LIBERTY At CENTER ST. WANTED: Route I salesman. Co-op. 810 S. Com'L -. - jDairy . WANTED Experienced lubrication man. Walter H. Zosel Co. Chemeketa MANAGER FOR VALLEY FEED AND WAREHOUSE. STATE - FULLY EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE. BACK GROUND. AGE AND SALARY AR RANGEMENTS DESIRED. BOX "398 STATESMAN. j j Help Wanted- Female WOMEN.SWAOTEP Women to work ion bottling line. 66c Per hour with lis time after j 40 hxs. Apply in person.) ' - H0NEYW00D DISTILLERIES 501 SO. 14TH ST. WOMAN to work Ton jrrill Sat' and Sun. nights 8 to one. Transportation furnished from work. Slue Bird Kes taurant. H COMBINATION CASHEER AND OFFICE GIRL i Full time Cashier? FULL TIME USHERETTE i Must Be Over 18 I a 'II- THESE 1 POSITIONS 1 CAN LEAD! TO ADVANCEMENT IN A PLEASANT INDUSTRY I i - Apply in ! Person -GRAND THEATRE SOMEONE' to care for my children in my home 3 to 7 PJtf. Ph. 31863. . GIRL; grocery clerk. Top pay. Saving center, : w. . aiem. ; WANTED: 'Experienced : saleslady. Ask tor; Miss Moorman, 3. C. Penney Co EXPERIENCED waitress wanted! at The Meadows. 340 State. PANTRY -- Woman. Apply Marion Hotel. : Steady work. WANTED by prominent Salem busi ness firm, experienced steno-secretary with some - bookkeeping knowledge. Excellent working i conditions, good pay. See Mrs. Morgan at U. 5. Em ployment office. i O . . , . , MIDDLE Aged lady who wants a home, to live with elderly lady. Call at 1150 ,3rd St, W. Salem. Mrs. Betty Lewis " EXP. beauty operator.' Apply In per son. 305 First Natl Bank Bldg. j ., "IpRACTrcAVNurse valid patient. $30 week. Nice country home. Ph. 3-3688, Salem. Carter Keepe, Gervj DOCTOR'S assistant. Permanent po sition; afternoon work. Ph. 3623. - ' : WANTED Beauty operator. Moyers Beauty hoppe. 1443 or 1403 N. ComT. . NEED LADY . to jUy with elderly lady about 10 a.m. to 3 pjn." school days. Ph. 3173. 1010 Broadway. j . HOTEL - Maid. Good "wages. Steady employment. Martonj Hotel. WOMAN 30 to 40 to do light outside work on farm.' Good salary, nice home. 1 child OX 3 8258. -. (- HELP WANTED: Energetic women 13-43 yrs. in good hearth and Inter ested In retail business Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start Apply today Room 208. McGUchrist ,Bldg.. Safeway District Office. . i EXPERIENCED fountain girl The Spa. ' SANDWICH and salad lady, the Spa. Situations Wauled WOULD Like to take care of small child In our home. fn. awo itrrpATinNS iul rjlaln aeWing. l cum, west aaicsn. CHILDREN cared for. ' Ph. 46634 Child Care, day or 'm. Ph. 3023. WANTED!! i . ' i I CHILDREN cared j for. 'Ph, 8645. v GARDEN plowingi Tord Terguson tractor, i. PhJ 34077. j - - - y - :'. Pre School PUySchool; -1381 . Stato Ages 3 Part or all day Ph 838 GARDENS plowed, disced. Ford trac tor. Prompt service.' Ray Satter. Ph. 32504..,. j,.,. fr Warm - M ODE ST MAIDENS 1 aT 1 l ; 1 I agsw j . ftw. as m ai l - " "Fwiponithis luit "for 'thfa.i&kkJ -should -. ' think you'd be over your amusement hy now! j Help Wanted ; 1 i WANTED!! CONTRACTOR To Loff 30 Thousand Feet S I - 1 Per VERY GOOD SMALL CAT SHOW ' - ' 13Mile Haul : ; 12 Miles ' on State Highway! Summer' and Pope & DALLAS Salesmen Wanted . West' Coast- Life Insurance Co. 'has an attractive opening for a full time District Manager at Salem. We prefer a local resident between the ages of 33 and 45 who has a desire to make life underwriting hia life's work. Ex perienced life insurance underwriter not now under contract will be con sidered. Write in confidence to J. W. Stewart, 811 Failing BWg.. - Portland 4, Oregon. , i i t - :- :. - -- i i Money to Loan I ----- - - ' ;- t YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON- ! SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO ) General Finance Corp. FOR ' -. I ....... - .. t- Quick Gash Loans Locally owned and operated, we i are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and, tend on any reasonable security. Up to 13 mot. to repay. Telephone 81C8 I ! State Lie. (S-138) 138 S. Commercial St PRIVATE MONEY Auto And ! Truck Loans 'Contracts Refinanced Mimey for new - and used ears' ot trucks regardless of age No delay bring ear and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. , j (vtO'ia -joosttiis -to repay. After S o'clock utione 3381 or 11141 for- appointment : f R0Y;H. SIMMONS " .' ; , lamltlail .h Btata - 138 S Com! :. St Phone 8168 IU 1321 AUTO LOANS Use your - ear -as security." No fcmg rigamarole. Prompt- private service. 818.08 per - mo. repays to . 13 .months $180. Come in, or-save time by -'phoning m your application. . When approv ed make lust one trip and pick up your cash immediately. - - V f J, Personal Finance Co.! . Room 123. Second nr. New Bligo Bldg - 518 State St. Phone: Salem 3181 j J, : Lie. S-133 M-165 :. ;-k:J $ $ MONEY ;$ $ We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth -while cause.- We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. -For quick and effi cient service .see orpbono : j j ! STATE FINANCE CO, Phone 4121. 212 GuardUn Bldg. Salem Lie. S 316-M 223 Willamette Credit Co. J JTH IXOOR GUARDIAN BUILDUP UCENSI W U l For' Sale Miscellaneous Electric Hot Plates - 2 Burner, 3 heats, sealed ontL Slight ly used. Guaranteed satisfactory. Buy now for only- 88 Jl. - ' Star Exchange, cor. Chemeketa ComI PORTABLE Battery Radio 4J0 Rebuilt Jr. size Elec, sweeper 2830 - 8x13 Rug tc Pad. A-l condition 39.75 6x12 Seamless Wilton Rug - .. 75 Pre-war Simmons Studio Couch 2930 4 Poster bed, coil spg. At . new matt. . f Twin bed, coil spg. 3c matt. 35.00 Good Davenport ior recover -.15,75 ' Large late model cabinet radio. Own er wants small set in trade. j Bright Furniture Co. 433 Court SL Ph. 7311 Markets 1 -Help Wanted! - Day Winter Operations Talbot. Incl Phone Dallas 224 - - , -. r - t - i For Sale lUisccllancous WELL built" rabbit hutches 335.00 Ph. 781L 538 10th. , BARLEY 48 ton. Ph. 22017. DAVENO. platform rockerj dinette sei. 'ctuea irasn oumer. tra. i BEAUTIFUL tapestry couch ' and misc. items, rnone sis. ; TRAILERS i for rent 5oe per br. Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. CARLOAD of Eastern Oil 100 Para fin Base. 5 gallons 82.00 in your con tainer. Merritt Truax Oil Co. N. Front Ic Columbia. -1 303 RIFLE with 45 shells. Rt. 6. Box us. a mi. easr fen m ornersj - - BLUE Floral tapestry daveno. sew ing rocker and foot stool. Ph.s 8250. TREE PEONIES. A rare! - shrub. Choose for fall planting while now in Dioom. Frea worbls. l ml. east 'i mi. wo. ox canpy. cross rjl union Oil. I DAVENPORT 4 1 chair, Daveno bed. rouna oax taoie ! a z extra leaves, song dining table 3 leaves, long library table, night stand, dresser, single bed wood, metal bed I complete with coil springs,-, easy do clothes closet, writing desk, wood rocker, awing rocker, some curtain rods and lace curtains. 825 N. winter. . j i i Antiques - 740 Electric SMALL desks with and 1 without drawers; 3 blackboards: kitchen tables, chairs, daveno. etc 180 S. 19th. Ph. 8374. -. EXPERT washing machine MTui wiinMV roll . all ma lr . line! service kesJSee Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store, 319 Ii. FOR SALE Furnishinffs " of 3-oed room, 4-room home. Call evenings 3 to . spt. 3. 3060 N. Capitol. j ertOi2eivFhy35a . . OUR Specialty; Spray painting. Ey-erly-fiottenberg contractors. Ph. 4348. JOHNSON twin Seahorse 4 outboard motor. After 5:30 PM., 153 Evergreen. "PRE-WAR bird cage wttbl stand. GOOD "wood coiled stoveri and i 3 burner electric plate. Ph. 7468. , I t PIECE pre-war dining room suite. 145 N.'17th. Phone 8660. J : I 1 PRACTICALLY hew pre-war Econ omy King separator, stainless steel disked Price 865. 133 .Evergreen. ; i 3 BURNER ; elect stove .- 845; White enamel wood range 837.50: man's bicy cle 328.50; baby buggies 11.50 and up. DU FRATN'S FURNITURE, 3093 Port land Rd. Ph. W3J f : j - . GOLDFISH. 15c and up. White large dbl. water lilies 50c clump. Any day but Sunday.' 1145 Laurel Ave. , el PIECE walnut .finish Jr. llnnette good condition, 2280 N. "Front. -. i SEWING MACHINES: I have a few used sewing machines now available. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. -- v- i2 -Si Htgn j --, , ,) - iKrrCHEN CABD 243 K. klt T, CABBAGE Plants. Danish Ball Head. Jersey Wakefield. Golden Acre. 2230 N.'ComX W- l-,' J- -'v- ;-':-'l ',.-'--)- MAN'S Bike, victory model, like new, 825. Rt. 1. Box 303. Ph. 8628. CITY Gas Range with built-tn trash burner. Fully insulated. All porcelain. Automatic pilot light. Cabinet - style. $174.95. Certificate rMessarv-4j- r , MONTGOMERY WARD? : . METAL Bed. coil spring it mattress Kali uewr. wlr T.?"-- i - , 1 MONTGOMERY yAfctt t ' ANTIQUE glassware, cups and sau- cers- Ph. 2-1443. . ' - "36 PLYMOUTH ! motor, pair roller skates. 3 burner oO stove. 2349 Cherry Ave. - . . i . complete with: hitch and extra wheel. 2209 N. Front. Cabincti Classifieii For Sale Misccllanf ou COAL 8s Wood Ranse. Porcelain fin lslw cabinet- style, -large- firebox, res ervoir, not rationed. 886,85. . SaUN-rUUMKRY WARD RIVER SILT Phone 5077 ATMORAYS -OZONE. seQ and rent. 1 C Puah Ph 8-2458 PO Boa 463. MOTHERSD y card s' arsSsTTha Apron Shop. 79 N. High si ENCWE Rlver Siltr' "free from foul seed.- - i t" -' Commercial' Sand & Gravel' Co. . PH. 8673 or 1954 . , " Johnston Sheet Metal Co. ' 1410 S. 12th.! Salem. Oregon -Phone 5391 Years of experience enables ui to give you guaranteed workmanship. .Air- conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters. Cave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. -Tanks and repairing. . FREE ESTI- ' MATES. . - . ..-. . LARGE ASSORTMENT unpamted furniture, prime coated for easy paint-; ing or durable pisstie finish. PICK EfrsCOjOP FbRNMth A SUte. - WILL buy - for - cash, sell or trade runs, ammunition, scopes 3c trailers. Don Madison. 500 No. High. Salem. . . STOVE repairing ft parts.' , Woodry's Mkt, 1S05 N. Summer St " WE Buy - 8 sen furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric i appliances, household goods. KLIG MANJfc 2M ll ComroerciaL Ph. 8883. : CROCHETED FRILLS. 980. Union St.! "ALWAYS a bis -stock.- Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 3110. FULLER - Brushes 174 Grant P 8357 XAWNMCWE j Sharpening & Ad lusting. -Woodry's Mkt. 1805 N. Summer St. Trade Miscellaneous NICE WALNUT dining tble. 30x18 to trade for small drop leaf table and i chairs. Ph. 759. ' . TO TRADE Large prewar wicker doll buggy. Perfect condition for Jr.: sizo bicycle, wil -i pay difference 290 Kingwood Ave. - i Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Good stock dog. immed iately. Must be well trained for cattle. J. J. Doran, Rt 3. Box 12. Turner. WANTED: Fly rod. reel and misc. fishing tackle, by local service man. Ph. 3804 or write i Opt Vernon Green- , lee. 1440 Ferry. Salem. TUES. or WED. ! - WILL- Give 31 for cold storage locker.- Ph. 7558. -WANTED:-A second hand bath tub. also gas ranged burner. 271 D St. Salem -.WANTED Electrte washing machine I in good condition. Phone 3774. rVteaTJo Id dishes and glassware. Ph. 2-1443 , WANTED Large second-growth fir. hemlock, or white fir. Within 40 miles of Salem. Will pay ton price for any large amount -See Jack Henningsen. STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 212 Guardian Bldg. WANTED Five-inch top fir piling, long lengths. Telephone ATwater 4341. quantity can supply. - Ntedermeyer Martin Co.. Spaldine Bide Portland. ure. - '-.-.... . WAN'I'KU An tnabn 1,HH., n ' 24 ft. long, in good cond. Rt 4, Box 132. Frank Bruns. -, . We Buy j Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID TOR USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances Call 9149 for appointment HOGG BROS. 260 State St "SGOODusedbox CASH tor useO joiano at other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to laquith Music Co.. 191 S iigb ; CASH PAID fort Singer sewing ma chines. Singer Sewing Machine Co., WANTED, PIANOS. Will pay cash. Will Music Store, i 432 State St ; WANTED. Pmnos. Tallman's. Ph 5tW - WANT TO Buy, tTaeo cameras as tenses McEwan Phuto Shoo 435 Stata. USCD rURNITURf Pit 9183 Wanted rF urnitnre WE pay. cash for1 used furn. State St Furn. Co., 19O0 State. Phone 7596. Vf YOU have furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph 731 L 453 Court - Miscellaneous' - FACTORY represenUtive of middle west manufacturer will be in Salem to select exclusive' dealers for frozen food cabinets and other electrical equipment. Replies solicited from es tablished business firms. Box 411. Statesman. - - j INSTRUCTION. Learn practical nurs ing easily at borne, spare time. Bis de mand, good earnings. High school not necessary. Write for FREE facts. Wayne School of Practical Nursine. Mt care statesman. i INSTRUCTION. Male.-Would like to hear from reliable men who would like to train in spare time to overhaul and install Refrigeration and Air Condi tioning equipment. Should be mechan ically inclined. Will not interfere with your present- - work. For information about this training, write at once giv ing name. atidres, ago and your work in - hours. . Utilities Inst 393 car Statesman. Dental Plate Repair TWO-BOUR SERVICE IN MOST '. CASES Bring or Mall your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldg . State & Cont-Ph 3311 BOOKKEEPING and accounting. shorthand. -.-typing, 'office, machines Ac f inng. taurnt the modern methods at The Capital Business College, 343 Court St, Salem. Phone 5987. i For Rent Rooms LARGE sleep, rm. close in. EmnL lady pref. 146 .Marion St NICE front heated sleep, rm.: for gentleman. II. St C, water. 255 Center. COMBINATION living and sleeping room. rri. tUi. in new home. Phone iiau or x-ui ( CLEAN, comfortable rooms. drinking. 575 Court St Large sleep.' rm4 g beds. Ph. 8759. SLEEP ROOM 260 Marion. Room and Board FOR MENM144 Canter. Ph. 8630. WILL BOARD 2 small children in my home. 1143 -Marlon, after 8 PJ4. 8- committee. , I r - :