v ?AGE EEC Rev. Favillmer Of Portland s A U A U11V llpl C The Rev.-Carl Faulkner,"'? Port land, is to be the guest speaker at the. First- Baptist -church -Sunday in" the absence ef Dr. Irving: Fox, Who is attending a meeting in Chi cago of the boafd of finance and promotion -of the", northern Bap- tist "convention'. The" Rev. "Mr. Faulkner, is a : former missionary to the Jew&'n Palestine and Rus-: i.7a and. is jtov .aff iliatfid ith'the Jewish.: department . of the - City Mission society inr Portland; -Sun day morning the ordinance of the Lord's - supper - will ".. be observed and the Rev. Mr. Faulkner will talk on "Our responsibility to the Jew." ' At the 7:30 hour his ser mon topic is to be "Jesus of Naz .areth Passeth By.'V .The annual election of officers of the Baptist 'Youth Fellowship .will be held at 6:30 pm. Sunday at the regular combined, meeting of the young people's groups. Plans for the promotion of the ' summer's camping program at Ar rah . Wanna, as well as. plans for the immediate future, were made at a retreat, "at: Neskowjn ;' last Sunday by the following members of " the B.Y.F. cabinet: Virginia RrhHl "Rnhprt TJrtffrW I .a Velio '"Cross, Marjorie Coe, Cleo Schei del, . Carolyn Davis, Loren Lottos, Daryl'.Willecke, Douglas Coe, and Henry Fox. Others accompanying the group were Mr, Ray Cates, - .adviscir." - Mrs .' . Rav ' ("tales.' Anne Marie. Cates, Mr. Milton Coe, and -Miss Maude Durfee.' Several women of the church are going as delegates Tuesday, May 8. to the annual state women's meeting, held in lieu of . the state convention at the First Baptist "fhurch, Portland. Mrs. Irving A Fox, as state' program chairman, has arranged the , program. .? Mary uetn J-Xilton, special resentative of the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit board of the Northern Baptist convention, is to speak at the church Wednesday , night, at 7:30 p. m Thursday night' there will be a fpecial rehearsal for the Girls' 1 chorus in preparation ifor the fifth annual concert Sunday night, May 20. Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand is the . director Music Week .- I . ' :- Observed Calvary Baptist-church' will op en the observance of music week with special music at both ser vices Sunday.At the morning ser- 'vice both the-: junior iand senior choirs are presenting musical nura-i ; bers. The junior anthem is "The . Lord's Prayer" byiKeatingt and the senior choir wilt render the communion anthem'O Saviour of ' the World" by Goss. vj The ordinance of the Lord's Sup per will be observed. Dr. Charles Durden's message is to be "When Fear Turns to Faith", j A special musical program will -be tho feature of the evening ser vice. The Young People's choir is singing "Rejoice Ye With Jeru salem" by Spinney and the Senior - choir- will offer two numbers, "Gloria" by Buzzi-Peccia and BJind and Alone" from The Con- . version" by Matthews. ' Special in strumental numbers will be pro . lided by the brass quartet and the ensemble. In keeping with the -service Dr. Durden will preach on . tne tneme, "Master Singer of Galilee". r i . First Gold Star on ' ChurcH Flag Honors James Hannaman The first gold star to be placed n the service flag of Leslie Meth- dist church will be in memory i or James u. Hannaman, whose wife is a member. Appropriate memorial services will follow the morning sermon Sunday. Jimmie, ,fas he was known by many, was a co-pilot on . a bomber of the Eighth air force based in England i and recently was shot down over Germany.. ; Valley Churches ! KFIZElt UXWttf (Indenomlnttlonal) orange hall; pastor. Rev. David - Jlamm. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morn- v ,n "ervice. 11 O'clock. Young people's SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY ' J CHURCH i Salem HetKhta communltv hall. nas. tor. Rev. F. C Stannard. Sunday school. ju auiu cnurcn services, 11 a.m. nr.n nnxs district sundat "SCHOOL. CONVENTION Salem Heights community hall. Mav . S. Theme: "The Supremacy of God's Word." Text: Isaiah 40:8. Song service 'l"d by Rev. Robert Neal. DevoUonals. Jtev. r. w. biannara. Aaaress. "WorK -em Together with God." Rev. Harold layman. Talit. Miss Loren Strong. Ad .dress "The Teacher s Obiectlve" Rev , J. R. Turnbull. Closing remarks, Fred DeVries. Pot-luck dinner, 12:30. Ben Bietz. president. Mrs. J. W. Simmons. 'secretary-treasurer. SWEGXE SUNDAY SCHOOL Schoolhouse. Undenominational. C, 'A. Salter, superintendent. Sunday riiuui tv a.iiu - ' TURNER CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pastor. Gene Robinson. Sunday -school, 10 a.m. Morning tervice. 11 ' , clock; Communion. - Sermon subject: , -Christ ( the Countryside, special service ef rural life Sunday. Evening rvice, 7:45 ociock: sermon subject -Dealing atl Our rears." Fii":2 IZ:l!::isi Ghnrcb Down Town The Tail White Spip Jforning Vorship 10:55 " ."The Greatness; of Jesus" Sermon by Dr. D, H. Schulze Josephine Albert Spaulding, soloist, singing - "Ave Maria" - - I ... .... - r . . . w V. Herman J. Bohl Irlissioiiary Alliance Has New Pastor ' t f TTarar.nr, T DnV new ministers to tne unrisuan and Missionary Alliance church, Fifth at Gaines st, have come to Salem from Hood River. Rev. C. H. Steinman, the former minister, has gone to Portland. A son, Wyman, is serving in the European theatre of wan The daughter. Beth, now Mrs. L. V. Inman, is finishing cadet nurses training at the Swedish hospital Y eattle. Her husband, Lt. Inman, recently finished his bombing mis- sion over Germany. - I Kv nnrt Mn Hnhl hAVP rv- I ea tne ministry in cnurcnes oi Washington and Oregon. Mr. Bohl n j -a: . ... . . , - I wa ux uic sxyv v county Ministerial association, played first clarinet in the Hood River symphony orchestra under tk. j;t;r.n r th. ViMnieV. I xj C; j ,., lu'"tD,:' v ; Mk.. .nj Mlintmn "r" 1 His message lor next Sunday I morning centers on this theme Is 1 Ti tii in b ScriDtural." The evening rep-revaneelistic service at -7:30 has some special features with the message entitled, "Three Liars in a Heul Storm.' , '-1 - Film Feature of Sunday Night's Church Service . Outstanding feature of the pro gram to be presented by the Youth Fellowship of the First Evangeli cal church Sunday at 8 p.m., is a religibuf film entitled: "The Pow er of God." Other events of the evening in clude a rousing song service, and special number by Lela Beach, Jermond Lamkin, and Barbara Senter, members of the junior high department. The high school department is featuring a ladies' 7r" '., ' ' " ieaiunng a laaies Silverton Church q U"YC1 lWA.VXlUlW.Iiea CHURCH OF GOD ' Second at A street. O. R Baker. nn. I. 10 am. Preaching hour, 7 p m Bibl5 listic service, pjn tor. sunaay scnooi. at 11. Children s study at 7. Evangelis ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front Street. Omar Bailev. nnr Sunday school. 8:43 a.m. Worship at 11. Young People at :45. Evangelistic at p.m. LATTEJt DAY SAINTS Modern Woodman hall at Third St. Swnday school at 8:43 a.m. Worship at 11. MIA at 7:30. PILGRIM HOLINESS Knights of Pvthiaa hall on Mill St Omar V. Fenton. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Divine services at 11. CHRISTIAN It MISSIONARY ALLIANCE North Second street. B. A. Franklin. .pastor, siunaay scnooi at to a.m. wor sbiDatN T YoinVPeoDle T at S Sehitie it 7s nP gehstic at 7.43 p.m.. TRINITY 3DU O . M t 1 ,. - .... ... t tt n 1 topic:. "Conduct in Courtship." V Mrs! iu ue vjvpu. .liuuirr fcimr. f m. jr. trunoerson m cnarge. cnoir re - hearsal Thursday, S p.m. Confirmation instruction Saturday 8:30 and 11 ajn. .1 " . : " " -: ST. r ACL S CATHOLIC ' 1 Pm at Grant streets. Father John Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses at Si and 10 a.m., followed by benediction, Wnr iiinrfJ . 'LTJ-i nihil i"' I will be conducted by Dr. Walter Giers- at 6:20 p.m. Evening service, 7ao o -io a m SvSiJvSi. f" bach, president! of ' Pacific university, clock, wrmon subjectr . "Shadows of .f n;' t ,?fJI ii' i1.'. SP& Forest Grove. Church school. 8:45 ajn. Eternal Night." Prayer meeting Thurs- m" rnoay mi ii.irupim touw jreuowsnip. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at! I fl- 7:30 a.m. sevenYhvpay ADYENTIST Second trPark streets. William W. Ring, pastor. Sabbath achool at 30. Mrs. G. E. routs, Sunday tchool super intendent, worship at 11.. CHRISTIAN 'SCIENCE" South Third at Jersey streets. Sun day school at 8:45. Morning services at ii. MAROUAM METHODIST Scotts Mills road at Marquam. Pierre Smith, minister. Sunday school at 10 a.m., Mrs. J. L. Jones, superintendent. xoung reopie, iu pjn. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Park at First streets. Russell Myers. pastor. Bible school at 9:45. Ralph Peo ples, superintendent. Worship at Evening services at 7:30. ' 1 - ... v.. . - Main at Fisk street O. Leonard jones. minister, cnurcn cnooi at f:45, Fred Baker, superintendent. Worship i M. Vm,7 t0Plc: -Th' HoJ? 15frtn-i; Youth Fellowship, 7 p.m. Monday, 7 p jn. Boy Scouts. DIMANCEX I North Church street s. L. Almlle, pastor. Sunday school.' 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11 a m., topic: . "Doer of the Word." Junior choir rehearsal. Thurs day, 7 pjn. Senior choir rehearsal, Thursday, 8 p.nv. Confirmation class. &aturaay. SUM) pjn. CALVARY LUTHERAN ' Jersey at Second street 0. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 ajn'01ga Johnson, superintendent Divine wor ship. 11. topic: "Prayer for the Unity of the Church." Luther league pro gram, 1. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 7:3o pjn. Mid-week Bible study and prayer service, Tnursday, a pjn. Salem Churches riHST BAFTIST CHURCH- Liberty and Marlon stre; pastor. Irvine A. Fox, D.P.- Sunday - school, m i Raw . fmtrm- suDerintenoent. .Morning "service, 11 o'clock; Bev. Carl rtunncr, guest. sermon subject: "Our Responsibility to the Jew." Communion service and reception ' of new jmembers. Evening service, 7 30 . o cioc. sermon suDjevi. "Jesus Nszarelrtc rassem xsy- iju ?m comDiiua meeiing or in d i r or election of oiricer. -Wednesday. 7:30 pjn.. Mary Batja Fulton I tne na tional M c M boaxM. . v - - ; . c' ' BETHEL BAPTlSTl. " : North Cottage at :p street; pastor, j. T. ' CHtholf ,t D.O.- Sftmday school. 9:45 a.m Geoite Scbifrran,, supermtend-, ent. Morning serviie,- .ll o"clock.. ser-Hi.rt- "Whw OWrv the Lord s Supper." Reception! jot nev members, cverana; kii. - "w i subject: '; a iseareiy ior- aouu..- uxru i annual business meeting. Ladies' quar tet from the Christian Training insti tute, Edmonton, Alberta, Can;, Thurs day night - at 7:4. ij: - , . CAIVARVj BAPTIST" CHURCH 1230 SouUv Liberty street; pastor. Rev. Charles Durdpnt DJJ.; asst. pas tor. Rev.":G. Howard. -Smiths Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.. :L. H. Randle, su oerintendent. MornLna service. 11 o'- rlwki mmmunkm ' wrvKt: sermon i iuu cli. ni en x csi v a u i iim i 6:30 p.m., BaptUf youth fellowship. Evening service, T:3a o'clock; special musical services sennon bv Dr. Durden: I "Master-Singer of Galilee." Wednesday. I t.so, mio-weea: prayer ana jidic stuay i service. ..- : iirt - IMMANt'EL BAPTIST I Corner of Hazel land Academy: pas- I tor. Warren C., Hale, Sunday, school, I. 9:45 a.m., Etmice Hart, su e Hart, superintendent. M. P. Knigge. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.. ,ilii'clock;-Coramun- Emory Goode, super in tennckent. Morn m pf membeni; ermon ing service. 11 o'clock. Rev. J. R. Stew- Morning service, ion and reception subject f Spiritual rRlessmgs." Evening Spi. ':30 J " fowr CtWEBS arUNCH or , .;. ; - East State and Blma streets. Sunday I school. 9:45 a.m. Ben Swinford. super- UUCUUCUl. A : f 3 , t , ,,, j hate8VU.LK BRANCH or riT BAPTIST t'HLRCH HayesvUle schopl. . Sunday school, 9 :45 a.m.,;Fred Broer. superintendent. ...t " , , KJ,?.m u... , !a 1 I (school. 9:43 a.m. Morning service. 10.45 o'clock, sermon by Rev. Locwen. Eve- ; ..n,Lu k. councu meeting. Wednesday, 7.LS r.m., prayer meeting. , Wednesday, :30 p.m.. . " renearsais. - ; rui im rsnv Madison and Baker streets. L. L. Freeman,; ministet.i Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service. 11 o'clock Eve ning seice, 7 olock. song prictice: mJfo;. ? "n.1Sfj w!f SL.f2fRS a'ig Albany Vft Droatress. 'and wilt continue a ill next weekr at 7:45 each tvening. Everyone I nr1iallu inIriA4 is. aeAJ 1 4 CHURCH OF CHBIST : i North Cottage and Shinning streets! I minister. James j A. Scott. Sunday school, 10 a jn. Morning service, 10:45 o'clock, jermon subject: "The Blood of Christ." Evening service. 7:30 o'clock. sermon subject: fOld Testament Chan- acters; Cain and bel." Young People's service and Bible?5tUdy. 6:30 p.m- j i - I FIRST cniRCHlor CHRIST.! I SCIENTIST v . ' a Chneketa andJLiberty streets Sun(- day school. 11 am.s Morning service, 11 o'clocki sermorsubject: "Everlasting Punishmentv" Evening service, -a o'- ChmekeU andJLiberty streets 1 Sun(- High street CALVARY CHAfEL ui norm mircn street; pi astors. Rev. Claude C.fand Mary W. BelL I Sundav ch001- " Morning ser- vice, 11 oclockJ Afternoon service, S:45 prayer meetings Tuesday throueh Fri day, 10:15 o'clock. court Itreeti christian . i7th at Court street; minisU mmi.io, w n I clock. - sermon subject: "Everlasting 1 ceru.. Plltli.lim.f W I meet ins. S o'clock: Includes testimonies i nf hflTintf Raarllnff rnnm - 1 in . finnth 1 N Lyman. Sunday achool. S:45 a.m." Morn I Thetier. Sunday school. 8:45 a.m. Motn ing service, 10.5 o'clock, sermon sub- i"K service. 11 o'clock; Lutheran World 4' uTh. rKi.r.k', r Aci(n Sundav: sermon sublect. In- ChrisUait Endeavor. p.m. Evening service, tJO o'clock, sermon by Ray" nond Armstrong, associate minister. Mid-week church niaht service. Thurs- Mid-week church I day, :j0 pjn. i FIRST CHURCK OF GOD Cottaea and Ilrwl itrMli- nitfnr H. A. Schlatter! Sunday school, - 8:45 vice; 11 o'clock, sermon subject. "Vic torious Living." fby Rev. Frederick V. ner. speaker. Evening service. 7:43 o'- Shoot. 2-.3Q p.m .tReV. M. Wesley Skin- i ciock, sermon ssbject, "Proving God, itev. n. a. atcniatter. CHURCH OF GOD - 840 South 22nd street: pastor. Rev. G. W. Cleghorn. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service. 11 o'clock. Evening service. 8 o'clock. Bible studv Wednes day. S p.m. Young People's Endeavor. Friday. 8 pjn. f The monthly district fellowship meeting will be at Salem, P m- S Lebanon, at VFW building, Sunday, 3 pjn. . .- . T, , . FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Marion at Cottage streets; services i . r i . 1 "Sf-rSIS'vI11- I -.-tn-i viin TMni' jmSini I-30 ocf- Xopui People s meeting. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGRE- I GATIONAL CHURCH 19th and Ferry streets; pastor. Wil- lard B. Hall. Sunday school, 10 am. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon subject; "Changed Lives." 8:30 p.m.. FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH Corner- of Marion and Summer streets; pastor .f Rev. J, Kenneth Wis- nart. Sunday school, :45 ajn., K. 11 Ermel, : superintendent.- Morning ser vice. 11 o'clock: ' sermon subject, in John's Gospel :j "A Proper Time for Everything." tuth groups will meet at 1 p.m. Evening service. S o'clock this will be Youth Night and youth wm dc '.in cnarge ot tne service: mov Ing picture "Tfce Power of God" will be shown. Prayer and Bible hour, 8 p.m., x nursaay; ; EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE, ASSEMBLY OF GOD 13th and Ferfy streets; pastor. Rev. Walter s S. Frederick. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m., J. Bartlett, superintendent. morrun service, u ociock. missionary address by Mis Florence Christie, from ll.jthe Assiout Orphanage. Egypt; musical I selections by Miss Burt at each service. I Evening , service 7 ;45 o'clock; moving - nicrures ana siorv or trie am oui or, 1 nhanatf Vnnriav 9 'AK r m rrtAro mrwy. 1 m pictures ahd native costumes of Egypt shown. I Wednesday. 7:45 Bible Study aid prayer service ducted by the! pastor. p.m con- AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 343 North Church street; pastor, M. A. GetzendaneT. D.D. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning service. 11 o'clock; Mrs. John Gabje from Rocky Boy In- dian mission at Rocky Boy, Mont, will be guest speaker. : ' Wyi!6g9pQpsypMpsooMyWe I Li Eeuiva! Elov. ilrllinr Gobk - Special Sunday Services 11 h. IL "Czi's Pcs3 Pisa 7: 13 P. 1 1. . Jleef ings Every Night Next Week j Except Monday and Saturday N. ISth St. at Breyman Tho OREGON STATESMAN. 5alm. SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS - i Soutb Commercial - at Washinctorr; pastors. John and Laura Trachsel. SunV day school, 8:43 a.m. Morning service. .11 o'clock; t. guest speaker. Raymond Targgsst of the American Sunday School Union. Evening service, I o -clock, studies in Hosea. GE groups at 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer meeting, p.m., Thursday. . -ri'-r '- ': i ".j v -,:'.:;;, FOtntSQUARK CHURCH J - North 19th at Breyman: pastors. Re, and Mrs. .C.r. Tate. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m., classes (or au ages. Morning service, 11 o'clock: Communion service; sermon subject: 'Gods Peace-rian, by Evangelist Arthur Coble., Evening service, , 1-45 '. o'clock:, sermon . subject : A New tj re anon, avansensi wraur Coble Will be speaking every evening next week with the exception of Mon- day and Saturday ; evenings, ' i- -- .-i pilckim, bwu.ius 75 Market street:- pastor. Paul C. Nering. Sunday school. 8:45 a.m. Morn ing service, 11 o'clock; personal effort in soul winning. Evening service. :1S o'clock, young people's service. Evan gelistic service at :o. weancauay. prayer meeting at l:a p.m, .. - ; jj t FIRST CBBIST1AW CHURCH jf Center and High streew: ' pastor. nudlevl Strain: associate pastor. Clay J. Pomeroy. Sunday school, 9:45 .m.. ih rrn aunertntendent. alorn ject; 'The Three Steps lnj Christian Living' Youth meetings af 6:30 p.m. r.wnln service 1:30 o'clock, sermon insr trrvii.-c - juiv u uiuvisa ffwuiuu subject: - "The Direction of; Christian- ity." Boy scout troop meets monaay at 7:30. Church night, Wednesday, pt rnzSTi METHODIST CHURCH II Market at North Winter: pastor. Rev. tart. speaking. Evening service. 7:45 o'clock. Rev. J. R. Stewarti. speaking. The district - superintendent - will be here today and for both services Sua- fSZfT Prayer! meeUng.. Wednesday;, 7:43 p-Bi. . f " : i ,ir BIIH1 I UAUB K J48 korth Commercial: pastor. Bev. Charles 'Hamilron. Afternoon services, :30 e'lclock. Circle. o clock. Evening service. 7 -JO o'clock, J. B. Craig, super mtendenu, . . , i-.--. j. ... j i Snited brethren in christ )i i- North 17th and Nebraska avenue: pastor; J. M. Good he art, Sunday school. a.m. Morning service 11 ociock.. Vrmon nibiccL "What Is Man? Rev, p.m, ikdult CE; Mrs. Smith leading on TFaithf ' Under Difficulties." Evening Svrvie. 7;30 o'clock: Vernon Merrick. tMCA program secretary, will be the speas.tr, THE SALVATION ARMY ' ,1 stlV.. sundav , Snvt$rvi!lmd1"1y J41 State street: pastor; Major e.!.p. school, 10 a.m. morn o'clock. Evening ser Vice. t:30 o'clock. Young People. S pjm Serves Thursday and .turiy. 8 P;m SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church and Chemeketa streets; Rev, George H. Swift, rector. Holy Com- a.m. Holy Eucharist and address by the rector rn the "United Nations Conference," 11 a.m. if - i f FIRSt PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ! Chemeketa at Winter streets; pastor, Chester W: Hamblin. Sunday school, 9:45 am.. J. J. Fitzsimmons. superin- tendent. Morning service, 10:55 o'clock. sermon suDjeci i aim ior uvinc. Evening service. 7:30 o clock, sermon subject: "Matthew and Thomas." Sun- day. a :30, supper snack, suxiaay, ojia. day, 4:30, supper snack. Sunday, youth) fellowships. Monday. 7:30. Scouts. Thursday, 8:15, piano and 8n recital. Friday, 1:15, sacred Or- con- HIGHLAND FRIENDS ;! orth Church street at Highland avenue; pastor, Herman H. Macy. Sun day tchool. 10 a.m., Clifton Ross, su perintendent. Morning service. 11 i '- clocki Junior CE at 4 p.m. Youth prayer meeting at S:30. Senior CE at Pm- Evening sendee. S o'. Prayer meeting. Thursday, S p.m. CECOSTAL pastor. Wilbur Kin ft. Sunday school. 10 .m. Morning service. 11 o'clock, j Evening worship, 7:45 O'clock. ij CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) ij State street it lltn pastor, r. n. asmuch as Ye Have Done It." Luther league. 7.S0 p.m. Confirmation class, Saturday. 8:30 a.m. - - I ' ! I vrasr MtTsnmiT rHVRCH Down town: Church and State streets; pastor. Dr. J. C. Harrison. Sun day school, 8:43 a.m., Preston Dough 1 ton. superintendent. Morning service 10:50; o'clock, sermon subject: "The Greatness of Jesus," by Dr. D H Schulze. No evening service, JASON LEE METHODIST - 1 North Winter at Jefferson: pastor, S. Raynor Smith. Sunday school, 8:45 a.m. I Morning service, 11 o ciock. wu lamette University Day. Prof. Herman Clark, speaker. 60 o'clock, youth ; fel lowship. Wednesdav evening, fourth quarterly conference and congregation al meeting. I 1 LESLIE METHODIST I . South Commercial at' Myers oa stor. Joseph Knotts. Sunday hool, 8:45 a. 1 m. fiorning service. 11 o'clock, ser- t mon! subject: "The Power of One Am- bition:" memorial service for James I D. Hannaman. Youth Fellowship groups i . . "7 " J P "'' i WESLEY AN METHODIST 15th and Mill streets: pastor. Lowell Gilger. Sunday school. 10 ajn. Morning service, 11 o clock. Young People s ser vice. 1 r.m. Evenmf service. 7 o clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday, at 7:45 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Center at Thirteenth streets: pastor, Weaiver W. Hess. Sunday school. 9:45 a. mi Milford Stull, superintendent. Morning service. 11 o'clock. . sermon subject: "Spiritual Life." Youth groups at fl :30 pjn. Evening service. 730 o 1 clock. - Rev. Raymond P. Taseart. I speaker. Wednesday, 7 JO pjn.. prayer and: praise service. Saturday, 8:43; pjn P, pjn the i Galilean Hour, KSLM. I!' PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH 443 Ferry street: nastor. G. M. Fads Sunday school. 10 ajn. Morning ser vice. 11 to'clock. 8 JO pjn.. Young. Peo ple s service. Evening service. ao o -clock. Rev. Fred K. Scott, pastor of the j Jesus Name Pentecostal Assembly in Portland, will be guest speaker at both morning and evening services Sunday. i a p.m. Wednesday. Bible . study I ana j prayer service. 8 p.m. Friday, Young j People's Bible study. 1 i I SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Hood and North Summer streets pastor, G. T. Dickinson. Sabbath school. 9:30 a.m. " Saturday. Morntna service, 11 (o'clock; L. B. HalUweU of Brazil will soeak of life along the rreat Ama ron! riverways in Smith America, and methods by which medical assistance is 'brought to them. Sunday evening service, law o ciock, sermon subject I "The Grand Jury that Will Ttts War I Criminals." Wednesday. 730 pjn4 will I be Question Box night. Special service J Saturday at 3 p.m.; Elders Rudge and . Adair from Ausuaua wui speak.; Lau' gpsy W I GonSmties "A list? Crciiia if Oregon. 5xWc!cry, Moridkg. Mcry t. 14$ ; 1 Sing atl All - f::4 - Members of the Paclfie Bible college rr.mLm n ' m ' ll ! U M ' uH, -m m ui m n iw .in ., fit.- . . .-.--; ll - .... -: , . . ' - . ( ' ' I Y i i ti.ll .11 III I 'll j II Mil - ' Humbert at the HUt anniul Christian Cnuader rally to be held Sun day at the First Church t Gd, Cettace and Hood street in Salem. Victorious Living', is the theme for the rally. The Rev; Frederick V. Shoot, instructor lq speech at deliver the 11 a.m. addreas. Mis conference bour at 1:3 pan. and Woodburn will be speaker at 2:50. be followed by S o'clock vesper services, the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, pastors, have announeed. " " ' ' Starts Series SILVERTON Haldane Duff, known as the "qnlsnnaster" and director f the Northwest Radio Network ToBth prognun broad- Cast each Sunday afternoon In Portland, Taeomafand JSeattle, wlH ' begin a. . series of ( special meetings Sunday night, play , at the Alliance Tabernacle, 606 North Second st, Silverton. The meetings will begin each night at S o'clock and feature special chorus singing and Information f r o m the "World's Greatest Book.1 y .1 - v 1 i' Special Music Week Events At Silverton SILVTJtTON---Silverton church es .. are planning special musical numbers fori their piorning pro grams. Sunday, with Immanuel church planning a song service for Sunday night, ! : T Monday - night the "Liberty's Children" wijl be presented at the Eugene Field auditorium ' as the city's opening program in Music A special tribute to the service men will te "give Wednesday night, May 9, at 8 pjn., in the f Torches of Freedom" program planned by the local music week committee headed by Miss Hannah Qlsen. Mrs. Percy Palfreymenpwfll di rect the Girl Scout chorus, Mrs Tom Anderson, the' men's chorus, and other numbers! will be given by the Guard quartet. The Rev; L. Alrnlie will be the narrator for the evening and the torches will be lighted by Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts also will act; as color bear ers for the flags of the Allied na tions. Placing the insignias will bef in charge of the Boy Scouts. Edith Holland will take the ! part "of Peace." tV ' " Friday night, 'Frank Wenzel has arranged a school j orchestra and band concert to be given at the high school auditorium, f i I si- Music Week will close at Silver- ton with the sacred concert given by Trinity choir, under the direc tion of Mrs. Tom Anderson-.Sun day night, May 13, at 8 pm,l at Trinity church. I I ';: relwood Academy . students ' "will give tne mv program alter this service. They ; will present a t band concert in tne evening at trie west Salem school gymnasium at S JO p.m. n j TRUTH CENTER ;. : j.'- :' i .""' 334 State street: pastor. Olive Ste vens. MsD. Morning service, 11 o - clock, sermon subject; "The Truth About Evtt," S MISSION STREET UNITED BRETHREN . . 1145 Mission street; ' pastor. Rev. George Martin. Sunday school, 10 : a.m. Morning service, 11 o'clock, sermon subject: "Household Salvation." Eve ning service. 5 o'clock, vesper hour, sermon subject: "What We Believe Abclut Jesus Christ. . Prayer meeting Wednesday. 7 Sill pjn. J i i Firs! Prc:by!crian i . ; Chzxchl :1' Ckemeketa at Tflnter Chester' W. Ilamblin - Pastor . . 1C;E5 IL. IL ! Tciih.frr1 Livirj" 7x3 P. II j tv"7Ti1- J 1 Day Rally ladies' quartet will sing special Pacific Bible college, Portland, will Olive Burgees will preside at the the Kev. M. Wesley Skinaer of A "Slngspiratien" at 4 pjn. will Concert Will Be Giveii on . Sunday; Niglit ; The Ttev, Dudley Strain, minis ter of the First ""Christian church at Center and High sts., has as the morning sermon topic "The Three Steps in Christian Living." The choir's anthem is to be "God So Loved the World" by Stainer. TKa omsvArfl tiA 1pm taa !n aria r oa aui - . mJ SZ l-T; -Z il. a..- -FnJX,1ZXSi x- a VVxxU vMx, j-m. .i the evening service, the fifth in a series of evening concerts has J been announced, featuring thisj wees: jjesue parson, insxrumeniai director at Parrish Junior, high school, who will play the trom-; bone numbers "Spring Song" by Menaeissonn, -JBiueDeiis oi cot-iion March 4, 1942, with company land" by Pryor and 7 group of negro spirituals arranged by I Pearson. The choir's anthem fori I the evening is "Take Me O Myj Savior", by Gilder, and the Rev, Mr. Strain will talk on "The rection of Christianiry." Tuesday evening at 6:30 is the time of the annual mother and daughter ban-i quet of the church, sponsored by, the Woman's council and the Ninety and Nine men. Rural Life Sunday Noted j TURNER "Rural Life Sundayf will be observed by a special servr ice Sunday morning at the Chris- tian church here. The Rev. Gene Robinson, pastor, of the church, will preach on "The Christ or the Countryside. We feel that the rural church nas a special mission to perioral, and in our program "we are trying to build a church Which will real- ly meet the needs of this thriving rural community," says Mr. Rob- inson. 1 During . the . present ministry, which began in September, 1941, the membership of the Turner Christian church has- Increased from 76 to 112, and offerings have more than doubled. Missionary J and Mrs. Fred Knight of Ever giving has increased more than green district Sunday. Mrs. Knight 600 per cent The church is now busy in a program, ot improve - ments to the building. THEMAC1CT0UCH INTO PRICELESS MEOKWES FOR OUR WOUNDED MEM Attn I " uircDi u um a mi ic 'V TO HASTEN vKTOHY . ; V-7 TtfKM IH UZID FAT am CASH m EXTRA RATIO POINT Ufa? Jtl . iZrmqtllMi, ' Gaud A. Guild. ; Evangelist Qaude Guil4 is ! now holding a series of gospel meetings for thai Church id QxA&i located at Macnsari ' and Baker streets, to "continue through May 13, at 7:45 each evening. You are cordially invited to attend these services. ! Or AMERICAN CZl V A ENIUtT VS CHANCES ffilX I aT1 am V a. I a m l.si M1 I 4 -v. I Memorial Rite Simdayfpr Ssfc Greenlee Memorial aervices" will be held at i:30 pan. Sunday; May . 6, at the Turner Assembly of God church for T4 Leland G. Greenlee, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.- Greenlee, ir. t . :. ir :.- T4 Leland , G. Greenlee, sob oi Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Greenlee, 1440 Ferry st. Salem, for whom memorial services will be held at 2 JO o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Assembly of God church In Trnwr. Serareant Greenlee, a rraduate of Tamer high school, was killed March Iff la action on Mindanao. U 1440 Ferry st, Salem, who. was knied in action March 10 on Min Idanao, - Young Greenlee, who lived most - . . ,;- a Tumor was ffrRCl- . - Tlirn-r hf(,h ,rhool. He M,ictaA th. national cuard in 1939 with Co B mnd infantry, mA ,- .m;v srmv serv h SeDt. 16. 1940.V He received basic training aV Fort Lewis, Wash and left the United States b for overseas duty. He had re- reived his f urloueh papers and would have left for the USA few days after March 10. I Two brothers are in the service; Di-MT5 Vernon V. Greenlee is sta tioned at Barnes General hospital, Vancouver, Wash. He was for- merly with company B. but was returned to this country March 2, Because oi an injury rerav- ed in the south Pacific. Clar ence M. Greenlee, PhM lc, join ed the navy in October, 1941, and is now stationed at Guadalcanal, expecting to return shortly to the United States. Sgt Leland Greenlee was eli- f DI iw me louowing service no; bons: Asiatic-Pacific with one bronze star; .Philippine with one bro?te 5ta5j C.bat Itryman rQV1 .'o j " I wi v,uuuu I family MOYCS Into I Tkj tj vvt-xwjuaci "vuic MEHAMA - The Grant Smith family moved into their recently purchased home in Mehama, last Sunday, i They purchased the property known as the Arthur Ol- son place. I Mrs. Edith Philippi and 'Mr. and; I Mrs. Roy Philippi attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs.. Philippi are sisters. 1 Dorothy Jean Teetert, A.M.M 3c, has been home on . furlough. She left here Tuesday to retunl to her base at Pensacola, Fla. aUEV. SWIFT RETURNS The Rev. George H. SwifV reef tor of St Paul's Episcopal church, has returned from the United, Na tions conference in San Francisco and will apeak on that topic at 1 am. Sunday. v EVACUATED -1 Miss Christie and Karlene Burt, Coworker : Evangclisiic Tahernaclo 13th and Ferry Streets, Salem .': Thrc3 Greal Services j Sunday Blorningr , . .11:001 . . Sunday Evening ... 7:45 j' -Vl ' Monday Evening . 7:45j "" Hear how one thousand orphaned children, starving ainkt war' horrors, "were fed and clothed in answer to prayer. Moving Met ores of this wonderful work and the children win be shown both evenings. A Cordial Invitation t to JUU Seat free come early for a good one. , - .1 Hear 3ss Karlene Burt, an accomplished contsaXto soloist and ccwruiomai, onng musical selections In English and Arabic. '.; Mbs ChrisUe on Two Radio Proirams KSLM: "Tabernacle ' Echoes 7:45 Saturday evening; "Deaconess Hospital Pro- SXzan with Rev. Nuefelt, on Sundar afternoon it 4:00 o'clock.- Eev. W. S. Frederick, Pastor ; - Talk on Brazil ' At Adventist Kiirch Today Life along the great Amazon riverways in South America, an4 methods by which medical assist ance -is brought to jjhundreds ;ot thousands of people reached only. : by boat, will be presented; by , B. Halliwell of Belem," Brazil, vt the Seventh-day Adventist; church, at Hood and North ijSummerJsts. - 1 1 a m - lvlav? ' '''hi V"t-'".L" 1 . Halliwell, an engineer , asvw as preacher, teacher and, nurse. and his wife, a graduate nurse or -long experience, haver spent I years in medical misonary woric on the Amazon river, its lakes,. tributaries and islands. They tra- vel more than 20,000; miles a year in a diesel-engrnecV medically; equipped launch. Onfa single trip, reaching 1700 miles lip the river and trans-Atlantic steamers go up) as far as 2300 miles-the HaUi well's treat from 8000 to .10,000 sufferers from malaria, yaws, and' other tropical diseases. As a pioneer missionary for the Seventh-day Adventist church, Halli welt-now has charge of thre 1( large mission districts, in which" there: are 5,000,000 people, repre- senting 92 different jtribes.' rJ j ' : i An Adventist church building; ki. m.Tv; Kurt 'miwftmA in trt city of Belem, which now', has membership of about 240. A sani tarium and hospital also are plan ned," the work to begin when Mr. and Mrs: Halliwell return to Bra- zil from furlough. For the lack , of a dollar, a Jeep could be lost; i , For the lack f a Jeep, a general could be lost; ; 1 For the lack of a general, a vic tory could be lost. m War Bond dollars- on the medical front, help American surgeons In ' China to discover and prevent dis ease, one or tne soiaier s worst en- Petersburg-. Florida, -examines a. woman for suspicion, of trachoma, . . Good Morningi H N E We hope you are en joying the beautiful flowers God created, but think how beauti ful Heaven 'must be! Are you going there? If not, read Luke 19:10, "For the Sonfef Man is come to seek and to save that which was . lost" " I;. It I, Box 241, Salem w I L L B E V n r T K A T U K. D A J iMCSSCoCEC FROM i . - i EGYPT By Army Paratroop .Plane-f Florence V. Christie Missionary From 'the! Famous Assioni; : Orphanage Hay 6ih tlay 7th at i j s-- ;i - - ;- - a. - - - i .